One third of all American children are considered to be obese today. Less than one half of American families attend church on a weekly basis. Priscilla Shirer discusses physical fitness and spiritual wellness with Full House star Candace Cameron Bure and how she helps to lead her family to success in both areas of their family life!

I’m so glad that you’re here this is the

chat this is the place where we talk

about things that hopefully matter to

you but certainly matter to me and

should matter to you as well we want to

inform you we want to encourage you we

just want to have fun together so pull

your seat up because we’re going to have

an incredible conversation today with a

wonderful woman who have come to know in

recent years her name is Candace Cameron

Bure you might know her from way back

but there is a now a present tense in

her life many things that are happening

that we’re gonna talk about today so

fasten your seat belt it’s gonna be a

fun ride





I got to tell you I’m especially glad to

be here today as well because I get to

talk to someone that I actually have met

before but we haven’t had a chance to

have a sit-down conversation and get to

know each other I get to have that very

first conversation with you so it’s

gonna be a lot of fun when I was a

preteen I was allowed by my parents to

watch just a few things on television

you know it’s a Cosby Show who didn’t

watch The Cosby Show and then a

different world but we also got to watch

full house and America and Beyond fell

in love with this incredible family and

all the characters that were portrayed

on that show and listen I’ve got some

nieces now they are 10 and 11 and I

think the little five year old and they

still love Full House so I’m so excited

for their sake even and for my sake

today to talk to you one of the stars of

that show would you please help me to

welcome Candace Cameron correct okay I

do want to say that you look good girl

thank you you really do look good you

you look like you are thriving in your

life right now I am sure every capacity

do you feel like are you happy are you

content where you are right now I am I I

think no matter what the circumstances

cuz we all go through the ups and downs

in life yeah I always try to find my

contentment and my joy which is in the

Lord yeah so I mean the answer is yes

I’m so glad I’m so glad well you look it

you look great and people want to catch

up with you they want to get to know you

outside of the spotlight of full house

or your other many roles that you’ve had

in your career but let’s just back up

let’s kind of backtrack and answer

questions that I know you probably

you’re asked all the time about how I

know everyone want to ignore it I know

they want to know so tell us when your

career even started how old were you had

to be how did full house happen all that

good stuff Wow well I started acting at

five years old and my parents were not

show business people my dad was he’s

retired now it was a public school

middle teacher for 35 years and my mom

was a stay-at-home mom and we lived in

LA and acting just kind of I someone

suggested to my mom like oh you have

four cute kids

why don’t you put them in acting oh my

good my mom was like okay we’ll just try

this and so I started doing commercials

at five and I auditioned for a full

house when I was ten and I got a job I

loved it right off the bat like at five

were you kind of like this is cool I did

I really liked it and and the thing was

my mom and my dad we’re always saying if

you don’t want to do this then you just

tell us this is not something that we’re

wanting you to do but but my mom had fun

with it my dad still to this day thinks

that Hollywood is still a fairy tale

like he’s kind of like really you’re

still working people are still hiring

you yep dad likes to keep you humble

exactly it’s like you can really make a

career in that industry yes dad I can so

they they had a different perspective

it wasn’t stars in their eyes and trying

to have famous kids and I think that’s

what kept it fun for us so I did like it

at five years old and then my brother

Kirk had started growing pains two years

growing I started the other show that I

could watch yeah yeah kind of I mean

kind of kind of wild to have two kids

from the same family on on pretty big

television programs on at the same time

yes they were so they started two years

before us before full house and they

ended in after seven years and we ended

after eight years so we overlapped I’ve

got to tell you that I’ve always been a

little bit curious as to whether or not

there was any sibling rivalry because it

wasn’t just you and Kurt you also have

two sisters two sisters and they’re

involved in acting as well they’re not

they’re not I feel like I’ve seen a

sister of yours so now you have it okay

so my sisters they tried acting when we

were all young when we first started my

sister Melissa just didn’t like it she

didn’t want to do that in my other

sister Bridget she had braces when she

was younger and you just like

entertainment doesn’t doesn’t like

braces so she she actually worked behind

the scenes and she was my stand-in for

many years on Full House so a stand-in

is when there’s a child actor and we’re

having to do school they typically have

an adult working that’s about the same

height and they will stand in and block

the seam

