You probably know the Robertson family from A&E’s hit reality show, Duck Dynasty. From crazy long beards to crazy Uncle Si moments, America fell in love with the family from West Monroe, LA. For 11 seasons, America watched the Robertson family have a lot of fun while running their duck hunting business, Duck Commander, as well as live out their faith. They even closed each episode with a family prayer around the dinner table. Now that the show is off the air, the Robertsons continue to live their lives for the glory of the Lord.

family family is everything making sure

that you’re connected to the people that

really God gave you you know you didn’t

choose your family members this for the

most part there you are just plopped in

this group of people who are your family

and every time I see a family that loves

each other they are encouraging of each

other they’re lifting each other up

there’s a healthy dynamic there I just

want to get to know them better I want

to know what makes them so connected and

how God is working in their lives and

and learn what I can learn from families

with you know one generation leads to

the next generation that leads to the

next generation and there’s no more

beautiful picture and our day and age

than the family that I’m gonna be

talking to you today so stay tuned

you’re not gonna want to miss this



hey there I’m so glad that you’re

joining me today on I’m actually gonna

say welcome back and the reason I’m

saying welcome back is because this is

part two of a conversation we’ve already

been having so tinker around there on

YouTube the little pictures you’ve got

there on the side and fine part 1 of

this conversation it has been so

fantastic we’ve been talking to a family

of women one generation pouring into the

next generation pouring into the next

generation and the fruit of that type of

investment in the people that you love

the most we’re talking about family and

what better family talked to us about

that then these incredible people that

the Lord has given a little bit of a

unique platform and they’ve used it for

his glory would you all please help me

to welcome back the women of duck

dynasty you are here again joining me

just to go ahead and introduce yourself

you are I’m Sadie you are Sadie you are

how old now 20 cuz see folks watched you

grow up they sure did so we can’t

believe you’re 20 years old I mean you

can’t believe she’s 20 years old either

that’s crazy I’m Corey Corey and you’re

the mom of how many six now was this

planned was it was it was it any of the

six kind of like oh oops I’m very I mean

by God by us yeah we so we have three

biological and three that are adopted

and so God has blessed us MLE more than

we asked or imagined for sure absolutely

and then who’s this lovely lady I’m

Chris I’m Cory’s mom and I can’t believe

she’s her age Sadie’s 20 and I have

three children and 14 grandchildren oh

my goodness what a beautiful legacy that

you have we talk so much about you know

your show and the things that people

most know you for but I really want to

talk about this legacy that’s sitting

right here and what it means to be a

woman that’s pouring into another woman

that’s intentional about pouring into

her and being a model for her and we

talked a lot about spiritual things

we’re gonna get into that too I’m sure

the conversation always is gonna steer

back toward that but I mentioned in the

last episode just the genes the DNA

that’s happened enough the beauty that’s

in front of us and miss Chris I’m just

looking over at you do you tell people

your age I do tell people my older I’m


you are 64 years old and you were all

sorts of lovely I met kind of hard to

hide the age when you have grandchildren

who are 22 yeah so you know people will

start adding it up and then you’re just

like yeah I’m just old I’m we did start

young though she got married at 18 and I

got married at 18 as well so we did

start young ahead John Luke when I was

almost 20 – and you were 20 when you had

me so yeah cuz you’re still single

all right enjoy that okay

here’s what I want to ask you it if you

could look back and tell yourself

something at this age to do differently

or to navigate a little bit differently

from your vantage point now what would

you tell yourself at this age at Cory’s

at Cory’s age Cory’s age that would be a

tough one because I already had John

Luke I was already a grandmother at

Cory’s a and that was just amazing just

you know the love of the you know

there’s another no red carpet event that

will match having that first grandbaby

oh so that was just awesome but I think

I would just tell myself at that age

that it is time to relax and enjoy a

little bit because you do go through

those years of raising your children

where and I I’m more like Sadie Sadie

and I have more of the the fear gene a

little bit more and I learned that in my

young 20s that to not be afraid and as

Corey said my mother-in-law was her

other grandmother that quoted scripture

all the time and weak and she’s not

going to see more but we can hear in our

heads her emphasizing that do not fear

you know she just had such an emphasis

and so I did come to that point in my

20s to not be afraid but I still had

that natural inclination of like Corey

said of fearing am I saying the right

things to the kids are they gonna be

okay I might you know and so then when

