“The Sister Circle Show” is an opportunity for women who love God to have real conversations about real stuff so we can be equipped, empowered, encouraged to live our lives well. We are simply better together.



you all hi I’m here with the Priscilla


I’m her younger sister yeah no no no

we’re do sisters you just said were


why should I don’t like that anyway

we’re here with all of my accouterments

even though we could have just done this

over the phone or pajamas but I loaded

up all the stuff and brought it over to

see you in person like we don’t see each

other in person I know all the time but

one of her children are currently eating

dinner with much yes because this is how

I work

but interviewing you put on my podcast

two times already and you have a very

good podcast thank you you have a really

great podcast the topics and the guests

you have listed in the fact that I’ve

done it for almost five years that’s

what has it been five years I started it

well yeah four and a half oh yeah what

I’m not amazing or listen I’m just

trying to be out here just I don’t even

know but you’ve only been on the video

show with other people right i helping

you host others yeah I haven’t had just

had you on to talk to you and you’re

such a good interviewee

an ancient moment interviewee like when

I asked like people no no no I’m the

interview word oh that’s right you’re

that too but now you’re the interviewee

that’s true okay

and you all probably don’t know this but

back in the day Priscilla actually went

to school for communications because she

wanted to be like a news person yeah

that was my goal for my life was

broadcast journalism yes so this is fun

for me to interview her even though

she’s trained to be the interviewer I

don’t know what I’m saying right now

yeah but anyway um first time to be just

by yourself

laughter circle shows

we’re doing this because she has more

stuff coming out that is going to bless

you in more movies because you keep

telling people that you’re your only you

know you only did it and God only open

the door that one movie and you just

like your answer you have an answer

which is you know God just it was a

another venue another avenue for doing

minute eternity

yeah and it was just an opportunity that

you weren’t looking for right and so you

kind of talked about it like a lot but

then you were in a second movie I was

like what they call me I was like you

want me to do that again yes and then

now we’re in number three so this movie

that’s coming out August the 23rd

overcomer over camera okay so are you

the lead role in this movie know you’re

supporting them on some morning wrong

okay yeah that’s fun and so your role

what’s your name of the movie

Olivia Brooks she is the principal of

the school where the main character at

Cannon school she’s a 15 year old girl

okay so I’m curious you’ve been a lead

in a movie and now you’ve been

supporting yes in a couple of movies

which do you prefer oh that is actually

a good question listen I come with it I

gotta come with a good question yeah

that’s a good question I will say that

that it’s hard to answer that question

because I prefer there are some things I

like about being a lead there’s some

things I like about being a supporting

here okay give us bozo being a lead

means you get to be on set the entire

time they do have so many lines and so

many scenes you got to be there all

summer for example with war room

we literally my whole family packed up

in mood you came for a little while on


I even got to sneak in that’s right I

got to walk through we will watch the

scene where me and Miss Clara are about

to walk into the the parking garage

where we’re accosted by the guy that’s

gonna rob us right as we’re walking in

there is a woman in white clothes that

walks behind us in the scene listen five

minutes y’all all evaded five minutes of

a spot seconds oh it was like five

seconds I really only gave you five

seconds okay so you were I like even

though you were part of it it’s being

offset all summer yeah I mean it’s like

you really become a family because

you’re you are filming 13 hours a day

you know with the Kendrick brothers

films and with the Irwin brothers

they’re the guys that did I can only

imagine they have devotions every

morning yes you know we stop and pray

over certain scenes that we want you

know really God to be glorified in

theaters through it’s just like being at

summer camp but you’re working real hard

all day all day long for an entire

summer but having my son’s around that

and then an environment with all these

creative people behind cameras and hay

and lights and do an art direction all

that I just love being totally immersed

in the entire experience so that’s what

you get when you’re elite but the flip

side of that is I learn all the months

listen you got a cry on cue so there are

some days when other actors they have

off being us they don’t need to be in

that to go see but when you’re the lead

you are always filling every single day

all day long so there is there is a lot

of load to it and you don’t have that

when you’re supporting your like for I

can only imagine I just went in for two

or three days they filmed every single

scene that I was gonna be in in the

movie the two days that I was there then

I was done yeah and then with this film

two or three weeks or so we were in and

then when we’re out and so we didn’t get

to just be the full summer like

everybody else which I miss that I

really did so I mean I think that’s

interesting to just to talk movie talk

for just a second you said you know that

in some of these movies especially where

you’re not the lead you get you coming

you do your little

part which means that you don’t really

