This message is for the Independent….You Need H.E.L.P! Pastor Brie Davis reminds us that everything in the kingdom is turned upside down and maturity in Christ means acknowledging our absolute need for God. As you journey towards spiritual transformation, remember to root yourself in LOVE, not fear. Enter a new phase in your spiritual walk, equipped with these four major keys: Heal your Head Encounter Empowerment Lean into Love Pray for Purity We invite you to take communion with us, asking God where He needs to purify your heart and motive, then create a silent space to hear his response. May this message serve as guidance for the next steps in your transformational journey. Embrace the H.E.L.P. you need and continue growing in Christ! Scripture References ROMANS 7:15 NLT JEREMIAH 17:9-10 NLT ROMANS 7:15-17, 21-25 NIV ROMANS 8:5-6 NLT ROMANS 8:11 NLT ROMANS 8:38-39 NLT Psalm 121:1 KJV Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST), Mondays for Monday Night Prayer at 6pm (CST), and Tuesdays for Rebroadcast at 6:45 pm (CST). If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 828282. We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing [email protected]! If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here

. You can also text “GIVE” to 828282 to give using your mobile device. If you need prayer, email [email protected]! For more information about Transformation Church, visit or follow us on our social media platforms below. Instagram-…


00:00 – Intro 10:03 – Romans chapter 7 verse 15 NLT 19:44 – 1. Humility is to know that in order to be more than, I must be less than. 20:40 – 2. Humility is to be at peace with my fragility and God’s forgiveness 21:45 – 3. Where I want to land today: humility is recognizing that I always need help 24:18 – Romans chapter 7 verses 15 through 17 & 21 through 25 NIV 27:40 – 1. Heal your head 28:02 – Romans chapter 8 verses 5 & 6 NLT 37:00 – 2. Encounter empowerment 37:07 – Romans chapter 8 verse 11 NLT 44:03 – 3. Lean into love 45:14 – Romans chapter 8 verses 38 & 39 NLT 47:47 – 4. Pray for purity

