If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

so I am so excited because today we get

to do part two everybody say part two of

an amazing series we are in wait till I

get my money right I’m so excited

because um this series really is

changing the fabric of how we think

about finances money and really just not

money giving and I want to say this

again last week we talked about it’s all

about the heart and I want you to

realize that giving is not about money

even though that’s how you’re programmed

giving is about your heart posture for

so god so loved the world that he can I

get up here every day and I talk about

giving but we found out that your giving

is directly tied to your heart and

wherever your treasure is your heart

follows that so if your treasures are in

stocks and bonds your heart is there if

your treasure is in your home some of

y’all love y’all home y’all don’t want

to go nowhere else except your home but

you’ve put the most treasure there and

that’s why they say home is where the

it’s where your money is do ya I don’t

understand that’s usually the biggest

purchase that most of us have made the

hundreds of thousands of dollars on a

home and that’s why that’s where our

heart is not because you’re kids is

there I want you to think about it

because it’s all about our heart check

and so today we get to go further in

this but I want to give you this example

because um as a pastor I have a

responsibility to put before you the

things that you need and there’s four

different types of containers here and

this first one let’s say this is the

container that you love this is the

container that you love to drink from

this has the the type of nourishment

that you want and this will represent

Pastor Mike I know a lot of you guys

come to hear me preach the Word of God

my perspective the fact that I wear

plaid pants and Michael Jackson shirts

and all these different things and

preach the Word of God um um you you

prefer the way that I I give the word

the one thing that you have to know

about me as the lead servant at this

church that I’m held responsible for

everything that happens

on this platform at a higher level than

anybody else and so the one thing that

I’ll never do is I’ll never serve you

anything that would be harmful to you

I’ll never put anything before you

that’ll take you on a on a high and then

drop you look I’m not gonna I’m not

gonna ever put forth a word or somebody

on this platform that would speak to you

in a moment but not help you for your

whole life but there are times that God

asks me to do something that may not be

preferred to you what God will say

Michael I want you to put something in

front of the people that they need that

they don’t know they need I want you to

put something that looks different than

what you do and I want you to be able to

give them the nourishment that they need

around a subject or a topic that will

change their life this morning pastor

Robert Morris is going to preach to us

and some of you are like oh god I came

all the way here to hear Pastor Mike you

don’t want Pastor Mike you want Jesus so

you see this is this is the thing that

you got to realize is that even though

I’m a vessel that God uses it’s because

God wants to get something to you

and for the past three years I’ve been

under strict instructions that every

year we were supposed to do the blessed

life and it was supposed to be taught by

pastor Robert Morris he’s a pastor in

Dallas Texas that has a whole different

swag than I do but he has changed my

life by the teaching and the messages

that he gives and God said for the three

years I want you to sit on the front row

with your people and I want you to learn

this message and God’s taught me

something that I want to tell you you

cannot be a leader unless you’re still

being led husband’s you can’t be the man

of the house if God is not leading you

and so God told me he said Michael I

want you to model for your people what

being a leader and being led looks like

and so today the message is going to

come in a different container it’s gonna

come through pastor Robert Morris and

he’s done this blessed life series all

over the world

thousands and thousands of people have

have gone through this and it’s changed

the trajectory of of their churches

we’re able to give now because this word

has gone in the hearts of so many of you

God do you see what we’re able to do can

we thank God for what he’s doing to us

but here’s what I’m saying what I really

want you to get out of this moment is

that Gateway church is the largest

giving Church per capita in the nation

and they don’t have an offering time

nobody says all right it’s time to get

giving is that such a heart level that

nobody ever has to say anything and I

told my staff and my team I said I want

to lead a church who nobody ever has to

get up and say it’s time to give I want

people to say pastor can you teach cuz

