“The Sister Circle Show” is an opportunity for women who love God to have real conversations about real stuff so we can be equipped, empowered, encouraged to live our lives well. We are simply better together.

hey there it’s crystal and you are


listening to me on the podcast watching

me on facebook or

watching me on youtube now i have been

going live

every week on youtube and facebook

during the year

2020 called it a little qc a little

quarantined content so you can exercise

some quality control

in your life did it weekly for a long

time did it daily for

a little bit of time and i enjoy doing

that while i also continued

to share podcast content for those of

you who listen

through the podcast player on apple

or stitcher with google or maybe even


we are really excited about putting out

a lot of content for you this year and

that being a continuation of

the audio via podcast and the video via


and facebook today i’m not with you live

but i am excited

to introduce a conversation that i’m

going to be having

with my sister priscilla this is a

conversation that was a part of our qcs

earlier in the year

but like most of my interviews i took

that one down and put it in the library

for the inner circle

i’m resurrecting it and sharing it with

you today we’re going to talk about her


because everybody wants to talk about

her hair and also talk about food

because she and i

like talking about food but then we also

get serious and we talk about

what it means to hear from god how to

hear from god and what it means to live

your life with a rhythm of rest

because don’t we all need to be reminded

to do that before i jump into my

conversation with priscilla

our resurrection our revisiting of our

conversation from earlier in 2020

i want to tell you what’s going to

happen in 2021 and how you can make sure

that you’re on board to be a part of it

i will be going live every monday still

but i will only be going live with

the inner circle the inner circle is a

group of people who’ve decided to engage

with me by supporting my content

and also to do some work on them there

are a lot of levels to the inner circle

and most of them right now are closed


the co-producer level and that level is

the entry level for the inner circle

that level is also the level at which

you can watch me live record every

monday around

seven ish o’clock those mornings you can

go to crystalevanshurst.com forward

slash inner circle

to sign up to join me live every monday

but if supporting me right now is not

what you can do or not what you want to


you can still catch me live on or not

live you can catch the replay

on mondays we’re going to talk about the


a little bit and give you more details

about that soon but it’ll be on mondays

and you can join and just watch the

replay how will you know

what i’m doing and when i’m doing it

here’s the most important thing i could

tell you

make sure you are on the email list go

to crystalevanshurst.com we send out a

weekly newsletter

with what i’m doing and other things you

need to know and that way you’ll always


in the know about where to catch me on

video or audio the podcast

uh obviously the audio from today is

what you’re listening to and next week

we’ll have brand new content brand new

interviews with me and friends and other


that are new friends for me that i want

to introduce to you so you can watch me

encourage you on youtube and facebook


or you can and you can listen to me

encourage you with friends on the


every week as well now you got to make


you’ve told all the people in all the

places what you want to hear and be

reminded about

so subscribe on youtube hit those little

three buttons in the corner on facebook

and say yes i’m following crystal but

make sure you notify me when she is

sharing content

you can also make sure that you’re

subscribed to the podcast whether that’s


apple podcast or stitcher for google and

android or

on spotify just make sure you’re signed

up so you don’t miss anything

but if nothing else because i’ll tell


all the things there’s one more thing

that i want to tell you about it’s

completely free

and i’m so excited to share it is the 28

day prayer journey which is free

and it starts on january the 18th but

you do need to go to faithgateway.com

forward slash obs in order to sign up so

if this is a year where you want to get

better about your prayer life

or this is a year where you want to

investigate other angles of how to pray

and keep your prayer life fresh

this study this bible study is for you

and i would love for you to participate

we’ve joined hands with faith gateway

and they put together a wonderful


based on the bible study that i created

the 28 day prayer journey

so lots to do but today today i want to

make sure that you

are able to enjoy the conversation that

i had with my sister priscilla

so without further ado i’ll stop

rambling right now and let you hear it

see you next week audience y’all my name

is crystal evans hurst and

i got mascara in my eye this morning and

i’m on with priscilla

and i’ll bring her on the screen on just

a second but we are here

to talk about really whatever because

basically i just know y’all want to talk

to priscilla

mainly we’ll talk a little bit about

hair but we will talk a little bit about

jesus and about what it means to rest in

this season as well

because i rip was ripping hair out of my

face last night anyway we’ll get to that

in just a minute

i want to go ahead and bring priscilla

on the screen here she comes so there

she is

there’s priscilla so we’re both sitting

at home um

you know trying to be somewhat together

kind of sorta

and uh priscilla man we’ve had

a little trouble getting on today at

least i have i’m trying to do too many

things at one time

you see me putting lower thirds on the

screen and all that can you see that

or you’re not really because you’re

looking at me and skype right girl yes i

got your name

underneath your picture so when people

see this it’ll be all fancy

i know this is me who are always doing

the most always doing the most honey

trying to do

trying to be somebody trying to be

somebody i’m just kidding

so y’all first of all i want to tell you

that if you um

have no idea who i am again i’m crystal

this is my sister priscilla i’m sure you

know who she is but i want to let you

know that what we’re trying to do

is to be helpful but we’re just going to

chit chat about stuff we want to chit

chat about

stuff i think would be helpful to you if

we chit chat about like what is

happening in the kitchen because

food nonstop is a situation it’s

nonstick it is a situation i will say i

have used the crock pot which i used


yeah but i you have used a crock pot a

lot and i really love it because you can


i have this recipe for crock pot ribs

okay i’m gonna tell y’all real quick

because it’s so easy so if you eat

ribs grab two racks of spare ribs clean

them off

cut them in half and then you might not

need two racks i have

four boys in my house my husband and

three sons so then you just kind of

layer the racks of ribs

in your crock pot which mine is big

enough for two racks like that and

they’re just kind of layered

and i put meat tenderizer on each side

of it like the kind that looks like salt

basically meat tenderizer on each side

salt and pepper very generously on each


and then i cut up onions and you put it

in there on you could do it on low if

you want to do it for eight hours you

can do it on high if you want to do it

for four or five hours

and you just let it cook literally um

all day long

the last hour or so you take some honey

barbecue sauce

and i put the whole bottle of honey

barbecue sauce all over the ribs

and it cooks and soaks into it and my

boys devour that thing

so the crock pot for recipes like that


are incredible because you just started

throw some stuff in there

and then add some broccoli at night and


and you’re done so i’ve been doing stuff

like that you have that recipe typed up

somewhere i think right because did you

share that one when we did the legacy in

the kitchen with mom

i feel like i did i feel like i must

have but if you find it send it to me

because anything that we talk about in

our conversation that’s like something

to reference i have a little reference

page on my website so they can go and

collect all the fun stuff y’all i think

i think i’m gonna do i have this recipe

for vegetarian

chili and that’s getting dumped this

morning in a crock pot so crockpot is a

lifesaver you don’t have an instant pot

do you

i do have it but i don’t think i got the

right size it’s a little small for my

whole family to get a meal out of it so

i’m trying to

negotiate that and i haven’t used it

enough for it to be my go-to yet i don’t

feel real comfortable and confident with

it yeah

so i’m i’m working toward that but you

just mentioned vegetarian and i think

that i’m gonna start trying to eat less

meat did i tell you that

no but but i think that that’s

great i think yeah you know you it’s

hard to be in a household full of men

and and as a household not do me

when i did that i said jesse

so i’m thinking that we just need to eat

less meat and he just looked at me like


exactly he was like you can do whatever

you want to do yeah

eat meat because to them a meal is not a

meal it’s not a meal

it has meat in it which which is fine

that’s totally fine

but i think that the older i get

the more i realize that certain foods

aren’t making me feel

great one of those which i’m having a

hard time getting over bread

well no bread you know i already didn’t

eat a whole lot of bread and pasta and

stuff like that

i still like it but i did that’s that

doesn’t make me feel that great so years


i started cutting way back on that but

right now what i’m discovering crystal

is dairy oh so basically you need to be


dairy-free fat green i’m not going to

eat it

i’m not doing it cheese is goodly it’s


exactly basically i want to bathe in


regularly y’all listen when we go to a

mexican restaurant

i just push the chips towards priscilla


she’s gonna salt yes and then if they’re

