The author and speaker gets beyond the ever-changing, temporal things of this world to discover who we are in Christ. Original air date August 1, 2019

the following program is sponsored by

friends of Life outreach international

next on life today authors speaker and

actress priscilla shirer explains why we

cannot find our identity in the temporal

and I believe we have a generation of

people that are believers but because

they don’t know really who they are and

the power that we have access to we’ve

been deceived by the enemy and so the

enemy is convincing us that just because

we have a leaning in a particular way

that that thing defines us





today I’m Sheila Walsh here with Randy

Robertson can elect Lone Ranger and

Tonto or you could be the Lone Ranger

and I’ll be Tonto let’s just move along

people say that to me a lot well welcome

to the show we’re so glad that you

stopped by and I think you’re really

gonna love this we have some some great

news something to give you a little

heads-up on so if you ain’t maybe you

want to go call a couple friends right

now and say hey tune in because we have

a spectacular guest yes we had a lot of

fun and if you missed if you didn’t see

yesterday’s show or whenever the show

aired there’s two shows with our guests

so you can always go online laughter

that organ see the other one because

would you welcome Priscilla

yesterday in our timeline we talked

about a movie called overcomer overcomer

august 23rd at your theater i am one of

the lucky media members who got to see

it and really enjoyed it do you like it

I actually did and as I told you

off-camera I used to be a film critic

for a newspaper and studied film in

school which really is a bad combination

cuz I think I’ve know more than I do

and they haven’t actually been in movies

your way films can you just sit and

watch without kind of critiquing every

little thing and you know yeah I kind of

ruined it and so Christian movies have

been a real let’s call it a battle in my

life we all know what you mean

understand thank you thank you for your


yeah this one was good I’m good not just

the message which is always the case you

know where you go well that had a nice

message or they meant well no this one’s

I’ve been there but but I’m telling you

it this is obviously a great message

yeah and not just because it’s biblical

but it’s relevant

yeah and it’s it’s laid out very well

but then from a production standpoint

which I appreciate it’s it’s good there

were no moments where I went yeah yeah

which is important to me and I think

it’s important when you’re putting that

that out there that you have a level of

excellence almost so that you don’t get

in the way out of the message that’s


so because you could be distracting with

a lack of excellence you really can be

completely and so we all know I

appreciate the Kendrick brothers so much

for that in these films that they have

given us you know fireproof and

courageous and facing the Giants and war

room and now overcomer exactly what

you’re describing that they they care

about excellence and you know something

else that I think is important is

diversity there has never been in

faith-based films there has never been

this level of intentionality in terms of

diversity and even though that isn’t

their main goal their main goal is the

gospel the fact that they have been

strategic about that I believe has

caused more of the breadth of the body

of Christ to see themselves in those

stories and I appreciate you you know as

a woman of color I appreciate that yeah

yeah yeah one of the things I love about

this particular movie is that there’s so

many different characters who all have

to face some kind of identity crisis

yeah it’s not just a young girl who

doesn’t know Jesus but you have a coach

who who is a believer but his identity

is very much tied up in his job does and

his job and when that’s taken away it

really shakes his faith yeah yes and

everything of this world at some point

or another is going to be taken away

yeah everything here is temporal he has

placed eternity in our hearts that means

that there is nothing that is here on

earth that will satisfy us and only the

way eternal things can so if you’re just

storing up all your treasures and stuff

that will be stripped away at one point

or another beauty fades


bank accounts are diminished houses are

gone you know one year you have it the

next year you don’t financial situations

differ one year to the next job

circumstances change if we have placed

our significance in those things then

we’ll be decimated when those things are

removed from us but if your treasure if

your significance is found in something

that is unchanging the same yesterday

today and forever more if you’re rooted

there then you have an anchor so that it

doesn’t matter whether I’m wearing these

clothes of those clothes I don’t matter

whether I’m driving this or driving that

whether I live on this side of town or

live on this side of town I know who I


because I know who my father is

