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wait till I get my money right
we are ending our series called wait
till I get my money right and this is a
biblical perspective on finances and
stewardship generosity and giving and I
say a biblical perspective because a lot
of people have worldly perspectives when
it comes to finance we’re not taught
much about it in school our immediate
family usually is the people who teach
us about money so if they were broke or
if they were greedy or if they were
whatever they were that usually is the
bin that we get until we teach ourselves
or find something else different and
then a lot of times that doesn’t have a
biblical base and so the body of Christ
who loved God and and our serving and
all this other stuff they’re missing a
key ingredient to living a truly
fulfilled blessed life and so today I
want us to to go deeper into this
because we’ve discovered over this
entire series that giving is all about
the what it’s all about the heart God is
not interested in a mount he’s not
interested and you compared to anybody
out else it’s all about your heart
and this past three weeks I don’t know
about you but I’ve been in heart surgery
like every message it’s like oh that
hurt oh I thought I was generous oh no
I’m not and the reason I say that is
because God’s the only one that can deal
with your heart and this is the powerful
thing about it God is after your money
not the church hear what I’m saying cuz
some of y’all just got that mixed up and
he was going to eat that stop it God’s
after your money because it’s the only
test that proves that he has your heart
that’s it so what he says in his word in
Matthew is where your treasure is I know
that your heart follows that and so when
when we talk about finances many people
check out and God says I want you to
because if you check in to this thing
about finances in your heart
I came up what I call a treasure uh what
did I call it
I called it a treasure a map or a
treasure guide line so you can see
something and I wanna I want to show you
this real quick if you could put that on
the screen it’s an equation cuz I like
math and so if I can find out how things
work it helps me a lot better if you
give God your treasure then he gets
access to your heart if he gets access
to your heart then he can transform your
habits see a lot of people want God to
change things about them and he does not
have access to the thing that can change
you and so when you give him access to
your heart he can change or transform
your habits and then you live a whole
life and I don’t want you to forget this
because your treasure leads to your
heart your heart leads to your habits
and your habits lead to the type of life
that you’re gonna live that’s why when
you put your treasure in a vanity then
your heart is now infected with
insecurities and now those insecurities
lead to habits of comparison and those
habits of comparisons leave me living a
life that’s unfulfilled because what I
have is never enough because I gotta
have what they have
this works any way and anywhere you put
your treasure and what God is saying is
I have such a better way for you to live
than what you’ve been living right now
if you put your treasure in the kingdom
and you honor me that I am the one who
can get access to the thing that your
dad couldn’t fix that money couldn’t fix
that drugs couldn’t fit your heart and
then I’ll transform your life and then
you can live the life that I created for
you to live so as I started looking at
this equation I said okay god this is
the last week of this series you got to
bring this thing home for me because I
know there’s some people out here that’s
been coming and you’ve just been sitting
like this the whole time
just staying faith
and you said I heard about money and I
tried this one time and I feel like when
I was praying God gave me something that
is going to flip the script on you today
because I’ve learned that you only think
on the level of your exposure like if
you’re exposed to a little that’s all
you think is there but when you get
exposed to more the possibilities open I
remember a story like my parents they
had five sons and so they were creative
with fun things for us to do so we did
things like ride around in neighborhoods
and claim houses all the time like
that’s my house not house my house like
that like and it was free so we did it
often and um and we used to go to
wealthy neighborhoods and claim houses
and and we were exposed to more than
what we lived in and so I thought I had
seen some big houses and then I was
about 18 or 19 and a friend was here in
college and she was like you should come
to my house and she invited me to her
house out of state and you know I knew
the parents were kind of well-off and
stuff but you know you you just try to
think yeah and you think it probably got
a nice house we pulled up to this
complex no no I’m not even playing a
complex with a limousine sitting out
front cover so they don’t even drive it
I pull up so what is this she said this
is my house I said you live here she
said most months of the year
you have somewhere else you live on
different months we pull up to this
house this house has a nine car garage
with chandeliers in the garage yo y’all
I mean I was so overwhelmed like like
they literally could see I was just
walking around they they had a two-story
