As the former wife of professional cyclist, Lance Armstrong, Kristin was living a luxurious lifestyle that many could only dream of. Years later, news of deceit and betrayal led to a painful divorce. Join us as we hear Kristin’s incredible story about how God has taught her to extend mercy and forgiveness in even the most difficult of situations

I hope you were doing well today I’m so

excited that you’re here this is the

chat where we well we chat about stuff

that I hope will be an encouragement to

you and an inspiration today I’m really

excited because I get the chance to just

get to know a woman that I really want

you to know her name is Kristin

Armstrong she was married to Lance

Armstrong for quite a bit and you know

kind of thrust into a very public life

and then a public divorce that was very

hurtful and lots of forgiveness had to

take place in restoration and she’s

gonna talk to us about how the Lord

accomplished that in her life it’s

really gonna be a inspiration to all of

us who are not going to want to miss


so stay tuned


well listen this is part 2 of a

conversation we have already been having

you’re gonna want to make sure you go

back and view part 1 if you have not

already because we’ve already started

down an incredible path of life-changing

insight from an incredible woman would

you please help me to welcome Kristin

Armstrong today thank you so much so

glad that we’re here her book is happily

ever after it’s a devotional and what I

love about it we were just talking about

the fact that it doesn’t start on

January 1st

it just says day one why does it just

say day one Kristin because you just

never know when you’re gonna fall apart

and when someone’s gonna hand you

something and that’s day one

that’s right doesn’t happen always

January 1st in that the truth yeah those

New Year’s resolutions don’t pan out and

that’s turned out we just got a start

when we need to start that’s about that

listen to something that Kristin writes

she says funny how it works when

everything you thought was most valuable

is taken from you the thing that truly

is the most valuable is revealed when

you lose your marriage or family your

money your job your status your comfort

zone your health your home your friend

your reputation anything you thought you

could never do without it’s then that

you realize with amazement that you’re

still standing that is when you realize

that Jesus is the rock now listen to

this sometimes we have to chip away at

the earth to get to the rock

and God allowed the earth to be chipped

away in your life just a little bit yeah

you have quite a story of all the

chipping away and your choice to find

solace in the rock right absolutely why

do you think some people don’t make that

choice to forgive to move forward the

hard choices you had to make to find

happily ever after

why do some people not make that choice

I think some people choose to find

comfort in their story there the tape

that plays over and over again and so

they choose to relive those experiences

again and again and again because it’s

what they know and so they get stuck in

that place I also think that there are

people who decide that they are never

going to forgive because they confuse

forgiveness with condoning somebody’s

treatment of them excusing the baby yeah

like it’s approving of a situation or

saying it was okay that you that you did

that and it isn’t that at all but people

get confused and stuck there and so they

refuse to budge and so they continue on

down that path and nothing changes for

them they’re gripping so tightly on to

the past that they cannot open up and

see what God has for them in the present

yeah and it’s so sad but forgiveness

isn’t about that forgiveness is not

condoning something it’s not giving that

person permission to come and go as they

please and continue certain behaviors

the only permission that it gives is for

you to go free and to unhook yourself

from all that stuff that hurts you in

the past and let God have it yeah let

him take care of all of it while you go

about the business of rebuilding your

life after that yeah and sometimes

relationships have to end they have to

end good points and they don’t think

yeah you you you forgive someone so that

you let go you’re not tied to them

anymore but that doesn’t mean that that

relationship is healthy or good or can

continue because sometimes in this kind

of a conversation a lot of women who may

be in an abusive situation here I need

to stay continue to be abused and be a

doormat in this situation and that’s not

what you’re suggesting

forgiveness no not at all that’s that’s

kind of like Christ saying forgive them

they don’t know what they do forgive you

can forgive but that situation is

unhealthy and you should not stay in

that situation and some relationships

you have to stay in but they have to

change right and that’s not giving

someone access to come in and out of

your life or condoning certain things

all it is is saying I’m not going to be

tied to that anymore

I am giving myself the permission to

move forward and be free of that so I’m

gonna let that go and so it takes

forgiveness to me is like a choice that

you make like if you some people talk

about like the moment where you’re where

you’re saved

that’s a faith moment for you but you

spend the rest of your life kind of

walking out that without a shout

yourself you’re a sanctification or

whatever that is yeah I think