in the film not the best actor in the

film because we know that is whatever no

Cameron Kevin Arnett what really was was

really excellent and he’s a real live

actor he’s a real actor he does yeah he

was a good boy his character asks a very

poignant question and one of the other

resonates with Sheila and I think it

resonates really with all of us rule

here who are you yeah no really how

important is it that we get beyond the

I’m a television host I’m an author

I’m a speaker I’m an actor I’m a mother

a father mm-hmm how important is it that

we get down to that who are you in

Christ well again because that’s the

thing that’s not changing

right that’s the thing that’s gonna

remain and so we go to Ephesians chapter

one and Ephesians chapter two which

really are the the premise and the basis

for this film we go there and we find

out that we are chosen and we are loved

and that we are adopted and that we’re

redeemed and that we’re forgiven and we

start living from a place that is rooted

in those realities instead of a place

that is rooted in the lies that the

enemy has sought to tell us or our past

experiences or our past behaviors

because see he wants you to think the

enemy wants you to think wants me to

think that just because I have

experienced something I am that thing or

he wants me to think that just because I

have a tendency in that direction

because that’s my struggle he wants me

to think my struggle is my identity but

just because I struggle with that

doesn’t mean I am that no it just means

that I struggle in that way and that I

have the holy spirit of guy I’m a temple

of the Holy Spirit of God that means

that the power of God himself gives me

the opportunity to resist the schemes of

the enemy and to resist the tendency of

my own flesh so just because I struggle

with that thing doesn’t mean I am that

thing and I believe we have a generation

of people that are believers but because

they don’t know really who they are and

the power that we have access to we’ve

been deceived by the enemy and so the

enemy is convincing us that just because

we have a leaning in a particular way

that that thing define

us and so then we start behaving and the

in the way that is that in the direction

of who we think we are maybe because our

parent told us we must be that thing

because we have a leaning in that

direction or we struggled in that way or

we’ve behaved in a certain way you know

during our crazy college years or

whatever we did the thing for a little

while and we behaved in a way that was

in congruent with who we are as

believers in Christ well just because I

have that in my past doesn’t mean that

that will define my future I am Who my

God says that I am I need to know that

because of my father’s suicide when I

was a child I needed to understand my my

history does not determine my destiny

Christ we are not the things that happen

to us but the reason that that part of

the film hit me so much was in my

mid-30s as a believer having co-hosted

the 700 club first you know five years

and I ended up in a psych hospital and

the first question my Christian doctor

asked me was who are you and I said

Sheila Walsh and he said no who are you

and I said I’m the co-host for the 700

club and he said no Sheila who are you

and by the time of God’s stripping

everything away by the time I left and

he said who are you I said I’m Sheila

Walsh daughter of the King of Kings yeah

that’s my and it doesn’t devalue or

diminish those other parts of you that

you can be fully a mom a wife a co-host

that we can enjoy all the aspects of our

individuality and our uniqueness that

God has given us access to but in the

end where we are rooted where we find

our significance that’s revealing who I

think it’s foundational to the point

where you really can’t build your life

on the other things that God gives you

as a parent as a husband or wife until

you know who you are

yeah it’s like well you don’t have that

foundation Dan you don’t want to start

putting up walls until that’s strong

that’s right one of the things I know

and love about you and Jerry is that

family hugely important so when you go

and do a summer doing a movie or with

this movie where you were in for like

three or four weeks the boys come with

you yeah and a families of wondering how

has that impacted their lives being part

of that whole environment oh thank you

for asking about

those boys listen I don’t know what

people think I do they think that I’m

you know doing movies at all that stuff

nope I’m cooking for three boys and

doing their laundry that’s my first are

they with your acting they are so not

impressed that I like guys let’s go to

the movies where you know cuz most of

time to end up being extras or something

let’s go to the movies because we’re

gonna see you know maybe you’ll see

yourself and I’ll be in the room they’re

like do we have to I love to you know

one of the reasons why I actually in the

beginning when I was toying with this

idea and trying to decide whether or not

to go to do this one of the reasons why

