WARNING: Read The Manual Before You Touch The Product // Relationship Goals Reloaded (Part 1)

Good Morning Family Prayer For Today:Father, I choose to trust in You. Even when things don’t go the way I planned, I know You are at work in my life. Thank You for Your perfect love which casts out all fear. I love You and surrender every area of my life to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.???? Keep God First……………

Tag: best sermonsChrist JesusChristianChristiansChristmasChristmas messageChristmas sermonChristmas storyChristmas teachingcrossencouraging sermonsfaithfamilyforgivenessGodgospelheavenhellHolySpirithopeinspirational sermonsJesuslovemarriagemessagespowerful sermonprayerpreachingreason for the seasonrelationshipssermonsteachingTony EvansTony Evans sermonstrustingvictoryyouth

TC nation thank you for joining thank

you for clicking on this sermon and

guess what this week’s a special week my

husband wrote a book I’m so proud of you

again you’re welcome and we’re so happy

that you joined and I want you to know

that the reason we wrote this book

relationship goals is to help you win in

relationships and today we do believe

this message is gonna help you all the

content in this series relationshipgoals

reloaded is going to help you because we

believe that you can win in

relationships no matter where you are

there is a brighter future for you maybe

you just need to learn some things so go

get the book today at I am Mike Todd

calm and enjoy this message as we all

win in relationships I’m ready if you’re

ready for relationshipgoals reloaded I

need you to let me know by saying I’m

ready hey


well today we are starting a brand new

series called relationshipgoals

reloaded and the reason I’m so excited

about this is because um this whole

thing of relationship goals is really

less calculated than everybody might

think this this whole thing that that

that nine hundred and I believe it was I

wrote it down nine hundred and ninety

three days ago I spoke the original

message for relationship goes and when I

spoke that nine hundred and ninety three

days ago August seventh 2017 a few

months later this series would go viral

and people would start watching this in

people who believed in God people who

didn’t believe in God people were who

were in a relationship people who were

divorced people who were stalkers people

who were in situation ships you know

what those are people who were sliding

into DMS and people who had lost their

husbands and wives this this series

begin to go viral and people started to

share it and we didn’t plan for it but

for some reason God wanted to get this

message out this was something he wanted

to encourage his people with and and I

want to set precedence as we start on

this message I never expect God to do

the same thing the same way again cuz

he’s a sovereign God so let me tell you

I’m not preaching today for this message

to go viral that doesn’t matter to me my

assignment is whoever is watching this

right now for you for me to give you

everything that God is putting me for

you so if nobody else sees it except the

people on this stream right now I know

that this is a word from God I feel it

already and this is going to help you

win in relationships they tell me from

the stats that nineteen point seven

million people have watched relationship

goals on YouTube but I don’t care that

that many people watched it I would just

like nineteen hundred people to apply

the wisdom and the knowledge that comes

out of these messages because if only

1,900 people apply and start aiming at

the goal that God has for us in

relationships that means families get

better that means children are raised in

an environment to have a clear

understanding of God’s Word on

relationship that means that you will be

better so I just want to make that clear

as we start I don’t know how long this

series is gonna be he’s supposed to be

four weeks right now but after this

message I think it’s too short

we might be in this for a little bit cuz

I want you to win in relationships if

you want to win in relationships just

say that out of out of your mouth say I

want to win in relationships come on put

it in the chat I want to win in

relationships and that’s why I believe

that I am here and many of you know this

Charles said it earlier but I have to

make an announcement to everybody in

transformation nation your boy is

officially a Oster now now now why this

is so um so amazing as my wife sits in

the front row because she knows that I

don’t I don’t even as of probably about

six years ago I even like to read the

fact that I’m an author and I didn’t

like to read means that God has a funny

sense of humor that he’ll use the

foolish things to confound the wise and

so in my first copy of relationship

goals and I want to thank you guys so

much for support and transformation

nation y’all have stood up y’all have

pre-ordered y’all have done so much and

the book comes out this Tuesday and

we’re gonna turn up this Wednesday i’ma

tell y’all about it we got stuff coming

together but it’s gonna be fun thank you

for supporting this because it’s not a

book it’s a manual this is this is

something that I want to help you win in

relationships and I wrote this first one

to my wife it says this is the first

official copy of my first ever book and

there’s only one person in the world who

deserves it you you are my relationship

goals thank you for believing me Natalie

and I want to give this to my wife here

you go baby mama come and just get it

real quick I just want to let you know

in front of everybody

see look at she covering herself she’s

looking off all hood right now cuz ain’t

nobody here but I love you too and today

I was gonna preach off of what I wrote

in the book and then God said uh I got

more for you and I said hold on he said

you called the series relationshipgoals

what reloaded and I don’t know about you

but if you’ve ever had a gun before and

and and and you’ve unloaded all of the

the bullets they say reload and there’s

a new cartridge that comes in and you

have to put that thing in there and it’s

brand new bullets and so I’m telling you

right now I hope you ready cuz these are

all brand new bullets the eight parts of

the other series that in the book there

to help you but God’s given me more

stuff that we’re gonna highlight some

stuff but these are brand new bullets

and I’m ready to get into it right now

see because when this thing happened and

I didn’t know that people were

struggling so much in relationships but

I was seeing the results of it I was

seeing how people were broken I was

seeing how I was broken and the reason

that I wrote this book is because I did

not have a manual I had great Christian

parents I grew up in a church

environment but nobody actually gave me

plays on how to win in relationship the

only instruction that I got and maybe

you got the same one is don’t have sex

before you get married well what happens

when you failed that test and failed it

again and felt it again thank you for

grace because the truth of the matter is

so many people are out here struggling

in relationships and they do not know

what God says about relationships and

there is power in the spoken word but

there is longevity in the written word I

must say that again because somebody

missed it there’s power in the spoken

word what I’m doing right now there’s

power in it but there is longevity in

the written word when the founding

fathers of this United States of America

wanted to set some principles that were

we would be guided by even after they

were gone they didn’t just say it to

each other they wrote it down and it

became the Constitution when Martin

Luther King was inspired by by by the


this is that were happening all around

