Priscilla Shirer: Are You Obeying the Voice of the Holy Spirit? | Praise on TBN

Priscilla Shirer teaches at the 2018 She Rises Conference. Listen as she teaches about our culture’s shift from holiness to influence and why we need to obey the Holy Spirit to live freely in Christ.

#praise #tbn #priscillashirer

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we have modernized jesus today

the modern version of jesus that we have

crafted he has made him watered down now

he’s tolerant of sin without the

expectation of holiness our jesus is

politically correct

listen to me

are you listening

y’all we live in a day and age where we

have become more interested in being


than being holy

where we are more interested in making

sure we have likes

and friends

and the applause of people more than

just being flat out


by making sure that political

correctness is not our main goal

that we’re not after the applause of

people we’re after the applause of


you got to choose to be ye holy

and so i implore you sisters by the

mercies of god

to walk in a manner

worthy of the calling by which you have

been called

so the spirit rested upon him let me

just show you quickly verse 26 says that

the spirit revealed to him

so that means the spirit not only rested

upon him the spirits revealed to him old

preachers called this


it’s shining a spotlight it’s when

you’re sitting in church on a sunday and

your pastor opens up the bible to preach

and man he just reads or she reads that

first two verses that they’re going to

be preaching from and you sit straight

up in your seat because you feel like

it’s all about you

anybody know what i’m talking about

it’s where you’re trying to figure out


did the church bug my house how did they


that’s the illumination of the spirit

it’s when he it’s when the the old

truths of scripture scripture leap up

off the page

and for lack of a better way word it’s

when they grip you in your soul where

you see how that intersects with

something you are personally facing

today that is the revelation of the holy

spirit this is what the holy spirit does

he reveals he illumines he shines the

spotlight simeon was there that day

because he had been promised by the

revelation of god’s spirit it wasn’t

just a random promise it was his promise

oh you’ve had that happen over the

course of these days that we’ve been

gathered you probably have had that

happen where something that has been

said it wasn’t just great to hear it it

gripped your soul you knew it was an

assignment for you it was a conviction

that you knew the lord was going to send

you out of here with that assignment

because the holy spirit revealed it to


god’s spirit rests he reveals and then

he ruled simeon because it says in verse

27 that he came in the spirit to the

temple meaning the spirit told him on

this day to go into the temple and it

says that he came into the spirit under

the into the temple under the conviction

of the holy spirit when the spirit said


simeon said

yes sir he submitted to the leadership

of the holy spirit

and he was in the right place at the

right time to run right smack dab into

the messiah because he was submitted

to the leadership of the holy spirit

do you know that the more you ignore

ignore that still small conviction the

quieter that voice will become

not because he is no longer speaking but

because you’ve built a callous of

disobedience you have muffled the voice

of the holy spirit so it is better to be

so sensitive to god’s holy spirit that

sometimes you give when maybe he hasn’t

even prompted you to give but it’s okay

because to the best of your capacity you

are obeying the holy spirit of god just

to keep those airways open and clear

from the disobedience that will begin to

muffle his voice in your life because

more than anything else the enemy wants


disconnected from the privilege of

hearing the voice of god y’all this is

what separates our faith from every

other so-called faith on the face of the

earth it’s that our god is alive

it’s that he speaks it’s that we have

the privilege to hear his voice

never downplay or minimize the value the

beauty the lavish grace of this

privilege that we have to hear the voice

of god

so the holy spirit rested upon him

there are two other things that i want

to point out to you that were symbolic

or was were significant about simeon

that opened up his eyes to see jesus as

he was to be seen

in this package that other people

downplayed and found insignificant that

they totally ignored because they didn’t

think that their king would look like

that here’s what opened simeon’s eyes

not only that he was in the spirit when

he came into the temple and by the way

here’s another rabbit trail sorry

if we came to church in the spirit

it would change our experience in church

can i just say that

because while everybody else was looking

at that poor couple wondering why in the

world they were in their midst and

