Priscilla Shirer (Passion Conference) and T.D. Jakes (Sermon Series: Crushing) teach on the unseen spiritual battle. Listen in as they teach how to stand firm in the face of the enemy. This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. SUBSCRIBE:… For nearly 50 years the mission of the Trinity Broadcasting Network has remained unchanged: To use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Launched in 1973 by Christian television pioneers Paul and Jan Crouch, TBN began as one low-power television station broadcasting a few hours of Christian programming each day to viewers throughout the Los Angeles area. In the years since, TBN has grown into a family of over thirty twenty-four hour global networks reaching every inhabited continent with entertaining, inspirational, and life-changing programming for every family member and demographic. TBN began as a dream to “build a Christian television network that spans the whole world.” Today that dream is reality…and still expanding! #tbn #priscillashirer #tdjakes 00:00 Intro 07:23 In the Face of the Enemy 15:50 Spiritual Warfare 22:36 Fighting Thoughts from the Enemy 28:49 You Shall Have Whatever You Say

what the enemy hopes is that the sight

of them will cause you to shrink back in

so much fear and insecurity that you’ll

never step up to the plight of being who

God has called you to be

listen if you’ve placed faith in Jesus

Christ I hope you know that the enemy

understands he cannot destroy you and

the enemy always has some sort of tool

or memory or a situation that he uses to

terrify you even though the good times

are here and and the dream is there the

blessing is there and the goodness is


but there’s always this haunting nagging


so I have three boys

um it’s a little bit scary to me that

they are nearly and will be very soon in

the next few years will be about your

age three sons the distinguishing

characteristic about my boys is that

they are giants they are huge boys my 15

year old is six foot two inches tall he

wears a size 14 men’s shoe my 13 year

old is about 6-1 he wears a 13 men’s

shoe and uh they Tower over me I have a

nine-year-old who’s coming up in the

ranks with his brothers they are tall

boys somebody come help me feed these



characteristics about or what makes

their size work for them rather is that

they do love sport so whatever sport is

sort of in season that’s what we’re

playing at the time my second son for a

lot of years he’s in a basketball now

but for a lot of years baseball was his

thing and I enjoyed that I enjoyed

baseball season I liked going out there

for Spring ball I liked Spring ball

because you go sit in the cool of the

evening while your kid is practicing I

remember all those years of of little

league when he was just coming up and

we’d sit out there in the cool of the

spring evening Under The Lights of the

bleachers watching and practice and

enjoying just uh that that whole

atmosphere I like Spring ball so much

the only problem with Spring ball is

that it is going to become Summer Ball

and I don’t know what happens where you

live wherever you’re coming from but I

can’t tell you in Dallas Texas which is

where I still lived

and where I was born and raised in

Dallas Texas in the summertime it

doesn’t warm up slightly

it gets hot I’m talking about slap your

mama hot that kind of hot the kind of

hot where you feel like the sun must be

mad at you about something like you did

something to the sun and the Sun is

trying to get you back all summer long

that’s what it feels like and you’re

sitting out there at a game trying to

enjoy your kids game and it really still

is okay when there’s just one game the

problem is that at the end of every

season there’s a tournament

so you got to be out there on a Thursday

at 8 A.M and 10 a.m and noon and 2 p.m

and then depending upon how your kids

team did you’re gonna have to come back

on Friday at 8 A.M and 10 a.m and then

they give you a little lunch break but

you got to come back for the 2PM game

the 4 P.M game and then if your kids

team had the nerve to do well you got to

come back again on Saturday for the 8

A.M game and 10 a.m and noon and two and

man you’re sitting out there under the

blazing sun trying to be happy that your

kid is doing well

really you’re wondering if it’s ever

okay to pray they lose so you can go


I will never confirm nor deny that I

have ever done that but I will tell you

that we were sitting out there at a

tournament so several years ago

sun was Blazing

we were so excited for the lunch break

just because that meant we would be able

to go to a restaurant where there would

be air conditioned and ice water that

actually had ice in it we got refreshed

we came back

we drove our SUV up into the parking lot

opened up the back of the SUV so that we

could pull out all the gear that we

needed to go to the next game in the

tournament we were three days into the

tournament hot sweaty they were doing

well we were trying to be excited about

