Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) – Sharing the Word of God to all the nations of the World! TBN is the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel. TBN broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of ministries from traditional Protestant and Catholic denominations to Messianic Jewish, Non-Profit Charities, Interdenominational and Full Gospel churches. TBN also offers a wide range of original programming and faith-based films.

when i was growing up they taught on

hell a lot you know yeah

i didn’t really find out about the love

of god until later i was determined that

i was going to live right because i

wasn’t going to hell

but when you understand the love of god

shame just melts away

yes you know but as unbelievers new

people they don’t know that’s why it’s

up to us to really show

and reveal the love of god

because god

he while we were still sinners he died

for us


we’ve been talking about building a

healthy church and today our

conversation is centered on creating

safe spaces and i really want to kick it

off by reading this scripture in ezekiel

34 from verse 4 to 6. so it says the

weak you have not strengthened the sick

you have not healed the injured you have

not bound up the straight you have not

brought back the lost you have not

sought and with force and harshness you

have ruled them so they were scattered

because there was no shepherd and they

became food for all the wild beasts my

sheep were scattered they wandered over

all the mountains and on every hill my

sheep were scattered over all the face

of the earth with none to search or seek

for them now in this scripture the lord

is communicating to

certain shepherds that have lost sight

of their responsibilities and he was

communicating that through the prophet

ezekiel what stood out to me so much is

that he calls the weak the lost

the broken all of that he says these are

my sheep not people that will be my

sheep when they have transformation when

they get it together that in the

messiness of their situation that the

lord identified them as his sheep and i

think we begin to change um not even you

know where we see brokenness sometimes

like in the body that that perspective

begins to change when we embrace how to

see people the way jesus sees people to

recognize that the messiness of your

situation because that can be expressed

in so many ways that can be expressed in

someone who’s dealing with lust it

dealing with jealousy dealing with an

identity crisis all kinds of things but

that jesus looks and he says these are

still my sheep the truth of it is that

for any of us and really for all of us

but for those watching as well that when

you come into christ there is a

transformation that takes place through

the intimacy of that relationship but

transformation now becomes the fruit and

the evidence of the relationship but

what it takes to get there is a lot of

shedding a lot of unlearning and

literally people on a journey now i have

been in certain you know church settings

and it wasn’t really about the

leadership of the house having a

judgmental mindset but again the church

is for all people right everyone walks

in and there are times where you will

see where people can be a bit judgmental

or even just christians being a bit

judgmental because your way of following

jesus does not look like my way of

following him but i believe it’s getting

back to the word of god god looks at the

loss god looked at the the scattered god

looked at all of that and he said this

are my sheep and again there is the

institution of pastors prophets

evangelists and all of that and in this

scripture when he’s talking about

shepherds i believe that we are all

shepherds to some capacity some of us

are shepherds in our home some of us are

shepherds in the church some of us are

shepherds for a community there are

teachers that could be watching this and

your shepherds to your the kids in your

classroom and so at the end of the day

it’s coming to this place that hey when

someone’s outlook on life when so the

way someone carries themselves it may

not look like what i believe is the way

in christ but maybe you’re still in that

seed stage maybe there’s still a work

that god is doing in you and i have no

knowledge of you know our job as

believers is to point people to jesus

and it is the holy spirit’s work to

bring transformation and as long as i

can say hey i’m going to point you to

him by being a representation of his

love and his truth and i love it so much

that jesus

look i’m not even eloquently jesus has

the balance of truth and grace right

because sometimes we can say yes i can

speak the truth about maybe the way your

lifestyle doesn’t match up with the word

of the lord but there is also the grace

that follows it to say you know what

you’re on a journey and i may not

understand your journey because i’m not

the one that created you but it is my

job and it is my role to love you and

it’s my role to point you to jesus some

of my closest friends today are people

who literally felt like they didn’t have

a place in the kingdom of god they

didn’t have a place in relationship with

god simply because they felt like they

were condemned a lot based on their

lifestyles and it’s so crazy the power

of just letting someone know not only

are you loved by god but you are also

loved by me that you don’t have to

change for me to love you that’s the

work of the holy spirit and one of the

things that the lord began to highlight

to me so um just really greatly was the

case of the lepers in the scripture and

that we as a church should not be

aligned with the kingdom of darkness to

bring people to this place of feeling

like because everyone else rejects me

maybe the lord rejects me too we see

this particular story in matthew that

there was a leper that went to jesus and

he said lord if you’re willing cleanse

me it was not that lord i’m not sure if

you have the power i recognize that

you’re all powerful and i recognize that

you do this for other people but i’m a

leper society calls me an outcast and

somehow i’ve seen how they treat me to

think that maybe this is how you’re

