Join us for online services with Priscilla Shirer and our Hillsong East Coast Team. We’re excited to offer church exclusively online live at 10AM every Sunday available for streaming On Demand. Chat with us live and watch together as a family.

hey church big welcome to sunday our

first sunday in february

and i am so excited for today

i have a little guest with me you all

know who he is it’s

otis say hi otis

and uh so excited that you would be with

us on the first sunday of february

and if you’re in the chat right now

please say a big hello

we would love to know what you’re eating

for breakfast maybe what you’re drinking

who you’re with the chat

say it in there and i’m so excited for

february because we get to celebrate

black history and it is something that

i’m very passionate about

and our church has worked really hard at

providing such

a a big celebration for black history

this month and

there’s a website that we’ve worked on

and we want to let you know everything

that we have done and that we are doing

you know this past

wednesday we had an amazing conversation

with two leaders in our church

qabana and elizabeth and we just talked


so many different things when it comes

to being black in the church

and i want to encourage you right now

after this service

go back and take a listen to the

conversation and watch it because it is

amazing not even amazing

oh amazing and um i’m really excited for

it i’m even looking forward to

the business drop that’s happening on

tuesdays uh church we have so much in


and i cannot wait for you to get

involved and um because it’s the first


of the month we’re taking communion so

right before we worship which is going

to be in a few seconds

um run to your kitchen wherever you’re


and get your communion elements ready so

that we could take communion together as

one church

and remembering who jesus is to us um

before we do any of that i’m gonna pray

pray that god

speaks to you you know week in and week

out we press play

every single week on a sunday to meet

with jesus now

and i know for me and jade in this

moment right now it’s where we

get to hit pause in our lives get to hit

pause and reflect on who jesus is

and all that he’s doing put all of our

love and adoration

into jesus so let’s pray together church

before we worship

jesus we love you we pray god that you

would have your way during this time

pray that you would speak to your people

as we worship you jesus we’re putting

all of our attention we’re putting all

of just

everything that we’re carrying on to you

right now

and pray that you would speak to us

during worship in jesus name

amen amen


see my hope is built

on earth

in righteousness

i did not trust in jesus

i’m a little bit louder

let jesus blood in



but holy trust in jesus




he is lord








christmas christmas









come is



this world




we can make


he is




every future








all these pieces broken and scanned

but not forsaken

i’ve been set free

amazing grace


oh i can see the love in your

eyes laying


raising up the broken


you take


you’ve set your treasures





oh i can see the love in your




raising up the broken


























with a broken heart



















incredible thank you team for that

special moment of worship

every week we spend time praying for the

needs of our church

if you’re watching during the 10 a.m

chat i want to encourage you to put your

prayer requests

in the chat our team would love to be

praying for you we’re going to pray

right now as a church family can i

encourage you to join their faith

with mine join your prayers with mine

pray maybe out loud if it’s

uncomfortable for you

you can just join in at the end and say

amen as a prayer of agreement but we’re

going to pray

for all of those prayer requests that

you put in the chat maybe you need


in your body or your family is facing

challenges we’re going to pray for that

right now and maybe you’re watching at a

completely different time but you need

god to touch you in a special and unique

way and i’m going to believe that right

now he’s going to do that father i thank


that your presence knows no bounds that

the name of jesus crosses

over every boundary line and and reaches

into every single heart and into every

single home and so i pray

right now in the name of jesus god that

you would heal bodies that you would

restore families

that you would bring provision where

there is lack father i pray that you

would bring peace

in the middle of conflicting and

difficult circumstances god i pray

that you would be present and that you

would draw people as they are listening

to yourself i thank you i thank you for

the word today i thank you for your

presence today

i thank you for your peace today across

our church family

in jesus name amen amen

one of the things that we’re going to do

