In the second week of our new series, Paper Chasers we learned about the soil of our hearts. What kind of soil does your heart contain: Vacant, Vulnerable, Violated or Valuable soil? Giving is all about the heart. We encourage you to ask yourself these questions as you watch this message. Make sure and share this powerful message with a friend or family member this week!

oh oh good morning transformation

hey i feel the presence of god

thank you lord hey the joy of the lord

is your strength i need somebody to do

something right now if you’re next to

somebody i want you to just smile big

show all your teeth even if you bought

them i want you to show

smile somebody needs to get out your

phone and take a selfie

you need to smile and send it to

somebody there

is joy that i feel that is welling up on

the inside of you

and it’s not going to be because of your


and it’s not going to be because of your

circumstance it’s going to be because of

the god

you serve is still good somebody say

he’s still

good he’s still good

and today i i just sense that that

somebody needs

joy and and i want you to know that your

situation’s not gonna give you the joy

it’s not going to be the turnaround it’s

not going to be

the thing it’s going to be the one who

looks over it all

and his name is jesus and so today

i just feel so strongly that you’re

supposed to be a conduit of joy to


else and i’m just giving everybody an

assignment today

before the day is over bring somebody

else joy

no i don’t know like i don’t know how

you’re gonna do that in your

um i’m sphere of influence but if we’re

called to represent god to the lost and


for one reason transformation in christ

what if

the transformation in christ somebody

needs started

with an act of kindness from you

what if it wasn’t a a paying off

somebody’s house

like we just did did y’all just see that

yo y’all fake like

we just paid off somebody’s house and

was able to give them a salary everybody

say we did that

no say i did that like you if you give

to a part of this

you did that but what if you could make


impact on somebody’s life today that

didn’t take hundreds of thousands

what if it was six dollars at starbucks

what if it was your parking spot

y’all know how we act with parking spots

but what if you knew that’s where and

the holy spirit says no the person

behind you give it to them

they might not even i want the joy of

the lord that you have experienced in

your life

i want it to overflow into somebody else

this week

and so i’m i’m grateful for the

opportunity to be christ hands and feet

and today i’m deploying transformation


today everybody say today i’m gonna help

somebody’s joy

if you’re gonna do it give god a shout

of praise in the building right now

wherever you’re at amen all right y’all

sit down i got a lot of word to get


and um there’s people all around here

and all around the building and

there are people that are watching

online from all over the world

i’m so grateful that you have decided to

tune in and it’s week two

of a series we’re calling help me pay

for chasers

now this is the crazy thing about week

two when we do a series like this

only the real ones come back

like week one that’s when everybody is

like oh yeah i wanna be a purpose chaser

but i’ll check back with pastor mike

in transformation church at easter

because the principles that god is about

to teach us through this series are only

for those who are going to the deep

yeah and if you know anything about

transformation church our word for 2021

is what

anchor we’ve decided we’re going to be

anchored and we decided that you do not

need an anchor if you’re going to live

in the shallow

so if we’re actually going to the deep

we got to talk about stuff

that’s deep and some of the deepest

stuff in our life

is finances money generosity stewardship

this is the thing that i counsel more


about about how they deal with

like have you ever been in a position

where god told you to do something but a

decision you made in a different season

kept you trapped to that season

have you and i’m just trying to help you

like what if god says

go and you say but i just bought

what if god says give that away but your

identity is attached to giving that away

what happens and i’m just telling you

right now

that when i got the truth that god is

going to present to you

through this series it transformed my


i went from existing to living a

everybody say bless life and that’s what

we want

for you in this series so last week if

you haven’t watched it you need to go

back and watch it over 200 000 of you

have watched it and that gets me so

excited because the potential

in seven days to change the culture of

your life

when you do things a kingdom way

somebody say the kingdom way

when you do it the kingdom way it

changes everything and last week we made

a decision we’re not going to be

paper chasers we’re going to be purpose


if you’re going to be a purpose chaser i

need you to put purpose chaser in the

comment right now

if you’re gonna be a purpose chase i

need you to make some noise in the room

listen the reason why this is so

important is because of this simple

truth and i need you to write it down

and i’m gonna say it probably every


the paper without purpose is pointless

there are tons of people i know that

have tons of paper

and they’re void of purpose and so when

they look at their account

and they look at their fulfillment

something is in the negative

what does it look like for you to have

positive accounts

and negative fulfillment

the paper without purpose

is what pointless and that’s why

culture tells you that’s what we’re

supposed to go after the paper

but the bible tells us we’re supposed to

go after purpose to seek first the


and right standing and everything else

will be added

and that’s why we have to divorce and

i’m just asking you i’m begging you just

at least for the next four weeks

would you divorce what your uncle told

you about money

what what what school taught you about

money because they don’t teach you much

about it

could you divorce what what what rap


and and and people who are um social


um um success story could you divorce

all of these

self-help programs and books that you

have applied to and all could you

divorce it for a second and can we make

the word of god

the standard for how we look at

generosity and stewardship just for four


and maybe if you would open your heart

for the next four weeks to look at it it

could change

the generation generational cycles of


and change the generational cycles of


because we either have one of the two

and god wants you to live a everybody

say with me bless life

okay i got to get to the word because

some people don’t understand

that god has standards man has


god has

and man has what such as

there’s a standard god wants us to live

to when it comes to this thing

about handling resources but we have

many times settled for the suggestions

of men who didn’t create these things

god has principles man has opinions

god has a supreme strategy and man has


what’s a stronghold pastor mike i just

heard my big mama say that when we was


the kojic church she said i’m breaking

every stronghold like that’s a churchy


but it has a very practical meaning a

stronghold is a mindset or a pattern

because this is going to help you

understand why some things are hard for

you to do

and why some things are are easy for you

to do

because there are areas in your life

that there is a everybody say stronghold

i broke it down to this a stronghold is

anything that attempts to redefine

anything that god has already defined or


so when god says there’s a way that you

do marriage but then you watch

reality tv and

for the past decade you’ve been forming

the ideal woman

in your mind based off of things that

aren’t real

now when god brings the woman of god

into your life that you’re supposed to

be with

you don’t know if you can settle down

and you’re talking to your brothers like

bro i don’t know if she’s everything

that i’m supposed to be

you’re supposed to help cultivate her

into the things that god has called her

to be

because you’re supposed to be in

addition to that let me stop

to the relationship you’re not going to

roll up on the finished product

god never gives finished products in

relationships he gives raw materials

i’m preaching right now and somebody

needs to understand

that what you’re fighting is not the

person you’re fighting a stronghold

the reason it’s been so hard for you to

give and to tithe

is because you’re fighting a stronghold


mindset of something that your parents

gave you

something that your cousin gave you

something that tv

gave you something that shark tank gave

you that you were trying to now

work against but it took you decades to

build up a stronghold

and it’s going to take us at least four

weeks to tear it down

the reason i’m doing this series and the

reason why god wouldn’t let me preach it

is because i was still working through

my stronghold

nobody talk like this no more charles

