In the final week of our series Paper Chasers, we heard a powerful message from our very own, Pastor Charles Metcalf. He taught us about the three levels of giving; Tithe, Offering and Sacrificial Offering. He encouraged all of us that “It’s time to GROW UP!” Are you ready for the next level of generosity? Check out this message and share it with a friend!


well hello hello hello transformation

church how you doing


hey listen i am uh i’m so honored and

excited to be up here today

and um you need to know that um god saw

this moment uh the day you were born the

day i was born

and uh i believe today is is purpose

it’s not an accident it’s not random

regardless of how you got here if you

just happened to stumble onto a link

um you didn’t stumble it was god’s

sovereignness that lined all these

things up

and i’m just believing that he’s going

to meet you right where you are today

and uh man today is a special day and

any time

um i get the opportunity to speak i just

have to stop and thank god

i it’s very strange i told my wife i

said i never thought i would be a pastor

and then we were talking one day she was

like you just always thinking about

sermons and things like that

and uh i wrote my first sermon when i

was well i say wrote my first sermon i

had my first idea for a sermon

when i was like 12 years old and i

remember talking to my dad i’m like i

think this would make sense

but i was like i’m not going to be a

pastor obviously god had different plans


i uh and then i got older and and i

remember preaching my first sermon at 18

and then now almost

10 years later i stand in moments like

this knowing that this was god’s plan

all along

and some of you man i can feel you right

now um

you think there’s something you can do

to get outside and you can and i do

i know it because it was me i felt like

god there’s no way i’ll be able to like

act like i felt like there was something

he wanted to do but i didn’t know and

i’m just telling you right now

i am a living proof that if you just

trust god if you just say yes even when

you don’t feel like

it if you just trust him he will take

you to places

um that you never dreamed of and every

time i get the chance to speak up here

i have to stop and thank um our pastors

and my pastors and my friends

pastors michael and natalie um and uh

every time i speak it’s an honor because


what happens here um is like the

smallest thing compared to god’s

blessing of just your friendship

your leadership in my life so i want you

to know i love you i’m grateful for you

pastor natalie i love you so much just

big hug for you right now and your

beautiful pregnant

self right now i love both of you so so

much thank you for everything you’ve

done can you give it up

for our pastors



all right all right who’s ready for the


it is week five of paper

chasers listen listen listen

today i’m ready i’m ready i’m ready i’m

ready and i’m ready

because the enemy thought he could slow

me down this week he thought he tried

like i’m not going to stand up here and

act like oh yeah i just woke up with the

word and felt good

i didn’t feel like it but i told the

enemy it doesn’t matter what i feel like

because the same power

that raised christ from the dead 2 000

years ago

lives on the inside of me and he’s on

the inside of you today

and uh i’m so excited for this week and


um i got to tell you about the journey

of of really even getting to this


because um literally when i first got to

tc i remember

when pastor michael told me we’re going

to do this financial stewardship series


and the first week i was like i i got

the opportunity to speak

a couple of times leading up before we

did these series and i was thinking

i cannot preach any of these right now

like i

there’s none of these that you would see

the fruit in my life i

it’s not like don’t log on to my chase

account don’t look at anything

because you will not see any of these

things so for the first two years i was

just sitting there like taking notes and

every single year was convicting me and


me and then last year passport was like

hey i want to have you speak

in this series and i was like ooh baby

okay um there’s probably there’s maybe

i don’t know any message that i got and

he came to me and said i want you to

talk about tithing and i realized like


god like you’ve actually matured me in

that area okay that’s the i can do that


okay so last year i did that and then

this year he came and said hey you’re

going to preach again i was like oh bet

the tithing one because i got that one

he was like no you’re going to do this

other one and i was like oh and then i

had to stop and think

and i’m saying that because sometimes

you don’t realize over the course of


what god has built up in you and if you

just stop for a moment you’ll realize

i didn’t realize i was here there was

another time where i struggled with


well it’s different but god will bring

you to a place of maturity and so

today i’m excited because this is

something that i’ve seen god do in my

life like i’m seeing him

really move in this area and so um i’m

excited and really the concept if you’re

just joining us for this series

is we’ve been talking about instead of

being paper chasers we’re going to be

purpose chasers

we are going to follow after god and get

in his presence

and know that if we will follow him if

we’ll seek the first the kingdom of god

all these things will be added

and so we’ve been talking around this

concept and i want you to turn into your

bibles right now

to first corinthians 13. first

corinthians 13

it was where we’re going to be today if

you don’t have your bibles no worries

the beautiful people on the production

team put up on the screen for you so

first corinthians 13 is what the bible

says it says when i

was a child when i was a child

he said when not now like he’s talking

about a previous when i was a child

i thought and i reasoned and i

spoke as a child but when

i grew up but when i grew up i put

childish things away now we see things

imperfectly like a puzzling reflection

in the mirror

but then we will see everything with


all that i know is now partial

and incomplete but then i will know

everything completely just

as god knows me completely would you