today as a church family is we’re going

to take communion together so i’m gonna

ask you if you haven’t already just hit

the pause button

go and grab something from the kitchen

something to drink

something to eat but while you’re doing

that i just wanted to read to you

tell you exactly what goes on here and

we’re going to read from first


in chapter 11

and i’m starting in verse 23 and it says

let me go over with you again

exactly what goes on in the lord’s

supper and why it is so

centrally important i received my

instructions from the master himself

and passed them on to you the master


on the night of his betrayal he took

bread having given thanks

he broke it and he said this is my body

which is broken for you

do this to remember me and after supper

he did the same thing with the cup

this cup is my blood my new covenant

with you

each time you drink this cup remember me

what you must solemnly realize is that

every time you eat this bread

and drink this cup you reenact in your

words and actions the death of the


you will be drawn back to this meal

again and again until the master returns

you must never let familiarity breed


as i was thinking about communion i was

thinking what is

communion i grew up in a church where we

called it the lord’s supper

but i love that we call it communion

it’s a central part of our christian


it’s a moment of shared experience and


communion is not exclusive to the

christian experience in fact communion

as we now know it started in egypt when

through one night god redeemed a tribal

nation from slavery

into a covenant relationship through

their salvation to become

the people of god every year the

children of israel were told to observe

the passover of the lord

it was a time of collective remembrance

of a people

covenanted to god and to each other

d.n friedman states this that partaking

in communion as a common act of worship

recalls the ongoing foundation the

covenant community

all believers gathered together through

the eucharistic bread and cup to bear

witness to god’s salvation

as they continue to experience together

since the death of christ’s body

every time we come to this moment even


and socially distanced we are reunited

as a body of believers

we have an opportunity to remember the

salvific act that brings us

all together the moment the powerful

life-changing moment that we had with


it’s his death and resurrection that

causes us to be a family

it’s a solemn moment it’s a holy moment

it’s a unifying moment it’s a

celebratory moment

a moment to remember so that we once


can experience what i know i and i’m

guessing you

so often forget that we have been


we have been saved we have been redeemed

we have been healed

we have been delivered we have been


not just in our own personal lives but


we have been brought into the family of


so grab your bread take your wine

and let’s collectively remember our

salvation moment

the moment we were born into a new


expansive eternal family of god


father i thank you that as we take this

bread in this cup we remember

not just that you saved us as

individuals but that you redeemed us

as a family we joined together

in celebration of that act in jesus name


thank you church for continuing to be

faithful with your ties and offerings

i’m just believing that through your

generosity we’re going to continue

to spread the message of jesus christ

and we’re going to continue that right


we have the immense honor and privilege

of having priscilla shire with us

she’s an incredible woman of god who not

only communicates beautifully but brings

so much life and hope

as she points us to jesus get ready to

take notes

open your heart press into what god is

saying and i know church you’re going to

be blessed


well it is always a privilege and a joy

to be back with you you know you’re our

people we love

hillsong new york and i know that the

church has really been through a lot

um your church has lots of churches have

as we’ve all globally

sort of been withstanding and

shouldering a whole lot but the church

continues to thrive and i hope you sense

the hope the peace the joy of the lord

you know that internal well

of strength that really i don’t know how

people that don’t know jesus

can be still standing strong um with

everything that all of us have faced and


i want you to know that we have been my

family and i have been

incredibly prayerful and thoughtful

about you

about your leadership about the

direction and vision for the church in

this next season and we’re excited we

have a holy

anticipation about what god has in store

for you

and what he has in store for us so the

fact that he keeps letting our pads


like this is a joy to me i love

sharing god’s word with you and i’ve

been praying that god would have

prepared your hearts even right now

to hear what it is that he wants to say


