Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

jesus said in john 16 33 in this world

you will have trouble

you don’t have to go looking for trouble

just keep living and trouble will come

and find you


but it’s while you and i go through it

that we get to really see the details

about who our god is

and listen he wants to be known he wants

to reveal himself to you he doesn’t want

you and i to be satisfied just hearing

about him at the conference or at church

he’s so glad that we hear about him but

he wants and you and i should want more

than anything to experience this god of

the bible

that the same power we see demonstrated

in the miracles of scripture they become

the reality of our life that we don’t

just think this stuff is good for other

people that that we believe it’s true

for us as well

that the same god who divided the red

sea is the same god who can divide the

problems of our life the same god who

raised lazarus from the dead is the

exact same god who has the strength and

the power to raise to life something in

your life or in mind that seems like it

will never be resurrected again

he wants to be known and so he takes you

through it he allows you to go through

it for the privilege of bringing you out

on the other side bringing me out on the

other side more fully aware of the glory

of god exodus chapter 14

the children of israel have been

released from about 400 years of


and they are on a journey in the

wilderness headed toward the promised

land in the midst of this adventure with

god he’s going to take them through


there’s a problem there’s a scenario

there’s a situation there’s a difficulty

that they cannot figure out for the life

of them how they’re going to be able to

get across this difficulty so that they

can move forward with god just like so

many of us that are in a group this size

there have to be more than a handful of

us who are right now staring at what

looks like a very impossible and

seemingly impassable

situation and you cannot for the life of

you figure out how you’re going to be

able to get through this thing so that

you can move forward to what it is that

god has for you the children of israel

know exactly how you feel if you’ve ever

been in that scenario because as they

try to move forward towards the

the land of milk and honey that

represents the grace and the favor the

the promises the provision of god in the

land of canaan they come across a

problem called the red sea

moses says to the people

do not

fear stand by and see the salvation

which he will accomplish for you today

for the egyptians whom you’ve seen today

you will never see them again forever

the lord will fight for you while you

keep silence

four things i want to share with any of

you that are going through something

right now in your life

or that will ever go through something

in your life that’s all of us

moses said to the children of israel the

four exact things that the holy spirit

of god wants to say to you and i today

he says be fearless

do not fear

he says be still

stand by he says be watchful

see the salvation of the lord

and he says




i want to hand you back the power my

friend of the four things that moses

tells the children of israel is their

ticket through so that they can move

forward with god

the very first and i think most critical

of the four is that moses says to the

children of israel



he says do

not be afraid

this principle of choosing to live

fearlessly oh my goodness you and i in

the church of jesus christ across the

planet and especially in this bible

teaching church have heard so much about

this issue this principle of being

fearless of not being afraid we’ve heard

it so much that sometimes we wonder

whether or not we should even talk about

it anymore because we’ve all just heard

it so much that that fear can paralyze

us we wonder if i even sometimes wonder

man is it a waste of time to spend too


time this morning on this one principle

i thought about that this morning before

i came they’ve heard that all before but

it is fear that the enemy will use more

than anything else to you and to

cause you to be disabled from doing what

god has for you that’s why moses needed

to say to the children of israel the

exact same thing god’s spirit wants to

say to you again this morning



be afraid

y’all this issue of fear it is important

and it was so critical that in the

scriptures some rendition of this

command is given over 300


it is said in different ways different

variations but it’s basically the same

thing fear not

do not be afraid

be fearless

fear ye not over and over and over again

in different ways god wants to say to us

the exact same thing in fact it is so

critical and so important to him that he

gets to the new testament and paul

writes a letter to a young man named

timothy and he says tim this is what you

need to know that he has not given us a

spirit of fear

he says of all the important things

timothy that you need to know in your

life and in this ministry that god is

sending you through

to as you go through things in this

journey of life that you will inevitably

go through he says would you remember

that what our god does not give and by

the way our god is in the gift-giving


but one thing that he will never wrap up

and tie a bow on to give to you

is fear

he gives power

