Priscilla Shirer: How to Use the Full Armor of God | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer teaches at the 2018 Passion Conference for TBN’s Praise. Listen in as Priscilla Shirer outlines what the full armor of God is and how to use it in order to protect yourself from the enemy’s attacks in your daily life.

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but y’all he doesn’t stop at those six

can i just say that there is one more in


verse 18 traditionally it’s taught as

six i really believe there are seven

pieces of armor

because in verse 18 he says pray


it says pray


so there’s a little church around the

corner from my house

in dallas i’ve been taking my kids there

since they were little

to harvest festival that’s basically

this church’s answer

to halloween so we will go there for

harvest festival

and this church has a good old-fashioned

trunk or treat

does anybody know what i mean when i say

trunk or treat

okay all right so trunk or treat for

those of you who are not

clear on what that is that’s when

members of the congregation volunteer

they volunteer to bring their cars into

the parking lot on harvest festival


so that they can open up the trunk of

their car so you go into the parking lot

all the trunks are open

and each person has basically crafted a

carnival game or some sort of fair game

out of the trunk of the car

so kids line up one trunk after the

other they play whatever the game is

and then most of the time whether they

win or lose the person that owns that

car gives them a whole bunch of candy

and sends them home we’re always so


so we stand in line one car after the

other waiting on bags of candy

and we play one game after the other a

few years ago

the biggest line the longest line at the

carnival wasn’t behind

a car it was behind the bed of a truck

it was really clever

a huge truck had been uh parked in the

parking lot

and they’d put a step ladder right at

the bed of the truck so that a kid could

walk into the bed of the truck

they had attached a tabletop which was

about the same size as the bed of the


they had attached it to the side of the

truck cut six holes into it

put some fabric some drapery over it and

out from those holes every few seconds

a puppet would pop through they gave the

kid a huge plastic mallet and the job of

the kid

was to run up and down the inside of the

bed of the truck as he tried to

hit the puppets on top of the head it

was a homemade whack-a-mole game is what

it was

and it was the longest line me and jude

at the time he was like four jude is my


me and jude are standing in line we’re

waiting on our turn behind us there’s

another kid

he’s with us his mom he’s probably four

or five as well

and y’all he was hysterical because he

was annoyed at this whole situation and

he was making sure she knew it

he was first of all annoyed because mom

i don’t understand why i got to stand in

this long line didn’t we come to the

carnival to have fun this

ain’t fun standing in line ain’t fun i

have an idea mom how about this

how about i go play all these other

games while you stand in line and hold

our place and then when it’s our turn

i’ll come back and join you in life

but he was not only annoyed about the

line the four-year-old was also annoyed

because mom i don’t even understand this


why in the world would i waste all my

energy running up and down the inside of

that truck to hit the puppets on the top

of the head if when i hit them on the


they’re gonna disappear but then they’re

just gonna come back as soon as i hit

them on the head what’s the point of

this game

so everybody in the line is laughing

hysterically because this four-year-old

this five-year-old is

talking so much about all of his


finally he gets so frustrated

that he works himself into a frenzy to

where all i saw

out of my peripheral vision was a

four-year-old flash running past me as

he ran forward

and he grabbed the drapery off of the

table top and pulled it clean off

underneath there were three adults with

puppets on each hand

that day we all got a good laugh but we

also got a good lesson

there is always something you can’t see

influencing what you can and if you

spend all of your time your energy your

effort trying to hit

at what you see popping up in your life

you’re gonna be so frustrated and by the


exhausted because as soon as you take

care of one thing another one is coming

back unless you do what the apostle paul


pull back the curtain and let the enemy

know we got our eyes on you


and we’re gonna use some weapons that

actually work back there behind the

curtain y’all i wish i had learned this

when i was 18 19

20 21 years old that that person

that physical problem isn’t really where

you need to

invest your energy pull back the curtain

use the weapons that actually

have power

the apostle paul wants you to know that

the tactics of the enemy are serious

business and so he uses a specific word

to describe them

he says schemes

listen to me he knows your weaknesses he

knows how to dangle what carrot at the

right time

in the right way to make sure you are

snagged in particular

have you ever wondered or found curious

that particular carrot is always dangled

in front of you when you are most

tired when you are most vulnerable

when you happen to be most hungry

most alone most weak that particular

carrot the one that wouldn’t mess with

your friend because it’s not her deal

it’s not

his deal he’s not enticed by that but

the one that entices you

always shows up at the right time yo

that’s not coincidence that’s a scheme

the enemy is trying to derail you he’s

trying to make sure

that you don’t walk in a manner worthy

pleasing of the lord that you

come in here but that you don’t go out

of here

the purpose to live for the glory of god

he’s trying to trip

you up not only for his own benefit but

because he does not want you having


to everything that you are privy to as a

rightful heir to the king of kings and

the lord of lords

it’s a scheme so if he’s got tactics

we need tactics the apostle paul

outlines them for us i’m just going to

read them to you because he says in

verse 13

you need the full armor and here’s what

they are verse

he says make sure that your loins are

girded with truth

then he says you need a breastplate and

the breastplate is called righteousness

and then he says in verse 15 you got to

have something for your feet if you want

any hope of being able to move forward


so your feet need to be shod with the

preparation of the gospel of peace

and then not only that but he says there

are some flaming missiles of the evil


that he fully intends to send sailing

into your path

you’re gonna need a shield and the

shield is your faith

and then you know there are lies there

are strongholds that he’s going to try

to erect in your mind you’re gonna need

something to protect your mind

he says you need a helmet and the helmet

is your salvation

but not only that he says that you are

going to need

a sword really a dagger of the spirit it

was about 18 inches long or so the one

the apostle paul

is referring to you need a dagger so

that when the enemy is all up

in your space you’ve got something close

at hand to make sure that he stays at

bay you need a dagger of the spirit

and the dagger is called the what

the word of god but y’all he doesn’t

stop at those six can i just say that

there is one more

in 18 verse 18 traditionally it’s taught

as six i really believe there are seven

pieces of armor

because in verse 18 he says pray

he says pray


not like you know a prayer or a day to

keep the devil away

not like a prayer over your meal just


that’s what your mama did and your

grandmama did and that’s what you’re

supposed to do

not something quick and casual

fervent prioritized prayer

y’all you can’t have victory if you

don’t pray

do you hear what i’m saying to you

prayer is the key

that unlocks the resources of heaven so

that they can be unleashed

on planet earth prayer is the key he’s

actually given you

to get all the good stuff down here

because i don’t know about you but

i don’t want to wait to get to heaven to

experience all that god has for me any

bits of heaven

he plans to give me on earth i want it

right now

prayer accesses the bits of heaven he

intends to give you now

and prayer listen prayer is what pushes

the kingdom of darkness back

it’s what pushes it back that’s why

jesus said my house shall be called not

a house of good preaching

not a house of good singing not a house

of great spotlights and production

not a house of great cafes i hope you

have all of that

enjoy it but jesus said at the end of

the day my house better be called the

house of prayer

because spotlights and fog machines and

great singing and great preaching

that won’t necessarily push the kingdom

of darkness back

but when my people who are called by my

name when they will humble themselves

and when they’ll pray he says then i’m

gonna hear from heaven

i’m gonna heal the land the enemy will

have to bend the knee at the name of

jesus in prayer