Living out your faith is difficult for all of us, but what about for those who are in the spotlight? How does one balance faith & fame in the secular world? Join us as we hear from Grammy award winning artist CeCe Winans about how she has navigated secular places with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

they are so glad that you were here I’m

Priscilla welcome to the chat we get an

opportunity to chat about a lot of stuff

around here that’s going to be hopefully

very very exciting to you I think today

is going to be very exciting if it’s not

exciting for you it’s exciting for me

I’m glad to be here because we get to

talk to one of my favorite people on the

planet let me just tell you she’s not

only my favorite because she has brought

so much light and love and beauty

through music to millions of people all

over the entire world she’s beautiful

because behind closed doors and the

spotlights aren’t on her she’s just a

woman of humility and integrity who

loves her family and loves the Lord and

really believes what she proclaims when

a lot of people are around that’s what I

love about

they were going to be talking to her

stick around who and not

hey there welcome to the chat pull up a

chair get a nice hot drink or something

like that and just kind of snuggle up

with us for just a little while we’ve

been already having a conversation that

I hope that you’ve already seen it’s

part one of a conversation we’ve been

having with the lovely miss CeCe Winans

will you help me welcome her if you have

not already seen part one please make

sure that you see it we’re on every

Tuesday and Thursday this month this is

part two of that conversation we’ve

already been having she’s been giving us

advice on being a wife and being a mom

balancing it all

I’m loving the Lord with all of our

hearts and minds and strength we want to

talk to her now about the next

generation because she’s got a passion

for the next generation why why is that

so important to you why because it was

it was so important that the generation

before me had me in mind you know and I

know that I’ve been able to stand

through all of life challenges because

of what was instilled in me as a child

the importance of sunday school the

importance of hearing the Bible stories

the importance of count Christian count

all of that stuff played a very

important part in my foundation and yeah

I think I realized who I was earlier on

in life because people took out time to

teach me who I was these are people your

parents included but would you say that

there were other older women definitely

I think any parent that has been a

parent for any length of time

understands that you need help yeah you

know in that old village that held

exactly it takes a village to raise a

child is so true and so yes definitely

the people in the church that other

ladies the other young women the

teenagers I mean people everybody poured

into us me and my siblings growing up

and it made a huge difference don’t you

think we’ve lost that village mentality

though it’s like everybody you almost

can get in trouble if you tell another

child hey you know what don’t talk to

your parent like that be more respectful

then the mama’s mad at you whereas you

said something urgent and you’re helping

out yeah yeah we have lost

we need to give back to it I think a lot

of our kids are suffering because we’ve

lost that and do you think that maybe

you know I’ve always thought that maybe

that is one of the reasons why the

church is so important because that is

the the extended family that God gives

you to help to raise the next generation

totally agree it is a it is definitely

our extended family and it’s so

important that the church realizes that

even though we have mega churches and

that’s a great thing because we want

everybody to be safe you know Jesus paid

the price so that everybody could live

but it is not to be anything other than

a family and it’s real important that we

understand that it’s not just an

organization or it’s just not it’s not a

business it’s not a business it’s a

family yeah we’re not there to perform

and right it’s nice to have community

yeah that’s good yeah what are some of

the things you would think that well you

know you mentioned yet your momma made

you say yeah mom and mom and pop wine

and said get up there that’s a you’re

going to say you’re going to get a piano

lessons too I wonder

no no I never took panels you never took

all of them I think every other sibling

except for my baby sister

you know Debbie mm-hmm we don’t play you

don’t play I’m surprised I didn’t make

you do that you know no no well you know

actually all of us at that time we

weren’t even taking lessons

most of my siblings learned how to play

by ear just a musical family yeah yeah

my mom and dad both played really a gift

just passed my head that’s okay it all

went into your throat okay so they made

you do certain things they made your

siblings do certain definitely what do

you think are some of the things that

parents aren’t making their kids do

anymore well they made us go to church

okay there’s one of we had to be at

Sunday school we had to you know why pww

things we had we had to attend they made

us not just a temple we had to be

involved like you said we had to be in

the choirs and yes they made us

volunteer for everything you know but

they understood the importance of that

and they raised us all in the inner city

of Detroit Michigan which was not an

easy task so they made us do that let me

see they only thing we could listen to

in our house

was Christian music we used to sneak and

listen to Motown music in the car you

know but they said no this is what we’re