see the whole movie even when you’re the

league you don’t see the whole movie but

now especially when you’re doing a

supporting role yeah you’ve just been a

part of the scenes they’re out and then

you get my walk of life and can I tell

you a spiritual lesson that oh yeah

because she’s the prophetess but anyway

they teased me and say that all the time

listen let me tell you the spiritual

principle I got out of that because

you’re in this scene yeah and you’re

doing it with the other actor and the

director might say to you okay when you

finish that line I need you to look off

to the left and here do I know what

ain’t none nobody or they’ll say I need

you to kind of do a laugh cry where

you’re kind of laughing but it turns

into emotional crush and you’re kind of

like but why so you don’t get it and

you’ve got to choose whether or not I

can’t tell you how many times I just had

to trust what the director was saying

cuz it did I was like what am I looking

to the left it just but the director of

the writer is the only one that knows

all the ways the scenes are gonna be

edited together together so it wasn’t

until you see the final edited movie not

just if you know all the scenes but you

see the edited film all together

you sit there as someone that was in the

project you sit there and go this one I

needed to look to the left if I hadn’t

have looked to the left

it wouldn’t have transitioned well to

the scene that the director knew was

coming next so of course that’s true of

life like God sees the full spectrum of

the edited version of all the parts of

your story the season of singleness and

the season of marriage and the single

season of childlessness we were asking

God to give you a baby and it didn’t

work out on the right timing and all

that stuff it’s when you see the edited

version there you go which means you

have to compressed while you’re in the

middle of it I can trust a director

right now do it do it do it do you still

put put out your monthly jewelry box

articles yes and and I’ve gotten a

little unlucky

I’ve been a little unlovely but can you

believe that’s almost been priced 17 or

18 years that I have done these jewelry

box art and everything matters if people

are interested in getting that email

from you they can’t go to going beyond

calm yeah right on the homepage there’s

a place where they can sign up I don’t

know if it’s right on the homepage but

underneath connect uh-huh and you’ll see

the jewelry box or a box if you read the

jewelry box article there’s a place

there if you want to just get them in

your mail box so you guys have been

reading her books you’ve been doing the

Bible studies you’ve now been watching

her new lives about all kinds of things

including hair but also yeah I

discovered insta live I’m not a very

technologically advanced person so when

I discover something I’m like called

instantly I don’t know what does it call

mr. Graham life I just think it’s to

story it’s just a Alliance to story

oh is it I’ve been saying insta like

okay a live in so live insta story okay

that’s what I’ll say from now thank you

for helping yeah that’s what I do

I’m the geeky person in our finish she

knows all things technology and I’m so

over living so okay so all the things

but you’ve also been watching Priscilla

in two movies I could say movies because

there are two that are out so now I was

about to be three rice now she has been

in movies an overcomer comes up August

the 23rd it does why should we go see it

I mean apart from good film like why

this movie

yeah I’m several reasons number one you

need a night where you go get some hot

buttery salty popcorn and a soda with a

few thoughts her popcorn I mean yes it

is saturation it’s a situation and I

will this is what I did the other night

because me and shondrea snuck off to the


women yep my friend should enjoy our

friendships the problem with this

statement I know we snuck but this is

the thing no I did call you you know why

you know why shondrea was over here and

laying on the sofa while I was doing

interviews all day and then an interview

got cancelled and we looked at our watch

and in ten minutes

Toy Story 4 was going to start and Jude

was here so we just jumped in the car

with Jude and in ten minutes we went to

the theater and saw a movie

we couldn’t apology she’s

explaining it because we couldn’t have

called you the movie started in 10

minutes you want to sign up find out why

we’re on camera you left me I didn’t

leave you out that’s not that that’s not

the person anyway hot buttered popcorn

you need a night right you need an

excuse there are not enough films that

you can just go and relax enough eat

like there’s no nobody’s gonna blow

anybody up or anything like that that

has its place it’s not superhero kind of

thing it’s just a good sort of

family-friendly movie you can bring your

family if you want to or uses a

girlfriend or your sister and you can go

in you there’s a reason now for you to

go to the theater on the weekend of

August way there so that’s one of the

reasons why cuz you need a good movie

everything yeah yeah good good listen I

will wait till they pop new popcorn it’s

a thing for me it’s my favorite snack

yeah she she used to also get popcorn

from Target on her way to the theater

because that particular theater didn’t

have good hot buttery popcorn

so she y’all had time so hot do you know

that they’re getting rid of all the

conditions I know and I’m very upset

about it

but there’s still one the one that’s

down the street for me the Super Target

they they’re gonna have it I think they

said they’re gonna keep it cuz it’s

popcorn I raised my kids on hot corner

Slurpees going to target go into target

you would walk around target with