him he didn’t just say it to his friends

he wrote it down and that became famous

speeches like I have a dream their

longevity they’ll outlive all of us when

God wanted to get a message to all of

creation he didn’t just say it to a

couple of people he wrote it down

divinely inspired through men with every

word being right where it needs to be so

that it could get to us and now it has

longevity and we read it as the Bible so

why relationship goals the book is cuz

my prayer is this is not for likes this

is for longevity my prayer is that when

my daughter needs instruction on

relationship goals in her daughter means

instructions on relationship goals maybe

we have would have put something in the

earth that would have given somebody

what I didn’t have and that’s why I want

you to be a part of this movement I want

you to get this to as many people as you

can it is not an age thing there are

people who are 75 years old that have

read this book and reviewed it and

saying it’s changing their view on

relationships for the latter half of

their life do not miss your blessing

because you think you’ve already arrived

all of us can do better at relationships

and today we’re about to walk through

this thing because I believe God gives

principles in his word for us to live by

everybody say principals say it again

say principals and I think that if we

could ever start living by the

principles of God we would avoid a lot

of the problems of life I must say it

again if we could ever start living by

the principles of God we were to avoid a

lot of problems in life write down my

first point right now the more

principles you learn from the Word of

God the less you pray about what to do

I’m gonna say it again cuz some of y’all

like what did he just say he said you

don’t have to pray that much listen to

what I just said the more principles you

learned from the Word of God the less

you have to pray about what to do if you

have a car made by a manufacturer

whatever your car is a Kia

a Honda a Ford whatever your car is the

car comes with the manual

most of us have never read the manual

can we be honest if you have read the

manual to yo car lift your hands right

now and I see if you line put your hands

down Tremaine you know you didn’t read

the manual okay most of us never read

the manual so if something goes wrong

with our vehicle most of us panic most

of us if we start the car we start

hearing a noise and then it slows down

and the acceleration goes down we pull

over to the side we start panicking or

know what’s gonna happen and usually we

call a mechanic because the panic leads

to problems and so when we start

panicking we then find problems and then

we find a mechanic when the mechanic

gets there he comes in he doesn’t seem

tense worried frustrated nothing he

comes in he tries to start the car he

listens to what’s happening he then goes

up and he opens up the hood he goes past

all of the other things and go straight

to the problem and he’s able to fix

exactly what’s wrong with the situation

because he knows the principles of a car

okay y’all are gonna get this in a

second you pay him three hundred and

fifty dollars why because you did not

know how to fix it yourself

you could have saved time and money and

not had to pay for it if you knew the

principles I’m talking about your

relationships and you don’t even know it

you are paying so much in time and

energy and hurt and frustration and

you’re losing purpose and losing your

life because you’re paying for something

that you do not know the principles of

all I’ve already preached it and many of

you are depleted and I’m daresay

overdrawn in your account because you’re

paying for not knowing the principles

when I think about this you need to

understand this principle simplify life

when you understand the principle of a

thing life becomes simple I want you to

write that down

principles simplify life prove it to you

the car that most of us drive works on

the prints

full of gasoline you know how to put gas

in your car you know that principle so

when your car goes on E

don’t nobody be praying about that cuz

they know the principle they don’ts oh

god I’m gonna father I just thank you

right now that you would send a ram in

the bush god I thank you Father that you

would make a way for the petrol to get

into my tank god I need to call a phone

a friend Holy Spirit who should I call

Diane Diane I need you to touch an Acree

with me because right now I’m out of gas

and I know that God can be away where

there is no way Lord would you please

bring a quick trip you don’t do that cuz

you understand the principle of gasoline

so you don’t have to pray about what you

understand the principle of you don’t

have to pray about what you understand

the principle of and so what ends up

happening is if you run out of gas

you’ll find the nearest gas station you

will put the gas in the car and you will

pump it because you understand how the

principle of a car is supposed to

function that’s the way it’s supposed to

be for all your relationships you’re

supposed to understand the principles of

relationships so you don’t have to pray

about what you already know the

principle love see how quiet it is

because the truth is most of us have

never read the manual about

relationships most of us have never been

taught the principles our parents didn’t

know how to do it so they didn’t teach

us about it pop culture acts like they

know how to do it so they’re the only

one stepping up and saying this is how

it’s supposed to be this is how supposed

to be but they didn’t make it so it’s

it’s one of those things where they’re

telling you how it’s supposed to work

but they have no guarantees in their

life you ever got a product that wasn’t

made by the manufacturer so you get no

guarantees with it and that’s what’s

happening a lot of our relationships are

broken because we’re getting taught and

they’re given to us but somebody who

didn’t make them and when you didn’t

make a thing you can’t guarantee it I

feel that so what I’m trying to tell you

right now whatever happens in your

relationship you are supposed to know

exactly what to do know what’s wrong

with it and

to fix it but the reason we can’t is

because we haven’t read the manual

the reason I’m trying to to dig down on

this and y’all I feel like a teacher

today I really want to take you through

the word and build the value to why God

is supposed to be the ones to define our

relationship why our relationship with

him is our ultimate relationship goal

because out of that relationship all of

our other relationships will be

successful how does a relationship I

have vertically with him everything I do

down here will be able to win but what

we’ve been trying to do is do

relationship down here and ask him to

bless it when he wasn’t the first

relationship go for us and that’s where

I want to give you this point principles

protect life

so print principle simplify life but

also when you get principles they

protect life and when you violate a

principle they destroy you I’ll say it a

different way when you violate a

principle you violate yourself like like

okay I’m using this car analogy a lot

because I think it’s easy for everybody

to get when you violate the speed limit

and you violate that principle and then

you get pulled over and then you have to

pay for the ticket you didn’t violate

the police officer you didn’t take

anything from him what you did was you

took something from yourself and that’s

what happens when we violate the

principles of God whether it be having

sex outside of marriage that doesn’t

violate anybody except you and now your

have a soul tie and attached to somebody

that was never exposed to experience all