what’s going on my name is Will and I

have the honor and the privilege as

serving as one of the leaders here at

Transformation Church I just want to say

thank you so much for tuning in from

wherever you are watching from and if

you haven’t already be sure to like And

subscribe we believe that God has such

an incredible word for you today so

let’s jump into this amazing message


thank you



worship is already almost taken me out

today y’all


I have a message about freedom

and I don’t I didn’t know that they were

going to sing those songs in worship

today I had no idea that they were going

to talk about chains being broken and

how great our God is and today I’m so

fired up because I have a message on the

freedom of God that we can all get to

that we can all attain in our own lives

and so what I want to do is I want to

pray let’s start off as you’re standing

up on your feet God we are so grateful

dang you’re just so grateful

that you are a good and great God

that you are a god

that in our frailties and our weakness

that you welcome that so that you can be


in this place right now

Let Freedom reign

let us fill it on our skin let us fill

it in our hearts

Let Freedom reign in this place

let us walk out of here feeling lighter

because there have been chains broken

off of us

let us walk out of here with a new

pattern in our minds that speak towards

and lean towards freedom in our lives

let us leave this place god with freedom

not just for ourselves but every person

we come in contact with every person in

our generational line in our families

and at our jobs Lord God freedom in our

friendships Lord Jesus we will not be


that have a form of godliness and deny

the power thereof we will not be

religious tombstones

we will not be religious statues but we

will be individuals that walk out and

live out and give out freedom in our

lives God

it has become normal for Christians to

be bound and stay bound

but not in this place

not today

today God we are ready for whatever it

is you want to give us so open up our

minds open up our hearts remind us that

the great king of king lives on the

inside of us

and we carry this Freedom everywhere we


it’s in the name of Jesus we pray and

everybody says

amen amen once you give God a shot of

Praise right there


I am ready please yes have a seat have a

seat in the sanctuary Hallelujah my name

is Bree and I have the honor and

privilege of serving here at

Transformation Church I’ve been here now

for uh 11 years on staff I first came to

the church in 2007 when I moved to Tulsa

to go to college and that’s back when it

was Greenwood Christian Center any GCC

folk in the house

that’s right that’s right okay so I’m so

grateful to to be here I am truly truly

humbled to be able to share a word from

the Lord with you today I take it as an

honor and a privilege it is not one of

those I work here so I should be able to

preach here it is not that at all I

truly believe that um this is

a humbling experience for me to be able

to share God’s word with his sons and

with his daughters and so I want to say

uh thank you to our pastors Pastor Mike

and Natalie they’re on sabbatical right

now and I pray that you have lifted them

up in prayer too that this has just been

a time of rest and ease for them we want

them to come back with fresh vision and

energy to do what God has called them to

do in their lives and shout out to all

the pastors all around the globe that

are taking sabbaticals this summer


take care of you that’s good I’m married

to the love of my life his name is Aaron



I told him I was going to ask him to

stand up and wave today and he told me

do not do that so I love you husband

thank you so much for being my support I

was going to say my partner in crime but

I’m an Enneagram one I will not do any

crime I will tell on you I have no

problem with that everyone in my

friendship knows if you do something

wrong I will call the police

terrified of getting in trouble



my assignment today is very specific

it is to preach Freedom into this place

that there are places in each and every

single one of us that is still bound to

our fleshly sinful desires and that

there is a way of Escape that God has

called us to live life and life more

abundantly and as we grow and mature in

our relationship with God we recognize

that salvation was a moment that took

place and newness was introduced to us

and we were invited into newness yet

transformation is a lifelong journey

to become more like Christ does not

happen in an instant it is not the

moment that we press profess Christ as

our Lord and savior that all of our ways

that we disobey God turn into ways we

obey him right it takes time it takes

some intentionality it takes a lifetime

so today I want to preach a message that

is true to the vision here at TC today

is representing Sunday we represent God

to the lost and found for what

today we’re going to talk about

transformation in Christ and what that

looks like in our lives now what we know

is there we’ve had some some beautiful

ladies come this month and share some

beautiful words with us and there was

one thing that I kept the steam kept

sticking out to me as these women were

preaching is this theme of newness that

God wants to do something new in our

lives and if you if you’re in this place

if you want something new God to do

something new or you feel invited into

God doing something new come on make

some noise

there is this newness the scripture says

see I am doing a new thing a new season

a new calling new relationships a new

job whatever it may be for you newness

in our mind God is inviting us into


and the only way we can walk out that

newness because it is so foreign from

our oldness is to be able to walk it out

in the grace of God

Grace is not just sustainability Grace

is empowerment

to walk out the newness that God has

called us into

and the Bible tells us in James

that in order to receive Grace God gives

Grace to one group of people

the humble

that God gives Grace

to the humble

So today we’re going to lean in and

we’re going to talk about this topic

this gift that God has given us called


and how humility has this life-changing

effect on us

to be able to walk out into this

transformation in Christ this newness

that God has for us it comes from this

place of humility so I want to look at

one of the my favorite authors in the

Bible it is Apostle Paul the Apostle

Paul was a phenomenal man that took the

gospel all around the world and he was a

man that had a life-changing experience

on this road and right after he had this

experience with God he went from killing

Christians to going around and preaching

the gospel I mean almost overnight this

is what happened in Paul’s life and the

beautiful thing is this man not only

became an apostle going around and

spreading the gospel but some will call

him a super apostle that almost

one-third of the New Testament was

written by Paul a man that was at one

point killing Christians now going

around and writing in prisons and in

jails writing to these churches the good

news the Gospel of Jesus Christ Paul

writes and he says I had Visions in

Revelation questions so deep that I

can’t even tell you

if I were to tell you you wouldn’t even


Paul Rising says there was one time in a

vision that I was ascended into the

third heaven now I don’t know about

y’all but I only know about One Heaven

okay personally I haven’t been to the

third okay I don’t I don’t know what

happens there but Paul went to the third

heaven this is a man with an intimate

relationship with God a man that went

and took the gospel to the Gentiles a

man that was so intricately involved and

detailed and and integrated with the

spirit of God in his life that he could

go around and teach the gospel in a way

