If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

welcome to transformation Church I am so

excited that you decided to join us

today in the building and I have to say

a special Happy Father’s Day if your

father in the building let us make some

noise for all of the fathers hey listen

we love you we need you

I know usually Father’s Day is second to

Mother’s Day but today a transformation

church we turn it up for Father’s Day I

appreciate every bit of impact that you

are having on your children even if

you’re not fathering them in the home

right now and for every man that is

literally being a father figure to

somebody else we want to say thank you

this is a church where we appreciate we

love and we celebrate every father can

we give it up for every father

oh come on every service every location

give it up we love you dad well today I

got a word for you we are in part 8 of a

series that we are calling help me mark

because we believe that every person in

this room is marked by God now I wanted

to do a message in this series that was

an affirming message because I think one

of the things that is so broken in the

church and in the world today is that

people do not have the affirmation that

they need to be able to step out and do

the courageous things that they are

called to do and it’s crazy that I’m

talking about this old Father’s Day

because this has been the enemy’s plan

from the very beginning to get father’s

out of the picture so that children

would not have the affirmation they need

to be all that God has called them to be

it’s so funny I talk about my kids all

the time but one of the things that all

of my children do is they look for their

father’s affirmation it doesn’t matter

what they are doing mommy can celebrate

and my babies would be like but their

dad and I’m like why is that it’s

because a Nate built on the inside of

all of us we are looking for our father

or somebody that is in that role to say

you can do this and let me help you you

may have not had the best natural father

but you have a Heavenly Father that is

standing on the balcony of heaven and

he’s saying you can do this Saudis say I

can do this no say it like you mean I

can do this do you know why you can do

this because before you were formed in

your mother’s womb you were marked God

has marked you for greatness marked you

for purpose and so today the title of

the message is probably the most

affirming a message that I’m gonna speak

and I’m hoping that people who are

reigning in their faith and their our

life support when it comes to hope that

you would be able to walk out of this

place feeling that you are called and

that God is vac in you today I want you

to write this down

you are enough now I know I know for a

lot of y’all you haven’t even thought

that way for a long time we’re always

maximizing on our deficiencies what I

don’t have what I didn’t grow up with

what I don’t got in my bank account

who does it cosign what God has called

me to do but I came to tell you you are

enough if you’ve been called and marked

by God he factored in your deficiencies

when he called you like all of your

flaws were factored in when he said imma

use you imma bring you I’m gonna allow

you to have a child I’m gonna allow you

to lead that group I’m gonna loud you

somebody just reach over and tell two

people you are enough come on say you

are enough find one more person tell

them you are enough and and and the

reason I’m saying that is because

there’s places in you right now if we

were all honest with ourselves what we

honestly feel knowing who we are that we

are not enough if there’s an area in

your life right now that you you feel

not anybody else projecting on you that

you feel you are not enough hands in

this place okay we’re a hot chuck humble

open and transparent okay so you’re in

good company because there’s a lot of

people who do not see themselves how God

sees them and this is one of the most

amazing things that David has

that most of us don’t he had a sense

that even though he was not trained for

war even though he was not invited to

the party when when when everybody was

about to be anointed even though he’s

back home while everybody else is at war

something in him knew I can do this I’m

enough and so I want to pick up the

story of David after he comes and brings

his grilled cheese sandwiches to his

brothers on the line and they hating on

him and all of this stuff that’s

happening let’s pick it up in First

Samuel chapter 17 verse 32 and see what

we can learn from the life of David it

says um David goes up to Saul who sit

for him and he says um don’t even worry

I’ll go fight the Giant

I’ll go fight the obstacle I’ll go

against that thing that everybody else

is scared of and that’s bigger than me

but I’ll go and I’ll fight him now most

people after 39 days of your whole army

that’s wearing your crest has punked out

and nobody has fought this battle if

somebody stepped forward I would have