master bedroom your house ain’t even two
stories they had a two story master
bedroom an olympic-sized pool they had a
conference room on the west wing of the
house like a hotel conference room on
the west wing I’m walking around and I’m
like what is this even possible and I
said where are we staying she said y’all
are staying out back you got all this
house to put us in the outhouse we came
from that I’m not going on just flint
so she said no no what you don’t
understand we have for 1,800 square foot
houses on the property that we built
just for visitors I said how long can I
and literally I was sitting in a place
that bloom I mean it literally shattered
what I thought was possible and I was
asking is that even possible
and I was looking that it was possible
but many times when we’re sitting here
looking at what God can do
we’re still asking ourselves is it
possible and he’s saying I’m showing you
it’s possible why are you still
questioning can I do it and and and in
that moment what God did is he he
literally propelled or moved forward or
thrusted my thinking into another place
and that’s what I’m believing for
somebody in here today and said you’re
asking yourself is it possible that that
I can go from a place of not even
wanting to give to a place that I’m not
just asking God for things but I’m the
answer to people’s prayer when people
call and they say a number of money
I just is that it that’s your answer
like can God take you from being greedy
didn’t you take anything it’s possible
but our idea has to be expanded and so
today what I want to do is I want to
shatter and prepare your perspective of
possibilities and so I said God how are
we gonna do that he said the first thing
is you got to interpret scripture right
Mike I’m a pastor God I come before you
every week and I seek your face and I
try my best he said but there’s one
scripture that the body of Christ says
had messed up and it’s probably one of
the most famous scriptures about tithing
and offerings and he literally said this
is me and God’s relationship when we’re
talking he said you got me messed up now
don’t what fighting words you understand
what I’m saying God and he said no no
you guys have misinterpreted what I
meant in Malachi 3 when I talked about
will a man Rob God and I was like I
don’t what are you talking about see
when we hear that scripture how many
people have heard that scripture I heard
it said will a man Rob God and usually
people use that at offering time cook
how can a man Rob God in tithe and
offering like we and so we use it and
infer almost that when we say will a man
Rob God like when we don’t tithe or when
we don’t give an offering we’re robbing
God of money and I really don’t think
that’s what this scripture means as I
begin to pray God gave me revelation or
revealed truth it’s already there but
it’s covered up and I went back and read
it again and he revealed something to me
and I’m I’ve never seen this before
and I’m so excited to tell you cuz I
think it’s gotta change you see how I’m
just building suspense right now you see
I’m so excited to tell you and I wanted
to just read the scripture but I gotta
tell you the revelation first so you can
see it in the scripture when when it
says will a man Rob God I think it’s the
complete opposite of what we’ve been
preaching I think it means will a man
Rob God of the opportunity to bless them
cuz I’m convinced God doesn’t need our
money like just think about it like he
doesn’t need your money like like did he
need you to create heaven and earth did
he need you to do two part season he
doesn’t need our money what we’re doing
is we’re robbing him of the opportunity
to bless us and and I begin to look at
that he said Michael read the scripture
again see can a man Rob God and I said
it’s almost like God saying I would like
to bless you I’d like to open the
windows of heaven for you and pour out a
blessing you don’t have room enough to
receive I’d like to rebuke the Devourer
for your sake but because you won’t do
it my way you are robbing me of the
opportunity to bless you now I know it’s
I know it’s messing with some people’s
religion right now and some people’s
like I just can’t I just can’t just just
wait to the end of the service go to
Malachi 3 and we’re gonna go to verse 8
and we’re gonna add those few words on
it anytime it says can a man Rob God Rob
God I think it’s saying can you rob
him of the opportunity to bless you and
so I’m gonna add that and let’s see if
we get a different perspective of this
scripture Malachi 3 verse 8 will a man
Rob God of an opportunity to bless him
yet you’ve robbed me of many
opportunities to bless you but you say
in what ways have I robbed you of the
opportunity to bless us in tithes and
offerings see when you don’t tithe and
when you don’t give offering you’re
literally tying God’s hands of blessings
behind his back and he’s saying if you
would just tithe and give offering you
open me up so that I can bless you the
way I’ve always wanted to bless you
let’s keep reading see because the whole
reason God invented the concept of
tithing and giving was not to support
the kingdom of God because if that was
the thing we know by reading the Bible
he could have kids sent Ravens to
support the kingdom that that’s how he
fed a man of God
he sent Ravens to literally they were
the first beruete they would just fly
