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you want the manifested presence of god

i’m talking about where you can look

back over your circumstances and realize

that his fingerprints were all

throughout that thing i’m talking about

where you can see footprints in the sand

as you actually recognize that god was

walking beside you the whole way i’m

talking about what other people call

coincidence encounters you see the

sovereign hand of god that was aligning

your footsteps and setting you in the

right place at the exact right time the

manifest presence of god

i want to submit to you

that jesus is there

in this difficult moment in your

marriage in this trying moment in your

finances in this struggle on your job in

this difficulty in this relationship

you’re rubbing corners with your boss or

your spouse or this struggle you’re

having on your university campus or in

your high school campus this hard time

that you were having he is there he just

may have come in the package you don’t


and that oftentimes the fingerprints of

god are not recognized not because he’s

not there it is just because the

expectation we have set up about what he

looks like and how he will speak and how

he will move the prayer request the

solution that he will bring doesn’t

align with the prayer requests that we

have prayed we have boxed god into the

way we want him to answer instead of

believing that his ways are not our ways

and his thoughts are not our thoughts as

high as the heavens are above the earth

that’s how high his thoughts are above

our own and so we box god in when we say

lord answer my request in this

particular way do you know

that you limit not god but you limit i

limit our experience of god when we say

lord answer my request exactly this way

i have learned to pray here lord is my

request you said that i can make it

known here’s how i would like to see you

move in my circumstance thank you lord

that i can come boldly and make my

request known so i’ve made my request

but at the end of that prayer i’ve

learned to pray lord do it

or do something better

because do you know there are categories

of options

that our brain doesn’t even know are

available and accessible to us and if we

limit god to what we can think and what

we see as the way we have not even


the categories of opportunity that this

divine holy almighty being has

accessible to him y’all he’s not just

thinking about you he’s thinking about

your children and your grandchildren and

your great-grandchildren and those that

are to come and how his kingdom purposes

are going to be outworked in this


and so on this occasion the messiah

shows up and nobody recognizes him

except somebody say accept

except a guy named simeon

he had been told and promised

just like we have

that he would


the manifest presence of god he’d been

told it

he’d been promised just like we’ve been

promised because of our relationship

with god through christ jesus and the

holy spirit indwelling us that we will

see the fingerprints of god working in

our lives this is called the manifest

presence of god

it is unique to omnipresence

omnipresence means that god is

everywhere all at the same time i’m so

grateful for god’s omnipresence because

god’s omnipresence means that when i fly

back to dallas where i live when my new

friends that i just met from uganda fly

back to where they live um that when you

all fly back to wherever ever it is

you’ve come from whether all over

different areas of california or afar it

means that no matter where we go he is

as much with me as he is with you

because he is omnipresent

but if you’re anything like me you’re

grateful for his omnipresence but you

want more than that

you want the manifested presence of god

i’m talking about where you can look

back over your circumstances and realize

that his fingerprints were all

throughout that thing i’m talking about

where you can see footprints in the sand

as you actually recognize that god was

walking beside you the whole way i’m

talking about what other people call

coincidence encounters you see the

sovereign hand of god that was aligning

your footsteps and setting you in the

right place at the exact right time the

manifest presence of god

i wanted to know what made simeon’s eyes

open to recognize what nobody else in

this scenario did i figured whatever

opened up his eyes might open up our

eyes as well are you ready three things

that i want to point out to you it says

in verse 26 about simeon it says that it

had been

actually verse 25 i want to start there

there was a man in jerusalem whose name

was simeon he was righteous devout

looking for the consolation of israel we

could spend a whole lot of time in those

three but here’s where i want to heart

the holy spirit was upon him

the holy spirit

was upon him

it says

that he came into the temple verse 27

in the spirit

verse 26 says it had been revealed to



the holy spirit

look at the presence of the holy spirit

permeating this text look at how the

author has over and over and over again

highlighted the work of the holy spirit

in opening up simeon’s eyes to be able

to recognize the manifested presence of

god before him in the person of jesus

christ luke

here he is just in the second chapter of

this book and by the way just in these

first two chapters he has already

alluded to the spirit ten times

the work of god’s spirit is so powerful

and so needful to a fruitful experience

in the life of the believer that even

before the book of acts even before

pentecost even before the spirit has


luke points out the movement of the

spirit here in the life of simeon this

shows you how important the spirit’s

work is how critical it is to making

sure that your spiritual senses your

spiritual radar is heightened so that

you can detect the presence of god

the holy spirit was upon him now i want

you to see the work of god’s spirit this

is just the first uh characteristic of

simeon but i want to just just take some

time for just a few moments on it the

work of god’s spirit is so important it

deserves a little bit of our attention