get to be well because my kids were out

of high school then and I had a new

grandbaby that was such a great time to

just rest in that for a little bit and

enjoy what you’ve done and be proud that

your children are in college or get out

on their own and the grandbabies

generation is starting and and but at

the time there’s a little bit of weight

I’m not old enough to be a grandmother

don’t say that word you know but then

just relax in it and just love every

minute of it yeah so try to enjoy some

of the way of what you’ve done and so

now what about you miss Cory what would

you look back and tell yourself at 20

years old what would you what would you

think that Cory should have known or you

wish she would have done a little bit

differently maybe in those early 20s you

were already married so as a newly early

married young lady what would you tell

your so goodness so and there’s a I’ve

been asked this question before and one

of the things that I I always say is I

would give up the shoulds because I

think we put as women we put so many

like I should be here or I should I

should be married by the time or I

should do this or my husband should be

doing this for me all right yeah

all of these shoulds that we have it’s

it’s really expectations that we put on

ourselves and if we just could kind of

lay those down and say like okay this is

really what I should do let God and love

my neighbor hurt you know and everything

else is gonna work out and there’s a

mother Teresa quote that I love and it

says God hasn’t called me to be

successful he’s called me to be faithful

and I just love that because it just it

just takes that burden off of you to be

like okay I don’t have to be successful

I just have to be faithful I have to

wake up and just do it again and just

like walk in walk in his path and then

he can worry about all the rest of that

yeah so I think you know just kind of

let lay in that day

laying that show laying that like burden

of expectations down and just being

faithful yeah what would you say to moms

who are in the throes of raising young

adult kids because I find I find that

there’s a lot of books a lot of

resources a lot of advice when you’ve

got toddlers yeah and then there’s a lot

of advice when you’ve got you know some

preteens and some teenagers but then all

of a sudden when you get a 20 year old

the advice sorts of falls sort of falls

away and you can’t really navigate this

child / adult but I’m trying to still

mother you got to still mother her but

in a way you know she’s just moved away

from home she only place and it’s kind

of like how do I still mother her but at

the same time

let her be an adult yeah I think it is

about really about that it’s just kind

of like being there and just being

available for the phone call and being

real you know telling your your mistakes

and your problems and the things that

you went through and identifying with

that rather than being like oh like this

this was all perfect for me you know but

actually telling the hard stuff and

talking about the hard stuff one thing

that that I just feel really fortunate

that we do have with our children is we

just talked a lot to our kids and so

they talk back you know but it takes

that like you have to work at it some of

our kids are better at it Sadie’s talker

like she’ll tell you everything I mean

like she’ll talker and text sometimes

she’ll send me a text and I’ll tell you

and she’ll tell you the hard things that

she’s going through and it’s good

because it’s you’re able to speak into

it but some of our the kids aren’t like

that like they’re did you find it

different having your boys and your

girls did your guys my boys kind of

didn’t yes how did you what are you

gonna do with your boys to kind of get

them I’m asking cuz you know I got yeah

yeah and they just sort of look at me I

say how was your day and they go great

yeah uh-huh

yeah clean well grunts and yeah good

morning and they go buddy good morning

right yeah how’d your gonna cook how did

you get your boys to sort of open up I

think part of that for me I noticed it’s

like timing it’s like whenever if

they’re there then you got to be there

and sometimes for especially John Luke

here’s the one heals like comes into the

room at like 11:00 at night and you’re


now it’s about us tonight but now yes

and sits on the bed and then you’re like

okay this is the moment so I gotta take

it when it’s there you know and and I

see that with our other boys – it’s like

it might not be you might have some time

where it’s a lot of grunts and a lot of

this and then all of a sudden if you

just stay there you stay there and

available yeah they’ll come around and

whenever the time comes though you know

a little habit that I’ve had since the

boys were little and I learned this from

Lisa Whelchel Joe or umrah Lisa Whelchel

she played Blair on the facts of life

and she’s a wonderful wonderful lady and

we were talking one time about raising

kids and she said that she made it a

habit to go and sit on the end of her

kid’s bed every night she would just go

sit there and she said a lot of times

she would just sit there in silence

until she would say good night but every

now and then if you just would sit there

for 10 or 15 minutes that they would ask

a question and that question would lead

to a conversation but you had to have