it ready for the next game I was walking

behind my son to get from where we had

parked the car over toward the Dugout

where the next game was going to be

played and so I gathered up all the

stuff you know the ice chest that you

have and the um the umbrella that you

might have to go over your head and you

know the water bottles the the backpacks

the The Baseballs the mitts all that

stuff and I was following behind my son

my second son Jerry Jr is a fairly

gregarious personality he’s outgoing

he’s excited for a challenge so I could

see that in his step as I followed

behind him I could see a skip in his

step his chin was up his shoulders were

back he was excited about the next game

and I gotta tell you he’s pretty good in

baseball he has a natural knack for it I

remember at 10 years old was the first

time he got a good hit and sent it

sailing over the fence line at 10 years

old and I think it’s partly because of

his size just a lot of power behind his

swing a great as a first baseman so we

were really excited about his success in

baseball and and I watched him as he

kind of hopped and skipped over to the

next game just excited about the next

challenge in the tournament

but because I was following behind him I

had my eyes glued on him and I could see

when something changed

I could see that as we took the short

walk from where we’d parked the car over

to the Dugout I could see that his

shoulders started to hunch over and his

head hung down I could see that that

skip that had been in this step had

changed he was kind of walking like he

was nervous he was wringing his hands a

little bit I saw that he was looking

around his eyes darting and looking a

little bit sketchy I was trying to

figure out what happened to my boy it

was a short walk from where we parked

the car over to the Dugout and all of a

sudden his countenance had completely

changed so I started looking around

trying to figure out what was going on

why did he look so insecure and fearful

all of a sudden

I realized that as we were going toward

the Dugout we were walking past

some kids from another team they were

all laying on the grass underneath the

shade of an oak tree getting ready for

the next game as I passed them I could

see this was the team we were about to

play next

kept walking and I kept getting a look

at these boys and when I looked at them

I realized what my son’s problem was

we had faced this team before

we had faced them earlier in the season

and when this team had played my son’s

team earlier in the season they had

annihilated us

it had been a complete embarrassment a

complete upset this team right here

y’all they were serious baseball players

but we had to walk right by them to get

to The Dugout as we walked past there

were two players they were talking to

each other one was whispering to the

other I think he thought he was

whispering but we could hear him

he leaned over to the other one and he


there goes that big kid from the Red Sox


is he the one that hit the ball and it

went over the fence

yeah he was the one at first base the

one that caught any of the outs that we

got in the game that was him

so that’s Jerry Shire

when my boy heard his name crossed the

lips of the opposing team members

those shoulders that had been hanging

down all of a sudden I watched them pop

back again

go up I watched him get a little swag

back in his set as he headed over toward

the dugout

in fact we had to bring him down a few

notches before the game started

it’s amazing really how your countenance

changes when you’re really overhear and

understand what the enemy thinks about

you when he sees you coming

it doesn’t mean that the challenge goes

away it means that in the face of it

you’re different your stance is

different because you recognize that

when the enemy sees a daughter or a son

of God coming his way he’s shaking in

his boots not because of you but because

of the holy spirit of God that lives on

the inside of me

I came to tell somebody today that even

if you don’t believe what it is that the

word of God declares to be true about

you you need to know that the enemy does

he knows that every single thing that

God’s word declares to be true about you

every word that has been declared over

you in these last few days of this

conference even if you’re not convinced

about it the enemy is he knows that you

have been forgiven he never

is therefore now no condemnation for

those of us who are in Christ Jesus he

given the victory he knows

those have been made competent by the

spirit of God he knows

therefore now no condemnation for you or

for me no shame no guilt he knows that

you have not been given a spirit of fear

but a power and love and of a sound mind

and y’all he knows that in the end we



what ashamed it would be

for the enemy to believe more about your

potential than you do

what a shame it would be for us to go

out of here with all of this inspiration

that we have been given this investment

of God’s word that he has gathered us