here there are three ways that the holy

spirit is described as relating to

simeon in these few verses just just a

few ways that the holy spirit relates to

simeon in these few verses the first

thing it says is that the holy spirit

was upon him now listen i want you to

know that if you have placed faith in

jesus christ the holy spirit lives on

the inside of you

ephesians chapter 1

says that the moment you believed you

received the holy spirit you were sealed

by the holy spirit of promise

i want you to know that at the moment

you became a believer in jesus christ

you received the most incredible gift

you will ever receive this side of

eternity and that is the very presence

of god living on the inside of you the

holy spirit is not a ghost or a wind or

a fire or a dove he is often symbolized

by those things but don’t minimize him

that ain’t who he is the holy spirit is

the third person of the trinity not

third because he is least in value just

third because he’s the last to be

revealed to us in the pages of scripture

but all of the power all of the glory

all of the authority all of the grandeur

of god the father is in the person of

the holy spirit

which means

if you’re a believer in the holy spirit

lives in you

that means all of the grandeur and all

of the greatness all of the authority of

god himself now lives on the inside of

you so if you are a believer you have

the holy spirit you are not waiting on

more of the holy spirit all the holy

spirit you ever gon get you got the

moment you got saved

now you do need to be filled by god’s


so that his influence in your life grows

and grows so that you operate under the

gifting of the spirit so that you can

live according to the fruit of the

spirit that means living beyond your

natural capacity it means when your

patience runs out you can still have

more patience with that person it means

when gentleness has long since left the


you still find you got a little

gentleness for that when self-discipline

i mean you just don’t have no more

self-discipline in that area we need the

fruit of god’s spirit so we need to be

filled by the spirit as we yield to him

in obedience we are filled which means

he influences us more our mind is

renewed and transformed we are

sanctified into the image of christ


so the holy spirit

is in you

but simeon

his relationship with the spirit is not

described in that way

it doesn’t say that the spirit was in


it says that the holy spirit was on him

which means

there is a difference between the spirit

being in you

and the spirit resting on you

listen to me

the gift of god’s spirit in you oh this

brings tears to my eyes

the gift of god’s spirit in you

he will never leave you nor forsake you

there is nothing you can do to work

yourself out of a relationship with the

holy spirit


but him being on you

you got to live a life i i want to live

a life that is a magnet for the presence

of god to rest on me

we can sit in this conference until

we’re blue in the face and applaud the

truths of god and say amen to the truths

of god but if we leave this room and

live in a way

that is out of alignment with the truth

of god we will not have the spirit

resting on us

if you want the mark of god’s presence

on you i’m talking about where other

people can see you operating in your

gift moving about in the assignments

that you have been given where they can

just see there’s a unique favor on your

life toward that particular task or that

particular endeavor where you are marked

by something that gives you favor that

gives you his grace for a particular

area of your life then you must live i

must choose to live in a way that honors

god so that god’s presence can rest upon


because he will not force himself on you

he offers you this resting of his

presence and his grace upon your life if

you will choose to live in a way that

does not

disturb his presence that does not keep

him from being able to be near you

because you have chosen here it is

to be


dude and i were sitting together on an

airplane and he was seated over the wing

our seats were directly over the wing of

the airplane and so he was sort of just

looking out at the wing of the plane and

there we were suspended in midair flying

to our destination and i could tell he

was mesmerized by this whole concept

that this tube of steel is in the air

holding us up and that um this this wing

is connected to the plane he was sort of

just dissecting this entire this entire

situation and as he looked over the wing

he looked back at me

and said mom how do they get that wing

on this plane

and i said buddy i gotta be honest with

you i have no idea i have no idea how

they get that wing on the plane i don’t

know how it works but i have an idea for

you jude you have an uncle their dad’s

brother uncle vaughn he works in the

airline industry he actually works in

the business where they they make all

the veins and the wiring that connects

the different parts of the aircraft so i

saw this as a teachable moment i said

you should talk to your uncle vaughn

when we get home and it’d be a great

opportunity for you to learn something

and then i said to him you know what

you can be whatever you want to be when

you grow up do do you know that you can

do whatever you want to do like if you

want to make airplanes like your uncle

vaughn when you grow up you can so

totally do that if you’d like to and as

i said that to him i said buddy you can

be anything you want to be in your life

anything you want to do you can do it he

looked back at me and he said mom

i don’t want to do what uncle vaughn

does when i grow up i want to do what

you do when i grow up


you know it’s one of those moments where

you’re just thinking baby what do you

want whatever you want i’ma give it to


oh but wait for it

because i looked back at him and said


what does mama do

now i had expectations about what his

answer was going to be at least some

framework about how he might respond

lord i’d love to or mom i’d love to

share the lord with people mom i’d like