not hot and warm from the kitchen

she’s gonna take the basket and say

sweet server

we would so love a basket of fresh chips

and then she orders queso with you add

for extra tomatoes is that what you do

uh cilantro i like the pico de gallo i

put extra cilantro on that

yes extra cilantro so she is very

textured specific yes yes because i love

tex-mex is probably my favorite

yes and if i’m going to do it i’m going

to do it

yeah i know so so yeah so she likes

cheese queso crystal the next

morning i always i just always don’t

feel good the next morning and i know

it’s the cheese

kind of gives me a headache i can tell

that i yeah

i wake up just feeling like i’ve got a

headache i feel real

lethargic the next day um i can just

tell it’s not it’s not great for me and

sometimes you

you know that and you still eat the

whole pizza i mean that actually will


oh totally totally so i’m just trying to

think all right do i want to feel this

way anymore you know the older you get


you just start going is it work is it

worth it yeah to feel

bad the next day so anyway i’m thinking


the things i might need to cut out of my

diet just to so i can feel good

but you’re really disciplined about that

like you’ll decide to do a thing

and then you’ll you’ll do it and then

that’s the end of that

me on the other hand i’m very

double-minded and unstable in all my

ways no you’re not

well i’m extreme so i me and the same 40

pounds have been really good friends my

whole life

i say goodbye and then we say hello and

then we say goodbye again and then we

say hello

okay well you are extreme talk about

that a little bit

so let me help you i’m interviewing you

you’re not interviewing me

this is not the chat with priscilla okay


but i do want to ask you about this

netflix situation

because many times uh over the past few


i have called you texted you

i’m killing all my business don’t be

telling all about me no i’m not telling

all your business i’m just saying

um the mascara is still having its way

with me anyway

you have been enjoying and and


recommendations for things to watch on

netflix because

absolutely you have decided the bigger

context of this which is where we’ll

end up after we dip into hair just for a


um the bigger context is you

you are a person who believes in rest

you believe in rest and you believe in

not being stressed and you believe in

taking the opportunity

to enjoy your life when life presents

itself and so

in this season where there’s lots to do

and where things that you and i both

have had to do that have been cancelled

um we’re home you’ve like you know what

i’m gonna make sure i make room for

something i enjoy

and spending time watching a good show

is something you enjoy

do you have any recommendations for us

to to look into in our netflix situation

because your network’s getting strong

you got a strong

netflix anointing okay first of all let

me just say

that this is a tough question for me to

answer and the reason it’s a tough

question for me to answer crystal is


any time i make a recommendation if with

that novel or in that movie or in that


there is anything questionable then i

get railroaded about the fact that i

recommended it so you’ve asked me a hard

question because

i can’t vouch for every episode of every

show i can’t vouch for

all the whole novel and whether or not

there’s a little bit of questionable

morality or

or cursing in there i can’t vouch for

everything well here’s the beauty of it

here’s the beauty

you are on my facebook channel my

youtube channel

and my instagram so if anybody comes for


i mean they come for me too i can’t seem

to do anything right

in my life if they come for you on this


you you go you accompanied okay

i’m going to tell you if you have not

yet watched self made

which is madame cj walker’s story

sort of in dramatic form with octavius


it’s great there is questionable

morality in it but it’s a true

it’s kind of a true description of this

woman who lived in the early 1900s

and came up with the stuff that made

black women

think differently about their hair it’s

worth watching self-made

um if you’ve not watched the crown oh

yes it got ratchet in season two

my boy i haven’t even watched season two

my boys watched season one that’s how

great it was they watched season one

and then we were all ready to watch

season two and i was like

oh really it gets questionable yeah

there’s some same-sex stuff

oh shucks excited and there’s hints of

that in self-made too and i was like i

wonder if this is

true or if they just are now the agenda

is so strong

yes and that’s that’s so unfortunate um

so unfortunate um and then there was one

other thing that i was going to say that

i would recommend oh

if you’ve not never seen it’s another

period piece

but it’s called

call the midwives have you ever heard


i’ve heard of it i heard a lot of people

enjoying it girl

it is crystal you have got to watch it

tell them

the whole season i mean there’s several

seasons i don’t even remember how many

because i watched this a little while


and when the last season ended i still

sometimes go on to

to um netflix and just make sure that

they didn’t make a new season because i

think it’s over i think the show is over

but i mean it’s incredible

okay all right y’all so you have you

have three recommendations

with the disclaimer that i can’t vouch

for all the morality

listen uh somebody somebody on instagram

i glanced over there and

they said we in all caps release

you hey i felt that in my spirit

i felt that releasing in my spirit thank

you sister whoever you are

thank you oh my goodness okay

well that’s that let’s discuss let’s

discuss with people for no reason

you go you start yeah

okay so listen y’all here here’s the


we love jesus we do we we love jesus

um and the reality is

that because we want to lead well

and priscilla has you know she’s been

doing this bible study thing a lot


than i have and i’m i and i have a story

that people make assumptions about me

they’re like oh that’s the one that got

pregnant in college we know she’s a

little bit off to the side

but then when we put people on pedestals

because of it and and but we have to

give each other grace

and sometimes i’ll see people ask me

questions and they are concerned or they


they are a little shocked maybe it’s

something but they ask me a question

because they seek to

understand that’s one thing that’s why

it’s a whole nother thing

when people go oh my gosh i’m

unfollowing you i just don’t think that

that has become i mean

they just are railroad your character

yes they railroad your character and

here’s the other part of that y’all

i have found in my experience and then

when i get on priscilla’s thing and let

me tell y’all when i see people

coming for her um


i there are two issues number one is

i know her and it just drives me crazy

when people do that it drives me crazy

that don’t that have no that have no

relationship kindness in their

communication even if they have an


their judgment is just raw and unkind

that’s the first issue because it’s her

this and i know she really desires to

lead well and not do anything that would

cause anybody else to stumble and that

she makes a lot of decisions in her

lives for the benefit

of people not stumbling so that that’s

that’s what i see is

all the work and intention that goes

into that and she she puts a little more

intention into her situation than i do

in the mind so i’m i’m very

i i’m i want to honor that and i want

other people to do that too

the second thing is y’all just in


in general not as a rule but a lot of

the time the meanest people

the ones that have the most to say the

ones that are the nastiest the way they

say it

can you feel me rising up just a little

bit i feel like those people are the

ones that talk about jesus

and i’m just like do y’all actually


that people who don’t know jesus are

going to see how you’re talking

about your own sister in christ

and be attracted in any way shape or


to the kindness of jesus to the love of


to the long suffering of jesus to the

forgiveness of jesus

to the come as you are of jesus and so

when i see that i’m just like y’all


hello can we be a little kinder to each

other for the sake of those

who don’t know jesus and who will say if

this is what christians are like

i’ll just be a good person because the

good people i know are a lot better than


so that just rubs me the wrong way for a


list of reasons y’all and then when

people when that happens i have to wait

a while to respond

because my clapback game is strong and i

don’t want to mislead anybody with my

clapback game

so um y’all just need to pray for me but

y’all need to know for real that there’s

a lot and this is why

you when you’re thinking about priscilla

for sale has been a blessing to you in

your life

because of her bible studies her books

her teaching you know when she comes to

mind when you see something on instagram

when you see a post when you can

just allow that to let the lord let you

just to give a quick whisper of prayer

for her because you have no idea

when people do what she does and the

amount of eyeballs are on her life the


that is on her back that the enemy has

to destroy

her destroy her family destroy her

health so i just want to encourage you

when you see that instead of having your

clapback game be strong because we got

to watch how we clap back

just let that lead you to pray for the

people who have pressure

because what is it now you got you you i

always say y’all i’m holding strong i

got 10 percent

if i look at my instagram numbers and

look at priscilla’s instagram numbers if

i’m holding strong at 10 i know all is

well in the world

but you got three quarters of a million

people that are following her that’s a

lot of opinions and a lot of mouths and

while she’s a good person at

not letting that rock her world too much

it gets to you

when chris when people questioned your

christianity because you said you’re a

black woman that got to you

that got to you do y’all not see her

hair she’s a black woman let her let her

off the hook