going to treat me so if you’re willing

then you would do this for me and jesus

first of all touches him he does a thing

that you’re not even supposed to do with

lepers and then he says i am willing and

this is who we are called to be as a

body this is who we are called to be as

believers and this is how we create safe

spaces when we say i see you the way the

lord sees you you are his shape you are

loved and i will let the holy spirit do

that work of transformation

most definitely i love that you said

that all of this messiness was being


gods god was claiming all of the

messiness because i think we create this

false dichotomy between

the lost and those who know jesus as

like the broken and the perfect the

messy and the organized you know like

for some reason outside the church door

is chaos like walk through the church

doors suddenly everything’s fine and

anyone i’ll use this example it’s like

getting married right one day we’re not

married then we speak about 50 words we

promise to do something for the rest of

our lives we form this relationship and

then all of a sudden at that moment

we’re supposed to know how to be married

we’re never supposed to have a fight

we’re never supposed to have a problem

when we become the bride of christ we

still got to grow

some growing to do there’s a learning

curve that’s still there and i think we

make it unsafe for people because

there’s this expectation that of the

before and after salvation moment

where the after is just going to be

everything’s fine and there’s no

messiness here and so then when people

find themselves struggling

there’s a shame associated with it

because we haven’t made space for people

to safely address the growth healing

learning curve

that this life with jesus is

you know when we come to jesus our

spirits are changed instantly but then

our minds have to be renewed every part

of our lives have to be renewed and not

just once god continues to renew us over

and over again you know i think as as

believers and as leaders in the church

or people who have been

walking as christians for a long time i

know for me when i really focus on

being like him

then the only time i have left really to

do anything is just to love i i have

time to love people where they are


when you’ve walked with the lord you

know where you’ve come from

and it’s so important there’s so many

scriptures in the bible that tells you

to remember not to forget you know and

and the thing is it’s so important to

understand that

like she said when you come into christ

you’re a baby

you’re a new creation old things are

past all things are new but the new

things you have to learn how to do you

have to learn how to walk how to talk

and it’s really a beautiful

transition it’s a beautiful transforming


thing to see when people come to jesus i

love to see non-believers people who

don’t know anything about christ come to

him and then begin to walk it out but

you and when you have patience and when

you have love then people are

are they feel good about

the growth that they’re experiencing and

i think it is so crucial that when

people come to jesus when they come to

the house of the lord that they feel

welcome they feel to they feel welcome

to be

who they are right where they are

because it takes time it’s funny i was

having a conversation with a friend

recently and

you know yesterday we talked about

having hard conversations and she and i


we were thankfully we have the type of

relationship that we could have the hard

conversations and um

there was a person a black person

unarmed they were killed by police and

we were having this conversation and

she said well you know

they shouldn’t have resisted arrest

and i said to her i said well you know

was that a capital crime

and she said well no but you know

they probably did something wrong and uh

this is a friend of mine who

is very much so you know pro-life and i

said to her i said i said well help me

understand in your mind you know what it

means to advocate for the the innocent

right the babies who have never done

anything wrong uh and then you look at

someone who is killed for something

that’s not a capital crime like how do

we weigh the two and she said to me she

said yeah but they’re they’re innocent

they’re innocent and i said to her i

said what if jesus viewed us that way

i mean imagine like where would we be

if the grace of god only extended to

those who had never done anything wrong

we would all

be lost and i think that is what keeps

me grounded it keeps me grounded when i

when i both see and do wrong

i reflect on the fact

that the grace of god is the only reason

why my eternal life is secure not

because i’ve done everything right at

all as a matter of fact the word of god

tells us that he loved us so deeply that

he died for us

while we were sinners not when we had it

all together like no like we’re

literally in the act there you go and

he’s like you’re still worth dying

and i think about that not like lord who

am i

to judge anybody for anything right um

how how can i put myself on a pedestal

to be like oh now that is unforgivable

like i can’t get with that

i just thank god for his grace and i

think when we have that mindset

um we will never look down on anybody

else because let me tell you something

if we had uh some sort of a i’mma call

it a sin ray so you got an x-ray


you could just see

me and my skin you would be like now

she’ll need to be able to better

together now

yeah get it together come on but you


the story that we all love you said

caught in the act the woman that was

caught in adultery i mean yes what

greater example jesus just wrote and

it’s like okay let me let me get out of


the sin and the sin uh detected what’s

happening you know and and if we just

live like that i think you’re so

grateful to

be forgiven first of all you live a life

of so much gratitude that you’re so

you’re ready to forgive you’re ready to

cover the bible says love covers a

multitude of sins yes a multitude of sin

so sinners should they should really

feel i mean now the word of god convicts

so they’re going to be a little


but it shouldn’t

but it let it be the word of god let it