been like yes thank you we’ve been

waiting for one person to come up and

actually have the cojones to be able to

fight this thing

look what Saul says to David don’t be


duh you crazy

don’t be ridiculous there’s no way you

can fight this Philistine and possibly

win you’re only a boy and he’s been a

man of war since his youth see I want

you to remember that people’s self view

of themself will many times be the thing

that they project on you and try to get

you to buy into what they feel about


now Saul’s the king he did not volunteer

to go fight Goliath but it probably was

from his own insecurities that thought

he was only uh

and we find this in the beginning of

sauce story that when God picked him he

said I’m only a from the lowest tribe

and I didn’t have saw did not think he

was enough so he enlisted an army of

people who didn’t think they were enough

the side point right here is you only

can reproduce what’s on the inside of


and many of us have been reproducing the

fears in our children and the people we

work with in the things that are around

us because if we don’t get ourselves you

right then we surround ourselves with

people with the same deficiencies that

we have and what’s ending up happening

in many of our homes and many of our

businesses and many of our jobs is

nobody has taken the moment to allow God

to correct your view somebody just say I

am enough because all didn’t think he

was enough he automatically projected on

David that he wasn’t enough but this is

the beautiful thing about somebody who’s

marked when Saul said don’t be

ridiculous I found through the

scriptures when you’re marked right this

point down ridiculous is required like

when you’re marked there is gonna be

something ridiculous that God is going

to call you to do that is required for

God’s glory to be seen in you and let me

make it a spiritual term it’s the faith

to do the thing that nobody else will do

it’s the faith to step out and say I’m

gonna be the first one in my family to

finish college it’s the faith to step

out and say if God’s telling me to

downsize and I don’t have a reason to be

able to do that but I trust this voice

and this may seem ridiculous and what

people do is they stop doing what God

asked them to do because of the opinion

of other people and what if what if

David would have heard the team of the

entire nation say this is ridiculous and

said you know what you’re right Who am I

that I should be able to do that but the

greatest thing

about David is that the king of the

nation was not his highest authority the

king the boss the person in power the

celebrity was not the highest authority

that he was listening to he had already

been told by God that with all your

deficiencies you are enough

so when critics came to tell him that he

wasn’t enough there was something on the

inside of him that was an anchor to

believe that he could still do it in the

face of people who said that he could

when I look at Hebrews chapter 11 this

is the the Hall of faith look what it

says it says faith shows the reality of

what we hope for it is the evidence of

things we cannot see I want you to know

faith is ridiculous

because it calls things that nobody sees

into existence but I need you to know

that our whole faith in Jesus Christ is

built on a ridiculous belief that a man

2018 19 years ago decided to take the

sins of the world on and because we

believe in Him we have everlasting life

and have been empowered to do something

great in this world if you just walk up

to a random person and say that that’s

ridiculous everybody say ridiculous it’s

also ridiculous though for Noah to build

an ark when it has never rained before

and through Noah and his family this

ridiculous ark now becomes the saving

grace to humanity everybody say

ridiculous it’s also ridiculous for

Enoch to actually be brought up from

heaven and he never died like like he

was walking with God and God was like

you ready to go and he was like elevate

me and he went

to heaven and never died everybody say

ridiculous it’s ridiculous to think that

Abraham obeyed God to leave all of his

comfort and went to a land that he would

not even know of until he got there and

then at the old age of a hundred years

old God promised him a son and his wife

last act God because she said I can’t do

it it was ridiculous to think but after

nine months after God’s promised land

here comes Isaac everybody say

ridiculous past I’m like why are you

saying this Oh

because what God has called you to do

will probably sound ridiculous until

it’s reality it’ll probably sound


until it’s what reality do you all know

how ridiculous a moving vehicle on four

wheels sounded in in 1700 but now

there’s a car dealership on every street

but it took somebody with ridiculous

faith to believe that something that was

not here was possible to come into the

earth somebody say ridiculous

see when you’re Mart ridiculous is

required and so many of us are trying to

play it safe and God said you’re enough