popcorn in your hand but there are

reasons besides popcorn it goes yeah a

movie so over come on first of all 20

years ago even ten years ago saying I’m

gonna go see a faith-based film made you

cringe a little bit yeah cuz it was kind

of corny they were for real corny

there were corny we certainly wouldn’t

take an unsafe friend yeah it was like

David against Christianity at all things

fun and enjoyable granted the technical

excellence almost couldn’t be there

because there weren’t the dollars they

have two subjects money yeah so we live

in it we happen to live in this

resurgence of what it means to be a

faith-based film it’s a beautiful time

because we’ve got these films that

unapologetic gospel films I mean they’re

not watering down the name of Jesus and

overcomer you’ll see my character lead

somebody to the Lord I’m talking to the

whole the whole gospel the whole gospel

that Jesus is literally wearing step

right there

that happens in this film and you’ve got

a production company like Sony that has

thrown I think they I think this one was

three million or four million dollars to

make so you’ve got all these dollars

which means you’re gonna see a movie

that’s technically excellent that looks

good that you don’t mind taking your

friends to and then as a believer you’re

gonna be grateful for the fact that it’s

not a sugar-coated gospel and then the

story is just good you’re gonna cry

you’re gonna laugh just like in war room

like people just enjoyed war where they

can enjoy – miss Clara you don’t

understand yet so you’ll enjoy this film

and then you really will come away with

come away like with Warren you’ll come

away asking yourself questions about

your life and the way you’re navigating

the theme of this movie which is

identity is your identity your value

wrapped up in something that can be

taken away from you so you see these

characters their stories converge in a

beautiful kind of surprising way that

really does not only draw you into the

story of the movie but it’s got you

thinking you know what is my

significance wrapped up and tied up to

something temporal because that stuff

man success is up one day and gone

tomorrow if you want the approval of

people on Instagram and you’re depending

on whether or not you get this many

likes man you will live in a constant

state of like a hamster on a wheel never

arriving to this place of settled nests

so this question will make you ask where

does your identity lie who have you

allowed or what have you allowed to

define you and routing it back firmly in

something that doesn’t change and that’s

Ephesians one and two you are who guts

as you are and going back there discover

him what he says about you and then

beginning to live in light of that not

based in the fear and insecurity and all

those things that you know crippled us

so I mean you were kind of talking about

the question I wanted to ask you which

is you said it will it will cause you to

ask where is my identity rooted yeah so

what has been your answer to that

question maybe in seasons where it

hasn’t been as firmly rooted or has it

been have you had seasons where it

wasn’t behind if you know me

I made enough

maybe they’re just trying to answer the

question maybe one of those is like that

for you yes well I look back

particularly I can talk about things

right now actually in my life this

week’s still growing in struggling yeah

always yeah

again this but I can look back to my

early 20s in particular and there were

relationships I allowed and when I look

back on why I allowed them it was

because my significance was tied to my

approval in this group of people right

here more this guy right here so I made

choices man I I the whole reason I was

in the relationship was because I was

wound up and feeling significant because

you liked me mm-hmm

now looking back on it I realize that if

I would have known

I’m already accepted I’m accepted period

I’m valuable I’m chosen I’ve been

adopted into the family of God but it

literally makes you stop choosing things

that say something different yeah yes

say something different and you stop

choosing things to validate you because

I don’t actually need your validation it

means I can actually choose things that

I want that I really actually want and

that really are healthy for me because

I’m choosing them from a place of of

significance and not a place of it but

you say you say well I didn’t know or

will you know but we’ve been raised you

know right so how do you explain the

disconnect that happened for you that

happens for many of us that either were

raised in Christian homes raised in

church or maybe we weren’t but we’ve

done enough Bible studies to understand

it did it but it’s not that’s not

flowing it’s not altering down to

decisions all I can say is we live in

the world what what does it mean I mean

we live in a place that is constantly

tugging us in the opposite direction

that that’s all I can say it’s like now

it’s even worse with social with social

media but our teenagers now we’re

telling them all the time you and I we

all the time where I throw actively

we’re speak God’s affirmations over them

we tell them who they are they’re men of

integrity Darren OSA but then they live

in the world they’re it’s possibly

telling them they’re not enough so when

I click goes like this and away from

them and makes fun of them for being

Integris in some area or choosing not to

look at that or whatever

any takers women click goes away and

they feel that the aim or not being in

that click well then that tugs on

something in them and they may falter

for a little while trying to gain the

approval of that particular click or

that girl that God forbid you know our