I ended up saying yes is because we

would get to take our whole family and I

the thought of my son’s being around in

in one case the Kendrick brothers and

then in another case there are when

brothers being around these men who are

excellent at their craft and are

unashamed of the gospel yeah and and

having my boys work in that environment

because we put them to work whatever

they whatever you know anybody needs

coffee they’re gonna go get the coffee

they’re gonna help they were cleaning

off the set and you know doing whatever

needed to be done and I thought the fact

that these boys get to see what it’s

like to be whatever they end up doing in

their life to do it well and to glorify

God and to make it so that you know what

when we had devotions in the morning my

voice ought they were gonna be sleeping

in are you going to devotions right and

just let them see you what it’s like to

bring Christ to bear in every aspect of

your life it was such a gift to our

entire family I will forever be grateful

to Stephen and Alex and Shannon Kendrick

who also bring their families by the way

oh yeah they don’t sort of separate

their family life and their ministry

life in their their love for the Lord

and family and all that from their work

life they’re like you know what let’s

glorify God with all of it

and so I will forever be grateful to

them Jerry and I for the example that

they have been to our own sons in that

regard one of the things I’ve wanted to

ask you for a bit is before you did your

first like movie you know we all knew

you and loved you because your books

your Bible studies your Bible teaching

but suddenly this whole new audience

she knows you as from this movie how has

that changed well how have you seen God

use that

with people who perhaps the movie was

the first introduction to you yes that

you know that was very interesting

because mostly with books and Bible

studies it’s a largely a female audience

that’s sitting together and doing the

Bible studies and stuff so I’d meet lots

of women in the airport or something but

but it did open up that door a little

bit where men had seen this movie so

they just knew me from this movie and

they would stop to say hello to me and

my husband was a little annoyed by that

you know wanted to take a picture or

something like that over that hurdle

just a little bit but also let me tell

you what it did I have this little kind

of internal thing it’s not something

that everybody has to do it’s just

something that I was sort of challenged

about where I don’t always take a

picture with folks because sometimes I

can’t be if I’m with my kids and we’re

having dinner or whatever I can’t but

when I’m able to I always exchange a

photograph for a prayer always so I

don’t care for in the airport I don’t

care for in the mall I don’t care you

know whether you’re a Christian or not

if we’re taking a picture we praying and

we’re gonna do it right in this grocery


something that’s given me opportunity to

do is pray with people it’s cool I don’t

know if they’re Christians are not I get

an opportunity right there in the mall

or the freezer section of the grocery

store typical out the name of Jesus on

their behalf you mentioned also being

recognized halfway around the world

Israel yeah that’s been interesting too

I was in Israel and this has happened a

lot but this time was extremely

memorable we were doing a tour through

Israel and you know there are people

from all over the world who have come to

tour Israel but these there was a group

of women beautiful women from India and

one of them recognized me from across

the garden of gethsemane we were doing a

tour of the garden of gethsemane and one

of them recognized me and I could see

that that sort of you know reflection in

her eyes like a girl from war room and

all of a sudden she started filtering

around and all of the women followed her

over and as they got closer I could see

that they were all beginning to

recognize me and tears started to fall

from their eyes and they came up to me

and it wasn’t it wasn’t a like a I’m

enamored with celebrity kind of tears it

was there were tears that I could tell

it had something to do with what was

going on in their hearts and they came

up to me and they’re tears cause tears

to well up in my eyes and sweet little

woman that I guess was sort of the

leader of this group she just reached

out and brushed the tears from my face

and she said we want you to know that

you have saved our marriages whether

these women were Christian Christians or

not I don’t know but she said we take

war room and we pass it around to women

in our community and we watch war room

and war room has saved our marriages Wow

and I thought you know only the Holy

Spirit can take a movie yeah and make it

so that people aren’t just entertained

but that the Holy Spirit restores and

replenishes and renews and resurrects

something that may have been dead

otherwise only the Holy Spirit can do

that yeah so you’ve got

today and we have expectation for that

