Priscilla Shirer speaks at the Propel Women’s Conference to discuss how we have become desensitized to our blessings. Listen as she teaches that due to this, we often do not even recognize God’s presence in our lives.

but you can read a verse a day to keep

the devil away until you are blue in the


but if you read the scriptures with a

hardened heart with your eyes


of religious activity and never catch

sight of the lover of your soul


it occurs to me that those of us who

live particularly in this part of the

world where we have been overwhelmingly

blessed by the presence and the power of

God Among Us we’re here in this country

you and I can go on a Saturday to a

Christian women event like this one or

we can go to a Christian bookstore when

we can pick up any Bible in any

translation in any language or we can

turn on Christian radio and listen to

gospel if you like that or contemporary

Christian music if you like that we have

options available to us could it be that

we have lived in this neighborhood of

blessing for so long that open the train

of God’s glory wants to fall in an

unusual way when he wants to show up in

power and in glory that we have become

so used to it that we don’t even

recognize his blessing anymore

that we’ve become so desensitized to

God’s presence Among Us that it doesn’t

cause us as it always should for us to

fall to our knees in adoration our arms

outstretched and worshiped that God

would visit us in this unique beautiful

way Lord help us to never be

desensitized to the train of your glory

and in the Old Testament or in the New

Testament rather in the Book of Luke

Luke’s gospel I love so much because

Luke writes about people who encounter

the train of God’s glory in the person

of Jesus Christ he gives a story after

Story encounter after Encounter of Jesus

meeting with people and transforming

their life he included a handful of

these stories so that you and I would be

not only reminded of their Encounter

With Jesus but recognize that they are

not exceptions to the rule they are

examples for us of the encounters that

we should also expect to have with Jesus

and listen this should be your goal not

just hearing about him but experiencing

him that should be your goal like your

appetite should be wet your heart should

Hunger for More Than Just a knowledge of

who Jesus is you ought to come to the

place I ought to come to the place in my

relationship with the Lord where more

than anything else we want to see him

with our own eyes we want to hear his

voice with our own ears that the same

God who divided the Red Sea in the Old

Testament the same God who raises

Lazarus from the dead in the New

Testament the same God that did those

things we don’t want to just celebrate

it in the lives of other people we want

to stand in line to have an encounter

with God like that ourselves

Luke writes about encounters because he

wants to wet our appetite to have an

encounter with Jesus Christ because

listen y’all we have wasted our time if

all we’ve done is come here on this

Saturday to applaud what Jesus did

yesterday I’m so glad about what my God

has done yesterday but I want to see him

today anybody interested I want to see

him in my own marriage and in my own

finances and raising my kids and on my

job and in my Ministry I want to see and

encounter the power of the almighty

Living God

that’s what today is about

it’s to make you hungry again it’s to

wet your appetite again it’s to not let

when the day ends something to end in

your life but really to launch you

forward to a brand new beginning and an

adventure with Jesus Christ so Luke

writes about encounters and he writes

during a time when the nation of Israel

is experiencing National depravity and

Decay they have been oppressed by

oppressors who have come in and stolen

from them much of what they valued they

are living in a in a place of Oppression

and a place of Destruction and Luke

writes to them during this time when

their nation is in trouble and I don’t

know if if you’ve noticed or not but our

nation is in trouble we are living

during a time of moral and social Decay

and decline like never before and listen

the more God is marginalized the more he

segmented to the periphery of society

the more he has completely ignored or

disregarded the more we will continue to

see an influx of chaos and an influx of

destruction in our nation

but Luke doesn’t just write to people

who have National trouble Luke is

writing to people that have individual

personal struggles they’ve been waiting

on a hero to show up they’ve been

waiting for the kingdom of God to be at

hand they’ve been waiting for the

Prophecies of all to come to Florissant

that there would be a messiah a savior

who would come and rescue them from all

that they’ve been experiencing

nationally but also the things that they

have been experiencing personally

so I know our nation is in trouble but I

didn’t really come to talk to you today

about what’s happening in the White

House I want to talk to you about what’s

happening in your house

underneath the roof of your home the

trouble that might be happening in your

marriage the thing that causes the tears

to fall down from your eyes in regards

to your kids or your finances or your

health or on your job or in your

ministry you like the children of Israel

like me been waiting on a hero somebody

who can come in and Speak Life to the

dead places and refresh the dry places

of our life Luke is writing for people

who need an encounter with a God Like


and I just want to tell any of you that

might be in a struggle personally

underneath the roof of your own house

and the landscape of your own house and

you’re in a struggle you’re in a time

like Luke writes to where man things are

just plain old flat out difficult I just

want to

suggest to you the possibility

that sometimes

sometimes your difficulties are less

about the Enemy being against you

and more about God wanting to show you

what it looks like when he’s for you

sometimes the stuff that you were facing

the stuff that I’m facing that are

difficult it’s less about the Enemy

being against you and sometimes it’s

just about God allowing a stage to be

set in your life to where when he shows

up you will never ever doubt again that

you’ve had an encounter with Jesus

so the children of Israel need an

encounter with a messiah

they need an encounter with Jesus Christ

and finally Jesus arrives on the scene

after 400 years of Silence between the

Old Testament and the New Testament

Jesus arrives on the scene after

centuries of waiting after prophecy

Desiring to be fulfilled Jesus shows up

on the scene their hope has finally be

been fulfilled but here’s the tragedy

when he comes he does not come as they

supposed he would he is not on the

throne he is not riding a white horse he

is not coming in power and Vengeance and

Authority that they had mirrored in

their oppressors that they had pictured

that their Messiah would come in no he

is born as a baby all of that deity and

authority and miraculous working power

that they longed for was packaged in the

skin of humanity and a small human at

that this is not what they wanted it’s

not what they recognized it wasn’t the

expectation they had built up in their

heads so when he came they did not

recognize him

when he showed up because he was not in

the package that they had pictured in

their minds

he didn’t come in the package they had

prayed for

he had come in a different way because

he did not meet their expectations when

he showed up they did not recognize him

in the passage that we read Jesus is

being brought into the temple he is

being carried by his mother Mary Joseph

is along for the ride as well they have

come with Jesus about 40 days old into

the temple they are in a religious

gathering where people have come to

perform their religious duties

and all the people who were gathered

that day are in the presence of the one

they prayed for and do not know him when

he comes

would you please notice that they’re not

just anywhere

they are in the temple

and still don’t recognize the presence

of God

I want to suggest to you that it is

possible to be at Propel and not see


I want to tell you that it is possible

for you to be in your church every

single Sunday which I pray you are but

you can be in your church and not have

an encounter with Jesus

I want to tell you that I’m so glad many

of you are in Bible study stay in Bible

study but you can read a verse a day to

keep the devil away until you are blue

in the face

but if you read the scriptures with a

hardened heart with your eyes not open

you can be filling your days with the

duty of religious activity and never

catch sight of the lover of your soul

never have an encounter an experience

with Jesus all these people

we’re in the presence of Jesus Christ

and did not know him when he came

because oftentimes many times

when the Lord comes to minister to you

to speak into your life’s circumstances

he will come in a way that is not the

way you expect it