they want everybody to think

but you know a stronghold applies to

every area of your life

and some of us have had mindsets and

thought patterns

and ideas i’m feeling old and churchy


i’m here to tear down the stronghold of

financial poverty

i’m here to tear down the stronghold of

financial greed

i’m here to tear down the stronghold of


do you know how much spiritual

opposition there has been this morning

trying to get this word to you


because the thing the enemy would love

more than anything

is to allow the truth to be presented to

you when you leave it on the plate

the thing about taking kids to expensive


is that the filet mignon that you put on

the plate

may be there after the dinner is over

because their palate is not used to that


of eating


and what we found with our kids is

sometimes we have to pack chicken


at the 130 dollar a plate restaurant

until their palate becomes


this paper chaser series is going to

mature your spiritual palate

so that the things that god has in your


how you gonna be claiming purpose chaser

but you can’t handle the paper

it is not that the purpose is supposed

to come without paper it takes paper to

do purpose

there is nothing great you’ve ever seen

that was done for free

god has no problem with paper

he just has to make sure he’s the


and that’s why in this blessed life


called paper chasers i’m ministering


everything that i’ve experienced

i’m telling you who i was that’s why i’m

so passionate that’s why five minutes

into this

i was chasing the paper i was chasing

the connections

i was going after the next the big and

god said that

you got that from somebody else

can i be honest real honest do you know

one of the most culturally

shaping things for strongholds in my

life was mtv

cribs now i know people don’t break it

down that simple

i used to watch mtv cribs all the time

and watch how these people did money

and episode after episode

there was a stronghold being formed in

my mind that if i was successful this is

what it had to look like

and i had to have babes in a jacuzzi and

i had

and i had to have a house where i forgot

how many bathrooms and how many

and y’all gonna be fake and act like i’m

the only one that’s allowed something

from pop culture

to form my mentality of what success

looks like

you may have had a big homie on the

block or you may have had a ceo

family friend at the country club i

don’t care where it is

but if you did not get the principles

from the word of god let me help you

it’s wrong

they’re going to be mad at me but i’m

coming to tear down the stronghold write

this down

paper chasers live for passions

but purpose chasers live from principles

if you’re a paper chaser you’re just

following your passions

i’m going to do this and then i’m going

to do this and then i’m going to go here

and then i’m going to have that

and then i’m going to go there and then

i want to do this

but if you’re a purpose chaser you live

from principles can we be honest

what were your passions 10 years ago

for most of us they’re not the same

passions we have today

because passions are fleeting

i have a passion this year that i won’t

have two years from now

i want to go with the passion which many

times translates

i want to go with the trend

uh-oh i’m going to get in trouble right

now i want to go with what they’re doing

and god says if you’re going to be a

purpose chasers you have to

value principles

over passions


guess what i was passionate about when i

was 10.

yo-yos and pogs

y’all remember pogs some of y’all’s like

i don’t even know what that is

but they’re like little coin type of

things and you had them in this thing

some of y’all getting on google right

now used to play a game

and like and then i’d love yo-yos and

then when they start having to light up

yo-yos and walk the dog

and rock the cradle some of y’all too

young for that

you all know nothing about that but your

boy used to be rocking the cradle

now watch i can’t remember the last time

that i even thought about that but in a

season of my life

that was my passion it’s where all my

money went to oh my god

it’s where my allowance went to it’s

what i associated with people

with and for it was my passion

but i can’t think about too many

principles that i had when i was 10.

and the problem is the things that

outlast passion is principles

and even some of the things that are

negative in your life the reason they

keep showing up

relationship after relationship is

because there’s a principle that you

have formed i’ll never be alone

that’s your principle your principle i

can’t be alone for two months

because you formed that principle at 15.

the passion has been reiki the passion

has been ronaldo

the passion has been raequan and the

passion has been richard

but your principle has outlasted every

one of your passions

yikes i’m trying to get you to

value passion less

i’m not saying you don’t have passion

i’m saying it’s not as powerful as the

principles you live by

and so many people i want to be a

purpose chaser that means you have to be

a principal keeper


perpetrator principle keeper

and in god’s word he lays out the whole

thing for all of humanity

a hundred years ago none of us was here

but his principles were

200 years ago none of us were here but

his principles

that’s why the scriptures say that the

grass withers

and the flowers fade but his word or his

principles last for

if we get these principles of the

blessed life of living with stewardship

and generosities

this is something i can pass on to my

kids how many times

do your parents pass on passions

a good man leaves an inheritance for his

children’s children what people try to

do is pass on their passions

and the only thing that sticks is your


i gotta i gotta get off of this just

just just know write it down in a point

principles are more powerful than


like the principle of covenant in


is more powerful than the passion of a

one-night stand

do y’all see what i’m saying like yes

it’s real yes i feel it

yes i’m passionate about it but we got a


everybody shot at me principles can i

have an honest conversation with you

right now

i have a bunch of principles i need to

share with you today

and i’m scared

i’m scared that

you don’t have the ability to receive

the principles

and actually value them i told

pastor charles before i came out here i


this is it this is what i’m supposed to

share but i’m not

sure that it’s going to go into

good ground and be received

and then i was i was going through my

head in the bible and i was like is

there anywhere that it talks about

because i know the principles i got to

share with you they’re good

these are good ain’t nothing wrong with

the principle ain’t nothing wrong with

the seed that i’m about to

give you i just don’t know if it’ll

actually have

the impact on your life and then i went

to the bible in matt mark chapter four

and in mark chapter four

there’s these parables talking about

seed and soil and the soil of your life

has to be ready to receive the seed of

god’s word

i’ma say it again the soil of your life

everybody say my life has a soil

and my question to you is are you ready

to receive the principles or the seed of

god’s word

so i thought today what we would do is i

i thought we would survey the soil

survey the soil of your heart

because i’m about to share these

principles but four

different responses are going to come

from the same seed

i’m going to put out the seed but your

soil is going to determine what grows

and what most people aren’t aware of is


you are sitting next to somebody who

will have a different harvest

because they have different soil and if

you didn’t know that that’s why you ever

been in church like why it happened for


and then why it happened for them and

why it didn’t happen for them and why

it’s because the same seed

fell on different soil

oh this is about to be good okay so

so i need to tell you according to mark

chapter four that there are four types

of soil of the heart it says um verse

14. let’s start there this is jesus


he says the farmer plants a seed

by taking god’s word to others so what

i’m doing right now is i’m

taking the principles of god’s word and

i’m trying to give them to you right now

and he’s painting this picture verse 15.

the seed that fell

on the footpath represents those who

hear the message

so everybody right now is hearing this


but this person only

they hear it and satan comes at once

another translation says

immediately and takes away

the seed that was sown pastor mike

is trying to sow a seed in your life

that tells you

how to handle finances

and just as quick as it goes in today

before this service is over there’ll be

an instagram ad that comes up on your


and steals the seed that

god was trying to give you and next week

you’ll come

and there’ll be another seed but there’s

nothing here and

just as fast as it is deposited

and this has been the pattern of many of

you spiritual life

january 2019 i’m gonna be released

nope january 2020.