boys lay their heart on the line for

some girl and she’s interested in our

boy see two moms in boys with these

little girls anyway that’s that they’re

a little forward they are a lot forward

so when one of them know it you might

break my son’s heart yeah that makes a

son who was secure

yeah all of a sudden feel a sense of

wait a minute wait a minute so I think

it’s just we live in the world yeah we

live in the world until we get caught up

sometimes I have you know we get caught

up I mean even recently you’re gonna

laugh we even bringing us out but even

recently well last year this time

something I said from three years ago

was completely McKinley’s you as a

community to the street yeah I’m gonna

say what it is but three years ago I was

giving a message on the armour of God

one little smidgen of it was about how

its believers we have to have art we

have to be anchored in the truth of God

because that’s the first piece of armor

at the truth and so as believers we

can’t like mold the truth to suit our

demographic and what makes us

comfortable right so as a point of

illustration I said I do not define

myself as a black woman i define myself

as a Christian woman who is black

meaning that Christianity needs to be

the major adjective debt that defines my

life Christianity has seen in his word

not morphed to suit a demographic I did

not intend to say I’m not a black woman


tend to say that what I intended by cell

in the moment in fact we can’t define

our self as black Christians or white

Christians or Hispanic which is or

Republican or democratic Christians like

I said anything when I misspoke and said

black woman this is three years ago so

somewhat it she said it yes right so the

people that were at that local church

that they didn’t misunderstand me

because they they number one they know

me at that children teach me we’ve had

these conversations but number two they

heard the whole the greater time – so

somebody took that 90 seconds out of the

cut out of context kind of posted it and

said priscilla shirer says she’s not

black woman so what is it oh they came

from me and then and it mess with you oh

but that’s my point that I get it messed

with so they the black community I mean

I was posted across major urban news

media big picture war room after says

she’s not a black woman and in this age

when we’re affirming each other in our

culture man people came for me

mercilessly and she was looking just

like that I didn’t even know what they

were talking about I had to go back and

look at this this little 90 seconds out

of an hour-long message where admittedly

I could have been more articulate but

the point is I I believe that the Lord

allowed that to happen there could be

many layers of reasons that I don’t even

know but the one reason I know for me is

because it allowed me to see how deeply

I was hurt at the rejection of this

group of people that I belong to yeah I

didn’t even realize that my significance

was too tightly wound up and whether or

not I was approved of that command

accepted by and accepted by yeah I

didn’t I didn’t know it I don’t even

know it

I think sometimes yeah it tells us

nothing stripped away then a job is gone

back is gone the the relationship is

gone that you realize your reaction

shows you mm-hmm where you’re where

you’re really where there’s a hole

that’s a hole yeah and so there’s

nothing wrong with me being accepted by

any community great I’m so grateful but

when it’s taken away am i okay listen

because she was walking around for weeks

how about y’all and it’s okay you know

the thing is I had several older I would

love to say women but a man as well in

the faith leaders who called me yes I

was so grateful they called me and they

said we want you to know we know we know

who you are I mean it could make me cry

thinking about it but the phone would

ring and someone would call and just say

I want you to know we know you mm-hmm we

see you one woman went Suzy Owens come

back for Suzy Owens went on and on she

said we see you in your melanin skin

yeah we see you with your natural hair

we see you as you have a fully for 20

years spoken identity and significance

to women of all demographics and

backgrounds telling them to appreciate

the skin guff with them in we see you we

know who you are don’t let the naysayers

of a 90 second clip disrupt the past 20

years of what got into you absolutely

and stuff like that when you have people

that come alongside of you and go girl

don’t don’t even wear them right right

because it’s when you’re in the midst of

controversy like that because I’m not in

the media like that that’s not something

that’s normal we don’t have a publicist

hot no all the posters I’m not in that

you don’t have a everyday silent no no

no ever

let’s just break the break look that so

when you’re in that kind of thing like

that it feels like it’s the whole world

yeah but it’s not it’s not but it means

that what it feels that way just like it

would feel that way if a young woman

broke our son’s heart that’s right it

feels all world yeah but it’s the same


well you black we know your life and you

have wonderful thank you natural thick

juicy hair and everybody’s always

wanting to talk about I know but I

always have to tell her when you talk

about your hair just make sure you tell

people and she does that whatever you

had when you were a little girl that’s

what you’re gone that’s what she because

we listen we look at other people’s hair

on Instagram and go au natural it’s

gonna look like that or when I use that

product or when I go to that hairdresser

or when I take this vitamin and you need

to look at you at your pitches whatever

your pigtails look like what you were

six they say only being a redo of that