do you need to say anything else or did

i take care of that for you girl you

took care of that whole

situation wow jesus

yes help the people and help your

daughter over here to not misrepresent

your name with a clap back

a good one okay sir you are all on your


i mean i feel risen up on the inside

it’s just a mess

yeah it’s hard when people come for you

like that and you you really

are trying to live with integrity you’re

trying to honor the lord

and you’re trying to respect the fact

that you are in leadership so you do

want to be careful

about causing and so when you’re mindful

about that and then

something that somebody finds somewhere

that they’re questioning about what

you’ve chosen to do

and they railroad you for it it is you

know yeah i mean and i know how to

ignore it

it just it oh yeah i mostly don’t

respond yeah i mean it’s just like i’m

not even going to lend an ear to that


it still is a thing so this was a

teaching moment let’s just call it that

at teaching

you will you talk that thing i mean you

can add something i’m sorry

nothing to add i think i’m looking at

everybody saying amen crystal

big sense ain’t playing no games that’s

right girl she’s nothing

she shucks she’s not playing any games


but it was something else i was going to

ask you about because we’re going to

talk i want you to talk about rest

because that is your giftedness

but for just a second girl all the

people in the world

yes girl all the people in the world

listen the last live

the last uh church thing that we did

march the 22nd

uh when we watched it back with dad he

was he had his ipad in his hand

and this is exactly what he did he has a

church on sunday church on

our church service on sunday on march

the 22nd that particular day

um this is your father

whoo her hair is like a lion

is that i mean it’s just a lot of hair

wow i mean this was your father wasn’t

your hair

guys he always likes if your father is

doing that let me tell you something

all the people in the world were looking

at your hair going

what does she do to get her hair like


so so go ahead

okay i’ll just do an abbreviated hair

conversation because i decided yesterday

or a couple days ago we were on live

people ask me a lot of hair questions

when i’m on live even if i’m talking


jesus the book of nahum they’re like

yeah but your hair though

so i said i’m going to do a whole live

about hair because hair is a deal for


it’s ministry to discuss hair however i

will just say

that the part that people really don’t

want to hear are two things number one

um well i went natural about 20 years

ago so this is before anybody was doing

it it was before it was a trend

because your hair was falling out i

remember your hair was it was thin

it wasn’t responding well to the

chemicals that in the 90s and 90s black

women were putting there so i cut it all


my my whole family thought i was crazy

they almost blocked you out he almost

locked you out the house

listen jerry shire was not happy about


and um that y’all tried to be

encouraging and you were especially you

chris you were very encouraging but i

knew that behind my back you were like


no this is a disaster actually that was

my husband

i was like it’ll grow back my husband

looked at you and said oh priscilla your


is so cute it’s so cute girl you walked

out the door he turned around he said

that is a mess

and i didn’t know this until years later

or years ago

that i know that 20 you know 15 years

before that

he had been thinking that in his mind

about my hair so anyway

but it was the best decision i ever made

so getting all the chemicals out of my


so i don’t put any chemicals at all in

my hair not even coloring it i tried it

once to color it with like a natural

hair color

my hair was still dry and brittle so i

don’t put anything in it

but the point is i had to look at my

childhood pictures

to get a an image of what my hair would

be like if i went natural

so i think what we do especially with

the rise of social media

is we look at other people’s hair we

admire because i do it too i follow

these people on instagram whose hair

i admire just for their hair tips and

when i follow them and i see what their

hair is doing and how

their hair is responding to certain

products or something i’m like oh i’ma

use that product and it’s going to look

like that on my hair

that’s not necessarily the case you need

to go look at your

baby pictures look at your 10 year old

nine year old 11 year old picture

what your pigtails look like then that’s

the texture

don’t think that it’s going to

automatically mirror somebody else’s

so that’s the first thing you have to

know and the second thing you have to

know is part of the reason why i do


that my hair has flourished which i’ve

been very grateful about

and there’s a whole spiritual component

to this and the lord that i can’t get

into right now because it’s too

much but one of the just practical

reasons it’s flourished is because

i literally rarely rarely put

heat in it or use do a style that i have

to manipulate it a lot

so most of the time crystal can tell you

over the past 20 years

i’ve worn my hair in twists my hair has

been in the two-strand twist

and i just wear it in a ball on the top

of my head or as it was growing out from

being very short to as it got longer i

just wore two strand twists and you know

i did that every six weeks so for six

whole weeks

it is there’s no heat there’s no combing

there’s no manipulating on my hair

so i think that’s the part that’s hard

for us the hurdle to get over

is we want to do our hair we want to

curl it we want it to be out

all the time and if my hair were out all

the time

it wouldn’t it wouldn’t um retain

its length and its fullness so i mean

that actually right there preaches

actually yeah you’re right for actually

to be out all the time the season that

we’re in

i mean quarantine life come on

quarantine content

i’m saying quarantine your hair is what

i’m saying listen

quarantine your hair quarantine you need

to write that down that might be a


that might be a chapter and by the way i

i will do a live y’all separately just

the whole thing on here because it would

be fun to do that

and tell my whole hair story and give

you some tips in here

but i just want you to know in a little

book called radiant

it’s the first time that i’ve been able

to write about hair

so i think chapter two is a whole my

whole sort of hair story

the point of radiant the book is on

self-image and self-esteem

and i wanted to tell that story as a

part of it because the lord used

my addiction to straight hair to

show me how my significance was

illegitimately attached to my appearance

and if i was willing for me i’m not

talking about for everybody but if i was

willing to

damage my health in my case which i was

the chemicals were damaging

if i was willing to damage my health

just to maintain a standard of beauty

then what did that say about the

significance that i had illegitimately


um in my appearance so for me it was a

whole thing god used to help redirect my

my um where i found my significance

listen i mean

i’m not trying to be convicted over here

but you might have just convicted me i

can’t i’m i but i like my straight hair


i do well and also but your hair is


it is natural it it is natural but i

can’t find

a natural style that works for you well

that i like

that doesn’t take forever because you

know if i’m gonna get my hair twisted

and then

you know then before i do the twist out

i gotta wait so there’s this whole

like if i’m gonna go speak and the way i

prefer to speak is with a twist out that


at least three days before i had to wash

it and twist it

which means a whole lot of forethought

and scheduling has to go into all that

versus i can wash my hair before i get

on a plane

blow dry it get to the hotel and curl it

and keep going on about my life it’s fat


i’m better at it i’m faster at it but um

you know we’ve been talking about this

for a long time but there are little

things you can do

to make those decisions like you can say

i’m going to do the wash and blow out

part but then i’m just going to pin curl


all over so what you do sometimes you’ll

do but then the next nights you’ll just

pin curl it so that you don’t have to do

that every time heat on it yeah

that’s right so there are you know

everybody has to do little things

for them yeah i i ended up honestly

speaking in my hair twisted is not my

favorite either but

that was one of the hurdles i just was

willing to get over just like my goal


that’s right i was like i am not going

to do anything anymore

that jeopardizes the health so i went to

an extreme

most people don’t have to cut off all

your hair which is what i did you don’t

have to do that

but i did it because i was like this is

deeper than just what’s on my head

there’s some stuff in my heart

that god is trying to uproot and so 20

years ago at 24 years old i guess it’s

been 21 years ago now

that was a whole situation in my early

20s that

that i’m glad i did it and one of the

reasons i’m glad i did it which i wrote

in the book is that i you know i could

have never known that years later the

lord would be calling me to this


or that i’d be on a screen with war room


or or i can only imagine overcomer and i

can’t tell you the

the amount of people that have written

me letters or sent me emails or whatever

and they appreciated the message but

they were like thank you

what freed them up was seeing a head

full of natural hair

on a professional character in a movie


in a faith-based movie where honestly

african-american characters haven’t been


in faith-based film at all right so for

some women

seeing that did more for them in just

letting them relax

into just their natural hair and i said

the lord knew at 24

when he did that work in my heart i

couldn’t have cut my my hair off a year


we filmed those movies yeah he was a

20-year thing

that he was positioning so that i’m so

grateful not only the women in our

family because after that it was a

ripple effect right

all of us went natural over those 20.