that people’s lives were changed he

loved God and he knew God loved him

and even in all of the revelations and

visions and all of the knowledge and

wisdom that Paul had there was this one

thing that kept perplexing him

this one thing that he just did not he

couldn’t grasp it was like trying to

reach for air he couldn’t get it for

some reason

the scriptures in Romans 7 and 15. I’m

just going to read a portion of the

scripture and then we’ll dig into a

little bit more

Paul writes here and he says

all the things that I know

there’s one thing I don’t really



out of all the things that Paul knows

that he’s going around and telling

people about this living crisis Christ

who went to the cross and all the things

that he could go around and spread his

wisdom on the one thing that he did not


was himself

I don’t know about you but I can relate

I can relate there’s a lot of things

that I can try to grasp my mind around

that I feel like God has given me wisdom

on but don’t go into this one thing

keeps it’s just keep being fleeting to

me and it is myself

let me tell you this story so uh we uh I

had this major event that I was working

on and uh I’m a very organized

individual it is uh specifically why I

have my job that I have here at

Transformation Church I love

organization I had my whole week planned

out I knew exactly what I needed to do

to prepare for hosting this event and my

husband kept asking me the whole time he

was like don’t you need some help don’t

you need somebody to help you I was like

no I got it I’m doing this I’m doing

that I got all these things organized I

know exactly what I need to pick up from

the store all the things and it wasn’t

an arrogant like response I genuinely

thought I had it I thought I was fine so

anyways went through this event and then

a couple days later I took a trip to the

other side of the country and I get on

this plane it’s a 5 a.m flight which I

know that mean you gotta wake up at like

two to get to the airport on time right

so no sleep get on the flight I’m on my

way it’s actually a Ministry engagement

that I’m on my way to and mid flight so

like an hour into the flight I started

not feeling really good and I was like

oh crap no not in the air I cannot do

this right now

I started feeling real nauseous and it

woke me up out of my sleep I was like oh

my God no so I’m trying to do my deep

breathing that I know I need to do

deeply breathe deeply breathe okay this

is going to help you calm your body down

because not only are you feeling sick

now you’re stressed out that’s gonna

make you feel more sick so what you need

to do is you need to just deeply breathe

pray ask God to rescue you right now I

cannot throw up on this plane everyone’s

gonna freak out and so I start doing all

that and then I go okay I gotta get up I

gotta go to the bathroom and try to

handle whatever I need to handle okay so

the stewardess is walking past me and I

am losing all my strength and so I’m

like barely able to lift my head and I

go excuse me it’s just like yeah I said

I need to use the bathroom she said okay

great follow me

now I want to start for a second and say

this is one of the most embarrassing

moments I’ve ever had in my entire life

and I know all y’all Saints like to come

up and talk to me after I preach do not

bring this story up because I’m

sensitive about this story okay

so the sword is is walking past me I

said I need to use the bathroom she says

okay I get up out of my seat

turn around to go down the aisle and I

completely black out

faint in the aisle on the plane at six

a.m now mind you I woke almost everybody

up on the plate okay probably everybody

I hear a complete guest in the whole

plane like that I hear somebody say we

need a nurse we need a nurse I said oh

my God I am alive I know what’s

happening right now I was freaking out

cause all I could think is how did I not

know that I was this weak how did I not

know before I got on this plane that my

body was this depleted how did I not

know that I hadn’t drank enough water

and I hadn’t eaten enough food it was

the latest like are you on any

medications I’m like no she’s like let

me check your blood pressure she’s like

your blood pressure is fine you know

what maybe you just didn’t eat or drink

enough I said oh my God I want it to be

something worse than this please tell me

that I had diabetes or something just so

I can like have a good reason why I


it’s just because I didn’t take care of

myself that week going on that trip

and I was so embarrassed I sat in the

back of the plane after I came to

and I was in the back of the plane and

the lady’s like we have to get you off

before the rest of everybody else I said

ma’am I am begging you please let

everyone go before me she said no man

policy says I walked out like I was at a

COGIC church I swear I was like this

excuse me excuse me the people were

passing me knows they gave me some money

one lady gave me ten dollars I said Lord

Jesus you think I fell out cause I’m

broke I didn’t know what was going on I

was just tipping out just like okay I

gotta get out of here

and this is the crazy thing

I legit thought I was fine

I didn’t have any idea that that was

going to happen on that plane or I would

have never got on that plane I had no


and that’s what we’re going to talk

about today

the topic of the sermon is a thing that

my husband said to me that I believe is

true for all of us as it relates to us

trying to walk out newness and freedom

in our life the title of today’s sermon

is you need help

you need help now it’s so funny because

when I was trying to hear from God on

this sermon I was first I changed it and

I was like I don’t know you need help

sounds too aggressive to say it to

everybody but no

I’m sure that’s what’s the title

supposed to be you need help go ahead

and look at your neighbor and say you

need help

you need help you need help

some of y’all know your neighbor real

well you know they really need some help

stop playing you like girl you know you

need help okay you’ve been needing help

for 10 years now okay

there’s this topic called self-awareness

that we love to talk about and we love

to gloat about we talk about how we are

aware of ourselves and how we know

ourselves so well and there’s also this

thing that lives inside of us that we

don’t actually pay much attention to and

that is the opposite of self-awareness

it is called self-deception

that there are certain things in our

lives that we have deceived ourselves

about ourselves

you know it could be something as simple

as like you know girl I just need let me

take a 30 minute nap and when I get up

we’re gonna be good to go and then you

wake up and it’s 10 o’clock and your

whole house is shut down

oh my I didn’t even know my body needed

that much rest yes

it could be as simple as that time that

you snapped off on somebody and

afterwards you was like why did I why

was I so triggered by that I had no idea

it could be all the way to you know that

guy’s trip that you and your guy your

boys decided to go on and you knew going

on that trip you said I’m gonna do right

I’m being on my best behavior and then

some behavior that took place damaged

you and your entire family

there are parts of us that we are

deceived by

things that we think we know really

really well ourselves being that thing

that honestly humility is not just being

able to see the ways in which we are

self-aware but is to open ourselves up

to the point that we may be deceiving

ourselves in some kind of way I deceived

myself before as I was planning that

whole event and my husband’s like you

need some help I’m like no I don’t need

no help I got it I legit was with

deceiving myself without even knowing

self-deception is that thing that makes

us say things like I don’t see no color