we already did that could we what what

needs do we have I’ll I’ll take care of

that and I’ll take care of that and I’ll

take care of that do you know what we’re

here for

and I believe that it comes to the truth

of God’s Word the crazy thing about

hearing God’s Word through a different

container is when it’s opened and it’s

poured it comes from the exact same

source that this came from I want you to

hear me say this today and as you open

your heart and your mind to pastor

Robert Morris speaking to you this

morning as I sit right there in the

front row I believe God is gonna change

your mind can we pray that we all have

open hearts this morning come on lift

your hands right there father I thank

you that is you speak to us – pastor

Robert father on this second week of

wait till I get my money right god I

thank you that this word is penetrating

our hearts and will change us forever

not to live and have a blessed wallet

but to have a blessed life god these are

your people and now I thank you that you

would be with us in this service in

Jesus name we agree we expect amen

let’s get ready for part two and wait

till I get my money right the title of

today’s message I got this title from

something that I used to say a lot when

I was in school the title of this

message is what test

any of you relate to this did you ever

have that experience you’re welcome to

class and everyone’s got their books out

they’re studying and they say are you

ready for the test and you say what test

yeah I didn’t I didn’t do well in school

but I am proud of myself because I

graduated in the top 10% of the lower

one-third of my graduating class so if

I’m proud of myself for doing that but

two reasons I named you what test is

because many believers don’t know that

there’s a test in the Bible and you

actually take this test every time you

get paid so let’s let’s take a little

survey here all the campuses and all the

churches that are joining us how many of

you get paid once a month

can I see you’re in pajetta how many of

you get paid either every other week or

twice a month can I see your hand so

that’s most DOS how many of you paid

every week I see you how many of you

never get paid could you I’m sorry I’m

sorry okay but if you ever get paid

you’ll take a test the test is whom are

you going to thank for your income and

you take that test by what you do with

the first 10% of your income whom are

you going to thank whom are you going to

worship for your income you know some

people think visa its first one they pay

the only problem is that visa does not

have the power to bless your finances

but God does so uh turn to two passages

please Malachi chapter three last book

of the Old Testament Malachi chapter 3

and then second chronicles 31 we’ll go

over there in a moment and we’re going

to go through a lot of Scripture in this

message and I want to show you that

tithing is scriptural and this is in

God’s Word so Malachi chapter 3 verse 6

this is where we’ll start Malachi 3:6

for I am the Lord

I do not

change that’s very important I don’t

change I do not change therefore you are

not consumed

o sons of Jacob and I think that’s

humorous he says I don’t change that’s

why I haven’t killed you yet

personally so what I think he’s saying

there I was nice and I’m still nice

alright verse seven yet from the days of

your father’s you have gone away from my

ordinances now we’re going to come back

that word ordinance what does it mean

and I’m not kept them return to me and I

will return to you says the Lord of

Hosts but you said in what way shall we

return now before we read verse eight

then we just remind you this is God

talking this is God the God who does not

change this is the God who does not

change talking he said you you go away

from my ordinances I just did probably

tell you the word ordinance means a

principle of ordinary behavior you’ve

gone away from my principles of ordinary

behavior for God’s children and they say

well in what way now won’t you notice

this because this next verse a preacher

didn’t make this up okay this is God

speaking verse eight will a man Rob God

or steal from God yet you have robbed me

you’ve stolen from me but you say in

what way have we robbed you now watch

again this is God talking in tithes and

offerings you are cursed with a curse

for you have robbed me even this whole

nation bring all the tithes into the

storehouse that would be the church that

there may be food in my house again

that’s the church and try the the old

King James use of the word prove the

English standard version uses the word

test test me now in this says says the

Lord of Hosts I just want you to know

how many times he put says the Lord of

Hosts so we remember who’s talking here

the one who can’t change is talking test

me says the Lord of Hosts if I will not

open for you the windows of heaven

and pour out for you such blessing that

there will not be room enough to receive