it’s gonna be redo this it’s gonna be

redoing there are different ways to

style it yes but the texture you had

then you know it might have shipped out

a little bit with age and stuff but

generally speaking it’s the texture

you’re gonna have now yeah yeah that’s

so good

and I love your honesty about that and I

think what you said which is we all have

holes and we are not aware of them until

something is shipped away we don’t

realize that we’re naked in that area

until it’s uncovered that’s right we

just don’t even know and I think that’s

partly why the Lord allowed that for me

here on how it was right after I had

finished filming a movie on identity and

I was just crafted that’s right he

needed he done it again thinking and

writing about that and the Lord allowed

this blow up to show me in my own life

yeah where my significance was not

following religion

well one thing – you said that you know

people called you and said we know who

you are

and when you talk about the bottle of

visions one and two God always knows who

we are so I can hear somebody saying oh

I wish I had people to do to my life

like that I wish somebody would call me

and tell me that they knew who I am or

to encourage me when I’m struggling yeah

but that’s why it’s so important to read

God’s Word for yourself and to wash

mind and renew your mind Romans 12 says

in the word because ultimately God knows

who you are he knows who you are now and

he knows who he intended for you to be

so even beyond loving people who speak

into your life read God’s Word and keep

washing yourself with the word until you

believe what he says about you and I can

tell you honestly a great place to start

because Olivia Brooks in the movie tells

Hannah little 15 year old Hannah she

says I want you to do me a favor I want

you to open up your Bible to Ephesians 1

and to just read it and write down

everything it says you are now is this

because you list it it’s listed it’s

just an ego things like you’re adopted

you are chosen you are holy you are

blameless maybe just all around and then

you post it somewhere like where you’re

gonna see it maybe you make photocopies

and post it a lot of somewheres and then

you keep seeing it over and over and you

start making choices that line up with

this like you might not feel chosen but

you start making decisions like someone

who is if Bibles are your feelings line

up yeah so that means before I delete

this is this a person that’s secure and

significant or am I trying to insert

myself into a conversation that’s not

even my conversation just so I could be

a part of something yeah I can’t tell

you how many times they might cost and

talk to me yeah times you text me girl

girl because because if we do need a

check we need shiny to check and we need

a reminder

first thing God’s word for family for

friends who love us to say is this is

this Who I am is this Who I am

or Emma as this insecurity poking at

10:01 fear beyond its head up yeah or

ego poking its head up you know one of

my love languages that I’m a gift giver

crystal will tell you this I was loved

best gifts I love giving gifts even more

than getting them I just like to come up

with a good monogrammed I thought of you

personal and been great about it yeah so

I give gifts you’re a good gift giver to

those by the way you’ve all wrong you

could talk like on tap like I have to it

has to come I can’t but I had to start

there were there were several times with

a Holy Spirit paying my heart

when I tried to figure out what was the

ping about why was I giving the gift why

were you giving the gift to impress it

wasn’t just a pure I want to bless that

person there was something wrapped up in

it that was impure it was my desire in

some way to impress you or to receive

your approval mm-hmm so then what I had

to do then when I recognized that was

resist the urge to give the gift you

don’t know so don’t that I don’t want to

meet you know I mean how do you know the

difference then between the urge to give

the gift out of a need for approval

because I am it to you without I don’t

need anything from you I don’t want

anything back I’m not giving it in hopes

of so you just pause to see what your

yeah one of a champagne yes when I felt

that ping with those particular gifts

with the other particular people why

Lord why is there even a pin here mmm

Holy Spirit yeah just pausing long

enough to go what what was that about

and then just sitting with the Lord long

enough for him to just say just to feel

that I’m doing this because I hope they

like me you know yeah and that’s not I’m

like I’m already locked I’m gonna

already love oh I’m not gonna feed this

part of my flesh by giving the gift here

that doesn’t mean I don’t give the gift

other places it means not here because

here I’m only doing it because I hope

you like me so you wrote a whole book

about identity one of the things that

cuz we did a quick live before we jumped

on and did I record eight is a lot of

women were like so is this book really

for young women because you everybody’s

like your solo shower has a book out so

whose listen our Bible study is waiting

for the net so who is this book for and

who was the by what is the book who is

it for and is there a Bible study that

goes with it

okay so this one right here this is the

first copy I just got my hand my feeling

yeah it’s the cat

maybe when you you just have a baby and

you kind of look at it and you think oh

how pretty and then you have like

postpartum like is this it you

automatically see mistakes and things

like that but anyway I’m very excited

about this book so the main character in

the film is a young woman so our goal

was to write something hopefully that

young women would be attracted to it’s

