Priscilla Shirer, Tony Evans & Family: Divine Disruption and God’s Hand in Your Life | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer sits down with Dr. Tony Evans, Chrystal Evans Hurst, Jonathan Evans, and Anthony Evans on TBN’s Praise to unpack their new book, Divine Disruption. Listen as Priscilla Shirer and her family recall God’s divine disruption in the midst of family loss and grief.

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you begin to actually see how things

that seemed disconnected at the time or

just seemed like it wasn’t going your

way how you’re working god work

watching god work that out then it helps

to build your confidence when you’re

going through something now because you

realize wait a minute if he sustained me

in my 20s and my 30s and even in my

teenage years when i look back and see

little things i wrote down and i go oh

my gosh the lord was

the lord was moving even then to derail

me and to put into a particular


that track record becomes a booster for


in the current things that you’re facing

in your life so i i want to know


god in disruptions what do you need to


to change to get your perspective to


you can see god pass because disruption

is such a it’s such a thing for an

emotional person like me

how do you see god when when there’s so

much disturbance how do you get that

that that that clear daddy or priscilla

or anybody but i well you know what

there are many times in the bible where

people are struggling with god yes

rebecca wants to know why how long

job’s big question is why did the

righteous suffer

you know so

it is

fake news

to assume

that to be committed to christ means

that you will not suffer

in this world you will have tribulations


16 33 says

but then he says be of good cheer i have

overcome the world so the circumstances

are never to have the final say-so

although they are real that you have to

deal with so the question is how do you

deal with them well a lot of times what

people do

is they want to find god in the midst of

it when they have been built a

relationship with god before it came

and it’s hard to pour a foundation in a

storm you you that’s a hard thing to do

the idea is to increasingly build

your confidence in a sovereign god god

has two wills he has a

unconditional will a conditional will

his unconditional will means he’s going

to do it whether you

uh like it or not because he’s decided

to do it his conditional will means he’s

going to do it if you meet the


well obviously it was god’s

unconditional will to take mom home at

70 years old

when he did because we met the

conditions and he still did it so that’s

his unconditional will but if you only

believe god has a conditional will

then you’re going to be disappointed

when you’ve when you’ve met the

conditions and the opposite thing

happens but when you know he has

unconditional will that his sovereign

plan overrides

our desires

for his glory and our good

and maybe what god wanted to do was to

use our loss

which was in his will

to help others in their loss

and their grief and their hurt and their

struggle because god never wastes

bad times on us

he uses them for good times for others

and just to your point dad about

building your confidence and your

relationship with the lord before the

storm comes i think one of the


ways that people can do that i know it’s

been helpful for me i didn’t even

realize i was doing it but actually

writing down and keeping a track record

of when you see the fingerprints of god

in your life

i look back now and realize i was

probably just keeping a little journal

i’m not one of those people that

journals like every day or you know even

every you know religiously every week or

anything like that but just when

something happens

that i see the fingerprints of god

opening a door or closing a door that in

hindsight i realized was his best plan

for me

or i see something happening where it’s

just what some would consider ordinary

but there’s the traces of god’s

handiwork just moving things around i

write that down because you won’t

remember what happened a decade ago

but when you open up this little book

you’ve scribbled some notes about what

god has done and then you look back and

you begin to actually see how things

that seemed disconnected at the time or

just seemed like it wasn’t going your

way how you’re working god work

watching god work that out then it helps

to build your confidence when you’re

going through something now

because you realize wait a minute if he

sustained me in my 20s and my 30s and

even in my teenage years when i look

back and see little things i wrote down

and i go oh my gosh the lord was

the lord was moving even then to derail

me into into a particular direction

that track record becomes a booster for

you in the current things that you’re

facing in your life

so i’ve even done that with my sons i’ve

kept a little journal for each of the

boys i bought a little journal when i

started when my oldest was five i went

to ross dressed for less in the back

corner there they’ve got these little

journals for 5.99 and i’ve had the same

ones for i guess now 15 years and every

now and then when i just see

just a little hint

in a question they’ve asked or a

conversation we’ve had or some way i can

see god working and moving and something

he’s lined up for them

i write it down because i want to be

able to give it to them and say look

if if he did this for you then when you

hit the bumps of life which we all are

then you can trust him because he’s