it’s time to get stronger uh you’re

gonna be weak

oh my goodness january 2021 this one is

for me

i’m gonna be anchored as soon as you get


he comes to steal it what i’m telling


is that if you’re in this place if this

is the soil

you have a vacant soil

the soil of your life is vacant

and what you need to understand is god

wants to fill you up because there’s

nothing there now

it’s okay if you’re in this place in

your life right now

i want you to understand that god loves


he sees you and his grace sent me

in a hot pink vest

to let you know there is another way

to be able to get fruit out of your life

than living empty okay okay okay okay

okay okay okay okay okay

yeah some of y’all sitting real still

right now

cause the truth of the matter is no

matter what i say it’s empty

not because of the seed because of the

do you know when people be like i didn’t

get nothing out of that message it

wasn’t the person who preached

as long as they were preaching the word

as long as they had

jesus in the middle of it it doesn’t

matter if it was

monotone and dry it doesn’t matter if it

was done in comedy

it was sung as long as there was a good

seed there can be fruit

my question to you is it the seed or is

it the soil

i tell people all the time i can get

anything from anywhere

as long as it’s good seed i’m good soil

somebody say i’m good soil some of y’all

just lied because listen to the rest of

this real quick

some of us have vacant soil verse 16.

there was another seed

that fell on rocky soil and this

represents those who hear the message

and immediately they receive it with joy

i get it

i’m gonna be a purpose chaser but since

they don’t have

deep roots they don’t last long

they fall away as soon as they have

watch this problems or are persecuted by

family members people on instagram

people that don’t think it’s real for

believing god’s word

for some of y’all all it takes is one

post and you out of here

one person says something tithing ain’t

real and you have

lost everything because you are still

in the shallow

god said you got the word you believe it

but there’s not enough for it to

really get under and have any roots

and so as soon as somebody talks about


and as soon as somebody comes to say

that they don’t believe this or you know

pastor mike a false prophet i made a

youtube video about it

as soon as somebody does that

you weren’t anchored enough

you weren’t far enough in the deep to be

able to handle

a conviction that came with criticism

you can really be able to understand

if you are maturing is when your


offends somebody and you can handle the

criticism and still love them

and still give to them and still pray

for them i’m trying to mature somebody

and transformation nation today oh you

thought this was just about money no

it’s about your life

because until god can plant seeds on


soil the enemy keeps coming to rob you

and i got principles to share i want to

share them with you but i just don’t

want them to get

snagged i don’t want this to be your

sunday religious activity and not be


to the generations that are coming after

you all i’m asking you to do today is


your soil somebody say i’m going to

survey my soil so

one of them had vacant soil

but this one watch this they had

vulnerable soil

there’s something here you’ve got a

couple scriptures you know

you know you you gave a couple times you

did it but when god sows

the seed your seed is vulnerable

and that’s why so many of us have to

watch the circle wheel around

because god will speak something to you

and because you don’t have deep roots

they don’t add dirt to it

they they pick it up

out of you and say there is no way that

can happen for you

and there’s nobody that’s ever done that

baby i serve a god

who is sir uh that does the impossible

with man it might be impossible with my


nothing you better check your circle

when i’m talking about people who are

purpose chasing don’t come to me

with that weak sorry vulnerable

talk come to me with that crazy faith


come to me with that i’ll go to the bank

which you talk

uh come with me but i’ll circle the

neighborhood and you pray on that block

and our prayer



when we started believing god for this

building i didn’t tell everybody

because i knew that everybody didn’t

have deep enough faith to believe with


as soon as god would give me the word

because of your vulnerable soil

you’d be trying to pick up what god was

trying to plan in

so i got with people who were heavy

hitters i got with bishop

and pastor debbie and my mom and and


and charles and my wife and i said yo i

need y’all to believe with me

that we’re gonna be able to do it and do

you know what they said

well if god’s gonna do it it would have

to be him

it’s gonna have to be him it’ll be for

his glory

and when you get people around you who

have seen god’s faithfulness

the seed can go in and it doesn’t even

make sense

but because you have protected that seed

and it’s not vulnerable

you can see everybody shot at me fruit

remember what we said last week

is that we don’t focus on money

money should be the fruit

and that’s why i’m trying to figure out

what kind of soil

am i am i planting this seed on what

kind of soil

are you today let’s just survey the soil

some people have

vacant soil other people have vulnerable


but look at verse 18 it said

the sh the seed that fell on the

thorns represented this one is crazy

others who hear god’s word so you on

this live stream right now you’re

watching on the rebroadcast

all these people heard the message we’re

not talking about people who are not


we’re talking to people who are hearing

god’s word okay

be clear but all too quickly

no no i want to go down to verse 20.

yeah no no where am i at verse 18. the

seed fell among thorns

and represented others who heard god’s

word verse 19.

but all too quickly the message is watch

this crowded out

by the worries of this life

it’s not even bad stuff it’s just

a lot of stuff

what happens when what you doing ain’t

bad is just too much

you ever heard somebody be like you’re

doing too much

what if i came to the body of christ to

say that god has been planting good


and good word and good seed and the

reason it’s not producing fruit is

because you’re doing too much

you ever had a friend that just do too

much like be quiet sit down don’t wear


you’re doing too much i came to tell you


that some of the seed that god is trying

to plant on your life right now

is not because you’re a bad person or

you’re doing the wrong things it’s

because it’s been choked out

by the worries of this life the lure of

wealth or the spirit of mammon and the

desires for other things

the thing you got is enough but you

desiring something else

so this is the saddest part about it so

no fruit is produced

that’s what it says because you heard

god’s word

but the worries of life the lure of

wealth the desires for other things

means you don’t produce fruit so the

same thing

god wants to put where

where in the world can i even get this


is it between the new coming to america


or is it after the bachelor

can i get this word in

can i can i get it in

between seasons of the mass singer

or can i i really got a word and if you

get close up on this

it says there’s thorns

so the seed that god tries to plant in


people’s lives who doing too much

it’s not that it’s just vacant or


these seeds i love it

these things because it hurts right here

it’s something that if i tried too much

i’m gonna actually not just not this

can i say it like this this is what a

lot of your leaders feel like

it’s dangerous to plant anything in you

you’re doing so much that when they try

to plant in you

principles that will help you

be a better man or a better woman

principles that will help you

they end up getting hurt

because you doing too much and then you

leave saying they didn’t want to invest

in me we tried and we have

scars to prove it

and that’s why you go from business to

business church to church

i’m trying to give you principles right

now i know you’re not going to like me

but a lot of people right now are done

with you because you’ve hurt them

because all they were trying to do was

give you seed but your soil

it wasn’t the seed it wasn’t the church

it wasn’t the business

it was the soil

and what happens is you don’t just have

vacant soil or vulnerable soil

you have violating soil

when people try to plant in you you

violate them

i’m not i’m not i’m not late

we have surveillance

like we got what are you what are you

talking about

one of the greatest problems with my

generation is we’re not self-aware

that somebody can tell you something and

you will go after them

for trying to give you principles

that will help you do what god’s called

you to do you want to be a purpose

chaser you better make sure your soil is


cause god will bring people in your life

to help you

but will they leave bleeding

i got to leave that alone

verse 20 and then some seed fell on good


and it represented those who hear

and accept god’s word and produce a

harvest watch this

there’s levels to it of 30

60 and even a hundred times

as much as had been planted

this is what i’m believing for everybody

watching this series

this won’t be your whole family’s

testimony cause some of them are

in this category of soul

but what i’m believing as we plant the

truths of this principle

deep see i can’t even reach the bottom

i’m trying to but the soil is so good

that it has now taken this seed

and buried it and some people think a

planting and a burying

are are devastating but this is the

place where god develops the thing

the reason i had to get this revelation

and then wait six years to be able to

give it to you like this

is because the seed went in 2015.

