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lord i want to stir you up today by way

of reminder


the gospel is still the good news

and it is not just the good news y’all

to some people but to all not just to

one nation or to one particular

political party or to one race or to one

region he is the god who saves all his

name is jesus christ and listen to me

you and i are living in a day and age

all where we’re going to have to be

discerning enough that what we are

listening to and what we’re being fed

we’re gonna have to be discerning enough

to decide whether or not this is of the

same kind of faith as ours

that just because somebody is saying it

passionately or charismatically or


if it adds to or in any way takes away

from the purity of the good news then it

is not of the same kind of faith as ours

you and i are gonna have to be

discerning we’re gonna have to listen

carefully we’re gonna have to make sure

that we weigh that thing against the

actual truth of scripture to see if what

we are being told if what we are being

taught lines up with who jesus actually

declared himself to be and then not only

that but then we’re going to have to be

clear and confident and unashamed and

unmoved ourselves in our salvation in

who jesus is

because listen it ain’t politically

correct right now to say there is only

one way and his name is jesus christ

you’re going to have to have a

supernatural boldness in this day and

age to be unashamed about the good news

of jesus christ you’re going to have to

have some fortitude and some spiritual

meat on your bones this is not a time

for spiritual wimps y’all we’re gonna

have to rise up with some actual muscle

on our spiritual bones to be unashamed

about the gospel of jesus christ

and i don’t know what your testimony is

but i’m telling you he’s done too much

for me to be embarrassed about who he is

he’s delivered me from too much he’s

changed my life in too many ways he’s

sustained me and kept me and redeemed me

and brought me even if i’ve just looked

back over the past couple of years the

way that he has kept me in my right mind

and allowed me to still have some sense

of strength and energy and fortitude to

make it through the day

and to stay married and to parent my

children and to be diligent in ministry

he’s done too much for me

to be ashamed of the gospel of jesus