with overcomer as well we afraid to that

and Lord make it so that people stop in

the movie theater before they can even

leave the theater this is what happened

with war room we got letters from people

who couldn’t leave the theater because

prayer meetings were breaking out but

among strangers in the theatre people’s

lives were changed because of that we’re

asking God to do that same thing with

overcomer just to show himself strong

hard hard to repeat that kind of dynamic

on our own anyway

oh yeah after seeing it I I gotta say I

think there’s a strong chance that you

will have more prayer meetings in movie

theatres hope so and there’s there’s

that one scene where I lead the main

character to the Lord yes and they had

scripted some lines and we did them that

way a couple of times and then Alex said

from behind the camera Alex said now

Priscilla lead her to the Lord the way

Priscilla would lead her that explains

that’s what I did

and that’s the one they use that’s the

one they ended up using and I just led

her to the Lord and the hope is that the

words that I prayed we prayed over those

words and we asked the Lord to make it

so that somebody’s sitting in the

theater or watching the DVD at home

later on that they hear those words and

realize it’s the Holy Spirit calling

them to repeat those words for

themselves and come into the kingdom of

God so that’s our prayer that the Lord

would use that in that way you know I

think it would be great if we just took

a moment right now and we all prayed for

the release of this movie and ask God to

do for only he could do yeah let’s let’s

let’s pray together yes thank you for

father god I want to thank you for the

brilliance of these men who have

committed their life’s everything they

have to making movies that bring glory

to your name and how we thank you for

Priscilla for the way that she is

shining in darkness Lord and it’s so

infectious when someone’s in love it’s

so infectious so Lord we ask with this

overcomer movie when opens in theaters

lord I pray by your Holy Spirit you

would draw people to come even if

they’re not sure why they’re going draw

them to come and Lord I ask that even as

Priscilla prays for that little girl in

the movie there would be people in the

movie theater at that moment committing

their lives to you

we ask for a harvest Lord in Jesus name

father and I think I’ve seen this with

the Kendrick brothers in particular is

that they stepped out and did something

that was kind of crazy when they made

their first film yeah and it kind of it

kind of grew in something a little more

and a little more and a little more and

now it’s having this huge impact when

God calls us to step out and do

something especially when it’s out of

our comfort zone that’s when you know

you’re onto something yeah that’s when

you know that if he doesn’t show up it’s

not gonna go anywhere right that’s right

but that’s because he wants to show up

and make it significant and you know she

loved we have done that here at Life

when we stepped out many years ago and

said you know what we want to go beyond

ministering just to the audience

although that’s what we’re here for if

you have a prayer request you can call

that number and we will pray for you but

then we want to ask you to turn around

and do something on top of that we want

to minister to you and we want you to

minister to others and we have a

wonderful way that you can do that

Sheila I know you’ve seen it you’ve been

there it makes a huge difference does it

not yeah absolutely does and it’s still

something we have to do it’s something

we get that’s right so watch this

we recently met a precious woman named

Belize who told us through tears that

two of her children had died we’ve heard

so many stories start the same way and

it never gets easier we want so

desperately to help these families so we

ask the hard questions what happened to

your children how can we help but we

know the responses will feel hauntingly

familiar clara de monaco mahabrahmand

often from iran god


we are Martin Megan I’m Madhumita I

require get oh come on Mario quiet nevah

Eric achieve cama cama cheap bum –

comfortable car I know believe I’d be

making one name again never much Belize

fights tirelessly to keep her family

healthy but the contaminated water they

must rely on is inescapable

she lives in constant fear for the lives

of her children since they already

imagine tomorrow and yaqoob percent of

our water hitomi hunger an aquatic talk

my mind orakei korako proceed on fishy

and I’m given and so come on gonna

declare a true king give it like Belize

and her family millions of people across

the globe lack access to clean water but

with your help they will no longer have

to suffer the deadly consequences they

face today

she looked I have four children I can’t

imagine I can’t imagine losing one much

less losing two and the thing that that

makes it so difficult is that it’s


we need not lose any children because

they don’t have clean drinking water one

of the things the Lord’s really been