you’re enough to stand in the face of

people and banks and family members who

will say why in the world would you even

start that business why in the world

would you go back to school for that why

in the world would you take your kids to

that place and it may seem ridiculous

until it becomes reality I just came to

tell somebody you’re enough reach over

and tell one more person right now you

are enough okay so that’s why in 1st

Corinthians 2:9 this is the scripture I

have to go back to often because for me

what we’re doing here in north Tulsa is

ridiculous like if you look around in

your your area right now there’s white

people there’s black people there’s

Hispanic people there’s older people

there’s younger people there’s people

with criminal pasts there’s people who

are trust-fund babies there are people

all around this place that most people

the only place we could intersect like

this is at something where we’re selling

goods like at a mall or at a Walmart or

at something like this but this is the

house of God and it looks like

Revelations when John said every tribe

every tongue every race but this is

ridiculous because I stood on this very

platform almost five years ago when it

did not look like this and I had to

speak in faith what people who loved me

and believed in this ministry said was

ridiculous nope nobody’s about to drive

25 miles pass the mic to come to church

out here nobody has a mic you’re gonna

have to change up everything you you’re

at least gonna have to get rid of these

green chairs before people start coming

out the green chairs are still here baby

and God is doing something that is

defying the odds somebody shot at me one

more time ridiculous

you’re ridiculous faith is going to

prove produce ridiculous results I’m

here to encourage somebody you’re enough

and once David recognized who actually

called him he was able to say first

Corinthians 2:9 to himself no eye has

seen and no ear has heard nor has it

even entered the mind of anybody’s

imagination what God has prepared for

those who love him some of you need to

recognize that the reason you’re enough

is because God wants to be strong

through your deficiencies like like you

think that you have to have everything

God says no everything you’re not I am

so when you begin to believe

ridiculously like no God called me to

this I’m marked for this uh if he called

me to it he’s going to produce

everything that I need and this is what

David said I’m enough just one more time

and faith because I feel like somebody’s

faith is rising right now somebody say

you are enough now make it personal I am

enough okay so let me tell you my next

point when you’re marked because

sometimes the enemy will try to distract

you when you’re walking through a season

of your life the preparation rarely

looks like the platform your preparation

to where God’s called you to it’s

usually never gonna look like the end

result let me prove it to you

First Samuel chapter 17 verse 34 David

said no no I’m enough it said David

persisted everybody say persisted he

said um King with all due respect I’ve

been taking care of my father’s sheep

and goats when a lion and a bear comes

to steal the lamb from the flock I go

after it and I go after with the club

and I rescued the lamb from its mouth if

the animal turns on me I catch about a

John I Club it to death how gangster is

that it said I’ve done this to both the

Lions and the Bears I’ve done it to

Simba and to Baloo and I’ll do it to

this pagan Philistine I’ll do it to this

new giant – so he has defied the armies

of the Living God the Lord watch this

watch where his faith comes from the

Lord who rescued me from the claws of

the lion and the bear will rescue me

from this Philistine now I want you to

see where his confidence is because God

was preparing him in a place that did

not look like the platform he would be

on and so many people get distracted

because they’re like well god this isn’t

it done like like I meet everybody to

see well I’m frustrated in the place I

am duh because God is trying to teach

you something in a place that will not

look like the platform he’s going to

take you to do not be distracted by the

dojo has anybody ever seen Karate Kid

okay so one of the crazy things about

the Karate Kid into this young man wants

to learn to do Taekwondo and so he’s

thinking that he’s going to be going to

this amazing dojo with all of this

equipment and look a certain way and all

this stuff and mr. Miyagi he’s kind of

like God he takes him out to his busted

car and tells him to wax on wax off now

God mr. Miyagi is giving instructions

that do not look like a real fight he’s

telling me to just keep doing this

motion and then to keep doing this

motion and every time I get frustrated

and say when am I going to get to the

thing I really want he says go back and

do the thing that you don’t know yet is

preparing you for the thing I’ve called

you to and too many of us are frustrated