I mean even colorblind people see color

stop playing

everybody see color

self-deception is that thing where we go

no offense but baby if you have to start

your sentence with no offense believe me

you’re about to offend whoever you’re

talking to

self-deception is when we go around and

we think and I want all the married

people to not look at your spouse when I

say this if you have ever thought or

felt or said out loud that you are an

easy person to be married to

I will call that self-deception

you’re a struggle you are The Struggle

Bus okay each and every single one of us


self-deception is that thing that makes

us think we’re not as weak as we

actually are and there’s this common

encouragement that people say right now

to other people and I do believe it is

true it is you are stronger than you

think I do believe 100 you are stronger

than you think more resilient you can

take more things than you think you can

I know for myself I figured out I’m

stronger than I think there’s certain

things I thought I would never be able

to live through I’ve lived through it

now and it’s like oh okay I got that

strength on the inside of me

and today I want to give you another

encouragement and it I promise you if

you allow this to sink in it will take a

load off of you not only are you

stronger than you think

you are indeed weaker than you think too

and the more that we can Embrace that

the more that we can be aware of that

and the more that we can accept that

the more I allow the strength of God to

be what it needs to be on the inside of

me once I realize how weak I actually am

so what we’re doing today is we’re

talking about the topic of humility and

I have just a couple of of definitions

that I want to give you as it relates to

humility humility is knowing that to be

more than I have to be less than

knowing that to be more than I have to

be less dead it is this thing called

downward Mobility now we have all heard

of upward Mobility before it’s up and to

the right everyone wants their life to

go up into the right we want to be

promoted or promoted we want to make

more money we want bigger houses more

cars all the different things downward

Mobility is knowing that the strongest

and the highest I can go is actually on

my knees

it’s actually realizing that the word

humility means not far from the dirt

that I am not far from the dirt and yet

a great God lives on the inside of me

that’s what downward Mobility is so

humility is knowing that to be more than

I have to be less than

humility is also being at peace with my

fragility and God’s forgiveness

it’s not trying to sugarcoat my


it’s not trying to muscle through my


it’s not trying to White Knuckle it

through it instead it’s being at peace

with the fact that I am fragile and yet

in my fragility there is this

forgiveness and this goodness of God

that covers all of that fragility all of

that weakness is being at peace with

both you lean into one you’ll have a

warm theology where you only think

you’re not worthy of God’s love and not

worthy of God’s strength and you’ll lean

only into your fragility and your

weakness if you lean into the other

where you can say maybe I lean out of my

fragility and I lean into God’s

forgiveness I will not see that there

are some things even though God loves me

perfectly I am not perfect and there are

some things that God wants to work out

and change and transform on the inside

of me so it’s holding the tension of

both I am fragile and yet God is a


where we’re going to land today is

humility is recognizing that I always

need help

I always need help now I don’t know

about you but I am

dysfunctionally independent okay

matter of fact my assistant almost on a

regular Sunday basis starts singing

i-n-d-e to me

every time she says do you need some

help and I’m like no I got it she’s like

okay i n d p oh Lord Jesus because I am

dysfunctionally independent and the

thing about the kingdom of God is that

everything is upside down

so in the world that we live in in the

society that we live in the goal is to

become more independent to get out of

your Mom and Daddy’s house to get your

own job to have your own car to do your

own thing to get yourself successfully

wherever you feel like you’re supposed

to go is to do it all on your own but in

the kingdom of God maturity looks much


maturity is not Independence maturity is


it is knowing that I am nothing without

God not just that I would be dead

without God I will cease to exist

without God that God is the reason why I

have air in my lungs that I cannot do

this on my own but I serve a good God

and because of him

I can do whatever he’s called me to do

it is a sense of dependence on God and

that’s very difficult in our society

in a world where we build our own Brands

and we put it out there and want

everyone to focus in on us we’re very

self-referenced individuals if you think

about this and you look at a picture any

picture at all that you’re in who’s the

first person you’re looking at

exactly don’t act like it’s your friends

it is not your friends

I ain’t gonna lie the other day

I saw a video at the church and I was

sitting over here I paused that video

just to see my little self in the

background from somebody that was on I

said my God what is wrong with me

we’re such self-reference people we

think so much about ourselves sometimes

that it’s hard for us to realize we’re

actually very dependent

you and I are needy

we need God

and the more we can accept that and

realize that the weight it takes off of

our shoulders is beautiful so Paul is

right in here

and he’s basically saying you don’t need

help because you’re horrible you need

help because you’re a human

God designed us to be dependent Romans 7

15-17 and then we’re going to skip down

to 21 through 25. it says

in verse 15 we read this earlier it says

I do not understand what I do but what I

want to do I do not do keep up with the

dues okay but what I hate I do and if I

do what I do not want to do I agree that

the law is good as it is it is no longer

I myself who do it but it is a sin

living in me

drop down to 21 it says so I find this

law at work although I want to do good

evil is right there with me for in my

inner being I Delight in God’s law but I

see another law or in another

translation it says another power at

work in me

raging war against the law of my mind

and making me a prisoner of the law of

sin at work within me what a Wretched

Man I am who will rescue me from this

body that is subject to death and here

is the answer verse 25. thanks be to God

who delivers me through Jesus Christ Our

Lord so then my son myself and my mind

am a slave to God’s law but in my sinful

nature a slave to the law of sin I love

Paul’s honesty

that although there is this part of me

that loves the law of the Lord and the

ways of God and once the will of God at

work in my life there is also this very

strong power that lives on the inside of

me that wants to do exactly and I mean

exactly the opposite of what God is

asking me to do

that in each and every single one of us

there are these two Powers at War on the

inside of us one saying do what God says

and one’s saying do what feels good

one saying obey God and the other saying

it’s not that big of a deal

one say lean into what God is saying to

do and the others saying close your ears

that there are these two people these

two powers on the inside of us that are

against one another and as believers

my goodness if we could just be honest

and stop acting like we don’t have that

second voice

and stop acting like every single day

you just wake up want to obey God come


I woke up this morning thinking should I

really do this should I preach I mean

honestly I don’t know

and stop acting like all we have is this

power on the inside of us that tells us

