According to the Center for Disease Control*, over 7.4 million women have received treatments for infertility. However, many women suffer in silence. Gessie Thompson knows firsthand how painful it is to desire children but not be able to conceive. Gessie personally battled fibroids for 14 years, underwent five fibroid surgeries, five IVF cycles, and a devastating miscarriage. However, after ten years of struggles, she became pregnant with her miracle baby girl, Nia. Gessie is a best selling author, speaker and Fibroid & Fertility Coach. She is passionate about helping other women overcome infertility through a naturopathic program without surgery. *(2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth, CDC)

have you ever wanted to have a

conversation with someone but you don’t

have enough time maybe you’re just

rushed to get to the next thing and you

can’t continue the conversation you

can’t ask all the questions that you

want to ask that happens to me all the

time which is why this conversation that

we’re going to have today is so

important because it’s one that’s been

on my heart for a while I can’t wait for

you to hear from our guest today stay




I am so glad you’re here if you have not

already heard part one of my

conversation with our incredible guest

today please make sure you you know

search around and click on part one

because you’re gonna want to make sure

that you get the lowdown on all the

details that we’ve been talking about

with this incredible woman who has had a

life change so to speak a lot of hard

things have happened in our life but

really they’ve changed the trajectory of

her life for the better

in that she’s telling her story to as

many people as she can’t she can and

getting them the help that they need

would you please help me welcome back

for a second conversation miss Jessie

Thompson it’s so cute in your little

white shirt thank you and you said that

white is the color of fibroids awareness

fibroids awareness it’s a big deal

because I bet mostly women are in our

audience then I bet if we had a showing

of hands either they are struggling with

it or somebody they know close to them

absolutely is struggling with it and it

can be completely detrimental in the

sense that for you your major symptom

was infertility that was how you knew

there was there was trouble in paradise

yeah and we’ve got 10 years yeah you

told us in part one 10 years of

infertility treatments hundreds of

thousands of dollars spent and then

finally your sweet miracle daughter yes

that we show nothing a few minutes ago

she came in like a whirlwind yeah she is

beautiful baby now I’m curious to know

did she surprise you guys were you in

the process of trying to have a baby at

the moment that you conceived or were

you kind of at the point where you had

given up and you’re like done with the

whole thing

so after our fourth IVF cycle and third

myomectomy I just came to a point where

I hit a wall hotbed yeah I was like God

do I hear you saying adoption mmm-hmm

what oh yes which is an honorable choice

and that’s what I’m Joyce we believe in

adoption yeah I mean we’re grafted in

right yes I believe in adoption and I

was like my husband and I always felt

like that was really an important it was

something we wanted to consider doing


and I was like you know what I’ve been

through too much at this point and I

just I said God but I knew I didn’t know

this I said God if it’s what you’ve

ordained I’m gonna give you a Gideon now

I’m I need to know but I need to know

but because we couldn’t get pregnant

naturally we literally had to do IVF my

thing was God if this really is then

we’ll do the next IVF cycle and you know

I went to really I really hit the my

knees I really started to seek the Lord

Lord I need to know this is not

something I’m just gonna do cuz I’m

gonna go ahead and do another one I need

to know and he made it very clear

through different voices different

people in my life and you know just

things that were being echoed in terms

of stuff my husband he was saying to my

husband of course but my husband was so

amazing he was like listen this is your

body you know I want a biological child

but I I’m not the one on the operating

table yeah this is something you need to

hear from the Lord for yourself and I

was kind of mad cuz I wanted to just

like just what do you what is it low I

say to you because like no you need and

this is really important because I

didn’t realize that you know when we’re

about to go through something the Lord

won’t give us a word and it was really

critical because I I was I was praying

about it I got confirmation and then my

mother – my godmother she just out of

the blue she didn’t even know what I was

battling like and what I was praying

about cuz I was really keeping it close

to the vest and she says to me Jesse I

went to a prayer meeting and I stood in

the gap for you and they said to me that

this time next year you will be holding

your baby this time next year now she

didn’t know that that actually was right

in alignment with what we ended up doing

because if we did the next IVF cycle

this time next year we would have

literally haven’t had the baby a year a

month better right

so it was right in alignment but even

more than that we had so many struggles

in the pregnancy where even after I got

pregnant 21 weeks they said that there

was a condition that I had

at 21 weeks they told me I might want to

consider terminating my pregnancy this

pregnancy that took us 10 years did you

consider it even for a second not for a

second I told them I said listen I said