with the learning environment that God

has chosen and we’re walking away from

it unprepared for what God is calling us

to the only way that David is able to

stand up to the highest official of the

day and say hey I can do this even

though none of y’all think I can it’s

because he allowed God to prepare him in

a place that doesn’t looks nothing like

the platform he just stepped on and I

feel like this for so many people is

because you think you have to do more

than you need to do for God to get you

where he’s called you to and I’m telling

you where you are is enough

well tell some like I can’t believe for

more yeah you can believe for more but

obey where he told you to be because if

David leaves the pasture prematurely he

does not have the skill or the weapons

to be able to do what God’s called him

to do on this platform now and David

stands here and he said hold on

facing a giant I’ve never seen before

but God has somehow told me for this

fight and I’ve never seen anything on

this level let me just give you a

practical example I had never preached a

message in front of anybody until seven

years ago like your boy didn’t go to

seminary your boy wasn’t raised doing

youth minister camps your boy didn’t do

none of that stuff I had never spoken a

message in front of anybody until about

seven years ago but then as I started to

look at what God was preparing me for I

didn’t understand it at the time but

when I was in high school for some

reason they always asked me to lead the

pep rallies at Edison High School and I

would go in front of this mixed group of

people of every ethnicity of young and

old ages it would be about twenty-two

hundred of them and I would go out there

and I would lead our entire pep rallies

from start to finish every Friday and if

I looked on the natural I was not

prepared for this platform from all the

natural things that I thought I needed

but God said I’m too good to bring you

to a place that’s gonna give me glory

and I did not somehow prepare you for

what I’ve called you to the problem is

most of us are looking for the wrong

qualifiers we’re looking for the things

that qualify us in man’s eyes and God

says I’ll use wax on and wax off

techniques to make it plain that when

you get in the fight of your life you

will be prepared somebody needs to give

God glory right there because you and I

don’t know who I’m talking to it I don’t

know who’s pulling on me right now but

somebody in this room needed to know

that what God puts put in you what he’s

placed in you that burden you have you

are David was able to step on that

platform because he did not despise his

preparation that didn’t look

anything like it and so when I found out

that David standing up in front of the

King I said Michael no matter what comes

your way if God brought you to it

he’s prepared you for it no I need you

to hear me say that again if God brought

you to it he’s prepared you for it

and I mean it’s some stuff ain’t gonna

come out until it’s time to use it like

like there are some things that God has

placed on the inside of you and this is

something I truly believe the Bible

tells us that that we are supposed to be

able to devour the things of the word

and the things of God and and and then

the Bible says at just the right time

the Holy Spirit will bring it back to

your remembrance now this is some

theology I’m throwing in for free cuz

this is things that I personally believe

I do not believe that you have to

remember all of the Bible I believe you

need to get it all into you and and then

at the right time that you need it the

Holy Spirit said you put it in there you

don’t even know you read that verse and

that things don’t regard oh y’all don’t

hear me that things don’t come back up

out of you

I’ve been getting business meetings with

CEOs and presidents and I said words

that I didn’t even know I knew and use

them in the right context they were like

oh my god that’s unlike dubiously and I

was like yeah but somewhere somewhere


I got it into me and I think the church

has been so misconstrued I’m trying to

prove what I know instead of getting

what God knows into me so that when I

needed he can pull it back up out of me

that’s why I came to tell every believer

no matter if you just started in the

faith yesterday are you been here for a

hundred years you up enough when you

believe it when you live like that well

pastor I’ve never seen anybody be a good

father it’s okay because you can learn

by knowing or you can also learn by

something not being there and many times

God will use the negative spaces in our

life to say I needed that I needed that

I needed that I needed that and what God

can do is take all those pieces and he

can work them together I think that’s

what Romans 8:28 says that all things

can work together for the good let me

say at this point you can be what you

didn’t have you can be what you didn’t

see you you can live what you didn’t


I’m telling somebody something right now