going you guys going to be raised in

this you’re going to hear this and then

they lived the life in front of us you

know they just didn’t teach us but they

lived it in front of us which was

definitely the most impactful thing but

but yes they did not play we had no

choice it’s your haratz were strict very

strict very strict but not not to the

point where it was too strict but they

were straight yeah we’ve lost some of

that I think we’ve lost nothing I feel

like children are setting the pace for

the home instead of the parents setting

the pace of the home and not by not you

know I just don’t want to put that as a

blanket statement over everyone but it

seems like we have a culture where

mostly you know I’m guilty of that and

you know a lot of times we grow up and

we feel like oh they were so strict in

this and so strict and especially before

you get old enough to really the wisdom

kicks me Yeah right you think oh I’m

allow my children to do this and they

can choose that they do that and I have

to admit that those places that I those

places that I were I was a little bit

more easy those places that I kind of

loosen the the rain a little bit I


Oh with your kids oh definitely really

yeah yeah okay can you give us one

example can you think of anything

specific where you kind of loosen the

reins a little bit and you wish that you

hadn’t um anything come to mind I mean I

just think I mean if we just take them

going to church I mean I made Minds go

to church but I didn’t make them really

get involved in church I’m not just

being there but pretty exactly

participating because nowadays I mean

what do we spend most of our time doing

parents where they’re in dance class

they have this class there and they’re

in all the sports and where is the Bible

study in all of this hmm

you know and you before you know it

they’re full of more of the world than

the church but yet you’re a believer yet

you consider yourself a strong believer

and it’s like where did I go wrong oh

you didn’t do what your parents did in

this area you thought you were going to

be more of their friend

than their parent and it’s backfiring so

do you think that we tend to

overcompensate for what we thought our

parents didn’t do right or but a little

bit right now to overcompensate the

anyway so if you had to go back and do

that again with your children you would

just be stricter oh definitely really

they would be upset with me but but it

would but it would be okay it would be

okay yes so we need to be okay with our

kids being upset with us definitely if

they’re not something’s wrong they

should be upset with you mm-hmm

yeah what discourages you when you look

at teenage girls young 20s maybe even

people young women who want to do what

you were doing so they have a good heart

they are skilled they’re talented they

love the Lord but but still you see a

little discouragement in what way with

some of the younger women you see coming

along after you Oh hmm I would say that

they don’t have the passion just for

knowing the Lord growing up to me that

was everything um though I could cry

think about I’m not gonna cry I’m gonna

make it there

um and so that that breaks my heart they

don’t really understand the value and

just being a believer you know for some

reason that doesn’t seem to be enough

and so that lets me know that they don’t

have the relationship that they should

have because whenever you had that

relationship in the place that it should

be it’s more than enough and it takes

the striving out the trying to achieve

it takes a it makes life so much better

okay so much easier rescue yes you can’t

you can’t and you can have joy and when

they don’t have that they’re missing joy

they’re missing happiness yeah they’re

so bogged down and they’re dealing with

so much depression and it’s hard to find

people with a smile on their face how

many young girls that when they should

be enjoying their lives at this at the

fullest at this time yeah a lot of

sadness what encourages you when you

look at young women you

you oh thank you

am I still young I’ll take that up

you’re very young yes but I could cry

over that too because I’d like we we

talked about earlier in part one I have

a daughter that’s 26 and yeah for her to

be able to see you

is a blessing oh yeah that’s a gift to

me because yeah she I again I just

remember her being so little and running

around your legs and so to hear that is

a blessing to me that that’s kind of

like my gift to you

to be able to be a blessing of your

daughter slicing that’s not just gold

generational isn’t it to generation yes


she’s your wife for one change the world

for one change the world

orphans don’t need stuff orphans need

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with forever families

what makes me you’ve told us why you’re

passionate about pouring into the lives

of younger women huh what do you think

keeps some women that are in your

generation from seeing the value in

taking time to just literally disciple a

younger woman like there are a lot of

older women that aren’t doing the

tightest two thing you’re right they

aren’t you know Titus 2 talks about

older women pouring into the lives of

younger women which means there has to

be a younger woman willing to listen

that’s right that’s true I’m gonna be

Angela yeah that’s true but there also

has to be a woman who has gone before

that sees the value in going out to

coffee with this younger woman and

helping her with her family and how to

love her husband and and sometimes there

are not there aren’t women to be found

to that are willing to do that why do

you think that is well you know it’s I’m

so glad that you brought that point up