it and I will rebuke the Devourer for

your sakes for your sakes so that he

will not destroy the fruit of your

ground nor shall the vine failed to bear

fruit for you in the field says the Lord

of Hosts and all nations will call you

blessed for you will be a delightful

land says the Lord of hosts this is God

talking and this is the God who can’t

change you have to remember that and he

says you’ve gone away from my ordinances

you’ve gone away from my ordinary

principles of behavior tithing is an

ordinary principle of behavior for God’s

children to thank God for their income

for their harvest for their increase

that’s an ordinary principle and he said

because you’ve gone away from my

ordinary principles you’re under a curse

now you need to understand so many times

we say well Christians can’t be under

curse because Christ bore the curse of

the law on the cross he did that is in

regards to our salvation but are you

saying then that you can live any way

you want and it doesn’t affect you is

that what you’re saying because that’s

it’s just crazy to think that way so you

see that if we if we steal there are

consequences a curse is a consequence if

you steal there’s a consequence what

have you steal from God and so many

people say well yeah but the the the

Lord owns it all yes but he actually

gives us stewardship over it but he

reserves 10% for himself that’s why says

you’ve stolen because he says I have set

apart the tithe for the house of God so

if you keep it you’re stealing it and

this word is also used in Joshua 6 and 7

when they took the tithe they were

supposed to bring he said Israel has

stolen stolen and again please please

hear me I didn’t make these words up

these are strong words God says you’ve

stolen from me you’ve robbed me and

because of that you’re under curse and I

don’t want you under curse I don’t want

you living under curse but you’re

voluntarily placing yourself under a

curse because you’re going away from my

ordinary principles of behavior

now I had a conversation with the Lord

one time about this passage because this

is probably the most famous passage on

tithing although there are many passages

on Todd

I’ll show you some of them day but this

is probably the most famous one and so I

had a conversation with the Lord one

time and I said Lord the number one

reason that I hear that people don’t

tithe is they say well that’s in the Old

Testament that’s in the Old Testament

and so I said to the Lord you know Lord

you put this in Malachi 3 and then

there’s a Malachi 4 and then Matthew 1

couldn’t you have just waited I mean

just a little while

I mean that you know these verses only

miss the New Testament by like 15 verses

I mean couldn’t you just waited just a

little while and put it you know what

the Lord said to my just felt in my

spirit he said I put it right where I

want it and the reason is here’s point

number one because tithing is a test

tithing is a test see God is testing our

hearts even when a person argues about

tithing I think to myself what is the

spirit behind this why would this person

argue when God gave his son for you and

you won’t even give him 10% why would

you argue about this it’s amazingly I’m

telling you it’s a test of your heart

it’s a test now I here’s why I believe

he chose 10% by the way the word tithe

is a Hebrew word my Ostroff is the

Hebrew word and it means tenth part are

10% tenth part yeah okay so that’s where

we get this from that we know it’s 10%

here’s why I think he chose 10% first of

all I think he chose a percentage

because it’s fair to everyone it doesn’t

matter if you make thirty thousand or

three hundred thousand it’s a penny oh

never done it’s to say for every person

but here’s the reason I think he chose

10 because for some reason many times

when you see the number 10 in the Bible

it represents testing you’ll actually

see the word test with it for instance

let me let’s let’s take a little test

all right I’m gonna ask ask your

question and I want you to answer me out

loud all the campuses all the churches


say your answer out loud all right

here’s the first question how many

plagues were there in Egypt TN right now

I could have said a different whacker

said how many times did God test

Pharaoh’s heart because that’s what he

did but we’re familiar with how many

plagues there were all right here’s the

second question how many Commandments

are there TIA okay now I’m gonna ask

another question and you might not know

this but there’s a pattern here okay and

this is at numbers 14 where God actually

says this you can read it later right

but and then I want you to say your

answer just a little louder okay how

many times did God test Israel in the

wilderness that’s correct

all right how many time again you might

not know this but okay how many times

were jacob’s wages changed TN God was

testing his heart how many days was

Daniel tested how many virgins were