together over the course of these days

to Worship in spirit and in truth and to

hear his word declared true over our

lives what a tragedy it would be for us

to walk out of here and still live like

we were before we came through these


so what the enemy will do is scatter

challenge in front of your life because

listen you’re going back home to

challenge y’all do know we going back

home in a little while right

and don’t we wish we could wake up to

this every single day

don’t we wish that we could have God’s

word spoken over our lives with this

much Authority and power every single

day and be in the presence of leaders

who can lead us into the presence of God

and worship every single day like this

but the reality is we’re going back home

the challenges of your University campus

the challenges of your home your

relationships your friendships on your

job those challenges will be sprawled

out in front of you when you get home

and let me tell you something what the

enemy hopes is that the sight of them

will cause you to shrink back in so much

fear and insecurity that you’ll never

step up to the plight of being who God

has called you to be

listen if you’ve placed faith in Jesus

Christ I hope you know that the enemy

understands he cannot destroy you he

knows his chances are over of destroying

you so he is going to spend the rest of

his time and the rest of his energy just

trying to discourage you

trying to distract you so that you’ll

shrink back in fear and insecurity and

not step up to the plate and be who God

has called you to be

it is at least in part to this end

that the Apostle Paul gives us a passage

of scripture that has become a Lifeline

for me

in fact I was talking with Christine

yesterday Chris and I have known each

other for a very long time very close

friends and she was asking me what I was

going to speak on and I had several

thoughts of directions that I was

leaning toward

but in the end we as we were talking the

question came up if there was only one

thing you could say to them

if there’s only one message that you

ever have the opportunity

to tell these students these young

people that will be gathered together on

this occasion what would that message be

and there was one thing that immediately

popped into my heart and my mind for you

at the end of this year’s passions

Passion Conference

the words of the Apostle Paul

he writes them in the book of Ephesians

listen let me just tell you quickly

before I read this passage you got if

you’ve not read the book of Ephesians

you’re gonna have to read the book of


y’all listen

it’s it’s like for real

the Apostle Paul y’all know he was a bad

boy he gave us most of what would become

the New Testament letters written to

first century Believers that now

disciple us and help us to mature as

Believers and as the body of Christ and

Scholars say that of all of Paul’s

writing really the cream of the crop the

cherry on top of the cake is Ephesians

because in the book of Ephesians y’all

he just spends the first half of the

book just rehearsing who you are as a

daughter or a son he wants to make sure

you step up to the plight rise to the

occasion of who you’ve been recreated in

Christ to become those of you who place

faith in Jesus Christ last night who

stood took your feet at the end of

Pastor Louie’s message and you placed

faith in Jesus listen the old has gone

and the new has come you’re a daughter

you’re a son and you have full rights

and privileges that have been granted to

you the Apostle Paul wants you to know

what is the hope of his calling and

choosing you he writes in the first and

second and third chapter about the

treasure that you have he wants you to

know about the mercy that has been

lavished upon you the grace that has

been given to you he wants you to know

that if you’ve been rejected by

everybody else you’ve been hand-picked

chosen and adopted by the one true God

he wants you you to know that if you’ve

dug a pic of sin for yourself that is so

deep you can’t find your way out of it

that the mercy of God is so great and so

Grand that it can reach down into any

pit and snatch you up out of it once and

for all in fact Paul gets so worked up

that by the time he gets to the middle

of the first chapter he bursts out in a

prayer and he says I’m praying that the

eyes of your heart would be open

so that you would just know what is the

hope of his calling and choosing you

and after going over and over and on and

on about the lavishness the richness the

grace the mercy the goodness the

adoption that has been poured out over

us the Forgiveness that has been granted

to us he’s trying to figure out how do I

close this letter to make sure they step

up to the plate

how do I put an exclamation point on

passion 2018 to make sure that what God

has given them they don’t hand over to

the enemy as soon as they walk out the


and the Apostle Paul writes these words

to us in Ephesians chapter 6 beginning

in verse 10.

