Priscilla Shirer and Tony Evans share inspiring messages about being prepared to overcome our darkest days by living out God’s Word everyday! Watch more Tony Evans sermons on the TBN app:

This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. SUBSCRIBE:… For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four hour global networks reaching every inhabited continent with entertaining, inspirational, and life-changing programming for every family member and demographic. TBN began as a dream to “build a Christian television network that spans the whole world.” Today that dream is reality…and still expanding! #tbn #priscillashirer #tonyevans 00:00 Intro 00:27 The Enemy is Afraid 01:57 Know Your Potential 03:55 The Hope of Your Calling 06:57 Step Up to the Plate 08:34 Spiritual Warfare 11:18 Know Your Enemy 15:53 Schemes of the Devil 17:16 The Armor of God 19:54 The Evil Day 22:45 A Heavenly Lens 24:34 Stand Firm 27:25 Dressed for Battle 30:47 Pray Without Ceasing 31:58 The Answer to Demons 33:43 Operating in the Spirit


natural cannot take care of the

supernatural when your problem is unseen

and spiritual you need weapons that work

in that realm when you’re under the fire

of suffering you do not run away from

God when you are in the evil day you

have to run to God when you’re in the

midst of the evil

day it’s amazing really how your

countenance changes when you really

overhear and understand what the enemy

thinks about you when he sees you coming

it doesn’t mean that the challenge goes

away it means that in the face of it

you’re different your stance is

different because you recognize that

when the enemy sees a daughter or a son

of God coming his way he’s shaking in

his boots not because of you but because

of the holy spirit of God that lives on

the inside of

you I came to tell tell somebody today

that even if you don’t believe what it

is that the word of God declares to be

true about you you need to know that the

enemy does he knows that every single

thing that God’s word declares to be

true about you every word that has been

declared over you in these last few days

of this conference even if you’re not

convinced about it the enemy is he knows

that you have been forgiven he knows

that there is therefore now no

condemnation for those of us who are in

Christ Jesus he knows that you have been

given the victory he knows that you have

been made competent by the spirit of God

he knows that there is therefore now no

condemnation for you or for me no shame

no guilt he knows that you have not been

given a spirit of fear but a power and

love and of a sound mind and y’all he

knows that in the end we

win and I’m saying what a shamed it


be for the enemy to believe more about

your potential than you

do what a shamed it would be for us to

go out of here with all of this

inspiration that we have been given this

investment of God’s word that he has

gathered us together over the course of

these days to Worship in spirit and in

truth and to hear his word declared true

over our lives what a tragedy it would

be for us to walk out of here and still

live like we were before we came through


doors so what the enemy will do is

scatter challenge in front of your life

cuz listen you going back home to

challenge y’all do know we going back

home in a little while right and don’t

we wish we could wake up to this every

single day don’t we wish that we could

have God’s word spoken over our lives

with this much Authority and power every

single day and be in the presence of

leaders who can lead us into the

presence of God and work worship every

single day like this but the reality is

we going back home the challenges of

your University campus the challenges of

your home your relationships your

friendships on your job those challenges

will be sprawled out in front of you

when you get home and let me tell you

something what the enemy hopes is that

the sight of them will cause you to

shrink back in so much fear and

insecurity that you’ll never step up to

the plate of being who God has called

you to be listen if you’ve placed faith

in Jesus Christ I hope you know that the

enemy understands he cannot destroy you

he knows his chances are over of

destroying you so he is going to spend

the rest of his time and the rest of his

energy just trying to discourage you

trying to distract you so that you’ll

shrink back in fear and insecurity and

not step up to the plate and be who God

has called you to

be it is at least in part to this end

that the Apostle Paul gives us a a

passage of scripture that has become a

Lifeline for

me in fact I was talking with uh

Christine yesterday Chris and I have

known each other for a very long time

very close friends and she was asking me

what I was going to speak on and I had

several thoughts of directions that I

was uh leaning toward but in the end we

as we were talking the question came up

if there was only one thing you could

say to them if there’s only one message

that you ever have the

opportunity to tell these students these

young people that will be gathered

together on this occasion what would

that message be and there was one thing

that immediately popped into my heart

and my mind for you at the end of this

year’s passion passion

conference it’s the words of the Apostle

Paul he writes them in the book of

Ephesians listen let me just tell you

quickly before I read this passage you

got if you if you’ve not read the book

of Ephesians you’re gonna have to read

the book of

Ephesians y’all listen it’s it’s like


real the Apostle Paul y’all know he was

a bad boy he gave us most of what would

become the New Testament letters written

to first century Believers that now

disciple us and help us to mature as

Believers and as the body of Christ and

Scholars say that of all of Paul’s

writing really the cream of the crop the

cherry on top of the cake is Ephesians

because in the book of Ephesians y’all

he just spends the first half of the

book just rehearsing who you are as a

daughter or a son he wants to make sure

you step up to the plate rise to the

occasion of who you’ve been recreated in

Christ to become those of you who place

faith in Jesus Christ last night who

stood to your feet at the end of Pastor

Louis’s message and you plac faith in

Jesus listen the old has gone and the

new has come you’re a daughter you a son

and you have full rights and privil es

that have been granted to you the

Apostle Paul wants you to know what is

the hope of his calling and choosing you

he writes in the first and second and

third chapter about the treasure that

you have he wants you to know about the

mercy that has been lavished upon you

the grace that has been given to you he

wants you to know that if you’ve been

rejected by everybody else you’ve been

handpicked Chosen and adopted by the one

true God he wants you to know that if

you’ve dug a pit of sin for yourself

that is so deep you can’t find your way

out of it that the mercy of God is so

great and so Grand that it can reach

down into any pit and snatch you up out

of it once and for all in fact Paul gets

so worked up that by the time he gets to

the middle of the first chapter he

bursts out in a prayer and he says I’m

praying that the eyes of your heart

would be open so that you would just

know what is the hope of his calling and


you and after going over and over and on

and on about the lavishness the richness

the grace the mercy the goodness the

adoption that has been poured out over

us the Forgiveness that has been granted

to us he’s trying to figure out how do I

close this letter to make sure they step

up to the plate how do I put an

exclamation point on passion 2018 to

make sure that what God has given them

they don’t hand over to the enemy as

soon as they walk out the

door and the Apostle Paul writes these

words to us in Ephesians chapter 6

beginning in verse

10 he says

finally you be strong in the Lord and in

the strength of his might he says put on

the full armor of God so that you may be

able to stand firm against the schemes

somebody say schemes against the schemes

of the devil he says we wrestle not we

struggle not against flesh and blood but

against the rulers against the powers

against the world forces of this

Darkness against the spiritual forces of

wickedness that are in the Heavenly