over and drop food think about it or if
he wanted to provide he he could send
manna from heaven because that’s how he
provided for the children of Israel or
he could bring water from a rock so it
makes me believe there’s no way that God
invented giving to provide for the work
God didn’t invent giving for his sake he
invented giving for our sake it’s the
way that we could have an opportunity at
any time we feel led to be blessed and
that’s why he talks about giving more
than anything else in the Bible it’s an
opportunity for God to bless when we do
it his way but because many of us don’t
do it his way and because many of us
haven’t done his way done it his way
because we feel like
100% in our hands is better than 90%
with his blessing this is what happens
God says I don’t want this for you verse
9 but you’re cursed with the curse he
said for you have robbed me of the
opportunity to bless you this is what
the scripture said even the whole nation
think about our nation how in decline
financially spiritually emotionally our
nation I really think it has something
to do with how we have robbed god of the
opportunity to bless us like like not
let’s not even talk about the whole
nation let’s just talk about Christians
people who profess Jesus who are not
asserting total gospel of Jesus Christ
seven to ten percent of Christians tithe
that’s it y’all didn’t even hear me so
out of a thousand people that profess
Jesus only a hundred of the thousand
actually honor God and that’s why the
church is so broke today he said you’ve
tied my hands you’ve been trying to make
it happen yourself and he said if you
would just do it my way I would
literally open up the heavens and you
would give me opportunity every time you
get paid it’s an opportunity for you to
get blessed if you would just honor me
with what I have but every first and
fifteenth you tie my hands and then you
blame me because you don’t have nothing
at the end of the month oh oh I stepped
on somebody’s toes over there they hurt
and I just need us to see this that God
is a good father like many men and here
are good fathers you reward your kids
when they do it your way
no just think about it if you tell your
kids wash the dishes and they go clean
their room and they take out the trash
but they didn’t do what you said you
don’t revert you say that’s great I mean
maybe your father didn’t but my dad is
like that’s great but you didn’t
do what I asked you to do that’s the
same with our God you gave to this
charitable organization you helped that
person but you didn’t do what I asked
you to do and the blessing was not tied
to your sacrifice it was tied to your
obedience Oh y’all miss that no God I
gave so much and I did what you said and
he said but you didn’t obey me and
that’s why I’m telling you young Oh
black white whoever you are when we when
we do not do it God’s Way we robbed him
of the opportunity to bless us look at
verse 10 it says so bring all the tithes
into the storehouse that always talks
about the local church so if this is not
your church wherever you go to church
you bring the tithes into the storehouse
so that there may be food in my house
and try me now in this see I love this
because God knows what resource he has
and you don’t and so he says I bet you
if you do it see what I do it y’all know
how you know something and and you know
something they don’t know and it’s like
God’s saying I double dog dare you to
trust me with 10% and if you do it my
way see when I open the windows of
heaven and just clown you no no I’m
gonna clown you I’m gonna have you
looking like a cop when it’s all said
and done people don’t say how did that
happen and you’re gonna just be able to
I don’t even I don’t I mean it was just
an and he say got you but that’s what
God is asking us to do he says he says
prove me test me in this and I don’t
know about you but I like testing people
you know I’m saying and this is the only
place that God tells us we are allowed
to test him it says if see if I won’t
open up the windows of heaven pour you
out such a blessing that there will not
be room enough for you to receive it
when there’s not room enough for you to
receive it that means you have to give
more of it away so what you’re missing
is when you do it God’s Way you end up
with more so you can give more and a lot
of times we try to hoard so
god wedding just in case I need to give
and God saying no no if you do it my way
imma bless you so much that anybody
surrounded by you anybody in your
vicinity D I’ll remember what Jesus did
when he told the when when he told the
fishermen the disciples cast your net on
the other side that didn’t make sense
they were professional fishermen and he
telling us that we’ve been out here all
who is he see sometimes doing it God’s
Way doesn’t make sense but he’s not
looking for it to make sense he’s
looking for it to make miracles and so
when you obey they cast a net on the
other side in this food crazy ain’t
never fish a day in his life and we
don’t cast it out what is that yo yo the
fish and they literally pulled so many
fish that they had to call nearby boats
when I talk about blessings that you
don’t have room enough to read they had
to call other people who wasn’t even a
part of their crew you want to bless
your enemy start doing it God’s Way they
were in competition with these people
and they got so blessed where they were
