You probably know the Robertson family from A&E’s hit reality show, Duck Dynasty. From crazy long beards to crazy Uncle Si moments, America fell in love with the family from West Monroe, LA. For 11 seasons, America watched the Robertson family have a lot of fun while running their duck hunting business, Duck Commander, as well as live out their faith. They even closed each episode with a family prayer around the dinner table. Now that the show is off the air, the Robertsons continue to live their lives for the glory of the Lord.

family family is everything making sure

that you’re connected to the people that

really God gave you you know you didn’t

choose your family members this for the

most part there you are just plopped in

this group of people who are your family

and every time I see a family that loves

each other they are encouraging of each

other they’re lifting each other up

there’s a healthy dynamic there I just

want to get to know them better I want

to know what makes them so connected and

how God is working in their lives and

and learn what I can learn from families

with you know one generation leads to

the next generation that leads to the

next generation and there’s no more

beautiful picture and our day and age

than the family that I’m gonna be

talking to you today so stay tuned

you’re not gonna want to miss this



for 11 seasons 11 seasons America was

captured and intrigued and curious and

drawn to a family that just kind of

permeated the airwaves and we were so

proud of them what kind of sat back

celebrating this particular family not

only because of the health of their

family the dynamic that they displayed

but also because of their firm faith I

mean they just were not ashamed of the

fact that they believed what they

believed no matter what anybody else

around them was saying we celebrated

this incredible family and I’ve wanted

for quite a while to sit down and chat

with with not only the members of the

family that I knew because I’d met you

know one or two every now and then or

throughout the years but I really wanted

to sit down and talk with you know some

layers of generations because I wanted

to talk to one and then the other and

then the other who had poured into that

one and just sort of figure out a little

bit more about this family dynamic and

what we can learn about making sure that

our families are healthy as well and so

would you please help me to welcome this

incredible family Sadie her mother Cory

and then her mother Miss Kris Howard

would you welcome the Robertsons


I’m so glad to see you guys here thank

y’all for coming first of all can I just

acknowledge what we’re all seeing right

now that y’all have some good genes your


I mean seriously that the DNA is a is

for real and that’s you guys are

beautiful through and through I want to

just dive right in and ask you kind of

the questions that I know people really

want to know and then there are some

questions that you know just I really

want to know and I’m going to ask those

questions too but I want to ask you

about being on television

cuz really people can’t quite figure out

what does it mean to have a reality

television so like what does it look

like day in and day out or people just

kind of following you all the time I

mean how do you navigate that in the

regular rhythms of life yeah well we

have a big family so we’re used to

people in our homes all the time so

people were always like did it drive you

crazy that the crew was there and we’re

like no it’s just kind of like come on

in like more people you know it was fun

it really was and we just felt like it

was I mean what a blessing to get to do

so we all work together and for their

kids to get to spend time with their

crazy uncle sy and their more time with

their grandparents and all that and my

mom was the onset tutor so when the kids

miss school for filming my mom was there

and she you know tutored the kids

through school and everything so it was

just a family affair it was it was a lot

of fun cuz cuz the 11 seasons means you

grew up yeah this is your home yes

mister childhood yeah being on

television so how old are you now Sadie

I’m 20 now and I was 13 when we first

started filming so yeah I’ve kind of

grown up on a TV which can be kind of

embarrassing at times you learned to

drive onto a first date on – yeah first

yeah good times huh

Hey so miss Chris I’ve got lots of

questions for you I can’t wait to ask

you several things that I want to ask

you say well it’s true I’ve just been

kind of admiring you from afar for many

reasons but for for people that that

don’t know all the dynamics of your

family like how many kids how many

grandkids you mentioned how big the

family is would you just kind of give us

a little bit of the outline of the

family tree here

well our side of our family is very big

as well as the Robertson side of our

family but we’ve been very connected for

many years we vacationed together every

summer we still go to the beach together