places he says so therefore you might as

well just go ahead and put down all the

weapons of this world that aren’t

working for you anyway and take up some

weapons that actually have some power he

says take up the full armor of God so

that you may be able to resist in the

evil day and having done everything to

stand firm he says you ought to just

stand firm therefore in these few verses

of scripture the Apostle Paul begins to

introduce to us a concept that has not

been at least in the context uh thus far

in church uh development at that time

had not been as overtly described as it

is right now in Paul’s letter he brings

up the topic of spiritual

warfare he says you haven’t an enemy he

says I want to make sure that it’s loud

and clear there are other places in the

Old Testament and throughout throughout

the new y’all where we can infer that we

have a spiritual unseen battle going on

but this is the first time that an

author comes right out and says you have

an enemy and he is scheming against you

that when you leave this place in just a

little while when I leave this place in

just a little while you need to know

that there is an enemy he is against you

you he is not for you he plans to do

anything and everything in his power to

stir up challenge in your life enough to

cause you to shrink back and not rise up

and stand firm in the victory that you

have been given in Christ Jesus that’s

why the Apostle Paul says stand

firm because you have an enemy an enemy

that wants you to think that just

because he is invisible he is also

fictional he wants to be chocked up to

nothing nothing more than a caricature a

cartoon picture a myth a a character for

a kid’s nursery rhyme he doesn’t want

you to recognize the influence that he

has over your life possibly to to cause

you to never walk into the full

expression of God’s grace and goodness

in your life he is Sinister he is a

master Illusionist and he is a deceiver

and he hopes to cleverly disguise

himself behind life’s most pressing

problems to where you forget he is even

there he wants you to point fingers at

him or at her at your boss at your

parent at that particular Professor or

your RA in your dorm he wants you to

think it’s that advisor or it’s that

financial problem anything Flesh and

Blood because he knows as long as we’re

looking at the Flesh and Blood we will

direct all the wrong weapons at the

wrong culprit we’ll think our money will

work we’ll think our rationale and logic

will actually work we think that the

diploma we’re about to to achieve and

receive we’ll think the diploma will be

wor worth it we’ll think that the

connections will work anything

natural cannot take care of the

supernatural when your problem is unseen

and spiritual you need weapons that work

in that

realm so the Apostle Paul says you got

to know first of all that your enemy is

not the person you are sitting next to

today that your enemy is not your parent

at home your enemy is not that Professor

that is difficult to work with your real

enemy is not your boss on your part-time

job your real enemy is unseen he is

hoping y’all that we will forget he’s

there he is the master deceiver so

there’s a little church around the

corner from my house in Dallas I’ve been

taking my kids there since they were

little uh to Harvest Festival that’s

basically this Church’s answer to

Halloween so we will go there for

Harvest Festival and this church has a

good oldfashioned trunker treat does

anybody know what I mean when I say


treat okay all right so Trunk or Treat

for those of you who are not clear on

what that is that’s when members of the

congregation volunteer they volunteer to

bring their cars into the parking lot on

Harvest Festival night so that they can

open up the trunk of their car so you go

into the parking lot all the trunks are

open and each person has basically

crafted a carnival game or some sort of

fair game out of the trunk of the car so

kids line up one trunk after the other

they play whatever the game is and then

most of the time whether they win or

lose the person that owns that car gives

them a whole bunch of candy and sends

them home we’re always so

grateful so we stand in line one car

after the other waiting on bags of candy

and we play one game after the other a

few years

ago the biggest line the longest line at

the carnival wasn’t behind the a car it

was behind the bed of a truck it was

really clever a huge truck had been uh

parked in the parking lot and they’d put

a step ladder right at the bed of the

truck so that a kid could walk into the

bed of the truck they had attached a

tabletop which was about the same size

as the bed of the truck they had

attached it to the side of the truck cut

six holes into it put some fabric some

drapery over it and out from those holes

every few seconds a puppet would pop

through they gave the kid a huge plastic

Mallet and the job of the kid was to run

up and down the inside of the bed of the

truck CU he tried to hit the puppets on

top of the head it was a homemade

whack-a-mole game is what it was and it

was the longest line me and Jude at the

time he was like four Jude is my

youngest me and Jude are standing in

line we’re waiting on our turn behind us

there’s another kid he’s with his his

mom he’s probably four or five as well

and y’all he was hysterical because he

was annoyed at this whole situation and

he was making sure she knew it he was

first of all annoyed cuz Mom I don’t

understand why I got to stand in this

long line didn’t we come to the carnival

to have fun this ain’t fun standing in

line ain’t fun I have an idea mom how

about this how about I go play all these

other games while you stand in line and

hold our place and then when it’s our

turn I’ll come back and join you in

line but he was not only annoyed about

the line the four-year-old was also

annoyed because Mom I don’t even

understand this game why in the world

would I waste all my energy running up

and down the inside of that truck to hit

the puppets on the top of the head if

when I hit them on the head they’re

going to disappear but then they’re just

going to come back as soon as I hit them

on the head what’s the point of this

game so everybody in the line is

laughing hysterically because this

four-year-old this 5-year-old is talking

so much about all of his

frustrations finally he gets so

frustrated that he works himself into a

frenzy to where all I saw out of my

peripheral vision was a four-year-old

flash running past me as he ran forward

and he grabbed the drapery off of the

tabletop and pulled it clean off

underneath there were three adults with

puppets on each


that day we all got a good laugh but we

also got a good

lesson there is always something you

can’t see influencing what you can and

if you spend all of your time your

energy your effort trying to hit at what

you see popping up in your life you’re

going to be so frustrated and by the way

exhausted because as soon as you take

care of one thing another one is coming

back unless you do what the Apostle Paul

says pull back the curtain and let the

enemy me know we got our eyes on

you and we’re going to use some weapons

that actually work back there behind the

curtain y’all I wish I had learned this

when I was 18 19 20 21 years old that

that person that physical problem is

really where you need to invest your

energy pull back the curtain use the

weapons that actually have

power the Apostle Paul wants you to know

that the tactics of the enemy are

serious business and so so he uses a

specific word to describe them he says

schemes listen to me he knows your

weaknesses he knows how to dangle what

carrot at the right time in the right

way to make sure you are snagged in

particular have you ever wondered or

found curious that that particular

carrot is always dangled in front of you

when you are most tired when you are

most vulnerable when you happen to be


hungry most alone most weak that

particular carrot the one that wouldn’t

mess with your friend cuz it’s not her

deal it’s not his deal he’s not enticed

by that but the one that entices you

always shows up at the right time y’all

that’s not coincidence that’s a

scheme that’s right the enemy is trying

to derail you he’s trying to make sure