because it’s a very important point a

lot of us as believers we just become

professional believers you know and

we’re so wrapped up in our own lives you

know we go to church all was so good or

we heard a message it was so great and

we and then the next week we’re down

again or we forget what we heard and I

think it’s primarily because we haven’t

poured out and we haven’t poured out

what we’ve learned what God has put into

us into somebody else and I can’t really

take the credit for the mentoring that

I’ve done over the years I think because

of where God placed me on stage you know

and I met wonderful ladies like you and

different people that would ask me

certain questions then I started pouring

out but it wasn’t like it was something

that was really taught to me to do and

so I think we as as the body of Christ

the church is the pastor’s we have to

begin to teach that scripture in Titus

that the older women teach the younger

women and the importance of that because

really that adds to your growth yes

that’s a part of your life going to

another level yeah that a lot of us are

missing out on because we haven’t taken

out the time and we as women older women

we really need to look at our schedules

and say who am i pouring into mmm and

re-align your whole life to fit that in

because it’s that crucial not just for

somebody else but for you okay I love

something that you

said a few moments ago but you said that

it was because you weren’t like trained

to be a mentor it’s just people started

younger for folks to start asking you

questions actly so I think that it’s

kind of like gives permission for

younger women to start going pinpoint an

older woman in your church or in your

neighborhood or in your life that you

don’t you know what she has done life

well and then go ask her questions go go

put yourself in front of her and say how

did you do this how do you make that

that meal for your family every night

every night and get it on the table

on time how do you do that you do it as

a question and then it stirs you up to

have to answer that’s right right that’s

right I love that without the right buzz

when you see those faces in front he is

like oh okay okay yeah you know you have

to do it and it’s a joy it’s been a joy

of mine to do so I think that all of

that plays into what we do today is well

I want to ask you about one younger

woman in your life her name is Bobbi

Kristina yes she has had a lot happening

in the past few years of her life with

the loss of one of your closest friends

I know miss Whitney Houston yeah um tell

me first how that was for you just that

that a tragic loss of a legend and then

how you’ve been able because you’re

you’re her godmother Bobbi Kristina’s

the godmother right so what kind of role

that you kind of play in her life now

just praying a lot yeah praying for it

was just what you said it was a tragic

loss for me and and I can’t even imagine

what it was for Bobbi Kristina you know

we were dear friends and sisters Whitney

and I and I talked to her that week

before she passed and I was just calling

to check on her and she was on her way

to California and so I got the news from

my my daughter she was in New York

visiting friend and saw it on the press

the saw it in the press and called me

crying and mom is it true and I’m like

what are you talking about and I just

thought of no it couldn’t be true I just

talked to her you know and unfortunately

I found out it was true and so yeah it

was it was a real real loss for me


you know I didn’t I didn’t plan for

things to turn out this way

mm-hmm you know but but God has been

faithful through it all you know and so

now my prayer for Bobbi Kristina’s is

that God will begin to mend her broken

heart you know and so I just want

everybody every

a woman out there to just really begin

to pray for her yeah meanwhile you have

an organization that is designed to

reach out to the younger generation

we’ve been talking a lot about women

younger women but also to young men yeah

as well and tell us about that

organization and how it got started and

what you’re doing with it these days

well it’s called always sisters forever

brothers and it started out really as

always sisters it was just for teenage

girls and after the first conference the

mothers like what are you gonna do first

sons I was like I don’t know nothing but

but I have I have a son and a daughter

and so we did a couple years with just

the girls and then we added on the guys

as well because then I figured out you

know we can’t just get the girls

together we don’t have the guys together

and so it’s been a joy of mine to do

this and it’s just a conference we do

like a two-day conference and I bring in

incredible speakers and singers to

mentor to teach people should I say to

teach the younger people and it’s been

great lives have been saved life have

been changed and redirected and kids

have been put on the right path they

they understand their value you know

after leaving the conference and and

that’s really my prayer is that it would

be an event that would really bring in

lasting results I want you to know that

you we’re going to put her website up so

that you can see it right there on the

page that you’re watching this program

but you’ll want to go to always sisters

forever brothers com you want to go

there because I’m you can support that

ministry that really is reaching out to

the next generation and just be a part

of what Missy C is doing and blessing

people that are coming along behind her

and so are these people that are

necessarily interested in music or this

is not for oh there’s ears everybody

okay definitely a lot of people show up