to do right and not do wrong

every single one of us every single day

have to make a decision of who is going

to win the war

who is going to win to win the war on

the inside of me because they are both

there and they both are present

but I get the option the choosing of who

I’m going to lean into and who I’m going

to allow to direct my life and my

decisions so today we’re talking in this

this the title of today is you need help

and what I want to do is give you four

points now I would love to say that

transformation in Christ and walking out

this newness and seeing change in our

lives is as easy as ABC it is not I’m

going to give you four of probably a

million things that you could do to walk

out this newness and to be able to win

the war that lives on the inside of you

and myself but I want to give you four

things and I’m going to give I’m going

to do an acronym going through the word

help so we’re going to start with h

and our first point is heal your head

heal your head now Romans 8 5 and 6 says

now this is the chapter right after Paul

talking about this war that lives on the

inside of me in chapter 8 he starts

giving us Solutions he starts giving us

Keys major keys to be able to win the

war that lives on the inside of us so

Romans 8 5-6 it says those who are

dominated by the sinful nature think

about sinful things but those who are

controlled by the Holy Spirit think

about things that please the spirit so

letting your sinful nature control your

mind leads to death but letting the

spirit control your mind leads to life

and peace now what we hear a lot of

times in church is behavior modification

it is if you want to do something

different from the Lord for the Lord

just do something different just if you

want to stop lying just stop lying if

you want to really be at peace and just

be at peace just go ahead and force your

way through with behavior modifications

what this scripture is telling us is

that it doesn’t start when it gets to

the external part of us when it gets to

our hands and our Behavior where this

starts is in our minds Romans 12 and 2

says be transformed by the renewing of

your mind the NLT version says by

changing the way you think so if we’re

going to walk out transformation in our

life where does it start it starts up


it starts up here it starts in our heads

now I’m gonna okay I’m a little bit of a

psychology nerd okay so I’m going to dig

in here a little bit I’m going a little

deep but I promise I won’t leave you

down there holding your breath for too

long okay we’re gonna come back up in a

second in your head there are two things

your mind and your brain

and a lot of times people get the tube

mixed up people think my brain and my

mind are the same thing not at all the

mind is a part of me that feels that

chooses that thinks and if I think and I

truly I think and I feel a certain way

I’m going to choose a certain Behavior

the brain on the other hand is a

physical organ that lives inside of your

head okay now we all know the brain

communicates to the rest of the body

this is okay so go with me here okay

because God is involved in all the

details right the way that he made our

brains the way that God made our brains

is to have things called pleasure hits

that there are certain things that

create pleasure in our brain and when we

do that thing what happens is we keep

going back to that thing because there

is pleasure that we have gotten from it

now I do believe that pleasure is a way

that God has caused us to live that’s

why he said to live life and life to the

fool that is supposed to be a

pleasurable life that we have what

happens is if I give my brain something

that is destructive against me but

pleasurable my brain does not know the


so my brain keeps wanting whatever that

pleasurable thing is

now listen

this is why when it comes to addictions

when it comes to US changing bad habits

that we can’t just think just oh let’s

just talk about Christ let’s pray about

it we got to talk about some chemicals

too okay we got to talk about the fact

that God has created our brain in a way

that all it does is repeat itself so if

I watch a little bit of porn and my

brain gets pleasure off of that my

brain’s gonna want more of that so

naturally I will feel the effects the

pull like almost a magnetic pulling and

me to this thing that’s destructive to

my soul and destructed to my family but

feels pleasurable to my brain

now have you ever walked in somebody’s

house and you like smelt an animal a dog

or something and then like two days

later our little like a couple of hours

later you don’t smell it no more because

your brain is caused and designed to


so a little bit of porn it gets adapted


and once you get that fill up it’s no

longer giving you the high of pleasure

that you once had when you first did it

so in order to get that pleasurable high

that you got that that pleasure hit that

you got when you first saw it you got to

do a little bit more

and then you gotta do a little bit more

because your brain keeps adapting and

creating moving the Baseline of what’s

considered pleasurable or not so when I

say heal your head I’m talking about how

the Bible says have this mind of Christ

on the inside of you that in order for

us to really transform and change the

things because the Bible says sin is


it’s pleasurable

getting hits on social media seeing

likes even though I know I don’t want to

spend as much time on social media as I

do but I’m getting a pleasure hit every

time I go there

going shopping and spending money that I

shouldn’t spend money money I should

save but every time I get this new thing

because of my significance and my

identity is lagging somewhere this thing

has given me a pleasure hit

so I know that I should stay faithful to

one person in marriage but the truth is

I mean I need I’m not getting pleasure

somewhere else so I need to get this hit

somewhere and this is where I get it

from Gossip

a pleasure hit

checking your email

a pleasure here I promise you it’s a

pleasure hit

the things that we compulsively do are

that we do over and over and over again

but we’re unable to stop and we know

it’s damaging to ourselves is because in

our brains our brains are saying go for


more of it

but this is a beautiful thing

there is this thing called


it means that God has literally

physically created your brain and my

brain to change

that the things that have been habitual

in our lives you know the the things

that you have for a long time wanted to

stop doing but you don’t know how to

stop doing it on your own that God has

literally physically created you to

think different and to have a new

pattern on the inside of your mind so

how do we do this how do I change my

mind how do I heal my head number one I

have to have somebody I’m accountable to

because secrets we are always as sick as

our secrets

so if you want to change something you

got to say it out loud you gotta tell

somebody else about it and I know

somebody’s like oh that is so risky I

don’t know if I want to do that that

feels dangerous it is but to find a safe

place and be able to say it out loud has

the possibility to literally physically

change your brain which changes your

desires which changes where you go to to

find pleasure which changes your

relationship with yourself with God and

the people around you just saying it out


just saying it out loud

so we have to have somebody we can say

listen this is what I’m struggling with

this is something I’m getting some I can

tell I’m getting some pleasure out of

this but I shouldn’t

this is something that I need to say out

loud and I never told anybody else this

is a trauma that I’ve experienced that I

think is affecting me now but I’ve never

said it out loud so I have no idea how

it’s affecting me

these are the things that we must

