We all make mistakes. Many of us have chapters in our lives that we wish we could erase, but Pat Smith doesn’t wish to erase any part of her story. Instead, she looks to every challenge as what has made her the person she is today. Pat has experienced the pain of losing her mother to breast cancer, a difficult divorce, and was in need of a second chance. Through Christ, Pat found a second chance at a family, career and marriage to Dallas Cowboy football legend, Emmitt Smith. We will also hear from Jessica Garza, a woman who has found her second chance in life through Pat’s program, Treasure You. Join us as we hear from Pat and Jessica about the importance of believing in second chances and how we can breathe that belief into the people we encounter every day.

welcome I am so glad that you’re joining

me you know what I was reminded of

something that happened recently someone

reminded me of a conversation that I had

with them nearly 10 years ago they said

Priscilla you said to me that you wish

you had a camera so that you could

record some great conversations you were

having with really remarkable people so

that you could share them with everybody

well now there’s a camera and you’re the

everybody that I want to share this

conversation with this is going to be a

good when you’re not going to want to

miss it so pull up a seat and make

yourself at home



it is a good day to be here I am very

excited today because we’re going to be

having a conversation that needs to be

had a conversation about second chances

I don’t know about any of you but I have

needed second chances anybody in here

ever needed another chance

yeah how about not just a second one but

maybe a third or you know 50th chance in

our lives to do things over and maybe

have the Lord’s grace kind of poured out

over us for a brand-new start and this

woman has a story like that I have long

heard about her we’ve had mutual friends

we’ve been connected kind of but I’ve

never really had a sit-down deep like

for real conversation with this woman

and that’s what I’m looking forward to

even before she came out we had an

opportunity just to say hello and you

know she started talking a little bit

about ourself and I said no no stop I

want all the good stuff when you get in

this seat right here and so I’m excited

to get to all the good stuff would you

please help me to welcome Pat Smith

finally finally yeah I’m so glad that

you’re here girl I’m so excited I don’t

know if I told you this but about two

years ago no you always got a little

testimony for my birthday everyone kept

saying what you want for your birthday

and I said I just want to have lunch

with Priscilla how about a television

show instead

yes that’s what like finally okay God

you know what he has way more in store

for you than you could even imagine for

yourself okay y’all but into an a mantle

now hey cuz I’m not having just lunch

but I had dinner and now this well we

live in the same town yes and we had to

travel out of town and sit down in front

of cameras to actually get together

which is crazy yes but it’s good because

if we would have gotten all that stuff

out over lunch then I don’t think this

interview would be as authentic as it’s

getting ready to be exactly is there

anything I can’t ask you Pat oh no I’m

open but we love open books don’t we

yeah I mean like are y’all good with

that like I just I just believe that

when you come together especially with

other women that nice

be authentic it’s out you’ll and

transparent yeah because why why not I

mean like you’re wasting the time if you

don’t really share I agree partly sorry

that’s my commitment that I’m coming to

share heart-to-heart yeah and that’s

honestly what your book is all about

which has just recently been released

just in the last few months right it was

actually in who is correct May in May

yeah it’s my first book it’s a book I

had no idea what to expect and so it’s

been a pretty interesting journey yes at

first I was like counting like okay how

many did we sell today I mean today and

then I just said no yeah because it

becomes less and less important

especially when a book like yours which

is a memoir really it is about your life

it is the story it is the coming clean

it’s the opening of your heart the

opening of your story because you really

want other women to be encouraged by

your story the name of your book is

second chances second chance it’s and

it’s clear like literally I had two

people from two different parts of my

life said said to me one time your life

represents second chances yeah it does

so in the book I took little nuggets of

my life along with other women’s stories

and just kind of put it together to show

how really God can take some of the most

devastating difficult humiliating

shameful moments your life and turn it

around into something pretty awesome

alright we need to we got to start from

you know kind of the beginning so that

we can all get the goods on your story

and by the way you might you might know

Pat’s husband just a little you know

random guy named Emmett Smith ha yeah we

got any cowboy fans in here cowboy fans

well he would I’m in Titans territory

right what am I thinking I thought

they’re Cowboys viens everywhere yeah I

guess I was wrong you all have a

beautiful beautiful family but it’s been

a little bit of a journey in your life

to get to this place where your forget