your glory baby and he wasn’t ever

supposed to see that Queen or that king

and that level of vulnerability but when

you violate the principle for the rest

of your life every time you see that

person and they come in the room you

remember that oh you know there’s some

pictures floating around with you oh you

know there’s a couple of messages that

you sent and God is saying like don’t

violate my principles because when you

violate my principles no

how good it feels in the moment you’re

violating yourself look at it y’all need

some scripture because some of y’all is

like what is he doing why is he on a

rampage I told you I was wait long did

Psalms 119 verse from a1 to 4 it says

blessed are those and I want you to

highlight and underline a few things

right here it says blessed are those

whose ways are blameless who walk

according to the underlying law of the

Lord blessed are those who keep his

underlying statutes and seek him with

all of their heart they do no wrong they

do no wrong they do no wrong but follow

underline his ways you have laid down

underline precepts that are to be fully

obeyed there’s a level of life that you

can live where you don’t do nothing

wrong when you obey the instructions of

the one who made life let me say it

again there’s a way that you can do no

wrong in relationships when you obey the

manual the law the precepts the the ways

that God has set up for us that’s why so

many broken relationships are all around

here because we keep going over the

precepts the laws the instructions that

God is trying to give us let me say it a

different way the principles that he

tries to set up for us in relationship

and that’s why we spend most of our

relational life crossing lines and

coming back saying things we weren’t

supposed to say then coming back getting

mad at our business partner and then

coming back and we do this dance because

we never ever listened to the precepts

the laws the statues of God and fully

obey them and that’s why that word

principle means a lot I started to study

it because when we talk about

relationship goals in relationship God

is the originator or the manufacturer of

relationships and I’m trying to drive

that into you because the next five six

seven eight nine weeks

they won’t be as powerful if you do not

get this point that word principle it

has a root word of prince and the word

prince means first principle means first

law or first rule so let me give you a

long definition of principle it’s the

first foundational original law

established by which a creature or a

created thing is designed to function or

be regulated let me give you a remix of

that that definition a principle is the

first law laid down by the manufacturer

this is so important because if you

understand that marriage was not made by

government it was made by God he put

down the law he put down the principles

that it was supposed to be guarded by

parenting was not all just a good idea

he told us that i’ma teach you how to

parent running a business it’s not just

a good idea God says I want to show you

how to do this thing where you can be

successful I want to show you where you

don’t have to pay every time you mess up

because you understood what it was

supposed to be from the beginning let me

say something to you about a principle

right this point down anything that is

not a principle is an opinion anything

and now that we have social media is so

crazy because you compose something and

have a lot of followers and you act like

it’s a principle but it’s just your


cuz you weren’t the first one to

establish that law you didn’t create

that my Bible says in the beginning was

the word and the Word was with God and

the Word was God he was the one who

established it in the beginning he spoke

a word into it and the whole galaxies

are still standing in place in the

beginning there was relationship before

anybody I don’t got the time to explain

it but it was God the Father God the Son

and God the Holy Spirit and they were in

relationship three personalities in one

they were already doing it before he

said let us make man in our image both

male and female who knows the blueprint

on relationship God does

and until we understand the principle of

of God knowing or that his principle is

not an opinion we will allow pop culture

to define it we will allow our family to

define it or this one my mom and them

said how good is their relationship well

this is what this blog said how good is

their relationship all they can do is

give an opinion on the principle and I

know some of y’all gonna be mad and some

of y’all about to click off right now

but you can keep having that raggedy

relationship that you’ve been having or

you can learn the principles of God and

you can allow me to show it to you

because until I learned this I was

aiming at all the wrong things until I

learned this I was going to pornography

for validation before I learned this I

was hurting people left and right

and thinking that if I just repented

maybe somehow it would change my actions

no it just put me in a better feeling to

do it again what I’m telling you is the

things that you’re doing in your

relationships because some of y’all are

sliding and diems and you have a wife

and there are people right now that are

searching for validation and people that

can never give it to you and there are

people that have been divorced two and

three times and you’re still looking for

something that only God can give and

there’s other people that keep going

from business partner to business

partner it’s not them baby it’s you

there’s something that God wants to

upgrade in you there’s some principle he

wants to teach you there’s something

that he wants to do in you and some of

you are saying well nobody knows that

but God sees who you really are even

though you don’t post nothing or say

nothing or talk about your relationship

some of y’all like I’m real private I’m

private I don’t let nobody know what’s

going on it’s still broken even though

we don’t know it if you don’t allow God

to set the principle for your

relationship and let your opinion die

and submit to the one who created it you

will always end up without the result

that you’re actually looking for

well I’m preaching better than y’all

talking to me or commenting okay so

that’s why the principle is first

everybody needs to remember that

principle is first when a king and a

queen have a child what do they call it

a prince or princess because they are

the first ones in line for the throne

cannot can I blow your mind real quick

Satan is called the Prince of Darkness

because darkness watch this in the

Hebrew means ignorance so he is the

first one to rule by ignorance the

reason why you have to learn the

principles of God because when you don’t

know the principles of God about

relationship when you don’t know the

principle of God about singleness when

you don’t know the principles of God

about your marriage you are ignorant and

Satan’s name is the first the Prince of

ignorance okay so let me help you that

means the area of your life where you

are ignorant Satan has the most

rulership over you oh that’s good

the area of your life where you are most

ignorant Satan has the most rulership

over you that’s why it seems like you

can get it right in your business but

every time it comes to relationship you

jacked up and you crying and you messed

up and you just screw in her and all of

these other things is because you

haven’t learned anything you haven’t

gone back to the principles of God you

are ignorant you are in the dark about

relationship and that’s been the enemy’s

plan for generation after generation you

don’t know if your daddy is really your

daddy you don’t know if your uncle is

actually actually your brother because