be the spirit of god but they should

never feel unloved or or shamed

or guilt that should never come with us

i think one of the ways to disrupt the

cycle of shame that we see in our

families and our communities and in our

churches is for us to be

honest about where we’ve been

and honest about what jesus has saved us

from because i think a a reason why this

narrative of you have to be perfect you

have to be everything right and if

you’re not perfect you’re not welcome

here is just perpetuated throughout our

communities it’s because some of us have

spent a long time trying to come off

like we’ve got it all together to curate

a lifestyle that is flawless or perfect

or not just on social media but in real

life and if we are not honest about what

jesus has really

saved us from if we’re not honest about

what jesus has really redeemed us from

then of course people in our communities

don’t know that they’re all so welcome

of course people in our communities

don’t know how jesus

can actually interact in their real

lives and i think one of the ways that

i’ve been set free from guilt

and shame from ways that i’ve lived and

lies that i’ve believed is by hearing

other people

on stages and at dinner tables tell me

about the lies they’ve believed

and some of the shame they’ve had and

some of the guilt they’ve had and and

how they’ve been set free from that and

now i’m hearing someone talk about

something that i’m like i’ve never said

that out loud before and this person is

just being very honest i’ve lived this

way jesus set me free from that i’ve

lived this way i believe that lie jesus

set me free from that and i think that

when you hear someone else sharing your


when you hear that jesus has redeemed

someone like you you know it takes it

takes the shame off of you it takes this

this guilt off of you this wall


it helps take it down a little bit and

you’re realizing that jesus could


forgive me too

for that so i think a way to help people

not feel shame

when they’re walking into our churches

or entering our communities is for us to

be honest about who we are and what

we’re struggling with and what god has

saved us from to reveal the truth about

who jesus is and who he has been through

our real lives

i think we could also be healthier as a

church and creating these safe spaces if

we make sure that inside the church

we’re not using shame and guilt as tools

of discipleship

we talked about discipleship earlier

this week and i think that’s something

critical that i’ve often encountered in

counseling both as pastoral counseling

and professional counseling is that in

an effort to get our young people to

live correctly yeah we sometimes use

shame and fear

about what they should not do whether

it’s making someone feel like they will

be worthless to god if they aren’t

sexually pure or making someone feel

like they will be worthless to god if

they use the substance or anything and

so we’re just using

almost it’s almost like bad parenting

skills i have worked really hard not a

perfect parent but i’ve worked really

hard to instill in my children that

their love relationship with god

should inspire them the bible says if

you love me

you’ll keep my commandments didn’t say

if you were terrified of me didn’t say

if you were shamed by me he said if you

love me and so i’ve always tried to

present this idea that every

relationship has boundaries and if

you’re in love with jesus then there are

some boundaries on the things that you

will or will not do but too often it’s

been presented as fear and shame and so

people as christians are afraid

to admit when they’ve had some messiness

it’s not safe for christians to say

hey i have this going on because shame

has been so instilled and if we use

shame as a tool of discipleship then

that’s all that a christian has then

that’s what we’ll give yeah when other

people show up we’ll give what we have

which is fear and shame so i want to

just encourage people if you were

discipled using those tools

with all good intentions i’m sure to try

and help you to live a holy life but had

some some bad side effects

that one god can heal you from that and

you don’t have to perpetuate it to the

people that you disciple that if we love


we keep his commandments let’s

perpetuate that kind of love

and i think it really echoes um even

hosanna’s statement on the the power of

the testimony because i think that

there’s sometimes i’ve heard when people

will have something going wrong in their

life and the first thing they would say

is like oh my gosh maybe this is

punishment because of this thing that i

did so again that shame and guilt

becoming the measure in which you feel

like okay this is not happening because

i messed up yesterday i didn’t do the

god thing yesterday and that scripture

if you love me you keep my commandments

it’s so powerful because then keeping

the commandments becomes the organic

response to a love relationship with

jesus and so testimonies it’s i think

it’s everything because when i think

about the testimony other people’s

testimonies that i’ve heard that made me

feel like oh you know i’m not that crazy

when i look at my life and being able to

tell people like hey i’ve had some

messiness in my past but the hand of god

was actually still on me and he still

blessed me so i’m not trying to scare

you into a life of like oh if you don’t

get this right then you’re gonna perish

on the earth because we see how people

can be living very oft and things are

happening for them so it’s to even go

beyond the layer of you know the idea of

being blessed but to say look

relationship with jesus is deeper than

that you want this thing it’s not just

about like what good things come to me

you know bad vibes stay away from me

it’s it’s bigger than that because i’ve

seen even like in the younger generation

and they would say things like you know

some of the artists i love they’re

living the lifestyle i want to live and

they’re nowhere close to jesus

and so if we measure this idea of

success by not you know living the life

of you know that that kind of

disqualifies you from the grace but