and we had 65 of us yeah yes so we’ve

always shared life together with the

Robertson family ever since Corey

married Willy and our side the family of

course I have my mother who’s still

living in as the matriarch of our

neighborhood she’s the first house she’s

the gatekeeper we say she’s the first

house of the neighbourhood then when you

come into the neighborhood four of

Corey’s side of the family and four of

well the Robertson side and then four of

our side of the family live on the same

street so the kids are the common

denominator in the middle and it’s both

sides of the family right is lots of fun

so everybody lives together so you’re

right next to your cousins oh yeah right

next to mine yeah you know that’s kind

of like a little bit like our family we

were talking a little bit in the back

that my sister and I were next-door

neighbours for a long time and her three

boys were the same age as her three boys

are the same ages as my three and we

kind of homeschooled them together so I

took recess and lunch at my house but it

was just like a zoo all day long

six boys were just running back and

forth between the houses but it’s kind

of like cousins always in so I am NOT

the cook Willie’s the cook in our house

if you watch the show you probably they

make fun of me a little bit for my

cooking skills but just fine because

like there’s other things I’m good at

it was a joke in our family because

they’d say whenever like her dining room

light went on I would turn on John Luke

would like pop in like Kramer on

Seinfeld that’s like kind of us in

through the door because he’d know

there’s like there was food there and

there wasn’t you need

so that’s kind of how it works like

there’s things that I’m good at and all

the kids come to me for and then yeah

Missy cooks and he runs across the

street for her well even this week John


Cory’s oldest is at Liberty now John

camara cater there so he wanted to have

a big Mart Mardi Gras party so he called

me in the morning Oh Thursday or Friday

and probably because it couldn’t get

Cory on you know the grandparents on the

back-up plan we we’re the second-string

we’re ready to go in whenever they

called me and and he said yeah I said

are you getting ready for your party and

you said yes

but I have a question and my first

question was is it a cooking question

because he knows with this this is not

the person yeah but I told him I said

call me mojo that’s my mother and it’s

just so awesome that they have that go

there’s the backup and the backup and

the other backup when everybody you know

there’s somebody who’s gonna be able to

answer your question you know it’s just

such a neat thing it is neat and I’m

really curious from your vantage point

because you’ve got you know the the

years and the longevity and some

seasoning to your life is what I like to

call it where you can kind of think back

to things you prayed things you asked

God for the hopes that you had just for

your own kids and then thinking forward

to grandkids and those sorts of things

what is your perspective now that you

look and you see this family like your

mother still being behind you the wind

behind your sails is she’s still there

what is your vantage point about

faithfulness about just doing the thing

day in and day out and showing up for

your family well that is it that’s

exactly what what you says is that they

right and I said that to a group of that

I was teaching just recently that the

older you get what you discover that

makes the biggest difference is

consistency if you just stick with

something long enough people will notice

and that will make a difference in

people’s lives and so just you know

having our mother having my Mojo’s still

in the family it’s huge you know for all

of us but so because what we have is

that consistency of what our legacy is

about and Memaw still says things like


nothing is worth being unkind of

somebody you know when you hear things

like that and you pass it down to this

one and she passes it down to that one

and the one who said it first is still

there watching it makes a big difference

you know our children I don’t think they

ever felt like and you guys can speak to

it because these were the kids on the

neighborhood Cory – I don’t think they

ever felt like they were being guarded

or watched in a bad way they were just

being protected and taught right you

know I don’t I don’t think they ever

felt like the all-seeing eye is watching

you and why you do it was just more of

you know this is how our family operates

this is how our faith we live out our

faith and we expect you to live that way

– not in a bad way but in a great way

yeah well and I appreciate what you’re

saying because it really lifts a little

bit of a burden off of those of us that

are in the middle of raising kids right

now that it’s not perfection its

consistency right it’s just pick pick

the thing you’re gonna do yeah and then

just do that show up and do that thing

what what did your mom just do like what