able to blessed a competition get into
my mic but there it is God is about to
bless some of you so much that your
competitions gonna be blessed by you
guys about to bless some of you so much
that the people who are your enemies are
about to sit and say thank you Oh y’all
don’t hear me I’m telling you this is
what doing it God’s Way does he says
verse 11 and I will rebuke the Devourer
for your sake those three words for your
sakes say that for your sake that proves
to me that this is not about God it’s
about us so he said when you do it my
way the whole reason I made this up is
for your sake like if it was for the
kingdom of God to be provided for he
would have said I want you to give for
the kingdom sake he said this ain’t I
can take care of this we didn’t run out
of gold in the streets of heaven we got
over here he said I’m trying to get you
to get an ordinary principle of mine so
that you it can bless you and it’s not
for my sake it’s for your sake and when
I look at that I said God what are you
what are you trying to say verse 12 he
says and all the nations will call you
somebody say me I don’t care how broke
your family was I don’t care how many
losses you take I don’t care how many
bankruptcy RUP seized you’ve gone
through I don’t care how many times
you’ve had to restart the business
God says at the end of this they’ll
stand and call you bless some of y’all
missed that for you will be a delightful
lamb says the Lord of Hosts what are you
saying Pastor Mike we when we do it
God’s Way when we give Tim for sin and
we put him first no matter what we have
he says I rebuke the Devourer and you
give me an opportunity to bless you so I
told God I said I’m not about to rob you
ever again of the opportunity to bless
me and so when I look at this I remember
there was someone that was believing God
to pay their car off and they told me
about it it was a young person that I
really loved and there was like I’m just
believing God for $500 to be and I will
be out of my car payment and I’m a giver
by nature I’m generous and so so I said
okay me if that’s an ally gonna take
care of that for you we just gonna take
care of it and she said oh my god and
she got excited and she cried and all
that other stuff and we took care of it
and I got in the car and I was on my way
home and the Holy Spirit said why did
you do that without talking to me no no
no no I gave it was a sacrifice you know
when you try to tell God like it’s like
no no that was a sacrifice he said you
just robbed me of the opportunity to
bless other people cuz I had it all set
up you were supposed to give but you
didn’t consult me you were only supposed
to give 100
because I had three other people that
were gonna take care of the rest of it
and you robbed me of the opportunity to
bless them see that’s a different mode
of thinking right there y’all y’all
ain’t even thinking like that so god I
gave he said you were supposed to obey
me and you didn’t even consult with me
and you thought you were getting on your
high horse because you had the resource
but he said that’s why I don’t care how
much resource you have I need you to
obey me because you just robbed me of
the chance to bless three other people
today cuz when you give it’s not for his
sake it’s for your sake and that was the
day that I stopped giving because I had
resources I only started giving because
God told me to and y’all this principle
is us robbing God of the opportunity to
bless us y’all just sitting there just
look at that so so let me let me help
let me help you I want to give you the
title of this message is there are
levels to this there are levels to this
because I think for us when I talk about
expanding our capacity and seeing what
God can do we we haven’t really explored
the levels we’re on the first level of
just tithing and so let me just give you
that first level write it down is
tithing like that’s the first level of
opportunities for God to bless us when
we tithe we give God an opportunity to
bless us look at Leviticus 27:30 it says
and all the tithe of the land whether of
the seed of the land or the food of the
trees it is the Lord’s it’s holy to the
Lord and and this is what I want to tell
you cuz we’ve talked about this in past
series go watch it because I really want
to get on to the second level but but
but the 10%
it doesn’t take faith to give it after
you’ve done everything else it takes
faith first to honor God first and what
I’m telling you as a church as many of
you have taken that step but I’m
believing like my
career has been God I thank you that you
would touch people’s hearts because if
they could get this principle it would
change everything in their life
and God nets to bless you at the level
of tithing see the Bible gives only two
distinctions and I know this is a heavy
word and it’s very in-your-face
and it’s very either you do it or you
don’t but God says you have two options
with it he says either you return the
time and it’s consecrated or you steal
it those are the only two up the options
and many people are saying I don’t steal
from God I didn’t I didn’t do it look
guys if it’s in your bank accounting you
won’t honor God you’ve taken it from him
and what you did is you tied his hands
and what I’m saying to you is this is
the hardest barrier to break past I’m
like why are you sweating and why are
you so passionate about this because if