forgiveness is a lot like that you

choose I’m gonna forgive but of my own

power like can Kristin just forgive and

like be this person no Kristin is just a

regular old gal but God and me can do

that so to choose to forgive is a choice

but then the whole process of letting go

that can take a little bit a little bit

of time it’s not like all of a sudden

know about oh now everything’s better

I’m fine everything’s great you didn’t

wake up the next day and go all is

forgiven no no well here’s it’s not

quite so tidy not quite so tidy okay

tell us about the mess of walking out

your forgiveness then what did that

choice daily look like practically in

your life well it’s just an ongoing

thing I mean I forgive myself all the

time for falling short I’m sure I

forgave Lance for something last week I

mean but that particular book is a

journey of probably about a year and a

half maybe two years of doing the daily

work I mean people would send me

scriptures strangers would send me

things I would get cool books and I was

just letting it soak into me and I would

write down in a journal or on three by

five cards I had a whole bunch of papers

route write down the verses that really

stood out to me and I thought oh that’s

just for me yeah meant for me right now

and I saved all of those and I started

to compile them and I started to write

down how I felt in light of those verse

at the time because I thought I don’t

want to forget this yes because I know

that he’s gonna do an amazing thing in

my life and I know that after this is

over I’m gonna be better for it didn’t

feel like it at the time didn’t I didn’t

feel like it at the time but I thought

you know what I’m gonna go that way and

it was so neat because at the end of

this time this was the result of that

and really that is about gratitude to me

that’s what that yeah I read in here

that you said this is your thank-you

note to God yeah like thank you for

healing me and thank you and me yeah I

am you know I have three boys I three

kids like you do and one of my sons

he’s just accident-prone Kristen he just

keeps falling and breaking things and

fracturing things he’s got a cast on

right now as a matter of fact he fell

riding bikes with his cousin and

fractured one arm you know he I know

he’s got a huge sort of skinned patch

right here on his leg and so of course

we took him to the doctor and everything

and got a cast here but they gave him an

appointment that we needed to put on

just like this all that we needed to put

on his leg on a very regular basis to

get it all healed up and I was watching

this process one day because it just

stings just a tad to put it on when it

was just really raw and a brand new

wound and I thought man you know what if

we kind of hang on to this appointment

we have it in the house we’ve gotten the

prescription but we don’t apply it

because it stings that little bit and he

doesn’t want it applied then it does us

no good to have it if we’re not gonna

put this sucker on his leg you know

that’s where the healing comes in is

when we daily actually several times a

day we had to apply this point meant to

the wound for it ends on saying yeah

yeah and I’m thinking the Lord gave you

these scriptures whatever means they

came whether it was just through your

daily Bible reading or the pastor

preaching something more stranger

sending you this verse on a coffee mug

or something like that and there were

certain ones that jumped out to you and

that is God giving us ain’t meant that

that’s what he’s doing is he said it

hurts a little bit and it hurts a little

bit yeah it stings a little bit when you

receive kind of the directive that that

burger you gotta feel the conviction of

what you know but that’s what I think

Ephesians chapter 6 talks about the

sword of the Spirit is the Rhema word of

God and that’s when like the word comes

alive to you where it jumps off the page

when like you know it’s a verse you’ve

read before

but this day it’s like the Holy Spirit

has taken out a highlighter and it just

pops up off the page that’s the spirit

handing you his sword and saying hey

this right here is gonna do some work in

your life and it’s gonna change your

life if you’ll apply it to the wound and

so you were daily proactively

practically putting it on the wound even

though it’s stung a little bit that’s

awesome that is true that’s exactly what

it was like and it did sting a little

bit but if you really do want to be

healed it’s just like a the story of the

paralytic and the mat like do you want

to be healed do you want to be here or

not I mean you want like a silly

question in the moment it’s not it’s not

no cuz some people really don’t and they

say they do but they’re not willing to

pick up their mat you know they’re not

yeah so if you want it he’s offering it


but we do we have to apply it we have to

do the work we have to be willing to go

there within ourselves to say what do i

what do I need to let go of what do I

need to change yeah how do I need to

grow instead of going hey you did you

you you oh we get so comfortable

pointing fingers at our I else yeah

we have pity parties and we invite all

our friends to our pity party and we

love rehearsing and going over the

details of what happened to us over and

over and over again and it really causes

us to think about what kind of friend we

are to those people because if we’re

enabling and applauding and supporting

