Priscilla is our special guest for the next two weeks to talk about the “Resolution for Women”series and package following up on the movie Courageous.


are you happy with you you’ve heard true

confessions on this program from people

who spent years sometimes wishing or

pretending they were someone else if

that’s you perhaps today you will

resolve to be authentically me and say I

will accept and celebrate my uniqueness

and will esteem and encourage the

distinctions I admire in others well you

may not be ready to embrace that


but help is on the way Priscilla Shire

is leading this affirmation crusade I

love that that’s just part of the

resolution revolution Priscilla yes very

excited about this one too you are in a

firmer well I like to affirm people and

prayerfully we can all a sisters in

Christ begin to affirm others you know

some of the greatest blessing that we

can give to another sister in Christ is

to wholeheartedly compliment her or

affirm her when there’s something we see

in her that we admire instead of being

jealous about it and wanting it and

talking about her behind her back

because we wish we had what she had we

can be so settled and confident in who

we are in the Lord not conceited not

arrogant just settled and who God made

us to be strengths and accepting the

weaknesses and go ahead and complement

somebody else for who it is God made

them to be you make the point that it

diffuses competition it does he’s

compassion with women absolutely it

happens all the time doesn’t it and if

we just go ahead and release that woman

to be who she is and celebrate who she

is it releases all of us to go ahead and

have friendships that we can really

truly enjoy now can we do that

meaningfully if we’re not comfortable in

our own skin it’s hard and exhibit

ourselves yes it’s harder it’s a lot

harder to do that and let me tell you I

have gone through many years where I

have thought I would be so much better

off if I could just do this like that

person does this or look that like this

person looks or act like this person

acts and you know on the stage of life

if we’re all so busy trying to play

somebody else then who in the world is

going to play you there is a role for

you to play and if you never leave ITA

you are the only person that can play it

that’s why God gave you and me the

skills the talents the deficiencies the

weaknesses the strengths that he’s given

us he’s done that on purpose because

there’s a role that can only be filled

by what we have to offer so

we’re so busy trying to do somebody

else’s job that we miss out on our own

then we have left a great gap on the

stage of our lives so much is lost and

so much misery stirred up when you live

according to the expectations of others

yeah when you’re striving to please or

fit in or be like mm-hmm that’s uh

that’s more than a full-time job it’s

exhausting it is completely exhausting

because you’ll never leave live up to

even your own standard you will never

live up and have you noticed our society

is constantly changing what the standard

of success or beauty is it’s constantly

changing so we have to really go back to

the Word of God and say Lord what is it

that you’ve created me to be as a female

and then Lord would you give me guidance

and wisdom as to the uniqueness you’ve

planted in me the giftings that you have

given me and then helping to zero in on

those to hone those to dedicate them to

you and then to get busy using them

instead of spending all my time and

energy trying to gain what somebody else

has Priscilla this is the closest I

could come to a great illustration your

story not the tassel I wonder if it was

a bigger tassel or it was colorful

bigger sille a little bit bigger and

colorful but this is a great this is a

great example of one it’s one of those

little tassels that hangs you know maybe

on a doorknob or somewhere just for

decoration and I had gotten one of them

we were renovating some office space and

the lady that was over the huge

renovation she also loves decor just

like I do and she’d run into this little

bargain store she ran across a big

tassel it kind of hung down a couple

more inches in this one really full it

was blue and white and just it had

sparkles on I mean anything with some

bullying honey I love

so it was sparkles everywhere and it was

gorgeous and she bought it for this one

little space and she said this would be

gorgeous in here and she was right it

would be gorgeous in there but I felt so

uncomfortable about buying this five

dollar and 99 cent tassel as the first

piece of decor in the room because I

felt like now everything else I buy the

rug the sofa the wall art the major

stuff is all going to be have to be

based on this teeny-tiny tassel that’s

hanging on a doorknob somewhere and I

thought how unbalanced is that for me to

start with something so insignificant

before I plant down the things that are

seminal and foundational and that’s

exactly what we do with our self-image


let our entire self-image revolve around

something that is not nearly as

important as something else should be so

a comment than somebody else made about

us or decision we made in the past maybe

some guilt we’re carrying around from

from decisions we made of relationships

that we’re in we let that determine the

kind of woman we are and will become and

this is not seminal this is not

important what the Word of God says

about you who he created you to be

that’s the important stuff that we

should hang our hat on when it comes to

our identity in Christ gonna think about

that in your next decorating mission at

home aren’t you don’t major on the

minors that’s right

okay and they certainly can feel major I

love this now Jerry is here in the

studio are you wonderful six foot three

six foot three little man yes yeah

husband he’s apparently fascinated with

what we’re doing right now how much

women just love talking he yes he

doesn’t get while we talk so much and he

certainly didn’t get why we how we can

