Priscilla Shirer teaches at the Fervent conference in New York on TBN’s Praise. Be encouraged as Priscilla Shirer shifts your perspective to what God is doing behind the scenes in your life, and why your prayers are the key to God’s providence.

and the Holy Spirit said to me that’s

just like you and me Priscilla because

I’m behind the scenes orchestrating and

crafting the chapters of your story all

the while you think I’m doing nothing

you point an accusatory finger at me

wondering where I am and why I’m not

hearing your request and why I’m not

moving in the way that you would like me

to move you’re assuming that I’m sitting

back passively ignoring you we’re all

the while I am busy making a story out

of your life the likes of which you

can’t imagine


Jude and I were sitting together on an

airplane and he was seated over the wing

where our seats were directly over the

wing of the airplane and so he was sort

of just looking out at the wing of the

plane and there we were suspended in

mid-air flying to our destination and I

could tell he was mesmerized by this

whole concept that this tube of Steel is

in the air holding us up and that um

this this Wing is connected to the plane

he was sort of just dissecting this

entire this entire situation and as he

looked over the wing he looked back at

me and said mom how do they get that

wing on this plane

and I said buddy I got to be honest with

you I have no idea I have no idea how

they get that wing on the plane I don’t

know how it works but I have an idea for

you Jude you have an uncle their dad’s

brother Uncle Vaughn he works in the

airline industry he actually works in

the business where they they make all

the veins and the wiring that connects

the different parts of the aircraft so I

saw this as a teachable moment I said

you should talk to your Uncle Vaughn

when we get home it’d be a great

opportunity for you to learn something

and then I said to him you know what

you can be whatever you want to be when

you grow up dude do you know that you

can do whatever you want to do like if

you want to make airplanes like your

uncle Von when you grow up you can so

totally do that if you’d like to and as

I said that to him I said buddy you can

be anything you want to be in your life

anything you want to do you can do it he

looked back at me and he said Mom

I don’t want to do what Uncle Vaughn

does when I grow up I want to do what

you do when I grow up


you know it’s one of those moments where

you’re just thinking baby what do you

want whatever you want I’m gonna give it

to you

oh but wait for it

because I looked back at him and said


what does Mama Do

now I had expectations about what his

answer was going to be at least some

framework about how he might respond

Lord I’d love to or Mom I’d love to

share the Lord with people Mom I’d like

to write Mom I would like to do a myriad

of different things maybe that he could

have said but he looked back and he said


I want to do nothing just like you

you do nothing all day every day you do


I said buddy you see how like the

clothes you’re wearing right now are

clean how do you think that they

actually get clean he said well that’s

just like washing that’s no big deal I

said but you eat every day you eat

actual food how do you think it gets

cooked and he said that’s what moms do

that’s no big deal

and I said but you know every now and

then there’s a book or there might be a

Bible study there’s even though there

was a little film a little movie

remember it’s been we spent like three

months maybe that what do you think I’m

doing he’s like you’re just sitting

behind the computer all day just doing

this you’re doing nothing

I laughed and then I thought in that

moment right after the conversation

how much that is like my relationship

with the Lord

in fact there was confirmation of that

because the very next day and I only

share this with you to make this point

but the very next day after that

conversation with Jude my publisher sent

me an email they sent an email to tell

me about something that they know I

never know because I’m keeping up with

three sons they said Priscilla we just

want to let you know that fervent

um a little book that I had written we

want you to know that it’s on the New

York Times bestseller list it actually

won a few Awards they said that to me in

the email and all I could do when I

looked at it was chuckle because it was

just the day before that my son said to


that when I was doing to him to what

looked like and amounted to nothing

that is exactly when I was crafting

something that hopefully would be a

blessing to people’s lives

and the Holy Spirit said to me that’s

just like you and me Priscilla

because I’m behind the scenes

orchestrating and crafting the chapters

of your story all the while you think

I’m doing nothing you point an

accusatory finger at me wondering where

I am and why I’m not hearing your

request and why I’m not moving in the

way that you would like me to move

you’re assuming that I’m sitting back

passively ignoring you we’re all the

while I am busy making a story out of

your life the likes of what you can’t


I came to encourage somebody today that

there’s a chapter that is being written

right now with your story I’m talking

about right now in that difficulty right

now in that Valley year of your marriage

right now in that trouble in your

finances that difficulty on your job

that hardship with your co-worker I’m

talking about that one co-worker the one

that if she says one more thing to you

you go knock her out that one

there is a chapter he is crafting

a manuscript he’s writing

that one day when we see him face to


we’re gonna see the story that he was


and every single Crown we get we’re

going to turn around and place it right

Back At His Feet

and say thank you Lord for this

privilege that we had to live a life

a life in relationship with you

and so even with these hardships and

even with these hurts we pray and we

pray in gratitude we pray in

gratefulness in advance thanking him for

the answer that he will give us that is

simultaneous to what we’ve asked for or

the answer that is so far beyond our

capacity to even comprehend and pray

that we trust him for something that

that has so much generational ripple

effect the likes of which we may never

see in our grandchildren and our

great-grandchildren and our great great

grandchildren I’m so glad for the

prayers of a grandmother and a great

grandmother and grandfather in my life

who pranks himself that y’all they

didn’t get to see the fruit of their


but how glad I am that they trusted him

to do what they were asking or something