but 2016 17 18 and 19

i was growing roots and what god has

done now is allow me to walk in a place

that what is coming out of me what you


is just the fruit of the seeds

that have been planted a long time ago

and what i’m believing for your

life is that these principles of god’s

word on generosity and stewardship

would go into good soil somebody say i’m

good soil

say it like you mean it i’m good soil

say it one more time with faith say i’m


soil if you’re good soil

then it goes in and it produces fruit

30 60 100 full i’m believing by faith

by this time next year as you begin to

apply these principles

you will have never seen the hand of god

on your life

and your hands like you’re about to see

him right now

because you’re allowing the principles

of god’s word somebody needs to lift

your hands and receive this right now

i’m prophesying over somebody right now

you’re like what is he doing i’m

speaking over your destiny

and i’m believing that as you stick in

this series

and you value the principles of god over

the principles of man that god is going

to allow you

to be able to experience a new level of

living a blessed life

not just a blessed wallet but a blessed

life a blessed marriage

a blessed business a blessed family i

feel this thing

god is going to allow you to be blessed

to be a blessing

when you walk in blessing just showed up

when you come into the room

blessing follows you everywhere that you


if you believe it somebody give god a

shout of praise

i feel this thing the blessing of the

lord is going to make

us rich and add no sorrow it’s not

because of the seed it’s because of the

soil that

that means good soil is

valuable soil

so i don’t want vacant soil

i don’t want soil that is vulnerable

i don’t want soil that violates me and

violates others

i want valuable soil

and can i say it like this the seed

is always subject to the soil

so from now on when something doesn’t

work in your life

don’t evaluate the seed first

check the soil

how are they advancing in the company

and you’re at the same place

you’re in the same meetings

you got the same handbook

you work the same hours it ain’t the


what is it that’s enough somebody about

to go home and be

like dang i’ve been in 17 relationships

it must be me

yes betty it’s you it’s the soil you’re

insecure you’re jealous you’re gonna

like him

okay let me stop it ain’t the seed

see people call this um this this

passage of scripture

a lot of times they call it the parable

of the sower and then others call it

the parable of the seed but it honestly


the parable of the soil

and i just got one question has your

seed been sabotaged

by the soil and can it be very clear

because something like okay what is the

soil the soil is your heart

it’s not this big like your heart

is either vacant it’s vulnerable

it’s violated or it’s valuable

well talk about the money pastor mike

i’m talking about it right now

like like like that’s why the bible

tells us proverbs 4 23

guard your heart it didn’t say guard

your phone some of y’all guard that with

your life

anybody try to use your phone they can’t

see it cause you acting a fool on it

but guard your heart not your checkbook

i mean it could have said guard your

witches guards your wealth

it says guard your above everything else

above everything you do guard your heart

above all else for it

out of it determines the course of your

entire life if there’s one thing you

want to get right it’s the soil of your


because out of the soil of your heart


comes from that if you’re a mean person

it started in the

heart if you’re a selfish person it

started in the

heart if you’re a perverted person it

started in the

whoever you are you can find its


in your heart

and that’s why i have to talk about

generosity and stewardship because many

people are teaching give to get

and that is not the word of god at

transformation church we decided

that we will teach give to give we don’t

give to get we give

to give and these truths in this book

and in this series

i said this book because i need some of

y’all to buy the blessed life i don’t

get not a royalty

nothing from this but reading this book

by pastor robert morris

transformed my life the principles in

here is what i’m teaching you with a

little sauce on it right now

you need to read this book because it

has the chance to change your marriage

change your health change your family

change your life

and let you live a blessed life

can i take you into god’s word are y’all

ready for the principle yet

okay matthew chapter seven verse um

let’s go to chapter seven verse one

it says judge not that you

be not judged for with the judgment you


you will be judged and with the measure

you used

it will be measured back to you let me

ask you one simple question

is the word money mentioned anywhere in

that verse

did y’all see money in there at all okay

the context of this is judging

so say this with me everybody in here

everybody at home say

judge not and you will not be judged

with the measure you use it will be

measured back to you

now i need to now i need you to say it

with your chest okay say judge not

and you will not be judged

and with the measure you use it will be

measured back to you

now look at luke 6 37 first verse and

the end of

verse 38 it says judge not and you will

not be judged

yet no y’all don’t have to say it with

me i know some of y’all said it this is

me now

judge not and you will not be judged

condemn not

and you shall not be condemned forgive

and you will be forgiven

give and it will be given to you good


press down shaken together and running

over will it be put into your bosom

for with the same measure that you use

it will be measured back to you now this

may shock you

but the word money does not appear

anywhere in

luke 6 38. but most of the time when you

hear this verse is that offering time

give hey elbow and it will be given back

to you ha

good measure press down yeah

shaking together harlem shake it

together running over running over

will men put it in your lap put it in my

lap big daddy

and it’s crazy i’ve heard that all my

life and i’ve even done it sometime when

i didn’t have a revelation

but this is not about money at all

and that’s the trick of the enemy that

any time

you hear the word give you think

negatively because you think people want

your money

right now anytime you hear hey will you

give you first thing you think

money and this is especially

in church i was one time listening to a


and he did a magazine interview and

somebody asked him he said how often do

you talk about giving

and he said how often do i talk about

giving i talk about getting every sunday

and the reporter was like you talk about

giving every sunday

he said yes he said what i think you

meant to ask me

is how much do i talk about giving money

because giving you can’t talk about

the bible without talking about giving

for god so loved the world that he it’s

the theme of the bible you can’t have a

successful marriage

if you don’t have two people that are

willing to give

this is the primary theme of the bible

and you have to understand that it’s not

just about finances

it’s about the principle of giving

and i’m here to redeem that today

because giving applies to every area of

your life

write down the big principle i’ve spent

40 minutes trying to tell you

giving is all about the heart

if you’re going to be generous it’s

going to happen in your heart

way before it shows up in your hand

i want to be a purpose chaser god okay

let’s go to the garden of your heart

and let’s see if god

is the priority in your heart because


is all about the heart i was surveying

some young

some young whippersnappers out here and


i was asking them like what do you want

to be when you grow up and the most

interesting thing i mean very successful

bright people that have a lot of success

i started asking them what do they want

to be when they grow up and they all had

