Priscilla Shirer: Hearing the Voice of God (Part 2) | TBN

Priscilla Shirer speaks on TBN’s special, Hearing the Voice of God. Listen as she discusses how to be more proactive and intentional as we aim to hear the voice of God.

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we’re trying to check the things off

that we got to do on our list when it

comes to our kids and our

marriage and what we’re cooking for

dinner tonight and the demands of the

job that we have and the ministry

assignments that are before us and all

of the things

that we have to do that go into the

regular rhythms of a 24-hour day

there are so many ground-level


that aren’t unnecessary they’re critical

we’ve got to keep going from day

to day but there’s got to be a moment of

time where you decide

i’m gonna climb up on the watchtower and

have some space where there’s silence

and solitude so that for just a few

moments there is nothing

standing in the way of me seeing the

king who is coming to respond to me

of me hearing clearly what it is that

god has to say to me

now this can be difficult i know it

because your house is probably busy like

mine is many of you

or you’ve got you know your phone

buzzing and ringing and

beeping and all the things that all of

our devices do

so this is going to take some

intentionality on your part

it’s going to take you being proactive

it’s going to take you you know

setting your alarm to get up a little

bit early or driving into the office

space whenever we go back to office


and getting there you know 10 or 15

minutes before the buzz

of the office starts or when you’re in

your car

deciding that at this particular hour

because i’m running errands

all the time then i’m going to turn off

talk radio or

i’m going to turn down the music just a

little while and i’m going to use that

opportunity while i’m sitting outside of

my kids soccer practice

i’m going to use that as the 10 or 15

minutes or half

hour that i’m going to devote to having

some silence and solitude pushing aside

in my mind’s eye

all of the demands that i have so that i

can have an

opportunity to have a clear perspective

on what it is that god wants to say to


so we position ourselves not just

spiritually in

expectation but we position ourselves by

prioritizing some space

in our life where we can actually have a


opportunity more clear opportunity to

hear the voice of god

this does not mean that you have to have

a specific

place in your home that you go that is

just devoted to prayer

sometimes you know we can look at

people’s instagram feeds and man their

quiet time looks so perfect don’t it

they’ve got their little white couch and

their little white coffee cup and

everything is so beautiful and amazing

and immaculate it looks like the most

beautiful photo shoot

you have ever seen in your life that

could be discouraging to regular folk

who have you know like dinner dishes

sitting over there from last night that

we didn’t get to

or we’ve got all the toys from all of

our toddlers sitting around it or all

the homework papers

from our teenagers that are still

scattered across the kitchen table from

all the online schooling or we got the

laundry sitting over there

every single load that you know we

washed and dried

but we dumped it out on the floor hoping

that somebody was going to come fold it

at some point but there

it still sits still waiting on us and we

look at the chaos of our life and we


can i really have quiet time in here can

i really expect god to speak to me in a

space like this

the answer is yes the enemy always wants

you to think and me to think we’ve got

to have something

different about our space or different

about our lives

in order to actually meet with god

intimately and personally

ourselves but listen if the bathroom

is the only place where you can find

some silence and some solitude i gotta

be honest with you and tell you that for

many years when my children were younger

i would sit on the edge of the bathtub i

would close the bathroom door

i would lock that door and i would sit

there and that’s where i would have time

with the lord

i have a friend when her children were

young she used to tell me that she would

go into her closet

like she made her actual closet her

prayer closet and she said listen i

would sit right under the blouses

where the blouses were with a flashlight

that’s the only space that i could find

to have a little silence and a little

solitude for many of you

it’s it’s in your car i mean you’re in

your car

anyway why not make that car a sanctuary

a place where you can meet with god

because you’re in that car anyway and

you’re by yourself there

why not make that an opportunity where

you can

make that space a sacred space to meet

with god

you’ve seen people who are doing that

you know they’re driving down the


and you just see them worshiping god and

you see their hands outstretched and you


they’re having a whole prayer meeting a

whole church service by themselves in

the car

they have made their car a place that

can be a watchtower

where they can meet with god around his


position yourself oh

more now than ever brothers and sisters

we’re gonna have to prioritize

positioning ourselves we’re getting a

word from everybody else

from the newscasters from the media from

the politicians from our

friends from opinion makers we’re

getting news from everybody else

we’ve got to position ourselves not just

to hear them

but we’ve got to prioritize positioning

ourselves to hear

a word from god