that friend of ours who’s constantly

going over her drama maybe it’s time for

one of us to be friend enough to her to

say it’s time for you to wake up out of

this spiritual summer and get on with

the business of putting appointment on

so that you can be healed yes so did you

have friends like that and you know

absolutely yeah one of them is here

today really yeah were you a little bit

mad at her at the time for making you

wake up and move on like did it feel

uncomfortable for her to kind of or one

of your friends to kind of have to look

you in the eyes and say let’s go today I

know you’re having a bad day you don’t

feel like getting up out of bed all that

but you got kids to raise you have a

life to live God is in you let’s go I

there was a time kind of in the

immediate wake of that where I was not

eating or sleeping well and it was just

a really strenuous time and

have a really dear friend named Paige

who said to me you know something I see

that you look skinny you look exhausted

you know what we’re gonna train for a

marathon and I’m gonna make you hungry

and I’m gonna make you tired and it was

awesome she did I had never done

anything like that before and next thing

you know I’m eating everything in sight

and sleeping like a baby and I’m like

thank you God did she help me and it

gave me a lot of confidence and it also

led to a career with runners world

magazine and I mean doors opened yeah

you know but I had to take some steps

yeah because you had a friend that was

friend enough to say let go get up get

up and get you think you’re tired I’ll

make you tired look we need some friends

like that in our life right y’all do

that’s awesome

yeah we’re gonna come right back and

talk just a little bit more with miss

Kristen in the meanwhile if you’re

sitting with a friend of yours just

shake her on the shoulders and say get

up girl you look a little hungry you

look a little sleepy let’s go take care

of that I’ll meet you back here after

the break



this is going to be an incredible

experience where we all get to see what

it’s like to experience God’s unfailing

love we are incredibly loved incredibly

valuable and incredibly capable of

blowing it that’s why we are in the book

of Hosea I want you to experience it I

want you to be able to enjoy it I want

you to be able to taste and see that the

Lord is good if you’re lost the message

of Hosea is that God will find you if

you’re ashamed he’ll cover you if you’ve

wandered off he’ll come get you if you

have given up on him he is not going to

give up on you if you have found

yourself in Chains and in slavery and

you don’t know how you got there he will

buy you back and give you freedom that’s

the incredible scandal of God’s love he

would do whatever it takes to restore us

that kind of unfailing love

would change everything

we are right in the middle of an

incredible conversation listen this is

part two of a conversation we’ve already

been having with Kristin Armstrong she

is a woman who has taken us just in this

little conversation that we’ve had she’s

taking us all the way from brokenness

and hurt and unforgiveness to healing

and wholeness and that’s the story the

journey that the Lord has had our had

her on but there is so much more that is

to come in the story of your life and I

want to know where you are right now as

a woman as a mother of three growing

children a woman in ministry you’re a

writer you’re writing for articles for

running world magazine as well as others

not to mention you know not to forget to

mention your book as well so there’s a

lot going on in your life right now what

have you seen God doing in your present

tense circumstances well since that time

I’ve written seven books seven books

seven books yes just a few books on the

side you know I have been a contributing

editor for runners world magazine since

2004 so I run a lot of races I’ve done

many more marathons and ultramarathons

since then now I’m a mother of teenagers

so my son Luke is 15 and then I have

twin daughters Grayson Isabel who are 13

all three teenagers yeah so pray for me

yeah so that’s a lot of fun how are your

kiddos doing did it take them a while to

get kind of kind of where you felt like

everybody was healthy and on the right

track or did they were they doing well

right away how are they well they were

really young when we went through our

divorce three one and one so I think at

different stages and their development I

think that they’ve dealt with different

things that kind of come out so I was

just sort of an ongoing thing different

questions that come later and things

like that so we just it’s been really

important to me to keep communication

with them open on every subject and

that’s just kind of how we roll yeah and

it works out for us yeah and so what do

you see kind of happening next in your

journey what would you like to see what

would you like to see happen

well I I just finished teaching a class

on compassion so I’ve been working on

having a lot more compassion for

everyone else and myself mm-hmm

I have an amazing gratitude practice

that I’ve been doing for about a year

and a half okay what is a gratitude

practice well every morning I wake up

and have my devotional time and whatnot

and then I write down in a journal I’m

on volume four now of little cramped

tiny handwriting and I write down every

day ten things that I’m thankful for I’m

grateful for this because and then and

follow that up it has truly been