different paths of how they felt that

they wanted to be successful

but all of them came to this last point

this last destination

of something like this and then i just

want to be a philanthropist

i just want to be able to give and every

one of them

i asked them so how are you doing that


and they always like no no but when i

get it

and when i get to that place then i’m no

giving is a muscle that will have

out uh what do you call it alpha tree

what is the um

atrophy it’ll have atrophy let me say it

a different way it’ll be paralyzed by

the time you have money

because you never worked it with the

little you have in your hand right now

some of y’all could set in your budget

that i’m gonna give five dollars away a


and you’re so stingy right now that you

would not extend your five dollars

beyond yourself to be able to become a


of christ’s love do you know how many

times five dollars that quick trip the

gas station

would have transformed my life back in

the day

but because you won’t work the muscle

why because it’s not in your heart

it’s in your head but it ain’t dropped

to your heart


giving is all about the heart don’t

tell me that you honor god let me see

your bank account




you can lie to me but you can’t lie to


i knew i knew it i knew it the church

just wants my money no the church

doesn’t want your money god does

because it’s proof that he has your

heart they don’t believe me

matthew 6 21 for where your treasure

is not where you promise it’ll be not

when you get a settlement

not when it’s all said and done where


treasure currently is

there your heart will be also that boy


do y’all see how i’m walking you i’m the

teacher today okay

i’m walking you how all the way through

the bible how you see

how important guarding your heart and

having the right soil of your heart is

because if you’re going to be generous

and live the blessed life

we got to deal with the heart we got to

deal with the soil because generosity

and giving is all about the heart

and your heart is following

your treasure

and honestly that’s why in many of our

lives right now

god is not after anything but your heart

that’s why i tell people all the time

that that that when you

give god your heart he’ll help you

change your habits

church has done a bad job of trying to

get behavior modification

instead of transformation what we try to

do is stop smoking

stop drinking stop having sex with those

people stop going to the club

stop doing this all that is is behavior


and it doesn’t last because it’s not

based on principles

it’s a passion at the moment that’s why

you’ve been saved four times

and you go to the altar because it was

your passion in him oh i’m doing too


but it was your passion in the moment it

was your passion after you got caught

it was a passion after you got her

pregnant it was your passion after 9 11

but it wasn’t a principle

and so it faded i’m gonna need security

getting out of here this is tight

but it’s right but what i’m telling you

if god gets your heart

he’ll help you change your habits

and if god could ever get your wallet

it’s proven he has your heart

i ain’t say it don’t be mad at me jesus


your heart follows your treasure

your treasure wherever you put your

money has a gps tracking device and

wherever that is

that’s where your heart is right there

so today

i thought there was only one thing to

title the sermon

if if the heart is where everything

flows from

generosity and money are you all ready

i said are y’all ready y’all ready

okay where the money resides where the

money resides where the money resides

where the money resides where the money

resides where the money resides where

the money resides where the money are


yo today

i’m titling this message where the money



because you can tell me that it’s in


but it’s all in your heart

and everything that flows from your hand

comes from the heart

ask your name neighbor where the money


yeah because that’s what god’s trying to

figure out right now

proverbs 4 23. i said it again but i’m

saying i’ve said it before i’m saying it

again guard your heart above all else

because out of it

everything flows some of you you put


put your treasure in a stock and now you

start checking that stock

why because that’s where the money


you never checked the stock ever before

but the reason you checking it now

is cause that’s where the money resides

some of y’all put your money in fashion

and let somebody spill something on it

let somebody step on your shoes

you ready to fight you ready to swap why

because that’s where your treasure is

that’s where the money resides

some of my men right now you restored an

old car that you used to have when you

was in high school

and that mug is bad and now nobody can


it because you put your treasure there

it gets more bass than you

because you take care of things where

your money

resides you want your heart in the


put your treasure there and when god


what are they doing he can find where

the money

resides giving is

all about the what heart okay

now that we’ve established that and you

understand what i’m saying and how

intentional this is the principle that

we have to apply

is one that does not consult with

everything that culture has told us it

means we need to develop

a generous heart everybody say i want a

generous heart

just say it again i want a generous

heart you may not have one yet and i

know this is tight and somebody’s like

i’m logging off

you may stifle your kids kids

because you don’t get these principles

so i’m going to give you something out

of deuteronomy 15

that’s going to help you develop a

generous heart and then we’re going home

and next week oh i got a big surprise

for you next week

next week is going to be next level

deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 7

it says if there is among you a poor man

of your brethren within any of your

gates in your land which the lord god

is giving you who gave you the land the

lord okay just want to make sure that

you know the lord has given you

everything that you have

you shall not harden your heart

it’s all about the heart nor shut up

your hand

from your poor brother but you shall

open your hand

wide and willingly lend him sufficient

for his need whatever he needs four

things that

every purpose chaser needs to develop to

have a generous heart

this is the thing that we have to do

number one we have to deal with the

selfish heart

look at verse 9 deuteronomy 15 verse 9


lest there be a wicked thought in your

heart it’s all about the heart

saying the seventh year of the lord the

year of the release is at hand

and your eye be evil against your poor

brother and you give him nothing

and he cry out to the lord against you

and it becomes

sin among you notice selfishness

is wickedness in god’s eyes and becomes


let me break this down because you got

to study a little bit so there was an

economic system

that the children of egypt had that

every seven years

that they would forgive all debts can we

stop right there

who would like to reinstate that system

of economic if student loans gone every

seven years

all that some of y’all shouting too much

that ain’t happening but

but this is this was watch this a

principle of god

that then man tried to do something

better then and now we’re in debt

anyway this scripture is saying to him

right now he’s like if your brother

comes to you and says hey my crops were

bad this year could you lend me

something my family’s going to suffer

could you be able to do that and you

have the money

he says don’t think hold on one two

three four

five six uh-uh no it’s six months until

the year of release

and i know jerome ain’t gonna pay me

back so no i lended him

a dang thing he said don’t think like


don’t act like that because it is

selfishness that turns into wickedness

that becomes sin in your heart

don’t think selfish like this i want you

to give

generously i want you to be like me and