there’s so much darkness there’s so much

crap around relationships that we just

keep it in the dark and the enemy is

able to win there because we are

ignorant of God’s principles about

relationship that’s why we have to learn

that’s why we have to study

that’s why I’ve dedicated myself over

this past six or seven years to becoming

a scholar I’ve got to read more and let

me tell you this I hated reading I did

not like going through and seeing a

bunch of words I mean I’m you know let

me be honest I’m one of them picture

guys I need a picture somewhere that’s


and that’s and taking up at least 3/4 of

the paper do I have any picture people

in the house today but what I understand

is this principle of ignorance it made

me understand it no matter if I don’t

like to if I don’t get if I don’t get

more knowledge in this area if I don’t

understand how to be a better husband if

I don’t work on my craft of speaking if

I don’t learn how to be a better CEO

manage my personal finance the enemy

gets to hold me where I don’t have any

knowledge and some of y’all your

relationships have just been held by the

enemy because of our ignorance about the

principles of God but today I believe by

the spirit of faith somebody through

this series through the book through the

Bible is going to get knowledge somebody

say knowledge will somebody say

knowledge put it in the chat and guess

what I found

the Hebrew word the Hebrew word darkness

in Hebrew is ignorant but guess what the

word knowledge in Hebrew means light so

wherever there is darkness at the moment

knowledge comes in light comes on and

where it is dark in relationships and

you don’t understand the principle where

it’s dark in business and you don’t

understand the principle where it is

dark in your family and they don’t

understand the principle if you would

just put knowledge there light would

come on and where wherever light is

darkness cannot stay can I promise you

that this is why Jesus in John 8:12 what

does he say

he spoke to the people once more he said

I am the light of the world I am the

knowledge that you need if you follow me

you won’t have to walk in darkness or


it is Bible preaching because you will

have the light the knowledge that leads

to life the light the knowledge that

leads to life what God wants to give you

through this relationship Gold Series is

a light is knowledge that leads to the

life you want to live that leads to

hashtag relationship goals that leads to

the business being successful that leads

to the best life that God wants you

have but you cannot have God’s best in

the dark I need to hear you every secret

every lie I think it was a possible TI

that said bring him out bring him out I

think that’s who said that he I need you

to bring it out because God says what’s

done in the dark has to come to the

light this series is about to expose

some things this series is about to

bring you to a place that says it

doesn’t even make sense

for me to live in this ignorant anymore

I believe that God is coming to shed

light somebody shot at me light I need

to see some lightbulbs in the chat right

now I need to see some beings going off

right now God is coming to give you

everybody shot at me light he said he’s

the light of the world but look what

Matthew 5:14 says he said don’t just be

excited that Jesus is the light of the

world he takes it a step further and he

said and you were made in my image so

you are the light of the world like a

city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden

I just hear Kanye’s flashing lights in

the background right now God said I want

you to be so knowledgeable on what the

principles are a relationship by the

Word of God that when you walk into a

room and you see a counterfeit that’s

talking ignorance and it’s dark you step

in there and said the light is here you

step in there and say you can’t fool me

with that crap bro you step in there and

say I’m more valuable than that baby the

light has shown up somebody needs to say

I hate ignorance yeah say it say I hate

ignorance because I’m telling you that’s

where the enemy has been able to grip

you you don’t want to read nothing about

budgeting that’s where the enemy gets to

play with you no money you don’t want to

read anything about forgiving that’s

where the enemy gets to control your

heart that’s why we had that moment at

the beginning I was trying to shed some

light on you you can’t get the full word

of what God wants to do in your life if

you’re holding on and it’s hard ground

we need light we need knowledge and

that’s why we’re talking about this

right now

Psalms 119 I love it because my passion

is to destroy I don’t I’m sweating

through everything right now because I’m

in my purpose right now and I’m feeling


feel that my the reason I was created

was to destroy darkness your darkness in

your life that’s why you tune in here

every Sunday that’s why even if you

don’t understand all of the reference

there’s something that keeps bringing

you back cuz this is the first time all

week some of y’all have had light in

your life you’ve been listening to the

news you’ve been checking your bank

account every hour

you’ve been still looking at the death

toll and God says hold on hold on hold

on come back to me I’m the light of the

world and if you could get around some

other people that have some lights I

would dare us to say that in the middle

of the pandemic we can write this whole

thing up baby somebody needs to say

light it up well some of us need to stop

speaking down and stop speaking the

facts and we need to speak by faith and

we need to light it up but you only can

light up a place where you have

knowledge and in the area of

relationships we’ve been ignorant but

and I hate ignorance and that’s why

Psalms 119 has guarded my mind it’s been

a playbook for me it literally says the

law of the Lord the statues of the Lord

the ways of the Lord the precepts of the

Lord the decrees of the Lord the

commandments of the Lord the word of the

Lord all of those things mean principles

he literally in one chapter puts all of

these things he said they may not get it

when I say the law of the Lord

cuz that’s a principle so let’s say the

statutes of the Lord that’s a principle

let’s say the ways of the Lord that’s

the principle or an attitude the

precepts are though he literally keeps

listing different ways in one chapter

because all he’s saying is if you follow

my principles I can give you successful

life in every area of your life and when

it comes to relationship goals we’ve

been aiming at the wrong thing and God

says could I give you my principles the

first intention I had for marriage the

first intention I had for a relationship

the first intention and that’s why I’m

telling you that when we get the

principles of God we’re able to live the

life that he created us that’s why the

Ten Commandments all those are are

principles that we are supposed to live

our lives by the Bible is a simple book

of principles if you follow the

principles you will be successful but if

you violate them you violate yourself

look what proverbs 14:12 says because

some of y’all I feel your spirit about

the click off

I didn’t sign up for all of this baby if

you want your relationships to work you

have to follow the principles of the

manufacturer and I know because culture

reality-tv I was about to call names

people let’s just say people they’ve

taught you that you know how it works

you think you’ve watched enough bachelor

to be able to see what’s right and

what’s wrong oh I’m telling you you’ve

watched real hip-hop love in Atlanta you

you’ve seen what’s wrong and all this

other stuff

look what problems 14:12 says there is a

path before each person all y’all