tested in Matthew 25 how many days of

testing are mentioned in Revelation how

many disciples were there no there were

12 I was just testing you I just just

are just testing so tithing is a test

and but here’s something that you might

not know it’s a two-way test God not

only test you but this is the only place

in Scripture that I’ve found where God

says you can test me test me this word

try that sometimes translated test or

prove it comes from the way you test a

metal the way you test gold to see if

it’s pure you know God is saying test me

to see if I’m pure test me I want you to

I want you to see because I want to open

the windows of heaven I want to bless

you I want to rebuke the Devourer for

you but it depends on whether you’re

going to thank me and worship me and

walk in faith and what you’re gonna

believe that 90% with God’s blessing

will go farther than a hundred percent

without and you open an area of faith

when we do this again I hear people say

things like you know it was that Old

Testament or someone will say well you

know that’s under the law tithing was

under the law well first of all I’ll

show you some scripture that tithing was

way before law

hundreds of years before the law and

after the law and in the New Testament

so I’ll show you those scriptures

alright but I don’t understand that

argument well it was under the law and

I’m under grace now and I’m not saying

we do it because obviously we’re saved

by grace but there are principles that

were under the law that we should still

walk in as believers thou shalt not

commit adultery was under the law are

you saying as a believer you can you can

walk in adultery and and no consequences

thou shalt not murder was under the law

are you saying that because it was wrong

under the law now it’s right under grace

see it’s crazy all right let me give you

an example pastor Todd give me your

wallet just could just give me your

wallet okay yep there you go

Thanks okay I’m gonna keep this because

thou shalt not steal was under the law

and I’m a believer and so I can steal

and it’s okay okay let me just have

something is that foolish it’s crazy

that’s crazy okay so I’m because I’m not

gonna keep your wallet

there’s not even any money in it so all

right so there you for wallet


what you do

what you dude what did you take why is

everyone why is everyone laughing you

took your money out I tell you before

the service I’m gonna do this

illustration and you take your money out


I’ll get you back all right

all right here’s number two number one

tithing is a test here’s number two

tithing is biblical biblical you need to

know that it’s biblical there are a lot

of people that they don’t tithe and

here’s really there you’re not a bad

person if you don’t tithe you’re not a

bad person I’m not saying that at all

not at all you’re not a rebellious

person but a lot of people don’t really

believe it’s in the Bible I don’t really

believe it’s for us today so let me show

you some scriptures all right we’ll get

to second chronicles 31 in a moment

Genesis 14 verses 18 through 20 then

Melchizedek king of Salem Salem means

peace brought out bread and wine there’s

a representation of communion even in

the Old Testament he was the priest of

God Most High and he blessed him now

that’s talking about Abram Abraham Abram

and said blessed be Abram of God Most

High possessor of heaven and earth and

blessed be God Most High who has

delivered your enemies into your hand

now watch this and he that’s Abram

Abraham gave him that’s Melchizedek a

tithe of all okay you need to know if

you don’t know this theologically this

is about 500 years before the law and

Galatians says Abraham’s our spiritual

father and milk hesita Hebrews says is a

type of Christ and many theologians

believe it’s actually Jesus Christ

because it says he has no genealogy

that’s what Hebrews says no mother no

father no no beginning of days no end of

life it’s pretty amazing so he it’s

either Jesus himself or a type of Christ

and our spiritual father tithes gives

10% 500 years before the law because

it’s a principle and I’m gonna take you

next week and show you 2500 years before

the law the same thing I’ll show it to

you next week all right

look at Genesis 28 verse 22 this time at

Jacob and this stone which I’ve set up

as a pillar shall be God’s house again

an implication that the tithe goes to

God’s house and of all that you give me

I will surely give a tenth to you this

is about 400 years

before the law Leviticus 27:30 and all

the tithe of the land all of it all the

tithes of the Lamb whether of the seed

of the land are the fruit of the tree is

the Lord’s in other words it belongs to

God it is holy to the Lord remember the

word holy means set apart God has set it

apart from that’s the only reason he

could say you’re stealing from me

because I set that apart for my house

and if you keep it then you’re stealing


