According to the Center for Disease Control*, over 7.4 million women have received treatments for infertility. However, many women suffer in silence. Gessie Thompson knows firsthand how painful it is to desire children but not be able to conceive. Gessie personally battled fibroids for 14 years, underwent five fibroid surgeries, five IVF cycles, and a devastating miscarriage. However, after ten years of struggles, she became pregnant with her miracle baby girl, Nia. Gessie is a best selling author, speaker and Fibroid & Fertility Coach. She is passionate about helping other women overcome infertility through a naturopathic program without surgery. *(2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth, CDC)

have you ever wanted to have a

conversation with someone but you don’t

have enough time maybe you’re just

rushed to get to the next thing and you

can’t continue the conversation you

can’t ask all the questions that you

want to ask that happens to me all the

time which is why this conversation that

we’re going to have today is so

important because it’s one that’s been

on my heart for a while I can’t wait for

you to hear from our guest today stay




so it was probably about two and a half

three years ago that I laid eyes on this

woman we were together at an event the

two of us and I got to listen to her

share her story and share a presentation

with a group of women that were gathered

at this particular event but it wasn’t

just her presentation that really sort

of captured my attention it was my

conversation with her afterwards we were

backstage and we were just talking a

little bit and the light in her eyes the

smile that she had the burden on her

heart to really share her story with as

many people as possible to make them

aware of all that has happened in her

life but also to challenge them with

their own lives their own struggles and

give them solutions and answers to help

them particularly women to be them their

best selves I mean that conversation

completely riveted me and I couldn’t

wait to sit down and talk with her again

and in that moment we didn’t have enough

time for me to ask all the questions I

wanted to ask though I could not wait to

invite her here would you all please

help me to welcome miss Jessie Thompson

to the show today

thank you for coming thank you all this

way cuz I don’t want to talk to you

about a few things cuz you have a story

that needs to be heard smells you have

it well it’s more than a little

something it’s a story really that it’s

gonna it’s gonna not only encourage

people and challenge them with their own

health but it’s also going to inspire

somebody I think to tell their own story

because I think a lot of women are

suffering in silence with what you’re

about to share and I love that you’ve

taken this what was a very dark hard

time in your life you’ve taken it and

now you have dovetailed it into

something that is really transforming

and changing the lives of everybody that

you come in contact with so I love that

I love that it’s gonna encourage people

so let’s just dive right into the story

Steph write it tell us

um the journey that you’ve been on so

you know I told you I’m very excited I

was first of all I get to share this

from a faith perspective see I am one of

the 90% of black women who suffered from

fibroids by age 50 I battled it for 14

years and actually not only that my

million-dollar journey included 14 years

battling fibroids but also 10 years

battling infertility that came from

those fibroids so are you saying when

you say million dollar journey you mean

you have spent hundreds of thousands

upon thousands of dollars yes it’s it

included ten years battling infertility

five IVF cycles cha-ching yeah ten

surgeries five of them being for

fibroids which kept coming back and then

five from complications from those

surgeries as well as a devastating

miscarriage 120 plus days in the

hospital even you know my baby was

fighting for her life in my womb when I

was finally pregnant with you know a

second pregnancy which was my child and

my heart even stopped on the operating

table mmm but I praise God that that was

not the end of the story it’s not before

you tell us be it wait a minute


okay listen okay go back to the


slow me down slow down okay because your

life was going a completely different

trajectory the fact that you’re sitting

here today and that this is your whole

life your ministry your message is not

the plan that you have for a life so

tell us about Jesse Jesse before okay

before this was even an issue in your

life my vision board said Jesse Thompson

was gonna be the Russell Simmons of

Christian hip-hop okay okay how did that

get me here so you were working in the

music I was working in gospel music I

worked with artists from everybody from

Medina McClurkin to you know I worked at

gospel labels I worked with Christian

hip-hop artists I was a talent manager

for many many years and this was not

something that was you know how the

Bible says exceedingly abundantly above

all you could ask think or imagine he

wasn’t even on my imagined board

cuz I saw that that whole dentistry I

thought that was what ministry that’s

what ministry man and that’s what it was

gonna be and when did you get married in

the midst of all of this so I got

married and literally I was literally in

the middle of it yeah I was you know I’d

graduated from youth I went to school

