On the air since 1973, TBN’s flagship ministry and talk show Praise is one of the most recognizable — and most watched — Christian programs in the world. Taped before a live audience and hosted by TBN’s own Matt and Laurie Crouch along with other popular personalities, Praise features the best in contemporary Christian music and worship, fresh and impacting ministry voices, engaging interviews from a wide variety of guests, and a fast-moving hour of relevant talk you won’t want to miss!

so on those in those moments

in which we say you know i just don’t

feel god i don’t feel god my response is

some days i don’t either

you know that’s okay it doesn’t make you

a pagan or doesn’t make you any less

spiritual or any less loved uh on those

days you just stand on the covenant

jesus said i’m with you always to the

very end of the age with you always to

the end of the age never will i leave

you never will i forsake you and so what

what we begin to do is we begin to live

in communion with god how does somebody


recovering from loneliness

i would start

by opening your mind to the possibility

of a supernatural presence of god with


would you would you open your mind just

to the possibility

that the one who made this

knows your name

and is closer to you than your next


just open your mind to the possibility

of that

the challenge of the society in which

we’ve been


in western civilization is that it is so

secularized that we’ve we’ve kind of

sucked the supernatural out of it you


if you can’t explain it if you can’t

touch it

if you can’t describe it if you can’t

prescribe it can’t fix it you can’t

tweak it then it’s not real wow you know

that’s that’s the world which we live in

we were not intended to live in that

world you know we were intended to live

in a world in which there are

supernatural realities

there are angels all around us right now

there are

they are well think about uh adam and

eve they walked with god he walked with


that’s how we were supposed to live and

that’s how we imagine

just walked with him yeah

that’s the way it was supposed to be

yeah not lonely no

not embarrassed wow

they just knew the presence of god

how do you know

how do you how do you get to know

the presence of god

there are occasions in our life when we

can truly sense the presence of god

there are occasions in our life in which

we believe in the presence of god

because he has promised to be with us

you know my lovely wife

denali uh we are a few months away from

our 40th anniversary

we’ve been married a long time that’s a

long time

uh is it you know what to be married to

me and moses in the wilderness 40 years

that’s about the same yeah not the same




some days and many days i really feel


i just feel her presence i feel the

romance even all these years later she

probably doesn’t

but i do but even with someone as

beautiful as my wife there are days that


i don’t feel married i mean i don’t you

know have my heart moving at a fast rate

i don’t get speechless when i see her

you know some days we’re just living

life together right now

are we more married on the days i feel

her presence



we’re just as married on the days the

feeling is there as on the days it’s not

i love the feeling

i love romantic evenings

i love

everything that comes with being married

to a wonderful woman but the reason

that feelings do not dictate

the reality of her presence in my life

is because a covenant has been made

a covenant has been made and she said i

do i said i do and from that moment on

from that moment on

uh we’ve been a married couple now

take that and multiply that by several


because when god makes a covenant he’s

never going to break it right

so on those in those moments

in which we say you know i just don’t

feel god i don’t feel god my response is

some days i don’t either

you know that’s okay it doesn’t make you

a pagan or doesn’t make you any less

spiritual or any less loved

on those days you just stand on the

covenant jesus said i’m with you always

to the very end of the age with you

always to the end of the age never will

i leave you never will i forsake you and

so what what we begin to do is we begin

to live in communion with god you know

we we begin to live in communion with

god the big word for that in the bible

is sanctification he he changes us uh

from people of the

of of selfishness to be people of who

are saintly sanctified we’re becoming

more and more holy and and we learn to

hear from him we learn to sense him it’s

kind of like learning uh to be married

you know her first

day after the wedding uh you had to

start learning new habits

you know used to having somebody around

you’re not used to you know having to

you know clean up or i wasn’t

so you know it’s all that yeah so for

that person who says i just don’t feel

the presence of god i say okay that’s

fine take your feelings outside and give

them a kick in the rear because they

they are not to be trusted what’s to be

trusted is the promise of god

what do you think your life’s message is

is it one particular thing or is it just

i mean you talk about everything but it

really is

that the scriptures that from beginning

to end they really are a meeting with a

person yes and that if i can encourage

people to see that the bible itself is

not just a book that we’re not just

supposed to know it here but that it

literally by the holy spirit’s power is

translated into an experience with a


in our regular everyday rhythms of life

where you experience his passion his

peace you actually sense the joy the

comfort the the nearness of god through

the scriptures that’s what i want to be

able to communicate i want the

scriptures to come alive as it did for

me not only in church as my dad preached

faithfully every sunday as he still does

to this day um and not only sitting at

the knees of my mom with her little

flannel board pieces as she would you

know put them there on the little you

know the little felt oh yeah

sunday school kids


so you know not not just in those

instances but when we’re just quietly at