he says finally

you be strong in the Lord

and in the strength of his might

he says put on the full former of God

so that you may be able to stand firm

against the scheme somebody say schemes

against the schemes of the devil he says

we wrestle not we struggle not against

flesh and blood but against the rulers

against the powers against the world

forces of this Darkness against the

spiritual forces of wickedness that are

in the Heavenly places he says so

therefore you might as well just go

ahead and put down all the weapons of

this world that aren’t working for you

anyway and take up some weapons that

actually have some power he says take up

the full armor of God so that you may be

able to resist in the evil day and

having done everything to stand firm he

says you ought to just stand firm

therefore in these few verses of

scripture the Apostle Paul begins to

introduce to us a concept that has not

been at least in the context uh thus far

in church development at that time had

not been as overtly described as it is

right now in Paul’s letter he brings up

the topic of spiritual warfare

he says you have an enemy

he says I want to make sure that it’s

loud and clear there are other places in

the Old Testament and throughout

throughout the new y’all where we can

infer that we have a spiritual unseen

battle going on but this is the first

time that an author comes right out and

says you have an enemy

and he is scheming against you

that when you leave this place in just a

little while when I leave this place in

just a little while you need to know

that there is an enemy he is against you

he is not for you he plans to do

anything and everything in his power to

stir up challenge in your life enough to

cause you to shrink back and not rise up

and stand firm in the victory that you

have been given in Christ Jesus that’s

why the Apostle Paul says stand firm

because you have an enemy

an enemy that wants you to think that

just because he is invisible he is also


he wants to be chalked up to nothing

more than a caricature a cartoon picture

a myth a character for a kid’s nursery

rhyme he doesn’t want you to recognize

the influence that he has over your life

possibly to to cause you to never walk

into the full expression of God’s grace

and goodness in your life he is Sinister

he is a master Illusionist and he is a

deceiver and he hopes to cleverly

disguise himself behind life’s most

pressing problems to where you will

forget he is even there

he wants you to point fingers at him or

at her at your boss at your parent at

that particular Professor or your R.A in

your dorm he wants you to think it’s

that advisor or it’s that financial

problem anything Flesh and Blood because

he knows as long as we’re looking at the

Flesh and Blood we will direct all the

wrong weapons at the wrong culprit

we’ll think our money will work we’ll

think our rationale and logic will

actually work we think that the diploma

we’re about to to achieve and receive

we’ll think the diploma will be work

worth it we’ll think that the

connections will work anything natural

cannot take care of the supernatural

when your problem is unseen and

spiritual you need weapons that work in

that Realm

so the Apostle Paul says you got to know

first of all that your enemy is not the

person you are sitting next to today

that your enemy is not your parent at

home your enemy is not that Professor

that is difficult to work with your real

enemy is not your boss on your part-time

job your real enemy is unseen he is

hoping y’all that we will forget he’s


he is the master Deceiver so there’s a

little church around the corner from my

house in Dallas I’ve been taking my kids

there since they were little uh to

Harvest Festival that’s basically this

Church’s answer to Halloween

so we will go there for Harvest Festival

and this church has a good old-fashioned

Trunk or Treat does anybody know what I

mean when I say Trunk or Treat


all right so Trunk or Treat for those of

you who are not clear on what that is

that’s when members of the congregation

volunteer they volunteer to bring their

cars into the parking lot on Harvest

Festival night so that they can open up

the trunk of their cars so you go into

the parking lot all the trunks are open

and each person has basically crafted a

carnival game or some sort of fair game

out of the trunk of the car so kids line

up one trunk after the other they play

whatever the game is and then most of

the time whether they win or lose the

person that owns that car gives them a

whole bunch of candy and sends them home

we’re always so grateful

so we stand in line

one car after the other waiting on bags

of candy and we play one game after the

other a few years ago

the biggest line the longest line at the

carnival wasn’t behind the a car it was

behind the bed of a truck it was really


a huge truck had been parked in the

parking lot

and they’d put a step ladder right at

the bed of the truck so that a kid could

walk into the bed of the truck they had

attached a table top which was about the

same size as the bed of the truck they

had attached it to the side of the truck

cut six holes into it put some fabric

some drapery over it and out from those

holes every few seconds a puppet would

pop through they gave the kid a huge

plastic Mallet and the job of the kid

was to run up and down the inside of the

bed of the truck as he tried to hit the

puppets on top of the head it was a

homemade whack-a-mole game is what it