most of the women in our church now are

it was like this ripple effect and now

in our community

and in um just people that have been

influenced by

just looking at us they don’t know us

from afar it’s one of the things that

they say

is hey thanks for telling us we can just

be ourselves yeah and even even

that will preach that it was 20 years

ago a decision that you made

that had an outcome 22 decades later in

your life that had a positive

thing because sometimes we make

decisions and you know we look at those

decisions in an isolated way and we

don’t know

what the payoff of that is later we just

know that right now

you know that just speaks to obedience i

mean i know that that wasn’t like an

obedience from the lord thing or maybe

it was for you

yeah but but i think sometimes when

we’re obedient in these small things

that don’t seem to connect in any way


or form anything else you cannot see the

ripple effect but

what you can do is be obedient and let

god work out what the ripple effect is

in your life

and you know just getting back to what

you were saying because i do want to ask

you about rest because rest is a thing

like you’re a good no you have the

anointing of no

on your life and you just believe that

if something

and you can talk about the positive and

negatives of this but if something

brings out too much stress if it brings


too much drama you’ll be like i don’t

need to

where i kind of run towards it the more

stressful it is the better

you know what i mean my adrenaline is my

friend kind of i mean

you’re kind of like no i don’t i don’t

want to

you you are good at saying no you are

good at resting

you are good at waiting you don’t feel

the frenzy like when we talk about a lot

of women who

are they’ll come up to you know you and

say you know i want to do what you want

to do

and they’re in this frenzy to make it

happen you know how do i speak

how do i write how do i and you’re just


i just you know be faithful in your

local church and let god do what he’s

gonna do

because you didn’t that wasn’t your mo

to go and create

um that way you you operate from a place

of rest a lot like winter you and winter

are like in in that way a little bit

so can you talk about what you’ve y’all

winter is our cousin if you don’t know

um who’s more like a sister who passed

away a couple of years ago

so and she napped all the time but wrote

10 books in four years so there’s that

so anyway okay so talk about

what you think people need to understand

about rest and what you’ve learned about


maybe by design and what we can

work on in that department in this


well i think that our entire culture

pulls us away from um anything that is

god’s image created in us because we are

a reflection of the very image of god

so all the aspects of god’s character

that he wove into our beings

our culture because it’s the world and

evil is prevalent it’s going to pull us

away from all of that

rest is one of the components of god’s

character it’s one of the very first

things we see him display

i mean just you know i’m just going back

for a second before i just get into

practical ways it looks

for me yeah but you know he rested on

the seventh day and it wasn’t because he

was tired it was because

rest was the capstone of creation

and so it’s a part of his image that is

supposed to be reflected in us

now of course we live in the western

world who has

sort of demonized rest that that it’s

something we need to

feel guilty about that we need to be

afraid that we’re missing something

that the world is moving on without us

hustle is celebrated

ambition is celebrated and there’s

nothing wrong with any of those things

i was actually just thinking back i’m 45

now and i was thinking back over the


20 years and i’m like oh my gosh looking

in the mid in the moment

of course there were times i felt like

it but in in the moment when i was doing


i didn’t feel like i was hustling i just

felt like i was writing the bible study

that was on my heart to write or i was

doing that project or i was

raising small kids or you know you’re

doing your thing but i look back on it

and i’m like oh my goodness the pace at

which we were producing

whether it was babies or whether it was

ministry materials

or whatever i look back on it and go wow

thank you lord for that season

but it does not mean i have to keep up

that pace for my entire life

that it’s okay to also

rest and that rest is an achievement in

and of itself

because in the culture that we live in

it is counter-cultural

to choose that reflection of the image

of god in our life

to just rest so i do have a no anointing

you do my life that is true um and

those no’s are not always easy i said

no in the last couple of days to so many

requests for things like this but the


yeah to be a part of these you can just

think oh that’s so cool

i’ll just do i’ll just do this i’ll say

yes to this i’ll say that yes to this

and if you guys are like me then what

you know is when you say yes to stuff

sometimes it’s not until you get to that


that you have all the yeses to fulfill

that you look at it and go

oh my goodness i didn’t even realize

that every yes meant that there is a no

to the fact that my kids are here at


now i’m not eating breakfast with them

or we could have taken a walk this

morning now we’re not going to

or i could have had time to read that


that regular life pace has never given

me an opportunity to read

and now i still can’t do it because i’ve

said yes to 800 things

so um to your point crystal i’m always

checking in with myself to see

is this particular yes worth whatever

the cost is

okay sometimes it is like for example

i am up at seven in the morning

with my sister so i will tell y’all

that i used to be an early morning

person i’d get up every morning crystal

would tell you

before the sun came up and i would walk

run in the neighborhood i love that and

then come home get breakfast ready for

the kids

that’s that’s my i’m an early person but

the last

i don’t know what is happening to me i

don’t know if it’s

age i don’t know if it’s if it’s horror


or just honestly the last couple of

years that we’ve had

yes the last couple of years that we’ve


and then on top of you know our mom

passing away this last

december on the low of that and then

going into the surgery that i had to


i have not been able to muster up a get

up in the morning

situation and so my point

in saying all of that was there’s a

couple layers of that but one is

that my sister’s saying let’s do this


that’s one of the things that’s a yes

because it’s my sister saying

let’s do this together there is a value

there’s a cost

value balance that you have to look at

there is another call that i got to do

something i would have loved to done

with a lot

love to do with a lot of people in

ministry crystal but when they sent the

request through it wasn’t going to be an

interview like this

they gave me 10 words and i needed to

develop a message on those ten words

from the scriptures and it was and i

needed to record it pre-record it send

it in at a certain time i would love to

do that

but when i felt the strain and the

pressure sort of rising

when am i going to do that my kids are

home how am i going to sit down to

develop my thoughts to make sure that i

communicate clearly

where am i going to record at because

there’s a lot of noise in the house

right now

when it’s not early in the morning where

am i going to record when am i when i

started to weigh that

and just check inward and think wait a

minute i’m starting to feel stressful


is it worth the stress right now with

the dynamic that i have going on in my

home and the other yeses i’ve already


for that what i had to say no and i

would have loved to do it but it wasn’t

going to be worth the cost

right now so i think we don’t take

enough time

to check inward and go wait a minute

what is this doing to my blood pressure