i have to ask you this question why do

you think god created giving

i’ve asked people this several times and

some people are like he created it so

that his work could be done in the earth

really do you think the same god

that spoke the moon sun and stars

into existence needs our

made-up money to keep his work going

did the light bill in heaven get too


did they run out of gold to pave the

streets with

i truly believe and i’m convinced of it

of every part of my life the only reason


created giving was to give us an

opportunity to be like him

you missed it you want to be like god

you want to do the things that god does

you want to be people who actually make

a difference in people’s lives

give give to people who don’t deserve it

give to the homeless man on the street

well i know he out there hustling

because i know some of y’all

he hustled he made more money than i do

if you give with the right heart it

doesn’t matter what he does with it

if you gave it trying to meet the need

god didn’t judge your harvest on

your god didn’t judge your harvest

on what they did with it when it was in

their hand he judges your harvest on

what you did with the seed he gave you

oh that’s a good bible right there how

do you think

god feels when everybody is giving

hoping they’ll get something back he

said they’re not

they’re not acting like me that’s that’s


give a hundred

get back a thousand everybody does that

that doesn’t take faith to live like


that’s chance and god says they’re

getting the revelation of getting

not giving god wants us to get the


of giving but we have to deal with the


heart now ladies come close okay there’s


area of selfishness that every man

is never going to grow out of and i

think i should let you in

we don’t want to share our food

i should be hearing some amen’s from the

men and we asked you at the drive-thru

did you want some fries and what did you

say to me

i think maybe this is just me no i don’t

want none

five minutes later you asking for some

of my fries baby i’ll buy you two

fries for yourself but you ain’t getting

none of mine and the fries at the bottom

of the bag

they mind you i feel the spirit of god

coming over me right now

we need to deal with the selfish heart

maybe that was just for me

okay um we got to deal with the selfish

heart number two we have to deal with

the grieving heart

so it’s not just enough to deal with the

selfish heart we got to deal with the

grieving heart deuteronomy 15 10

you shall surely give to jerome

and your heart should not be greed i

don’t know if your name is jerome and

you ever watch these services

i’m sorry but that’s always the name

that comes to me you shall surely give

to romy rome

and your heart should not be grieved

when you give to him

because for this thing that’s giving

with the right heart

the lord your god will bless you in

watch this all your works

hold on if i give with the right heart

everything i touch works if i give

with the right heart everything i do

works and in all which you put your


like i need everybody to understand

that this principle works if you believe

in god or not

uh oh if you go check

oprah’s giving records bill gates giving


elon musk giving records they’re not

giving to the kingdom of god

but somehow they’ve adopted the

principles knowing that they cannot just

amass it all

but there is a principle of reciprocity

that when i start giving it comes

back to me in a different way the

problem is when they get

to heaven many of them it’ll still all

be pointless

because they didn’t do it with purpose

can i say it to you like this

selfishness attacks us before we give

but grief tries to attack us after we


have you ever given something or made a

commitment or or said you were going to

bless somebody and then right when you

do it your washer break

like right when you say your tire bust

right when you say it that

is the enemy trying to convince you that

don’t work the principles of god

don’t work and even as i’m sitting here

teaching this i’m thinking

i’m going um to lunch after this

and i don’t actually have any money to

feed my daughters my daughters are here

and they want some food

and i don’t actually have any money

what’s up charlie

what’s up bro you got me a honey

bro i can actually go to cheesecake

factory or something

with a hundred thank you lord now why

was charles so quick

to get up and give me this hundred

dollars because i gave it to him before


it’s easy not to grieve when you


where it came from

the problem with many of us

is that we feel like this was ours

i earned this i went to work but who

gave you the activity of your limbs

and who blessed you to be able to move

to that city

and who allowed you to be able to go to

that place to learn that skill

to then be mentored by that person to be

able to even stand in that position with

some level of competency

it was the lord who made a way

but somewhere along the way

we thought it was our wit our smarts

our knowledge and you only grieve what

you thought was yours

i’m teaching so good up here


who told you this before who’s shown you

the principles of god

that work in your life and it’s so easy

charles come back here

it’s so easy for me to trust charles

with this and this is this is real life

example my man came to me

needing a real need met how long ago was


two weeks ago and because i adopted the

principles now we live a real life like

me and charlie this is

this is not oh he’s the pastor and he

works like this is for real

and he told me what he needed i called

my wife

and i said babe we came into a little


and my brother it’s this exact i’m

realizing it at this moment

it’s this exact scripture lived out

and i told them i said hey bro i’mma

lend you this money

as long as you can have me pay back but

and then i told you i said never mind

pay me back whenever you can

talk to abby figure out what needs to

happen and the reason i’m sharing this


is because i’m recognizing in this


come on that’s good this is

transformation for me i just need i just

need you to understand it’s happening

before like you ever seen a butterfly

come out of a cocoon like this is what’s

happening right now for me

i’m realizing at this moment since the

moment i gave you that cashier’s check

i have not thought about that money


wow i’ve not thought about getting it

back yeah yeah i’ve not thought of

because the motive of giving it yep


to receive it back from the place i got


see some of y’all think that the place

you give is the place you receive from

but when i give i’m giving as unto the


and wherever god decides to bless me


i may be given over here but he’s

working something out for mj over here

i may be sowing right here but he’s

causing provision to come

you may not be able to see where it’s

coming from

but when i sow with the right heart when

i’m not grieving

god got every way he wants to to get it

back to me

somebody needs to give god some praise

right there

that’s why psalms 24 says the earth is

the lord’s

and the fullness thereof it’s not yours

this church ain’t mine it’s not my car

i’m driving it’s god’s

and some of you like no pastor mike i

have documents that tell me right now

that the deed to my house is my okay

baby if this is your reward

keep it if this

is what you want keep it and god’s

saying i have so much more for you

if i could just get access to your

everybody say heart

all right let’s keep going okay we have


to develop a a a generous heart or grief

we have to get excuse me we have to get

out of

dealing with the selfish heart and then

we have to deal with the grieving heart

and this third one we have to develop a

generous heart okay

verse 14 it says you shall supply jerome

liberally a lot

you know like when god tells us to do

something we try to do the bare minimum

oh y’all gonna just leave me out here

there ain’t nobody like okay how much

exactly did you say no 22

okay because i just want to make sure it

wasn’t 222.