was and it was the longest line me and

Jude at the time he was like four Jude

is my youngest me and Jude are standing

in line we’re waiting on our turn behind

us there’s another kid he’s with his his

mom he’s probably four or five as well

and y’all he was hysterical

because he was annoyed at this whole

situation and he was making sure she

knew it

he was first of all annoyed because Mom

I don’t understand why I got to stand in

this long line didn’t we come to the

carnival to have fun this ain’t fun

standing in line ain’t fun I have an

idea mom how about this how about I go

play all these other games while you

stand in line and hold our place and

then when it’s our turn I’ll come back

and join you in line

but he was not only annoyed about the

line the four-year-old was also annoyed

because Mom I don’t even understand this

game why in the world would I waste all

my energy running up and down the inside

of that truck to hit the puppets on the

top of the head if when I hit them on

the head they’re gonna disappear but

then they’re just gonna come back as

soon as I hit them on the head what’s

the point of this game

so everybody in the line is laughing

hysterically because this four-year-old

this five-year-old is talking so much

about all of his frustrations

finally he gets so frustrated

that he works himself into a frenzy to

where all I saw out of my peripheral

vision was a four-year-old flash running

past me as he ran forward and he grabbed

the drapery off of the table top and

pulled it clean off

underneath there were three adults with

puppets on each hand

that day we all got a good laugh but we

also got a good lesson

there is always something you can’t see

influencing what you can

and if you spend all of your time your

energy your effort trying to hit at what

you see popping up in your life you’re

gonna be so frustrated and by the way

exhausted because as soon as you take

care of one thing another one is coming

back unless you do what the Apostle Paul

says pull back the curtain and let the

enemy know we got our eyes on you

and we’re gonna use some weapons that

actually work back there behind the


you won’t come out of this

you’re not smart enough

you’re not bright enough you waited too

late you should have started younger

those are the kind of voices that we all

live with

for me our ministry was growing

we lived in a nice house nice house we’d

ever had

driving a nice car

living from paycheck to paycheck we’re

making it

every night

I lay down at night

after she goes to sleep

I hear the voices

those voices are the kind of voices that

stop you from buying into your own life

stop you from enjoying the good times

and believing that they will last

the anxiety and the pressure and the

strength that it took to get from where

you were to where you are doesn’t go

away so you don’t

really believe it’s yours

you’re driving it but you don’t really

believe it’s yours and you’re scared to

relax and really rest in whatever it is

or whoever it is

because everything else went away

maybe this will go away too

we talk about faith for bad times but

but you also need faith in Good Times

to actually believe

the goodness of God is not going


to silence the voices

they keep saying you’ll never make it

you’re about to lose everything

fear gets in your heart

see see I know what it’s like to be poor

and I know what it’s like to be without

I know what it’s like not to have dinner

for my kids

returning to that that the idea that

that could happen

it’s terrifying

and the enemy always has some sort of

tool or memory or situation that he uses

to terrify you even though the good

times are here and and the dream is

there the blessing is there and the

goodness is there

but there’s always this haunting nagging


that says don’t you relax

you’re not worth it

you don’t deserve it

and it’s not going to last

resting in what God has done

it’s often more difficult

than receiving what God has done

to rest in it

to believe that it will last

to believe that you will answer love

will last that that life will last that

that good times will come that things

will be better it’s difficult because of

the voices and you are what you eat and

the voices are the food that feeds your

faith or fear

so if you want to change your diet

you can change your outcome

but you have to stop talking to yourself

the way you do

because if you continue to talk to

yourself the way you do you will always

be where you’ve always been

it is what you say within yourself that

heals you the woman within your blood

said to herself

if I can but Touch the Hem of His

Garment I’ll be made whole

there was no scripture to validate that

she could say she wasn’t quoting

Deuteronomy or new numbers or anything

like that it’s just something she said

to herself there was no Doctrine around


we’ve never seen that happen before but

she said to herself if I can’t even

Touch the Hem of His Garment I’ll be

made whole

and all otherwise she was crawling she

kept saying over and over again if I can

just touch if I can just touch if I can

just touch I can just touch them and

without Jesus permission

and without the support of the disciples

she creeped up on him and snatched a


snatched it

snatch it because of what she said to


you see those voices that say what you

can’t do what you can’t have what you

can’t be what’s not going to last what’s

not going to work is how the enemy

pulverizes the promises of God in your