Deuteronomy 26 verses 1 and 2 and it

shall be when you come into the land

which the Lord your God has given you as

an inheritance and you possess it and

dwell in it that you shall take some of

the first I’ll show you next week in

just a moment and later down to this

passage how that refers to the tithe

first of all the produce of the ground

which you shall bring from the land that

the Lord your God is giving you and you

put it in a basket and I watch this and

go to the place where the Lord your God

chooses to make his name abide again

referring to church or you go to you go

to church you go to a place where the

Lord chooses to make his name abide then

look at verse 13 then you shall say

before the Lord your God I have removed

the holy tithe in other words the

set-apart 10% the holy tithe from my

house and have given them to the Levite

the stranger the fatherless and the

widow he directed where the tide was to

go according to all your commandments

which you have commanded me not

transgress your Commandments nor have I

forgotten them I’m not eatin any of it

when in mourning I didn’t use some of

the ties when I went through a difficult


nor have I removed any of it for any

unclean use think about how sometimes we

use our money actually for sinful

purposes and some of it and we might be

using the tithe it’s just amazing to me

how the Bible says this nor given any of

it for the dead I have obeyed the voice

of the Lord my God and have done

according to all that you have commanded

me look down from your holy habitation

from heaven and bless your people I’ve

removed the holy set apart tenth part

from from my house and I’ve given it

brought it to your house Lord

and now he says do you after you do that

you can pray

this prayer looked down from heaven and

blessed your servant okay let me ask you

a question all right if Jesus himself if

Jesus himself said you ought to tithe

would you tithe okay I’m gonna go ask

these people over here y’all there okay

no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding let

me ask all of you okay campuses all the

churches if Jesus himself said you ought

to tithe would you tithe here’s the sad

part some of us still have to think

about it that the one that bled and died

on the cross if he said you ought to

give 10% we still think about it okay so

let me put another way if Jesus said it

that you ought to tithe in the New

Testament in red

would you do it you will see the verse

Matthew 23:23 Jesus is speaking woe to

you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for

you pay tithe 10% a mint anise and cumin

those are spices and have neglected the

weightier matters of the law justice and

mercy and faith watch very carefully

these you ought to have done without

leaving the others undone ok here’s what

Jesus said you guys give tithes not only

of your firstfruits but you even give

tithe of the spices that you’re gonna

put on your food but you’ve neglected

justice mercy and faith then Jesus says

you ought to do that you ought to do

that but don’t leave the other undone

now one time after service a guy coming

to me said pastor ah I think that these

you ought to have done refers to justice

mercy and faith I said I don’t think it

does grammatically and I don’t think it

does even in the original language but I

said let’s just say for a moment that

that your perspective is right si says

these y’all have done refers to justice

mercy and faith I said to him what does

the rest of the verse say without

leaving the other undone I got you

either way

and you know I’m joking I’m not trying

to be arrogant about this I’m just

trying to take a difficult subject and

put some humor in that’s Jesus that’s

Jesus you tithe but you don’t do this

you ought to do that but don’t leave

this undone or you ought to do those

things but don’t leave that undone

either way I’m sitting here thinking

this is gentle I’m the hope and it’s

hitting you I mean it’s Jesus New

Testament okay Hebrews talks about again

Melchizedek and Jesus and how mortal me

and receive tithes on this earth but let

me show you what Hebrews says talking

about jesus is our Melchizedek watch

this Hebrews 7 verse 8 here mortal men

receives receive tithes but there he

receives them of whom it is witness that

he lives listen you put your tithe than

a plate or offering bag or basket or

however the church does where you attend

that receives that when you give your

offering here we have boxes most people

give online however it is that you give

your tithe mortal men take care of it

manage it things like that but listen in

heaven he receives it of whom and his

witnessed he lives Jesus Christ receives

my touch that makes me want to talk so

it is biblical and here’s number 3

tithing is a blessing tithing is a

blessing okay so let me tell you about

second chronicles 31 now we’re gonna

read there so if you put a marker there

second chronicles 31 Hezekiah one day is