even your spouse forget the career that

you have now in the book that you’ve

written but just to get to a place of

internal settled Ness so take a sort of

back sort of at the beginning here you

are you’re in these beauty pageants to

start with yeah and you’re not a beauty

pageant not really right are you serious

not really see I did it because I was

like maybe I can get some scholarship

money to go to college that’s why I

always do

but I didn’t ever do the ones that had

the beauty it was more like maybe like a

talent or maybe like a you had to do a

little monologue or something but you

could just walk out there in a bathing

suit I mean you look like a china doll I

look at here you’re all for that dude

looks like a china doll doesn’t she kind

of look like no I mean it is what it is

well you know and I said thank you I’m

okay I’m telling I really struggle with

I’m learning I know hey thank you

because you know what I’ve learned and I

make it all over the places bring me

back in okay um I’ve learned that if you

don’t feel it on the inside I know no

matter what other people see doesn’t

matter that’s right and so for so many

years I didn’t feel it yeah and so when

people even with pageants and the whole


they said it made me so uncomfortable

and I go no but my butt my butt my yeah

and then my husband said baby just say

thank you just say thank you and now you

make excuses for ourselves don’t we are

we talk ourselves out of compliments we

have a way of when someone says you’re

talented in that area well I mean not


you know we kind of want to work our way

around compliments and so that sort of

is a spotlight that shines on the part

of us where we feel a little insecure

I’ll relate a little nob Asia huge

insecurities okay so you’re winning

these pageants because you went all the

way to the Miss is it middle si Miss USA

so you are in the Miss USA pageant as

Miss Virginia Miss Virginia and you’re

in this pageant at this level and what

are you feeling internally you’ve

already got titles you’ve already got

recognition and how old were you at that

point I was 20 22 okay so you’re 22

years old tell me how Miss Virginia at

the Miss USA pageant is feeling

internally and the struggles she’s

facing okay so let me let me back up a

little bit so that same year I lost my

mother to breast cancer so my mother

fought for about five years

it was she was diagnosed my freshman

year in college I was 17 years old my

mom was like that kind of mom that just

she’s a rock you know she just tells you

what to do how to do it

my father was a great dad but my mom

definitely like ran the house right

so when I found out she was diagnosed

back in 88 breast cancer back then was

like a death sentence yeah

a lot of people and I already kind of

took that on but I’m losing my mom like

she won’t be there for my first wedding

she won’t be there to help me through

the birth of my first child you know and

I really suffered with that all the way

through college and then after I

graduated which was her dream she passed

after that so she passed I immediately

learned how to put on a mask because it

hurt so bad that I just could not take

it on that was a easier to just mask the

fact that you were hurting than actually

be open with anybody there was nobody in

your life that you could sort of be

clean with about how you were really

feeling no one okay I had one the

nighttime of course I cried and I was

hurt the night after her funeral I

remember just having like I just just

that that ugly ugly ugly cry moment and

then it was like ooh put it back on yeah

and I know them older I can see what it

was it was I felt whole with her you

know and without having a relation with

relationship with Jesus Christ back then

to me she was everything so to have her

taken away

I was broken okay I felt broken so here

you are standing up on this platform you

feel broken on the inside and then you

didn’t win the pageant the Miss USA

pageant you were what place yeah okay

I’m the college it’s called first

runner-up I call it second loser I’m

sorry girl if you don’t win it ain’t no

ups no third whatever they want to call

it third place

you don’t win and they give you your

flowers and they escort you off the

stage and then they bring the winner on

they give her her beautiful tiara and

you know you’re it’s over you just feel

discarded I mean it’s like literally

like that little I had a dream as a

little girl at that moment and it was

just like – left away yeah so people say

so how did you handle that I said I went

home and I had a whopper with extra

onions cut in half a large fry and a

chocolate shake and then I was depressed

for like a week or two before where your

roll call came yeah and what do you mean

before the first phone call came what

call so I got a call because I thought

my life was over

that was my for me it was like okay I go

to Miss USA that will be my wedding cuz

I hope

wanted to host a show like you’re doing

so proud of you

well you know me and Oprah are on speed

dial and the funny thing is that’s who I

was like oh I want it like when she’s

over oh I want her to hand that to me

you know yeah and of course I’m still

waiting for the call so I thought you

know back in the 80s she was huge and I

thought that’s why I look – yeah you

know because of the impact she had on

people’s lives I just connect it to that