was she just doing regularly that now

you realize it’s just a part of the

fabric of your life you just kind of

think it you say it you do it because

you know we all grow up and become our

mothers I know that she’s so right they

are the most consistent women and it’s

funny she said that cuz my mojo my

great-grandmother who’s her mom we like

call each other a lot cuz we’re very

close and she said to me the other day I

was really upset about something and she

said well she always says well honey

you’re not kind to them because they’re

kind to you you’re kind because we’re

kind and so it’s funny cuz she literally

just said that to me what she always

said to her and yeah they’re just

consistent but my mom said my mom is

always gonna think it you can see that

in us as siblings is she like is so

goofy at last that herself all the time

and to me that is consistent and that’s

awesome and that takes that pressure off

like you said to not be perfect but to

be consistent because that my mom is

perfect I would feel pressure and I

would be like oh cause she’s like she’s

always acting like she’s perfect

whatever but she’s so real and relatable

that’s how we have a relationship and

with all of my siblings especially me

and John Luke and Will and Bella where

we all are and Rebecca how many of y’all

is there six of it there’s six of you

all of us we all like our laugh at

ourselves Allah and our goofy and laugh

with each other and don’t get offended

easily because that’s how mom was in our

life and we saw that with her and dad

that makes fun of her all the time

laugh at it and it she’s just relatable

and I think that is I think that’s the

part of like humility and liability of

yourself more highly than you ought and

I think that that’s something that maybe

is not taught but it can be taught in a

fun way you know like let’s just don’t

flap that’s right idea if it’ll laugh at

yourself don’t take yourself too

seriously and know that there’s

something that’s way more important than

then whatever little thing that we’re

going through right now yeah and that’s

a funny thing to point on kids I could

say a million things about my mom and

consistency is she’s always answering

the phone whenever I need her she’s

always quoting scripture and this is one

of my favorite things about my mom is

obviously I used to struggle with fear

because I have a book called live

realist but my mom never really

struggled with fear as I could see she

but she’s kind of that person like

proverbs 31 she laughs at the future

he’s school like there’s a fire she’s

ruining and saving people and I’m like

this is like that person but she learned

all the scriptures about like do not

fear Aldo so when I was panicking she

would start quoting them and speaking

them over me and to meet that

consistency even though she wouldn’t

struggle with that she saw her daughter

did and she walked that out with me and

covered it in truth and didn’t say oh

it’s okay cuz things are scary

she said no listen I’m there with you

but we’re gonna speak truth over this

and we’re gonna you know cover this and

now you speak it you know and now add

the drop if anything happens I remember

my mom and I also remember here my

great-grandma say this to my mom do not

fear for I am with thee do not be

made because that’s consistent we hear

that in our house all the time so

there’s a million things I could go on

about but that and just laughing at

herself those are things day in and day

out I see my mom do and I’ve also seen

it and my brothers and my sisters and

stuff so I’m really curious about this

miss Cory is she right that you weren’t

afraid of that that’s not something you

struggled with or did you become

well-versed on fighting with the word of

God in regards to fear because there is

something that maybe your daughter

didn’t even know that was a struggle

with you feel wiser this answer well mom

does tell a story and I remember this

very plainly it was about five years old

and we my mom and dad always worked with

the youth group and like so I always

wanted to do what the youth group did

and you know they were members us em I

was like you didn’t fear even when you

were five years old I like so long

across the thing and we were on a we had

taken them floating down one of the

rivers you know how you float down the

Buffalo River or whichever one and there

was also a pulley that you could jump

and hold onto and go across like a

zipline my and she was five I knew there

was no way she could do that and she’s

insisted that she could’ve showed you

yeah dad like a crazy mother I must have

been I was young I guess all I can plead

is my case I let her do it

and sure enough she fell just

immediately as it took off and she went

straight down the side but fortunately

she hit the water and she was she was

fine but she really I know

it’s she’s born with the no fear gene

you do still I don’t say I don’t have

that traditional fears of things like

that like I am kind of fearless about