that you don’t walk in a manner worthy

pleasing of the Lord that you come in

here but that you don’t go out of here

the the purpose to live for the glory of

God he’s trying to trip you up not only

for his own benefit but because he does

not want you having access to everything

that you are privy to as a rightful heir

to the King of Kings and the Lord of

lords it’s a

scheme so if he’s got tactics we need

tactics the Apostle Paul outlines them

for us I’m just going to read them to

you because he says in verse 13 you need

the full armor and here’s what they are

verse 14 he says make sure that your

loins are girded with truth then he says

you need a breastplate and the

breastplate is called righteousness and

then he says in verse 15 you got to have

something for your feet if you want any

hope of being able to move forward

successfully so your feet need to be

shaw with the preparation of the gospel

of peace and then not only that but he

says there are some flaming missiles of

the evil one that he fully intends to

send sailing into your path you going to

need a shield and The Shield is your

faith and then you know there are lies

there are strongholds that he’s going to

try to erect in your mind you’re going

to need something to protect your mind

he says you need a helmet and the helmet

is your salvation but not only that he

says that you are going to need a sword

really a dagger of the spirit it was

about 18 Ines long or so the one the

Apostle Paul is referring to you need a

dagger so that when the enemy is all up

in your space you’ve got something close

at hand to make sure that he stays at

Bay you need a dagger of the spirit and

the dagger is called the

what the word of God but y’all he

doesn’t stop at those six can I just say

that there is one more in 18 verse 18

traditionally it’s taught as six I

really believe there are seven pieces of

armor because in verse 18 He says

pray he says


not like you know a prayer a day to keep

the devil

away not like a prayer over your meal

just cuz that’s what your mama did and

your Grandmama did and that’s what

you’re supposed to

do not something quick and


fervent prioritized

prayer y’all you can’t have Victory if

you don’t

pray do you hear what I’m saying to you

prayer is the key that unlocks the

resources of heaven so that they can be

Unleashed on planet Earth prayer is the

key he’s actually giv you to get all the

good stuff down here cuz I don’t know

about you but I don’t want to wait to

get to heaven to experience all that God

has for me any Bits of Heaven he plans

to give me on Earth I want it right now

prayer accesses the Bits of Heaven he

intends to give you now when you’ve

lived long enough you’ve come to realize

that that life is not always

easy and while we cherish those times of

fun and frivolity and play and

excitement we dread those times of pain

and anguish and

struggle someone has said that life can

be described as being

Bittersweet it has those sweet moments

that we cherish and

embrace and those bitter moments that

bring us to tears hurt and

pain Paul is

writing and he concludes his treaties to

the church at

Ephesus to talk to them about the

battleground of

life we call it spiritual

warfare but he’s not just talking about

any kind of battle he describes this one

specifically by calling it The Evil day

the evil

day the evil day is when all hell breaks

loose on

you the evil day is when you are

overwhelmed yes life has its normal ups

and downs but that’s not what he’s

talking about here he’s talking about

when you are under major

attack when your world is being

shattered your dreams are being

destroyed your hopes are being dimmed

and where you look out and all you see

is the light of an oncoming train he

calls that the evil day the day when

hell is after you and your name has come

up he says when that day comes when that

period of time when you’re under major

assault comes he says I want you to

understand how to how to approach this

because he says on that day you’re going

to need the strength of the Lord verse

10 normal stuff is not going to work and

playing Church show enough won’t work he

says on that day you’re going to need

the Supernatural and so he goes into

these verses leading up to the subject

of prayer to tell us how to approach

this time in your life in my life now I

want to make sure that I’m not wasting

my time on this sermon so is anybody

here know what I’m talking about when I

talk about an evil

day an evil day when you’re under

massive spiritual

assault well let me remind

you that everything visible and physical

is preceded by that which is invisible

and spiritual everything visible and

physical is is preceded by that which is

invisible and

spiritual so Paul wants you to know if

you want to address in the time of your

attack the visible and physical you need

to do it from the perspective of the

invisible and

spiritual he gives you the term that he

uses throughout the book of Ephesians of

heavenly places Heavenly places means

the spiritual realm and what he’s saying

is that when you are under

assault when your life is being

shattered you’re trying to be in the

will of God you’re trying to walk with

God but you’re being attacked your

well-being is being attacked your dreams

are being attacked your health is being

attacked your stability is being

attacked your resources are being

attacked your future is being attacked

you are just under assault he says

during those times you have to view

things from the location of Heavenly

places or the spiritual realm if you’re

going to be strong to walk through work

through the times of those attacks and

he wants to

set the plan in place for how you going

to make it through the evil day for

those of you who’ve not yet been to the

evil day keep living it’s

coming when you’re under assault

and your stability your

world is being shaken he says during

those times three times he says I want

you to stand firm stand

firm stand firm don’t quit don’t quit

don’t quit because the Temptation is

easily to throw in the towel when your

world is collapsing right in front of

your eyes he says the first thing I want

you to understand is that you wrestle

not against flesh and

blood in other words people aren’t the

source of your problem they may be the

conduit for your problem but they’re not

the source of your problem for we

Christians wrestle not against flesh and

blood but principalities and powers and

World forces that are located in

Heavenly places or the spiritual realm

so if you address the resource without

addressing the source all you’ve done is

created a delay for it to come back up

again because you’ve not gotten to the

root of the problem we’re just

addressing the fruit of the problem and

so what he is saying is the source is

spiritual he first of all wants to set

the stage by saying on the evil day when

you’re in this season of Attack I want

you to stand firm which means to hold

your ground in the Lord he says be

strong in the Lord to hold your

spiritual ground it is easy to be swayed

and moved off of Center when you’re

suffering it is easy to be swayed and

move off of the source of your hope when

you’re going going through it and you

see no exit sign it is easy to be moved

but he says during those times when you

are under assault and your world is

being stripped from right underneath you

he calls it the evil day he says during

that time I want you to grab more

tightly your faith don’t loosen it up

stand firm when you’re under the fire of

the evil one when you’re under Fire of

demonic attack when you’re under the

fire of suffering you do not run away

from God when you are in the evil day

you have to run to God when you’re in

the midst of the evil day because you’re

now engaged in spiritual

warfare he says stand firm hold on to

your faith he then tells you how to

dress for Spiritual

success he gives you the Armor of God he

tells you I want you to get dressed for

the battle now when you’re in a war and

when you’re in a

parade a military parade they show the

weapons when you in a war you use the

weapons cuz in the evil day this is not

Showtime at the Apollo this is time when

you’ve got to get dressed he says you’ve

got to put on Truth put on righteousness

put on peace he goes on he says you got