our kitchen table just reading whatever

our quiet time is for the day that

that’s not supposed to be a duty just to

check off that we did our quiet time

right this is his love letter to you and

if we open our hearts up to the reality

that that’s his intention is to speak to

us then we meet the author of the letter

not just the letter itself yeah right it

is the living word of god yeah if

if you don’t have some of these books

you better get some i’ve been listening

to the audio version of this

for the last couple days and i’m telling

you um hearing the voice of god you know

and discerning

um the voice of god it starts first with

listening it does it starts with

listening and to be listening to the

scriptures i think we’re listening to

everybody and everything else hoping to

find the voice of god elsewhere when we

are um really turning our noses up at

and ignoring the main means of

communication that we have access to

straight from the hand of god himself

and that’s the bible if you want to hear

from god and you don’t ever read the

bible then you don’t really want to hear

from god exactly because that’s the

primary way he speaks people want it you

know sky writing and

you know smoke signals it’s like no open

the bible god will speak to you that’s

exactly the bible and think about this

you know we look at the people in the

old testament who had some of those

things that we desire you know the the

fiery pillar by night and the cloud you

know in the day and and all of these

different things and we look at the

dreams and the visions and donkey

speaking and all the stuff and we’re

like lord if you could just do that we’d

appreciate that you know if lightning

would flash at noon tomorrow if you want

me to take the job or not we want that

but think about the fact that the

psalmist prayed and said lord please do

not take your spirit from me they want

it in the old testament what we have

access to that’s right the reason they

needed all of that and not that god

can’t still do that because he can’t if

he chooses to but the reason they needed

those things is because they did not

have the gift that we have yeah and that

is the holy spirit holy spirit living

every single one of us that’s exactly

right yeah we were just actually um at

church recently talking about the holy

spirit and who he is and and it um one

of the you know the paraclete is the

word that would be used to translate

them and that’s actually a battle term

which you’re probably aware of and

you’re so deep holly that’s so deep

you’re so so deeply spiritual

and it’s

an ancient battle term and so the greeks

when they would go out to battle you

know they would go in pairs and you

would fight back to back protecting each

other’s back well your battle partner

was called your paraclete

so the holy spirit hey girl that’ll

preach right there right yes it does and

it so did yes it did

he’s your battle partner yeah and but if

you don’t if you actually don’t

connect and build this relationship with


right then how how are you going to hear

and you’re right so many times we spend

so much time flipping through social

media and getting on facebook and we

spend all that time looking for

information to make decisions

and he is our guide that’s right right

it’s his voice he’s he wants to guide

and direct us yeah and i think there’s a

misconception that the enemy sort of

pushes on individual believers that

there is some special hotline connection

that god has with some of us that he

does not also offer to everyone that if

you haven’t been to seminary that if

you’re not in ministry that if you don’t

have this

religious devoted elevated life of

spirituality that you don’t also have

the opportunity to hear from god but i’m

so grateful that it’s just that hearing

god is for regular women you know what i

mean just housewives and people trying

to pull the laundry and cook for their

kids and figure out new ways to cook

chicken for dinner it’s for us you know

what i’m so i’m so grateful um that it’s

not just reserved for certain people at

certain times but by god’s spirit we all

have access to here because i think i’d

be gooned that’s right that wasn’t if

that wasn’t the case

i think that’s probably one of my most


if anybody if i could open my mouth and

say anything is that god loves you and

that god is there and that god is with

you and the holy spirit never leaves you


you know that’s my passion if i if i

ever tell anybody that

is that it’s not just for the guy that’s

up on the pulpit or preaching or that

it’s just for us no matter where we are

no matter for all no matter what

wilderness experiences are going to are

either going to kill you or they’re

going to make you better right okay let

me just say something you look sharp

today amazing so if you had to go

through this pandemic and come out

looking sharp i look you took advantage

of whatever situation was you were dealt


really that’s what we’re talking about

you can go into a wilderness and die

or you can go to a wilderness and meet

god okay so i feel like that’s what i

took away from your book and i want to

hear what you want us to know about it

too i want to dig a little bit deeper

because there are a lot of people that

look sharp

that don’t feel sharp oh hey

it is much easier to go out and look


than it is to be sharp to feel sharp to

have emotional well-being to be


intellectually sound

especially in the kind of wilderness

that we are in right now yeah this is

not a geographical wilderness where we


uh the linear footage of how far it is

before we get out of it

it is the uncertainty

and living with the ambiguity of an end

that leads us into a wilderness whether

you are living in a mansion or living in

a trailer on top of a hill we are all

experiencing the same trauma

the same way

what i want people to understand is that

when you cannot draw



uh well-being from around you

you must draw it from within you

and so as opposed to the water in the


you have to have the water in your soul

woman if you believe on me as the