for music business okay I knew that this

was my world okay and but in the middle

of that you know when my husband and I

finally decided it was you know we’re

planners so we’re like okay you know

we’re we’re 30 now I’m 30 now it’s a

good time start planning you know to

start expanding the family yeah how long

have y’all been married at that point at

that point four years okay you’ve been

married for four years you’re 30 years

old you’re ready to help

I mean we’ve enjoyed marriage marriage

is its own transition right well you

know that’s minor yeah you know and

people like to say where the kids come

we’re like listen we got plans how long

you were married for three and a half

years okay three and a half years and

then going into our fourth year like

it’s time you know let’s just turn the

switch yep well we turn a switch and

there’s nothing working meaning we’re

not getting pregnant how do you feel

month after month month after month when

your body tells you again you are not

pregnant you are by nature a barely

hayek highly driven goal-oriented here’s

the plan

laid out you’ve probably had a lot of

success like that in your life up until

that point check it it’s a checklist

it’s a checklist this is what I’m gonna

do next

Hey so how does that how does what’s the

emotional toll that takes on you well

see it

number one you feel like what am I doing

wrong right like where is there where

failure where so you blame yourself

first right okay and you know and the

thing that the enemy wants to do is to

get you to blame God like you know I

saved myself before I got married you

know we were virgins we got married and

we’re tired there you know like there’s

the whole thing you go through as

Christians and you like but Lord why me

why is how is this happening to me God

so then first you blame yourself then

you my god cuz I did it your way and I’m

not working out and you know that’s a

lesson honestly in any facet of our life

where we feel like we’ve done the thing

the way that God has asked us to do it

yeah and then he doesn’t come through in

the way that we have asked him to our

expecting him to we immediately turn our

fingers and go what is wrong with you

what’s closed you know so go on and you

know the GYN we just went to the G when

I went to do you I in and it was like

something’s wrong you know I think you

because it was at six months in we’re

not getting pregnant and you know at

that point it’s considered really

infertility after six months so six

months but they say a year but really

six month they’re like don’t wait six

months and not check yourself okay okay

so we went for a man I went for an exam

and found out I had fibroids I’m like

what is that

tumors what you know I this is what does

this mean so you know your tumors and

you’re freaking out now you know and you

know I went through the regular that

started researching right like okay what

does this mean whatever what my options

and so describe what they are so they

are benign tumors that form in the

uterus in and around the uterus and the

wall outside the wall the inside of the

lining and inside the uterine cavity and

depending on where they are they can

cause severe bleeding severe cramping I

mean literally life debilitating anemia

life-threatening anemia were you

experiencing any of that so no at this

time this time I actually was my main

symptom was infertility that’s how I


I had them okay because I wasn’t I was I

was asymptomatic outside of the fact

that I had turned 30 and I was

developing a little bit of a belly but

you know I was one of those skinny eat

like you eat and eat and eat and they

call me skinny fat they like all right

even the tablet isn’t gonna catch up

with your girl you keep eating like that

when you 30 let me see you

and guess what half a star I say um I

guess my metabolism is slowing down and

I started getting a little pouch girl


we’re so mad at you right now we don’t

know what to put your little belt but I

thought it was just my metabolism that

went down but it turns out it was

fibroids so I had a myomectomy which is

a surgery where they actually cut out

the actual fibroids they went in cut

them out and it was an open surgery

meaning they didn’t do it by laser this

is back in 2001 so they didn’t have all

the same options they have now and they

said surgery went well you know

everything was successful so was it your

understanding that yeah yeah you’re

gonna get pregnant the doctor said she’s

uh you get pregnant just quickly five

years later I’m not pregnant

and the fibroids came back and they came

back and they came back aggressively now

I had symptoms like excruciating pain

while walking I could not make love to

my husband without excruciating pain I

had the kind of I mean I actually had to

be out of work several days because of

pain okay and um when I went back to the

doctor they said oh my god they came

back really aggressively and this time

they would have to cut me like

vertically because they were just

everywhere oh goodness

now I cried in the doctor’s office when

they said they it was no longer bikini

I’m giving it real because there’s gonna

be a scar there’s gonna be I know it’s

out on me in a little scar I mean like

this to this I said they’re bullying

okay yeah but do you know I got over it

cuz it was like well do you want to be

you want it to be successful or do you

just you know as a vani I think like my

