Priscilla Shirer: The Enemy Believes God’s Words About You. Do You? | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer teaches at the 2018 Passion Conference for TBN’s Praise. Listen in as Priscilla Shirer teaches the importance of knowing what God’s Word has to say about you, and the power and purpose you have in CHRIST JESUS. The enemy knows God’s Words about you are true. Do you?

#praise #priscillashirer #tbn

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he knows that every single thing that

god’s word

declares to be true about you every word

that has been declared

over you in these last few days of this

conference even if you’re not convinced

about it the enemy is

he knows that you have been forgiven he

knows that there is therefore now no

condemnation for those of us who are in

christ jesus

he knows that you have been given the

victory he knows that you have been made

competent by the spirit of god

so i have three boys um it’s a little

bit scary to me that they are nearly and

will be very soon in the next few years

will be

about your age three sons the

distinguishing characteristic about my


is that they are giants they are huge


my 15 year old is six foot two inches


he wears a size 14 men’s shoe my 13 year

old is about six

one he wears a 13 men’s shoe

and uh they tower over me i have a

nine-year-old who’s coming up in the

ranks with his brothers they are

tall boys somebody can help me feed

these people

and one of the distinguishing

characteristics about or what makes

their size

work for them rather is that they do

love sports so whatever sport is sort of

in season that’s what we’re playing at

the time

my second son for a lot of years he’s

into basketball now but for a lot of


baseball was this thing and i enjoyed

that i enjoyed baseball season

i liked going out there for spring ball

i like spring ball because you go

sit in the cool of the evening while

your kid is practicing i remember all

those years of

of little league when he was just coming

up and we’d sit out there in the

cool of the spring evening under the

lights of the bleachers watching and

practice and enjoying just

uh that whole atmosphere i like spring

ball so much the only problem with

spring ball is that it is going to

become summer ball

and i don’t know what happens where you

live wherever you’re coming from but i

can tell you in dallas texas which is

where i still live

and where i was born and raised in


texas in the summertime it doesn’t warm

up slightly

it gets hot i’m talking about slap your

mama hot

that kind of hot the kind of hot where

you feel like

the sun must be mad at you about

something like you did something to the

sun and the sun is trying to get you


all summer long that’s what it feels

like and you’re sitting out there at a

game trying to enjoy your kid’s game and

it really still is okay when there’s


one game the problem is that at the end

of every season there’s a tournament

so you got to be out there on a thursday

at 8 00 am and 10 a.m and noon and 2 p.m

and then depending upon how your kids

team did you’re gonna have to come back

on friday at 8 a.m and 10 a.m and then

they give you a little lunch break but

you got to come back

for the 2 p.m game the 4 p.m game and

then if your kid’s team had the nerve to

do well

you got to come back again on saturday

for the 8 a.m game and 10 a.m and

noon and two and man you’re sitting out

there under the blazing sun

trying to be happy that your kid is

doing well

really you’re wondering if it’s ever

okay to pray they lose so you can go


i will never confirm nor deny that i

have ever done that

but i will tell you that we were sitting

out there at a tournament so several

years ago

sun was blazing we were so excited for

the lunch break just because that meant

we would be able to go to a restaurant

where there would be air condition

and ice water that actually had ice in

it we got refreshed

we came back we drove our suv up into

the parking lot

opened up the back of the suv so that we

could pull out all the gear that we


to go to the next game in the tournament

we were three days into the tournament


sweaty they were doing well we were

trying to be excited about it

ready for the next game i was walking

behind my son

to get from where we had parked the car

over toward the dugout where the next

game was going to be played and so

i gathered up all the stuff you know the

ice chest that you have and the um

the umbrella that you might have to go

over your head and you know the water

bottles the

the backpacks the the baseballs the

mitts all that stuff and i was following


my son my second son jerry jr is a

fairly gregarious personality

he’s outgoing he’s excited for a


so i could see that in his step as i

followed behind him i could see a skip

in his step his chin was up his

shoulders were back he was excited about

the next game

and i got to tell you he’s pretty good

in baseball he has a natural

knack for it i remember at 10 years old

was the first time

he got a good hit and sent it sailing

over the fence line at 10 years old

and i think it’s partly because of his

size just a lot of power behind the

swing a great as a first baseman

so we were really excited about his

success in baseball and

and i watched him as he kind of hopped

and skipped over to the next game

just excited about the next challenge in

the tournament

but because i was following behind him i

had my eyes glued on him and i could see

when something changed i could see that

as we took the short walk

from where we parked the car over to the

dugout i could see that his shoulder

started to hunch over and his

head hung down i could see that that

that skip that had been in his step had

changed he was kind of

walking like he was nervous he was

wringing his hands a little bit i saw

that he was looking around his eyes

darting and

looking a little bit sketchy i was

trying to figure out what happened to my

boy it was a short walk

from where we parked the car over to the

dugout and all of a sudden his

countenance had completely changed

so i started looking around trying to

figure out what was going on why did he

look so insecure and fearful all of a


i realized that as we were going toward

the dugout we were walking past

some kids from another team they were

all laying

on the grass underneath the shade of an

oak tree getting ready for the next game

as i passed them i could see this was

the team we were about to play next

kept walking and i kept getting a look

at these boys

and when i looked at them i realized

what my son’s problem was

we had faced this team before we had

faced them earlier in the season

and when this team had played my son’s

team earlier in the season they had

annihilated us it had been a complete

embarrassment a complete upset

this team right here y’all they were

serious baseball players

but we had to walk right by them to get

to the dugout as we walked past there

were two players they were talking to

each other one was whispering to the


i think he thought he was whispering but

we could hear him

he leaned over to the other one and he

said there goes that big kid from the

red sox team

is he the one that hit the ball and it

went over the fence

yeah he was the one at first base the

one that caught any of the outs that we

got in the game that was him

so that’s jerry shire

when my boy heard his name crossed the

lips of the opposing team members

those shoulders that had been hanging

down all of a sudden i watched him pop

back again

i watched his chin go up i watched him

get a little swag

back in his step as he headed over

toward the dugout

in fact we had to bring him down a few

notches before the game started

it’s amazing really how your countenance


when you really overhear and understand

what the enemy thinks about you when he

sees you coming

it doesn’t mean that the challenge goes

away it means that in the face of it

you’re different your stance is

different because you recognize

that when the enemy sees a daughter or a


of god coming his way he’s shaking in

his boots not because of you

but because of the holy spirit of god

that lives on the inside of me

i came to tell somebody today that even

if you don’t believe what it is that the

word of god declares to be true about

you you need to know that the enemy does

he knows that every single thing that

god’s word

declares to be true about you every word

that has been declared

over you in these last few days of this

conference even if you’re not

convinced about it the enemy is he knows

that you have been forgiven

he knows that there is therefore now no

condemnation for those of us who are in

christ jesus he knows that you have been

given the victory

he knows that you have been made

competent by the spirit of god

he knows that there is therefore now no

condemnation for you

or for me no shame no guilt he knows

that you have not been given a spirit of


but a power and love and of a sound mind

and y’all he knows that in the end

we win

and i’m saying what ashamed it would be

for the enemy to believe more about your

potential than you do

what ashamed it would be for us to go

out of here with all of this

inspiration that we have been given this

investment of god’s word that he has

gathered us together over the course of

these days to worship in spirit and in

truth and to hear

his word declared true over our lives

what a tragedy it would be

for us to walk out of here and still

live like we were

before we came through these doors