but it said you shall supply liberally

from your flock from your threshing


from your bank account from your 401k

from your closet from your shoe

collection oh

is it making somebody really he really

needs some new shoes and y’all wear the

same size

you’ve been clowning them for three

months but you wear the same

size it’s not a hand issue

it’s a heart issue he said supply him

from your wine press from what the lord

your god has blessed you with you shall


to him god wants us to be generous not

selfish and this is the thing you have

to know

you’re born selfish but you’re born


generous anybody that’s saved

it comes into you when you accept jesus

that you want to be generous now we have

to break down the strongholds

by the renewing of our why do i

take five weeks every year

to talk about this it’s because many of

you got saved last year but we still got

to break down the strongholds

your eternity is secure but your history

is going to be jacked up

if we don’t get the strongholds down

and in the area of finances stewardship

and generosity

i’ll be bold enough the truth is most

pastors won’t talk about this

most people won’t do this because they

don’t want

anybody to think bad at them the church

doesn’t need your money did y’all hear

what i just said to y’all

before this thing happened god has

blessed this church because we chose in

the dark

i’m not trying to get something from you

i’m trying to get something to you

we’re giving away half a million dollars

over the next four weeks

we gave away a house 20 30 minutes ago

and paid somebody’s salary for six

months and and

be heard that works with the homeless is

in the building right now and

and we’ve supplied them with living

quarters and blank

like this is not about us giving or

getting something it’s about

getting you something

and that means you’re going to have to

develop a generous heart honestly we’re

like children

like what’s the one thing you got to

teach your kids

share share

hey stop share

i got three and a half kids

i mean y’all know i got three out the

womb and then one finished bacon

now you’re a fine oven um

i love my wife pregnant um but this is

over um i’m just having a lot of

thoughts right now

i think about all my kids at this

current moment and how many of them i

have to teach

this same principle

share my kids right now they’ve won

playing with something

and then the other one wants to play

with them it’s like there is 500 things

to play with in this house

why y’all all playing with this same

thing and then i’ll be like ava

share and then i’ll be like bella share


share and i just have to keep telling

them to share

why does that come innate in them

why didn’t why why didn’t they come

built already

included to be kind

and to share it’s because we’re all born

with a sin nature

you don’t have to teach your kids to be


you have to teach them to be generous

oh that sounds like god you don’t have

to teach your kids

to be selfish we’re already that

that’s why uncle sam doesn’t ask you do

you want to give your taxes

he takes them before you even see your


the gross in the net is gross because he

about to rob you like it

he’s going to take his and you just get

the net

that’s how i always feel like this is

gross and when i see what i actually


and what i actually get to keep cause

they don’t trust you

but the thing about god is it can’t be

love if there’s not a choice

the reason why god doesn’t make you give

because if he made you give it wouldn’t

be love

it couldn’t come from the heart and so

what he does

is he says i give you this choice and


we got to grow up i literally have

uh a image when i was preaching this a

couple years ago that i found this week

that i want to share with you of me

trying to tell my daughter ava

to share and she looks like me

as an adult in different situations and

she may look like you

check this video out real quick hey


ava are you saying that

mine no you share

it’s good to share do you understand me


yeah are you going to share

are you going to share

ava say share

that’s my daughter but doesn’t that

sound like some of us

god share uh uh share

are you gonna share

and it’s cute because she’s a kid

but after a while of that same behavior

if she doesn’t everybody say mature i

know that’s a cuss word for some of

y’all if she doesn’t mature

and start acting like her father the

water that she had she didn’t pay for

the rubber ducky she was playing with

she didn’t pay for the tub

or the lights or the towel but she still

hadn’t formed the principle of sharing

at some point i would say when are you

going to grow up

and i think that’s what god’s

challenging us in in this paper chaser


i’ve blessed you i’ve given you more

than you deserve

i kept you i’m blessing the works of

your hands

do you remember where you were five

years ago and what i’ve done for you

today when are you gonna grow up and be

like your daddy who loved the world so

much that he

gave and he gave on a maybe

there was no guarantee you were even

going to believe him and receive

what he had for you we have to develop

a generous heart last one we need to

develop a grateful heart

this one always hits me differently

because deuteronomy 15 15 it says you

shall remember

oh this one always hits me right when i

start to read it

you shall remember that you were a slave

in the land of egypt

and the lord your god redeemed you

therefore i command you this day

be generous give do more than others

have done

why would god say i command you to give

what authority

does he have to command us again it’s


everything we have came from him

and sometimes if you have a hard time


and i say where does the money reside it

resides in the heart

it’s because you forgot what god

delivered you from

this week i remembered what god

delivered me from as i was going through

some papers

there’s this yellow piece of paper that

i have and it moves my release

form from doing community service

and uh many of you don’t know this about

your pastor

but i tell you every sunday because i

have nothing to hide i’m humble open and


i used to be a manipulator i used to be


i got in some trouble for car insurance

fraud and um it was a felony

and i ended up being able to by the

grace of god

be able to serve community service and

get it expunged

and um many of you didn’t see me at my

lowest point if if you saw me at that

point you would have canceled me

but god

and as i was looking at that paper and i


picking up trash all over tulsa being a

youth pastor

i was a youth pastor at the time i was

doing community service bishop is here

and pastor debbie i had to get on the


with my mom and bishop and helen

trowbridge and i had to tell

the entire church what i did see a lot

of us

we make mistakes and we want god to

erase the consequences it didn’t erase

the consequence that i had

but i wasn’t and i didn’t have to live

in shame

guilt or condemnation

and i remembered what god did for me

and people say pastor mike it seems so

easy for you to give it ain’t easy it

hurt every time

the first and the 15th when my 10 comes

out and then god tells me to give above

and beyond that it hurts so much that i

just tell them take it don’t even this

is the amount just take it

it doesn’t it’s not like it doesn’t

matter i just

live by a principle that’s higher

than my passions

and the reason it has become easier to


is because i’m grateful i remember

where i was when god found me

and he said with the case

i’ll use you at my lowest moment i was

picking up trash downtown

and god said people are going to hear

this story all around the world

and it’s going to bring me glory and at

the moment i’m sitting there

i’m saying god how in the world i was

trying to save some paper and i lied

about insurance and it’s like but i’ma

use it for my purpose

it’s not paper chasing anymore michael

it’s purpose chasing and as

i get grateful on where god has brought

me from

it changes how i deal with what’s in my


because i know who holds my heart

and today i’m asking you to survey the


the next three weeks are gonna be

life-changing principles

but generosity giving

is all about the heart

and today i want to pray for your heart

i want to pray for your soil i’m not

asking you to wear a sign over your head

that says vacant soil

i don’t want you to to name i want god

to do the heart surgery on you

and at this moment i want you to realize

it doesn’t matter what you have it

doesn’t matter what others think you


god wants to know do i have

your heart and that’s the only question

that you need to answer today because it

doesn’t matter how much money you have

if your heart is bankrupt

doesn’t matter how much money it doesn’t

matter if when god looks at this thing

he’s nowhere to be found in it

where does the money reside in the heart

and where does god want to reside

in your heart

hands lifted all over the world oh i

feel this thing god’s doing heart

surgery right now yeah

yup yup yup yup that’s what’s happening

right now

and there’s a surrender happening at

this moment there’s something

that that people who have been guarding

their heart or there’s been nothing


or it’s been it’s been violating or

vulnerable god’s saying right now i’m

going to heal your heart

yep yep yep right now just let him do

the work oh i feel the presence of god

he wants to come to where the money

resides in the heart

and he don’t want to just change your

finances he wants to change

your feelings about how you are his

he wants to let you know that you are

more than what you make

he wants you to be assured that he loves

you right now but it takes you

surrendering right now lift it up

said i surrender

