Priscilla Shirer joins Laurie Crouch and Holly Wagner on TBN’s Praise to discuss how to make prayer a priority. Listen as they unpack how clearly you can hear God’s voice if you bring everything in your life to Him. This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. Watch More TBN Content for FREE: SUBSCRIBE:… Women of Faith on TBN brings you the best of TBN’s women’s Christian teaching. Here you’ll find content from your favorite women’s Bible teachers, speakers, pastors, and authors, featuring teachings from Priscilla Shirer, CeCe Winans, Christine Caine, Joyce Meyer, Jackie Hill Perry, Lisa Harper, Lisa Bevere, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and more! Our prayer for this channel is that you may find encouragement, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose and strength in Christ. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:22 #tbn #womenoffaith #priscillashirer #prayer #powerofprayer

um the Bible around our home because you

know you got the big pretty one that’s

up on the mantle you’ve got the little

small one that sits on your nightstand

you’ve got the one that’s just for Decor

that might be like a coffee table book

and then you know you have that one that

one that’s got all the dog ears and it’s

got all the underlines and all the

Post-it notes that’s the one that you

take to church with you so you can

actually look you know holy like you use

the Bible we have all of these Bibles

available to us but the Bible don’t do

us no good just sitting there looking

pretty it only does US good if we know

how to actually take advantage of the

truths of God the fresh breath of God

that is available to us through the

scriptures so I want to talk to you to

me to us challenge us about utilizing

God’s word truth everyone is saying is

so relative no one has a reverence

anymore for the truth of God as declared

in his word now more than ever if we’re

going to be Unapologetic about our faith

if we’re going to be able to stand firm

against the schemes of the enemy if

we’re going to be able high school

student and University student and

mother and father wife husband single

woman single man entrepreneur Ministry

president if we’re going to be having

the opportunity to stand firm then we

got to know the truth of God’s word and

we’ve got to be able to live off of

every word that God speaks to us we’ve

got to be found on our knees in prayer

and prioritizing our time in God’s word

I want to tell you this before I share

with you some principles that actually

have transformed the way I spend time in

the word of God

the enemy wants to convince you

he wants to convince me

that God has some sort of hotline

connection between he and certain people

that it’s just our spiritual leaders our

pastors our Bible study teachers the

folks that are on staff the people that

are in full-time Ministry the folks that

have you know a microphone on their

jacket the people that are in the

spotlight the folks who we go past their

Instagram feed and we are admonished or

encouraged because they are teaching and

preaching to masses the enemy wants you

to think that it’s a seminary degree

that is required before you can actually

have a fervent ongoing relationship with

God where you yourself can open up the

word of God and know that the Holy

Spirit can illumine the scriptures and

give you guidance and Direction and

insight and Clarity and encouragement

and comfort he wants you to think that

that kind of fervent friendship with God

is only for certain people because he

knows that as long as you and I are not

convinced that we can hear a fresh word

from God for ourselves elves then at

best we’ll be handicapped in our faith

because we’ll always be waiting on

somebody else to spoon feed us the word

of God instead of knowing that we can

have confidence in our friendship in our

relationship with God that person who

you admire rightfully so there are

people that I admire their faith their

stability their strength their peace in

the midst of the storm there are people

I admire their prayer life I admire how

they are Concrete in their faith and

their beliefs no matter what happens in

culture there are people I admire their

Ministry I admire the fervency in which

I see the presence of God operating in

their life so yeah there are folks that

we can admire but just as quickly as we

admire them we have to be careful and

guard ourselves against thinking that

what they have access to is not also

something that we have access to the

same holy spirit of God that that lives

in that person you admire is the same

presence and power of God that lives on

the inside of you to guide you into all

truth to illumine the scriptures so that

you too can hear the voice of God