rehearse it in those positions so the

camera and lighting can get all the


so the standin doesn’t have to look like

you but that was how my sister was in

the entertainment industry for many

years I’ve already said no you know what

my parents did such a good job at making

sure my sisters never felt left out or

even I didn’t feel left out with my

brother and we we did things together as

a family so if my brother was going on a

trip somewhere or got to film in Hawaii

or we filmed in Hawaii my sisters came

my dad came like we just we meet

everything about family so did you think

it was gross that every girl you knew

had a picture of your brother on a big

poster on their wall I’m like if you

only know you only know what went on it

on my dorky brother but yes so acting

wasn’t something you kind of planned for

and strategize for he just kind of fell

into it totally fell into it how did

your parents keep you grounded like

you’re saying that they you know they

kept you guys together as a family were

you raised in a Christian home we

weren’t raised in a Christian home my

mom has been my mom was a believer since

she was a little girl but her faith

wasn’t everything in her life and my dad

was not a believer at all and he did not

want religion brought into our home he

thought that would should be something

that when we were adults we could decide

what we wanted to believe in but when I

was 12 my parents went through a

separation and in that time a friend had

invited them to go to church and our

whole family to go to church in hopes

that church would help and the

counseling would help them work through

their marriage problems and it did and

as a family we started going to church

every single week and they say and they

stayed together my parents have been

married over over 40 years and Wow so it

you know but still even at that my dad

became a believer about seven years ago

really yeah really yeah my mom what

yeah probably and fairly recently and my

mom was just a praying woman you know

and she just she just prayed so I’m

always like that is such a testimony to

me and to so many people that that’s in

God’s timing but she was just faithful


and kept hope and but we were always

raised in a family that had very moral

values and we really did we really were

raised with biblical values we just

would not know what all about yes mm-hmm

so do you think that is what kept you

you guys seem to be almost like in a

little bubble of your own in terms of

child stars because you have a lot of

young people who became superstars very

early on and there are very few of them

who today you can look at and there’s

still good role models I mean they’ve

just kind of made poor choices along the

way what do you think the difference was

between because a lot of them came from

ok families as well sure what do you

think might have been the difference

there are quite a handful of child stars

that have grown into wonderful oh yeah

responsible Blair adult effects yeah

life is one of them she’s a wonderful

woman but their shows like I mean you

can look at Melissa Joan Hart or Soleil

moon Frye or the savage but Fred Savage

I mean those are all successful people

right now that didn’t crash and burn but

of course the media likes to spotlight

train wrecks and that’s what we focus on

yeah but uh you know I always attribute

that to to my family in the way that I

was raised and of course my faith and my

family’s faith in God but even during

that time in my childhood and in my

youth I couldn’t see that it was God in

our life and his hand over our life I

can see that now but you know they just

I think it was my mom and dad’s

perspective of this industry is not our

life our life is our family and this is

just something that we’re doing to

support our the means of of living life

but it’s not everything and they were

very particular in teaching us that and

making sure that we weren’t going to

Hollywood parties and even I didn’t have

a lot of Hollywood friends it was like

these are your friends that you grew up

with went to school this is who you’re

gonna hang out with and they just kept

me grounded in that way so and that

seems like your situation obviously is

unique but it’s a situation that all of

us with any sort of scenarios and our

own families have to make a decision

this is who we are as a family this is

our identity all of this extracurricular


it is extracurricular exactly we’re

gonna decide for ourselves where

Feldman’s gonna be and it seems to have

made a huge difference in your life yes

you you’ve got your own family now and I

suspect that people make lots of

assumptions about what your life looks

like now just because they’ve still got

this picture of you in their head from

their televisions right and I just was

thinking you know flipping through one

of your books this is called reshaping

at all I don’t know anybody who has not

read reshaping at all if you have not

you need to read it it’s incredible book

but I love this part where you just go

ahead and talk about some of the

assumptions people have and you just

want to quell all that right off the bat

she says I Drive my kids to and from


most days I participate in classroom

doing all the mom stuff I take our dogs

for a walk I feed them we eat dinner at

home most every night I work out with

friends not a personal trainer I fly