belly anyway so had the surgery and it

went well but this time ten days later

they had to cut me open again because I

developed something called a small bowel

obstruction goodness because when you

have major surgery one of the risks is

that scar tissue can form in heejun’s

and adhesions and literally knotted up

my small intestine i couldn’t keep

anything down

so they had to cut out 18 inches of my

small intestine ten like ten days later

you’re not even healed yeah from the one

surgery and you’re already fully another

so and i ended up in the hospital twenty

something it was grueling grueling

recall me about your husband during all

of this you know what was the emotional

toll on him so my husband is an amazing

man of god I mean he is the prophet

priest and king of our home you know but

I think the biggest challenge for him is

feeling like he couldn’t fix it you know

he feels like here’s my wife and she’s

going through this and I can’t just fix

it and that drives him crazy ya know he

was incredibly supportive obviously and

you know this repeated meaning this

happened four year we got pregnant in

between there we had our one pregnancy

before that and we had a devastating

miscarriage followed that and he was I

remember like we went it we we heard the

baby’s heartbeat one week and the next

week they says something’s up come back

next week and I remember we went to that

next appointment and we’re on the way we

were listening to Chris Tomlin how great

is our God

and it was in the car we were blasting

in we’re praising God we’re like God

believe in you we believe you God we

trust you God would trust you and I

remember um going into the doctor’s

office and the heartbeat was gone just

gone and I remember my husband I

literally felt my whole life collapse

yeah yeah and he said no baby you’re not


we don’t grieve as those who have no

hope let’s get to the car yeah and we

got to the car and on the way home

same song was praying playing and we’re

just crying out God we just love you

this is not the end god this is not the

end this is you aren’t good and your

mercy endures forever and we are

screaming at the top of our Palace

because we know no matter the pain that

we felt coz the pain was immeasurable of

course but we might but God you’re good

so it’s it’s literally a sacrifice of

praise it’s literally like serious

really God this does not make sense

literally a sacrifice we’re hurt but

we’re gonna worship but this is the crib

this is the craziness right so this is

2008 and many surgeries after this many

it or many things after this three years

later after many complications

another IVF cycles we’re driving home

and I’m telling you the same Road

it wasn’t planned but what is playing in

the car is how great is our God but this

time she was in the backseat with us and

we’re think you are great yeah you were

awesome you are amazing God how great

are you yeah how great are you how

faithful are you yeah it was amazing I

was um I don’t even know if I’ve ever

shared this before but I remember before

we had our three boys we had a

see how to miscarry mm-hmm and I was

about to speak somewhere we’ve I found

that I was pregnant several days before

we had been to the doctor’s office saw

the heartbeat and I was in Chicago to

speak and I went to the restroom right

before going up on the platform and

discovered there was a problem and I

will never forget that because I you

know called my husband in the restroom

and I was kind of like in bed Ron

something is very very clearly wrong and

immediately after that literally within

seconds I had to go up on the stage and

speak and I remember that the message

that I was speaking on was something in

and around the topic of the greatness of

God and you’re kind of in this a moment

where there’s this you have to reconcile

what you know to be true yeah with with

no you know it to be true but it is not

lining up with your circumstances it is

not lining up with the reality of your

life and the thing is we’re talking

about this one scenario of miscarriage

but it goes the same when you’re having

struggles in your marriage and you’ve

been betrayed yes I’m heartlessly by a

spouse or you know you’ve lost a job

that you felt the Lord gave you that job

to begin with and now it’s been snatched

away or when devastating things happen

like that even the loss of a child at a

later stage I’ve met some people that

are grieving the loss of a teenager oh

my god and you wonder Lord what in the

what kind of redemption could come out

of this yeah

so I’m always reminded of the fact that

our God lets us ask our questions he

doesn’t get mad because we say why yeah

oh I say to my sisters you know that I’m

great before they call them our hope

sisters in the program and I say to them

you know there’s this you’ve heard Derek

Prince yeah so I love Derek Prince and

he has a book called faith to live by

that literally I think like every single

Christian should read and he says every

struggle of faith comes down to really a

breakdown in our trust in one of three

things God’s goodness his wisdom

of course power and when you really

trace it you trace it really you say

wait a minute

what’s really it what’s really being

challenged here I’m not really believing

that what God has for me is better than

I want for myself right or I don’t trust

the way he’s trying to take me there