that kind of stuff or or even like Sadie

had fear of like weather and sharks and

things like that I don’t have this but

of course I have women I’m sorry she

feared weather weather yes – and a

tornadoes or you know thunderstorms

things like that like I used to think

she was gonna be a weather girl here she

goes we’re talking about there having

fears you’re talking about major days

phears sterilizing right so I didn’t

have those type of fears but of course

fears of like am I doing this right as I

mom like what you know like are we gonna

make it how like those type of fears of

course and that is where my

great-grandmother her favorite verse was

do not fear when Isaiah and I heard it

over and over again and you know I

really believe and one thing you know I

did tell the kids I was like you can

have a reason to not do something but

fear cannot be it because you have the

power of God living inside of you and so

we cannot give in to fear and it is not

it’s really it’s against God’s Word and

how he tells us to live so it is

something that we have to fight and I do

really believe that and it’s something

that I have tried to model for our

children and that’s something that you

know I say to it’s like we sometimes as

parents we’re like oh we want you to

dream big but not too big because we

don’t want you to like don’t know but so

if we say these things to our kids we do

have to live it so it is something that

we have to work on within ourselves and

so you know me memorizing those verses

for Sadie it’s working on me as well I

might not be afraid of a tornado or a

short but we all have those fears of

like you know how is my life are we

going to be doing it right or how are we

doing this you know I really think

that’s one of the enemy’s main way of

crippling God’s people is through fear

and a lot of times just as an aside you

know a lot of times when I’m trying to

determine and discern sort of what God’s

will is isn’t for me in a particular

situation and maybe there are two

options in front of me and I’m just sort

of praying Lord option a option B which

one would be your best for me I always

think about if there’s one that I really

don’t I just I’m not interested in that

one if I water down the reasons and

anywhere in there fear or anxiety is the

reason yeah then I automatically assume

that if the enemy is working that hard

to keep me away from this one that there

could very well be something in this one

he’s trying to keep me from having and

if there’s something in there he don’t

want me to have I want it

yeah is one of sort of the detectors

that sort of lets me know man God

doesn’t give us a spirit of fear power

and love and a sound mind yeah okay so

how did this start cuz you guys are just

living your family you’ve got legacy and

home and cousins left

you’re not like ambitious towards

television you didn’t go to school and

study how to become superstars wasn’t

your goal in life you just are living

your life you’re doing the duck thing

first of all explain that story is that

the Robertson side to the back oh god

yes and my father-in-law invented this

duck call he loved duck hunting and it

was just like a passion of his and he

invented a duck call and that’s when his

men were growing up that he was he was

he had already invented this or what

point in his life the husband’s life did

he sort of okay so his family has a

pretty crazy story so his dad was you

know he was a football player and I

professionally played football in

college and could have gone

professionally actually played in front

of Terry Bradshaw in college but he

loved duck hunting and that was duck

hunting a football happens at the same

time so he went in it’s the same season

same season that’s right so he quit

football and was was just doing his that

kind thing but he also was teaching

school but he was not living a life that

he was living a really tough life he was

just going down a bad road and okay

we’ll tell you he was like the devil

himself that’s what she says her words

that is her word and so he ended up

lacing a bar like just really in a bad

place in life ended up wanted by the law

kay and the boys moved to West Monroe

Louisiana where they live now and Phil

was out they don’t she didn’t know where

he was she moved moved with the boys and

as protection she paid off the debts or

whatever and took the boys and came to

West Monroe a few months later Phil

showed up at her work and he she was she

was scared for her life she didn’t know

what he was there she assumed he was

drunk she didn’t know what he was there

for she told her co-workers said you

know what and call the cops if something

bad happens and she goes out to the car

and he was crying and she’d never seen

him cry before and he said

I want my life I want you I want the

boys on my wife back and she said well I

know where you got to go get it and she

said him to church and he was baptized

that night and his life turned around

come on mama kiss right she put sent him