you you you can portray what you never

saw modeled to you because the greater

lot lives on the inside and you are

enough okay so David he filling himself

right now but he’s not filling himself

because of his own abilities I want you

to pay attention to what he said he

started off saying by what he did he

defeated the bear he defeated the line

but the end of that statement said the

same God who delivered me from the lion

and the bear my question is are you

enough and now you started filling

yourself like have you been enough in a

season to where you’re like ah that was

me don’t miss it

David said I did it but it was him who

actually rescued me from that I

understand that it’s me that you see but

it’s God that you feel I understood I

understand that I’m being a father that

I never had but it’s because I’m having

a father tell me and give me wisdom of

how to do this and David brought the

credit back to God and then when he said

at the end of verse 39 he said so far

Saul finally consider he said all right

there and go ahead kill yourself and may

the Lord be with you

they didn’t believe in him but look what

David did in verse 38 in the face of

facing a giant that was bigger than him

and the only person that knew he was

enough with him and God I need you to

see this you may never get anybody


spiritually or and emotionally to cosign

the greatness God put on the inside this

is deep stuff because in a in a society

where we need everything we’re doing to

be validated in cosign there are some

situations you will walk into and all

you got is I think it was prophetess

Beyonce said me myself and I it’s all I

have in the end I mean it’s one of those

things but that should not detract you

or distract you from what is God called

you to do

so look what Saul does it says so then

Saul said this we’re gonna need all the

help that he can get he gave David his

own armor a bronze helmet and a coat of

mail that’s like those the mesh like

chain that they used to have in medieval

times he gave him a big armor and look

what happened it says and David put it

on he strapped the sword over himself

and he took a step or two to see what it

was like for he had never worn such

things before write this down when you

are marked your anointing is in

authenticity so I want you to imagine

the pressure that’s on David right now

I’m going to fight the thing that nobody

in the country is about to fight

nobody’s done this before but I probably

should have the best gear I could have

and the King has been nice enough to

give me all his tools and all his armor

and he’s standing there and they

probably had it built out of the best

material and everything and David puts

it on respectfully but then he takes a

couple of steps in it and what I found

out cuz I’ve heard people preach this a

whole bunch of time but they’re like but

it didn’t fit David and so David had to

be himself and so you got to be you boo

don’t do anything that nobody else tell

you to do and be like all of that stuff

like but but but there’s there’s an

arrogance with that there there’s

something that comes with that like like

I got a

my own thing there’s an unsubmitted

spirit right there this is the armor

that David will wear one day but it does

not fit him yet and and so this is the

thing a lot of people are despising the

level of leadership that they will be in

one day because they’re not in it right

now and so you hate I would if I was in

leadership I never do that I may be your

lead nothing yet and until until you get

into that weight and into that glory you

can appreciate it

many of us need to not be disrespectful

of the next season because we’re not

there yet and and this is what I’m

saying the reason I said that is because

you’re enough today but there are new

journeys and new milestones and new

responsibilities coming up the road and

you’ll be enough VIN but many times we

try to discount this season and who came

before us or what examples or leadership

we had because it doesn’t fit today

David wasn’t disrespectful but he knew

his anointing was in his authenticity

and I came to tell you your anointing is

in the DNA the corny jokes the way you

wear your hair the things you like that

your anointing is in your specific DNA I

can’t be nobody else than me I can try

but the problem with that is God’s

approval comes off of everything that he

did not create in me right now I phone

has a feature that you can unlock your

phone by it just reading the

authenticity of your face and if I put

your face up to my phone my my reserves

my accounts the things that they can do

it’s a lot to you that’s the same thing

with your purpose when you are putting

on a mask

to be somebody else I want to preach

like Pastor Mike I want to lead like

this person

wanna be respected like this person God

said I can’t bless that I can’t unlocked

what I have for you but there is an

anointing and you being authentically

you and what David had to realize I love


David developed one of the most