that’s his wisdom because God’s GPS goes

all kind of ways its own offices huh

yeah I mean come on now I know the

direction from here to here is straight

line the crazy but you can see a bee is

right there and what is it that they say

that the this quickest distance between

two points is a straight line right now

but guys GPS is taking you all over but

and I say to my sister that’s because

God is he’s like over here I want you to

learn that you are never alone

you I never leave you nor forsake you

yeah and over here see you’re gonna

learn my voice in the whisper yeah and

over here you’re gonna learn did I have

anybody to verify that yeah and so your

your your life through this sort of

turned this devastation because we’re

talking about I mean you’ve just told us

the you know the little tip of the

iceberg of it cuz we’ve got ten years


ten years of back-and-forth emotional

ups and downs yeah what I’m trying to

figure out how do you stay sane when you

have ten years of loss of sleep at loss

of finances emotional turmoil how was

your marriage still intact and how are

you still sane as a woman after ten

years of struggle like that that’s a

great question and would it boil down to

for me when I say that that you know

trust in God’s goodness wisdom and power

is it’s literally something I can’t I I

stick I keep before me all the time and

I say okay wait a minute God see because

whatever your struggle is that’s what

God will use to bring you closer to him

cuz really what’s at stake is our

intimacy with

what that’s what the enemy wants he

doesn’t if yeah you know there’s the

miracle baby yeah there’s the job here

there’s the mission and the work but all

of it is for what purpose

it’s for our intimacy with God it to be

what we live out of mm-hmm

that’s what’s at stake that’s what the

enemy wants because the greatest success

strategy we can ever have is our

intimacy with God yeah so when we

realize that wait a minute

you know the says we wrestle not against

flesh and blood so you asked me how do I

stay saying I remember what’s at stake I

remember what’s really the real battle

mm-hmm the real battle is not the

circumstance right right the

circumstance is just happens to be where

it’s playing out so the sisters in our

program they come into dealing with

fibroids and fertility whatever and I

say to them this is much bigger than


you’re gonna learn that this is what

we’re gonna deal with is so much bigger

than a fight that happens that gets

healed and all of that and but what

we’re really dealing with is your

intimacy with God okay

I’m gonna I’m gonna stop you and say yes

yes but and I’m just be the devil’s

advocate because that’s fun you know

yeah absolutely but practically mm-hmm

because yes the God’s Word is true yes

intimacy with God is critical it’s the

most important there’s a

behind-the-scenes battle that yeah

waging that has nothing to do with our

set of circumstances or everything to do

with our set of circumstances but what

did you do practically hmm as a woman or

a man every day you’re waking up you’re

staring that problem in the face the

tears are rolling down your eyes your

relationships are art tense and

frustrated because of all the struggle

yeah what practically did you do over

those 10 years to keep yourself steady

and wanting to get out of the bed in the

morning well key thing is of course you

know we talked about NEC with God thing

but it’s relationships the okay around

you around you absolutely okay okay okay

so the people around you will either

keep you sane or drive you insane right

hey they really yeah

and when I say having the support system

like my sister who’s here with me when I

was in the hospital she literally my

sister and my mother-in-law when I was

pregnant with my daughter they were in

the hospital with me every day because

my husband had it at his first executive

job with a major fortune ten company and

he lived out of state oh wow and

literally she was with me at night and

my mother-in-law was with me in the

morning so every rush to the delivery

room every emergency I had support I had

love I had people who were not giving up

on me right and that you know

relationships literally are the

lifeblood of our life I mean if we don’t

have the people who are going to tell us

the truth yeah tell us you’re acting

crazy right in a minute like you listen

you acting crazy

yeah and unity deff and you need to get

it together yeah

or stop the whining stop the complainin

let’s focus on the right thing you know

we all need a good friend that says be

quiet girl

shut up whining my sister says you just

met you never miss another good

opportunity to shut up we should all

shut up more yes yeah so practically

that’s you know when the Bible talked

about how you know we have to have

people holding your you know yeah it was

it was it Moses right and holding his

arms up and I literally had people

holding me up yeah because I went

immediately yeah there was no way yeah

you know that journey was so long I’m in

there and I remember yes there were

supernatural interventions I mean there

were ways that God showed up that I know

him like never before right no question

but he showed up also on people yeah and

people are the hands and feet of Jesus

expressing that I really think that’s

what the body of Christ is supposed to

be that’s us that is one of the main

purposes of the church is to be the body