and it takes word to combat word that’s

why when Jesus was in the wilderness and

Satan was so unwarded him he was

throwing word back and what we have to

do is put word on Word

I’m blessed I’m blessed in the city I’m

blessed in the field I’m blessed in my

Uprising I’m blessed in my down setting

I’ll be blessed into my old age I’ll be

blessed when I’m an old man my

grandchildren will be blessed my body is

blessed my body is my mind is blessed my

head is blessed I got this I can handle

it I can do it bring it on here it is

that kind of talk saying that to

yourself drives back the other voices of

negativity that we all have creep up

behind us and tell us that we’re not

capable and we’re not competent and

we’re not gifted enough and we’re not

good enough or we waited too late or God

is punishing us

to talk back to those voices shut the

enemy down

the pressure I was going through

I was causing

because the pressure I was going through

was coming from the things that I

allowed to reverberate in my head

and I’m wondering if there are things

echoing in your head right now that are

stopping you from living your best life

because you will not silence him by

speaking back

you shall have whatever you say

so say it’s the word of God you shall

have whatever you say

if it’s betrayal you shall have whatever

you say

if it’s a life without love you shall

have whatever you say it doesn’t just

work positively it also works negatively

you shall have whatever you say she

touched him and she was made whole and

he says

who touched me

which means he’s oblivious to what’s

going on this is all happening in her


the whole thing happened in her head and

the Lord who is omniscient asks a

question who touched me

and the disciples wanted to be important

to answer to him so everybody touch you

he said no no no no no no no no that’s

not what I’m talking about everybody

around me don’t touch me

everybody around me don’t touch me

you’ve been sad everybody around me

don’t touch me just because you’re

around me don’t mean you touch me

somebody touched me somebody touched me

and she came out from the crowd as cheap

asleep and see it was me

when I say excellent you say excellent

excellent excellent excellent

the problem is

we all said the same word

but we don’t all mean the same thing

because what you call excellent what I

call excellent may be two different


based on the lives we’ve lived the

things we’ve experienced the places

we’ve been exposed to

our ideas of excellent may vary


based on how we Define Excellence the

problem with the English language is

that it is limited to interpretation

so how do you know when I say I love you

that I mean what you meant when you said

you love me

so we’re having a conversation and I’m

making an assumption that your love is

my love and it may not be at all

or we’re planning a banquet and I and I

make an assumption that you’re excellent

is my excellent

and it may not be at all

because the reality about it is your

definition of excellent Rises no higher

than your level of exposure

whatever you’ve been exposed to that

becomes the new paradigm of what

excellent is to you

and it shifts from day to day and the

hardest thing in the world is to have a

conversation with somebody and all you

have to use is words

because I’m not sure

that you mean what I mean

when I say excellent

I’m not sure that you mean what I mean

when I say love I’m not sure you mean

what I mean when I say loyal

I’m not sure you mean

what I mean

when I say her

because all we have

is worse

the reality is

we have to make up in our mind

that whatever our definition of

Excellence is

called change

it’s gonna get higher it’s gonna get

broader it’s gonna get better it’s going

to be different or

it’s going to go down

and a lot of it depends on who you hang


and what you’re exposed to there are

people that take you up there are people

that bring you down they bring you down

to their level of Excellence that’s what

that’s what a job description for a

hater looks like

the job description of the hater is to

bring you down to the level

that they are on

so that while they’re trying to pull you

down I’m trying to get up

and if I’m going to get up I have to

know that there’s going to be a cost in

getting up

I’m gonna have to put my back to it or

it’s not going to happen God wants

somebody to work with him and give what

it takes to make it happen

is it worth it


I do not want to die

let me explain I I was born in between

two dead babies the baby before me died

the baby after me died I was raised by a

dying father

and I do not want to live my life and


and at the last moment of my life

ask this question wonder what would have


if I’d have pushed a little harder

I don’t wanna I don’t want to get down

to the end of the road and and wonder

what would have happened if I’d have

pushed a little harder I don’t want to

wonder that I want to get down to the

end of the road like Paul and say I

fought a good fight I kept the faith I

finished my course and now later for me

is a crown of righteousness in the

heaven I don’t want to get down to my

last breath and wonder what would have

happened if I went back to school if I

took a course if I worked a little

harder if I change the way I dress if I

change the way I talk to people if I

forgave somebody if I release somebody I

don’t want to wonder about nothing

because that

is excellence


it’s a come out with the conclusion

I have no regrets