Priscilla Shirer: Stand Firm in the Armor of God | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer teaches at the 2018 Passion Conference for TBN’s Praise. Listen in as Priscilla Shirer discusses how to stand firm and take up the full armor of God for your protection and provision in Christ.

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you need to know that there is an enemy

he is against

you he is not for you he plans to do

anything and everything in his power

to stir up challenge in your life enough

to cause you to shrink back and not rise

up and stand

firm in the victory that you have been

given in christ jesus that’s why the

apostle paul

says stand firm the challenges of your

university campus the challenges of your

home your relationships your friendships

on your job those challenges will be

sprawled out in front of you would

you get home and let me tell you

something what the enemy hopes

is that the sight of them will cause you

to shrink back

in so much fear and insecurity that

you’ll never step

up to the plate of being who god has

called you to be

listen if you’ve placed faith in jesus

christ i hope you know

that the enemy understands he cannot

destroy you

he knows his chances are over of

destroying you so he is going to spend

the rest of his time and the rest of his

energy just trying to discourage you

trying to distract you so that you’ll

shrink back in fear and insecurity and

not step

up to the plate and be who god has

called you to be

it is at least in part to this end that

the apostle paul gives us a passage of


that has become a lifeline for me

in fact i was talking with christine

yesterday chris and i have known each

other for a very long time very close

friends and she was asking me

what i was going to speak on and i had

several thoughts of directions that i


leaning toward but in the end we

as we were talking the question came up

if there was only one thing you could

say to them

if there’s only one message that you

ever have the opportunity

to tell these students these young

people that will be gathered together on

this occasion what

would that message be and there was one

thing that immediately popped into my


and my mind for you at the end of this

year’s passions

passion conference the words of the

apostle paul

he writes them in the book of ephesians

listen let me just tell you quickly

before i read this passage you got

if you if you’ve not read the book of

ephesians you’re gonna have to read the

book of ephesians

y’all listen it’s it’s like for real

the apostle paul y’all know he was a bad

boy he gave us most of what would become

the new testament

letters written to first century

believers that now disciple us and help

us to mature as believers and as the

body of christ

and scholars say that of all of paul’s

writing really the cream of the crop the

cherry on top of the cake

is ephesians because in the book of

ephesians y’all he just spends the first

half of the book just rehearsing who you

are as a daughter or a son

he wants to make sure you step up to the

plate rise to the occasion of who

you’ve been recreated in christ to

become those of you

who place faith in jesus christ last

night who stood to your feet at the end

of pastor louie’s message and you placed

faith in jesus listen

the old has gone and the new has come

you’re a daughter you are son and you


full rights and privileges that have

been granted to you

the apostle paul wants you to know what

is the hope of his calling and choosing


he writes in the first and second and

third chapter about the treasure that

you have

he wants you to know about the mercy

that has been lavished upon you

the grace that has been given to you he

wants you to know that if you’ve been

rejected by everybody else

you’ve been hand-picked chosen and

adopted by the one true god

he wants you to know that if you’ve dug

a pit of sin for yourself

that is so deep you can’t find your way

out of it

that the mercy of god is so great and so


that it can reach down into any pit and

snatch you up

out of it once and for all in fact paul

gets so

worked up that by the time he gets to

the middle of the first chapter

he bursts out in a prayer and he says

i’m praying that the eyes of your heart

would be open

so that you would just know what is the

hope of his calling and choosing you

and after going over and over and on and

on about the lavishness the richness the


the mercy the goodness the adoption that

has been poured out over us the


that has been granted to us he’s trying

to figure out how do i close this letter

to make sure they step up to the plate

how do i put an exclamation point on

passion 2018 to make sure

that what god has given them they don’t

hand over to the enemy as soon as they

walk out the door

and the apostle paul writes these words

to us

in ephesians chapter 6 beginning in

verse 10.

he says finally

you be strong in the lord and in the

strength of his might

he says put on the full armor of god

so that you may be able to stand firm

against the scheme

somebody say schemes against the schemes

of the devil

he says we wrestle not we struggle not

against flesh and blood

but against the rulers against the

powers against the world

forces of this darkness against the

spiritual forces of wickedness that are

in the heavenly places

he says so therefore you might as well

just go ahead and

put down all the weapons of this world

that aren’t working for you anyway

and take up some weapons that actually

have some power

he says take up the full armor of god so

that you may be able to resist

in the evil day and having done

everything to stand

firm he says you ought to just stand


therefore in these few verses of


the apostle paul begins to introduce to

us a concept

that has not been at least in the

context of thus far in

church uh development at that time had

not been as

overtly described as it is right now

in paul’s letter he brings up the topic

of spiritual warfare he says

you have an enemy he says i want to make

sure that it’s loud and clear there are

other places in the old testament and

throughout throughout the new york

where we can infer that we have a


unseen battle going on but this is the

first time that an author comes right


and says you have an enemy

and he is scheming against you

that when you leave this place in just a

little while when i leave this place in

just a little while

you need to know that there is an enemy

he is against

you he is not for you he plans to do

anything and everything in his power

to stir up challenge in your life enough

to cause you to shrink back and not rise

up and stand

firm in the victory that you have been

given in christ jesus that’s why the

apostle paul

says stand firm

because you have an enemy an enemy that

wants you to think that just because he


invisible he is also fictional

he wants to be chalked up to nothing

more than a caricature

a cartoon picture a myth a a character

for a kid’s nursery rhyme

he doesn’t want you to recognize the

influence that he has

over your life possibly to to cause you

to never walk

into the full expression of god’s grace

and goodness in your life

he is sinister he is a master

illusionist and he is a deceiver

and he hopes to cleverly disguise


behind life’s most pressing problems to

where you will forget he is even there

he wants you to point fingers at him or

at her at your boss

at your parent at that particular

professor or your r.a

in your dorm he wants you to think it’s

that advisor or it’s that financial


anything flesh and blood because he

knows as long as we’re looking at the

flesh and blood

we will direct all the wrong weapons at

the wrong culprit

we’ll think our money will work we’ll

think our rationale and logic

will actually work we think that the

diploma we’re about to

to achieve and receive we’ll think the

diploma will be work worth it we’ll


that the connections will work anything


cannot take care of the supernatural

when your problem is unseen and

spiritual you need

weapons that work in that realm

so the apostle paul says you got to know

first of all that your enemy

is not the person you are sitting next

to today

that your enemy is not your parent at

home your enemy

is not that professor that is difficult

to work with your real enemy

is not your boss on your part-time job

your real enemy

is unseen he is hoping y’all that we

will forget he’s there