Believers you can pray all you want to

go ahead do it I want you to

but James tells us that we heal in the

context of community

that forgiveness comes from God when I

sin I ask God for forgiveness I don’t

need that for my community

but what I need is healing and James

tells us to go to one another confess

your sins to one another pray for one

another and you will be healed

so if there’s any part of you that you

want something to change on the inside

you want something to be different but

you don’t know how to do it the first

thing I’m gonna say is say it out loud

don’t give it a corner to hide in

don’t let the darkness keep it in the


put some light on it and share it with

someone that is safe in your community

and if you have to pay for safety I mean

if you have to pay for a therapist

because y’all hear us talk about this

all the time if you got to pay for

somebody to be a safe place for you put

them duckies to the side

and get you some therapy because you

won’t change unless you’re able to

reveal it

you can’t hear what you won’t reveal

so this is how we heal our minds

heal our heads is to give it

space to be said out loud Point number

two eat and help

is to encounter empowerment

Romans 8 and 11 again the chapter right

after uh Paul talked in chapter seven it

says the spirit of God who raised Jesus

from the dead lives in you and just as

God raised Christ Jesus from the dead he

will give life to your mortal bodies by

The Same Spirit living in you

there is this belief that we must have

in order to see transformation in our


that there is a power that lives in me

that is the same power that raised Jesus

from the dead

if I’m able to connect to that power if

I’m able to believe in that power and I

know this is difficult sometimes for us

to grasp because we know all the other

powers in US we know that lion power we

know that power of anxiety we know the

power of depression and we’ve become so

close and intimate with those things

that we forget that there is something

else living on the inside of you there

is a power that uh the god that created

the universe that lives on the inside of

you and myself now listen I am not a

fighter let me say that

I got one fight it was with cousin who

was about a foot shorter than me and I

did lose

I’m sure of that for a while for a

couple years I wasn’t sure but when I

look back on the story I I recognize

I could be more honest about it

you look at one of my old sermons how I

did lie so anyways see the hair and I do

physically I’m not a fighter

a baby in the spirit

I’m a bad mama jamming

and here’s the crazy thing so are you

in each and every single one of our

physical bodies there are muscles that

live on the inside of us but if you

don’t give attention to those muscles

they will never begin to grow and

they’ll never get stronger there is a

muscle of the holy spirit that lives on

the inside of you sitting in the inside

of you it is up to us to create these

encounters create an encounter like how

you did when your high school Crush you

knew was walking through the aisle

during six hour period and you set

yourself up and act like you

accidentally bumped into them but you

knew that I was about to walk down that

hallway you got to create an encounter

with the Holy Spirit

this is why we don’t skip our Devo time

in our quiet time with God because we

need some empowerment to get through the


that’s why we don’t you pick and choose

what Sundays we want to come to church

because we need some empowerment to get

through the rest of this week this is

why we don’t choose whether or not we’re

going to get in community because I need

my brothers and sisters to give me a

little bit of their power that thank God

when I don’t have it on my own create an

encounter with empowerment

how dare we as Christians walk around

like we don’t have the power of the

Living God on the inside of us

Paul writes in second Timothy 3 1-5 he

said you should know this Timothy in the

last days it’ll be very difficult times

for people who love only themselves in

their money

it will be boastful and proud scoffing

at God disobedient to their parents and

ungrateful they will consider nothing

sacred they will be unloving and

unforgiving they will slander others and

have no self-control my goodness

if this don’t sound like today

they will be cruel and hate what is good

they will betray their friends be

Reckless be puffed up with pride and

love pleasure rather than God

get this

they will act religious

but they will reject the power that

could make them Godly

stay away from people like that


we may have to stay away from ourselves


they will act religious

but deny the power that could make me

behave in a Godly manner

if there is something in you like there

is something in me that I need

transformation in

but I need

empowerment in create and encounter

do not go so busy throughout your day

that you don’t encounter this power that

lives on the inside of you

do not be so busy with your schedule

that you can’t stop and be still and

acknowledge there is a power that lives

on the inside of me before I get on this

stage I have to take a moment and say

there is a power that lives on the

inside of me before I teach anybody else

because if I do it on my own I’ll fall

flat on my face but there is a power

that lives inside of you and inside of

me and the more that we attune to that


the more empowered we are

so encounter empowerment

to not create an encounter with the Holy

Spirit is like watching a child try to

lift something that you know is too

heavy for them

stand on the sidelines you need some

help buddy

nope I got it

you sure you don’t want my help nope I

got it

what we do to the holy spirit all the


he’s constantly knocking at our door

he’s constantly inviting us into

empowerment it’s up to us to be able to

receive that empowerment that he wants

to give I’ll never forget one time

I was in argue with my husband and if

you know anything about our story we’ve

been through hell and back and in this

argument I remember I was so so mad oh

my gosh so mad I wanted to scream I

probably did and I remember saying

having the clarity of mind for some

reason at that moment to say holy spirit

I need some patience and I was saying it

as I was stepping over a threshold going

into our house and when I when I said it

in my mind and was walking up I swear by

the time I landed my foot that I felt

this peace and patience on the inside of

me that I knew was not me

I didn’t have that to offer I remember

one time especially during that time a

friend praying for me and said Lord let

her love Beyond herself

we don’t have what it takes to live out

the fruit of the spirit in our lives

that’s why it’s fruit of the spirit

there is a supernatural now I’ve loved

talking about the natural I love talking

about your brain and psychology and all

the different things in order to see

change and transformation in your life

but all of that pales in comparison to

the fact that there is a power on the

inside of you waiting to be summoned

waiting to be invited into whatever

space you are in waiting to empower you

so what we do is we walk out healing our


encountering empowerment three L Lean

Into Love

we talk about the power of God we don’t

understand that power and love are the


that unless I think that if I think at

all that I am going to be loved more by

God if I change then I’ve got this whole

thing backwards

I’m loved by God regardless if I change

as a matter of fact God’s love is not to

change me it will but it’s just to be

with me is to be near me and the more I

recognize that that love is near me that

Love Changes me the love of God will

change you like nothing else you can

ever imagine to know that God’s smiles

and beams over you to know that God