enough patience yeah and diligence to

just show up and sit there so I’ve been

trying to do that it was easier when

they all three shared a room yeah okay I

gotta ask you Sadie

yeah you had a beautiful mother a

beautiful grandmother that both were

married young okay I want to know how

you have seemingly escaped the pressure

that a lot of single women feel to have

to do this thing to have to go ahead and

leave that guy and go ahead and get that

ring and and move on with the next

season of life I I’m going to assume you

can correct me if I’m wrong that that

wasn’t just something you arrived at

that maybe you’ve kind of had to kind of

work through that and realize this is

gonna be my own journey and it might not

look the same as mom and dad how are you

doing that because single women are

struggling with that today yeah yeah for

sure that honestly was really hard for

me Ida

actually because they both got married

at 18

John Luke got engaged at 18 my best

friend got married at 18 everybody’s

getting rid of 18 and here comes 18 and

I’m not even dating anybody so this is

not gonna happen for me obviously so I

was like and I know it to most people

that’s like sounds crazy you’re 18

you’re so young you know but in the fan

was raised in that seemed to be the

normal or what was supposed to happen

and I had dated people but it just and I

think I put that pressure like I have to

marry them because I want to get married

young and I want this life but if I

would have done that where I am now

would have never happened but what

really convicted me actually when I was

18 to just be still and know that He is

God is actually whenever I read I’ve

reread the story of Jacob and Rachel is

that yes and I remember this particular

day because I was really stressed out

about and I was really sad about it and

I just realized the timing of God and

when that happens you know everybody in

out sucks it’s like whenever you lock

eyes and you know that you know that you

know this moment’s the person and to me

I realized that it’s gonna be the timing

of God and I’m gonna have to be still

then I’m gonna know that it’s God that

brought this person and it’s gonna come

whenever I’m doing the work of him on my

path that he has for me and then that

person’s gonna come alongside of me and

reading that in the Bible and

recognizing that story is not just a

story for show and that’s like oh that’s

a great story but that’s a story for me

to walk out and wait and understand that

the same God that set up that divine

relationship is the same guy that’s

gonna preach


it really did and because I was really

stressed out and I was really sad about

it because I really was like I wanted to

do that to you but I was like that’s

just not gonna happen but God your ways

are higher than my own and I remember

reading that out loud to myself

preaching what I just said to myself I

think that’s what comes from a real

place because I really had to say it

with that much authority to me to

believe it and now me and my best friend

both my best friends we both live in a

house together and it’s so fun we just

talk about you know that we all felt

that pressure but thank God we’re here

because this is such a fun season of

life and like gosh we just get to enjoy

each other’s friendship and living

together as roommates and and it’s just

fun and so I don’t we don’t we’re glad

we’re not missing that being sad about

not having that you know it’s so good

that’s that that right there is the

definition of contentment yeah it is

just being okay with where I am now it

doesn’t mean you don’t have hopes for

the future yeah it means there’s an

equilibrium there’s a balance between

what you have now and enjoying that

while still looking forward and towards

what you have in the future and the hard

thing for us as women I think because

this is something I’ve had to really

work through in my own life is that

we’re so busy looking toward the next

thing yeah when the when the winds blow

and the seasons change which they always


then you’re in another season and you

may never return to the one you left

yeah and that’s when we look back and go

oh my goodness there were a whole lot of

blessings there that I never even

recognized what took advantage of yeah

and a lot of what we needed to sustain

us in the next season

we never received because we weren’t

fully present whenever they’re fully

present in our singleness fully present

with a young adult kids fully present as

a grandmother like you said there are a

lot of grandmothers who are struggling

just to be called grandma they don’t

want to be called grandma they want just

something else that doesn’t quite sound

like their grandmother because they’re

not ready for that yeah but just

settling into that season of why so I

want to ask you about health and

wellness because you are very you’re

three very lovely ladies and you know I

think a lot of times we see women who

really look good you know in different

stages of their life they really look

good and we think it’s just you know

they just arrive like that like there’s

no struggle in that they didn’t

to be intentional with that and of

course genes and genetic has a lot to do

with it but you know when you’re when

you’re 20 health and wellness looks

different than when you’re in your 40s

or 50s and when you’re in your 60s it