that seems right that there’s one that

seems like it’s the way to go

but it is in death but look what

proverbs 16:7 says when people’s lives

please the Lord when they follow his

statues his principles he says even

their enemies are at peace with them

some of the peace that you need is found

in the principles you keep some of y’all

have been praying for peace and you have

not had peace because you don’t have

principles you let anybody into your

life because you have no standard you

have no principle and then they break

you and that you ask God to heal you and

he said if you could just get a

principle I’d give you peace

he said even your enemies have to be ok

with you when you live by the principles

of God Oh

Bible I’m too hype up here by myself so

I want to give you the keys I found them

I found the keys to the principles of

God and I need everybody to take this

down these are the principles of the

Creator we’re not gonna look at culture

right now we’re gonna look at the

principles of the Creator and these are

the things that you need to have in your

life if you’re gonna follow God’s

principles you need knowledge you need

understanding you have to be obedient

and you need application like I’m gonna

say it again

knowledge you need to you need the light

to come on you need to get more

knowledge in an area you need

understanding that’s why the Bible says

in all

you’re getting get an understanding I

don’t know where some of y’all are

getting in Corona some of y’all getting

fat in Corona

some of y’all getting weave in Corona

some of y’all some of y’all getting mad

in Corona and some of y’all getting

peeved in the Corona but what you need

to get is understanding so I get

knowledge and all you’re getting you get

understanding and then I get obedient

and this is where it breaks down for

most people because when God tells us to

do something a certain way we’re like

well I don’t even think that’s darling

even like that I don’t even think that’s

okay cool but but plenty of us have

knowledge and understanding but we

stopped at obedience because somehow we

think the product we did not make we

know better how to use it we think

somehow cuz we don’t felt something that

we should step over the principles of

God to be able to satisfy our feelings

but that knowledge goes to understanding

that understanding goes to obedience and

obedience goes to application and when

you get that you will see success you

will win in relationship and the

ignorance of these principals is

honestly a tragedy that’s why God sent

Jesus I need everybody to see this God

sent Jesus why because jesus is called

the word so when we lacked instruction

he sent the word when we lacked

principles he sent his word let me prove

it to you gimme Bible pass the mic okay

Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 literally at

the title of my Bible it says God’s

final word his son Jesus it says in the

past God spoke to our ancestors to

prophets and that many times in various

ways but in these last things that’s

where we’re living right now he said he

has spoken to us by his son Jesus whom

he appointed heir or the Prince of all

things and through him also he made the

universe so everything you see he made

and the son is the radiance of God’s

glory and the exact representation or

the representation I like that word of

the being sustaining listen all things

by the powerful word that means right

now God’s Word is holding up everything

how is that Pastor Mike he spoke

principles into place and the whole

world what works off of principles even

today the principle of gravity he spoke

that one time he ain’t coming back every

day like gravity gravity he didn’t do

that he spoke at one time and he said a

principle in place and when he said a

principle in place everything is

functioning before us with us and after

us on the principle that God spoke time

he spoke a principle and all of us wake

up and go to sleep on the principle that

God said seasons summer fall winter

spring it doesn’t no matter if we’re in

a famine if we’re in Corona because he

said a principle and the word of God

stands forever and ever the grass

withers and the flower fades but the

Word of God stands forever why won’t we

listen to God about relationships

because he’s the only one who

understands the principles I gotta get

through this okay

when you buy a computer a toaster a

microwave a cell phone when you open the

box what is the first thing you see you

usually see a little pamphlet with a

bunch of words on it it’s not the

product you should usually see what is

it called a manual okay do any of us

read the manual completely don’t I know

you you’re literally working driving

living in things that you have never

come on let’s be honest I can’t remember

the last time I picked the manuals

honestly it’s four things my daughter

gets like I don’t know how to put these

new toys together they could really be a

lot simpler I probably need to work for

one of the toy companies because it’s

like little dumb pieces that go to

little dumb pieces and that’s the last

time I picked up the manual but like for

a TV I’ll pull a four thousand TV out

the box

plug it in hit the remote why do I need

a manual come on let’s be honest I’ve

got a new car put it in Drive put the

key in ignition Ram why I read the

manual the reason is the reason is is

most of us are paying for things that we

don’t get the full benefit of you missed

it you’re paying for things that you are

not getting the full benefit of because

you don’t read the manual about what you

are doing let me help you some of y’all

how many people have a smartphone come

on let’s be honest right now and if you

don’t have a smartphone we’re gonna pray

for you and God is bringing an increase

into your life right now but this is the

thing if you have a smartphone you paid

for probably two to three hundred

functions let’s be honest you use six of

them you text you call what else you do

you uh take pictures social media and if

you’re really fancy you take notes and

use the calendar but you literally paid

the price for hundreds of functions and

you use six of them why cuz you didn’t

read the manual and I’ve started to

think about that when it comes to our

relationships that could our marriage be

better if we would read the manual could

my single season be amazing if I would

read the manual and see what God says

about this season of singleness and how

I don’t need to rush into marriage

because this is the greatest decision of

sacrifice that I’m ever gonna make

except choosing Jesus and how I should

use this time to do what I won’t be what

I won’t find out who I am like could

this season of singleness again or

divorce be the season that God refines

you so that when you find the one you’re

supposed to be with you won’t bring the

baggage of the last season into the next

season I’m preaching right now all I’m

saying to you right now is if you would

read the manual you could get all the


but instead of benefiting we’re

suffering the truth is most of us are in

relationships with friends business

colleagues teachers mothers and fathers

marriages that we’re not getting the

full benefit of because we don’t know

how it actually works and the only way

you can find out how it actually works

is going to the manufacturer it’s like

going into marriage and not finding out

what God wants in it i’ma break this

word down the word man you okay I’m

gonna help you I told you I was gonna

teach you today and I know the next week

we gonna have to keep going Natalie

there’s so much I want to talk about

right now

there’s so much I want to give them I’m

phool like I’m overflowing right now and

I’m telling you if you get these

principles if you stay with me this