impact so of course for me it was like

this will be my way because I’m from a

small town in Virginia Chesapeake

Virginia any Virginians in the house oh

yeah same thing and um so I I just

thought this is my way out to LA or New

York and so I didn’t realize I didn’t

have to win to still win mmm which is a

part of second chance did y’all get that

now you don’t have to win to win that’s

right because you know what I’ve found

that sometimes the most frustrating

little parts of our journey the what we

would call interruptions that often

those are God interventions those are

the little pieces of the puzzle he’s

throwing in it will just be open handed

and open-hearted enough and trusting

enough in him to believe that if he’s

allowed this to pass through his fingers

and into my experience that means he

intends to use this in some way for my


you preach girl and his glory that’s but

at it but it’s hard in the moment isn’t

it especially when you’re 22 and you

don’t have a relationship yeah I mean we

grew I grew up in a very traditional

Church Baptist Church and it was

religion it was traditions and I didn’t

have the relationship to even think that

way okay and then with my mom now gone

you know and me putting on this bass

that everything’s okay there was no one

had the ability to pour into me yeah so

I learned from that is that he God will

get you to a place where you’ll finally

like break down some bit and open your

arms so then you can be poured into and

that happened for me after moving to Los


I signed with an agent who happened to

just see the pageant and thank God she

caught me before I was off stage at the

end and she said you know I I want to

represent you for hosting so I’m like

really and she goes yes I moved to LA

now this is where the problem came

mm-hmm when you have a void like I had

which was my mom right and I’m covering

it all up I didn’t realize how to avoid

so I was B I was using ambition and

goals to try to fill it and also men

relationships you know what’s the next

you know what guy can help heal this

pain and I reconnected with an

ex-boyfriend who was an actor and

comedian at the time and really was on

the rise with his career but was still

young in LA and we just within I know

y’all gonna think I’m crazy and I

probably was a little cray-cray at the

time but I all have seasons of cray cray

cray cray yeah I don’t think if I was

really crazy I think we’re all human

right but I say cray cray for fun no I

think we’re court cray okay I was cray

cray and I I reconnected with this

ex-boyfriend and within a week we were

engaged and then within nine months we

got married it will you mind saying who

this was no my ex-husband is Martin

Lawrence I don’t know if y’all remember

the Martin show or bad boys or College

Road Trip big momma

you know the whole nine I met him when

he’s doing the Martin show and when he

did the first bad boys with Will Smith

and it was you know where everyone else

would have thought oh my god you know

this is Hollywood is a big deal you’re

on set we were in such bad places that

it was mutually a very abusive

relationship and it was just it was

tearing me apart on the inside as well

as him and we didn’t know what to do or

how to how to work it out we again did

not have a relationship with the Lord

didn’t we were not in church and three

or four months after our marriage I

conceived our daughter who’s now 20 and

she’s a junior and talk about second


when this child was born into this

cray-cray I thought my baby’s gonna be

cray cray and I felt so much guilt over

that and then when you look at her now

she’s a junior at Duke University that’s

off and she’s doing it great so second

chances I just want to keep remember

reminding all as I share my story and

then but the relationship got bad enough

that one day you I laugh

yeah that’s when our relationship

started with Christ

um I kept wondering you know my parents

were married for 30 years before my mom

died and so divorced for me wasn’t an

option and I think that we both would

have stayed in there just fighting it

out now mind you we were living in

Beverly Hills wonderful beautiful home

but the inside was cray-cray

I signed a prenup I’m real open about

telling people because people say well

dad you were married to movie star you

should be you should been fine but not

signed a prenup so you left with nothing

nothing credit cards were cut off

checking accounts were shut down I did

have a car and I had whatever cash was

in my pocket and my most prized

possession which was my baby


if you’re feeling discouraged and

defeated if you’re a bit overwhelmed or

maybe even feeling undone if you’re

wondering whether or not your future has

any hope of victory then listen this

Bible study is for you

strongholds are torn down by the Word of

God fortresses are dismantled by the

Word of God when you place faith in

Jesus Christ the righteousness of Christ

is credited to your spiritual bank

account that you are the righteousness

of God in Christ Jesus I invite you to

join me for a lesson in putting on the

full armor of God our lives are going to

be change yours and mine because we’re

going to learn that we’ve got the

victory in



so you left and just tell us sort of you

know the the nutshell version of from

that place in your early 20s to now the

Pat that we see whole and healthy