get away with some of the compliments we

get away with he would never walk up to

a man and say you know what your

shoulders look great in that in that

shirt that’s just something he wouldn’t

ever say that in fact he said to me if

you ever catch a man complimenting me

like that you need to make sure that

that man stays very far away from me

because it’s not the kind of friend I

might like to have and so he’s just said

man y’all have a freedom to compliment

each other in the way in a way that men

never never do and I thought about that

as he said it it was in the middle of me

writing this project that he actually

said that and I thought what a great

gift that is that women have the

opportunity to do something men can

never get away with we can encourage

another woman not only about something

superficial is nothing wrong with that

but not only about something superficial

about what she has on but about who she

is if I can create building one another

yes if I can really build her up there

is a purity attached to my compliment as

another woman that it there might not be

that same simplicity in a compliment

that comes from a guy to a woman you

don’t know if there are strings attached

if there’s possibly some underlying

mission that he’s got behind that

compliment but generally speaking from

one woman to another if I genuinely

compliment you about something it could

just carry the simplicity of a pure

compliment that will encourage you and

build you up in who you are as a female

you know I was in a tea room in Williams

Lake British Columbia

and I asked could I take a photo of the

plaque above your door this is what it

said give me the ability to see good

things in unexpected places and talents

in unexpected people and give me the

grace to tell them so yeah isn’t that

beautiful I think men could do that too

yes I think they could I think they

could and I think they should

I think they should but I wanted to

encourage in this book women to do it

because often times for one reason or

another instead of telling another

sister what we think about her we’re

telling somebody else in a way that

sometimes either can be complimentary

but sometimes it’s not sometimes it

holds a little bit of a negative tinge

because really we wish we had what that

woman had whether it’s a personality

trait or the jacket that she just bought

at the department store that we wish we

had found so sometimes instead of just

complimenting her and encouraging her we

do not give her we don’t have the grace

as you put it I love that from that

quote god give me the grace cuz it

really is God empowering you to look

beyond what you wish you had and go

ahead and celebrate what somebody else

has and you know what diffuses all of

the the potential trouble in that I mean

maybe there’s some false flattery and

dishonesty but when we genuinely share

our lives our needs with one another and

pray for one another women are really

great at that absolutely and the only

way that we’ll be able to be genuine in

this is if we really are celebrating our

authentic selves and you know what

sometimes it’s gonna take you a while to

get back to who you really are what

you’ve spent so much time avoiding your

real self that who really you wouldn’t

know your real self if you bumped into

her walking down the street because

you’ve spent so much time trying to do

and be somebody else and so really

taking some time to prayerfully ask God

to reveal to you who he created you to

be in what he created you for really

pinpointing what are my gifts and

talents and abilities and what are my

weaknesses and being okay with that once

you settle in to who God has made you to


strengths and weaknesses at all and all

it frees you up to go ahead and

compliment somebody else and I look at a

woman like you Priscilla and I say this

is a woman who’s living loved living

loved if you know you’re loved by the

King of glory and you can read Psalm 139

and just have a little refresher about

how special you are to him

then you can resolve let’s look at the

words again I will accept and celebrate

my uniqueness and will esteem and

encourage the distinctions I admire in

others oh that’s that’s a godly woman

living full and free I would like to be

that woman that is my aspiration to be a

woman who can live that way and she is

she’s just being humble here but uh you

know what you need to take the journey

with Priscilla and there are questions

at the end of each chapter that will

challenge you help you take a look at

your heart and life and and move on

what’s your ministry call it’s going

beyond ministry I love that going to yon

I had the feel of it I just didn’t have

words yeah going beyond yeah com

going beyond common we have lots of

women actually right now who are in

dialogue with each other we’ve got pen

pals literally all over the planet

Australia and London in Canada and in

states and we’re talking about these

resolutions it’s been so fun that to

hear what God is doing work it out

together we have to one another to make

it strong yeah but you want to have the

book here’s the information you need I

want to know what God expects with me

the resolution for men by Stephen and

Alex Kendrick strategically inspires men

to reconcile with their past re-engage

in their present and move forward with a

bold resolution for the future the

resolution for women by priscilla shirer

challenges all women to be intentional

about thriving in god’s calling on their

lives to bless and change things in

their world for the better the

resolution for men and women is a

movement intended to help strengthen

your family community and our nation to

become fully resolved it’s our thanks to

you for your support

we invite you today to

a crossroads foundation member with a

monthly pledge of $30 a builder member

at $60 a month or crossroads council

member at $100 per month we would like

to send you a copy of one or both of

these books please call one triple eight

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