entire series if you sit down put your

seatbelt on and buckle up for what God

wants to do by the end of this series

we’re gonna hit every facet of your life

and I promise you you’re gonna win in

relationships that’s why God got you

here it’s not a coincidence it’s not a

good graphic it’s not because the sermon

series went viral is because he wants

you to win in relationships but you

can’t win without a goal and you can’t

know the goal if you don’t know the

intention and you can’t get the

intention unless you go to the

manufacturer so let me break this down

for you manufacturer let’s break that

down the word menu means to make okay

man you means to make the manufacturer

is the factory that it’s made in okay

the factory factory that made it that

which makes the product is the

manufacturer when you put man you in al

together listen to this it means the

mind of the maker the thoughts of the

maker on paper the reason you read the

manual because it’s the makers thoughts

on paper the reason you read the Bible

is cuz it’s our manual

it’s the creators thoughts the

manufacturers thoughts on paper and what

he’s saying to you right there is saying

he’s blatantly telling you when you get

a manual there that’s why it’s the first

thing it’s telling you you

do not know the makers mind about this

product you may think you know how it

works but you don’t know the upgraded

features you may have had one like this

before but you don’t know and that’s

where the Holy Spirit comes in he comes

in to give you new instructions the

Bible says that he will lead you and

guide you into all truth that’s why when

you know the principles and you walk

with the Holy Spirit you don’t just go

into things you get the makers mind the

manufacturers mind about it written on

paper that’s why the Bible is a

non-negotiable because it will save you

scars and hurt and pain and hurting

other people because you get the makers

mind on how to live life you get the

makers mind on how to be in a marriage

you get the makers mind on how to be

single you get the makers mind on how to

handle money and we are doing ourselves

a disservice by thinking so arrogantly

that we know better than God

Charles I ain’t gonna have enough time

to finish I ain’t gonna have enough time

to finish do y’all want me to keep going

tell me to keep going if y’all want me

to keep going right here if y’all want

me to keep going y’all gotta tell me to

keep going cuz because I want I want to

keep your attention but I feel like God

saying something something is about to

break off for you something’s about

ignorant that’s what it is ignorance is

about to break off of you the darkness

that you’ve been over you gonna look at

this Bible in a brand new way you’re

gonna look at this word and say hold on

it is more advantageous for me not to

read these Instagram posts and get into

the manual in the makers mind cuz I’m

trying to be blessed to be a blessing

I’m trying to have a marriage where my

children stand up and call me blessed

I’m trying to uh I’m trying to actually

be relationship goals not just go for

them okay instead of benefiting a lot of

us are suffering because we don’t know

the makers mind and because we haven’t

read the manual we’re suffering a lot

and that’s why if I have a Mercedes

I don’t go to Toyota to get it fixed why

because Toyota does not have genuine

parts for the Mercedes that’s why when

my marriage is broken I don’t go to

culture why

because they don’t have genuine parts so

that so they have fabricated things that

almost look like it fits like have sex

with everybody you want to and be able

to be free and and sow your Wild Oats

but that’s a manufacturer defaulted part

so when you do that outside of marriage

you come with the consequences like soul

ties and it rips people away and hurts

children and brings all of this stuff

and you show up to your wedding day but

it looks like everybody them picked up

off for you and you’re not the person

the whole person that you’re supposed to

be you’re not 50% and they’re 50% you’re

supposed to step into that thing whole

and that person is supposed to step into

whole we’ll talk about singleness on

another week but I’m telling you right

now the only reason that this thing is

happening is because we have not gotten

the genuine parts from the actual

manufacturer and that’s why I’m telling

everybody this is the title of my

message I know it took me all the way to

the end to get it warning warning

warning read the manual before you touch

the product before you get into a

relationship before you go another day

in the marriage before you say and call

it quits and you sign the divorce

documents read the manual before you

touch this product again and some of you

have been in relationships and now

you’re business partners there’s no love

there’s no passion

the kids are out you looking at your

husband and wife you don’t even know if

you love them but you don’t like them

all of these different things God says

it’s not too late at the moment you open

the manual as the moment you open the

word at the moment you use resources

like the book I just wrote to get in the

heart and the mind of God he said the

Bible is the only book that when you

read it it reads you it’s alive it

surfers in any two-edged sword mama they

need to understand that if you read the

manual you can have the guarantee of the

manufacturer that’s good word right

there I need you to understand the to

many of us

are touching this thing called

relationships and there’s no way it’s

gonna be a goal cuz we don’t even know

what to aim at God’s plan for you is

that you win in relationship but God’s

principles principles for you are fine

found in his manual Pastor Mike I

thought you was gonna talk about what I

need to do like for my relationship I’m

about to broke up about to break up with

your mom right now

and I need to know before you do

anything go to the manual see what God’s

Word say I’m believing that this week

cuz this principle is applied to more

than just your relationships you can

apply to every area of your life if you

do not know what the manufacturer says

about everything in your life you’re

living below the benefit and that’s why

I’m asking you for the next six weeks

seven weeks eight weeks however long

this series is can we make the Word of

God the final authority on what

relationships are supposed to be what

the goal is supposed to be not anything

else because the only one that can speak

to that is the one who made it in this

moment right now I know people’s minds

are going why it’s because you’re

getting knowledge lights are coming on

Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing

Bing Bing I see it happening everywhere

right now Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing

Bing because you’ve been walking in

darkness and you’ve been thinking that

another blog or another thing would help

you but God says I already put all the

principles you need for life and

godliness in this love letter to you and

that’s why when I think about the

divorce rate for married couples saved

or unsaved being 50 percent that means

you have a 50% chance today if you get

married that it’s gonna end in divorce

which is the hardest type of ripping

away of a relationship in humanity when

people are that intertwined and then

they rip away the only thing that

happens is damaged and yes you can

survive divorce and yes you can be

restored after divorce but you don’t get

to take away the consequences

of getting into that thing and the

things that come out when you rip away

from each other and that’s why God says

in his word I hate divorce not because

he hates the people he hates that we

were ignorant and we didn’t do the

things that we needed to do to make sure