sitting on this stage what did that

journey entail how did you get to this

place of wholeness and health after such

brokenness I will tell you and I will

always be grateful to my sister

that’s why I love women and sisterhood

and friendships because my sister she’s

the one who flew to LA to be with me

when she realized what was going on and

she’s the one who talked me into going

to church and it was a Wednesday night

Bible study where I made the decision

walk to the altar and gave my life to

Christ and my life has not been the same

since so that was my start of my journey

no I tell people all the time just

because you give your life to Christ

does not mean all troubles go away no it

doesn’t but now you have someone who’s

going to always be there right right

always there for you and he just he just

took me up you know took him took me

under his wing and just cared me along

I’m not good things got easier but it

was still difficult I met my now husband

Emmitt in a crazy way on a rube on a

vacation and a mutual friend introduced

us at a time I was not looking for a man

and definitely did not want one that was

high-profile you were done with that

done yes all that glitters is just not

gold and no and I want it I kept telling

people I just want like a man from Idaho

like no offense to anybody who is

watching that is from Idaho like I think

if anything you all should feel great

because y’all stuff is not blasted on

CNN like shootings and it was just like

you know I know there’s no simple simple

and I just wanted this sweet man who’s

just gonna love me and we’d raise our

kids and no drama and I meet Emmitt and

I’m like no um but there was a

connection and I told him I wasn’t ready

I just gone through divorce and I had a

daughter and I thought that would be

here separation was it between your

first marriage and meeting Emmett years

talk about a month one month so it’s a

one month time period and you’re meeting

this guy that you feel a connection with

did you want to just run for your life I

did I literally ran so look at say you

don’t know all this just going oh my god

like so no this is what we of course it

was six months before the divorce was

final right so our divorce was final in

April I literally met Emmett in May now

ladies do not do this unless God you

know calls it that way

but that’s how he called it for us and

when I met him I thought literally I

said I’m not ready I just went there

divorce I have a daughter I thought he

would he would run he didn’t and he said

I’ll be patient with you let’s just be

friends and to the point where I

wouldn’t even give him my number

you know and because I was in therapy at

the time that’s the other thing

don’t tell a new guy you meet you’re in


smart move on my part

I just wanted money at a time and but I

promised my therapist and I went on this

vacation I would not give my number out

that was kind of our commitment so that

I was not trying to fill voids so I kept

the commitment but she didn’t tell me I

couldn’t get their number so that’s not

even right it worked

Priscilla so he gave me his number and

then he said if you choose to call me

when you get back call me so when I got

back to LA of course I waited a day and

I called him so do you think that you in

a way sort of circumvented the process

that your therapist was trying to

encourage you to go through you know

what no because then she became our

therapist okay

so she began to work with the two of you

to get solutely yeah it was important I

said you’re gonna be in my life this is

a party I mean again don’t tell them

when you meet them but just loli

introduced it and uh and he loved me

enough to do it and then I’ll tell you

and I talked a lot about on there’s a

lot of Health and counseling there’s a

lot of health it’s like changing the oil

in your car you know you don’t wait

until it’s like at the barre and you

know just unable to function before you

take care of your car it’s kind of kind

of an ongoing maintenance a proactive

conversation and a lot of therapy

especially for women happens amongst

friends over a cup of coffee with just

someone who’s older wiser more mature

who can help you to sort through some of

the things that are going on in our life

and I think sometimes that idea of

counseling and and therapy scares folks

away it makes us feel like in some way

that’s just for certain kinds of people

with certain kinds of issues while a lot

of us are going home and suffering

heavily with depression or things that

are really discouraging us we can’t

sleep at night relationships yeah

because we just need to have an open

conversation so I appreciate you saying

that that there’s there’s health there

for you and for you and a spouse oh

absolutely we’ve been in we’ve been a

counseling since how long have y’all

been married 16 years 16 years and and

tell us about your family so we were a

blended family and so part of the book

in the book I talk about because again

just because I met this wonderful guy

and over

bah that you know had a big you know

nice smile pretty eyes cadance’s off um

if y’all watch Dancing with stars y’all

know that right okay good job oh I

always love on people because I’m like

okay we’re doing this you got to win

like this is too much for me but um so

anyway we we we really connect and came

together but during that dating period