looks completely different and so I’m

just kind of curious about each of you

and how you’ve had to take care of

yourself differently at this age than

you did maybe a decade a decade earlier

and what that’s look like for you just

navigating being a woman at the stage of

life that you’re in you want to start

because I’m most running really well I

have always I’ve loved athletics and

I’ve always done some sport I’ve moved

to tennis I started playing tennis when

I was in my early 40s and so that is the

thing that I love to do now because of

duck dynasty that season of our time it

was kind of put on the back burner Corey

and I were partners and had so much fun

playing together and we haven’t been

able to do that but I still continue to

play but I do remember when I was

younger and I would go to the gym and

work out or go to exercise class it was

I always felt like it was a special

thing that I got to do if I got to do

that you know that was just like a

little extra in my day but now in my 60s

I make sure I exercise it’s not extra is

a requirement for me because I want to

stay young and be able to come up here

and see Sadie or fly with her to

California if she’s on Dancing with the

Stars or go to see John Luke or my other

12 grandchildren who are all involved in

sports and different things I want to

stay healthy for that so I do I do

exercise almost every day now on some

level I don’t go to the gym I just do

things at the house and I’m loving time

I tell you what she does she’s not fancy

about it she’s on her pajamas in her

bedroom on her rug doing like leg lifts

push-ups that she gets the cans in the

kitchen she’s that kind of exercise and

go and like you know spend an hour at

the gym she literally is in her pajamas

you walk in you come over to her house

at night and you’re like – mom where are

you mom and she’s back there on her

paintin e-even leg lifts yeah

Kameron fifty push-ups a day yeah doing

that I’m doing the 50 push-ups a day now

mine don’t look like Candace’s they’re

going up and down and then the last

they’re like a little fast they aren’t

going on the down so I am all about just

making available to what you have

available and the time that you have to

put into it whether you get yoga on your

phone there’s so many resources now that

you don’t have to go to a gym you can do

it around the house and like I said we

we live next door but it’s a pretty good

hike over there

and so walking and saying just trying to

stay active and playing tennis when baby

comes playing tennis what are you eating


that is just not a real good question

for me it’s not I’m not a big eater

anyway and it’s like you know okay you

know those little Andes mints you know

like that’s a candy bar for her she’s

like be like it takes her like five

bites to eat that yeah I mean like a

snicker time like the movie saw Snickers

and she’s like the Andes net I really

always not been much of an eater all my

growing up years my dad was very thin I

take just after my daddy was tall and

thin and that’s just how I have always

been but being tall and thin does not

mean you’re healthy right so and it

doesn’t mean you’re in good shape it

doesn’t mean you can stand up to a

three-hour tennis match when your

granddaughter comes so you still have to

eat bright wheat my husband had colon

cancer 20 years ago and we stopped

eating meat on the spot and so we don’t

eat meat and we vegetables and fish and

since we’re Louisiana there’s plenty of

fish so our diet is is fish and

vegetables and things like that and a

little Andes and then I didn’t ask you

your age earlier miss Cordy

I’ll tell it of course I’m 44 okay yes

and I actually signed up for a half

marathon this year yes so I am not like

mom I’m not consistent I’ve never been

consistent exerciser I’m kind of like

one of those I’m like oh I’m gonna sign

up for this the story can I do it what

this is funny so my mom we call her the

eighth wonder of the world cuz it’s

really just a wonder how she is ever

really like worked out but she would

always get she would say one of these

days I’m gonna be a runner and we would

laugh cuz really they just like all of a

sudden wake up and light I’m gonna be

running yeah it’s like nope I’m telling

you it’s gonna happen I’ve read stories

I’ve seen babies she’s like all these

people they just wake up and they’re

just like I’m gonna run and then they

love it and my dad’s always made fun of

her come her birthday this year she

wakes up she’s like my time is now she

signs I ran four miles for the first

time and I was like so proud of it about

the first time you went out to run you

may know the first time like the other

day like I’m building now I’m building

up right listen in a process about a

couple of months process and your whole

family I know it’s the first time I ran

for two minutes and I was like I’m kind

of good kind that that like I have to

have something hard like I need to plan

the party to like clean the house so

like I’m like I have to like plan the

party and it makes me do it yeah so

actually I was we we went to Peru this

summer we do a lot of work with an

organization called help 1 now that I’m

on the board with and we we travel with

them and do do work around the world if

we would improve and we climb Machu

Picchu and I was like dying but the end

there’s a picture at the end of our