there’s enough demands things that we

have to do for life

we have to cook we have to clean we have

to wash those dishes we got to help the

kids with the laundry we’ve got to make

sure they’re homeschooled now

we got a home school jokers

we have other family obligations and we

want to have time i want to have time to


yeah our mother said to us particular

she said it to us period

but particularly in the last days of her


over and over again she said y’all need

to stop and smell the roses she kept

saying that

because the truth is our mother had a

beautiful life but she was clear with us

that if she could go back and do

something differently it would have been

that she would have stopped to smell the

roses more frequently

so i am determined not to get to the end

of my life and realize

i hustled and hustled and did all this


but i never actually just enjoyed

having a cup of coffee with a friend or

having a cup of coffee by myself in the

room or watching a

a program that i wanted to watch or

reading a novel which i am right now

um i love theology books and all that

but sometimes

why not make room to just read a novel

so no saying no to stuff is what leaves

margin for you to have nothing on your

calendar so that you can just

enjoy that is so good

and you know i i was thinking um

you’ve told me too because when i’m

trying to make decisions

you’ll say that is is the yes worth the


but another layer of that is is you’re


think about um

will this still be something that you’re

glad you did

like get something in your head that you

would be sad that you missed

you know so it might be like for me last

year the the decision was a football

game because if i’m gonna go out of town

and i have to fly in on a friday night

i’m going to miss a football game

so that became kind of my cersei you

know my little thing that makes

made me think is this little thing worth

the cost of that and i i have to go out

sometimes it’s a part of what i do

but is this event worth that cost so you

have to get that thing in your mind

and kind of juxtapose the decision

against that one thing

and that made it easier for me because i

didn’t know what the football schedule

was going to be i couldn’t plan a year

in advance to know exactly when every

single game was going to be

so i had to say if i miss it and i’m

going to have to miss some

is this ever event worth missing that or

is this commitment worth missing that

because some of these i’m going to miss

and some of them y’all i left my

schedule open for

and you and you just don’t know until

you get there

yeah you just don’t know and sometimes

it was a weekend at home and i would

look up and be like

am i at home oh my gosh and he doesn’t

have a football game and we can just

have a weekend

as a family to just go to the park like


sometimes it’s just nothing and you

don’t even know that you need nothing

until you get

yes and it takes courage yes

because when you say no to that


opportunity what you’re saying is

i trust god enough that if i let this go

for what i feel like he’s telling me is

a better yes

that if i let this go if this thing is

for me it’s coming back around

it’s coming back around i don’t have to

yeah i don’t have to do it now

the opportunity will still be there and

if it’s not

it’s okay because there will be

something better that comes along there

will always be ministry opportunity

there will always be opportunity to

write the book later another year

whatever so i just think we have to have

enough courage to know

to trust god he’s got us i don’t have to

be in everything and also can i just say

because now i don’t want to forget this

and also i i saw somebody asking

what i’m reading i knew they were going

to ask i was going to ask you

i was afraid i know and i’m going to

tell you with the disclaimer that i

cannot vouch for every single thing in

the book but it’s jodie pakultz

oh great things oh i’m reading jodie


yes all great things which probably 100

people have told me

it’s incredible i’m about three quarters

way through and it’s really good she’s

an incredible writer too

but i will give you the disclaimer i

will give you the disclaimer because

how far are you in it i’m about halfway

three quarters through and the language

isn’t great the whole way

yeah so that is the disclaimer but the

reason is because

i mean yeah it’s still to me yeah to me

i wouldn’t you know i wouldn’t certainly

let kids read it for sure right

but the content the cultural phenomenon

what you

learn about races and the way they see


it is it is a great novel incredible

absolutely and if you’re looking for


good novel one of my favorite of all

time is called the red

tent by anita diamond it’s a legendary

story it’s great now you have to know

going in it’s fiction

so it’s based on the biblical story of

the 12 sons of

the love triangle of jacob rachel and


um from dinah’s perspective the youngest

daughter so she talks about all that


but it’s a novel so it doesn’t you might

be offended because you’re like thinking

it’s gotta follow the bible by the

letter but you have to remember it’s a

fictional story and if you go in with

that perspective

then you can just appreciate the fiction

of it but i mean it is

a it’s a captivate story okay but what’s

the other

oh oh but what’s the other book is it

redeemed redeem

redeem redeeming love oh redeeming love

redeeming love is another really good

fictional christian baseball

facebook okay yes go ahead where are we

gonna this is what i was gonna say back

to the whole

resting and saying no not only does it

give you margin

but this is what i love about my nose in

this day and age

what i love about my nose is that it

leaves room

for somebody else to say yes i love that

if i say yes to every everything that


in my setting wants me to speak at this

is my case wants me to speak at or every

book they want me to co-write

or every even film that they want me to

be a part of or every if

if i say yes to everything every

organization people want me to be the

president of

at the pta and you know how it is with

your life people want you to do

everything and they volunteer you and

nominate you and it makes you feel so

good that they want you to come

but if you say every yes to everything

and run yourself ragged not only are you


but you haven’t left empty space for

folks coming up behind you

to have room to to receive an invitation

like that

i love that there’s space left that some

young minister young woman um

or older woman whoever that when i am

not able

to look at it to come the committee goes

back to the table and goes who else can

we invite

and they look down the list and they

find other women who are

capable and who are called and who

um are gifted to step into that role so

i think it’s a gift to others when we

don’t run ourselves ragged saying yes to

everything it’s true it’s a gift to


including those people you just

mentioned it’s a gift to our families

it’s a gift to our friends

that when a friend has a need that

actually i’m not out of town this

weekend and sure i can come to your

birthday party

like all of those things it it makes the

matter okay and that’s a gift to


yes girl i know but i need to accept

that gift a little bit more often

because you know

so let’s talk about it no no no this is

not to chat with priscilla

but i’m working on it are you

i am working on it like like this all

this whole situation right here

it’s actually fun for me it’s relaxing

for you yeah like like i like to read

and i do do that um i’ve got to c you

should see the stack on the side of my

bed right now

but but i also love technology and


yeah you do i do so they totally stress

me out yeah so last night anthony did a

live and he called me he said

do you happen to know someone who has a

ring light i was like

i got a ring light you know

i had to go film daddy for something the

other day i came and brought all my gear