we were people of faith it took us 10

years at this point yeah I said we’re

people getting me to leave in weeks if I

loved itself as a miracle you believe in

miracles Yeah right and and five weeks

later we were hospitalized because the

condition worsened then they had the

neonatal people telling me all these

things about how the baby was gonna be

born when they cried like literally they

were like within 72 hours you’re gonna

have this baby because after this

condition happens when it worsens like

this it’s called fetal growth

restriction and then his reversal blood

flow so the five words had come back and

they were pulling the life blood away

from my child so when I say she fought

to get here she fought to get here you

know how much so how many weeks so that

weekend the doctor says well we’re

hoping your money your wife makes it

through this weekend because within 72

hours textbook I was supposed to give

birth to the tune of eight more weeks I

was still in that hospital eight more

weeks eight more weeks she’s never done

what anybody’s ever so then she’s in a

safe city board like the doctors even

told I said they said mrs. Thompson you

know we have to apologize to you because

we didn’t want to scare you but you have

to understand textbook this doesn’t

happen I love this so much yes because

there’s a great physician who has when

he chooses to it’s his it’s his choice

but when he chooses to he can override

Textron sistex and all that he’s a

single one he’s the great position

everything ended up eight weeks later

and then they then at that point they

were like well she’s the baby’s ready

and you don’t have to have emergency

surgery if we schedule it and they did

it you know he had some more complicated

was that celebration like when that baby

was born well I had multiple

complications from the surgery because I

my heart stopped on the operating table

so it was crazy

you just glazed over that like it was no

big deal oh I’m

you’re right so I said it so we went

into surgery and all of us all I know is

things went like black and they all my

husband they could get him out of here

get him out of here

and they said mrs. Thompson you’re gonna

hear the baby cry and then everything

that’s gonna go black and then they put

me under general anesthesia the

c-section then they put me under general

anesthesia and all I knew is I had a

chai was okay and my husband he was

freaking out he’s like what happened hmm

so because of how long it took from all

the scarring how long it took for them

to get to my child

tanea it basically caused my heart to

stop and when I say like it was a lot of

healing right so I didn’t get to touch

her until the next day you know I I

literally had to be wheeled to her I had

so much of a long road in terms of

healing yeah but it was I you know I

remember that first time I held her and

she was in an incubator she’s so tiny

all the nurses said the same bat-channel

is feisty in that job when to one nurse

said she says I don’t know who this

child is gonna be but I hope I’m around

to see how she changes the world wow

that’s awesome I was like we would

concur with the nurse that she’s she is

going to change the world that girl is

something else

oh but literally she has changed my life

I say it’s great I gave birth to her but

she birthed me into my purpose she did

because here you are little bit on this

sofa amongst you know many that you many

conversations you’ve had places that

you’ve been invited to speak your book

has gone out to so many people who are

being made aware of really the issue and

who feel license now they feel inspired

to open up their mouth and say here’s

where I’m struggling right how can I get

some help for that and I love the

organization that you have because it’s

helping women practically to figure out

can you give us I mean you know we’re

gonna we’re gonna put online how people

can find you and where they can get more

information but even like I was asking

you in the back as we were eating dinner

just a little while ago

what are would you say just some

practical health things whether it’s

eating or whatever else you would

suggest that you have

releasing revolutionize women’s health

men and women but particularly in this

case a women just sort of label those

things for somebody that sit on the

other side of the screen going what can

I start doing tomorrow to start helping

to put myself in a better place sure

health wise very first thing you have to

do is decide that I’m taking ownership

for my health that’s number one because

too many people feel like my health is

my doctor’s responsibility we say no no

healing is God’s job but it’s your

responsibility right so you have to do

the work of a learning mindful right so

once you decide that and you put that

mindset on then it’s understand that the

way God designed our bodies is to use

your food as your medicine so that’s

what we teach people to do is to use

food as your medicine once you realize

that my food is actually healing or

hurting me you think twice about what

you’re putting in your body yeah right

because you’re like oh wait a minute

this is actually having one or two

impacts right now yeah and I understand

that I don’t just want to eat to not be

hungry most people eat to just not be

hungry they don’t eat actually to heal

their bodies right so once you that’s a

big part of our program is helping

people make that mindset okay we need to

settle in here for a little bit on this

issue because I just think this is such

a hard thing huge in our culture

particularly those of us I know there