and love

and a sound


there’s just so much going on in your

life but what god does give to you is

that sense of strength and stability to

carry you and i through whatever it is

that he uh brings into our life or

allows into our lives he does not give


if we believe that our god does not give

a spirit of fear

but you find or i find in my life

that there is a spirit of fear attached

to something specific in your life or in

your journey

an opportunity that you’re intimidated


a relationship an endeavor a ministry a


an interest of yours that just seems to

cause you to feel a little bit paralyzed

in insecurity or fear or fear if you and

i know what we know now based on the

scriptures that god does not give fear

but you sense that there is a spirit of

fear attached to something in your life

and you know god didn’t give it that

means you know who did

and if the enemy enemy has placed a

spirit of fear on something in your life

it must mean

that he is trying his best to keep you

away from something

and if he’s trying to keep you away from

it that must mean there’s something in

it that he does not want you to have

so as the children of israel sat on the

edge of the red sea

if they were to shrink back in fear and

not pass through it then he knew if he

could keep them from passing through it

they would also be kept from the

promised land on the other side of it

listen my friend if the spirit of fear

is attached to something in your life

would you know that that is likely the

enemy’s way to keep you from passing

through it because he knows if you pass

through it on the other side of it is

the destiny to which god has called you

and so one of the main ways that he will

keep you and i from achieving what it is

and doing what it is that god has called

us to do and who he’s called us to be is

that he will attach a spirit of fear to

the very thing that he knows is the

channel way to your destiny

he wants you and how to be so paralyzed

so crippled so disarmed so disinterested

from the very thing that he knows is

exactly what god wants to take you


so that he can bring you to a new place

in him

do not be afraid

do not be afraid

now listen it does not mean that you

won’t feel fear

it made sense in this scenario that the

children of israel would be afraid it

made complete sense they had just been

in 400 years of captivity they are just

several days really just hours even into

the wilderness when they come up against

a barrier that seems to uh abort them in

it seems like they’re going to be kept

from walking into true freedom it makes

sense that they would be afraid because

not only is this body of water in front

of them that they can’t see across nor

can they see a shoreline on the east or

the west but the problem is that now

pharaoh and his army is coming up on the

rear and listen scholars say that this

army would have been so wide and so vast

that they likely would have spanned

around the east side and the west side

of the hebrew pilgrims so not only are

they blocked in front and not only are

they blocked by an army and back but

really they are blocked on either side

as well in other words they are

completely surrounded

you know what it’s like to be surrounded

you know what it’s like to to fix this

problem right here only to turn this way

and realize there’s a problem right here

then to take care of this one only to

realize there’s another one here and

another one here anybody ever known what

it felt like to be completely surrounded

on all sides the children of israel know

how it feels and it makes sense that in

their scenario that they would be afraid

just like it makes sense that in your


with the difficulty you’re facing right

now in your marriage or in your health

or in your finances

so the command is not to

that you will not feel fear it makes

sense in our frailty in our humanness

that we will feel it

the question is whether or not you will

choose to wallow in the fear that you


the question is whether or not you will

make a decision to sit with it to make

friends with it to pull out tea and

crackers and have a party with it

the decision that you and i have to make

is will we gird our minds with the word

of god and in the power of god will we

do war against the enemy’s attempts to

us from moving forward and go in


don’t let fear paralyze you my friend

every time you feel the emotion of fear

or insecurity or intimidation creeping

up on you don’t make friends with it

take that as your cue to drop to your

knees and to offer that fear up to god

and then in the very next breath command

the promises of god’s word over your

life and your circumstances

the reason why you have no reason to be

afraid my friend as god calls you to go

here or do that or go through this

particular thing in your life is not

because you’re so capable it’s not

because you’re so prepared it is because

you have a daddy who loves you he has

already gone behind the scenes he has

already orchestrated and

manipulated events and people and

circumstances so that all he needs is a

woman that’s willing to say yes lord and

stand there at the plate of his grace

and his glory and his a calling on your

life and to do what he’s called you to

do and if you and i will just do it

we will realize we’ve been set up to hit

a home run every single time