reading the scriptures and he sees these

verses about tithing and they’re in an

economic recession and he realizes were

under curse the whole nation because

we’re not tithing we’re stealing from

God so that’s where we pick up the story

second chronicles 31 verse 4

moreover he commanded the people who

dwelt in Jerusalem to contribute support

for the priests and the Levites that

they might devote themselves to the law

of the Lord and I just want to just just

stop for just a moment

remember Malachi said bring the tithes

in storehouse that there may be food in

my house and again they were telling my

natural food but think about it today

spiritual food let me just ask you

something all right did when you when

you come to church do you enjoy the food

the spiritual food that you get do you

enjoy okay someone’s paying for it now I

know I’m being blunt I’m not trying to

be blunt I’m not trying to be offensive

in any way I’m just just a reality

someone’s paying for this building

someone’s paying for utilities someone’s

paying for the staff salaries someone’s

paying not not just for me to devote

myself to the Word of God and to bring

messages but for all the staff for the

youth ministry for children’s ministry

women’s ministry men’s ministry for the

you know teaching classes for for us we

have Kairos and freedom ministry and all

is it someone’s paying for that hello

it’s so let me ask you a question let me

just put a little tell my food here let

me give you an analogy would any of you

here go to a restaurant eat a meal and

then leave without paying for it any of



some Christians do that every week I go

to church eat a meal and skip out on the

check here’s the sad thing you’re the

one it’s hurtin

I don’t preach on tithing because the

church needs money we’re we’re doing

fine financially we’re didn’t find as a

matter of fact speaking just a gateway

church right now

you’re the greatest giving Church I’ve

ever known in my life you’re phenomenal

so I’m not doing this because you know

the elders got together and we’ll you

know the budgets down the budget set up

we’re okay I’m doing this listen to me

I’m telling you from the bottom of my

heart and I say this before God I’m

doing this because of you

I promise you I’m doing this to help you

this will change your life your family

your finances your marriage your

children your grandchildren this will

change you I promise you

all right so he puts out he says

everyone needs to bring the tithe to the

house of God now look at verse five as

soon as the commandment was circulated

the children of Israel brought in

abundance the firstfruits again I’ll

show you next week how that relates to

the tide of grain and wine oil and honey

and of all the produce of the field and

they brought in abundantly the tithe of

everything there it is right there

showing you it’s the tithe and the

children of Israel and Judah who dwelt

in the cities of Judah brought the tie

of oxen and sheep also the tithe of holy

things which were consecrated to the

Lord their God they laid in heaps in the

third month they begin laying them in

heaps and they finished in the seventh

month now these months relate to the

harvest okay and when Hezekiah and the

leaders came and saw the heaps they

blessed the Lord and his people Israel

then Hezekiah questioned the priests and

the Levites concerning the heaps and

Azariah the chief priests from the house

of Zadok answered him and said since the

people began to bring the offerings into

the house of Lord again the tithes

always comes goes to the house of God we

had had enough to eat and have plenty

left for the Lord has blessed his people

and what is left is this great abundance

ok here’s what happens the the king

sends out the this commandment and says

we’re supposed to be tithing to the

house of God so the people begin doing

it they begin in the third month which

is a harvest time but then there’s

another harvest the seventh month and

they continue through that time and and

so when the King comes to visit and he

sees these heaps heaps that the people

brought to the house of God here here’s

what in essence he says it says he

questioned them about to eat

here’s what he was saying are the people

okay are they okay I mean look how much

they’ve given or do they have enough

left and the priest said O king as soon

as the people started to do it God’s Way

God so blessed them what you’re seeing

here is just the 10% if you think

they’re heaps here go look at the 90%

go look at how God blessed his people

when they begin obeying his word I’ve

been in ministry now for over 30 years

of her two testimonies for that time

about tithing consistent testimonies you

know scripture says in the mouth of two

or three witnesses okay here are the two

testimonies people have said to me

tithers consistently have said to me we

are so blessed boy it all changed when

we begin tithing we are so blessed