might there are lots of people who watch

and they do not live in the western part

of the world or they don’t live in

America but particularly for those of us

who do this struggle is huge for me

right now I mentioned it a few moments

ago jokingly with the people that are in

our audience because we live in a

country that is not helpful in this way

so they they are approving our country

is approving all sorts of genetically

modified on everything yeah and that’s

what’s available to us

so a person you know you know an average

American going into their local

supermarket that doesn’t have the funds

to spend on organic everything which the

label says that but it’s not necessarily

that but you’re going into your grocery

store to just buy the healthiest bread

so as far as you can tell that’s it or

the healthiest meat that you can in

at grocery store or vegetables but if

that’s all that is available to you what

what is the power how does a mom yeah

there’s a mom with a bunch of kid yeah

sons and daughters she’s trying to feed

absolutely how does she make wise

choices when that’s what the grocery

store has so you’ve so many layers of

what she just said right there number

one is understanding okay as a Christian

we know the difference between the

narrow road and the broad road right so

narrow is a path meaning the road to

disease is broad okay it’s broad it’s

easy it’s cheap and it’s popular and

it’s fast food yeah that’s why it’s easy

right everywhere you turn but the road

to healing is narrow it’s more expensive

and it’s less popular right so the very

first thing is deciding I’m worth it my

health is worth and I say this I can’t

say this enough because it’s gonna drive

your decision-making right it’s very

critical to understand that my health is

worth it the health of I’m not just

keeping them from having you know from

from being sick right now but I’m

keeping them from developing things like

diabetes and cancer and those are more

expensive in the long run

right yeah and understanding that I I

want to keep my child from having heart

disease all those kind of things the

second thing is understanding what foods

are healthy and what are not so you got

to get educated yeah right and there I

mean like I said we have a free food

list for people to understand what foods

are inflammatory what’s not right and

then you can know that literally in your

regular grocery store their food markets

there are farmers markets where they

have locally grown produce and you don’t

have to have the organic label if you

understand that if I actually want to

know if something is organic or not cuz

pesticides are a very important thing

okay the pesticides actually they

they’re toxins that will pollute our

bodies they poison our bodies so but you

can find that all over wherever and

they’re seeds like Monsanto they’re

seeds that are actually growing they’re

killing your food from the inside out

it’s terrible what’s happening in the

food industry right now but here’s the

deal you can know for yourself you go to

a farmers market let’s say you buy a

pack of blueberries you want to know

this is a local farmers growing this and

I want to know if it’s organic you could

put it in a mason jar watch for 72 hours

if it becomes white

and fuzzy it’s not organic but if it

just withers and Browns it is without

the organic label it’s just locally

grown so that’s a way you can save you

zoom saying it’s understanding wait a

minute if I look at foods that are

locally grown my produce and then a lot

of the Kroger’s they have a great

organic Department but like I said with

farmers markets and food co-ops that are

popping up especially after what the

health after what the hell anybody watch

what the health so if y’all heard of

what the health yeah I documented dared

to watch it because I everybody that

watch it because you don’t eat anything

that is an animal product right okay is

that a choice that you made after the

struggle or was that some way you

already ate no I actually so after my

last surgery I ended up in full-blown

menopause okay so it can fell over you

forty-four years old okay but the

menopause was not just oh you’re

menopausal no I had severe symptoms that

you could not live with okay and I knew

I needed some sort I was I needed help

and I was a traditionalist I was the

last thing from a natural ista that you

ever ten surgeries right okay but my

mother was like they wanted to put me on

the hormone replacement drugs and I mean

there’s tons of research that shows that

they accelerate the development of

cancer and I was not about to go bout to

go from menopause to cancer okay so I

said alright you know what I’m gonna

believe God for natural remedy I’m fine

like okay God fine okay I’ll look into

it yeah but you know what happens I

started I got the patch and I use it for

a little bit and I had a little bit of

relief and one day God said alright you

think I’m playing I’m sitting there in

my office and he says take it off now I

took it off it’s like a little band-aid

I just how startled you know this gives

you a word sometimes okay alright then

and I took it off and within like two

weeks he connected me with these

naturopathic doctors that I so that I’ve

partnered with and developed the program

what cancer let me hop in real quick

because I want to separate two things

what you’re saying with with sort of

your spiritual connection with these

choices that you were making that’s not

the same thing as saying God heal me

it’s go do you take your health into

your own hands

well let me give you some wisdom on how