and he was like why do you have all this

i was like because i just

i do you love all that yeah i do okay so

before we bring this to a close i do

want to take some questions i mean

i also want to tell you before i ask

priscilla a couple of questions

if you feel alone and you’re like i

actually am in need of community

there is a sister circle the sister

circle facebook group

you can find out more about that at

crystalevinshurst.comfacebookgroup and

there’s a great community there’s 4 000

women in there

and we’d love to have you join okay


now how are you feeling do people want

to know

how are you feeling you got half a lung

you’re walking around on this earth

with half a lung how are you actually

oh your father is

is so on me about this um virus

situation because i have half a lung so

every day

he’s like okay are you you’re not around

people are you you can’t be around

anybody you have to stay safe you get

do wear your masks wear your gloves it’s

so funny listening to him

i’m like daddy i’m still around nobody

it’s okay i’m okay

but it’s really great um anyway thank

you guys for asking

i’m feeling really good and i think my

sister could vouch for that to say that

i have had such huge progress it’s been

i think 10 weeks since if you don’t know

i had something in my

upper lobe of my left lung and they

couldn’t just take the thing out

it was too embedded in my lung they had

to take my whole upper lobe out

of my lung and it was a it was a tough

surgery i

i didn’t think i expected that i think i

kind of minimized what it was going to

be like

and it was tough um and my was in

the hospital with me spending the night

and taking care of me and um

and then it took a lot to recover and

i’m still recovering but

just a little tenderness on the side now

not really hurting anymore

i’m sleeping well and i just all i have

to do now the biggest thing the hurdle

to get over is

the increase in lung capacity so the

lord designed our bodies

to where our lungs expand so my lower

lobe on that side should begin to expand

and take up the space that is lost

there now or that is there now because i

lost a lung

or a lobe of a lung so that just means i

have to walk which i am

walking in the neighborhood and riding

stationary bike and

um you know just using my lungs that’s

the way you have to increase capacity

so in and of itself you do realize that

right because when you want to sit

around all day during the quarantine

watching netflix

you got to go outside and get some

exercise and sweat a little bit and

build up the capacity

so that’s the only way my lung capacity

will increase

so i’m working on that and it’s going to

take it’s going to take a while they

said it would be six months to a year

before i feel like i’m not

because you tried to do a push-up the

other day and your body was like

love said not so i know it

it feels so weird because you know i’m a

push-up kind of girl

regularly yeah and i was doing the

push-ups crystal and i got through the


but i i mean there was a strain

over here that i was like oh yeah my

body’s not my body’s not ready for that

yet yeah

but i can’t resist i can’t resist when

you’re in the hospital you know

immediately the next day they want you

to get up and walk and you’re like

you’ve got to be kidding me and they

said no

we need you to work on your capacity

like from

jump and the only way that you’re going

to do that is to get up and walk and you

didn’t want to walk

you didn’t feel like it you were in pain

you you were you were like are you


but they were like the only way to

ensure that your lungs will do what

they’re supposed to do post surgery

is to exercise is to move and i just

think y’all

here’s the deal there are a lot of

things in life that we don’t feel like

doing but the only way you’ll build up

the capacity

to take up the space that you’re

designed to take up in your life

is to do the hard thing and you don’t

feel like it you don’t want to you might

be in pain you might be crying

because you were crying a lot in the

hospital but now i don’t remember that

that’s because you were highly drugged i

remember that and i also think you know

you were not only highly drugged and you

were in pain but we have been we had


you know you had your surgery what two

weeks after we buried mom oh

one week one week three buried mom yeah

two weeks absolutely

so i just looked at you and i just you

could you said i in the recovery room

you kept saying i don’t know why

you had tissue on the bed you were just

pulling tissues out you’re like i don’t

know what

and then crying was making your lungs

hurt it was a mess but i said you know

but priscilla

we probably we’ve cried but we haven’t

cried cried

we we went we went into funeral mode and

then we went into priscilla has to have

surgery mode

and those drugs girl open the floodgates

so you had no inhibition

with tears for pain or tears for mom

and um you know that’s a whole nother

thing but anyway i just wanted to

encourage y’all when life is hard

do the hard thing keep moving because it

builds up your capacity

okay um yeah somebody just asked how are

you guys handling the grieving

grieving process how do you think you’re

handling it so

you know that is a very good question


not sure i think that one of the


and i say this gently because i know

that the quarantine has been very hard

on a lot of people

financially and economically and

relationally oh it’s tough

but if there is one of the benefits i

think for us it’s been that we’ve

had time to sit down somewhere

and feel stuff because we have been

busy like crystal just said our


passed away a month before our mom so we

had to plan his funeral

basically clean out my father’s

childhood home which was the home my

grandfather still

was was in you know so we had to go

clean that out get all the stuff we

wanted to keep for posterity sake

because that that was our last

real um tangible link to baltimore which

is where it’s from so we did that in


then our mom passed away at the end of

december and we had this surgery

i mean it craziness planning monster

rule was like planning a major


i say that because there were four

thousand people that came and in person

in person in person and then it was live

streaming or live streamed yeah

which we weren’t trying to make it a

production when you had

my mom was a pastor’s wife for 49 years

i’m sorry 44 years they were married 49


so when you have when you’re in a

community embedded in a community for

that long we know 50 people aren’t


right so the whole thing was filled to

capacity we had to plan for overflow

in the gym across the street so anytime

you’re planning for

people like that oh my gosh it takes so

much work

so we were working through that then of

course recovering from the surgery

so i think sitting here um

there’s just this um ability to sit

still for a minute

and feel stuff we weren’t feeling when

we were busy so i feel grateful for that

and every time we go over to dad’s house

which is

basically every day one or both or more

of us are over there he’s like why are

y’all coming back we were like because

we love you

i know and it’s not like we didn’t like

being at our parents house now

office so now we’re all up on him and i

spent the night the other night

on saturday night and sunday morning

real early in the morning i tiptoed in


and i just got it that i laid on the

edge of the bed and i folded up in the

blanket and so then we went we both went

back to sleep

we talked a little while then we slept

in there for for a while

and that was really cool but i was going

to say going back to the house i love

just going through mom’s stuff

you know so just we will all go through

there and comb through her stuff

smell her clothes look at her jewelry

remembering her taking the time yeah

taking the time looking at her little


stories yeah i mean and i think i’m

making room for that