telling them like look relationship is

much deeper you want jesus in your life

you need him to give you direction about

who you are you need him the peace that

comes from him is nothing that you can

buy and so when people see the value in

a love relationship with jesus not a

watered-down concept on riches and all

that stuff but the value of what is

eternal then it becomes desired and it’s

like oh my gosh i want to change for

this person

i’ve always been intrigued by the fact

that after adam and eve ate the

forbidden fruit they immediately covered

themselves and i’ve always been

intrigued by that because in my mind i’m


where did they even get the idea

for clothes right like there was no zara

there was no jc penny

like what led them to to come to the

conclusion that the natural response to

doing the wrong thing

is to cover up like where’d that even

come from and i think we continue to do

that and i read a book many years ago

by brene brown which was really powerful

she she defined guilt and shame in a way

that i had never heard before and she

said guilt

is about uh the mistake that i make it’s

about what i did whereas shame is about

how i see myself because of what i did

it’s about identity and that’s been

powerful to me

and that’s part of the reason why you

know as a minister in in the business

world when i do speak in business

context that have no type of ministry uh

link at all i always talk about jesus

because he is the one who delivered me

from the shame of my past and what’s

been interesting

is every time i tell my story every

single time i tell my story people come

up to me afterward and they say

that happened to me too and i’ve never

told anyone

and i think to myself you have people

in leadership positions consequential

leadership positions who are leading

from a place of shame and a lot of times

shame can become the fuel that actually

drives you to succeed going back to your

point stephanie there are many people

who have achieved great things but

they’ve achieved it because they’re

trying to create a new identity yeah and

that new identity is apart from who

christ has said they are whether they

have a credential whether they have a

degree no matter what they do they

already are amazing but they don’t know

that and so it becomes performative and

so this idea of i’m gonna cover up and

i’m gonna get this title and i’m gonna

get this position because i don’t want

to associate with how i really see

myself which is i see myself as damaged

goods but we know that we are set free

we are set free from whoever the enemy

has said that we are we we are new

creatures in christ jesus i love that

you know i was going to bring up the

garden of eden as well um

adam and eve when they sin they ran they


and hid um but but i wanted to bring up

the father because stephanie was talking

about the love of god


he kept looking for him he never changed

his mind about them amen not only did he

look for him

you know but so because he still wanted

to be in relationship they even found

the clothes he found the czar


he made them


and it just shows you how much he loves

us and his love never his sin

changes our perspective of him not his

perspective of us

yeah and it messes us up and i think

going back to what anita said a lot of

times i know

when i was growing up they taught on

hell a lot you know yeah

i didn’t really find out about the love

of god until later i was determined that

i was going to live right because i

wasn’t going to hell

but when you understand the love of god

shame just melts away

yes you know but as unbelievers new

people they don’t know that’s why it’s

up to us to really show

and reveal the love of god

because god

he lo while we were still sinners he

died for us

so it doesn’t matter what you’ve done it

doesn’t matter what kind of past you


there’s nothing stronger than the love

of god and god loves you so much and

your value is still intact you’re still

valuable to him you know and i think

when we look at his character you know i

just love that he where

where are you guys at adam what happened

what’s going on let’s you know we used

to hang out together but but sin will

will make will bring the shame

and and and cause you to run and god is

saying i’m still in love with you

i’m thinking about the scripture when it

says perfect love cast out all fear and

fear has many expressions fear can be

expressed through shame and guilt but

there’s something about embracing the

perfect love of the father that casts

out all of that and so in this moment i

want to pray for everyone watching and

maybe you’re you’re in that place where

you’re struggling with shame you’re

struggling with guilt and you’re not

here embracing that god loves you that

right where you are he still calls you

my sheep that he sees all the messiness

and he said you belong to me i love you

i’m for you and i’m after you and so

let’s just pray heavenly father i thank

you so much for your children that are

watching this right now i thank you lord

that they will just be just overwhelmed

by your love by your goodness and by

your joy i thank you lord god that even

for those that have been struggling with

shame and guilt oh god that they would

know that your love still looks at them

and says you belong to me i got you i’m

here for you and it’s through me that

we’re gonna come out of all of this and

so lord may they embrace you and

relinquish everything that causes them

to just diminish who they are and the

value of their worthiness in you and so

lord god i thank you for that beautiful

trade right now that exchange that is

happening then lord for everything that

i have the narrative i’ve spoken to

myself that i’m not good enough i’m not

worthy that they’re releasing that right

now and they’re receiving identity

they’re receiving knowing that they

belong to you they’re receiving your

love and your goodness thank you lord

jesus amen at tbn our mission is to use

every available means to reach as many

individuals and families as possible

with the life-changing gospel of jesus

christ thank you for helping


the gospel of grace go around the world

without you we couldn’t do it god bless