whole group and we’re saying at the

bottom and I am like standing like so

proud I like myself because I was

standing so proud I was like look like

I’m so proud of myself and I did that so

like I just kind of like hit me like I

need to do something hard I need to do

something that’s hard for me and like

sometimes we can get in that moment of

just were comfortable and we don’t do

anything that’s hard for us and we don’t

do anything that we don’t think we can

do and a half marathon

really I don’t I did not feel like I

could do it whenever I said I’m gonna do

this but sometimes we have to just kind

of push ourselves out there and so like

do something that’s hard that makes me

uncomfortable that scares us a little

bit and get out of our comfort zone and

see what you know what guy can do with

it have you found that your body has

changed from 30s into 40s oh good night

yes yes and Willie is really is you know

he’s hilarious

and he a dude laugh at myself so he

comes up and does this little thing

where he like shakes the bottom back of

my arm he’s like on that maybe since

that was because he grew up in our youth

group and yeah they don’t they gave it

to me when I was like 28 my cup 28

shakes on the back of your arm and

you’re like thank you for that reminder

but what you’re doing that to me it’s

not great

yeah exactly so but yes it has

definitely changed and that in the

things that where I have never been a

really consistent like I played tennis I

like it or I might you know do yoga for

three months and then I’m off it or I’ll

do you know I just have never been I can

have anything that I’m real consistent

with and so I decided it was gonna be

running and this is my year so doing it

I’m doing it for miles and yeah in a few

more months do you have to watch her

eating or you kind of like your mom no

you already said you want the whole

Snickers yeah yeah no willies

Willie’s a really good cook really it’s

a really good cook and so the back Corey

though like she is my reader and I am

Sadie you know so growing up I was Corey

let’s go outside and play jump on the

tram I never bore them she did really

good she’s my reader and so she did play

softball and she did learn how to play

tennis but she claims it’s only because

I was her master driven to kid yeah to

get her out there because you know

wanted her to play with me you know to

come outside and play with me but she is

so she is the reader but she’s also

salutatorian her class I have to do some

prank so when she says she’s gonna stick

to something she do all stick to him

zone I fully expect a passing water out

to her in her mirror

in a few months are you all enjoying the

aging process so many people fight it

particularly in this western part of the

world where we’re just supposed to look

a certain way for as long as we possibly

can you know it’s hard to be in this

culture and just go ahead and relax into

the changes in a woman’s body and her

health and hormones you know all the

stuff that happens with women in our

bodies are you guys relaxing into that

or are you finding yourself a little bit

with a little anxiety over the changes

as you as you age I think that you don’t

relax into the health parts of it I mean

you don’t want you you know anytime that

there’s something health-related and the

doctor says well I think it’s age or

late oh my god don’t say that surely

somebody young has this problem you know

but so you you you kind of fight I fight

that a little bit but again I will go to

my mother we have such my mother is such

a amazing woman ultra mom she’ll be 87

next month and she you would not even

know it at all and she has modeled for

us how to age gracefully and I had on a

cape yesterday and said he said wow you

look like my mojo today because my mom I

mean she looks like a movie star if

she’s going to the grocery store you

know my brother who lives next door to

her went over the other day and she

hadn’t put on her makeup and she was

like honey I can’t believe I don’t have

my makeup from that day this is like a

few weeks ago from that I went over at

the later after that she had her makeup

on I said mom you’re already all dressed

and she said honey I made a deal with

myself I’m never going past 8 o’clock

without my she’s at all of our kids

basketball games climbing the bleachers

just like you know all of us and if you

try to help her up those bleachers you

will know honey it’s gonna and part of

that is it has serves her well because

that stubbornness is like nope I’m gonna

do this I can do this and I think that’s

where I am as far as aging now don’t get

me wrong I’m gonna cover the gray you

know I’ve got a little bit showing right

now that I’m gonna be covering next week


so so that’s concerned you know I’m not

gonna age that grace but as far as the

thing that gets me is like I want to be

that grandmother that can walk up the

bleachers to see my kids I want to be

the grandmother that is out there you

know playing with the kids in the yard

and so our great-grandmother actually so

that’s the thing that I always think

about is like just in your goals change

and this is a lot like in your 20s I

might be working out because you want to

fit certain times you want and your 30s

it’s another part and then your 40s you

start thinking actually I want to make

sure my knees still work that’s right I