right to the place he needed to go and

he did and their life Willie was three

at the time and their life just changed

forever and those boys really saw the

power of Jesus and what he did in their

daddy’s life because it was like night

and day

it was night and day and that’s when he

decided to pursue this dream that he had

of building this call and so they

commercial fished well so the boys grew

up commercial fish and catch a fish and

selling the fish at the fish market and

all that while he was trying to get this

so-called business off the ground so

fast-forward about 40 years 35 years

later of a lot of hard work and a lot of

you know dream and passion and all of

that for this duck call business and we

got a little email that said hey we

think you your family has what it takes

to make a television show and we were

like how did they even know how do we do


we were actually making us a show on a

small really small network called

Outdoor Channel they’re only like men

watch like that love to watch a deer in

the woods for 30 minutes and that like

that that’s all they could just watch a

deer standing there for 30 minutes I was

happy that is that Network and so we

started doing this show and that network

but we were we were making a little more

fun I was a kind of a reality TV fan so

we started like trying to make it more

like reality TV so we did hunting but

then we also did like what you see on

duck dynasty we started doing little

parts about the family and about the

business and all of that and so that’s

how they noticed us and we were just

kind of doing it with a small production

company and all that and we’re just

having fun it was like a just a way to

family market our business and grow kind

of just show who we were a bit hesitate

at all when this huge production company

now calls you and says we want to for

real do you have real reality did any of

any members of the family kind of go

because let me say something if if the

production became to my family and said

we would like to do a reality TV show I

can name about six

members of my family that would

immediately be like there is no way any

members of your family kind of go out

yeah Phil of course that it’ll never


he was like this’ll never why would

anybody watch us like you know coming in

all this and Jase is always Jace is like

known as the skeptic in the family he’s

very like he’s always negative and so

don’t tell em I said that but I think he

knows but oh he was like this is the

worst idea ever like how this is gonna

be terrible you know and so yeah there

were definitely some skeptics but we

just really believed in it and back to

that kind of do not fear you know we did

it felt like yeah she was like all

foreign cuz she jumps off of mountains

and you know what was so strange it

really was one of those moments that was

strange to us because we had a lot of

Christians really believers worried for

us like oh you’re gonna go to Hollywood

that’s what I was gonna ask because

you’ve seen these programs before where

you watch the young people particularly

the kids go through this process and

then from there no telling what happens

with their you know their compass their

moral compasses a little disheveled or

the marriages seem to dissolve

underneath the heat of those spotlights

all over their family so was there any

real concern as these believers who I’m

sure loved you and cared about yes

really think about this well there was a

lot of Prayer you know we sat down as a

family and we had just a powwow and we

came up with like a family phrase yeah a

family phrase that were like okay if

anybody like starts going off the rails

like here’s what it is and sock came up

with and it was remember the Alamo I

have no idea why but it was like if

anybody starts like you know getting the

big head or going off the rails like

that then we say remember the Alamo and

it brings us back you know so we all had

little frigerator magnets that just for

you to remind us of that

remember the younger element yeah my

very – of that and we just really went

into it with a lot of we just talk a lot

in our family a lot of just conversation

element remember the curls



and so then you just started you just

started the process kind of not really

knowing right how it was all going to

work out and so when things just rate

exponentially kind of got crazy and the

notoriety and all of a sudden you’re on

magazines and you’re you know people

want to interview you and you can’t were

you guys at the point where you you

really couldn’t go anywhere without kind

of oh yeah that was your life it was

crazy it was crazy there for a little

bit and now I look back on I’m like that

was crazy but in the moment I think you

know how God just like he holds you up

he protects the I just feel like he

really we felt his hand on us of

protection and guidance and and you we

also looked back her like oh see how he

kind of gave us a little bit – Stuart is

like okay and a little bit more and a

little bit more a little bit more to