undeveloped areas that I believe in the

body of Christ and because I’m your

pastor I got to tell you this and if you

don’t get anything else out of anything

that I’m saying like I pray that this

thing sticks with you for the rest of

your life

David develop the spiritual discipline

of self-awareness most of y’all don’t

know why other people don’t like you you

see how quiet it is in here like you

don’t know you talk too much everybody

else around you knows you talk too much

but you don’t know Utah

everybody okay let me do it like this

there was this dude in our school cuz

everybody just got out of tight there

was like what a peasant like just coming

at me there was this dude in our school

that did not know his breath stone but

she always decided to have close

conversations has anybody met anybody

like that if you haven’t it’s you ha ha

but but but this is the thing that that

I’m telling you the worst thing is there

to be something wrong and you don’t have

an inkling of what is wrong look what

happened to David David took a couple of

steps in this armor and he respectfully

turned to the king and because he was

self-aware said I can’t go in these I’m

not used to them and he took them off do

you know how much self-awareness you

have to say to have to walk up to

somebody who’s giving you what seems to

be an upgrade and say I can’t take that

offer I’m not ready to lead this type of


I can’t move into that house because I

don’t have the financial discipline to

pay for these bills

I can’t I’m so sorry

but I can’t take that investment yet

because I need to work on some things

back here

David was self-aware enough not to go

out there in front like he could wear

the king’s armor and try to defeat good

luck let me tell you this he would have

lost the battle trying to be somebody

who was never created to me my question

is what have you put on that it’s time

for you to take off like like what have

you put on the expectations of other

people or I’m this type of leader

because my leader was this type of

leader your anointing is in your

authenticity the one thing that I

probably respect more about Bishop garry


which is the founding pastor of this

church is that he never made me try to

be him stepping into leadership at this

church this man is the complete opposite

of me he’s older I’m younger he’s white

I’m black he claps on one in three I

clap on two and four

he’s very structured and punctual and

all those things I’m very creative loose

throwing all this other stuff

it was almost from outward appearance

oil and water but the anointing that was

released on his life to start a ministry

in north Tulsa and keep it running for

15 years and then they pass it on to

somebody that was completely different

but see the anointing transfer to be

able to do more it was not in our

sameness it was in our authenticity and

I just came to encourage somebody who’s

been trying to contour your character to

somebody else that you

Oh God called you which a weak humor he

called me you with your funny dress he

called you and I don’t want you to get

stuck there because David would not get

stuck in that he would upgrade and one

day he would fit that armor to be the

king but he did not prematurely discount

where he was today because God knew that

the anointing was in his authenticity so

if your marked my last point today you

must be you you got to be you like and I

know some of y’all’s like that’s what

I’m talking about pencil Mike I’ve been

telling everybody for about 15 years

that I’m a baby about to make no no

there’s that’s not no no stop

that’s not what I’m talking about I’m

not saying being different for attention

because a lot of people are different

because they’re trying to feel an

insecurity on the inside of themselves

oh come on let’s be honest you everybody

say the sky is blue you’ve like I see

red no baby it’s blue okay

the problem is though what God naturally

has given you that’s different you can’t

apologize for that you can’t back up off

of that I don’t know how to preach

regular like I don’t I don’t know like

when I when I study and try to go and

find her harmony League sit and and all

of the different things I’m like that

sounds great

all I know though it’s to pray to open

my Bible to study to show myself approve

to ask people who know better than me

and then to never preach nothing that I

haven’t gone through and the anointing

has been in my authenticity it’s been in

me being me I use cultural references

when I do things and that may not be

anybody’s cup of tea but for me that’s

what God’s called me to do and all I’m

telling you is that’s not what he called

you to do so you must be you because you

are enough look what David did 1st

Samuel 17 chapter 40 he said after he

Koff what Saul was trying to give him I

think it was offset that said masks off

I think it was him some of y’all like

off set on set I have no idea but some

of you need to take the masks off the

pressure off the performance off and