i love that what god can do is take one

message and

even through a screen he can make it so

that you know today you have heard the

voice of god

let’s pray together lord i thank you for

this church

i thank you father for what you have

brought this church through

and how you were going to use that to

conform this body

even more into the image of your son i

thank you lord for the

influence i thank you father that no

demonic attack or assignment will


against it i pray father that the years

that are to come will be greater than

the years that have gone by and i pray

lord that today

each and every individual man or woman


or girl i pray that all of us today will


ourselves and most importantly see

you through the scriptures in jesus name

i pray

amen okay when i was growing up

in junior high school i played

volleyball now i want

to make sure you get the picture here um

our volleyball team

was horrible we were terrible but we

looked good

we had good uniforms and we enjoyed

putting our uniforms on

coming out on the court like we were

really finna do something but really

we weren’t that great at the game at the

time i went to

a christian school private school around

the corner from my house

real small school and because it was

this little conservative christian


we wore culottes i don’t know if anybody

remembers kulas they’ve kind of come

back in fashion just a little bit now

but they were you know mid-calf length


wide pants but we wore those to play


it might be fashionable to walk down the

street in those sorts of

uh pants now but we were playing a whole

sport in them

so we had you know the jerseys and then

we had these long cue lots red

and white uniforms and we’d come out in

our pristine uniforms really thinking

that we looked like something that we

were going to do something

maybe thinking for some reason those

uniforms gave gave us some

you know strength and power that we did

not have in practice

but it was clearly seen right after the


gave us the very first serve that we

were in trouble 95

of the time no matter what team we were

we were facing we were usually in


one of the things that got us into the

most trouble though was that as we stood

there in our you know volleyball stance

preparing ourselves for the serve we

would see that ball come

sailing across the net and several of us

would yell

i got it we’d say it loud and clear and

without apology

i got it i got it i got it so we would

hear three or four or five

i got it’s yelling out from all over as

in our

unorganized way we all tried to get to

the ball and because we were watching

our other teammates

and because we heard other people

yelling i got it you know what happened

that ball came sailing across the net

and we all

backed up thinking that somebody else

had it

so the ball would crash down to the

ground and

inevitably we would lose the point and

lose the game because we kept on

dropping the ball

i want to encourage you and i want to

challenge you and me today about

dropping the ball

y’all we can’t drop the ball the ball of

our faith

the ball of the truth of god cannot be

dropped on our watch

not today with the enemy advancing

so clearly against the culture against

the globe

and against the things that are

happening underneath the roof of our own


the division sometimes we feel between

us and our spouse the trouble we feel

bubbling up to the surface between us

and our children the struggles that we

are having

we have to stand firm and make sure that

that we don’t drop the ball

when we’re the ones that have been

called to a position where god has

strategically placed us

so that we can be the voice of truth so

that we can bring god’s perspective to


so that we can be the ones that have

hope even when those around

us might be hopeless we’re the ones that

are supposed to make sure we don’t spend

our whole christian experience

saying i got it i got it i got it but

then when the time comes to actually get

it we all stop

step back and drop the ball

so many of us are waiting on everybody

else to do what god

has called you to do has called me to do


you’re the one you’ve been waiting for

there’s a portion of scripture that

keeps drawing my attention in this


about not dropping the ball and about

realizing how much we have strategically

been placed by god

in our homes in our neighborhoods in

that classroom

on those zoom calls at that boardroom


in that industry in that genre

in that craft in that office we’ve been

placed there

strategically placed by god so that when


ball of his purposes and plans come

sailing in our direction

we don’t step back hoping that somebody

else will do it we recognize

we’re the ones who have been posted

there by god

to respond to his purposes that have

come into our

arena and into our paths first kings

chapter 18.