i think i’m making room that i mean i

went over there um

yes but nobody was home yeah nobody was

home like dad went out of town and i was


and y’all i just went i was actually

looking for one thing

and uh y’all let me know if y’all can

hear me and then priscilla when you see

me you can jump on

but i was looking for something and i

just you know when dad’s there

i don’t he has given us permission to

look through i just still feel like

you know i don’t want to do all that

when he’s at home

yeah rummaging through everything yeah

so i was happy that he wasn’t there so

that i could

just do what i wanted to do so um

anyway i went in there and i just busted

out crying

but i was just in the house crying and

talking to her for

like three hours so i feel like i’m

grieving the way i need to grieve and

making room

so i think i’m making room and i think

that’s the thing i think in life

mommy when her dad died um one of the

things she said is that she was

not doing well and she went to the

doctor and the doctor said your dad died

and have you actually you you it takes

at least a year to be physically in a

normal place

you need to make the room to grieve your

dad and i never forgot that so she just

slowed down she just slowed down she

sure did she slowed down

and so that’s to me like i agree with

you priscilla this season is a slow down

season which gives us some room

but i’m also creating that i’ll just

look at my husband and i’ll just be like

i gotta go

i’ll be like where are you going i’m

going to dad’s house is your dad okay

yep i’m just going to go sit there i

don’t even know if he’s there

i’m just going to go sit there i just

want to sit with her things i want to

sit in her house i want to look around

and just be there um


yeah and then when i feel like crying i


yep and i think i’ll always be crying

for the rest of my life maybe not as


and from everything i’ve heard and read

grief just becomes a companion

it’s not anything that you ever get rid


it just becomes a part of your life and

something that stays with you all the


mommy will be with me for the rest of my


yeah and i think including her even when

sometimes that makes me sad

is okay yep yeah you you

you feel sad because you loved well and

were loved

yeah you had the opportunity to love so

as the tears come now okay

i’ll just give you one more question i

think um

okay um this is a good question she said

how can people rest

right now in the quarantine season if

they are continually being pulled

by live broadcast churches businesses

everybody’s online doing something does

it come down to a personal


to say no and just to log off

that’s exactly yes that’s exactly what i

was thinking

you control how much content is consumed

by you

and that is consumed in your home you

this is your

your home is your place your mind is

your place where you get to control

what comes through the windows of your

eyes and into your mind so if you are

not able to sleep

at night and your anxiety is high and

you are stressed out

because you can’t get off of instagram

or social media or watching the news

then you have to take personal ownership

of that um and you have to do that not

only for you

but for your family you’re the

gatekeeper for your family okay

this is one thing that crystal is so

good at that i

i have to work on more crystal will put


a certain kind of music that she wants

to hear i do that as well

what worship music through the house and

there’s certain hours of the day

for us it’s mostly in the morning where

they’re not they can’t have

earbuds in or earpods or hair earphones


air fixtures or whatever everybody else

has they can’t have that in because i

want them to be in the context i’ve


so i’m going to play a certain kind of

music and at crystal’s house it’s so

programmed into their life that now the

kids get up and go mom what do you want

me to put on today

and she then she tells them and they put

it on they can’t change it to what they

want to listen to

because she’s in control of the

atmosphere she wants to set for her


so i will say the same thing to you that

if you feel like you can’t handle the

influx of information turn it off

turn it off it’s like it’s like going to

a movie theater

i don’t want to go see movies that

stress me out that’s my choice i can go

see the horror movie that just came out

it’s there it’s available for me i can

go see the shoot em up

action thriller whatever i can go see

that if i wanted to

but i choose not to because the state

that that puts me in the stress that i


that is not conducive to me enjoying

this salty hot buttery popcorn i’m going

to consume

with this coke so what i want is a


something so if i’m going to go to the

movies that’s the choice i’m going to

make for myself

so that’s the same thing with your house

and with your own mind and with your


choose the things that are actually

going to be conducive to

the kind of atmosphere internally and

externally that you’re trying to


yeah and just so you know it’s not that

we don’t ever listen to their music

i just that’s at a certain point during

the day and somebody’s asking what am i

listening to

it’s a pandora station that’s usually

tuned into hillsong

bethel travis green kiara sheared

you know i’m going gospel but it’s

usually the christian spectrum sometimes

it’s massage music and

joel says mommy turn off the sleepy

music sometimes it’s classical

but i just decide um spotify playlists

work as well so you can control the

atmosphere in their home but then at a

certain time

my kids like video game theme songs they

on the spotify turn that on and i listen

to that crap but it’s okay

like we you know plenty of room in the

family um as we leave somebody wants to

know what time are your boys getting up

in the morning like now that you’re into

your swing

what is your household rhythm do you

have one yet

no i don’t think we really have a rhythm

yet they’re they’re kind of waking up

when they want to wake up

like around nine ish i would say is when

everybody starts to move around

and i’m okay with everybody waking up

when they want to at this point

and just when they do they know i know

i’m going to get their attention because

they don’t have

electronics they can’t turn on anything

we only have one television upstairs

um so there’s not like there’s a tv in

each of their rooms or anything like


so i know they’re coming down they’re

going to have breakfast together we’re

going to be together

so it doesn’t matter as much when they

do but as soon as everybody starts

trickling down

which is like when we get off this call

we’ll be together for a little while and

we don’t really have a rhythm and


crystal’s more of a rhythm organized

here’s the way our day is going kind of

person and i’m not that way i have to

work toward

being rigid like that i’m not really

like that so i don’t know if we’ll ever

get to a

because i’m kind of like as long as

y’all’s work is finished i’m done

your chores are finished and done you’ve

been responsible with your time

then i’m good with that and you know

they’re teenage boys so a lot of times

they’re not and then i have to

go all right well then you got to be up

at a certain time and but i’m kind of


letting them be we’re getting up we

normally get up at 7 30

we’ve been uh and down for breakfast at

eight ish

i moved it everything back an hour but

that now they have classes online

so like trey and kanan have an english

class this morning at 10 o’clock on zoom

so i got to get them up and feed them

breakfast and get them going so there’s

kind of you know there’s external

um landscape that we have to consider

yeah priscilla thanks for joining me

sorry about the technical difficulties

but thanks for being flexible

it’s okay but we have one more question

we have to answer someone just asked

what chores are our boys doing and i

just thought that was really cool

because i thought you got to go listen