you break the tithing barrier to other
levels will happen like like this is the
one that has the most resistance this is
the one that like I’m not gonna have
enough and I’m just gonna be it’s worth
changing your lifestyle you can get read
a Netflix and cable to honor God why are
you saying that you got an expensive car
that you bought just to prove to
somebody who moved to another state that
you were something and God says you’re
honoring vanity more than you’re
honoring me I’ll give you the cars you
do it my way I’ll pay the debt off if
you’ll do it my way he said but you’re
trusting in your resource and not in my
resource and I want everybody to hear me
with passion I’m not preaching this
because the church needs money this is
the greatest financial season our church
has ever been in I’m preaching this
because I want you bless I do not want
you standing here next year and it looks
like a rerun of this year
but the definition of insanity is doing
the same exact thing expecting a
different result
so I’m asking some of you to step out on
faith I know it looks like there’s
nothing there I know it looks like
you’re walking on water but if you would
obey God he’ll do something that nobody
else can take credit for there’s levels
to this thing so let me tell you about
the second level the second level is
offerings see a lot of people think
these are the same things but when you
give offerings above the tithe like you
gave your 10% but you said God says hey
you’re tied $100 give five more dollars
I gave the hundo God you saw my
sacrifice and he said just give five
more give 10 more give 20 more give a
hundred more and a lot of times that’s
the place where decisions makers god i
oughtta gee now no no now now why you
asking me for more he says because
offerings have the ability to multiply
see see God is a God of multiplication
that’s his favorite type of math so
after you return what is his anything
you give above that is the moneymaker
hear what I’m saying to you God will
multiply when you have the heart to obey
Him and giving I promise you I’ve seen
it in my life and I’m gonna prove it to
you in the word I want you to go to
Matthew and Matthew chapter 6 or no
let’s go to Luke 4 times Luke chapter 9
see because God is a God of
multiplication and and and when I read
this scripture
how can a man Rob God of opportunities
to bless him I couldn’t reconcile two
words it says you rob him in tithe I get
that that’s the 10% but how can you Rob
God over offering because the Bible says
clearly to give a free will offering
give whatever you want to give whatever
God places on your heart so how are you
robbing somebody of a free will offering
he said you can’t the only way you can
rob God is of the opera
I need to bless you so so hear me when
God tells you to tie then you do that
and then you feel an unction to give an
offering God said don’t rob me don’t rob
me of this opportunity that fired olives
that $10 that $20 that hundred dollars
that you were about to give that doesn’t
make sense like I already honored you
why would I give above what I’ve honored
you gossip oh I dare you to I dare you
to obey me I did I dare he said because
that’s the portion that has the
opportunity to multiply prove it to you
how many have heard of the story of the
Jesus feeding 5,000 with with the Long
John Silver snack pack two fish and five
hush puppies okay can I break this story
down to you Jesus is literally Jesus is
literally speaking to the largest crowd
that he’s ever spoke to they call it the
story of feeding 5,000 but they were
only talking about mins per capita at
the time the family was three or four
people so just for a conservative number
if there was 5,000 men there was 20 to
25,000 people there that he was saying
that they needed to feed so Jesus starts
preaching to them and and and you can
read it all in Matthew 6 because I don’t
have time I got a paraphrase it for you
but but long story short he starts
feeding him and Jesus is just going in
like he starts early in the morning and
he just preaches nine o’clock ten
o’clock eleven o’clock twelve o’clock
one o’clock the disciples are looking at
each other it’s like this is great that
he’s preaching a whole series in one day
but I’m hungry and like Kim can we get
out of here two o’clock three o’clock
four o’clock he’s still preaching all
day I promise you because if you look at
Luke chapter 9 verse 10 it says when the
day begin to wear away like he started
in the morning and the day was wore out
like the day was like thank you thank
you Jesus thank you he said so then the
disciples I just in my Holy imagination
I believe they got together was like
y’all we got to do something cuz if I
don’t eat soon I’m gonna die and some of
y’all y’all hangry like that – y’all get
angry and hungry at the same time angry
and it’s like we got to do something and
they got in a grouping there was like
y’all go tell Jesus that the people
needs something to eat
I think that’s cuz he loves the people
he don’t care about us cuz obviously
we’ve been here setup tear down
everything he don’t care about us but
the people he loves the people so
literally in in in verse 12
a disciple comes up says heya hey JC hey
man wow wow this has been a phenomenal
day of ministry a whole day a ministry
and it’s been great um but you know
Jesus we really feel like it’s getting
late and uh huh all the Denny’s are