transformative it sounds like to me it

sounds like a book is coming out of that

there there might be a book coming out

of that it’s it’s really changed it has

transformed me by the renewal of my mind

to change my thought life because it’s

it’s slowly slowly just worked its way

so that I have more gratitude not just

in when I’m writing my 10 things but all

the time and that’s really changed me

yeah yeah so because you know you know

really what gratitude is it is proof

it’s like an it’s like outward proof

that you really do trust God yes so it’s

R it’s Revelation as to whether or not

you trust got so you’re in the midst of

stuff going on in your life and chaos in

your life but when you choose in the

midst of the chaos just yes still make

your prayer requests known to God but at

the same time say but I’m grateful for a

B C and D because like you’re doing that

discipline it stirs in you that faith

that deep down trust that you still have

that your God is who he says he is and

will do what he says that he will do and

Philippians chapter 4 says that

gratitude activates the peace of God

which surpasses all understanding that’s

what you’re experiencing guards our

hearts and minds it guards your hearts

all that negative thinking and I’ve even

transformed my language in my prayer

life because now I even have the

confidence to thank God in advance for

things that are coming true so I’m

excited about that yes yeah it’s

changing everything thank you for

working this out for me I don’t know how

and I don’t need the outcome I just need

to say thank you it’s huge it changes

everyday it’s I can see such a big

difference in the past year in my life

are you speaking a lot to groups of

women or Bibles are you speaking is that

kind of one of the main main things that

you’re doing right now in your life is

teaching and speaking as a teenager is

what I’m trying to say thank you a

teenager people need to hear this yeah I

love I love writing I love speaking

probably but not as much as I love

writing and I’ve recently gone back to

graduate school so I’m getting a

master’s in counseling so that’s


I’m a student again right now and just a

few things on your plate yeah yeah but

I’m not busy

cuz I don’t like that enough how are you

not busy as I hate that I hate that word

I refuse

you refuse to I refuse to say they’re

busy you refuse to be busy how do you

keep margin in your schedule with all

that you have going on how do you keep

bits of boundary and margin that keep

you from being busy well I’ve tried that

before and I can be so hyper organized

and hyper efficient that I can make

everything uh-huh

move but I’ve tried to get out of that

rut of being that person all the time

because that person’s not as fun so

instead of that like the greater my

gratitude is the more things just they

just get done but I’m thinking to myself

while I’m doing them like hey stop

trying so hard try try easy and I try

easier and then next thing you know

there’s more time and next thing you

know I’m like it’s okay it’ll get done

it’s fine and that brings me so much

peace that I forget about busy cuz busy

stresses me out

busy happens all out doesn’t it yeah

yeah yeah we don’t I don’t like days

like that I feel like I’m short with my

kids I don’t have time for my friends

what’s the point of working on all this

stuff if I don’t have time to sit and

talk with a friend who’s in a place

what’s the point of that am I so busy am

i so busy going to school to become a

counselor that I can’t talk to my talk

to my child that’s great I’m not gonna

be like that and I told myself that and

I talked to my kids before I ever went

back to school saying hey I’ve been

thinking of doing this what do you think

I mean this could impact you what if I

have tests or what if I have classes at

night what does that look like and they

were so awesome they’re like mom your


you should do whatever it is you want to

do and it’s been beautiful cuz they’re

doing homework

it says mom and there we are are so calm

isn’t she so like her your personhood is

just kind of calm are you are you is

this is this your countenance normally

you’re just kind of laid-back and

easygoing I wouldn’t say I mean I can be

a type-a person but I think I am pretty

pretty steady no I don’t think I have a

lot of this going on but I don’t know if

that’s my personality and that’s what

shows or is it because I pray and

meditate and do my gratitude journal

like are my practices making me that way

or am am I that way I think it’s kind of

a combination okay I have some questions

miss Kristin we’re gonna need another

hour I feel like I need another hour

okay I appreciate what you’re saying

about the busyness stuff and work don’t

work harder you’re working easier but I

need you to tell me exactly what that

means like what does that look like

because you still only have 24 hours in

your day just like all of us only have

24 hours in our day and you’re still

trying to manage your home and feed

teenagers and go to graduate school and

be a writer for all of these seven books

that you have and more and speaking and

teaching people who very much need to

hear this message so you have got a lot

on your plate so I mean in a practical

weekly or daily sense how are you able

to keep yourself from being on edge

irritated and busy I mean practically

what does that look like I mean there

have to be some practice I’m very