where when we came we you know we just

felt lifted up and held and also the

prayers of all of you guys as we travel

the country that has been like the best


we’re in airports gonna be like I pray

for your family I pray your family and

it’s we felt it we really really did I

think we know God was with us yeah

throughout it but yeah it was a crazy

time like our people started showing up

at our warehouse we didn’t have a store

we we ship to like Walmart and all this

yeah we didn’t have a store people

started showing up and with her yes


Willie has like a window at the top of

his office if he would be like standing

on people’s shoulders looking in his

window would be like working and look up

like looking down at us you know and I

mean you would come out of the office

and there would just be lines it was

like a parade everyday like come out and

be like oh it was crazy but now you know

now I can look back on it but at the

time it just it just happened it just

cool it it I don’t wooden you look back

and when even when we talk about it

because how Jesus says how long ago was

the last season we finished in April us

yeah it hasn’t been long Oh

but even just a year out of it when we

talk about it when we get asked

questions it’s really cool because God

was so

kind and some intentional with how he

carried us and held us through but even

as a family as doing it together

like that was awesome and that was so

intentionally so kind but how he spoke

to us individually to get us

individually through is so awesome and

so to hear what my mom says about how he

loved on her and how her my dad had

certain prayer moments or like the

certain times that uncle SI’s I remember

the Alamo whatever it is but then I

think about for me and those like

specific moments where things got a

little overwhelming or something that

God just came in in a radical way and

just carried me through and it’s really

cool because we were going through as a

family and that’s what kept us together

but at the same time I think everybody

individually had to you had to go

searching yeah yeah you had to really be

rooted because it is you have a lot of

opinions coming at you one well did you

ever feel pressured to be a little

quieter about your faith you know we


absolutely not we really went in and you

know we they knew who we were you know

they knew who we were they knew that

that what is about and we told people

from the very beginning we’re like

they’re not gonna be over able to get

around our faith because it permeates

every part of our life it’s who we are

it’s how we interact with our children

our have spouses our friends our work

you know so it’s not something that you

can film around yeah over our favorite

family and memories a Pepa fill in the

house was season she doesn’t wonder

season two they didn’t want to put Jesus

name at the end of the race so right and

you know I really don’t even think that

they intentionally did that but they

edit you know they edit and they would

edit out where Phil would say in Jesus

name and it would just say and thanks

for the food amen yeah and they would

just edit that out and I don’t know if

it was for time or why that was

happening but it just drove all of us

crazy particularly people feel I’m crazy

there’s like a favorite because he was

not having it like we’re putting in

Jesus name back in the prayer of America

I never forget we were praying it was

there like family dinner you know we’re

all holding hands the cameras are up

we’re you know going down and normally

it’s just a sweet simple prayer and pop

off he’ll change a little bit yeah we’re

all kind of like looking around we just

hear him go Oh Lord Almighty God the

creator of the cosmos I prayed today for

all these people with these cameras

these Starbucks and drinking and you

feel and if they want to take Jesus name

well I’m just gonna say it again

in Jesus name in Jesus they did not have

that name Jesus they can’t start putting

in that game we watched it together as a


almost every Wednesday night we’d get

together at our house and watch it and

the first time they left and you think

in the prayer like our family like

cheered it was like it was a victory in

Jesus for sure yeah water it down you

can put it with that man one of the

early upsets – they believe I fell and

they believe me and I did not say a cuss

word y’all could have believed it their

belief is just like dramatic effect yes

it was deaf intercept I said in all of

the kids we were like mom and I was like

Cory got an interview chair and was like

if you ever bleep my daughter-in-law

and they’re like oh we just it was just

for dramatic effect but they never

played this again yeah they never played

this again so we had we had to you know

say our piece every once in a while but

we certainly and we knew what we were

there for and that’s how we talked about

the whole town for the beginning we’re

like this is not about us this is about

pointing people to God and that is what

