Priscilla Shirer: Ask God to Use Your Gifts for His Glory | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer speaks at the Propel Women’s Conference to discuss spiritual gifts. Listen as she teaches that we should be asking God to use our gifts to further bring glory to His name, and bring more people to Him.

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you cannot be moved not because you

manufactured your way there

but because god’s spirit has placed you


god’s spirit on your life


is what makes it so that you don’t have

to market

yourself because you’ve already been

marked by the presence of almighty god

you don’t just get his fruit you get his


the holy spirit gives you gifts through

which you can edify the body of christ

he turns what would have maybe possibly


just a talent into a gift that actually

causes what you do or what you craft to

actually get to the hearts

of the people that you are singing to or

speaking to

or dancing for or writing to those

people now don’t just read words on a

page that you wrote

now the words are like fire shut up in

their soul

it changes their heart it renews their

mind it

accomplishes spiritual purposes in their

life so listen

if you’re a writer well then write do

your best work but in the end what

you’re praying for

is that god’s spirit will anoint your


with power and with fire to affect

people for the glory of god

don’t just speak

ask god for fire on your message

don’t just dance perfect your craft but

in the end what you’re looking for is

not just talent

what you want is a gift

and there’s no amount of manufacturing

that can give what only the

holy spirit can give so when the holy

spirit takes up residence on the inside

of you

and on the inside of me at the moment we

are saved we have the privilege

of having relationship with jesus christ

having relationship with god

having communication with him because of

the holy spirit that lives on the inside

of us

that if when god sent his son jesus to

die on the cross

if when we received that gift we got a

ticket to eternity

and that was all we got just that we

knew we were saved from death

hell and the grave and we got to

experience eternity

with jesus christ listen if that’s all

we ever got out of this salvation deal

that would have been enough for us to

celebrate for the rest of our days

but when that might have been enough for

us it wasn’t enough for him

amen he said no i’m gonna send you the

holy spirit so that

i don’t you don’t have to wait to get to

heaven to experience heaven

but so that you can have a little bit of

heaven right now while you’re here on

planet earth

i’m going to give you myself in the

person of the holy spirit so that you

will see what it’s like

to walk with me and talk with me and

have friendship with me

and an ongoing relationship with me that

is what it means to have the holy spirit


but luke says that simeon did not

just have the spirit in him

it says that the spirit was upon him

this tells us that there is a difference

between the spirit being in you and the

spirit being

on you

i want to live a life that invites the

presence of god’s spirit

on me i know he’s in me but i want the

kind of life

that is a magnet that calls down the


the favor the anointing the presence of


upon my life i want to live in such


surrender to him that not just is he in

me that’s a gift

that all of us get who have placed faith

in jesus christ but i don’t just want

him in me i want him on

my life i want the evidence of him

on my life i want it so that when i do

something or say something or

participate in something or

pray over something i want it so that

when i walk away people don’t just say

priscilla was here i want them to say no

god’s presence was here

that only happens when the spirit of god

is on

you and so if you want to mother your

kids in such a way

that you leave the imprint of god on

those kids the spirit

can’t just be in you he got to be on you

if you want to be

the wife that god has called you to be

single woman if you want to be

the kind of single woman that god has

called you to be if you want to be the

kind of

employer or employee that god has called

you to be if you want to walk with


in the way that god has called you to

then thank the lord that god’s spirit is

on you

but i’m asking that god will allow it

there to be 2 000 women who leave this

place today at the end of the day

and god’s spirit isn’t just in us but

god’s spirit is on us

where we are marked by the presence of

god where when people

encounter us there’s something unusual

something distinct something

that they cannot touch or taste or

communicate with their five physical

senses there’s an

intangible that is on their life where

when the employer is looking to give the


it’s not that your resume says you are

the most qualified

out of all the candidates but there’s

something about you that they

just can’t put a finger on that’s called

the spirit of god being on you

it’s called favor

favor is what opens up doors no man can


favor is what puts you in places you

know you don’t have no business being in

favor is what sets you in positions that

you know you aren’t qualified for

say favor is what makes it so that you

are exactly where you’re supposed to be

to accomplish

exactly what it is that god has set for

you to come it’s

it’s what qualifies you when you don’t

have the degree

and you don’t have the diploma you don’t

have the connections you’re just

where god has opened up a door for you

to be and even though people

might talk badly about you or try to

push you out of that place

you cannot be moved not because you

manufactured your way there

but because god’s spirit has placed you


god’s spirit on your life

is what makes it so that you don’t have

to market

yourself because you’ve already been

marked by the presence of almighty god