so if right now there is something

crippling you the enemy is working

overtime to cause you to be afraid in

your life will you hear this message

from the holy spirit today step up to

the plate do not be afraid your god has

got your back

the next message that moses had for the

children of israel

and by the way do you notice in this

passage that it’s never really a debate

whether or not they are going to cross

over did you notice that

he said this victory is a victory that

he will accomplish for you today

there’s no question as to whether or not

you will come to through victor

victoriously my friend i don’t know

whether or not you’ve read the book but

but in the end we win

the victory has already been given to


your only goal my only goal now as you

go through that thing in your life is

just to claim to lay hold of what it is

that has already been granted to you you

are not fighting for victory you’re

fighting from a place of victory your

stance is already victorious it changes

the way you look at the challenge when

you know the victory is already yours

so he says to them he says be fearless

and the second thing he says to them is



some translations read stand by others

say stand firm

still others say stand still notice the

two parts of this command the standing

part and the stillness part

neither of which are particularly simple

for me

the standing and the stillness

actually i have a problem with both of

these commands problem with them

because if i had been there on the edge

of the red sea and i’m watching the

chariots and the bows and arrows and the

soldiers that are approaching from

behind and all around the sides when i

am cornered like that in a scenario

where i feel like there will never be

any way of escape in this particular

scenario that i’m in it just does not

make sense to me that moses would look

at me as an israelite in that particular

predicament and say here’s what you what

you’re going to do

i want you to just stand still

moses you mean you do see this wood

right here you don’t want me to get this

wood and start carving out a raft and

getting it together so that we’ll have

something to sail on to get over this

body of water

moses you do see that we’ve got some

swords here you don’t want me to pick up

this sword and get ready to fight mo you

do understand that i’ve got a bow and a

arrow here you don’t want me to pick up

this bow and arrow and get ready to

shoot it into the crowd moses you mean

you don’t want me to take my earrings

off and get some vaseline on my knuckles

and get ready to go

no moses says to them i do not want you

to lean to your own understanding as to

what you would think would be the best

solution in this particular problem what

i want you to do is to plant your feet

firmly to stand and i want you to be

still in faith and confidence and trust

that the god that we serve the same god

that delivered us out of egypt is the

same god who will carry us through the

red sea he says stand still sounds like

a very passive command in the midst of

very active circumstances but i want you

to think about this for just one

second when i come home from a long day

of work when you do as well or running

errands or whatever when i walk into the

house after a long day the last thing i

want to do is stand

what i do is i take my shoes off and

then i what do we do


we sit

we find the most comfortable chair that

we can

and we collapse into it or lay flat on

our bed and the reason is because all

those standing seems like a passive


it actually there’s nothing passive

about it sitting is passive

laying is passive because then we’re

allowing something else to carry our


but when you stand it requires a

decision of your brain that transfers

down to the muscles and the joints in

your body it requires a resolve of your

mind your actions your muscles your your

frame to keep itself upright when you’d

rather just relax

into something else to carry your weight

standing is not passive at all

it requires a decision

a choice

an action on your part a resolution on

your part to plant your feet on

something and not



you need to know that our culture the

culture in which we live globally wants

us to relax our standards

wants us to no longer plant our feet

firmly on the word of god doesn’t want

us to make a resolution that we will not

be moved to the left or the right that

when we’re going through something that

seeks to challenge everything that we

thought we knew to be true about our god

and about his commands what we will not

do is allow our feet to be moved away

from the firm belief and confidence and

trust that we have in the promises of

our great god it takes resolution in the

culture in which we live y’all to plant

your feet and stand firm

high school student you gotta stand firm

university student you to stand firm

wife mother single woman in order to do

and be who it is that god has called you

to be you and i are going to have to

plant our feet solidly on the truths of

god’s word and believe that everything

he said is true and applies to our lives

that it’s not just a book written with

historical facts that’s good for history

that it is a book that has been inspired

by the holy spirit of god and that

applies to us today plant your feet on

it my friend and stand

stand firm