about to close here and the people
really need to be let go so they can get
something to eat
and Jesus said let me get this straight
the people are hungry and and so you
want to dismiss the service so they can
get somebody god I mean I offer the
people and he says okay look what it
says well you feed them excuse me I mean
just put yourself there no no you feed
them go back and tell your little posse
y’all gonna feed all these people yes
Lord whatever you say if you can use
anything you did you did you tell him we
need the clothes for the people I told
him that I said it exactly like that and
what did he say what he said we have to
feed the people they said Oh what are
you talking about we gotta feed the
people we don’t have enough and so I can
just see Peter he sees a little kid
walking and he sees his Long John
Silver’s bag and he said if y’all ain’t
don’t eat imma eat Peter’s kind of wild
and so he stole from the little boy and
he just bit into one of the hush puppies
just like y’all I’m hungry and they said
Peter stop that’s all we have and one of
the other disciples said that’s it
that’s it let’s tell Jesus this is all
we have let’s go up to him and say we
can’t do this miracle cuz this is all we
do it sounds like many of us I can’t
tied God because this is oh god I can’t
give because this is all so they go to
Jesus and say wow man we but you’re
still going powerful power so my god um
so I did what you said we tried to get
it together um they’re not delivering
here right now and so all we have are
two fish and four and a half puppies
Peter you know he okay and he said I
know Peter so okay he said let me get
this straight this is Jesus all you have
is two fish in four loaves and a half
loaf and he said yes God and just think
about this if that was you before you
ever heard this story you had twenty
five thousand people that needed to be
fed and all you had was to fish and
almost five rolls I mean he should
dismiss the service he should say this
is over I understand what does Jesus say
that’s perfect
sit him down in groups of 50 what go sit
them down in groups of 50 he had to go
back to the people again did you tell
him maybe one of y’all need the gun
who what’d he say to God to do he said
sit him down in groups of 50 so they
begin to sit them in groups of 50 moving
in faith with not enough but Jesus in
the middle of it they begin to move in
faith with not enough by natural
standards but Jesus in the middle of it
see some of y’all don’t believe me I’ll
think I’m just telling a story
look at verse 16 of Luke 9 verse 16 it
says then Jesus took the five loaves and
two fish and he looked up to heaven and
He blessed it he broke it and he gave
them to the disciples to set before the
multitude okay
I want you to see something you probably
never saw what he did he took the piece
of bread
he said God they’ve honored me and
brought it to me first they didn’t give
it away first they brought it to me so
I’m asking you to bless this that’s what
happens when we tied when you say God
it’s not enough to meet my needs but I’m
honoring with you with this first and
I’m asking you to bless him and he broke
it and he gave half of it back to Peter
and Peter you know if I was Peter like
hold on I gave you the whole thing you
know we already don’t got enough
fighting to give me the whole thing back
he said because when you are not enough
and when you don’t have enough I become
the miracle
so he said now go go give it away now
this doesn’t make no sense like I
already gave you what I had and it’s not
enough now you’re asking me to give
beyond what I asked you what I gave you
he didn’t tell the disciples to eat it
think he blessed it he broke it
he gave a piece back to them not the
whole amount a piece back a 90 percent
of it and then he said on top of this I
want you to go give it to other people
if I was Peter I’d be like okay take
just a little take just a you know you
would just be going through take you
greedy a little and he gets down to
where there’s a crumb in his hand and
he’s looking at this crumb and right
before his eyes this crumb expands and
to another loaf of bread and then he was
able to get more generous cuz he saw God
work a miracle in his y’all y’all come
on I need y’all to go with me right here
see what you’re trying to do is figure
it out before you give it you’re trying
to make it make it won’t make sense
until you give God the first he blesses
it he breaks it he gives it back to you
and then you give it away what would
have happened if the disciples would
have ate it it wouldn’t have multiplied
cuz listen many people think it
multiplied when Jesus prayed it didn’t
read the scripture it multiplied when
they started giving it away and that’s
why there’s levels to this thing
somebody I was just like I’m doing good
to just type but God said if you would
just level up and come to the next level
and if you would just listen to me and
just give when I tell you and
give to that organization give to that
single mother and give to that family
just we’re not doing gotta do it in
front of everybody and what everybody
look just do what I say he said I am
gonna bless your socks off he says
because it doesn’t happen in here this
the miracle doesn’t happen in Jesus’s
hands the miracle happens in the hands
of the disciples as they give it away
I’m telling y’all there’s some of y’all