of Christ to express the love of Christ

to others and truth and authenticity of

our God

that’s does it okay so here’s what I

want to know your life was in music

gospel music you’ve got a plan for your

life yes and you’re on this career path

that is headed toward success and then

you’ve got

years of disappointment how did God work

through the disappoint see this is the

part that I think it’s so cool so it’s

happening at the same time right so as

Jeremiah 29 he says I have a plan for

you and that plan is like sometimes like

I don’t see it where is it how we get in

there well maybe you do see it but it

looks like loss and my appointment right

stration right but I’m saying like I see

the success but I’m not seeing how I’m

getting there yeah it’s just it Rose

exactly and I remember actually the last

time I was here in Tennessee I was I had

to be rushed to the hospital because I

was having it was the third time the

Firebirds came back and I was

hemorrhaging I was here for the devil

warrants mmm okay I was here with

artists for the devil wards and I had to

be I couldn’t even be there for my

clients event because I was hemorrhaging

to the point where I couldn’t even I

could barely stand Wow

alright and so I was rushed to another

Medical Center and I was like wow all of

that was happening at the same time you

know I was feeling like okay this is my

career but at the same time I was going

through this crisis in my faith in my

walk in my my personal relationships and

to be honest all I can say okay god I

know you’ll turn my test in a test into

a testimony that’s what they say right

the preacher says it all the time you’ll

turn your test that’s all it’s all your

math into a message right God will give

you stop and but you don’t know what

that means

like that can mean you know that that’s

good for my sister and they’re like my

test is gonna help my sister or it’s

gonna help you know a few sisters in my

community you don’t know that means a

large scale you know global scale you

don’t know what that means that could

mean for me in my local community yeah

and to be honest I was just doing my

thing and I was working with you know

actually a speaker at the time and

I was at a lunch at Essence magazine and

it’s funny because I was there for my

client and we just ended up talking

about you know I just had a miracle baby

hey I just had a miracle baby can

we meet the miracle baby can we meet the

miracle baby that would be so great

where’s Mia where is she she’s somewhere

oh wait wait oh wait no no trying to

help me home she’s not shot hey

hi pretty girl how old are you

thanks you’re six years old and I heard

that your name has a very special

meaning what does it mean purpose

it means purpose oh you know I like

warrior type things awesome

purpose and warrior that’s right we say

you were purposeful warrior you’re born

for purpose on purpose and with a

purpose yeah do you have big plans for

your life I went to Disney

my first time oh yes what what what is

it that you want to say to mommies who

maybe believe in God for their miracle


never give up your miracles on the way


you know what I think is interesting

though is that you know you sit before

us with this sweet little girl beside

you which is such a miracle after all

that you went through but the reality is

for a lot of women doesn’t end

necessarily with the baby that they

longed for but it’s so interesting to me

that the trajectory your life has taken

that’s what I was trying to get to was

you were in this goal and no ambition

and then you’ve got ten years of being

derailed so but let me talk to you about

the journey I’m gonna let her go though

ya know just like she can say there’s

like you know yeah do you want to stay

right on this okay okay doing Donna I

gave you the disclaimer me is the name

that’s right you look really good under

the lights – you’re gonna listen to your

mom okay okay here we go

so here’s the deal with God what I’ve

learned is that you just keep following

the path yeah right cuz I didn’t have

this plan I’m telling you I’m telling

you okay you’re not about to sit down


you’re gonna start right here do it

you’re positive so you keep you keep

running you keep walking on the path

yeah okay so here I was and I don’t

think you know you can’t know what do

you want to come sit by me would that be

better okay

sit by me all right no all right let’s

let’s try ok what’s right see okay magic

of editing it will be fine I know yeah

don’t worry you guys get the real deal

so so ok so I was in the middle of this

you know parallel universe yeah I’m

working in the industry and my life is

you know going through all these trials

and I really just kept following the

path meaning I just kept doing what I

was doing I and here I was at a meeting

with essence and I just had a miracle

baby I mean I just I thought it was for

me like this I know guy was doing

something special but I thought he did

it just

he brought me through yeah he brought me

through I mean he brought me through

y’all yeah and just the healing and I

never believed or knew what he had

played right ok so now I am just talking

just talking to you know the editor is

about you know my clown work and they’re

like you just had a what tell us about

your miracle baby and you’re there on

reason and now you’re having a

conversation about the other so next

thing like you know what I think gosh I