define young women if you’re gonna say

who this is for

can I be honest with you and say this is

a struggle with me and the publisher

because they wanted to write teen girls

on here which they have for teen girls

but when my 17 year old friends your

teen girl that’s not them

yeah that’s their 12 year old says I

wrote right so I had to talk to him

about that they are already seeing

themselves as young women by the time

they get to 17 and 18 yeah yeah so in

the Bible study that we also did we had

people at the table that were eighth

grade in the conversation with us for

the video recording but also some 22

year olds that graduated from college

and that lent their wisdom but also the

struggles they’re currently having with

identity so that being said I will I

wanted us to write for the subtitle for

young women and the young at heart

because what I wrote here applies to me

right I’m 45 but I was like I needed to

hear this from the scriptures so I will

tell you what separates okay so to

answer your question yes somebody who’s

15 who is 17 I think they can handle I

think they can handle it I wrote it to a

short chapter so that someone who’s

younger won’t feel overwhelmed I thought

about those sorts of things I also wrote

it peppered with personal stories from

my teen years in early 20s so that it’s

not just like hit you in the face with a

bunch of Scripture without sort of just

drawing you in with story so it’s real

friendly and it’s personal and I did

that intentional so that a young reader

will feel connected to it but at the

same time I think women that are well

into the 30s and 40s are just going to

enjoy the read mhm that they’re

going to be a and this is doable I see

this right here yeah this is doing well

short chapters and I feel like I can

actually yeah the thoughts not real

small there’s space on the page so in

that way it’s for a teenager but the

content is even for all of us I just

flipped open to page 45 it says why not

just be your god honoring self now why

wait for what seriously what are you

waiting what are you waiting listen I

wrote um I’m real excited about this one

chapter in the book let me show you

crystal in the table of contents no it’s

dedicated to winter look at chapter 3

it’s called a hair straight air story

and then a parenthesis what’s your story

and the point of chapter 3 is I’m

talking about our physical uniqueness

and how sometimes we just don’t like the

way God created us so I was in high

school and you know I as all of us did

in the 1990s if you were a black girl

your hair was relaxed your hair was

straight and chemically and I wanted

that because I wanted my hair to be long

and straight like that just like that

yes I wanted it to be like that because

I was a cheerleader and most of the

cheerleaders actually I was the only

black cheerleader for a while and what

am i her to do like that hair and I

wanted my hips to be in a more narrow

like theirs and my nose to be more

narrow like theirs I didn’t like my

appearance because it was different than

then you know sameness is celebrated if

you’re not the same then you’re a little

oddball out and I didn’t want that in

but I spent you know a decade damaging

my hair with the chemicals mm-hmm it

might not damage everybody here but it

did mine you’re right so I got to 24

cut it off and it’s one of the best

decisions that I ever made to just

accept the way my own hair grew out of

my own head and so that was my story but

like I said I titled this chapter with

parentheses what’s your story

yes everybody’s got some about their

body but if they prefer to be different

but here’s the thing these movies came

along and these directors and writers

and producers needed someone then look

like me but if I had been created to

look differently I wouldn’t have been

able to be used at least in

way in this unique way to do what God is

asking me to do so I’ve been so grateful

because I realize now that every part of

our uniqueness that’s the color of the

skin wearing the texture of the hair we

have the weight the width of our hips

the narrowness of all that stuff God had

in mind something that he could only

reflect up himself through the

uniqueness of the way he created even

you are you are a complete opportunity a

complete package to reflect the creative

genius of God in a spectacular way if

you just relax it gonna be you you just

go on and relax and have your hair and

have your height and celebrate your skin

color and all of that stuff and God will

reflect his greatness through you in a

way you cannot even imagine see right

there on YouTube right there you just

take your take you little mouse and just

zip back about 25 30 seconds and listen

to that again oh you were like in slow

mode Oh like the words were coming out

he wanted to speak remote is really good

yeah so I mean I want to come back to

this but kind of what you’re talking


you just said you know God has created

you to be you and people ask us all the

time so do y’all compare yourselves to

each other and I think that for a long

time well I think we did in certain ways

but I think it was a lot less because

while we were both mothering and while

we were there was a lot of differences

in what we were doing yeah I think it’s

probably increased more in the last 10

years just because life we’re doing a

lot of more things similarly that’s not

my story that’s what what is your story

my story is I’ve spent most of my life

particularly up through I would say 2530

wanting to compare myself to my older

sister she’s my older sister so she

knows me she was loved me but crystal

was you know named crystal meaning she’s

the light and everyone I’ve ever

lit up because crystal was there but