of three years we went through a very

difficult trial because I was in LA he

was in Dallas and we’re both taking the

Lord but I really just put him on too

high of a pedestal

I made him mr. Idaho right and he was

really Emmitt Smith very human and so he

conceived a child with an ex-girlfriend

during that time so talk about

forgiveness I tell people you cannot

truly have a second chance of anything

until you forgive yourself and then you

forgive that person and it doesn’t just

happen automatically it took years

that’s my City therapy so that’s why the

dating for three years oh you’re just

really working through all of that I

don’t think I could handle it and well

most women would think they can’t handle

that I didn’t know what made you decide

to forgive and continue to move forward

toward marriage with this guy I would

counseling for sure and his commitment

to me to say you know what I made a

mistake I’m so sorry to hurt you like

this I’m going to be committed to my

daughter and I’m going to be committed

to your daughter and especially to you

as a wife hey you won’t have to worry

about this again so you went into

marriage fully trusting that you know

you guys had gone through the work

enough for you to trust enough to say I

do oh I do but we don’t still work on

this I mean it took years Priscilla but

what an ad you I’m curious because I

kind of flowed it away and every now and

then I’ll tell you I’m I met you danced

for the stars when he told me you know

this is seven years later mm-hmm so I’m

still like I mean I’ve gone I’ve gotten

better but I’m still it’s still there

yeah and we’re in charge and I’m I love

the Lord it has nothing to do with that

I would he taught me was doing Dancing

with the Stars

I was like oh no you’re gonna be with

this like what cute little 20 year old

Cheryl Burke like she

is like fine like I have had three kids

breastfed I’m over like body is falling

apart and you want to do what and he was

like babe I promise it’s good it’s gonna

be business I’m like it better be like

no going to coffee no let’s go have

something to eat like this has got to be

business or I’m not gonna be able to

handle it yeah and let me tell y’all I

struggled for 18 weeks while he was

doing the show because in my mind I was

having these oscar-worthy motion

pictures of him and Sheryl having a

steamy affair but no he it seemed I mean

he really he was just a straight and

focus as he could be Shirl became a

little sister I mean to the point where

God turned it around again for a second

chance where when he went back to do the

all-star season she would not go on

stage until I prayed with her that’s

great the woman I was so scared of yeah

you know so again no it didn’t just

happen but I loved him enough and he

loved me enough that we were willing to

work through it if it took a lifetime

and that’s what I hear you saying as the

common thread through this story is that

second chances come they’re available to

all of us but they do take work to

maintain that the newfound freedom that

you’ve been given or the newfound gift

of whatever it is in this relationship

this opportunity to walk down this road

in this relationship again that the

second chance is there yes but it takes

work to walk in that thing that you’ve

been given and to take full advantage of

that and you’ve done that because now

not only are you very intentional and

purposeful about your marriage and about

your own internal health I happen to

know that you have a great group of

girlfriends that surround you like the

bomb yes that you all pray together

regularly you all connect you all

keeping each other accountable and that

you’re vulnerable and open with so

you’re doing the work of that but you’re

also now doing the work of making sure

that other women in particular feel

encouraged about their second chances

and know the work that needs to go into

their their own path through your book

but what else are you doing so this is

this is so key I don’t know what anyone

here is going through but what I’ve

learned and you probably have too is

that typically our misery opens up the

opportunity for men

Street you know your pain turns into

your passion and over the series of all

these you know these different and them

is more it’s in the book but all these

difficult situations and shame and low

self-esteem and all the things that I

struggle with I realized that God was

preparing me for something greater

because during Dancing with the Stars it

wasn’t just Shirl but I was just mad at

him for being him mm-hmm like I thought

wait a minute I should be out there

dancing I wasn’t doubting I was in LA

moved to Dallas gave up my career and

now we’re back in LA while you’re

dancing like you’re a football player

like you wanted to do construction or

real estate you know this just doesn’t

seem fair God so you feel like you lost

yourself a little better and it was

totally draft I mean totally got in the

shadows but it wasn’t his fault

I allowed it to happen he never pushed

me in the shadows he never told me I

couldn’t pursue my dreams but sometimes

as women we just tend to take on

everything right and sometimes we will

put our families and other people’s

needs before our own and I just forgot

about Pat so one one Sunday at church

Bishop Jake’s I’ll never forget said I

don’t know what God’s told you to do but

whatever it is you need to do it and it