already proven to you that he’s going to

be faithful yeah and jonathan you

mentioned wrestling with god which we

all watched you do firsthand because you

are the athlete of the family like you

you do this and then you end up here you

work out and you end up doing but like

that’s just kind of how your mind works

but as we talk about as as we’ve heard

these things that were said i remember i

think in chapter nine of the book you

basically talk about getting the place

where you realized that god’s answer was

yes or yes and you had to get yourself

there can you can you elaborate on that

when it comes to yeah absolutely

just thinking about you know what dad is

saying in his conditional and

unconditional will like we met the


so i’m like uh i’m just waiting i did it

the whole time i’m hopeful yeah the

whole time yeah we all work and i’m

watching mommy kind of decline but i’m

like uh it’s okay because he’s gonna

it’s gonna be a greater you know what i

mean like yeah so i’ve done that in my

mind and and the the the effort that we

had put forward just calling on the name

of the lord and and i felt like this was

a great opportunity for him

god this is a great opportunity for you

now no you need to take advantage of

this one this is a that’s right

everybody’s watching yeah um and so i

kind of got to a place where i really

felt was hopeful about it and when he

basically said no that’s how i received

it initially

that we did all of this

and you just didn’t come through right

you didn’t make a way out of out of no

way you know you didn’t do those things

but then god you know in my quiet time

in silence silence and solitude i got

clarity and just spending time with god

and he just said you know you don’t

understand my victory you’re complaining

because you don’t really understand what

jesus christ has done it was hard for

you to watch your mother die but how

much harder was it to me to watch my son

die so your mother can actually live and

when i thought about the life that has

been given

in his unconditional will that his

unconditional will even meeting his


was better than what i prayed for trying

to meet his conditional will

um you asked for healing she’s got it

um you asked her to be with family she’s

got it you asked her to be well taken

care of she’s got it you don’t

understand i’ve given you everything you

asked for on a higher level than you

asked for it and you don’t understand it

because you’re a kid

you’re not

you don’t say the same thing with my

kids they just don’t get it

until they get to a point of maturity

where they’re able to say oh dad his

will is just best

and um and now we can do what my mom

always said with my mom like she’s not


we can do it our mom always said your

greatest ministry will come right out of

your greatest misery

and um and keep on going you know one of

the ways me and daddy encourage each

other you know through football

is you know in in football every player

has to retire

it happens every time and the players

that are still on the field are sad you

know because that’s the that’s their guy


but all you can do is put your head down

and keep playing until you retire too

because you want to hear the coach say

the same thing to you that he said to

him well done you played hard here’s

your gold jacket

yeah enjoy retirement and that’s what

mommy’s doing she retired she’s enjoying

that retirement in his rest and we’re

going to put our heads down we’ll keep

playing hard that’s great all the way to

the finish yeah there are so many things

that we

had had to to learn i mean i didn’t

realize i think daddy told me this he

thought that when we were going through


and and mommy thought this too she would

look at me and be like are you okay but

it wasn’t a normal are you okay it was

kind of like

uh this is the kid that could fall apart

with this much weight on him emotionally

that it was that kind of are you okay

and i

all the things that we’ve talked about

all the lessons that i learned along the

way even in the hard moments of my life

i didn’t realize were training me for

this moment in the book um i can’t

remember what chapter but we tell the

story of of the karate kid which i won’t

tell the whole thing now priscilla tells

it a lot um do you want to just hit on

that real quick i mean well just that

there was a lot of training i mean the

karate kid you know the the one with

daniel’s son and mr me yeah the original

the original one not the stuff

although that was good too yes but the

original one you know

danielson wants training

and in karate so he goes to mr miyagi

and mr miyagi basically has him managing

his house cleaning cars painting fences

sanding the floor

and he just daniel becomes extremely

frustrated he’s like you this is not

what i’m here for yeah i came here to

train to be able to be excellent at the

craft of karate

and so mr miyagi sees his frustration

and he starts throwing punches and

daniel without thinking about it begins

to block all of these punches and kicks

that are coming his direction he did not


that all of that training that seemed

unnecessary and seemed mundane and just

like he was actually accomplishing


in that mundane training was actually

everything that he needed to be prepared

for the fight he was learning he was

becoming masterful at the craft it just

didn’t look like it in the moment

at tbn our mission is to use every

available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping make

the gospel of grace go around the world

without you we couldn’t do it god bless