ephesians 6 puts it this way having done

everything to stand

stand firm therefore

in other words you just keep on standing

i know that it might be a little bit

tiring a little bit exhausting you might

feel pushed to the left or the right you

might even want to take a step forward

or backward or go out in your own power

or your own strength come up with your

own solution for this incident or this


just plant your feet

trust god

and stand firm

he really does have your back

and if god is for you

who can be against you

i wonder how much sweat and how many

sleepless nights and how much

frustration and how much worry and

concern and anxiety would be saved us

the daughters of god if we would just

believe that our father wrote exactly

what he wanted us to plant our feet and

stand on

do not lean to your own understanding

in all your ways just acknowledge him he

will make straight your path even when

it does not make sense even when it

doesn’t seem rational that this would be

the way to come to any sort of

resolution in that particular problem

that you’re facing lord you don’t want

me to do this this just seems like a

better option to me lord no no plant

your feet on what i said

and stand still

trust god

so moses says you want to get through

this thing you be fearless and then he

says you be still and thirdly he says be


i love this one so much he puts it this

way he told the children of israel see

the salvation of the lord now remember

they have no idea at this point that the

lord is going to cause that yahweh is

going to cause the walls or the red sea

to divide like two walls on either side

they have no clue what miracle is is

even going to be performed if a miracle

is going to be performed they have no

clue at all so they are still looking at

the problem as it currently is

and with the red sea rushing in front of

them with complete doubt in their mind

as to how they’ll ever be able to

traverse this particular issue that they

are facing moses says to them see it

he says see the salvation of the lord

before the miracle now he’s not talking

about when the miracle comes he’s saying

before you have any clue of how god is

going to take care of this scenario i

want you to open up your eyes

and see what’s happening right now

now this is a problem for me i got to

tell you rebecca because when i have a

problem in my life the last thing i want

to do is look at it

i want to close my eyes and sleep

through it i want god to hurry up and

let it pass

i want to rush through that thing and

miss as much of it as i possibly can so

that i can just move on to the good

stuff moses says don’t wait on the good

stuff this is the good stuff

he says while you’re looking at your

problem your marriage is still a

disaster your child is still struggling

with that issue your health still hasn’t

been turned around your finances are

still on the edge while you’re still

looking at the issue moses says open up

your eyes and see what god is already up


he says there are a bunch of little

miracles that if you’re just waiting on

the big miracle you’re going to miss all

the other things that god is already

doing and accomplishing on your behalf

moses is basically saying i don’t want

you to miss what it looks like i want

you to always recall what it looked like

when i stood on the edge of this water

and i held out this rod over the body of

water before we even knew what was going

to occur i want you to remember forever

what it looked like the expression on

the faces of your toddlers and your

elderly as they watched the red sea

divide i want you to remember what it

felt like to hold the hands of your

sweet little grandma that you helped get

across that body of water i want you to

remember the details of what it felt

like when that east wind starts to blow

slowly at first across your cheeks but

then begins to grow and grow in

intensity so much so that you’ve got to

hold your cloak around you or the wind

will take it away when that red sea

begins to divide i want you to never

forget what it looked like when your

sandal feet had absolutely no mud on the

bottom of them because we’re walking

across on dry ground he says don’t just

wait to see the big miracle there are a

bunch of little miracles that god is

already doing on your behalf keep your

eyes open and see the salvation of the


so listen to me my friend while you’re

yet praying for a miracle i mean keep

praying you stay on your knees the

scripture says you and i can make our

requests known for god and so we pray

lord would you divide that red sea lord

would you change my doctor uh my medical

uh the uh the report that has been given

lord would you help my child lord would

you take away this addiction lord would

you smooth out this path on my job or in

my ministry lord would you help my

marriage to stop always hanging on by a

threat and cause us to be um just

fervent in our love for each other and

passionate and have peace and friendship

here you and i keep praying for the

miracle but in the meanwhile we thank

him for what he’s done this 24-hour

period we thank him for the miracles

he’s already accomplishing on be on our

behalf we do not forget the benefits of

the lord even while we’re praying for

and looking forward to how he’s going to

divide the red seas in our life

you be watchful

see the salvation of the lord