that’s what we needed to get into or we

didn’t go to counsel and after we got

married or we didn’t make the children a

second priority to our priority with God

and the priority with our spouse so that

we can learn how to live and show our

kids how to walk God’s saying would you

please do it my way could you read the


I’m begging everybody right now your

relationship will not get better with

time it’ll get better with knowledge and

knowledge that comes from the Word of

God faith comes by hearing and hearing

what God if you want your relationship

to win you want to get better you want

to be relationship goals go to the

manual find the manufacturers mind about

relationships stop talking to your

friend who none of her relationships

work that’s ignorant

that’s darkness now just get this image

in my head I get this image in my head

of a cookbook

you know when you open up the cookbook

and you see a cake or you see a good

dish and you’re like ah dude that looks

good then you get in the kitchen and on

one side is this beautiful picture and

on the other side there’s all these

little black blurbs and most of the time

what we want to do is just get the

picture but a lot of times when when we

try to make it and we don’t follow the

instructions or the makers mind we get

something we didn’t sign up for and many

of you are products of relationships

where people didn’t follow the

instructions some of us have started off

with a disadvantage broken homes father

not their mom working all the time to be

the mom and the dad this I was molesting

I was raped or I was broken and how can

I be what I didn’t see it

it’s all of these things and God’s

saying I hate that it happened to you

but you can be delivered from that I can

give you light or knowledge that dispels

the ignorance or the darkness over your

situation you’re a child of God wherever

the enemy comes in to get you with shame

and grief and guilt he said any man that

be in Christ he’s a new creation the old

has passed away behold I have made all

things new but you will be ignorant of

that if you do not go to the manual he

says you are the righteousness of Christ

no matter how many people you slept with

or know how many people you took

advantage with no matter if you are a

player no matter if you’ve been

emotionally I’m cheating on your spouse

God says at this moment right now I’m

talking to real situations right now at

this moment right now go back to the

manufacturer and get the manual see what

his mind is on your relationship because

just like that cake if the cake comes

out salty and hard you can’t blame the

cake the cake didn’t do it and that’s

what we try to do with marriage and

relationships marriages don’t work hold


because your marriage is hard and salty

don’t blame marriage you got a look at

the ingredients and if you don’t have

two single people that are going after

God and that are really letting him lead

and guide and then you get into the

marriage and it’s not working out and

you got the wrong what becomes hard and

salty and you get divorced but there was

a story in Matthew that these religious

leaders I’ll reference it so you can

know to go study it Matthew chapter 19

verse 3 through 6 but when it happened

they were trying to trap Jesus and they

said basically he said hey is it lawful

for a man to get divorced from a woman

for anything cuz back in that day you

could get divorced from your wife if she

sneezed the wrong way or she cooked and

put some hot sauce and your stuff and

like you could divorce him for any

reason and Jesus he’s so gangster with

it I love it because most of us are

figuring out trying to figure out how

not to get a divorce or trying not to

figure out how the relationship getting

in just trying not to make it good but

just how it doesn’t break and Jesus

comes to them and doesn’t even answer

their question he said y’all asking me

about the worst relationship breakup

that there can be divorced because it

damages everybody involved he said um

but I’m not gonna answer your question

look what he says Matthew chapter 19

verse 4 I love it it says haven’t you

what’s that word read haven’t you looked

for more knowledge haven’t you read

something hasn’t the light come on in

the scriptures in the manual Jesus reply

they record that from the beginning God

made oh that’s so good we’re not gonna

talk about divorce because divorce is a


it’s not the real problem the divorce is

the end result of people that did not

consult the principles of God in the

manual so I’m not gonna talk about

divorce I’m gonna go back to the

beginning because if we start off with

the right principles in the right people

then we can get in the right

relationships and have the right

marriages and businesses and then

divorce is not even an option symptoms

are there to tell our body that

something is wrong the pain comes to

tell us that something is wrong and what

I’m telling you is all the divorce

that’s happening is telling us that as a

society we have gotten away from the

manufacturers intent for relationships

and God goes to the beginning and today

all I’m asking us let’s go back to the

beginning my last point to get the

manufacturers guarantee in relationships

you must read the manual

come at me wear everything you want to

come out well what about this book and

what about this book and I want to let

you know the manual is not

relationshipgoals the book all I tried

to do with that is take principles from

the manual and make it easy to get your

appetite going towards that and I think

it would be a great asset to your life

for you to get into it but I’m telling

you if you don’t got that boot this all

good go to the Word of God because when

you go to the Word of God that’s where I

got everything from the book

relationship go the only thing I do

remember anything that is not a

principle is an opinion and many of us

have been reading opinion books and

reading opinion blogs and reading the

hearing the opinions of our cousin or

this guy or this celebrity and God says

hey listen all of those are opinions I

need you to come back to the principle

and to get the manufacturers guarantee

in relationship you must read study the


before this I was telling my wife what I

was gonna read and she started looking

up manuals and she said oh my gosh Mike

that’s good I was like what baby she

said you could preach this I said what


she said I’m about to tell you I said

say it Natalie and she said Michael look

what this instruction says it says

failure to read may result in serious

injury or property damage could that not

explain what many of us are feeling

right now

even though we’re acting like

everything’s fine everybody comes around

how are you doing I’m good

but because you didn’t read the menu

failure to read it

can result in serious injury injury of a

heart injury of our mind injury of our

purpose injury of our destiny some of us

aren’t going after purpose because of

one thing that somebody said that we

loved or we liked

they killed purpose inside of us they

spoke death into us we didn’t follow the

principles and now we’re waiting for God

to give us another word and he said I’ve

already called you great I’ve already

called you good I’ve already spoken my

word over you but you have to go back

and read the manual and today some

people are feeling broken and lost but I

have an analogy for you Pass me the

basketball this basketball

just like your life in my hands this

basketball is worth about $15 but in the

hands of LeBron James this basketball is

worth about forty million dollars a year

football let’s give it to me here we go

this football right here in my hands

it’s worth about $12 but in the hands of

Peyton Manning this is worth eighty