to whatever question you want to answer

well i just want to answer because i

thought it was a fun question so my boys

have to do their own laundry

and they have to clean their own spaces

upstairs and then they have to

participate in the stuff that

we all convene around like the kitchen

so we all participate in the kitchen and

that sort of thing

but they got to do their own laundry and

this is why i wanted to answer this

question because

jerry’s mom has been living with us for

a while now a bit over a year

so their grandmother is here so i


that their laundry was folded in these

perfect squares

i was like this is amazing boys

congratulations on your

laundry but i also was a little suspect

because there’s nothing about their


potential that has reached that level of


i don’t even fold like that so anyway i

notice now they are washing and drying

their clothes then they take the whole

basket and they put it in front of

granny and she has been secretly

folding all of their clothes for them

well listen i want to i want to tell you

that we had a rude awakening because i

do i mean it’s honest

i do have somebody that helps me clean

which we we

we both agreed that right now let’s just

yeah let’s both agree so i looked at my

boys and i said

y’all um our friend is not coming this

week so they do their own laundry and

they do clean their spaces they do help

with dinner

they do wash dishes but they had not


in a while yeah they had not scrubbed

their toilet

you know beyond just like keeping it up

like they keep it up but in turn like

deep clean

then deep cleaned that bathroom in a

while and i said oh well y’all

now’s a good time to practice they were

like what i said

absolutely let me refresh because i said


here’s the blessing in this for you one


you’re going to love your wife and

you’re going to want to know

how you can help her bless her support


when she goes to work and you go to work

how y’all can work together as a kid

clean the toilet yes clean the toilet do

the dishes

know how to chop up some onions you

don’t understand right now i am blessing


for the rest of your life as you walk in

you want to say hi come in say hi

huh kanan or jolie it’s my

nephew kanan i love you canaan

i’ll be done then it’s oatmeal today

because i know you’re going to ask me

but it’s always oatmeal on mondays

see you in a second close the door see

how organized she is because no that’s

not organized it’s because

i don’t want to think so every monday is

oatmeal every tuesday is a smoothie and

some kind of bread banana bread pumpkin

bread biscuit

toast wednesday is bacon eggs and toast

thursday it’s gonna be

what is thursday like a it’s a

hodgepodge hodgepodge day like cream of

rice something like that

fridays every friday every friday for 18

years i’ve made pancakes

every friday but now they make the

pancakes but we have pancakes on friday

i just don’t want to think so meal

planning is a way

that i don’t think so it’s not it’s not

and also you’re very organized

yeah but you i plan it you do it

i’ll be playing until the cows come home

it’ll be beautiful i have photo albums

like i print pictures and i put them

organized they’re done they’re printed

they’re done they’re labeled because i i

just am overwhelmed by all the digital

pictures i still wish for the days of i

sound so old but i wish we had film

because then you had a thing you printed

the pictures you got the photos and


you can view them you know people can

see them in your photo albums or


but now crystal plans to to print


and she wouldn’t beautiful pictures i’m

the one with the dslr

i got the lighting you know i got look

light light all this stuff

but do my pictures get printed nope i

just take a photo

and and write something beside it that

reminds me

you do things there’s a value in not

always planning because you actually

then do the thing

i have a million dollars overthinker

because because you are an overthinker

we all look smarter because we can ask

you any questions and get responses

they call me they’re walking google

pretty much they’re like crystal nose

all right we gotta feed our kids this


oh what’d you say i’m gonna go make some

coffee for myself this morning and

and uh enjoy the fact that i’m up early

and i have not been for this whole

quarantine i have been a little

unable to get up this early yeah and i

know i’ve got to leave myself some time

to put on my eyeliner are you wearing

eyelashes today

or you’re not going to bother well if

this is like tbn

is like international yeah so you’re

going to put on your eyelashes

i i might i’ll see how they look with

just mascara on if they look pretty

presentable then i’m not going to put

them yeah i’m going to go put on my

eyelashes my magnetics

they’re wonderful i haven’t tried the

magnets yet no

they’re really a blessing to the body of

christ i’m trying to anti-eyelash at


but what happened you were getting into

a regular every sunday thing

no just a couple times i did it because

i just but

what happened i thought you were like

this is great i’m getting good at

putting them on and stuff

but i’m talking about just the idea of

wearing fake eyelashes as a regular part

of life

not regular just for tv well it does it


on television when i watch it back i go

oh i see i do see the difference it just

helps you to look

your eyes look more clear on camera so i

get it but it’s just this whole like

i wish we could all just relax a little


not have to be so decorated right i’m on

i’m on with that

the reason being is because you know i

don’t want to get dressed on a daily

basis anyway

so there’s that we’ll discuss that on

the next live

yes i’m trying to fix something here you

guys um i’m gonna let priscilla

go i want to let you know though if i

can fix this

i don’t even know if i can fix it volume

yeah she says we need volume in the

eyelashes i understand

i understand i’m gonna put some on sis

because you said i need some volume in

the eyelashes i’m going to do okay

trying to be can i tell you all about an

interview i did please um

we’re doing this little blog series at


and it’s just ten questions that we send

to interesting people

and they answer them and then we put it

up on our blog you know old school

blogs so anyway right now

um there’s one jackie hill perry was

first and then emmanuel

acho who we grew up with and he’s now an

espn correspondent

and he loves the lord in doing his job

so um every other week i think we’re

putting up a new

interview we’ve got some great people

lined up to just answer 10 fun questions

so if you go to going anthony

oh you’re at my sister’s house

he had he had to bring me the ring light

back because i need it for today he had

to bring me the ring light back that’s


y’all are together without me

but y’all yes go to goingbeyond.com

priscilla writes for sure but then she

also has great interviews and great blog

articles so don’t

basically y’all we want to be helpful

and email is the way we can do that so

check out her site check out mine and

now we have to go check on our kids

because yeah because they’re they’re

waking up thanks priscilla this was fun

it always is

it was fun is that mandissa mandissa hey


german jesus is coming on with me


is she we’re going to talk about being

single 20 years

we’re going to be we’re going to talk

about being single in the quarantine and

being alone in

the community like that part of it yeah

anyway we love y’all

have a great day say no say no

quarantine your hair read a good book

watch a good movie

and ask god what he wants to teach this


mine is on the screen oh if you’re not

on in on instagram it’s not it’s crystal


crystal evanshurst.com priscilla is

going beyond.com

and we both want to resource you and

serve you and email helps us to do that

crystalevanthurst.com sign up for the

email list going beyond you can sign up

for her newsletter

and that way you won’t miss a thing bye