to put on faith he he says you got to

put on the helmet of salvation then he

says you got to use the sword of the

spirit which is the word of God he gives

these six pieces of spiritual Arsenal or

Spiritual armor that the believer is to

utilize when it comes to taking a stand

in the evil day or when you’re under

spiritual attack and spiritual

oppression that’s affecting your

physical Financial circumstantial

emotional family well-being take your

stand harder than you’ve ever taken it

before but put on this armor but now you

may not remember all the pieces of the

armor so let’s make it easy because

Romans chap 13 verse4 says put on Christ

if you can’t remember all the pieces

remember this one put on Christ why

because he says I want you to be put on

Truth Jesus says I am the way the truth

and the light he says I want you to put

on righteousness scripture says Christ

is our righteousness he says put on

peace Jesus said in this world you will

have tribulation but I give you my peace

he says put on the helmet of salvation

scripture is clear Jesus is the author

and finisher of our salvation and then

he says put on the word of God use the

sword of the spirit John 1:1 says in the

beginning was the word the word was with

God the Word was God verse 14 and the

word became flesh and dwelt Among Us

Jesus says he is the word so if you

don’t remember truth remember Jesus if

you don’t remember righteousness

remember Jesus if you don’t remember

peace remember Jesus if you don’t

remember Faith remember Jesus if you

don’t remember the helmet of Sal ation

remember Jesus if you don’t remember the

Bible remember Jesus because Jesus is

the full armor of God this is centered

in God’s son who is the revelation of

God the manifestation of God who is the

power of God to manifest himself

particularly in the evil day now you

want to do it all the time but you

better do it in the evil day when the

doctors don’t have answers

when the bankers don’t have answers when

your friends don’t have answers and show

enough when you don’t have answers you

need to be centered on the person of

Jesus Christ and all the

tools that he offered you but he says

you got to put him

on he says in verse 18 with all prayer

and petition pray at all times in the

spirit and with this is view be on the

alert with all perseverance and petition

for all the saints the way you put on

Christ that is practically utilize him

to equip you to move through the battle

you face is with

prayer now prayer is relational

communication with

God a lot of people want to pray when

they in spiritual war

who have not prayed till they got the


warfare in other words they don’t know

how to stand strong in the Lord cuz they

haven’t been standing with the Lord but

now that they’re in an emergency they

need the

Lord he’s talking about staying in touch

with him all day that’s why 1

Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without

ceasing in other words stay in touch

with me now let me explain why this is

so important the evil day is

principalities powers and World forces

this means you are under attack this

means that this attack is coming from

the devil and demons it is unfortunate

that far too many Christians have lost

sight of demons demons are angels that

went rogue demons are the spiritual

Mafia that that attacks us in the

spiritual that brings about our pain in

the physical and the Bible has an answer

to Demons the answer to Demons are

angels so here’s how this works the

Bible declares every Christian has been

assigned an Angel and the job of the

Angel is to look after the well-being of

the believer so every Christian has an

angel that is assigned to you by God one

of the jobs of your angel is to throw

wart the Demonic attack that is coming

against you cuz Angels know how to fight

angels and so when the Demonic Angel

comes to bring pain and anguish and

defeat in your world and in your life

you have an angel the Bible says when we

pray we engage God the Holy Spirit and

I’ll talk about him in a moment who is

who activates the angel assigned to you

to deal with the Demonic oppression that

is coming against you so he says with

all perseverance thank you

Lord but he tells you something else and

it’s the key he says pray in the

spirit Verse 18 all right don’t just

pray meaning don’t just have


but he says I want you to pray in the

spirit thank you

God uh question is what does that

mean the

Bible talks about the role of the

spirit is to deliver the mind of

God 1 Corinthians chapter


2 verse 9

10 but just as it is written things

which I have not seen and ear is not

heard and which has not been entered

into the heart of man all that God has

prepared for those who love him for to

us God revealed them he’s not talking

about heaven he’s talking about Earth to

us God revealed them through the spirit

for the spirit searches all things even

the depth of God see when you’re in the

evil day that means folk can’t help you

when you’re in the evil day they have

limitations that they can do for you and

you need something that eye have not

seen Ear Has Not Heard and the

imagination is not conceived of you need

the supernatural to enter into the

natural now being in the

spirit is opposed in scripture to being

in the


to be in the spirit let me start with

the the participle in he wants you to be

in the spirit so he does not want you

visiting and

exiting he wants you operating in the

realm of the spirit what is the realm of

the spirit the realm of the spirit is a


mindset in Romans chapter 8: 1-13 he

gives this extended discussion about the

spirit and he says when you have the

spirit you have the mind of the spirit

so this has to do with how you’re

thinking the mind is your thought he

wants you to think spiritually not

secularly he wants you to think

biblically not worldly he wants you to

think the mind of Christ not the mind of

man Galatians 5:6 but I say walk by the

spirit and you will not carry out the

desire of the flesh for the flesh sets

its desire against the spirit and the

spirit against the flesh for these are

in opposition to one another so that you

may not do the things that you

please he says there is a

battle and it’s a battle between the

spirit and the flesh let me Define the

flesh the flesh

is the desire to please self

independently of God the flesh is the

desire to please

yourself as opposed to pleasing God we

all battle with the flesh walk in the

spirit and you will not fulfill the

desire please don’t misread that he

didn’t say you won’t have the

desire cuz the flesh Wants What It Wants

so you will have the desire but the

spirit will will override it don’t read

the verse in Reverse don’t read to get

rid of the desire of the flesh walk in

the spirit that’s backwards walk in the

spirit and it will overrule the desire

of the flesh it will overrule it the

capacity to do what you need to do or

what God wants done will be activated in

your experience as you walk in the

spirit now many times people will say

I’m praying but nothing is happening

well let me explain

many Christians pray they doing the

right thing but they’re doing it in the

flesh they’re doing it in the wrong

environment and if you’re doing the

right thing in the wrong environment the

right thing won’t work so just cuz you

say your prayers in the morning say

grace at dinner and say your bedtime

prayer that’s the right thing but the

question is have you been walking in the

right environment because if you’re not

walking in the right environment doing

the right thing won’t work and in fact

it can help kill you quicker so he says

all all all all I want you to be

consumed with being in my presence

Walking In the Flesh he says will put

you in a spiritual graveyard but walking

by the spirit will put you and here’s

how you know because you’re no longer

having to force

things when you’re in the spirit but the

Bible calls the spirit a wind yes yeah a

wind it blows the Bible says the Holy

Spirit guides us he pulls us now you can

walk you should walk but you’re walking

on some power you’re walking on some

undering you’re walking on some strength

because you’re walking with the mind of

the spirit consistent with the

Revelation and word of God so that he


override yes yes inde and so you begin

to flow in