about to become given machines I mean
you just gonna be just you just own just
anybody that comes it’s just not at the
Kastrup Club don’t do don’t do it at the
shrimp Club okay just they’re not a
blessing there for you there’s a curse
okay y’all pray for me I’m still getting
see see when you give the tithe you give
God an opportunity to bless you when you
level up and you give an offering you
give him another opportunity to blend he
multiplies whatever you give let me just
give you two little nuggets these are
like chicken nuggets that you can dip in
some sweet and sour sauce just on this
it must be blessed before it can be
multiplied so so a lot of people are
here saying I’m giving an offering no
you’re not giving an offering you’re
just giving towards your tithe because
you didn’t honor God first so you got to
do that first when you honor him first
then it has the ability to multiply the
second thing it has to be given away
before it can multiply and so some of
you need to after you start tithing you
need to ask God okay what do you need me
to give what do you want me to give how
do you want me to so because some of you
have been drinking and eating your
blessing I gotta have my Starbucks every
morning it’s just uh it just gets me go
to bed earlier no here no I’m no
practical go to sleep so that you can
take that $8.95 over fifty two weeks and
that can be your blessing that you start
giving away God’s saying you are eating
your blessing
you’re wearing your blessing you you are
driving your mug y’all don’t hear me
you you’re doing things that are tying
my hands and so when I ask you to give
you can’t because you already ate it or
spent it or wearing it y’all hear what
I’m saying so I want you to everybody
say level of this church I’m prophesying
over you that we’re gonna move from just
tithing the average Church has like
seven to ten percent of tithers I’m
believing that over sixty percent of our
church it’s gonna be a tithing Church I
dare you to just believe it with me now
I dare you to just believe it with me
cuz some of y’all ain’t never gonna get
this and we’re gonna pray for you every
year about the same thing every year God
just please help me if you do this he
said test me but some of us are gonna
level up beyond that
and we’re gonna say we we don’t want the
basic level of this thing we want that
multiplication and we’re gonna start
giving offerings let me give you the
third the last one okay the level three
is sacrificial offerings or I like to
call them offerings that hurt the
offerings that the Bible calls
extravagant offerings and and this is
the beautiful thing about it if you get
to the point that you’re tithing you get
the opportunity to do these things and
God will test you in he’ll he’ll say why
don’t you give that away you’ll say no
no no no that can’t be God I get behind
me Satan but what he’s doing is he’s
trying to test you can he give you what
he really has for you but it’s in
exchange for something that will take a
sacrifice there’s a woman in this church
I heard this testimony this past week
that she had never been really faithful
in her tithing it was spotty it was just
whenever whenever God would do it in she
started listening to the message and at
the beginning of January we were talking
about striding and we did a fast and she
said I’m gonna strive father I need to
get out of debt but I’m gonna start
obeying you we started the series and
she said I’m gonna tithe consistently
I’m not making enough money but I’m
gonna trust you in this she’s in the
room right now and I heard this
testimony y’all it itches him she said I
trusted God with what I had and I
listened whenever he told me to give
anything else she leveled up before the
miracle before anything happened she
said a couple of Fridays ago she was in
her office building and the president of
the company came turned said hey you
know we’re hiring for different job
positions why haven’t you applied and
she said I’m striding using the message
I love it she said if you want me now
she tells this to the president she says
if you want me in a position you tell me
which one to apply for and I’ll apply
for it later that day she got an email
and said hey I want you to apply for
this position but I need
you to do it now this is on a Friday she
said Monday they interviewed her that
next Friday they formally offered her a
job but wait the job wasn’t just an
increase of pay
she went from making $32,000 a year and
in one week she went up to $75,000 Oh
y’all can’t rejoice with somebody else
the Lord tells us to rejoice with those
who rejoice God didn’t know God did not
just bless her he doubled he multiplied
he went exceedingly abundantly above all
she could ask or think
i double-dog dare you and look what God
did he gave her so much that now she can
give more away to see y’all y’all it’s
too low
God says level up give it stravagant
give and and and we see this all through
the Bible David most theologians believe
gave 21 billion dollars to the building
of the temple Solomon when he was
anointed as king it’s customary for them
to sacrifice one bull he sacrificed a
thousand bulls when they required one he
gave a thousand we think about the woman
in nineteen Jesus feet before he was
crucified with the year’s wages of
perfumes she poured it on his feet she
gave an extravagant offering and the
greatest sacrifice ever given was God