sings songs over you to know that God is

madly in love and pursues you to know

that God only wants to be in your space

and you enhance with you changes


conditional love asks you to change


Church may ask you to change first

but God’s unconditional loves love loves

us right where we are Romans 8

38-39 I am convinced this is Paul

writing right after he talked about

these this war inside of him I am

convinced that nothing can ever separate

us from God’s love

after he talked about the power that

lives inside of him that wages war

against him that asked him and invites

him into disobeying God he then says I

am convinced

that nothing can ever separate us from

God’s love neither death nor life Angel

nor demons fears for the day worries for

tomorrow not even the powers of hell can

separate us from God’s love no power in

the sky above or in the earth below

indeed nothing in all creation will ever

be able to separate us from the love of

God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our


I don’t change we don’t change to be


we changed because we are loved

love must be the foundation of any

transformation that takes place in our


if love is not the foundation it will be


because more than likely of love is not

the foundation of why we change fear is

perfect love cast out fear

if there’s any part of me that’s

changing for God because I’m afraid of

God or afraid of the consequences or

afraid of what’s going to happen I have

not rooted myself in that love to know

that even if I choose not if I don’t

choose God even if I allow that lower

portion of who I am to be the one that

wins the war that I’m still loved


it’s hard for our humans Minds to grasp

sometimes because it’s not at all how we

treat one another

it’s not at all how we have been treated

but God is beaming over you

even with all the things that you know

you need to change still

even with all the things that you know

you still need to give to him

even all the ways that you have

disobeyed him and I have disobeyed him

he’s beaming over us

loving us

tenderly inviting us into change and


tenderly inviting us into a full life

that looks like his will for our lives

that’s what love does

we don’t change to be loved

we change because we are loved

and it’s the foundation of it all

number four

pray for purity

is pray for Purity now what I know is

that Purity is one of those things that

we talk about at team and youth camps

but for some reason it doesn’t follow us

into adulthood

for some reason it feels like it’s one

of those topics that like kids need to

be taught you need to stay Purity you

get married which also if we think about

doesn’t make any sense because you say

prayer after you get married too but


I don’t know why we say that

Purity is to have no motive but to love

God back

it is am what I doing is what I’m doing

loving God back

the way I treat myself the way I treat

my friends and family the way that I

walk out his word the way that I live in

peace or don’t is a way that I am living

my life is it loving God back

that’s all Purity is it’s the only

motivation is to love God back

think about purity the thing about

praying for Purity is it something that

we can all do no matter what

because one of the things that Jeremiah

tells us is that the heart is deceitful

sometimes we don’t even know our own


you know that’s the the threat of what’s

happened here at Transformation Church

it’s growth that we have experienced all

of the influence that has been expanded


when you get into when we got into

Ministry it was as simple as just trying

to do God’s will that was it right it

wasn’t fun there was no money involved

we barely had any volunteers one nobody

actually watching it’s just we’re just

doing this because we love the Lord

and then as things change

you have to continue to realign yourself

to what’s my motivation

because sometimes the motivation is to

please the crowd

sometimes the motivation might be to

make sure everybody’s good with our


sometimes the motivation is to stay in a

place of power

but if we can all be honest

we all have to continually pray for


because sometimes our motivation is so


so beneath the surface that we ourselves

have been deceived by it

we ourselves don’t even recognize the

reason I’m doing this you know it’s like

all the people who go around and say you

know I put everybody else first it’s

like why’d you tell

you put everybody else you’re not okay

I’m selfless it’s like well

are we selfless if we gotta talk about

it you know I’m just saying

just saying throwing it out there

is always us coming back to God saying

help my motivation to be to just love


let me get down to the basics man it’s

easy to get into all this fancy stuff

and all the things that the world tells

you that you need and all the things

that the world tells you that you know

you are this and you are that and you’re

trying to be this and that for everybody

else but down to the Bare Bones is just

and what I do is it loving God back

for all the love that he’s given me

so in this place today I’m going to do

something a little bit different

we’re going to take communion as a

family if you’re watching online and you

may not have just random communion cups

at your church at your house totally

fine that makes sense I don’t either get

you some bread some water maybe some

juice or something

we’re going to walk out a spiritual

discipline together and taking communion

the reason that we do this is because

it reminds us of what our savior did

it reminds us of the humility that Jesus


Psalms 121 tells us it says I look to

the heels from which cometh my help

today we’re talking about help we need


I Look To The Hills from which cometh my


today I want to encourage you to not

just look towards any Hill

look towards the hill called Golgotha


it’s the hill that our savior died on

it’s the actual physical heal

Our Savior came down from Glory

and decided to put on human flesh to

come in as a baby

humble himself

with all glory living on the inside of

him he counted not robbery to be a part

of what God was doing down here to be


God With Us

and that in his humility

our lives were changed

our lives were set free

and maybe it’s just a model to us

of how we experience freedom in our own


to walk out this gift called humility

maybe if you’re in this place right now

or watching online

maybe we’re talking I’m talking about

this savior that died on a cross for you

and your sins and maybe you haven’t

received that gift of salvation

what I want you to do is I want you to

pray this prayer with me if today you

want to receive Jesus Christ as your

lord and savior and I’m going to ask

everyone in this room if we can just be

still for a moment and allow those that

are coming to Christ in this moment to

actually have their moment with God

if today

you want to receive this gift of


that this humble savior

has given you as a gift

I want you to pray this prayer with me

close your eyes and bow your head

and I’m going to ask everyone for the

sake of those that are coming to Christ

in this room

and watching online so let’s pray this

prayer together

say dear God

I admit I made mistakes

and I admit I need a savior


I ask that you changed my heart

that you changed my motives

I believe you lived

you died

and rose again

just for me

change me

renew me

and Transform Me

I’m Yours

in Jesus name I pray


amen if you made that decision today

in this sweet atmosphere that we are in

right now what I want you to do is I

want you to get some next steps of how

you can walk that out remember you

cannot do that on your own you have to

walk it out in community I want you to

text save to the number

828282 and we’re going to get you some

more information

those of you that are in this room and

that are watching online there’s

