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being together in the room with other

sisters in christ is always an

experience that marks me forever and i

mean every single time

women from different ages

different backgrounds different

denominations different streams of the

church different experiences all coming


underneath that name that is the same

yesterday today and forevermore the name

that does not change

we exalt the name of jesus

and when we do that we see his presence

and sense his presence come to us in a

way that marks us that shifts our

perspectives that reignites our passions

that redirects and recalibrates the

course of our lives

we come together and we learn from god’s

word we hear his voice through the


we worship together

we pray for one another

and in an environment like that which is

what going beyond live is all about

creating an environment where you can

come and experience the power and the

presence of god

i’m looking forward to it every single


and i’m looking forward to the next time

i get to join with you and you with me

at going beyond live
