Best sermon 2023, Watch online sermons of famous preachers

Bigger Than You Think – Bishop T.D. Jakes

The greatest impact our lives can have isn’t in the moment where greatness begins: it’s what happens before that moment. Those moments where we live out the mundane and the minuscule tasks of our lives, thinking that none of it matters; but it’s bigger than you think. Every lesson you’ve learned, every battle you’ve fought, […]


Out of Mind Faith – Facing the Giants

Do you want to fulfill God’s call on your life? Once you make that decision, God will equip you with everything you need to face your giants — fear and failure, insurmountable problems or issues, or a situation of adversity that gets out of control, thus making it difficult to resolve—and overcome them! In this […]


Dreams & Visions, Final Teaching

[Music] no to our precious Jesus today who say he delivers and this is your day I’m gonna begin administering the word but before I do let’s just pray wonderful Lord Jesus we come today in high expectation Lord in high faith today as you show us from your word how to hear your voice […]


Ask Andrew – Can women be pastors?

all right today I’m going to be answering some questions that we’ve gotten from our Facebook and right here is a question from nighted I believe is the way you pronounce it and it says can women become pastors of a church you know I suspect with this name this might be somebody from Africa […]