to write mom i would like to do a myriad

of different things maybe that he could

have said

but he looked back and he said mom

i want to do nothing just like you

you do nothing all day every day you do


i said buddy you see how

like the clothes you’re wearing right

now are clean how do you think that they

actually get clean he said well that’s

just like washing that’s no big deal i

said but you eat every day you eat

actual food how do you think it gets

cooked and he said that’s what moms do

that’s no big deal

and i said but you know every now and

then there’s a book or there might be a

bible study there’s even there was a

little film a little movie remember it’s

been we spent like three months maybe

that what do you think i’m doing he’s

like you just sitting behind the

computer all day just doing this you’re

doing nothing

i laughed and then i thought in that

moment right after the conversation

how much that is like my relationship

with the lord

in fact there was confirmation of that

because the very next day and i only

share this with you to make this point

but the very next day after that

conversation with jude

my publisher sent me an email they sent

an email to tell me about something that

they know i never know because i’m

keeping up with three sons they said

priscilla we just want to let you know

that fervent um a little book that i had

written we want you to know that it’s on

the new york times bestseller list it

actually won a few awards they said that

to me in the email and all i could do

when i looked at it was chuckle because

it was just the day before that my son

said to me

that when i was doing to him to what

looked like an amounted to nothing

that is exactly when i was crafting

something that hopefully would be a

blessing to people’s lives

and the holy spirit said to me that’s

just like you and me priscilla

because i’m behind the scenes

orchestrating and crafting the chapters

of your story all the while you think

i’m doing nothing you point an

accusatory finger at me wondering where

i am and why i’m not hearing your

request and why i’m not moving in the

way that you would like me to move

you’re assuming that i’m sitting back

passively ignoring you where all the

while i am busy making a story out of

your life the likes of what you can’t


i came to encourage somebody today

that there’s a chapter that is being

written right now with your story i’m

talking about right now in that

difficulty right now in that valley year

of your marriage right now in that

trouble in your finances that difficulty

on your job that hardship with your

co-worker i’m talking about that one

co-worker the one that if she says one

more thing to you you go knock her out

that one


there is a chapter he is crafting

a manuscript he’s writing

that one day when we see him face to


we’re going to see the story that he was


and every single crown we get we’re

going to turn around and place it right

back at his feet

and say thank you lord for this

privilege that we had to live a life

a life in relationship with you

and so even with these hardships and

even with these hurts we pray and we

pray in gratitude we pray in

gratefulness in advance thanking him for

the answer that he will give us that is

simultaneous to what we’ve asked for or

the answer that is so far beyond our

capacity to even comprehend and pray

that we trust him for something that

that has so much generational ripple

effect the likes of which we may never

see in our grandchildren and our great

grandchildren and our great great

grandchildren i’m so glad for the

prayers of a grandmother and a great

grandmother and grandfather in my life

who prayed some stuff that y’all they

didn’t get to see the fruit of their


but how glad i am that they trusted him

to do what they were asking or

something better

and it occurred to me that while i did

value prayer i had neglected

intentionality with prayer

being strategic in prayer actually

trying to detect where you see the

enemy’s fingerprints

kind of his handiwork meddling in your


where you anticipate he might want to

take advantage of a weakness or a or a a

bit of divisiveness

and just being mindful of that so that

when we pray we’re not just randomly

saying words that we’ve heard all along

or words that we’ve kind of memorized

along the way or words that are

comfortable to us but we’re actually um

praying in a way that is targeted it’s

kind of exactly what you described a few

moments doing the work to find the

promises of god that actually apply in

everything that we know intentional


and then writing it down sometimes we

need to write our prayers down only

because it keeps us focused it reminds

us what we’re praying about you know so

when it’s posted there in that war room

and you come back in there day after day

you’re reminded this is your prayer this

is where you’re focusing your um your

prayer life on and until i see an answer

i’m going to keep praying this prayer it

also gives you a great track record with

god because then when god does answer

you can see that date at the top of that

page of when you started praying that

and then you’ll be able to put a date

down of when god answered however in his

sovereignty he chose to what a great

track record not just for you but your

grandchildren and your

great-grandchildren to see how grandmama

or uh grandpa prayed and believed that

god would answer wow i think that thing

i loved about or you know even the

prayer because in ephesians 6 it talks

about the armor you know which we’re

familiar with but then prayer is we’re

saying yeah that’s right kicks into

after that sword

it goes right to prayer and it’s not the

the the prayer that’s oh god why you

know the whining i mean you can do that

for a minute because maybe we all need

to whine for a minute that’s the

complaining side of it you can’t

complain to god because honestly the

psalms david complained for a bit yeah

and you know he went he went on a

journey with god he was intimate and

real with his pain and agony before god

and then there’s got to be a rising up