take a moment right now and i just want

to pray and invite god in holy spirit

thank you that your spirit is with

people right now

your spirit lord god i thank you that

our hearts are open holy spirit

speak to your children lord god and i

thank you that you would move

in this moment god we trust you speak

through me in jesus name we pray and

everybody said

amen so um me i’m wearing it to my

amazing wife abby shout out sugar mama

on the front row i love you so much

um we uh have two little kiddos arlo

and luna and because i’m that dad i made

them put it on the massive led wall

look at those beautiful little

light-skinned babies

it’s incredible because we had one

caramel and one straight oat milk baby

she just straight white uh

a little tan and she she burns and he

tans so it’s literally me and abby it’s

perfect but

um with those we have arlo and arlo um

you can take the picture down because

they’re gonna get distracted he’s too

good looking um so

arlo is too he just celebrated his

second birthday

and um and we came to arlo like arlo

what kind of birthday party do you want

to have do you like do you want to do

superman do you want to do spiderman you

want to do buzz lightyear

do you want to do mulan he really loves

mulan right now and so i was talking i

was like what kind of party

and he sat there and he started doing

this thing he go he literally goes

and he goes hmm and i was like oh okay

he’s really thinking about this

and he goes eggs and podos

and i was like what it means eggs and

potatoes so

uh last weekend we had an eggs and

potatoes themed birthday party

for our two-year-old and that’s because

some of y’all parents the birthday party

is not for the kids it’s for

you and you chose the theme and you said

okay arlo this is your birthday party

and as it was watching i was looking at

him at his birthday and i was just

thinking where

has the time gone like he’s gotten so

big he’s grown so much

and any parent you know this like your

kids as they get older you can look

at different pictures and photos and see

how they’ve changed

over the years and now having two kids

i’ve realized that i can’t parent my

kids the same way

like there’s not a lot of parenting with

luna going on right now it’s just i love

you you look beautiful i love you i love

you love you arlo he’s getting into a

little like kind of folding his arm got

a little attitude on him so

right now i’m having to adjust my

parenting and i realize i have to adjust

my parenting

according to his current process and his

current progress

so what happens is is what the way i

parent him in one season

is not the way i can parent him now the

way i treated him at six months

years old it’s not the way that i can

treat him as a two-year-old

so one day i’m sitting in in our bedroom

and i’m holding luna and i’m saying i’m

gonna get her to say dad dad i’m like

baby i’m going luna da

da da da and you know how the baby just

look at you like

then she’s just mouthing words and i’m

saying dad and i’m saying it over and

over again

and arlo walks in he goes dad dad dad

dad dad dad

dad dad dad dad and i was like okay

buddy like

okay like and then i literally i said

luna dad dad he’s like dad dad

dad dad dad dad dada

and now he’s literally like running

around he’s like and what he was saying

is how come you celebrating her

and i’ve been able to do this i can i

can say dad

and so i knelt down to him i knelt down

to arlo and i was like hey sweetie so

you you’re bigger now so you used to be

smaller but now you’re

you’re bigger and so there are things

that you can already do that your sister

can’t do so

and what i was trying to explain this to

a two-year-old is that the standard is

different at this stage

the what i’m expecting of you is

different because you’ve matured

because you’ve grown baby you’re past

dad dad you’re you’re learning we’re

trying to potty train you so

i’m not gonna clap when you say dada not

because it’s not good

it’s just not your time for that right



i wanna come talk to you today that some

of us in our relationship with god we’re


god god god i read my bible today and

he’s saying baby i love you and in

another season

in another season that was good but now

you pass that baby

you should be generous you should be

living a blessed life

that god god god god i listen to the new

maverick city and elevation song guy


yeah baby good job i hear you but now

it’s time to get on to some mature


somebody say it’s time to grow up i came

with a word to you today that it’s been

good up until this point

and it may have got you here and it may

have got you to this moment but god is

saying it’s time

to grow up

we we still talking about this there are

some of us in your relationship with god

there are things literally

he’s like i’m trying to get you to live

a blessed life to live full and there

are certain things that you’re living

beneath your calling

but i get it you would rather because

what arlo was doing

is he would look at someone that wasn’t

in the stage that he was in and he was

comparing to someone that was younger

than him

and didn’t have things that he had but

he tried to live the same standard as

someone who wasn’t called in the same

way he was

and so many of you you’re looking at

your friends and your homies who you’ve

been with

and they ain’t following purpose and you

see what they got and what they’re doing

and you’re not living in your moment

because you’re comparing to them and

it’s time

to grow up so many of us as believers we

would rather be the big dog in the small


than instead of go to another place and

allow god to mature you

and because you’re too insecure to be in

a space with people that are better than


you can never grow past where you are i

am telling you today

we are going to grow up

it’s time to grow up this is smart we’re

talking about small stuff

we still are you still using your own

opinions as the word of god and trying

to argue it on your instagram

that’s small stuff we got to mature

and today i want to talk to you about

maturing in your generosity and your


it’s i i’m coming straight for it today

and so is siri who’s clicking on the


but listen i’m telling you today we have

to grow

up it’s time to grow up it’s time to

grow up