curious so it’s the idea I think of

connecting to source first it’s why we

go to our Bibles or our devotionals in

the morning like first thing before you

do anything else that’s what I do first

and I think of it as literally plugging

in tapping into that place inside me

that is always calm and everyone has it

we just don’t know how to access it

regularly we don’t know how to access it

immediately and at first it’s awkward

you you can go to that place and you

have to sit down and have no

distractions and okay I’m going to relax

now I’m going to pray and meditate I’m

gonna have quiet but over time it

becomes so much more natural that you

can even go to that place with

when when you’re in the middle of a

conversation with someone and they’re

completely you know lighting all your

buttons and and being a human trigger

yeah in that moment you could say Wow

okay there’s the place within me that is

quiet that is like a sanctuary and I can

go to that place now more regularly and

so it keeps me throughout the day just

checking in and connecting in with the

parts of myself that are called higher

instead of the parts that drag me down

mm-hmm so that’s that’s I guess the best

way for me to describe it is just to say

that I try to connect to source God for

the energy that I need in the direction

that I need and then when I’m going from

that place I’m operating from a place of

abundance before the day ever starts and

so you’re not jumping into the day in a

Harry now oh my gosh I’m already out of

town the day hasn’t even scarcity I’m up

late I the lunches aren’t made oh no

where the gas is low I mean you can say

everything that’s scarce in your life

and you approach it that way and the

whole day you’ll be scrambling you’ll be


you’ll be stressed you’ll be short with

people I’ve had days like that I get it

you know I can see how I am when I’m

like that I don’t like it particularly

yeah and my kids don’t either and no one

enjoys me that way yeah but the other

ones just had to make you still have to

make practical choices because you can

wake up and do exactly what you’ve said

and have a sense of abundance toward the

day and yet still if you did not go fill

up your tank the night before you’re

going to have no gas in the car in the

rain or the lunches are not going to be

made on time right so you have got to be

saying lots of noes to things so that

you have room in your life for the big

bigger yeses yeah and I think that

that’s part of that process in the

morning of being grateful and being

intentional because if you set out with

the bigger things in mind first then

you’ll give those that the due priority

and the energy that they need and and

when you aren’t stressed out then you

will go like oh yeah I should probably

stop here and get gas while I’m on the

way it’s just a different your mind is

clearer so you’re not so muddied and

scrambling all the time and that’s where

that feeling comes from and then things

start to go wrong and then we turn

negative yes and that’s what I’m really

working on a lot right now and trying to

model that for my kids because kids have

a lot they do they do

my kids are shuffling between two houses

and three sports and they have all that

on their plate and so I want to I don’t

want them to have that horrible rushed

feeling all the time too so well I I

think it’s so interesting that we you

know kind of ending on this note of

talking about you know the your

countenance and the way we can see the

restoration that God has brought in you

we can see it externally we can see just

by the piece that is on you and in your

life and the thing is we all have the

opportunity to experience that by what I

really hear you saying is prioritizing

putting first things first meeting with

God realizing that our peace and

contentment and joy really does come

from him do not quote me on this but I

think it’s Martin Luther that said

something like today is a really busy

day so I must not spend twenty minutes

with the Lord I must spend two hours

with him today Wow because it’s really

busy today and so that that’s a coin set

yeah it’s it’s the same idea of just

knowing what comes first and putting

that first and realizing that that

really will reorient the whole rest of

your day and the rest of your life

you’ve modeled that for us you think

again for us would you guys please help

me to thank her

it’s a great conversation I really feel

like we need another hour or two to talk

to miss Kristen but you can hear more

from her and all the guidance that she

has the wisdom that she really does have

to give to women like us all of us who

are in busy places in life who have

stuff we’ve got to get over from the

past and we want to live a healthy whole

complete full life in the Lord this is

just one of her incredible books a

devotional that you’re gonna want to get

your hands on but pick up everything you

can by Kristin Armstrong because she

really is a blessing listen you’re going

to be able to watch this program

Tuesdays and Thursdays of this month at

noon 6 p.m. or 10 p.m. Central Standard

Time any of those three times on

Tuesdays and Thursdays you’ll find part

1 and part 2 of this conversation you

could just go to the chat with Priscilla

dot-com and I’ll be right there or you

can just check your local listing on the

NRB channel because we’ll be there as

well thank you so much for joining us we

cannot wait to do this again I hope you

have a great day