this is about if it goes the way

tomorrow then so be it

and so we really you know just try to

live by that and then one of the early

episodes that I I think was my first


the kids had to have a tutor and so this

was been one of our you know original

meetings and of course for us it was

natural for me to say and I’m gonna do

that my degree is education and and they

were young fellow hell it was about

eight nine so the kids were young when

they started and we we just knew it’d be

better if at least I’m on the set with

us were you like a full time tutor where

they in school and park like part home

daily partners yes they were in school

but they were filming a lot yeah so two

or three days a week then we had to keep

the grades up and do all that so the

first time we were I was called on the

set I think I was like excited this is

like you know new this is great and I

call Cory to get instructions and she’s

like mom don’t say a word when you get

down there I’m like what she’s like cuz

she knows like I run things I write

under summer camp is just like new and

I’ll be able to change anything don’t

say anything you know I was like okay

okay I’ll get down there but then the

one the first things they asked me they

come over and said they were the kids

were supposed to be clearing this land

with Papa Phil and they wanted them to

you know kind of argue with him or at

least roll their eyes or not be happy so

they come over and ask if that would be

okay I’m like no that’s just not gonna

be I never forget they say when you’re

Pella Phil says go pick up sticks roll

your eyes oh oh

that is not going to happen with these

kids you take the fall if they can act

like they’re tired or it’s hard work but

they’re not gonna show anybody would be

to pop off the oh oh that’s so great

we had another moment where rowdy our

youngest that we adopted just recently

so I’ve been really working on him about

complaining and negativity is an issue

for him and about the verse you do

everything without arguing complaining

well with there another time when they

were working and they said oh you know

you’re tired you can complain a little

bit he was like nope my momma my mom

said I can’t complain he’s like um they

said I could I want to complain is that

okay and I was like no you don’t like

okay that’s great oh my goodness well I

this is the way I feel I feel like God

did give you all that platform and that

platform has dovetailed into a bunch of

other platforms because now I mean Sadie

come on yeah look fearless and then just

you all being able to stand on platforms

and speak and share your faith and I

think a lot of folks particularly in the

Christian community you know we can be a

little skeptical of each other and a

little hard on each other when you have

folks that the Lord has given whatever

kind of platform um it’s so easy for us

to turn our guns in their direction and

just start thinking why they shouldn’t

be doing that and yeah instead like you

said those folks who come to you in the

airport and say you know what I’m

praying for your family yeah that’s what

I’m to do the peace that God has given

whatever kind of interesting little

platforms unusual platforms instead of

figuring out all the reasons why they

shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing

what if we just channeled all of that

energy and said you know what I think

I’ll just love them instead yeah and

I’ll just pray for them and ask God to

preserve their family to protect them

and to give them the loudest voice that

he can to make his praise glorious and

so I just want to leave you with that

we’re gonna have a part two of this

conversation but just as we in part one

just just think about that think of the

people even right now that maybe you

admire because they’re on a magazine

cover you admire cuz you watch their

program I mean I’m taking a little

rabbit trail here but I just I do not

know chip and Joanna Gaines I don’t know

them I feel like I know

Joe was supposed to be my friend doesn’t

know it does not know it but I just

tweeted them and I said hey I’m just

praying for you I’m just praying for you

because I’m just thinking about all the

pressure in that position where you know

that there are a lot of people who are

not for you what if we just decided we

are for them we’re here and leave them

and celebrate them but not only the

people that you’re watching on

television what about that person that’s

just been elevated in your church

they’re the ones with the microphone in

their hand and maybe you are a bit

jealous or you wish you could have that

promotion that someone just got on that

job but God has seen fit in his

sovereignty for that person to receive

that or that person to get that instead

of jealousy instead of division instead

of strife let’s just go ahead and

celebrate each other in Jesus name and

pray for God’s protection for those

folks that the Lord has put in those

positions thank you guys so much for

sharing with us you guys