scriptures have said out of your belly

not your house not your job not your

country not your newspaper

not your community but out of your own

essence shall flow rivers of living

water so in essence

the human soul becomes the rock in the


and the rock there was nothing special

about the rock

it was the

the god who is living water

flow through the rock and there’s

nothing special about me

but the god who is living water flows

through me if i allow him to if not i

allow my circumstances around me to

penetrate what’s within me until the

dryness around me becomes the dryness

within me

you know i i

i love you i know

i love these inner i love this time i

love you all

holy beautiful moment every time that we

sit down with you but that reminds me of

when and today

liz i was listening to this this morning

and you were talking about when when the

flood came well i’ve read that so many

times but you said that that it wasn’t

only the water coming down the rain

coming down

but it came out of the ground yes yes

that reminds me of what of what happened

in noah’s day it came up out of the

ground after his belly yes you know you

know what i love about that

is that when god told noah it was going

to rain he didn’t tell him the whole


he didn’t tell him that he had water up

under the earth that he was going to

break up the sisters of the deep and i

think it’s important for us as believers

to know that god has resources in

unexpected places

and when he gets ready to flood you it’s

not just the flood that you anticipate

coming down from above he can break up

the cisterns of the deep yeah and in

order to submerge the earth beneath the

water there were hidden water hidden

wells of water that he tapped into and

that’s still true anybody who dug well

knows there’s water underground

for god to break up the water under the

ground uh is a very important thing i

was in africa and we dig wells uh for

indigenous people uh who have no water

i’ve done it for years and years and

years and years and it’s amazing how

many people


with water under their feet

never being able to tap into it

and if you take the horrific atrocity of

what it is like for a human soul

to die in the wilderness with the

parched mouth and dry lips and eyes roll

back in their head and give up the

ghosts for the lack of something that is

buried right up under their feet

god has blessings and provisions and

places that we never anticipated

and i think the whole concept of god’s

provision is that it comes from the

unexpected yeah what woman what is in

the house

ah nothing i got a pot of oil he says go

borrow a bunch of vessels

your nothing is something

empty then yeah yeah yeah bring your

emptiness bring your emptiness and and

i’m gonna fill it up with what you’ve

been calling nothing because i’m going

to cause something to come out of your


and and that’s the majesty

of the of god himself that he can take

the ordinary that which we have passed

over and bring something substantive out

of it so god’s provision is not always

about a rich uncle dying or about

somebody knocking on your door and

and you’re the lucky winner of whatever

it is

rethinking what you’ve been walking past


and understand that that pot of war

could be more than what you thought it


if you would bring god into it


do you agree with the statement that

you’re an esoteric thinker

yes pretty much okay

uh i had to look that word up earlier

today to make sure that i was yeah


i i consider myself more of a linear


and so when i read


book god’s provision

you know

i i’m wondering if the word wilderness

should have been in the title

okay just just for just for me

simplistic linear thinkers kind of want

to know because

god’s provision for your every need

okay is is almost like a hidden

title because

what you’re talking about is

where the provision is the provision

is sometimes in the place that you’re

cursing and wanting to get out of okay


if you want td jakes to walk you through

the problem that you’re facing or the

problem you think you’re facing or the

reality of the problem you’re facing

go to the number and get the book this


this is profound in a lot of ways and

the idea that

you’re te you’re telling me in this book

okay i’m just telling you what i got out

of it i got out of this

you’re in a test

you’re in a wilderness experience we’re

using that as an analogy right

and and god will meet you there to kill

the things that you need killed in your


provide for you the things that you need

in your life or you will really


give up


i think you said something to the effect

of it separates the

fakers from the something i don’t

remember exactly how you say in the book

but but some people give up

in the wilderness in the place where god

is trying to provide provision is that

roughly what we’re discussing yes the

let’s go back to this rewind all the way

back to why i didn’t put wilderness on

the cover

it’s the same reason that tylenol

doesn’t put a headache as its logo okay

you never put the problem on the cover

because nobody’s gonna wait

good point

you know give me five bottles of cancer

you know so who’s gonna go to the store

and say give me a lot of wilderness we

do not ask

for our wilderness oh

our wilderness asks for us

we do not get to choose the kinds of

wilderness that we face whether we’re a

single mother they’re going through a

divorce or whether we’ve lost a job or

house or whether we find ourselves with

some sort of disease we do not get to

pick the wilderness that we confront

that is the mystery of life

we do not know it until we’re in it

what we do know is that god will be in

it with us

and so when you start talking about

god’s promises

and god’s answers in our wilderness that

is sustainable known fact and it is the

commodity that you would reach for in

the store

we don’t reach for trouble

but trouble reaches for us

at tbn our mission is to use every

available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping make

the gospel of grace go around the world

without you we couldn’t do it god bless