she’s smart she’s without trying she’s

smart like she made aids and didn’t

really study but she liked to study who

likes to study she was a reader she was

the one that always sort of was the good

one did things the way they were sitting

around good that’s great it was crystal

crystal had this hair that cascaded and

curls she never still to this day I mean

maybe once a year she gets one little

pimple somewhere random I was the

opposite of all of that so I had acne

all over my face my hair struggled the

whole time that I was growing up I was a

little bit of a rebellious person so I

had that streak through me I had to

study really hard to try to make a B so

I have spent most of my upbringing yeah

going why can’t I just be like my sister

and then and then I spent mostly right

no because here’s the thing with persona

there are a lot of things that have come

easy to me but easy is not how you get

things done Priscilla to this day is a

doer if she decides to do something like

if you’re thinking about it you better

tell her that because it’ll be done in

five minutes she’s she gets things done

and when she started out in her life

everything that she’s set out to do she

did it and she did it with flying colors

like you remember being in high school

you were on that gymnastics team yeah

and I remember you struggling being the

only black girl and not being invited to

some things because of that but because

of you and our mother yeah mommy would

not let me who was like oh no no you

will not

we invited we are going ahead but I mean

you just kind of I’m supposed to be here

yeah you’ve shown up to your life that

way over and over again you’re like you

know what if I want to do it if God is

give me a passion to do it if God has

opened a door for me to do it you know

what I’ll do it and I sit back and think

about it and stuff the guy alkylated and

you don’t get prepared and now I’m

looking for suppose alright it’s been

five years she didn’t hire so I mean

there’s a lot of things and then she’s

very varied because she was a gymnast

and because she was a dancer and all

these different things I know you hired

her no no you know I wasn’t a dancer I

wasn’t truly cheerleader okay all that

look just just stretch your arm out like


just just I mean connect it yes it’s

still it’s still there she can still do

a back handspring meal nothing and I

don’t do it cause um my back so she’s

beautiful she’s a wonderful gift giver

and high hospitality you come to my

house she get paper plates you come to

her house you get China I mean so

there’s a lot of things as adults I’m

like man look how far and fast she’s

going like I was yes and then I was

feeling somebody else I was like in fact

I said it’s a day just yesterday I said

I feel like Priscilla has had 20 years

to build this ministry and build a

message and she doesn’t really stress or

strive and life circumstances have

allowed me to do I always wanted to

write but later and I feel like I have

to I have to war against feeling like I

have to play catch-up not just to you

right in general in life but my own

sister is very far ahead so I’d be lying

if I said but every now and I don’t flip

over to your Instagram and go okay at

least I’m keeping 10% of the followers

she has

no but I’m gonna say like that’s just

real so I have to like present-day real

time say to myself like this is what

matters about me like I say you know

what and we do that for each other yeah

she says to me all the time Krystal but

you’re so practical like you’re you’re

so practical seriously there is a there

is a style of teaching that it’s harder

for me to get to I try to get to it

scripture has to be applicational

otherwise we’ve wasted a whole hour if

we’re not gonna talk about what I’m

supposed to do

I’m as a listener that’s very easy for

you you’re able to talk about

theologically sound doctrine from

Scripture and then you’re able to say

Kara let me tell you how this works in

your real life you are so good at one

home one discipleship in practicality

and the nuances of digging into your

business and making sure that the truth

of God comes to bear in your regular

business that right there is to me I

don’t want to say more important than an

hour-long message I want to say either

is more important I’m just saying that’s

necessary and and it’s clean print and

it meets different needs at different

places and different seasons of whole

life so we as sisters have the

opportunity and the gift that you have

with your sisters your real sisters your

place sisters your friends your sisters

in Christ to tell them what you see in

them to call out what you see that is

blessed and chosen and wonderful and

delightful to God about the person

that’s sitting next to you even if it’s

a person you don’t know very well we

have to do that as women and call out

even though we gotta look at what God

says about us it’s good for us to call

out the good in our sisters because

sometimes we don’t see that mm-hmm

you know we don’t we don’t see it we

don’t see it so is this about study you

know radiant a Bible so ready and it’s

not a Bible study this is a chapter book

I’m one chapter after the other short

chapters I saw your digestive and then

we have a Bible study Oh

Bible study is called defined I don’t

even have a copy of the buys that for

young women in teams – and that’s for

anybody but I say young women are the

young at heart because here’s why define


Ephesians chapter 1 and 2 what does it

say you are and what does it say you

have as a believer so that you can start

living in light of that truth so anybody

that wants to really have a reframing of

the perspective or a reorientation and

introduction to your identity in Christ