to use what I have given you and the

resources I’ve given you on this planet

to heal yourself no it’s a combination

I’m gonna tell you okay go ahead the

reason I say it’s a combination is

because some plant some water but God

gives the increase yes right I mean I’m

Emily it’s all him right oh please

he’s make he’s designed the body to heal

itself right right but here I am asking

you God to heal me from high blood

pressure but I mean Fried Chicken right

right so call out bad chicken

specifically that’s the gospel bird girl

but here’s the deal ya week we have to

say wait a minute God says I give you

wisdom I give you information

right and this is funny I remember I was

at that event where we talked about I

had a major conversation at the lunch

table and I said listen in the Garden of

Eden what did God tell us to eat and

they said the plants right food from the

fruit from the trees plants of the earth

I said and what did the animals eat

anybody can anybody answer that what did

the animals eat the Garden of Eden

plants plants they didn’t eat us the the

the the the animals were our friends not

our food right and I’m not an animal

rights person like you know this is not

about that this is about what God has

called us and what he’s when how he

allows our bodies to actually work

optimally yeah right he is he’s a

miracle worker and he does things in

spite of us but isn’t it time that we

become the heroes in the story of our

healing instead of the accomplices in

the story of our disease yeah yeah I

understand that right so for that it’s

education so it’s a combination so for

the you know the regular everyday

working parents who doesn’t think she

can shut down you know meet for example

something big and broad like that for

her sons or her you know her husband

would not even imagine a life without me

if she this is why to do a family

intervention number one thing do a thing

all y’all watch what the hell together

tell you you have to start with

education yeah you do a family

intervention and then from there you

start doing in you transition and you do

replacements of things that they would

never even believe that they’re healthy

when they taste them because they’re so

delicious okay right and once you start

doing that little by little it could be

the juices that you drink the fruit that

you have in the morning right and then

there are certain things that don’t have

to be organic like cantaloupe honeydew

watermelons even mango and avocado

they’re on that there’s something called

the Dirty Dozen and the clean 15 list

and those things that are on the clean

15 don’t have to be organic because

they’re grown in a way they’re that

they’re actually cleaner but that helps

you to just start making it’s a journey

yeah right

it’s a journey it’s a lifestyle what we

tell people is you know you didn’t

happen you didn’t come here overnight

right so give yourself be patient with

yourself and take steps so you know for

somebody who’s dealing with a health

crisis they’re gonna be more motivated

to Cutco yeah because they’re trying to

save their lives I mean literally

and what else other than food would you

say is is one of your suggestions to

women who are strong stress so that’s a

huge part of our program as well as

stress management because you can be

eating right but you’re stressed the

toxins that are your body is being

flooded with on a regular basis cortisol

and that’s from pressure it’s not even

just anxiety from pressure you got

you’re on the road all the time you’ve

got all this stuff you got to go for

you’re rushing from one place to another

what does that do

pressurizes your body so weight margin

in our calendar margin yes breathing

room and also time to pause and be

silent and just listen I mean that

literally has a physiological asset just

it affects our body

yes impact what it does is actually

helps to unblock your meridians and

helps you to release the stress okay

because it stores up in your body you

ever noticed like you’re in the middle

of doing something and your shoulders

are hunched or your teeth are gritted

your your hands are tight why because

your story you literally been in a

pressure situation so we say to people

set a timer every two hours and do a

breath check just on your alarm just


breathe and exhale for like a minute

just to release that stress out of your

life because what you’re doing is when

that cortisol is prepared is when that

that cortisol is present in your body it

actually up regulates the effect of the

toxins in your body so I’ll give you an

example 2014 was one of the best years

of my life but it was also one of the

worst years of my life because it was

high stress okay lot of stuff was going

on that was a fit made it like literally

the most stressful year of my life

fibroids money that I had tripled in

size and that one year because of stress

right so that’s why if you’re how did

you know it’s because of stress though

because everything else was the same

okay what’s that one thing that had yes

but I digress exactly and when I talked

to him and every day literally they can

be doing everything right but if they’re

not dealing with the margins if they’re

not learning that no is a complete

sentence if they’re not putting in

proper boundaries and if they’re not

actually when we say reexamine their

relationships we prioritize some

reposition some say no to certain things

say not now to others right yeah I

always say we need a no anointing on our


that’s the loot we need a no anointing

that’s just to be able to have the to

not feel guilty at that’s the thing is