convicting my husband Barry and I of

this year is how casual we are sometimes

about what we think of as discretionary

income and really you know I don’t have

discretionary income everything I have

has been given by the Lord and it’s not

that the Lord doesn’t want us to enjoy

good things but when I see how some

mothers are suffering and it’s not like

they’re asking for some fancy new home

or a fancy car all they’re asking for is

clean water to give to their children

see I think of that remember when Christ

encountered that woman at the well and

he talked about the fact that he would

give them water and she would never be

thirsty again she was like give me that

water so I don’t have to come back here

and he explained that he is the water of

life I often feel when we go to preach

the gospel in those nations we have to

take care of the very practical needs

first when you have children who are

dying when you have mothers who

literally I mean I’ve been on the floor

with mothers who are weeping when we can

put a well in their village and then we

can say to them hey can we tell you

about the water of life who will change

everything you and I can change this if

we all do whatever we can then then

there won’t be a problem anymore we’ve

committed to put 400 water wells in this

year alone do you know that already

you have given almost 7,000 water wells

what a miracle but let’s not stop the

need is great and we want to do

something now yes $48 $48 it’s all it

takes to give a lifetime of clean water

to 10 people you might save the lives of

10 children today $48 if you can give

144 that will provide clean water for 30

people for a lifetime on a half

it’s $4,800 on average to provide a well

and it will provide water for a lifetime

some of you can do that and I’m asking

you if if you’re that person do it you

can be a hero to people you can save

lives all of you can just by joining

with us and doing whatever you can go to

the phones go online make the best gift

you can we have some wonderful items

that you know we want to give you to

remind you of what you’ve done

so request those but most importantly

give that water be that answer that

these people need that miracle in their

lives that will change them that will

give them life do it today

today a mother living in extreme poverty

will do the unthinkable give her

children dirty diseased filled water

that she knows could kill them with no

other choice what else can she do with

your help clean water is on the way

mission water for Life provides a way

for parents to save the lives of their

children to offer them a bright future

free from the fear of death with your

gift today you can help drill and

establish 400 water wells this year your

gift of $24 will help provide clean

water for five children a gift of $48

will help provide for 10 $72 will

provide for 15 and one hundred

forty-four dollars will help provide

life-giving water for 30 people for a

lifetime with your gift we’ll send you

the new mercies each day desk calendar

this 17 month calendar will not only

help you keep track of important dates

but also remind you of the father’s love

and goodness with Scripture quotes and

encouragement from all the hosts on life

today with your gift of $100 or more

request the fruit of the Spirit Bowl

this beautiful and decorative ceramic

bowls features Scripture revealing the

fruit of the Spirit a lovely addition to

your table or home finally please

consider a gift of twelve hundred

dollars to help provide water for 250

people or a gift of $4,800 to help

sponsor a complete well

and you may request our safe in the

Shepherd’s arms bronze sculpture please

call rights or make your gift online

this little child is probably between

two three years old maybe four but you

know he may not make it past five four

or five if he doesn’t have the water

that it means he has water but it’s

intimidating but you know we have to

give them a choice they don’t have a

choice right now in so many places all

over the world because they don’t have

that choice their bodies are being

contaminated with this bad water and

their families are dying our

missionaries have been there and seen

them in the hospitals they’re there

because they haven’t had good water

they’ve had contaminated water and it’s

waterborne diseases that will kill them

if we don’t reach out and help them in

time please help us to do please all

around more give these children a chance

in life thank you so much and God will

bless you richly

I really pray all of you would do what

you can you can make such a huge

difference in lives today so go online

make that phone call do what you can in

Sheila I’m sorry that this show has come

to an end spend so much fun fantastic

but remember overcomer August 23rd of

take your friends tickets early our

nation this is part of fulfilling the

Great Commission this is taking the

gospel to everybody so priscilla we pray

God’s great favour and blessings and

love anew we love you



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