then you need to pick up something

that’s familiar it said he picked up

five smooth stones from a stream and put

them into his Shepherds bag now I just I

just want to just go there for one

second and see all of these warriors

these big 300 movie looking guys with

swords and clubs and David walks over to

a stream and says Lord I’m gonna do this

for your glory but I can’t do it being

something that I’m not so I’m gonna

humble myself and bend down in front of

everybody looking at me and I’m gonna

grab the things that I’m used to the

question is what are the things in your

bag that you’re used to the things

should be stuff like prayer reading the

word spending time in worship I’m gonna

just go back to the basics of what I’m

used to using encouraging people even

even when I don’t feel encouraged I’m

gonna go back to those regular things

and I believe the fundamentals of what

you taught me in the pastor are going to

be the fiercest weapon I could use on

the platform where people are watching

and look what happens right here he said

he picked up five smooth stones put him

in his Shepherds bed I love this then

armed only with his Shepherd staff and

sling all he had was a stick and a

slingshot do you know how ridiculous

this little

and the Bible says that he started

across the valley to fight the

Philistine I want you to get the picture

of you with all of yourself the flaws

the mistakes the hurts the unprepared

‘no stand god’s saying your enough do

the things that i’ve called you to do

and head towards the enemy well god I

don’t I didn’t ask you all that you’re

enough well what if I didn’t ask you all

that you’re enough why I haven’t had I

didn’t ask you about that either you’re

enough well what if they it doesn’t


sure enough but I can’t get over that is

the past but right now you are and I

came to tell somebody said it’s time for

you to stop being the JV version of

somebody else and be the varsity version

of you you are enough next week I’m

gonna talk to you about what happens

when you actually kill the giant but on

this Father’s Day somebody needed to

hear this resounding consistent message

he didn’t bring you this far to let you

fail in front of everybody when he

called you he knew your knees would be

shaken when he called you

she knew that your past would have

criminal record in it me when he called

you he knew what your struggles were

gonna be and he still wrote from the

beginning you are enough I want to pray

for every person in this room has been

struggling with feeling like they were

enough to do what God called him to do I

don’t know maybe you’re a father in here

you haven’t been in your children’s life

and you’re saying I can’t go back now

they’re 10 they’re 11 they’re 13 there’s

17 they’re 28 and

not saying today this whole message was

for you you’re enough there’s something

that can still be done whether they

don’t want to accept her tonight but you

can write a note every month and

apologize and speak life and you’re

enough there’s a single mother in this

room right now

who’s saying god I cannot do this

anymore and God’s saying when I let

those kids beeps it to you and for them

to come into this earth i equipped you

with everything that you needed you are

enough there’s a high school students

that’s been in a family of abuse and you

don’t know if you’re gonna make it out

God says to you today prophetically you

are enough if you’re in this building or

you’re watching online and there’s an

area that you have been deficient and

filling then you had enough I want you

to stand up all over this building come

on right now I want you to stand up even

at your house I want you to stand up why

don’t you just go ahead and lift your

hands right now I know that there are

people that are trying to figure it out

but I want to pray for you father I

thank you that you have marked these who

are listening and you have marked these

father who are in this building and

father on this day on father’s day where

we worship you our Father God today

I’m thanking you from a spiritual

affirmation to all your children that

lets us know that we are enough you did

not create mistakes you did not create

accidents you did not leave us here to

struggle but you said in the midst of

our struggle you would walk with us so

today we affirm and confirm every area

of our life that has been missing

I thank you Father that right now by

your presence you are allowing

confidence and hope and joy to arise on

the inside I thank you that they’ll be

strength like never before

they’ll be peace like never before

father there’ll be boldness the type of

boldness that David had to be able to be

himself but still slay the Giant today

father give us that type of faith he’ll

let us know that we are enough because

we have put our trust in the one who has

been enough

we thank you we honor you and we bless

your name in Jesus name Amen come on

let’s give God some praise oh come on

like you know that God made you know