it even though you still have to walk

and even though you may have a ways to

go he says pray always in the spirit

spiritually yes

yes and so he’s my only

out and so we cry out to God and trust

God but you have your evil day oh

yes or you

will and if we make prayer a lifestyle

walking in the spirit of lifestyle and

not a

visit don’t treat the spirit like you

treat Church don’t just come for a

visit no he says you roll with me and

you stay in contact with me all day

every day short long fast slow


natural cannot take care of the

supernatural when your problem is unseen

and spiritual you need weapons that work

in that realm when you’re under the fire

of suffering you do not run away from

God when you are in the evil day you

have to run to God when you’re in the

midst of the evil

day it’s amazing really how your

countenance changes when you really

overhear and understand what the enemy

thinks about you when he sees you coming

it doesn’t mean that the challenge goes

away it means that in the face of it

you’re different your stance is

different because you recognize that

when the enemy sees a daughter or a son

of God coming his way he’s shaking in

his boots not because of you but because

of the holy spirit of God that lives on

the inside of

you I came to tell tell somebody today

that even if you don’t believe what it

is that the word of God declares to be

true about you you need to know that the

enemy does he knows that every single

thing that God’s word declares to be

true about you every word that has been

declared over you in these last few days

of this conference even if you’re not

convinced about it the enemy is he knows

that you have been forgiven he knows

that there is therefore now no

condemnation for those of us who are in

Christ Jesus he knows that you have been

given the victory he knows that you have

been made competent by the spirit of God

he knows that there is therefore now no

condemnation for you or for me no shame

no guilt he knows that you have not been

given a spirit of fear but a power and

love and of a sound mind and y’all he

knows that in the end we

win and I’m saying what a shamed it


be for the enemy to believe more about

your potential than you

do what a shamed it would be for us to

go out of here with all of this

inspiration that we have been given this

investment of God’s word that he has

gathered us together over the course of

these days to Worship in spirit and in

truth and to hear his word declared true

over our lives what a tragedy it would

be for us to walk out of here and still

live like we were before we came through


doors so what the enemy will do is

scatter challenge in front of your life

cuz listen you going back home to

challenge y’all do know we going back

home in a little while right and don’t

we wish we could wake up to this every

single day don’t we wish that we could

have God’s word spoken over our lives

with this much Authority and power every

single day and be in the presence of

leaders who can lead us into the

presence of God and work worship every

single day like this but the reality is

we going back home the challenges of

your University campus the challenges of

your home your relationships your

friendships on your job those challenges

will be sprawled out in front of you

when you get home and let me tell you

something what the enemy hopes is that

the sight of them will cause you to

shrink back in so much fear and

insecurity that you’ll never step up to

the plate of being who God has called

you to be listen if you’ve placed faith

in Jesus Christ I hope you know that the

enemy understands he cannot destroy you

he knows his chances are over of

destroying you so he is going to spend

the rest of his time and the rest of his

energy just trying to discourage you

trying to distract you so that you’ll

shrink back in fear and insecurity and

not step up to the plate and be who God

has called you to

be it is at least in part to this end

that the Apostle Paul gives us a a

passage of scripture that has become a

Lifeline for

me in fact I was talking with uh

Christine yesterday Chris and I have

known each other for a very long time

very close friends and she was asking me

what I was going to speak on and I had

several thoughts of directions that I

was uh leaning toward but in the end we

as we were talking the question came up

if there was only one thing you could

say to them if there’s only one message

that you ever have the

opportunity to tell these students these

young people that will be gathered

together on this occasion what would

that message be and there was one thing

that immediately popped into my heart

and my mind for you at the end of this

year’s passion passion

conference it’s the words of the Apostle

Paul he writes them in the book of

Ephesians listen let me just tell you

quickly before I read this passage you

got if you if you’ve not read the book

of Ephesians you’re gonna have to read

the book of

Ephesians y’all listen it’s it’s like


real the Apostle Paul y’all know he was

a bad boy he gave us most of what would

become the New Testament letters written

to first century Believers that now

disciple us and help us to mature as

Believers and as the body of Christ and

Scholars say that of all of Paul’s

writing really the cream of the crop the

cherry on top of the cake is Ephesians

because in the book of Ephesians y’all

he just spends the first half of the

book just rehearsing who you are as a

daughter or a son he wants to make sure

you step up to the plate rise to the

occasion of who you’ve been recreated in

Christ to become those of you who place

faith in Jesus Christ last night who

stood to your feet at the end of Pastor

Louis’s message and you plac faith in

Jesus listen the old has gone and the

new has come you’re a daughter you a son

and you have full rights and privil es

that have been granted to you the

Apostle Paul wants you to know what is

the hope of his calling and choosing you

he writes in the first and second and

third chapter about the treasure that

you have he wants you to know about the

mercy that has been lavished upon you

the grace that has been given to you he

wants you to know that if you’ve been

rejected by everybody else you’ve been

handpicked Chosen and adopted by the one

true God he wants you to know that if

you’ve dug a pit of sin for yourself

that is so deep you can’t find your way

out of it that the mercy of God is so

great and so Grand that it can reach

down into any pit and snatch you up out

of it once and for all in fact Paul gets

so worked up that by the time he gets to

the middle of the first chapter he

bursts out in a prayer and he says I’m

praying that the eyes of your heart

would be open so that you would just

know what is the hope of his calling and


you and after going over and over and on

and on about the lavishness the richness

the grace the mercy the goodness the

adoption that has been poured out over

us the Forgiveness that has been granted

to us he’s trying to figure out how do I

close this letter to make sure they step

up to the plate how do I put an

exclamation point on passion 2018 to

make sure that what God has given them

they don’t hand over to the enemy as

soon as they walk out the

door and the Apostle Paul writes these

words to us in Ephesians chapter 6

beginning in verse

10 he says

finally you be strong in the Lord and in

the strength of his might he says put on

the full armor of God so that you may be

able to stand firm against the schemes

somebody say schemes against the schemes

of the devil he says we wrestle not we

struggle not against flesh and blood but

against the rulers against the powers

against the world forces of this

Darkness against the spiritual forces of

wickedness that are in the Heavenly

places he says so therefore you might as

well just go ahead and put down all the

weapons of this world that aren’t

working for you anyway and take up some

weapons that actually have some power he

says take up the full armor of God so

that you may be able to resist in the

evil day and having done everything to

stand firm he says you ought to just

stand firm therefore in these few verses

of scripture the Apostle Paul begins to

introduce to us a concept that has not

been at least in the context uh thus far