something that we have done here before

TC before we go into communion and it’s

where we take a moment to ask the Holy

Spirit what are you saying to me

a lot of words that girl said a lot of

things up there well what exactly are

you saying to me today

what’s the area in my life that you’re

asking me to ask for help what’s the

area in my life that you want me to pray

for Purity on the inside of me what’s

the area of my life that you want to

transform redeem and set free what’s the


what we’re going to do is the pride team

is going to come and sing us a song just

a couple minutes and I just want us to

practice Stillness in this room and

watching online

and we’re asking the Holy Spirit what do

you want to say to me easiest thing is

to hear word run out and go and forget

all what God was trying to say

so we’re going to take just a moment and

after the praise team sings a song and

we have a moment of Stillness we’re

going to come back and we’re going to

take communion together






some by your view


this is my

not for anything that I could


bring you praise

like a fragrance broken on the floor



there’s no motive there’s no hidden


like a fragrance broken on the floor


find me like a child again

full of wonderful innocence


before anything that in a way

any dream or anything

to make it easy

to bring me

not for anything that I could give

just to honor you and drink your praise


like a fragrance broken on the floor


how my heart to be pure


until I faith




you’re in this place

that means you have some communion

Elements which you maybe are watching

online and you found something

this communion this spiritual Act is

just to remember what Christ did on the

cross for us

to be able to

walk in humility we have to look at the

model that’s been set before us

so before Christ went to the cross

he sat down with his disciples

and he said

I’m about to give my life for yours

and before they went he gave them bread

and he gave him some wine

and he said I want you to eat this bread

and drink this wine and when you do

remember that my body was broken

and my blood was shed for you

and so whenever you get into a jam

whenever you’re at a place where you’re

like God there’s something in me that I

need to change that I want to see change

that I want to see transformed

when we take communion we remind


that the battle is already won

that our savior went to the cross

and when he went to the Cross he won the

war that lives on the inside of you and


reminds us of this power that lives

inside of us

This Love that was offered to us and the

Purity that he’s given to us

that when I pray for Purity I’m already

I’m just praying for what God already

wants to give to me and has given to me

I’m walking out his love

and I’m standing in his power

so what I want you to do is take your

bread you want to take a moment you can

eat that bread and when you do remember

the body of Christ that was broken for


and then

I want you to drink this juice that you

had and when you do that you remember

that Christ’s blood was shed

for you

just eat and drink together




there is this newness that we feel you

calling us into

there’s this transformation

that we feel you inviting us into

a newness of peace

of joy of self-control of patience of

kindness of goodness a newness of love

and to be honest

we can’t get there on our own

we have tried

we tried to change our ways and our

habits and change the way we think on

our own

we have tried to White Knuckle it we

have tried to power through

and oftentimes we have thrown in the



we received this gift of humility to

admit I need help

I need your help

I need your power

I need your love I need your strength

I need the help of the people that

you’ve placed around me

I need

I need help

I don’t want to be independent

I want to be strong enough to be


wise enough

to ask for help

the day we receive your help

and with your help we receive your


your freedom in our minds your freedom

in our bodies your freedom in our souls

we receive the freedom of God

and are ready to walk out your

transformation in our lives

thank you for being a God that’s king of

kings and Lord of lords and yet you

Delight in the details of Our Lives

thank you


are we going to go back into this song

and this time now that we have taken a

moment to remember what Christ has done

on the cross friends

I want you to imagine your savior

In The Garden of Gethsemane right before

he went to the cross

saying these words to God

that it’s not just a prayer of humility

for us

but our savior

against what he wanted to do in his own


went to the cross on our behalf

and if we’re going to be believers

let’s let that power rise on the inside

of us

that the stronger I am the more humble I


imagine your savior say these words




like a fragrance broken on the floor




there’s no more if there’s


like a fragrance broken on the floor



and it’s all about


and it’s all about you

and it’s all about you


and it’s all about you

and it’s all about you


and it’s all about you





we are going to close out service

as we close out today I’m going to ask

our staff and our team to come down

front our prayer team if you would and

if you’re in here and you need prayer

for anything

um you know a message like that there

are definitely things all throughout

your heart that God is speaking to that

he’s talking about and there are some of

you the most important part of the

service is going to be this time right


Bree said it so clearly but we ask God

for forgiveness but there’s something

happens when we talk to each other and

there are some of you in this room that

the things you’re going through you just

need somebody to pray for you with

and we have people down here that are

not perfect people there are people just

like you but the scripture is very clear

that when we pray God hears our prayers

and it changes things so I’m going to do

is the team’s going to continue to sing

this is going to be the official close

of service but if you feel so LED I want

to invite you to come down to the altar

to receive prayer for anything going on

in your life some of you is going to be

coming down to receive first some of you

just going to stay in an atmosphere

because you need this encouragement as

you go throughout your week

um but just want to thank you so much

for being here this week and I’m going

to pray over us and that our team’s

going to stay in and please if you need

prayer for anything come down from Holy

Spirit we love you

thank you for your Purity Lord we thank

you for this word Lord I Thank you that

Lord God you are doing something so

clear in our lives Lord I Thank you for

your spirit Lord God that produce the

humility and Jesus that went beyond his

will and into yours and right now Lord

God we are admitting that we need help

that we need you Lord their area of Our

Lives that we are walking in

self-deception and we’re asking holy

spirit that you produce a humility in us

that changes us Lord God I thank you

that even as people come down to receive

prayer that your spirit Spirit Will

begin to restore and will speak so

clearly to people it’s in the beautiful

name of Jesus we pray amen all over this

room if you need prayer please come out

and uh we love you so much


thank you so much for watching this

message we pray that that encouraged you

here at Transformation Church our vision

is to represent God to the lost and the

found for transformation in Christ and

if you would like to partner with us in

giving you can text give to

828282 or you can visit on our website

also be sure to subscribe and check out

all the other incredible sermons

available as well as watching our live

Sunday experience that begins at 10 45

a.m Central Standard Time now go out and

live a transformed life


thank you