it’s a portion of scripture that has

stuck with me so much in this regard

these chapters of the old testament are

all about the prophet elijah

you know he takes a front row seat in

these chapters he is

the premier prophet of the old testament


makes such an impact that not only is he

mentioned throughout the old testament

but his influence reaches into the new

testament by the time you get to the

book of james

james even jesus himself in the gospels


the work and ministry of elijah he’s so

impactful he must be

that you and i are still talking about

him today in these modern times

so the spotlight the headliner in these

passages is

elijah and yet in first kings

chapter 18 there is another guy named

obadiah obadiah was a trusted steward in


king ahab he’s the king at the time he’s

a trusted steward in his household

and many scholars that i kind of studied

and looked at when i was looking into

this portion of scripture

they either entirely skipped over him or

they spent a very

little amount of time and landscape in

their writing talking about him

they don’t focus on him that much and

yet i’m drawn to him in this narrative


elijah where elijah really is the


and what draws me to him is first kings

chapter 18

verse 16. look at this

so obadiah went to meet king ahab

and he told him that elijah was there

and then ahab went to meet elijah

listen to that again obadiah went to

meet ahab

and ahab went to meet elijah

now i know you need some backstory here

so you can get the full

clear picture of why this packs such a

punch with me

and we’ll get there but before we do i

want you to just take a moment to see

that obadiah is this bridge that exists

between the godless

consciousness of an entire nation

represented by king ahab

and this divine agitator that is going

to call an entire nation of people back

to allegiance to the one true god

there is a link a holy connector

between ahab and elijah and that


is obadiah he’s been strategically


he’s the holy connector and the link

between these two individuals

don’t miss the strategy and the

intentionality of god

in allowing obadiah to be in the right

place at the right time

so that when his god’s purposes were

volleyed into his direction

if he saw it clearly as from the hand of


and took it seriously and was

intentional about it

everything that is about to occur occurs

because obadiah doesn’t drop the ball

as a result of this meeting between ahab

and elijah that famous story is about to

take place

where elijah marches up to mount carmel

and he demands that the people of god

stop living a lukewarm spiritually

indifferent and apathetic existence

and they choose this day whom they’re

going to serve

he looks at the prophets of baal the

idol worshipers in their eyes

and he says today’s the day you’re going

to see my god rain down

fire from heaven and he prays and the


open up and fire rains down on mount


proving once and for all yahweh is the

one true god

all that’s getting ready to happen

because one man named

obadiah doesn’t drop

the ball i want to encourage you

about making sure that the ball doesn’t

drop on your watch

i want you to see old adayah here as a

regular man

in the story where two other characters

are being highlighted

king ahab with all this power and

position and elijah

as the prophet called by god to be the

voice of truth and unapologetic

clear uh truth in this time and day and


between these two characters stands this


regular guy who recognizes that

he too can be used by god if he

just won’t drop the ball so

i thought we’d look at obadiah just a

little more closely

at the top of this chapter first kings

chapter 18 in verse 3 we find out more

about obadiah

we find out that he had a relationship

with king ahab it says

that the king called ahab and he gave


an assignment we find out that that


he is over ahab’s household he’s the ceo

of the king’s

holdings that means he is excellent at

his job

he has built enough rapport and respect

he is trustworthy enough that when ahab

has an assignment that needs tending to

he calls obadiah

in fact this would have been such an

important important

assignment i won’t read all of the

verses now read them in your own time

you will see

that because of the three years of

drought that the children of israel have

endured they are suffering from a

horrendous famine

and obadiah is called by the king to go

out throughout the land and to find in

the valleys and near the ravines

find some green grass that might be left

he says

because my horses and mules and our


they’re going to die if they don’t eat

in other words

the whole balance of the economy

rested on what obadiah was about to be

assigned to do

this was such an important assignment we

find that when king ahab asked obadiah

to participate with him

king ahab went one way to do the job and

he sent obadiah the other direction

which means that this assignment was so

important that the king said i got to

take care of this myself

it was so important that the king didn’t

pass it off to just

anybody he did it himself and called one


that he trusted that was a loyal that he

knew was excellent at his job

that he knew would have integrity and do

the job well

and do the job thoroughly he called that


and said i need you to help me with this


and important assignment the whole

nation depends

upon what you and i established and find

today obadiah

this tells us that sometimes we are in


for the purposes of god to be volleyed

into our path

when we are just doing the job that is

in front of us to do

it is while obadiah is out searching for

the grass that his employer has

asked him to find that elijah the


shows up and that he is able to have a

dialogue with the prophet

and take the prophet and introduce him

to ahab it is while he is

just plain old flat out doing his job

that the ball of god’s purposes comes

sailing is he into his direction

and he finds himself strategically

placed to be a key player

on the narrative that god is building

for his glory and for the good of his


he is excellent in his field he is

trustworthy at his

post the question is

are you i’m talking about on that eight

to five job you got

i’m talking about in that task of

raising those children or rearing those


the project that you’ve been given by

your employer or the ministry leader the

volunteer services that you do

the organization that you lend your

creativity to

are you a trusted partner in that work

when it is time for assignments to be


for things to be accomplished for

creativity to be pulled on