in church uh development at that time

had not been as overtly described as it

is right now in Paul’s letter he brings

up the topic of spiritual

warfare he says you haven’t an enemy he

says I want to make sure that it’s loud

and clear there are other places in the

Old Testament and throughout throughout

the new y’all where we can infer that we

have a spiritual unseen battle going on

but this is the first time that an

author comes right out and says you have

an enemy and he is scheming against you

that when you leave this place in just a

little while when I leave this place in

just a little while you need to know

that there is an enemy he is against you

you he is not for you he plans to do

anything and everything in his power to

stir up challenge in your life enough to

cause you to shrink back and not rise up

and stand firm in the victory that you

have been given in Christ Jesus that’s

why the Apostle Paul says stand

firm because you have an enemy an enemy

that wants you to think that just

because he is invisible he is also

fictional he wants to be chocked up to

nothing nothing more than a caricature a

cartoon picture a myth a a character for

a kid’s nursery rhyme he doesn’t want

you to recognize the influence that he

has over your life possibly to to cause

you to never walk into the full

expression of God’s grace and goodness

in your life he is Sinister he is a

master Illusionist and he is a deceiver

and he hopes to cleverly disguise

himself behind life’s most pressing

problems to where you forget he is even

there he wants you to point fingers at

him or at her at your boss at your

parent at that particular Professor or

your RA in your dorm he wants you to

think it’s that advisor or it’s that

financial problem anything Flesh and

Blood because he knows as long as we’re

looking at the Flesh and Blood we will

direct all the wrong weapons at the

wrong culprit we’ll think our money will

work we’ll think our rationale and logic

will actually work we think that the

diploma we’re about to to achieve and

receive we’ll think the diploma will be

wor worth it we’ll think that the

connections will work anything

natural cannot take care of the

supernatural when your problem is unseen

and spiritual you need weapons that work

in that

realm so the Apostle Paul says you got

to know first of all that your enemy is

not the person you are sitting next to

today that your enemy is not your parent

at home your enemy is not that Professor

that is difficult to work with your real

enemy is not your boss on your part-time

job your real enemy is unseen he is

hoping y’all that we will forget he’s

there he is the master deceiver so

there’s a little church around the

corner from my house in Dallas I’ve been

taking my kids there since they were

little uh to Harvest Festival that’s

basically this Church’s answer to

Halloween so we will go there for

Harvest Festival and this church has a

good oldfashioned trunker treat does

anybody know what I mean when I say


treat okay all right so Trunk or Treat

for those of you who are not clear on

what that is that’s when members of the

congregation volunteer they volunteer to

bring their cars into the parking lot on

Harvest Festival night so that they can

open up the trunk of their car so you go

into the parking lot all the trunks are

open and each person has basically

crafted a carnival game or some sort of

fair game out of the trunk of the car so

kids line up one trunk after the other

they play whatever the game is and then

most of the time whether they win or

lose the person that owns that car gives

them a whole bunch of candy and sends

them home we’re always so

grateful so we stand in line one car

after the other waiting on bags of candy

and we play one game after the other a

few years

ago the biggest line the longest line at

the carnival wasn’t behind the a car it

was behind the bed of a truck it was

really clever a huge truck had been uh

parked in the parking lot and they’d put

a step ladder right at the bed of the

truck so that a kid could walk into the

bed of the truck they had attached a

tabletop which was about the same size

as the bed of the truck they had

attached it to the side of the truck cut

six holes into it put some fabric some

drapery over it and out from those holes

every few seconds a puppet would pop

through they gave the kid a huge plastic

Mallet and the job of the kid was to run

up and down the inside of the bed of the

truck CU he tried to hit the puppets on

top of the head it was a homemade

whack-a-mole game is what it was and it

was the longest line me and Jude at the

time he was like four Jude is my

youngest me and Jude are standing in

line we’re waiting on our turn behind us

there’s another kid he’s with his his

mom he’s probably four or five as well

and y’all he was hysterical because he

was annoyed at this whole situation and

he was making sure she knew it he was

first of all annoyed cuz Mom I don’t

understand why I got to stand in this

long line didn’t we come to the carnival

to have fun this ain’t fun standing in

line ain’t fun I have an idea mom how

about this how about I go play all these

other games while you stand in line and

hold our place and then when it’s our

turn I’ll come back and join you in

line but he was not only annoyed about

the line the four-year-old was also

annoyed because Mom I don’t even

understand this game why in the world

would I waste all my energy running up

and down the inside of that truck to hit

the puppets on the top of the head if

when I hit them on the head they’re

going to disappear but then they’re just

going to come back as soon as I hit them

on the head what’s the point of this

game so everybody in the line is

laughing hysterically because this

four-year-old this 5-year-old is talking

so much about all of his

frustrations finally he gets so

frustrated that he works himself into a

frenzy to where all I saw out of my

peripheral vision was a four-year-old

flash running past me as he ran forward

and he grabbed the drapery off of the

tabletop and pulled it clean off

underneath there were three adults with

puppets on each


that day we all got a good laugh but we

also got a good

lesson there is always something you

can’t see influencing what you can and

if you spend all of your time your

energy your effort trying to hit at what

you see popping up in your life you’re

going to be so frustrated and by the way

exhausted because as soon as you take

care of one thing another one is coming

back unless you do what the Apostle Paul

says pull back the curtain and let the

enemy me know we got our eyes on

you and we’re going to use some weapons

that actually work back there behind the

curtain y’all I wish I had learned this

when I was 18 19 20 21 years old that

that person that physical problem is

really where you need to invest your

energy pull back the curtain use the

weapons that actually have

power the Apostle Paul wants you to know

that the tactics of the enemy are

serious business and so so he uses a

specific word to describe them he says

schemes listen to me he knows your

weaknesses he knows how to dangle what

carrot at the right time in the right

way to make sure you are snagged in

particular have you ever wondered or

found curious that that particular

carrot is always dangled in front of you

when you are most tired when you are

most vulnerable when you happen to be


hungry most alone most weak that

particular carrot the one that wouldn’t

mess with your friend cuz it’s not her

deal it’s not his deal he’s not enticed

by that but the one that entices you

always shows up at the right time y’all

that’s not coincidence that’s a

scheme that’s right the enemy is trying

to derail you he’s trying to make sure

that you don’t walk in a manner worthy

pleasing of the Lord that you come in

here but that you don’t go out of here

the the purpose to live for the glory of

God he’s trying to trip you up not only

for his own benefit but because he does

not want you having access to everything

that you are privy to as a rightful heir

to the King of Kings and the Lord of

lords it’s a

scheme so if he’s got tactics we need

tactics the Apostle Paul outlines them

for us I’m just going to read them to

you because he says in verse 13 you need