who gave Jesus for a maybe so when you
get to this level of extravagant giving
of giving with the sacrifice see this
one might encourage you in mark 12:41
there’s a woman that gave two mites it
says verse 41 now jesus said opposite of
the Treasury and saw how the people put
money into the Treasury it’s amazing how
they said how Jesus was not concerned
about how much he was concerned about
how their heart posture
and he was watching that verse 42 it
says then poor woman came in through two
mites which makes a quadrant so he
called his disciples to himself he said
did you all see that did y’all see that
assuredly I say to you that this poor
woman has put in more than all those who
have given to the Treasury for they all
put in out of their abundance but she
put in out of her poverty she put in all
that she had her whole livelihood what
God said is she sacrifice to give this
amount and when you get to a place where
your heart is right and God says give
that last ten dollars and you say god
this is this was the gas for this week
he said I’m asking for a sacrifice so
that I can open up the windows of heaven
today God told me something like I want
you to model this in your service he
said I want you to lead your church in
generosity and I told you all at the
beginning of this series I already felt
God stirring in me that I was gonna have
to give something
I had to give something significant away
cuz anytime God starts talking about
generosity he’s gonna test that and he’s
gonna test it with the leader so a year
ago Thank You Holy Spirit a year ago as
a woman in our church who heard this
she said Pastor Mike I’m tithing I’m not
making a lot of money right now she was
like this woman but I’m gonna give
sacrificially and I’m tithing but God’s
telling me to sow and I want to sow but
it’s so insignificant that it just feels
embarrassing and I told her I said it’s
not about the amount it’s about you
obedience I said how much does God want
you to so she said what God told me to
sell ten dollars into you and pastor
Natalie every month and I said girl do
obey God I said he’s not looking for
amounts he’s looking for consistency and
every month this young lady will come
find me and give me an envelope with ten
dollars in it she said I’m gonna move
and I’m a sacrificially give and so the
first time she gave me the envelope I
was like cooling up ten dollars I get my
kids some happy meals and and keep
moving and the Holy Spirit as soon as I
was about to put that money in my wallet
he said save it I said huh he said don’t
spend it at all keep it in the envelope
and every time she gives you money I
want you to save it and I’ll tell you
when to give it back to her
at this month she gave me the 12th
envelope where she’s put $10 in this
envelope every month and sewed an
extravagant seed I was $10 to you but
you living in abundance right now
but this was this meant something to her
and as I was preparing this week he said
I want you to call her up at the end of
your service and I want you to give her
back all the money that she thought she
was sewing into you because I’m the god
of multiplication and I want you to give
it back to her
mr. Rhonda will you come here real quick
I’m so proud of you the first time you
gave a seed God saw this moment so today
I give you back the seed that you gave
me because God is pleased because you
obeyed him but he didn’t stop there he
said Michael I’m the god of
multiplication so he said I don’t want
you to do it from the church I want you
and pastor Natalie can you give me the
air he said I want you to give her
$1,200 Oh y’all can rejoice with her
right now
my god isn’t no better no better rejoice
with me my God is a God of
oh I dare somebody to rejoice with her
come on free and clear
come on God is thinking about soon it’s
time to level you up he’s trying to take
you from glory to glory to glory
listen I wrestled I wrestled whether to
do that publicly because I’m not doing
that to get any type of fame God said
that he was about to start a chain
reaction of generosity in this church
that he’s gonna speak to you and what
you do is gonna make a difference a year
ago God spoke to me and said I’ll tell
you in I’ll tell you how much and I’ll
tell you how that is a practical miracle
to what God wants to do in you and
through you as you go to the next level
of giving start tithing be faithful than
giving often and whenever God asks you
for an extravagant gift don’t fight him
don’t grieve over it because it’s more
blessed to give than it is to receive
lift your hands all over this place
father I thank you
that you have brought us here to remind
us of the greatest gift ever given and
that’s your son and with that backdrop
anything we have is yours so father I
thank you that hearts are turning and
that we won’t just hear the principle of
a blessed life but we will live a
blessed life and God our consistency to
obey you is gonna produce miracles
tithing doesn’t make sense giving over
and beyond doesn’t make sense
extravagance doesn’t make sense but it
makes miracles and I declare that this
church will live to be walking talking
living miracles as you bless us beyond
what we could ever imagine shatter our
perspective God let us take the limits
off of what you can do through us in
Jesus name we agree we expect amen can
we give God a shout of praise in this
place oh come on like he’s a hobo gyro