then there has to be a point where you

that’s the thing so at some point yes do

the complaining but at some point you

have to begin speaking the truth

of what god has to say about your

marriage about your health

and about your family about

reconciliation i just remember even that

for me with

just some situations and

you know family and extended family that

was hard it was so hard and and i

remember moments of you know the

complaining before god because of course

i was perfect and they were the problems

well everybody else needs to change yeah

if they would it would really help out

my life totally um then

but so i you know complained but then i


you know talking about pulling out the

scriptures that talked about unity and

reconciliation and and together and

faithfulness and just declaring that and

i’ve seen god do what only he could do

yeah in the lives of people i mean i saw

it in my health but i i’ve also seen it

in relationships with people and so i

just think that

that if if people understood more about

the power

you know some people say well all i can

do is pray no no that’s not all


the thing to do right

second um second chronicles 7 14. if my

people right who are called by my name

humble themselves and pray yeah right

then he’s going to heal our land we’re

too busy complaining about our land and

our government and all that’s happening

it’s like well you can complain

but if you prayed as much as you

complained maybe we would see something

different and you know what if i were

your enemy what i’d want to do is

devalue in your mind the potency of what

i know to be the most powerful weapon

you have against me so he’s made our

churches focus on being a house of great

programs or a house of great preaching

and a house of great singing

when they’re supposed to be a house of

prayer because it’s the prayer that

pushes back the kingdom of darkness so

if i were the enemy that’s exactly what

i do i devalue what i knew was the most

potent weapon that you had in your

arsenal against me so we do everything

first except pray pray so for you

personally so how do you

when do you when do you pray are you

late at night person are you the middle

of the day person are you well i don’t

wanna tell you first of all lest anyone

think that my life is you know i’m up on

a mountaintop praying and through my god

all day that’s right

um my life is very much like everybody

else’s that it’s kids laundries and

laundry and kids and it’s kind of that

thing where you know once your feet hit

the floor in the morning it’s over it’s

just full-on for the rest of the day

right and so um

i have this ongoing actually part of my

prayer is lord would you continue to

help me to prioritize this in my life

because it can so easily kind of get

pushed off of the that position of

priority so i just say lord i need you

to stir i don’t want to manufacture

passion i want you to stir in me a

passion to where i don’t want to go a

day without prioritizing prayer and then

hearing back from you listening to you

through the scriptures and so i try to

do that in the morning because it seems

like that’s the best time if i wait till

the end of the day it ain’t going to

happen no that’s the same with me no if

i don’t if in the morning if i if it

doesn’t happen then yeah then it just

gets it’s like if it doesn’t happen just

the very first time i know that once you

get going

but i will say i learned a bit from

brother lawrence that you know age old

saint from that book practicing the

presence of god um that really just

gives us freedom lifts that burden off

of us of feeling like if we don’t have

an hour to spend with the lord at the

beginning of the day that it’s a waste

of time to practice god’s presence all

day long yes so my kids are a little bit

older now but i went through a season

four five six years there where i would

just write down scripture verse on a

three by five card the same one on five

different cards maybe and i’d put one on

the bathroom mirror where i’d be washing

little hands all day one where i was

gonna be doing the dishes one where i

was folding clothes one near the sandbox

outside and i just would have the same

verse for like two weeks so everywhere i

went i was just running into this verse

and by the time i got to the end of the

day not only had me and the lord talked

about this one verse a lot not only was

it inscribed on my heart but it became

god’s word to me it became

something that really there was a life

in it wasn’t just a verse i’d learned

there was life in it because me and god

been talking all day long for a couple

of weeks about the sentiments that he’d

um inscribed in this in this passage of

scripture so i think that idea of

practicing the presence of god

it takes that guilt off of i didn’t have

my quiet time and it didn’t look like

this and it didn’t fit in a comfortable

little box well look do it however you

got to do it right practice his presence

all day long how do we do that

well number one by being creative with

how you can feed yourself on his word so

my sister five kids she’s got this

little clip on her dashboard she’ll do

the same thing write a three by five

card down with scripture and she puts it

in that clip and so you know running

errands for two hours every day trying

to get kids to soccer practice and

everything she’s just running face to

face um in face to face with this with

this verse over and over throughout the

scriptures when things come up in the

middle of the day that are problems you

might call a girlfriend about you might

you can still call her but also

on god yeah just ask him about it ask

him about what scripture verse applies

to this particular

circumstance how would he want to lead

and guide you and you’ll be amazed how

you’ll begin to see the encounters that

you have the circumstances that align

the little beckonings and convictions of

god’s spirit how they all begin to work

together to help you to realize you

actually are hearing god’s voice and

seeing his providence as he steers you

in the direction of his will for your