pastor Robert we are so blessed that’s

what toddlers have said here’s what

non-tithers have said I can’t afford to

tithe that’s their testimony I can’t

afford the time and again not me not

rebellious people just I can’t afford

that listen to me you will never be able

to afford to tithe until you type

because tithing is what breaks the curse

and rebukes the Devourer as soon as you

start to get ahead something else will

break because the devours but tithing is

what rebukes him okay let me give you

one more illustration Jason and Steve

and Todd we got stand up and if you guys

will move down kind of toward Todd there

and so that they can everyone can get it

you can get a shot of them for the other

campuses and churches as well okay I’m

gonna give you an illustration let’s say

that I saved these three men I’m gonna

go away for a while and and I’ve

provided for Debbie but I want to

provide some additional funds for her

but I want to channel or funnel those

funds through you three men so I’m going

to send all each of you ten thousand

dollars a month okay Jason don’t get

that excited this is just an

illustration okay so I’m talking to

Debbie Everett and I stated to you but I

want you to give Debbie 10% of it $1000

month and you can keep the 90 percent

just give my wife 10% so I’m talking to

Debbie every day and let her know you

know it’s an extended trip but I’ll be

back in several months I have to be gone

and after about three months I said I

think about these other funds and I say

hey how are the funds coming in from the

three guys you know and she said well


since $1,000 a month just like you said

a matter of fact it arrives like January

first favorite first I mean he’s like

clockwork styles and dollars so good job

okay I said well what about Steve

she said well Steve is sending 2,000 a

month I said 2,000 month I didn’t ask

him for 2,000 month I just asked him for

a thousand I know I said well why is he

sitting – I don’t know he just sends

$2,000 a month

hmm I said well what about trader Todd

sorry Todd I say what what what about

Todd she said well we need to talk about

Todd I said well why what what’s Todd

doing well the first month he sent 700

the second month 400 and this last month

he didn’t send anything okay now I want

you to think about this think about this

how do you think that makes me feel and

I’m given in the 10,000 it’s coming for

me and I just asked him for 10% for my

wife he can keep the 90% hey what do you

think I’m gonna do I’ll tell you what

I’m gonna do I’m not gonna sending him

any more money because he’s proven to me

he can’t be trusted

and I’m gonna take what I’m giving him

and I’m gonna give it to Steve and Jason

because they proven they can be trusted

okay you guys can set out okay now think

about this Jesus said I’m going away for

a while

is that right I’m going away I’m coming

back but while I’m gone

I want you to take care of my wife 10%

you can keep the naughty

um let me just just remind you is the

church the Bride of Christ – listen to

me very carefully tithing might be more

personal to Jesus than what you thought

because it’s his wife

he has the power and if you say walk

can’t believe you just take it away and

give it to the others if you don’t think

Jesus would do that read the parable of

the talents when he took from the one

that wasn’t faithful and gave it to the

one who was faithful he wants to provide

for you but why would he provide and

less people who will not even be

concerned about his wife it’s a test and

it’s very important we passed this test

I want you to bow your heads and close

your eyes we just want to hear and do

what you say to do so right now father

God I thank you that we silenced all the

other distractions and we say father we

make you lord and we’ll listen to

whatever you say look at me just for a

moment guys the revelation or the

revealed truth that’s in that message

can change us for generations to come

black poverty selfishness greed all of

those things that have been a part of us

in some way this truth has the ability

to break that off of our lives I’m

telling you as a young man I heard that

message about five years ago and it

changed everything in my family the

things that I used to I told I told it

in the first service I used to be a

greedy person I was a stingy person like

it wasn’t that I was in LAC I just

wanted to make sure I had more than

enough and if I was to give a show of

hands ain’t nobody gonna put their hands

up but I’m I’m living hot for me I was

the dude if you if you invited me to

your house and you had a beverage that I

liked in a cooler and there was an

abundance I was taking him and putting

him on my pocket and putting him in the

car and I was I was doing not because I

couldn’t happen it’s just that was my

nature and many of you would not might

not be food or it may not be things but

it may be something else and God’s

saying I want to work this heart of