discounting mary and joseph

simeon came in the spirit and he was

less concerned about who was wearing

what and who was driving up what and who

sat where and who was in his seat and

whether or not it was hot outside and

they had to walk far to go take their

children to sunday school they were he

was less concerned about his convenience

whether or not the preacher preached

good was irrelevant to him he was

looking for jesus

whether or not the microphones were

perfectly balanced or the lights were

exactly as they should be whether or not

the ld screens were on full display that

day whether or not the ushers were or

were not kind was not his priority he

had come with his eyes peeled for jesus

we would be less critical and less

skeptical if we came to church in the


then the pressure wouldn’t be on the

person who’s on the stage because you

didn’t come to see them you came to see


okay verse 27

so he comes in the spirit and then look

what happens in verse 27 the parents

bring in the child jesus

jesus comes in in his parents arms

look at the savior look at how the

manifest presence of god arrives on this

remarkable day watch him show up into

the experience of this aged saint named

simeon in a very personal way and onto

the landscape of human history he

arrives in the arms of his parents

there is something about the way we see

jesus when we look at him through the

well-worn paths that have been hewned

out by our parents

our grandparents our great-grandparents

our forefathers and our foremothers

spiritually speaking the people who have

gone before us and have walked with

jesus just a little while who’ve spent

their lives serving him i’m always

nervous when i see a young group of

christians with their little skinny

jeans and their lattes and their avocado


which i love by the way

i’m just always a little nervous when i

see them instagramming all their

religious experiences without the

oversight of some spiritual parents

because y’all we have modernized jesus


the modern version of jesus that we have

crafted he has made him watered down now

he’s tolerant of sin without the

expectation of holiness our jesus is

politically correct

we need to see jesus coming in the arms

of our parents the people who have gone

before us the folks who have walked the

road a little while who know what

hymnals are

who sang the good old hymns that were

based in some theology we got to make

sure that our new praise and worship

songs i love them we got to make sure

they’re rooted in some good theology

and so the package may change listen

y’all i i still go to the kind of church

it’s come a long way but it started when

i was one year old the church that i go

to now so you know back in the day

there was no way in the world i would

have ever gotten on a stage with with

with pants are you kidding

anybody know what kind of church i’m

talking about we still have a few people

in our church a few mothers of the

church if anybody knows what i mean

jeans in the church are you kidding

they came in in their suits i’m talking

about where the skirt matches the jacket


like they were bought together

and not only that but underneath that

suit she’s gonna have some actual

pantyhose on i’m not talking about spanx

with the feet cut out uh i mean


the ones with the girdle top anybody

know what i’m talking about anybody

remember that

and she’s gonna have a handbag in her

hand and that handbag that clutch is

going to match that jacket which matches

that skirt which matches her patent

leather shoes that she has on her feet

closed toe patent leather shoes

but the outfit is never complete

and you know it ain’t no regular hat

right you know it’s got some it’s a

feather or a net or something that’s

sitting just like this

and she’s gonna worship god


anybody know what kind of church i’m

talking about

and i love when she comes up to give a


about what she has seen the lord

it might not be modern it might not be

new and improved

but it’s the jesus of abraham isaac and


it’s the god of our forefathers

there’s some things you cannot learn on


there are some things you just need to

be with a mother of the church somebody

who’s walked the road a little bit

longer than you to make sure you can

bounce off of her or him from the true

theological biblically based

unchanging venerated word of god

so the package may change but the

principles never do y’all jesus was

never politically correct he was always

a revolutionary he never dismissed

sinned he called it out in in grace but

most certainly in truth he was never

watered down he always said i am the

only way

i am the truth and i am the and the life

he didn’t acquiesce or tolerate he loved

but he did say repent for the kingdom of

god is at hand

at tbn our mission is to use every

available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping


the gospel of grace go around the world

without you we couldn’t do it god bless