economy most of the time not first class

i mop my own floors because my dogs like

to swim in the pool and then come in the

house with their wet self in their mud

all over my floor and you also say I

like everyone else loved to hang out at

Starbucks you are my what do you find is

the number one thing people are

surprised about when they meet you they

kind of go oh I didn’t think you’d

actually be like this or be so kind or

whatever what are the assumptions people

just go oh you’re so real yeah I’m just

me and I think people just have a

perception of celebrities that they’re

almost untouchable or they’re they’re

just on a different platform and it’s

like no yeah no I’m just I’m a woman I

am I’m I’m a child of God I’m you know I

belong to Christ I’m a woman I’m a mom

I’m a wife and my job is being an

actress yeah and I love it but that’s

that’s what it is to me I use that

platform to try to glorify God and

everything that I do but I you know I’m

just I’m a woman you’re a woman woman

you’re not a celebrity


I’m Candace Cameron Bure I am a mom I’m

a wife I’m an actress I’m a chauffeur

I’m a cook

I’m a I don’t know I’m everything


I have three children Natasha Lev and

Max and my husband’s Val and we’ve been

married for 17 years being a mom being a

woman being a wife working faith I mean

it’s it’s difficult to balance all of

them I say it’s like a juggling act

because you know you’re trying to throw

a bunch of things up in the air and and

keep them balanced or or the plate

spinning or you know the pins rotating

all at the same time but the truth of

the matter is some of those plates are

gonna drop or some of the pins are gonna

fall and that’s okay I think it’s silly

for any woman to have an expectation

that they’re going to be superwoman none

of us are and we won’t ever be I know

that all of our circumstances are

different and we’re all unique so

everyone’s life is gonna look different

when we try to balance it all so I’ve

written this book because I want to use

my life as an example for women out

there to read and say this is how I’ve

done it it’s not a 10-step program to

how to balance your life it’s very

autobiographical and it takes you

through my personal story I really pull

out the key moments in my life that I

saw either examples of balance or ways

in which I’ve learned to balance and

prioritize my life and the main keys in

my life are my faith prioritizing my

marriage and my relationship with my

husband investing in my children and

then we work and the rest of my social

life don’t have the expectation to be


I once did and realize that we can’t do

it all perfectly well at the same time

my priorities in my life were not the

same when my children were toddlers as

they are as teens my priorities were not

the same when I was a stay-at-home mom

to being a working mom now and so we

need to step back and look at our life

as a whole but really look in in small

increments of time of saying what are

the weather what are the priorities

right now today and we continually

re-evaluate and those priorities will

change me balls and I think that’s how

we do life that’s how we balance

my relationship with God really sets the

tone for that God gives us the fruit of

the Spirit which is love joy peace

patience kindness goodness gentleness

faithfulness and self-control when we

have a relationship with him and so I I

need I’m so I’m so I’m so thankful that

i that i have those god-given attributes

that gives those to me when i have a

relationship with him and those

a nut shalini nuts it’s what we need

every day to be able to to roll with it

and do life and and do it to the best of

our ability when you just say so in the

midst of all of that you’ve got this

family that’s a good family immoral

family but not necessarily a

christ-centered fan huh

and then you get you get invited to

church and your family starts going to

church at what point did your faith to

become your own my faith became my own

in my early 20s really right after I had

my daughter my first child around I had

her at 22 so probably around 24 and it

was really a my brother was a huge

influence in my life so I knew that my

brother was walking the Christian walk

he was really the first one in our

family to step out strongly in his faith

and I remember that I remember when he

made that decision counter for the Lord

in his life it was like a 360 yeah and

we we all kind of thought he was a

little weird

at that point we’re like what’s going on

and then you you kind of you see the

consistency of choices that he’s making

you’re like wow you really are truly

living your life for Christ I think

having my child it was kind of like okay

I know I was raised Christian in a way I

mean I knew who God was I had I’d given

my life to Christ at 12 years old but

that I was not walking in faith that was

not didn’t consume me and having a child

was like I I I need to know what I

believe because of what I believe and I

want to know what I’m going to teach my

children and but at that same time my

brother had had even a turn in his

ministry that kind of rocked his world

and he had sent me a few books that just

you know God God was just moving in my

life so it’s it’s not surprising that

all those things came together and

probably around 24 25 years old I just

was like oh yeah god I got it and I want

to live or you girl let me tell you