are you the person that they can call

because you’ve been loyal

and you’ve been trustworthy you’ve had


because those are the people that will

be called onto the field of play and as

you’re going about just

doing your regular job you will find

that you are strategically placed to be

the link

to be the holy connector between the

king ahabs

and the elijah’s that need to meet each

other so that god’s purposes can be


do you see that you and i don’t have to

be the king ahabs

and we don’t necessarily have to be the

elijahs there have got to be some


obadiahs some people who just keep

showing up and washing the dishes and

making the school plans and showing up

on the zoom calls and

participating in the meetings and

strategizing and being creative

we just keep showing up and we do our

job as

unto the lord excellently recognizing

that every time we are on assignment it

is an opportunity to make sure

that the ball of god’s purpose is don’t

get dropped

not on our watch not today

think about joseph in the old testament

he became

the prime minister of egypt he’s the

prime minister he’s at a secular

post when he’s a very young man but it

is in this post

that god’s sovereignty will volley

circumstances into his life

and he becomes a strategic player on the

the grand scope of what

god is doing in his redemption story or


he became one of the most significant

and influential men in the babylonian

and medo-persian

empire or nehemiah he’s described as

being the cup-bearer to the king that’s

his job

but he leverages that position to secure

what is needed

to rebuild the walls of jericho and then

there’s esther

esther rises up within the ranks of the

persian empire

and here she is strategically

strategically placed

so at the right time she is in position

for such a time as

this to spare the jews from complete

annihilation listen i venture to say

that those of us who are in full-time

ministry and i could say that because

i’m one of them

those of us who are in full-time

ministry listen this

is not necessarily the place where the

most sturdy bridges are built between

the ahabs

and the elijah’s the people who are

carriers of the truth of god

and those that are in positions of power

and strategy

and influence that call both together to

the mount carmel’s the moment of


where people are gonna have to stop

living with one foot of allegiance over


and another an allegiance over here

where they’re going to be called to make

a decision about the god that they serve

the people that are most strategic in

that aren’t necessarily the people who

are in full-time

ministry the folks that are called

to really reckon with their spiritual

reality man it’s the

comedians and the actors it’s the folks


film and in politics it’s the people who

are in music or the folks that are in

the arts

it’s the social justice advocates the

innovators the

storytellers the accountants the

teachers the lawyers

the doctors the sanitation workers it’s

these people

that no matter the field they’re in they

recognize they are strategically placed

by a holy god for his glory and they

refuse to drop the ball

so they build rapport there they

establish a trustworthy relationship and


they have integrity so when the time


for them to bring elijah to the table

they haven’t burnt so many bridges along

the way that people

don’t want to receive and respond to

what they’re bringing

stop devaluing your post sis

brother stop feeling like where you are

is not significant enough

obadiah do you realize that this

assignment that you’re on

the ball of god’s purposes is getting

ready to be sent your way don’t

drop the ball we’re counting on you

it’s by divine appointment that you’re

in that neighborhood

it’s by divine appointment that you

university student

are in that classroom it’s by divine

appointment high school student that you

walk down those halls

or that you’re in that zoom class it’s

by divine

appointment that you’re a part of that

outreach organization it’s strategic

you are supposed to be in that household

without you in that household

there won’t be anybody to recognize

god’s purposes when they come

so that that ball is not dropped

it’s the surgeon who has garnered so

much credibility because he’s done his

job so well

for so long that the administration can

no longer

ignore the matters of faith that that

are permanent fixtures at the meeting

that that surgeon hosts

it’s the professional athlete who’s so


good on the field or the court or the

baseball diamond that the young person

leans in and pays attention to them when

that athletes share their hearts about

deeper spiritual things

it’s the social justice advocate

who has ushered in the implementation of

so many

actual changes they haven’t just talked

a good game

but they’ve actually accomplished

something and instituted change

that now they are listened to because

they’ve got credibility

over the long haul they’ve been

excellent at their craft

so that so now they are ready to connect

the ahabs

and the elijah’s they’re all willing to

come to the table based on the

recommendation of a person who

has built rapport with them over the

long haul

so whatever it is that you do

listen do it with all your might and for

the glory of god

the ball of god’s purposes is on the way


you wherever it is that you are right


obadiah was not just in a strategic


i want you to see his unwavering pledge

each day of obadiah’s life

his i mean his actual life hung in the

balance remember

he was living during the days of jezebel

and king ahab they were

killing anyone and everyone who was

faithful to yahweh

and so we find that obadiah is actually

described in verse 3

as someone who had an unwavering pledge

despite the fact that his very life

would have been

in danger and he knew that he was very

aware of that

and yet he is described in verse 3 not

only as someone who did his job well

but someone who feared the lord greatly

even as

he did it this is the defining

resolve of obadiah’s life and his legacy

despite his surroundings despite the


in morality in the culture despite the


of immorality and idolatry his

allegiance was pledged once and for all

now i want you to notice something at

the top of verse four

this connecting phrase is at the top of

verse four it says

for it came about


that’s a connection they want you to

connect the bottom of verse 3 with

what’s about to happen in verse 4.

it says at the end of verse 3 he feared

the lord greatly

then verse 3 verse 4 basically says and

as a result of that

here’s what happens verse 4.