million dollars over a career okay

that’s me that Golf Club real quick this

club right here in my hands it’s worth

about $50 and that top golf I’ll give

you the business but in the hands of

Tiger Woods it’s the first billion

dollar athlete billion a stick

in my hands a rod it maybe can beat off

an animal that comes to attack my wife

while I’m screaming like a girl I can

just see it in my head but a stick or a

rod in the hands of Moses splitsies a

swing shot in my hands is a child’s toy

but in the hands of King David

it can take down Giants to nails in my

hands maybe hang a couple pictures but

two nails in the hands of our Savior can

save humanity provide salvation and give

eternal life your relationship in your

hands will continue to produce the same

broken results over and over but your

relationship in God’s hands will get the

manufacturer’s guarantee of winning in

relationships today I’m asking you to

take your worry your pain your

frustration your fear take it out of

your hands cuz in your hands it’s gonna

just get you more of the same but if you

cast your tears on the one who cares for

you if you give him your worry your pain

I don’t know what I’m gonna do about my

job if you give them the things in your

relationship if you give them your past

he’s the only one that can take your

mess and make a message he’s the only

one that can take your pieces and make a

masterpiece he’s the only one that can

take your hurt and heal others today I’m

asking you could at the beginning of

this series could we just go back to the


the one who created relationship before

any of us were here and get his mind


hands lifted all over this place come on

in your home right now I believe God is

doing a work on your heart on your soul

on your spirit in the name that is above

every name I declare and I believe that

right now

this is relationship surgery that’s

happening in people father forgive us

where we have put other things as

principle above you as first above you

how to raise our kids how to date how to

be single how to be married how to do

business forgive us Lord today we repent

and all that means is we turn we turn

back to you we turn back to your manual

we find the makers mind about

relationships and today God I thank you

that this is the start of a revolution

in Revelation that will cause

transformation and every family and

every home and every heart I thank you

that today we’re surrendering ourselves

to you every marriage we’re surrendering

our marriage to you every single person

we’re surrendering our singleness to you

every divorced person we’re we’re

surrendering our lives to you God and I

thank you that this week oh I feel the

presence of God when people crack open

the manual that you left us I thank you

that you would jump off the pages I

think you father that your word would be

alive and it would be sharper than any

two-edged sword I think that the answers

we’ve been looking for in man’s opinion

will be solved in a moment when we find

out the principle God changes from the

inside out and let us know that our

first relationship goal the principle

relationship goal should be a

relationship with you today reorder our

priorities and give us your heart we

cast our cares on you because you care

for us in Jesus name in that same

posture if you’re you’re here you’re


it’s not by an accident those same two

nails that were worthless in my hands

they were put in Jesus’s hands check

this out just for you and when he

allowed them and that’s what I want you

to know he didn’t have to do it but he

did when we were yet sinners when we

were still in the club when we were

sleeping with everybody when I was

addicted to pornography

when I was lying to Authority he said

Michaels gonna need this so hand those

nails and put them in me and I’ll be the

eternal sacrifice for every one of his

mess-ups and today I want to give you

the greatest relationship goal you could

ever have is a relationship with Jesus

Christ and I know some of you are

thinking of all the religion that’s like

but I just did this and I’m planning to

do this and they don’t even know that

I’m still doing this and God says I

already know that he said I I just want

your heart well maybe I need to do some

things together first and maybe I need

to clean up because then if I clean up

then I can come to God this is the

hospital of humanity God’s saying you

can come in here bleeding you can come

in here broken that’s why I am the great

physician I am the healer I am the one I

am the lord who Hylian healeth thee I am

the Lord your healer I sit my word to

heal your dis-ease I am the Lord your

healer if today he’s available to you

with every person knowing that this is a

reverent moment I want you to begin to

pray if you’ve already accepted Jesus

Christ I’m telling you I feel the

presence of God chains are being broken

off for people right now as I speak if

you’re watching live if you’re watching

by rebroadcast I’m telling you this is

not an accident this is an appointment

God said I designed this moment for you

to find out my heart and according to

the manual and Romans 10:9 he said if

you just believe in me not change

everything yet God’s not asking you to

do that people ask you to do that

religious people ask you to do that but

God says if you give me your heart I’m

helped you change your habits if you

would just believe that I died for you

and arose again with all power you will

be saved


from the way that you’ve been doing it

and follow me I will give you the light

that leads to life and today that’s what

God is offering you if that’s you I just

want you to on the count of three to

slip your hand in the air wherever you

are just saying pastor include me in

that prayer and I believe there’s

hundreds of people if not thousands of

people I feel the presence of God that

are about to make the decision today

this is the day of salvation not

tomorrow it’s not promised to us but

right now in this moment we have a

moment to honor the principle of God by

allowing him into our heart if that’s

you one you’re making the greatest

decision you’ve ever made two you are

the one that God has been coming after

and we’re proud of you three just lift

that hand up right there God sees you it

doesn’t matter if you’re in a room by

yourself or with your family you could

put your hand down

now transformation church is a family so

we pray together I need to hear you from

all over the world right now praying

this prayer out loud for the benefit of

those who are coming to Christ we’re

getting new family members I want

everybody to just say they say God thank

you for sending Jesus just for me thank

you for giving me the principle of grace

that it’s not by my works but it’s by

your works and today I receive you

change me renew me transform me I’m


in Jesus name I agree amen

hey can we thank God right now I need

hands I need place hands heaven right


I think I relationship with Jesus thank

you so much for watching transformation

Church’s YouTube and I just want you to

take another step if this is feeding you

join transformation nation let’s

everybody that doesn’t live here in

Tulsa watching live with us on Sunday

mornings gather your family let’s make

this thing an every week situation and

please share share if it has impacted

your life there is somebody that is

waiting for you to share this with them

and transformation is only a click away

and there’s one more thing I would ask

you to do pray about giving if you want

to help us take this message all around

the world and represent God to

lost-and-found people for one reason

transformation in Christ you can do that

right now by clicking the Giblin I

cannot wait to see you the next time

we’re here live a transformed life