I think that it’ll be a valuable tool no

matter your age really mm-hmm yeah and

we if you’ve never just read through

Ephesians 1 in chapter 2 let this be

your opportunity to do that but you know

with a buffer with story and with

encouragement to fill in some of the

blanks but literally if you read it it’s

there God says here’s what I think about

you and this is a great tool for doing

this if you’re young at heart if you’re

a young woman or if you even have teen

daughters so many people say with their

children teen girls or boys that they

just want a tool they just want a tool

something this is a tool and I used to

take cares when she was a teenager

anything that I wanted her to do with me

that she didn’t want to do we’d have a

date we’d go to Starbucks or that we’d

go to see you very left out you used to

go to Barnes & Noble we use to go to

Barnes & Noble’s we used to go to Red

Robin we’d go to Red Robin and get a

shake and then she was like putty in my


yeah take your teen out on a date and

say hey let’s read this together and

again it’s an easy it’s an easy read

yeah if there was one thought that you

would leave with women who have been

watching this or may have been watching

this already watch this about identity

in Christ

yeah and how it changes the game mm-hmm

I would say this you are not the way you

feel hmm you are not your past behavior

or your current behavior you are not

what other people have said about you

what your mama called you your daddy

called you you’re not even what you call

yourself yeah you you are not your

inclinations like you’re bent that way

you have a tendency toward that

lifestyle or that

we had addiction or that sin you are not

your struggle just because you have a

struggle doesn’t make you less than

those things might be a part of your

being and a part of your life and a part

of your story and you may have to work

through them and I’m not minimizing the

pain of some of the hurt that you may

have experienced but you are not what

you have done nor are you what has been

done to you

mmm you are who God says you are Point

Blank period so you have to separate all

of those nuances of your reality from

the truth you do not have to live like

this you don’t have to live from this

place you have to work through it but

you can make decisions choose

relationships choose your reactions your

responses chart your future based on the

truth of who God says you are and what

you have in Kim without letting all of

this ruined the entirety of your life


why the title radiant you know radiant

because there was this beautiful portion

of Scripture I have it right here at the

top of the book it is Psalm 34 5 those

who look to him are radiant their faces

are never covered with shame and there

is an illustration in this book of to

Daddy’s Church where they’ve got these

stained-glass windows that line the side

of his church it’s a real old-school

little teeny narrow church and I’m

sitting in in the church one day we’re

visiting this sunlight spilling through

this stained glass window and you know

it makes this design and as the Sun

moves the design shifts and changes

across our laps as we’re sitting there

on the wooden pew into Denny’s Church

and I thought that’s what we are we are

each these unique stained-glass windows

all the nuances of them were intended

the nuances of our physicality of our

personality even the cracks so even the

weaknesses they still reflect that light

a certain beautiful way that I wouldn’t

see the light that way unless it was

filtered through that particular stained

glass so it’s just saying that you are a

radiant reflection and expression of the

light of God to the world yeah let his

light shine through you whoever created

you the real you yeah whoever he’s

created you to be uniquely

you’ve been created let him shine

through you no reason to hide I love

this and I can’t wait to see overcomer I

can’t wait for you to see it to see the

movies again I didn’t get to walk

through this one but that’s okay I’ll

get my popcorn with you oh I will get

hot popcorn is salty hot salty popcorn

and opening weekend we need to go show

up at theaters remember we did that with

warrior yes we went to one thing over

there right we did a little while just

to see what people’s reactions were then

we left that theater drove to another

here too and we waited until it was over

me and Alina

Elena’s our she’s our niece ish family

and we stood there and waited for people

to come out of the theater and they

could have looked at him like is that is

that huh now we’ve got to greet a bunch

of fella so we’re gonna do that again

because that was bad that is really fun

to kind of just see what people’s

reactions are not the movie but I’ll say

this in closing Willie you gotta go

opening weekend in can okay important

production companies they decide how

long a movie is going to be in the

theater and they also decide whether or

not to open it up in more theaters they

decide that based off the opening

weekend notice that’s all that matters

so I do encourage you to see that

because these Jesus honoring

christ-centered films they need to

continue and the dollars will be there

the distribution will be there as long

as we show up so show up show up for

your life so after your life

look in the mail by the way I love it

about that too so show up for your life

at the movie theatres about on August

the 23rd to see overcomers and get your

friends and family to go with you

let’s show up and make sure that

Hollywood knows these are the kinds of

films that you want and let’s make sure

if you’re still a Shire knows that we

want her to keep hey y’all I hope you

enjoyed that video be sure and subscribe

so that you don’t miss anything