when jezebel was destroying the prophets

of the lord

obadiah took hundreds of them he hid

them by

50s in caves and he provided them with


and water oh don’t miss this

the unwavering resolve and pledge and

allegiance to yahweh that obadiah had it


in theory it worked itself out


in the fact that when the prophets of

baal were being actively destroyed

by jezebel when she was trying and uh

ahab was trying to make sure that the

presence of god the truth of god

the standard of god the one true god was

torn down in society

we find obadiah fiercely protecting

and preserving the prophets of god which

represented the standard of god

in that day and age this wasn’t some


inactive mission he was risking his very


to harbor fugitives and sustain them

with bread and water to ensure

that the worship of yahweh survived this

devastating time period

his goal was to protect and preserve the

presence of god

and he was willing to work proactively

to make sure

that happened obadiah shows us

that not only do we have to be people

who are strategically placed and

recognize that we are

but people who have an unwavering pledge


manifests itself in our proactive

preservation of the truth of god in a


that is very strategically and


turning its back on the one true god how

are you using your position within your

circle of friends

the co-workers that you have within your

own home

to make sure this ball is not dropped on

your watch

how are you making sure that you bring

the truth of god the perspective of god

to bear

in every circumstance in which you must

must find yourself

how are you preserving and protecting

the standard the truth of god

amidst a culture that is turning its

back on god

modern day obadiah do you realize

it’s you and it’s me who have to make

sure this ball

is not dropped during a time when we are


cancel culture when to stand for


to stand for the truth of god


in love but clearly making sure that our


is firmly rooted in the truth of god

we’re going to have to be people

that will make sure that we preserve and

honor the truth of god even in spite of

the culture in which we live

and it’s while obadiah is doing this

that he accidentally

runs into elijah it’s while you’re just

you know washing those dishes doing the

next thing

it’s while you’re showing up to change

those dirty diapers

it’s while you’re continuing teacher to

move forward with the difficulties of

online learning with those students but

you keep

showing up it’s while entrepreneur you

keep gathering those employees to the


despite the uh the chaos that may have

come as a result of these past

months into your business or your

ministry ministry later

it’s when you just keep on showing up

and doing

what god has called you to do it’s when

you are doing that

faithfully that god’s purposes


show up into your life but it is no


it’s god volleying his purposes and

plans your direction because that’s

where he needed you

and me all along so that we could be in


not to just yell i got it

but to actually make sure that the ball

of god’s purposes

are not dropped on our watch

there are no accidents with god he is


and providential he makes sure that we

are the obadiahs who are in the right


at the right time so that even the most

mundane tasks

have attached to them divine destiny

you are the connection between ahab

and elijah in fact obadiah the reason


i think that you were supposed to be

tuned in on this particular day and heed

what it is that god wanted to show you

from these little simple verses

from a guy that is often overlooked

within this story where other people are

highlighted and celebrated and

and underscored it’s because he wants

you to know that the ball of his

purposes are

on the way that if you will keep your


eyes peeled to the horizons you’re

getting ready to see

that the ball of god’s purposes and his


are headed in your direction and i

implore you by the

by the power of almighty god not to let

the ball

drop on your watch and i can’t let it

drop in mine

obadiah wasn’t in the spotlight and

maybe neither are you

he was just in the dim light of


an assigned task faithfully

putting one foot in front of the other

and doing the job that was given him to


but all the while he had no idea that he

was getting ready to build a bridge of


between he and the king in the natural

realm and that that was going to

forge the firm foundation necessary for

the supernatural keg

of god’s fire that was about to fall on

mount carmel what will god do

if you and i just make sure we don’t

drop the ball

lord i pray that in jesus name you would

give us eyes to see

that you would give us a clear

perspective on the tasks that you have

given our hands to do

make us diligent give us integrity


and that i pray when we see the ball of

your purpose as sailing in our direction

we will refuse to let the ball drop

on our watch in jesus name


otis we love that word from pastor


it was amazing don’t drop the ball

i’m not gonna drop the ball in this

season i’m encouraged and challenged

by that word to bring god’s truth

into every circumstance and situation

that i’m in

pastor priscilla thank you so much for

speaking into the life of our church

in this season every time that you speak

into our church you do such a fantastic

job and you speak

right at the heart of who we are so

thank you

so much if you were encouraged by that

word please

share the link to a friend a family

member or co-worker

we would love to make sure that that

goes around and church

if you need answers any next steps any


any concerns questions that you have

with church right now we have staff

chats available where you get to speak

to one of our pastors and or staff

members and just

and talk um so like i said anything

that’s on your heart where it comes to a

next step

um when it comes to prayer requests just


anything please that is available to you

so please let us know we would love

to connect with you and church next


the 14th it might be valentine’s day so

fellas do not forget the cards the words

of encouragement the affirmation

the flowers the candy but most of all

it’s vision sunday where we get to lean

in to the vision of our church from our

global senior pastors

on pastors brian and bobby and i for one

am expected

for what is ahead for hillsong east


um in this season so please mark a

calendar it’s going to be a great sunday

and we cannot wait to see you right back

here next week

we love you church peace








i is see




oh i can see


raising up the price