think our readers would like to hear

this story correct and so about it a

couple months later I get an email

asking hey would you share your story

for our Mother’s Day tissue in essence

magazines magazine yeah correct okay now

do you want to sit with your art over

there yes your aunties gonna come in

kitchen you have to be super still cuz

you’re coming to get you right your mom

oh this woman right here is a lifesaver


I love you goodbye I love you I tried I

tried okay

warrior that’s what you’re named it let

me tell you something very important by

her name you got what you brave black

she got here because she didn’t listen

to what anybody said they said she

wasn’t supposed to be here

Yeah right so she’s still not so okay so

XS magazine says write about your story

mother’s day issues okay okay so we did

that how many years ago that was 2014

okay Mother’s Day issue any went viral

like it was insane and I was know what

cuz so many women are struggling with

yeah it is like literally I gave him

permission to share what they were going

through because they’re suffering in

silence yeah it’s this feeling like

nobody like this is my problem nobody

wants to hear about it I’m suffering

through fibroids through infertility I

mean and when I say the kind of

testimonies and the things that people

are saying thank you so much for sharing

your story you don’t understand your

story has given me hope you know I’m

five five miscarriages in I’m ten you

know to mayim Ekta means that whatever

and it was I mean details yeah and I

knew when I kept hearing I said God you

know you said that we overcome by the

blood of the Lamb and the word of our

testimony and so we all know I have pull

these you know I got a document this day

I say I’m not an author Here I am

writing a book right hope beyond five

words stories of miracle babies and the

journey so motherhood

why because I said well my one story can

inspire all these women how about if I

pull together other women’s stories but

it didn’t stop there so this goes viral

and it’s it’s it’s amazing and I’m like

God it was funny

I’m said you’re saying what God what

does this mean you gonna get me talking

about five words I don’t know about

carboys I’m telling you this is I said

and I remember I was at um Dinah

McClurkin was the special guest you know

that a friend of ours a mutual friends

of ours her mother’s passing her


and he says Jesse you

his country voice he said Jessie I saw

your story I heard all this stuff going

on he said I want you to know he says

you think what you’ve been doing all

these years has been your ministry he

says all this work you’ve been doing in

gospel music you think this has been

your ministry but girl you don’t know

what God is about to start doing with

you the lives that are gonna be healed

through this ministry that he’s pretty

now that’s just stepping into this is

your real ministry Jesse and I was like

huh what I didn’t have a book written I

didn’t know what he was talking about I

was like oh okay and so that’s four

years that was four years ago and when I

met you what you were at this conference

to do was to speak on this topic yes so

he again

he orders our steps yeah right so yeah

okay I receive it all I kept saying a

little Lord if you say it I’ll do it

yeah Lord yes yes and amen and so your

full-time ministry life now surrounds

helping women and it wasn’t regards I

planned I say Jeremiah God’s Jeremiah

29:11 takes you to his Ephesians 3:20

alright like I say to these women I said

you are why I went through what I went

through I didn’t know what I was going

through I didn’t know why I was going

through yeah

but as now we were able to help women

one of our hope sisters she had a baby

after not being able to conceive for 12

years after being on our program twelve

years we need to talk about your program

we’re gonna do that in the next how did

that yeah I’m like God this was not even

on my 20 year like I didn’t even see

this happening it wasn’t even in your

you know some fresh fact I believe that

we we can’t even pray the right requests

because we’re not even the right

category of request God’s in a whole

nother category of thoughts amen and our

brain are as much as we can

conceptualize is not even in the right

category of prayer request that’s that

beyond your imagination beyond your

imagination and sometimes this is what I

want want you to hear sometimes the way

he leads you to his plan for you that’s

right is with ten years of struggle yeah

because worry of creating in you in that


creating something I want you to be

encouraging that we’re gonna talk to

miss Jesse a little bit more because we

want to hear about her program and want

to hear about some really practical

steps for women who are struggling with

this they actually need to know okay

what can I do to be more healthy um even

women that aren’t struggling with this

in particular women and men yeah cuz we

were back in the back I was sitting over

some barbecue yeah currently eating the

barbecue as I was talking about just

eating how eating has changed your life

your husband’s life so many people just

but the things we’re putting in our body

and how we can be more healthy we’ll be

more mindful of those things so we’re

going to talk about that in part two of

our conversation with Miss Jesse but for

now would you all thank her for sharing

her story with us