something I just

in my mind I was walking through the

airport I don’t remember where what

state I was in but I was walking through

the airport and right in front of us in

the security line was your brother and

we were going to the same event I knew I

was speaking of it he was at the same

event of course he does not know me from

Adam so Jerry and I just stopped for a

second he said hi Kirk how are you you

know and he just turned he was so

gracious to us and then that man handed

me a tracking to make sure that I

believe that’s totally your brother yes

girl he made sure I was safe honey yes

you did

well obviously your parents you know did

what they knew to do at the time and

that really is a testament to the fact

that you know Christ was hovering over

your family even though at the time you

wouldn’t have labeled it that God was

protecting you all along the journey and

in the midst of that family you had

another family because the full house

family you were working I think I read

14 hours a day or more yeah on the

program definitely so they became your

family and there’s a picture of here of

you in here at your wedding and you’ve

got your full house family around you so

talk to us about that connection are you

still connected with those folks I’m

very connected with everyone I were all

great friends and see each other all the

time I mean we the love that you saw on

that show is true I think that’s another

reason why it continues to go on it just

it was very real so they are like a

second family to me and you know just

interesting to go through those seasons

in your life because I was a child on

that show and now Lori Lachlan and I

have daughters the exact same age I mean

they’re a month apart and so to just go

through you know the adult years and in

different seasons as peers and not just

a child and an adult it’s very

interesting and wonderful tell us about

your life now your family as it looks

right now tell us about your husband

your children and what you’re doing in

your life right now okay well I’ve been

married for 17 years my husband and I

Val I cannot even believe that you still

kind of look like you’re 17 and we have

three kids are my daughter’s 15 Natasha

and we have two boys I have a 13 year

old son Lev

and an eleven-year-old son Max and I

hear there’s some hockey stuff that

happens in your life well yes so my

husband is retired but he’s a

professional hockey player for 12 years

and so my boys are following in their

dad’s footsteps even though we tried not

to have them play hockey why why did you

want them not to play hockey you know

it’s such a brutal sport not only

physically but mentally as well and so

when my husband retired he was just like

done and he just wanted my boys to play

tennis or golf or like something that’s

easier on the body yeah I get it like be

slammed into a board and hit on rock

solid ice so but they begged for a few

years and finally he was like okay you

can play hockey

once they start playing and he’s

watching he’s like okay I cannot let

anyone else coach my boys like if

they’re gonna play I need to coach them

so now he coaches there so now you’re

just in a hockey family oh I should be

living in Canada because I met up really

I’m at a rink six days a week and hockey

is our life and they both play travel

hockey and like the range of where we go

on a weekly basis is just you know 300

400 mile radius of travel hockey so you

have what a lot of women have and that

is a schedule to balance yes you have

she has a brand new book coming out that

is going to be absolutely amazing

balancing it all I don’t know any woman

even whether she’s a wife and a mom or

not I mean I don’t know any woman that

doesn’t have a life to try to manage to

wrap her brain around I love the cover

of your brand-new book because you’re

like almost like June Cleaver on the

front and you’re holding you know you’re

in the kitchen and you’re like trying to

balance your iPad over here and you’ve

got a dog’s leash on your ankle you like

the dogs at the same time and I’m like

okay that’s so that’s so my life how do

you balance it all because you’ve got

this what most people would think it’s

kind of a very unique situation and that

you’re acting so those movies I’m sure

take you months to prepare for and then

also to film but then you’ve still got

to get dinner on the table I’m I’m

trying to figure out a new way to cook

chicken for dinner help me figure out

how the balance of life of a working Wow

don’t ask me about any recipes because I

am blessed my husband does all the

cooking water house I know we’re jealous

I totally lucked out in that department

otherwise it’s like takeout or Whole

Foods or something for my own bowels out

of town all right you know I I think the

the main thing that I want to convey in

in the book is that we are all unique

and our circumstances are all unique and

I think when we realize that that our

lives are so individual and our families

will all look different and we start and

we stop trying to fit into what we think

is normal that we will finally kind of

let go and go okay normal for me is

whatever my family looks like

and whatever my schedule looks like and

whatever my needs or my family’s needs

are and that’s okay they don’t have to

look like my friends and I don’t have to

fit into the bubble of that type of