that love music but I mean we’ve had

kids to come and tell us this is my last

resort if this doesn’t work that I’m

committing suicide I really yeah just

that just that bulb and I’m happy to say

that God is faithful yeah every time you

know and so so yeah literally saving

lives yeah so it’s just for any child

who wants to come some kids are doing


and it’s just going to encourage them to

continue to serve God some kids come in

have never heard a sermon before in

their life and they end up giving their

lives to the Lord and so it’s been

pretty it’s been amazing that’s good

yeah that’s very rewarding what would

you say was the number one most

impactful lesson that an older woman in

your life taught you other than your

relationship with the Lord that being a

side we know that would be the most

important like a practical lesson that

really mattered to you maybe once you

got into your 20s or maybe you got

married or had a kid and you’re like oh

yes I remember what this woman told me

it really has made a difference it’s so

funny you guys are gonna laugh um it

would have to be my mom okay my mom

taught me this lesson and to this day no

matter who you are or what you’re going

through if it’s a marital problem and

you come to her and you could be so

emotional I’m so distraught okay her

response is going to be honey he’s a man

what does she mean by that exactly he’s

a man he’s a man yeah you know and and

and for me it was you know as women we

we love to turn our husbands into what

we think they should be we want them to

be like us

yeah and that’s not God’s plan and it

will never happen that way you know

they’re gonna respond differently and

they’re supposed to okay single women

laugh I hope you were listening

so welcome or this will be just as cool

no matter what it is mom but you noticed

it honey

he’s a man so no matter what the issue

no matter what the issue is calm down

shoes be peaceful mm-hmm choose to be

victorious and choose to allow the Lord

to work it out because we can go through

all the fits and all the emotional ups

and downs and it’s not going to change

anything that’s right yeah well you know

that is a lesson for single women yes a

man this ain’t married right now married


you’re not gonna say I do and then

there’s a magical change on the other

side of it these just that’s who that’s

who is growing maturing all that serves

in other words we all improve yes but

the basic framework is right this right

there yeah just a minute okay

I’ve got something else for you your


told me of something that your father

used to tell you guys and I actually

wrote this down because I’m like this is

good and my husband actually said it to

somebody this week s like yeah we’re

gonna use that he said anytime y’all

would all get off stage or anything and

you’ve been saying anything he you know

people are saying how wonderful you are

you know what I’m gonna say I think I do

he would come up behind you and say get

that praise off of you that praise don’t

belong to you

exactly those belong just constantly

reminding you that praise is not yours

not yours it’s not reasonable but

another Saint used to tell us is that um

if you got prideful you know you’re

gonna go down like the Titanic oh if you

get pride you’re going to the right

content the pride comes a fall that’s

good and so ya get the praise off you

yeah it’s not about you yeah he kept us

balanced she kept it down mm-hmm what

what is your last question well maybe a

couple more no that’s okay

what is your I don’t know any other way

to put it someone from the audience

asked me about this one what is your

life song like not necessarily a

particular songs on a record of yours

but what is the theme of your heart the

or maybe it is the name of a song that

really encapsulates all that matters

most to you

oh he’s faithful he’s faithful he is

faithful God is faithful from beginning

I mean he’s just been faithful every

stage of my life he’s been faithful yeah

throughout all my failures he’s been

faithful and that is a song you recorded

isn’t it I didn’t record somebody else

recorded do you know what he’s been

faithful yes do you know what in faith

see just sing something like that no I

really don’t I think a little bit I

don’t even try it okay pick any song and

sing a little bit of it is okay sing a

little bit of it come on now

Oh God just a little piece and come

smart watch the people you mentor watch


let me see you got to sing with me I

wanna mess up great is thy faithfulness

great is thy faithfulness morning by

morning new mercies I see all I have

needed thy hand hath provided great is

thy faithfulness Lord on to that’s what

we were waiting on we love that thank

you so much you’re welcome I love it you

came and sat down on our sofa I just let

us pick a transit chat with Priscilla is

so grateful to you again I want to

direct you to her website because you’re

going to want to find out all the miss

CeCe’s doing of course you can catch her

singing in different places various

places all over the world and you’ll

you’ll want to make sure you continue to

support her minute her ministry there

are very few people that have had this

much longevity I mean when you think

about it some sometimes some people are

kind of like one-hit wonders and they’ve

got this song that maybe lasts a little

while but there are very few people that

you can see over decades have continued

to be just who they are in the body of

Christ and who they are in their craft

she’s just a just skilled in her craft

and so we’re so grateful that she’s come

and been with us today thank you for

joining us – it’s been so much fun would

you please help me to thank this