the full armor and here’s what they are

verse 14 he says make sure that your

loins are girded with truth then he says

you need a breastplate and the

breastplate is called righteousness and

then he says in verse 15 you got to have

something for your feet if you want any

hope of being able to move forward

successfully so your feet need to be

shaw with the preparation of the gospel

of peace and then not only that but he

says there are some flaming missiles of

the evil one that he fully intends to

send sailing into your path you going to

need a shield and The Shield is your

faith and then you know there are lies

there are strongholds that he’s going to

try to erect in your mind you’re going

to need something to protect your mind

he says you need a helmet and the helmet

is your salvation but not only that he

says that you are going to need a sword

really a dagger of the spirit it was

about 18 Ines long or so the one the

Apostle Paul is referring to you need a

dagger so that when the enemy is all up

in your space you’ve got something close

at hand to make sure that he stays at

Bay you need a dagger of the spirit and

the dagger is called the

what the word of God but y’all he

doesn’t stop at those six can I just say

that there is one more in 18 verse 18

traditionally it’s taught as six I

really believe there are seven pieces of

armor because in verse 18 He says

pray he says


not like you know a prayer a day to keep

the devil

away not like a prayer over your meal

just cuz that’s what your mama did and

your Grandmama did and that’s what

you’re supposed to

do not something quick and


fervent prioritized

prayer y’all you can’t have Victory if

you don’t

pray do you hear what I’m saying to you

prayer is the key that unlocks the

resources of heaven so that they can be

Unleashed on planet Earth prayer is the

key he’s actually giv you to get all the

good stuff down here cuz I don’t know

about you but I don’t want to wait to

get to heaven to experience all that God

has for me any Bits of Heaven he plans

to give me on Earth I want it right now

prayer accesses the Bits of Heaven he

intends to give you now when you’ve

lived long enough you’ve come to realize

that that life is not always

easy and while we cherish those times of

fun and frivolity and play and

excitement we dread those times of pain

and anguish and

struggle someone has said that life can

be described as being

Bittersweet it has those sweet moments

that we cherish and

embrace and those bitter moments that

bring us to tears hurt and

pain Paul is

writing and he concludes his treaties to

the church at

Ephesus to talk to them about the

battleground of

life we call it spiritual

warfare but he’s not just talking about

any kind of battle he describes this one

specifically by calling it The Evil day

the evil

day the evil day is when all hell breaks

loose on

you the evil day is when you are

overwhelmed yes life has its normal ups

and downs but that’s not what he’s

talking about here he’s talking about

when you are under major

attack when your world is being

shattered your dreams are being

destroyed your hopes are being dimmed

and where you look out and all you see

is the light of an oncoming train he

calls that the evil day the day when

hell is after you and your name has come

up he says when that day comes when that

period of time when you’re under major

assault comes he says I want you to

understand how to how to approach this

because he says on that day you’re going

to need the strength of the Lord verse

10 normal stuff is not going to work and

playing Church show enough won’t work he

says on that day you’re going to need

the Supernatural and so he goes into

these verses leading up to the subject

of prayer to tell us how to approach

this time in your life in my life now I

want to make sure that I’m not wasting

my time on this sermon so is anybody

here know what I’m talking about when I

talk about an evil

day an evil day when you’re under

massive spiritual

assault well let me remind

you that everything visible and physical

is preceded by that which is invisible

and spiritual everything visible and

physical is is preceded by that which is

invisible and

spiritual so Paul wants you to know if

you want to address in the time of your

attack the visible and physical you need

to do it from the perspective of the

invisible and

spiritual he gives you the term that he

uses throughout the book of Ephesians of

heavenly places Heavenly places means

the spiritual realm and what he’s saying

is that when you are under

assault when your life is being

shattered you’re trying to be in the

will of God you’re trying to walk with

God but you’re being attacked your

well-being is being attacked your dreams

are being attacked your health is being

attacked your stability is being

attacked your resources are being

attacked your future is being attacked

you are just under assault he says

during those times you have to view

things from the location of Heavenly

places or the spiritual realm if you’re

going to be strong to walk through work

through the times of those attacks and

he wants to

set the plan in place for how you going

to make it through the evil day for

those of you who’ve not yet been to the

evil day keep living it’s

coming when you’re under assault

and your stability your

world is being shaken he says during

those times three times he says I want

you to stand firm stand

firm stand firm don’t quit don’t quit

don’t quit because the Temptation is

easily to throw in the towel when your

world is collapsing right in front of

your eyes he says the first thing I want

you to understand is that you wrestle

not against flesh and

blood in other words people aren’t the

source of your problem they may be the

conduit for your problem but they’re not

the source of your problem for we

Christians wrestle not against flesh and

blood but principalities and powers and

World forces that are located in

Heavenly places or the spiritual realm

so if you address the resource without

addressing the source all you’ve done is

created a delay for it to come back up

again because you’ve not gotten to the

root of the problem we’re just

addressing the fruit of the problem and

so what he is saying is the source is

spiritual he first of all wants to set

the stage by saying on the evil day when

you’re in this season of Attack I want

you to stand firm which means to hold

your ground in the Lord he says be

strong in the Lord to hold your

spiritual ground it is easy to be swayed

and moved off of Center when you’re

suffering it is easy to be swayed and

move off of the source of your hope when

you’re going going through it and you

see no exit sign it is easy to be moved

but he says during those times when you

are under assault and your world is

being stripped from right underneath you

he calls it the evil day he says during

that time I want you to grab more

tightly your faith don’t loosen it up

stand firm when you’re under the fire of

the evil one when you’re under Fire of

demonic attack when you’re under the

fire of suffering you do not run away

from God when you are in the evil day

you have to run to God when you’re in

the midst of the evil day because you’re

now engaged in spiritual

warfare he says stand firm hold on to

your faith he then tells you how to

dress for Spiritual

success he gives you the Armor of God he

tells you I want you to get dressed for

the battle now when you’re in a war and

when you’re in a

parade a military parade they show the

weapons when you in a war you use the

weapons cuz in the evil day this is not

Showtime at the Apollo this is time when

you’ve got to get dressed he says you’ve

got to put on Truth put on righteousness

put on peace he goes on he says you got

to put on faith he he says you got to

put on the helmet of salvation then he

says you got to use the sword of the

spirit which is the word of God he gives

these six pieces of spiritual Arsenal or

Spiritual armor that the believer is to

utilize when it comes to taking a stand

in the evil day or when you’re under

spiritual attack and spiritual

oppression that’s affecting your

physical Financial circumstantial

emotional family well-being take your

stand harder than you’ve ever taken it