just resonated that God had already

given me a plan and a purpose and

because I had my own mind set on what I

had mono Oprah um and I couldn’t I

couldn’t let it go I was missing all of

these beautiful opportunities he had for

me and what were those opportunities

that he was setting in front of you what

have you developed now so it’s called

treasure you treasure you yeah I tell us

about it so it started with a retreat

with 20 women 20 women who I knew were

in the shadows of their husbands

struggling to find their passion and

purpose but needed a safe place so I put

together this retreat y’all I was scared

that nobody was going to come and they

came and it was the it was it was

intimate it was safe there’s a lot of

crying a lot of laughing laughing but a

lot of healing and from that it just

opened up to now I mean it we we sellout

I mean we’re it’s you know hundreds of

women and it’s it’s one of the most

amazing experiences for women and from

that we now raise dollars to help women

that are just that were just like me

a woman leaving the house

it needs a bridge yeah you know I didn’t

I didn’t need God was going to get me

there but I just I needed a bridge I

needed a girlfriend and it was a

girlfriend who took me and my daughter

in yeah and said you can stay here as

long as you need to and then until we

moved into a hotel

so I’m now like I called the Sherif or

people it was my girlfriend Shari Smith

that did it for me and so now treasure

you is that for other women a bridge I

love that I love that’s a beautiful

picture sometimes folks just need bricks

put in front of them so that they have a

path to walk on to get to the place that

that is the next step on their journey

like girl it’s going to be okay yes I

gotcha it’s okay

that’s what I got you like you gonna be

all right you can stay here what do you

need love on you she took jasmine and

held her for me

that’s what a lot of women need just how

they get on the other side and you know

what I appreciate about you is that I

think sometimes that all of us have a

tendency to look at other women

particularly women that are in

high-profile situations like this Pat

has been for for most of your life

you’ve been in a situation where in for

some reason you’ve been high-profile and

will look and see that and assume that

there’s no problems over there either

because she’s beautiful or because she’s

won this pageant or because she’s

married to this guy or because she has

this kind of career we make assumptions

about other women and what I appreciate

about you is that you have very steadily

sort of begun to tear down that that

false that false veneer and to say hey

just because I have this on my resume

does not mean I’m whole on the inside

and you know that’s one of my messages

now because of course when I came out

with this book people are like well what

do you know about second chances right

and I said oh let me tell you yeah and I

started really just seeing the benefit

in the fact that I am so transparent

yeah there’s a lot of been you know I

said this is you know what we wear what

we do is one thing but who we are is

something different yeah and I learn

that so I tell people all the time I’m

like you know like I wear Chelsea this

is Chelsea is that it’s Chelsea Chelsea

native so the wig has a name oh I have

two they have names

Chelsea and then there’s Chloe y’all

it’s been the bomb for real I mean it

has taken so much stress off my life

trying to go get my hair done and

keeping it up on it’s been off girl you

should think about it rich you got

beautiful hair but it is save my life

and really like I’ve saved so much money

going to get your hair done and cut in

color is done it’s I put her on and I

get home I take her off I’m free so I

just put my bonnet on it’s the girl

that’s if I don’t say anything else to

y’all y’all go get y’all for Chelsea’s

and some Chloe and free yourself free


get free all this all this is just stuff

it’s fun like I was back to the makeup

room yeah we’re having fun yeah but this

is not who I am

this is just what we do and but this is

not who I am so like I just think we all

need to start being who we are and then

it glows from the out from the inside

out so that’s that’s what it’s about

that’s what ii – you seem to be a free

girl gets you a Chloe

so hey girl but look let it all just

again you go girl


gorgeous look oh you are hot Jerry

you’re not you got it you got a

beautiful wife Jerry your wife is still

ago he’s like I like that did I give her

a name

should I give her a name I think that’s

Jessica what you think Terry is that

good Jessica okay Jay your hubby says

Jessica and I want you to know that

we’re gonna have a part two to this

incredible conversation because we have

to talk more about treasure you we need

to know about your organization and

there’s actually a young lady named

Jessica oh oh yeah it’s true but we’re

gonna be talking about Jessica don’t

take offense I think this just goes

laughing back there yes we’re going to

have a conversation with her because

treasure you has changed her life and

really helped her to have a second

chance and a second opportunity so

everybody just you know as you’re

sitting there relaxing just let your

ponytail holder out just go ahead and be

free to give your hair a name and then

thank miss Park for being the best today