want to make sure that I can add up

straight it yeah you just start having a

different base which means the way you

work out probably gonna change what you

eat is gonna change because you know

running might affect your joints

differently in your 50s and 60s and

being willing to say maybe I don’t need

to pound the pavement at a different

decade of life can be hard for somebody

that’s been a runner their whole life to

decide I’ve got to do the bike now so my

knees work what I’m saying

so just making those modifications okay

so where are you in this culture that

says you have to look a certain way you

have to be a certain way you’ve got to

you know make sure that you fit into

this tiny little profile of what beauty

is how do you navigate that again

because just in case y’all didn’t know

miss Sadie here is quite a voice to the

younger generation there are a lot of

people that are listening to you I don’t

even know sometimes I look at your

Twitter account and I’m like does this

girl really have I don’t know how many

million what do you have going on on

your Twitter account how many followers

are in your Twitter account Twitter two

million yeah cuz there are two million

people a lot of them I would say would

be young ladies that are just listening

in and they’re watching to see what your

clothing line is gonna be like I mean

I’m thinking of the message of modesty

you send every time you create a new

garment that you that people are gonna

be buying that’s a message of modesty

you’re sending they’re watching your

images that you put out of yourself

they’re they’re looking at you and and

whether you like it or not girl you are

guiding a lot of young ladies so how are

you navigating the pressure of this

culture that says you’ve got to kind of

look a certain way to be beautiful

yeah I’ve been very

listen vocal and open about my struggle

with that and I think to just to say

what they’ve been and something that

I’ve been keeping into perspective

lately and mom said it the other day I

said something about something about

moms like mom you just look great you

know cuz she was talking about working

out and all this stuff and she I said I

mean compared I think I said compared to

everybody else your age something like

that and she said well I’m not comparing

myself actually I just want to be good

for me and healthy for me and I thought

that was really cool and even how they

talked about mom on Joe I think when you

think about just yourself and you think

about like the health aspect of yourself

and then I look at them and I think oh

my gosh I love the way they’re aging

like I think that they’re beautiful and

even men want Joe like I like we all

love Memo Joe’s like arms we love how

she ages we love her wrinkles that with

everything about her we love and so you

think about other people’s perspective

nobody’s thinking oh man you know you

got a few more wrinkles that’s I’m like

I love your hey cuz you’re my grandma

you know so keeping that into

perspective I think that helps them age

seeing her like that and even see me

where they are that they just want to be

healthy and they have this perspective

that it’s not about the way you look

it’s about the way you feel and what you

give to the world but that’s not easy

that’s a lot easier said than done

and for me I’ve talked a lot about it

because when I was out in the modeling

world for a minute and doing Dancing

with the Stars and stuff like that I

totally fell under that pressure of do

you have to fit a certain size and look

a certain way and that size is

impossible to reach unless you’re on

days and stars and dancing 10 hours a

the minute you’re done with that well

you’re not gonna look like that anymore

and I like nachos too much yeah okay so

you’re gonna choose cases yeah so for me

yeah that was hard but I feel like a lot

of people the reason why they just like

it they stress out so much is because we

feel like less than the standard that

the world set because you can never you

actually can never be that because it’s

not even real not real yeah normally

filtered and it’s normally cropped or it

comes with honestly some kind of

unhealthy eating habit

and for me that’s what it fell under and

I realized something so important that

really brought my world is that I am

never going to measure up to the

standard that the world set I will

always end up bless them but when I


I was actually never called to belong to

the world I’m called to belong to a

kingdom my father made for me to enter

that he invited me into for me it’s like

you will never end up less than you will

always end up to be exactly how he

handcrafted you to be and the more I

dwell on being less then the less voice

I have the more impact to have you hide

under shame you hide under fear and

security doubt but the minute you step

into belonging to the kingdom of God

oh goodness it’s a going girl like

confident not because of what she look

like or who you are but because who he

is in the radiates off of you and I was

so I hate this about that season of my

life whenever I was hiding under that

insecurity in that body shame and all

that stuff because I’ll tell them I

don’t remember so many things that

happen and I don’t remember it because I

was so focused on myself and thinking

about my own problems that I missed