before but put on this armor but now you

may not remember all the pieces of the

armor so let’s make it easy because

Romans chap 13 verse4 says put on Christ

if you can’t remember all the pieces

remember this one put on Christ why

because he says I want you to be put on

Truth Jesus says I am the way the truth

and the light he says I want you to put

on righteousness scripture says Christ

is our righteousness he says put on

peace Jesus said in this world you will

have tribulation but I give you my peace

he says put on the helmet of salvation

scripture is clear Jesus is the author

and finisher of our salvation and then

he says put on the word of God use the

sword of the spirit John 1:1 says in the

beginning was the word the word was with

God the Word was God verse 14 and the

word became flesh and dwelt Among Us

Jesus says he is the word so if you

don’t remember truth remember Jesus if

you don’t remember righteousness

remember Jesus if you don’t remember

peace remember Jesus if you don’t

remember Faith remember Jesus if you

don’t remember the helmet of Sal ation

remember Jesus if you don’t remember the

Bible remember Jesus because Jesus is

the full armor of God this is centered

in God’s son who is the revelation of

God the manifestation of God who is the

power of God to manifest himself

particularly in the evil day now you

want to do it all the time but you

better do it in the evil day when the

doctors don’t have answers

when the bankers don’t have answers when

your friends don’t have answers and show

enough when you don’t have answers you

need to be centered on the person of

Jesus Christ and all the

tools that he offered you but he says

you got to put him

on he says in verse 18 with all prayer

and petition pray at all times in the

spirit and with this is view be on the

alert with all perseverance and petition

for all the saints the way you put on

Christ that is practically utilize him

to equip you to move through the battle

you face is with

prayer now prayer is relational

communication with

God a lot of people want to pray when

they in spiritual war

who have not prayed till they got the


warfare in other words they don’t know

how to stand strong in the Lord cuz they

haven’t been standing with the Lord but

now that they’re in an emergency they

need the

Lord he’s talking about staying in touch

with him all day that’s why 1

Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without

ceasing in other words stay in touch

with me now let me explain why this is

so important the evil day is

principalities powers and World forces

this means you are under attack this

means that this attack is coming from

the devil and demons it is unfortunate

that far too many Christians have lost

sight of demons demons are angels that

went rogue demons are the spiritual

Mafia that that attacks us in the

spiritual that brings about our pain in

the physical and the Bible has an answer

to Demons the answer to Demons are

angels so here’s how this works the

Bible declares every Christian has been

assigned an Angel and the job of the

Angel is to look after the well-being of

the believer so every Christian has an

angel that is assigned to you by God one

of the jobs of your angel is to throw

wart the Demonic attack that is coming

against you cuz Angels know how to fight

angels and so when the Demonic Angel

comes to bring pain and anguish and

defeat in your world and in your life

you have an angel the Bible says when we

pray we engage God the Holy Spirit and

I’ll talk about him in a moment who is

who activates the angel assigned to you

to deal with the Demonic oppression that

is coming against you so he says with

all perseverance thank you

Lord but he tells you something else and

it’s the key he says pray in the

spirit Verse 18 all right don’t just

pray meaning don’t just have


but he says I want you to pray in the

spirit thank you

God uh question is what does that

mean the

Bible talks about the role of the

spirit is to deliver the mind of

God 1 Corinthians chapter


2 verse 9

10 but just as it is written things

which I have not seen and ear is not

heard and which has not been entered

into the heart of man all that God has

prepared for those who love him for to

us God revealed them he’s not talking

about heaven he’s talking about Earth to

us God revealed them through the spirit

for the spirit searches all things even

the depth of God see when you’re in the

evil day that means folk can’t help you

when you’re in the evil day they have

limitations that they can do for you and

you need something that eye have not

seen Ear Has Not Heard and the

imagination is not conceived of you need

the supernatural to enter into the

natural now being in the

spirit is opposed in scripture to being

in the


to be in the spirit let me start with

the the participle in he wants you to be

in the spirit so he does not want you

visiting and

exiting he wants you operating in the

realm of the spirit what is the realm of

the spirit the realm of the spirit is a


mindset in Romans chapter 8: 1-13 he

gives this extended discussion about the

spirit and he says when you have the

spirit you have the mind of the spirit

so this has to do with how you’re

thinking the mind is your thought he

wants you to think spiritually not

secularly he wants you to think

biblically not worldly he wants you to

think the mind of Christ not the mind of

man Galatians 5:6 but I say walk by the

spirit and you will not carry out the

desire of the flesh for the flesh sets

its desire against the spirit and the

spirit against the flesh for these are

in opposition to one another so that you

may not do the things that you

please he says there is a

battle and it’s a battle between the

spirit and the flesh let me Define the

flesh the flesh

is the desire to please self

independently of God the flesh is the

desire to please

yourself as opposed to pleasing God we

all battle with the flesh walk in the

spirit and you will not fulfill the

desire please don’t misread that he

didn’t say you won’t have the

desire cuz the flesh Wants What It Wants

so you will have the desire but the

spirit will will override it don’t read

the verse in Reverse don’t read to get

rid of the desire of the flesh walk in

the spirit that’s backwards walk in the

spirit and it will overrule the desire

of the flesh it will overrule it the

capacity to do what you need to do or

what God wants done will be activated in

your experience as you walk in the

spirit now many times people will say

I’m praying but nothing is happening

well let me explain

many Christians pray they doing the

right thing but they’re doing it in the

flesh they’re doing it in the wrong

environment and if you’re doing the

right thing in the wrong environment the

right thing won’t work so just cuz you

say your prayers in the morning say

grace at dinner and say your bedtime

prayer that’s the right thing but the

question is have you been walking in the

right environment because if you’re not

walking in the right environment doing

the right thing won’t work and in fact

it can help kill you quicker so he says

all all all all I want you to be

consumed with being in my presence

Walking In the Flesh he says will put

you in a spiritual graveyard but walking

by the spirit will put you and here’s

how you know because you’re no longer

having to force

things when you’re in the spirit but the

Bible calls the spirit a wind yes yeah a

wind it blows the Bible says the Holy

Spirit guides us he pulls us now you can

walk you should walk but you’re walking

on some power you’re walking on some

undering you’re walking on some strength

because you’re walking with the mind of

the spirit consistent with the

Revelation and word of God so that he


override yes yes inde and so you begin

to flow in

it even though you still have to walk

and even though you may have a ways to

go he says pray always in the spirit

spiritually yes

yes and so he’s my only

out and so we cry out to God and trust

God but you have your evil day oh

yes or you

will and if we make prayer a lifestyle

walking in the spirit of lifestyle and

not a

visit don’t treat the spirit like you

treat Church don’t just come for a

visit no he says you roll with me and

you stay in contact with me all day

every day short long fast slow