Depuis 1973, TBN, est l’une des émissions chrétiennes les plus reconnaissables – et les plus regardées – au monde. Enregistré devant un public en direct et animé par Matt et Laurie Crouch de TBN ainsi que d’autres personnalités populaires, nous présente des interviews engageantes d’une grande variété d’invités, de lesson de la parole de dieu et découvrir dieu. Touts à ne pas manquer!

when you keep walking in that

forgiveness what it does for you but

also what it does for them that’s

what i think the apostle paul

meant forgive but being an act of

comforting kindness to that

person i think it helps us to

go through the layers the

depths to make sure that we

actually forgive that person

and live it in a practical way


we’re going to have to be empowered by the

holy spirit to forgive that way to

live like this to show

compassion when people

wrong us have wronged or

offended us i heard someone

say you’ve probably

heard it before that unforgiveness and like

drinking poison and wanting them to kill

the other person but you’re consuming that

over and over and over again

this idea that if you knew you

‘re taking in something that’s poison

in a physical sense

and that’s what makes you toxic ic

and keeps you from feeling good to

function in all areas of

your life is well physically we would

stop taking this substance

if we know that unforgiveness

is the cause of this problem on a spiritual level

we are less willing to

ask this cup and stopped drinking this

unforgiveness it’s toxic to


it’s toxic in the spiritual sense and it’s

toxic in the physical sense

people’s physical bodies are breaking down

under the weight of unforgiveness

it is losing throughout lifelong i

think this is an important conversation

i looked on my phone for

a second to try and find the

exact verse but the apostle paul talks about

forgiveness in this beautiful verse he says

forgive and show kindness to

the person you forgave

basically it’s almost like going through

the different layers of forgiveness like

you mentioned crystal it’s almost

like he’s saying what will help

you and the other person is not

just saying that you are forgiving

which is important to believe in having

faith that you are forgiving that person

but also to walk into that actual forgiveness

by doing any intentional act of kindness

whatsoever just a smile in their face

you see them somewhere you

smile at them or you text them happy

birthday you bring them a meal

when they are sick something is going on

what it does for

you continuing to solidify the work of

forgiveness in you and also what it does

for them and maybe getting them out of

that situation where they’re walking on

eggshells wondering if they

‘ve been forgiven or not or even

breaking down and chiseling the hardness of

heart that person maybe didn’t

say they were sorry maybe

it chisels a bit when you

keep walking in that forgiveness what it

does for you but also what it

does for you r them thats what i think

the apostle paul meant forgive

but being an act of comforting

kindness to that person i

think it helps us to go through

the layers the depths to make

sure we forgive actually to

that person and we’re living it in

a practical way you know when you

just said it’s like drinking

poison and expecting them to kill

the other person and I was just like

why is that that I will drink poison

yes why and I think there are

several reasons the first is

that we do not realize that it is

poison it reminds me of

people who say all the time

that we are what we eat and if

we know things are not good

for us why eat them well

sometimes it tastes good pretty good


but if you have ever eaten

something for the first time which

may not be your favorite initially

and you continue z to eat it after

a while you get used to it and

i think the unforgivable

tastes good after a while i am

so actually you can get used

to feeling comfortable with the feeling 2

i don’t don’t give you what you need

especially if you talk about it especially if

you talk about it we can get drunk on no

sorry yes

I’m thinking of the person listening to you

while we’re talking she says it’s


you’re starting to feel the power

of the holy spirit when it works and you

start to feel that conviction and

i’ve seen women do it i’ve

seen them do yes

but i don’t call it i’ve seen this

in my own life where there is had

something that’s so hard where forgiveness

is so much what i don’t want to

do that i’m willing to sit with

the thing that’s not good for me

because he knows hard

dieting well it could also be that you

have changed your group of friends in common

than the negative thing you are talking about z

de gonna make changes it’s true

you have to make changes i’m

just thinking about the person watching and

we’ve said it before but i just want to

point out that poison even if you

don’t feel like it you you does

not mean there is no

negative reaction in your heart and

mind forgiveness if you know there is

someone you do not

forgive if there is i am sitting here

saying to myself ok what do i want to

remove from my system that is not good

for me i am not

actively thinking and how can i

forgive and how can i

be kind proverb 17 ,9

it says he who covers and forgives an

offense seeks love

how many times do we want to seek to

be right

more than to seek love that’s what

it’s about I’m right c was wrong you

shouldn’t have done this to me i ruminate on it

i keep it as you say

because i’m right

we should want what is right

in the eyes of god more than we want to

be right even if we are right

we are wrong

in the eyes of god if we don’t seek

forgiveness and love as you said

you can sit with but

are you looking for what god wants

are you looking for love is what you

‘re looking for to be told you’re

right well i think with

kindness can also be a prayer

there are some people you

can’t reconcile or that you

can’t do an act of kindness

and leave maybe it’s someone

of the opposite sex you’re saying i ca

n’t go bring them a meal that’s gonna

totally ruin what you want to

do we broke up with whatever

it’s inappropriate at this time

just let’s be clear in his words i

can bring a meal want to kill the

dinners i’ll show you my forgiveness

for the way you treated me so here’s

a meal no it’s terrible maybe

an act of kindness is to pray

for them and t if your prayers his god i

pray that he has an accident or

whatever its not a good triary its

not kindness but your prayer can

be god i took the best for him

when you get to this point then you

know something has changed in

your heart you don’t deprive god

of bringing justice to the price and god

of bringing love and restoration

for them that’s not to say

reconciliation i think an act

kindness to be recognized it can be


maybe it’s the way you

talk about them yes or you do

n’t talk about wii and you stop i

just think we need we need to

clarify at the site because it ca

n’t be a meal with the ex don’t come

near that moment no matter how

successful it’s the goodness of your heart

it’s the heart to do you know what you

I want to be pure in front of you I want

showing love is what i say

what i don’t say and how i respond

and what i don’t do e t how i

pray for them and cross for them the

best is yet to come in their

lives it is a matter of the heart

because it is pray for those who

persecute you

pray for those who are wronged against

you pray for this j

experienced it myself i was praying and i was like


you know i don’t feel like

i mean it but i will keep doing

it until you change my heart i

will out of obedience for you

not because i’m so good but

only out of obedience when you

pray in obedience god can

change your heart shalom i hope

you enjoyed this hard life

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bless you sherlock of jerusalem