family or schedule or anything yeah and

we just have to just come to come to

that realization that it’s okay that

we’re different and I also think within

balancing that it’s not really about

stripping everything down I think we go

oh I have so many things to juggle and

how do I jug it up juggle it all and and

there are people that’ll say oh you just

have to get down to the bare bones the

bet you know and I don’t necessarily

think that’s true either I think it’s

important that we are led to invest in

the right things in our lives and those

priorities it’s probably it’s all about

prioritizing and it’s really about

consistently reprioritizing because even

within a year I can look at my calendar

I know my calendar a year out a year and

a half out I could tell you a date and

you know June of 2000 or 14 or 15 when I

can schedule yes for my schedule so I

need to have a big picture but the

smaller picture on a monthly basis even

on a weekly basis a daily basis like

those change and they need to so when I

can really manage the big picture that

macro managing the micro gets a little

easier is law as long as I just keep

reprioritizing so it’s like what has to

be done today yeah and what can I put

off for tomorrow what has to be done

within this week what can be done within

this month and kind of giving yourself a

little bit of a break the everything


have to be it doesn’t have to be done

right now and it doesn’t have to be done

perfectly because you can’t juggle

everything perfectly a hundred percent

of the time and sometimes you’ve you

know you’re literally you’ve got you

know different plates that you’re

spinning or pins that you’re juggling in

the air let them drop let a couple of

them drop like you can’t keep spinning

them all at the same time those plates

drop isn’t it just release yourself to

let them go but you can pick them up at

a later time

they’ll be racked but you can’t really

durable plates yes I got some plastic

ones they won’t crack that’s what I

think that’s what’s important is just

realize you you you don’t have to do it

all perfectly right now and I love

somewhat much what you said about that

my normal won’t look like your normal I

think that women need to give each other

a break don’t you think we need to

release each other to do what our family

needs to have done to make our lives

work and not just be so judgmental and

pointed a finger at other mothers for

doing it the way they’ve got to do it

absolutely I think you know I talked a

little bit about this in my book there

was even and I didn’t I didn’t mean to

have a prideful attitude about it but

there was something that I think in LA

you’re kind of abnormal if you don’t

have a nanny

mm-hm it’s just one of those things and

you can go to different parts of the

country where nannies aren’t normal and

so I almost had this a little prideful

attitude and going well I don’t have a

nanny I do it all myself even though I

didn’t want to be prideful about it but

I realized how terrible that I even

thought that for a moment because

sometimes having help with your family

well or having help with an outside

person people don’t necessarily have

family that lives in that city that’s

right and what is the difference between

maybe grandma or or a nanny or a

babysitter they I mean there’s just so

many things so many dynamics I don’t

know you we can so easily judge other

women for and it’s like but I don’t I

don’t know what’s going on I don’t know

their family dynamic I cried so I we do

need to just ease up on one another and

give grace and go that works for you

great it if this looks great

if we’re living to glorify God with all

that we do anyway

at the end of the day I applaud you I

applaud you for balancing it all that’s

what she is written about that’s what

you’re gonna want to read about in her

incredible book

I’m glad you wrote about it because

folks like me need some help trying to

figure out just to you know this is not

a 12 or a 10 step guide on how to

balance it’s really they’re my personal

stories about juggling purpose and

priorities and it’s it’s kind of takes

you through my own life and the

circumstances that I’ve been given and

how to find balance within them so

hopefully you will you’ll find things

that that helped me that could help you

absolutely and you know what we want to

tell you we appreciate we appreciate

that you have got here you are just just

coming to 40 you are not 40 years old

yeah no I’m just over the hump at 35

just a little bit and we want you to do

that for these years that you’ve been

working that you have been whether you

liked it or not you were a role model

you know to so many of us who were your

same age growing up and now to my sweet

little nieces and so many girls who are

still watching you we thank you that you

know now we can not only let them see

you as DJ Tanner but then we can point

to you on the internet and say look

she’s still doing well she’s still

living well that is a great thing that

we’re grateful for were you guys thank

you we’re gonna stay tuned because we

have a part too so this is just part one

of the conversation we’re having we’ve

got to talk about reshaping it all

because this girl looks good and we’re

gonna try to figure out how she’s gonna

give us some tips for that and so you’re

gonna want to come back for part two

thanks for joining us