come on right now to you right now i’m

surrendering everything in my heart

everything everything that’s been there


from family members to culture god i’m

saying you can have it all with whole

thing nothing oh i feel this thing

somebody needs to let it go

with ho god i’m giving you everything in

my heart i surrender

yeah right there make this place an


and give god your heart right now

everything that’s been evil everything

that’s been wicked

everything that’s been selfish i’m

withholding nothing withhold

god i’m giving you everything

god you’re doing surgery right now


god i’m giving you everything

come on somebody needs to stand up say i

surrender say

i sir in your house right now

lift your hands turn that place into an


said everything

god i’m giving you everything i’m giving

it to you

you can have my whole heart withhold

oh i feel the presence of god invading

the dark parts of your heart


withholding nothing

with holding nothing come on build it up

i give you all of me somebody say i give



whoa i feel this i give you god you can

have my whole heart


father you can have everything i need

you to change my habits

but it all starts in my heart everything

that’s good

but not god i give it all to you god

i give you all


if you know there’s an area of your

heart that has been selfish or grieving

and you want to develop a generous heart

and a grateful heart i need you to stand

up wherever you are and just lift your

hands i’m about to pray for you

this takes you identifying where you’re

at okay

everybody this is not for everybody but

this is for people

who are saying i’m not just gonna say

i’m a purpose chaser

i’ma listen to the principles and father

god you’re about to develop a generous

and grateful heart some of y’all need to

mark this day down

god is transforming your life today

father i pray

for my brothers and sisters all over the

world and i declare and i believe come


receive this right now some of your soil


ready for god to do a work in you and i

declare father god

that every bit of greed and grief

that has still been residue in our lives

and has literally been the foundation

that everything has been built on

today we tear down the stronghold

and i thank you father god that in this


you are building us up in the

generosity that you’ve already extended

to us

father you loved us so much that you

gave and today god

i’m thanking you the same spirit that

was in christ jesus

would now be in us father god that we

would not just have the strongholds that

have been in our minds

but father god that we would have the

mind of christ i

pray that the lies of poverty

and the lies of selfishness and the lies

of greed

and the lies of self-preservation and

the lies of

debt and the lies father of doubt

would erode off of your people right now

and father i thank you that

people would begin to obey your


in faith i’m talking about crazy faith

father today somebody is making a

decision that they’re going to obey the

principle of tithing

and they obey the principle father god

of sowing

and reaping obey the principle of being

generous everywhere they go

god i’m asking you develop in our church

father this is not for everybody this is

not for the world

this is not for the ones who have not

given their life to you but we can be


because we’ve experienced your goodness

and today we are deciding

we’re withholding nothing lift it up

come on sing it out of your mouth


got every area in me i made a

progression but i’m not perfect god

do a new work in me god take me from the

30 to the 60 to the hundredfold

god do a work deep father let the roots

be so deep that my children’s children’s


get an inheritance father not just of


but a principle scott we trust you i


i sir


i feel this thing somebody’s heart is

being transformed

and every


here i am here


if you’re in this room and in your room

on your track and in your car and you’ve

never accepted

the generous gift of grace

of salvation today

i want to give you the opportunity to

experience what god

gave before he asked you to give



it is the greatest one decision that

i’ve ever made


it took me from being a liar a

manipulator addicted to pornography

somebody who had bad stuff in my heart

made poor decisions

was basing my life off of the the

principles of culture

and not the principles of the word and

when i gave my life fully to christ and

i said god i’m gonna live by your


it didn’t make me a perfect man it made

me a progressing man today i stand

before you raw

authentic giving you everything that god

has given me

and where i am today is not where i’ll

be two years from now but where i am

today is only because of the grace of


and today i remember and that’s why i’m

speaking with so much conviction

some of you are at the end of your rope

and you’ve tried everything you’ve tried

the paper

and it was pointless you tried the pills

and it was pointless you tried


out here and god’s saying would you give

me a try

would you would you allow me to have

this moment

to come into your heart and to transform

you if you want to be added into that

prayer do you know the amazing thing

is over 700 people last week gave their


to christ oh can we celebrate y’all that




and i told god i said god i’d never

preach a message

without giving people the opportunity to

receive you

that’s why this church is blessed is

because it’s not about us

what we want for you and today

i believe there’s hundreds more that

for some reason this has been playing

all day and you’ve been trying to ignore

it but your heart has been beaten fast

this whole time that’s the holy spirit

the bible says he’s drawing you to him

his love

that’s what you feel this joy you sense

from me that’s jumping off the screen

that you can sense in my sweat

that’s the love of god saying yes

there’s a better way to live

and remember if god gets your heart

he’ll help you transform your habits

if you want to be a part of this prayer

we’re about to pray i just want you to

slip your hand up in the air on the

count of three whether you’re watching

this live on rebroadcast the holy spirit

is there with you right now

you can be at your lowest moment i need

y’all to pray right now you can be in

your lowest moment right now but god is

right there with you

and he’s inviting you into a new way of

living a blessed life

and right now one you’re making the

greatest decision you’ve ever made to

i’m proud of you but more than that your

name is gonna be written in the lamb’s

book of life

three shoot your hand up all over the

world i believe

right now that god is seeing your hand

go up and more than that he is now

invading your heart

i want everybody to pray this prayer for

the benefit of those who are coming to

god y’all i feel this thing there are a

lot of people right now

that their life is changing they are

repenting are

turning right now and they’re gonna be


i want everybody to pray this prayer say

god thank you

for giving me jesus

today i’m grateful because i need a


i believe you lived you died

and you rose again just for me

at my worst you saw me

at my best and today

i give you my life invade my heart

change my habits transform my mind

i’m yours in jesus name

amen can we give god all come on

let’s give god a shadow praise let’s

give him glory all over the world

hallelujah heaven is turning up

over one person getting saved and

hundreds of people

just gave their life to christ glory to


this is what i want you to do i want you

to if you just gave your life to christ

text save to the number on the screen

that’s all i want you to do i want you

to take saved and we’re going to help

walk with you

we have some videos and some content and

some resources

we’re going to be a church that walks

alongside of you

and this thing is not about perfection

because that’s what the enemy tries to

remember those buckets

somebody right now the seed was just


in you don’t let the enemy steal this



don’t let us being shallow steal this

seed don’t let doing too much still


today god has given you a new generous

heart protect that soil

because out of that blows everything in

your life

go back and watch damaged goods on

youtube go watch relationship goals

go watch planted not buried that

probably is a really good series right


for some of y’all to watch watch these

go back and watch anchored and see what

the lord told us about this year

i’m telling you this will be the best

year of your life

if it is your best year spiritually and

we’re going to be here to walk with you

i’m so proud of you and transformation


i’m so proud of you do you know i just

preached for 90 minutes

about stewardship and generosity this is

the same length as a pixar film

and the reason i had to do it is because

your purpose

is going to be dependent on the

principles of god

i’m proud of you as a church i feel us

going deeper

i feel like i got about 20 000 anchored


oh y’all better help me i feel like i

got about 20 25

000 anchored people if you’re anchored

in the comments can you put on the acre

we’re gonna see god do it next week

i have a huge surprise i’ve been keeping

from you you gotta get here

for week three of paper chasers and this

week share this with

everybody now remember you got an

assignment today

is to go out and show the joy of god to

somebody else

father i thank you that this will be our

best week ever

that we will look like you everywhere

that we go

father that blessings are looking for us

as we steward over what’s in our hands

father i thank you that we will divorce

the paper chasing

and be committed to the purpose chasing

in jesus name we agree we expect

amen go out and live a transformed life

glory to god