we feel so guilty if we need to say no

to someone or something and have some

margin our life even if because you know

every no is a simultaneous yes you’re

saying yes to something to something

whether it’s to be at your kids soccer

game yep or to have a Friday night where

you actually are just at home enjoying

being a self-care axing so something I

read in my devotional this week was know

first of all it’s a complete sentence

right I don’t have to tell you why as

well that’s the other thing if we say no

well that’s because now I don’t owe you

that necessarily depends on who you are

but no does not make me bad right

because no saying no to you sometimes

it’s the only way I can say yes to

myself yeah and understand that in order

for me to be able to say a healthy yes I

have to say it be able to say no to the

right things

yeah and understanding that that is a

huge part I say to people retire the

Cape take that cape off there are no

nacho soup

right exactly retired a cake because

guess what there are what is it I think

superheroes are not real for real women

are superheroes that’s great hey because

when you learn to actually be authentic

and real that’s when that God’s grace

multiplied unto you you ever do

something to me I was able to do that

when you have God’s grace on you right

yeah you learn to say no you learn to

say no to the right things and yes to

the right things and you learn that

saying yes to something means I have to

take something else off the list yeah

that’s another thing we keep adding

things to our list so if you’ve been and

that’s one of the exercises we do have

heard if you’re gonna say yes what do

you say what if you’re gonna start one

thing what are you gonna stop and I love

that this is so practical in every area

of our life because I’m thinking about

how I had a friend of mine say to me

Risa cuz I have a an affinity for white

shirts actually I love the look of crisp

white shirts of white so I just think

they’re beautiful so she said to me we

were kind of doing a little shopping I

think we were in tarjay tarjay and I was

grabbing another white shirt and she

said now if you if you get this white

shirt there need to be to that go she

said for every one thing you bring in

there need be glad it goes thank ya very

good so you’re not only are our lives

cluttered but our spaces our clutter our

drawers are cluttered our pantries are

cluttered our freezers are cluttered so

we don’t even know that that that what

we were gonna eat is way back there in

the back we forgot about it from three

months ago because we’ve put so much

stuff in our space that now we can’t

even enjoy the things that we that we

have anymore they’re not even gifts

anymore now we’re frustrated we’re

overwhelmed we’re wearing the same thing

over and over and over because it’s all

we can see in our closet with the mound

of stuff that’s on the floor so just to

your point that if we don’t have the

discipline if we’re taking one thing

into our calendar or space yeah then we

need to take some other things out these

are good these are political because

that’s about it if I keep just adding

I’m now being crushed under the pressure

yeah yeah and I’m that I’m carrying more

you were built to carry that right

that’s the other thing we teach is cast

your care not just cast it

it’s keep casting it all day every day

keep casting your care allow the Lord to

carry your burdens right the yoke means

he’s carrying us he’s pulling us in that

wagon we’re so used to being the pack

mule yeah

that we want to carry everything he’s

like I didn’t build you to do that so

your body’s breaking down your mental is

breaking down you’re not even able to be

who your purpose to be because you’re

doing what you weren’t born to do yeah

it’s good yeah when we do God can be

glorified that’s awesome hmm that’s

really great and I appreciate you I

appreciate you being willing to share

your story here not only on the sofa but

here in this book that you need to get

your hands on and share with your

friends who may be struggling with this

or maybe your own life just some miracle

stories in here but also I love that

what you’re offering and what we’ll put

a link so folks can connect to you

because you’re offering some practical

advice and some practical wisdom jessie

has made it her business this is her

life she’s made it her business to

really research at the beginning of this

you were like I don’t know anything

about five words I’m not am I supposed

to share with other than me but now you

have researched and studied and figured

out how it as we as women in particular

yeah but men as well so how we can take

control of our health and those

practical tips are necessary in this day

and age when we’ve got the culture that

sort of steering us in a stressful

directions and we might owe pressure and

high pressure we need a voice that says

hey it’s okay yeah say no it’s okay to

take the narrow path and eat differently

than everybody else is eating for you

and your family and yummy and if you

stop and say is yummy that’s really the

question it’s delicious it is I mean the

other day I made this black bean sweet

potato dandelion stew over some black

coming back up back up yes yes the yajes

dandelion yes is black bean think black

beans and rice Latina style right I like

to use black beans it’s black turtle

beans with its purple sweet potato

uh-huh with some dandelion in it it’s so

it was slap your mama good it was slap

your mama crap your mama good whose mama

your mama


don’t thank Jessie for being on the

program with us today