generosity but you cannot do it if you

do not honor me with the tithe and

that’s what I’m telling everybody it’s

not we’re giving our tithe

we can’t give something that already

belonged to somebody else it says he we

are returning the time and I think about

the testimony that I’ve gotten from

people in this church over the three

years that I’ve been the pastor those

two testimonies that Pastor Robert said

are very true you either have one people

that say man we love tithing because

that men we are so blessed because of it

or people who don’t I said we can’t

afford to and I’m here to tell you and

as your leader today God wants to give

you an opportunity to break the curse

over your life

breathe we’re not taking an offering see

because that would be manipulation and

that’s what people would do move to

offering to the end desert listen we’re

sure I’m not doing this because we need

money as a church let me tell you that

over the past three years God has

blessed this church because there were a

little smaller group of people that not

even we got to services full of people

we have one service full about right

here just y’all right here and and

people caught on to this principle and

we started giving y’all three years ago

we only could muster up eight thousand

dollars to give away in four weeks we’re

giving away a hundred thousand dollars

it’s because people know y’all need to

hear what I’m saying now hear me it’s

not we’re giving a hundred thousand

dollars because we’re balling we’re

giving away a hundred thousand dollars

because God has blessed us to be

generous and that’s where that’s where

we have to start where we’re at and I’m

asking every person in this room because

I see some of you

there they go that listen I have seen

people at 50 and 60 years old start to

apply these principles and it would seem

like the floodgates begin to open up

over their lives they went years without

letting it and always do something else

breaking and something else taking and

something else but God says test me when

God allows me to preach this message

i’ma call it i double-dog dare you cuz

you know when you was on a playground

and in somebody said I dare you you feel

like no I’m not gonna do it but they

said i double-dog there’s like i’ll

shoot i gotta do it now

like y’all know that but that’s what God

is saying I double dog dare you to trust

me with 10% and see what I’ve just

opened the windows of heaven yet they

said no last time but you’re a Tyler now

you said they said no last time they

couldn’t work but I am going to open the

windows of heaven and pour you out a

blessing you don’t even have room enough

to what do I do with all of this and you

gonna have to call people over like

y’all come get in some of this blessing

it says because this is what God does

when we honor him with the ordinary

practices of believers so I’m

challenging every person to not give to

hear God

whatever God says to do do that if got

anything to do them do that but I

promise you every young person listen to

me if you get this now when you really

ain’t got no money no you don’t what you

have so little if we know what you have

right now if you get this now when God

continues to bless you it will be

nothing because practice people say

makes perfect practice makes permanent

and that’s why right now we’re teaching

our daughter Isabella how much money did

you get ten dollars a dollar of that is

God’s and she gets excited to bring her

dollar to God cuz when she gets fifteen

she she won’t even think do know this is

already know that’s already God’s

ironing and what I’m telling you right

now Joe it’s time for us to put God back

in first place in our life this is why

because if God has your heart he can

change your habits be the only way that

it is ensure that he has your heart is

he has your treasure cuz your treasure

follows your heart follows your treasure

so today I’m encouraging you I know for

somebody else like Oh surgery on the

heart I already had plans for all of my

money and now I have to deal with this

like listen that’s what the Christian

life is about it’s about growth not


yes some of y’all like the sex you gonna

be blessed you gonna be prosperous

you’re gonna be changed that’s why the

name of this church is what

transformation you better not come up in

here if you don’t want to change like

this is the wrong Church to do maybe you

should go to Thane shirts or or status

quo Church like but transformation

Church because the Word of God is alive

and it can cut through culture it can

cut through our pain it can cut through

everything and make us into the best

version of who God created us to be I’m

excited today because you stayed in here

and you let the truth of God’s Word take

root in your heart and now I’m gonna

pray that we be obedient father I just

thank you that whatever you’re saying we

would listen and we would obey in Jesus

name Amen