everything around me and praise God I’m

out of that mind game now that I can see

the world around me the less impact you

have when you’re thinking about yourself

you know and mom told me she was like

hey you’re if you think everybody’s

looking at you you’re thinking about

yourself way too much and I heard she

said that back then I was like you’re so

right my mom said that to me when I was

about 13 years old I remember I’ll never

forget this we were on a road trip and

I’d like not you know brushed my hair

done anything we’d gotten up early and

and we stopped at a gas station I didn’t

want to go in cuz I was like oh I look

bad and she was like if you think people

are looking at you you’re thinking way

too much about yourself and I was like

woah thank you and it hit me and it’s

change for me I was like you know what I

am thinking too much about myself like

everybody else is not thinking they’re

not looking at me yeah they got their

own problems to worry about

and so you know I just had to try to

instill that in our kids you listen to

her and just go oh yes yes I was

thinking about when she was telling this

as yeah I’ll watch our YouTube videos

like oh my goodness we’re just coming

from yes but the other day she said

something you you were talking about

being feeling worthless and she’s she

said and you said we’re not worthless

but the way we were living is worth

less than the calling that God has for

us the things that we’re doing is worth

less than who we were meant to be and

what we were called the day and I was

like whoa girl

I don’t know where that came from so

good that was so you were talking about

the other day at Passion you said go

reread Ephesians so I went and reread

Ephesians and there’s this part I was

reading the amplified version and

chapter 4 I believe maybe it was right

after Noah I think it’s chapter 5 and it

talks about how we’re not to be involved

with anything of the dark world anything

that is sin like that but it then it

goes anything that is worthless to the

calling that he has on the amplified


I said yeah so many of us we take on the

word worthless and we think we are

worthless because we’re living in this

insecurity to sin whatever it is but

it’s never that you were worthless it’s

that what you are participating in in

the sin in this dark realm is worth less

than what God has for you and when we

fall under it and when we take on that

word you take on that shame but when you

say no no this this this send this doubt

this up and then and that’s got to go

because that’s worthless and that’s

whenever you fall under that thing that

you’re talking about of that pressure to

fit the certain size like it’s just you

guys have been such a blessing to us the

very first time that I met Corey was was

actually fairly recently it was just a

couple of months ago or not even it

maybe two months ago or so and we met

each other and I and we just kind of

walked up to each other and how did you

do there like we’d known each other for

a very long time

I think our pads it sort of almost

crossed 15 times and it may be on

Twitter or something we’d talk to each

other a little bit but um I hugged you

and I don’t remember exactly what I said

to you before you know our short time

together was over but it was something

something in and around what I want to

say to you now and what I want to also

say to you I feel like I’m about to cry

that’s perimenopause one thank you thank

you because I I listen to your girl here

yeah you know talking and praising God

and uttering things that have been

spoken over her by the generations that

have come before and what it does for

someone like me who is we’re very close

to the same age but what it does for

someone like me who’s got teenagers in

her house

who’s got people that she’s still raised

having a little

anxiety of whether or not I’m doing this

right what what looking at this example

says is just be faithful yeah just to do

the next thing just honor God as best

you can and then trust that he’s got you

back and when you see a young lady like

this who’s build up to overflowing with

God’s Word

I mean seriously it just encourages it

encourages us and it makes us grateful

we’re so grateful that God has given you

the platform that he’s given you because

there are so many millions upon millions

that are being a current encouraged and

whose lives are being changed just by

your example so thank you for living

your lives out loud we’re so grateful I

wanted to tell you that if you do not

have your hands on this book mm-hmm you

need to get your hands on this book this

is live fearless a call to power passion

and purpose just a little bit of that

wisdom was over here a few minutes ago

but she’s poured it all out into this

incredible book say they were so proud

of you so much I’m so excited about all

the people who are gonna hear your voice

on the platforms that you take the

message is that you write the blog posts

that you pose the tweets that you tweet

the clothes that you create everything

that you put your hands to do we’re

asking God to give you favor and

blessing and prosperity and abundance

that his his anointing would be on

everything and that it won’t be about

the clothes it won’t be about the

jewelry but that people will be drawn to

the name of Jesus Christ as you lift it

up higher and higher come on y’all let’s