we literally this is the year that we

are anchored and if we’re going to the

deep we cannot live

in this small-minded place in this low


thinking so today i want to talk to you

about three spaces and three

levels of generosity and stewardship and

we’re going to walk through these today

and i want you to take notes and this is

the first level the first level

of finances and stewardship is the tithe

the tithe is the first level this this

is the first place

that some of you need to step into when

you’re talking about financial

stewardship and generosity

because this this is the first level and

at this level

you see at every single one of these

levels god is trying to show you

something about who he is

he’s trying to show you something about

his character he’s trying to show you

something about his goodness he’s trying

to show you something about who he is

through these moments and i want to look

in this scripture in malachi chapter 3

and we’re going to talk for just a

second about the tithe it says in

malachi 3

will a man rob god

yet you have robbed me but you say in

what way have we robbed you

in tithe and an offering you are cursed

with a curse for you have robbed me even

this whole nation

bring all the tithe into the storehouse

that there may be

food in my house he says he said if you

will not open

see if i will now he says try me in this

and see if i will not open the windows

of heaven

and pour out such a blessing that there

is not room enough to receive it

look at verse 11 it says i will rebuke

the devourer for your sakes

so that you will not be destroyed the

fruit of your ground nor shall the vine

fail to bear fruit for your field says

the lord

all the nations will call you blessed

for you are will be in a delighted

land we’re talking about this first

level of generosity and this

is the tithe this is and i i want to

take a moment and just say

that as a church we are so proud so many

of you

through this series you’ve taken the

step to trust god and say you know what

i’m going to really honor god with the


and at this level you’re doing is again

you’re maturing in your walk with christ

now here’s the

here’s the um the low-level argument a

lot of people got with the tithe a lot

of people come for the tithe they’re

like oh this is just made up

man just made it god just needs my money

this is the way because god needs mama

let me help you today god does not need

your money

we think that let’s god did not invent

tithing for his sake

like god was not up in heaven paving the

streets with gold and thought oh shoot

i just used the gold on the streets

and now i don’t have any more money okay

angels get together guys what are we

going to do we got to come up with a

plan i got to get money up here i got to

funnel it up

okay we’re going to we’re going to

invent this thing called tithing so that

they can get money up here because we’re

running out of gold for the streets

it god why would he be needing your

money if he’s he all-sufficient

all-powerful god he doesn’t need your

money he wants your heart

the bible says where your treasure is

there your heart will be also god knows

that the only way he can get access

to who you really are is through your

heart and it’s really through

your finances so when he says bring the

tithe into my house he’s saying hey this

isn’t for me

like this is not for me to go this is

not because i need something from you

but really it’s because i want to get

something to you

god did not invent tithing for his sake

it’s for your sake

and here’s the here’s the thing i i want

you to understand i want to illustrate

not tithing doesn’t rob god of his money

god doesn’t have a shortage of money it

robs you of his blessing

i’m going to help you today when this

scripture talks about robbing god

it’s not saying god’s like oh shoot

you’re taking my money i need that money

he’s saying no when you don’t do it my

way you’re robbing me of the opportunity

to step into your life

you’re robbing me of the opportunity to

be your provider

i want to illustrate it this way so

imagine with me um that it’s raining

cue the rain guys we got the thing from

last week oh we don’t have that okay

um we got the rain from okay well just

imagine with your eyes that it’s raining

right now look at it close your eyes

it’s raining

when we fell into sin it started raining

it will always be raining it’ll keep

raining and it will be raining in your

life because sin

is in this world that’s how it is that’s

that’s what happened and literally

what god says is when you don’t do it my

way you’re robbing me of an opportunity

and literally so many of us were in a

fallen world again it’s reigning in this


and what happens is we only see things

with the natural you see you’re looking

at a practical level

in the scripture literally god says i

want to give you something at each level

i want to expose something to you you

see at the tithe level this

level of god is he’s trying to reveal

something to you he’s trying to reveal

his unseen protection

you see many people think the tithe is

about being blessed but what good is the

blessing if you don’t have anybody to

protect you

it’s like having a massive house with no

doors or locks on it you got it

but anybody can get it i’m telling you

got it and that’s a lot of you you got

your piece but anybody can get it

you got things you got finances but you

don’t have god’s protection

in your life and god says at this level

if you want to grow up

you’re going to get my unseen protection

in the natural it looks normal in the

natural you say okay god i’m going to

make this decision to tithe i’m going to

make this decision to honor you but in

the supernatural there’s something

that’s happening

it’s raining in your life and when you

say god okay i trust you

i want to tithe and i’m going to honor

you you see god steps in and in the rain

he covers you you see some of you need

to understand this

you’ve been wondering why anything could

come from you you’ve been wondering why

your business idea wouldn’t go through

you’ve been wondering that’s because

you’re praying for the blessing but you

don’t have his protection

when you start to do it god’s way you

honor him and wherever i go his

protection is with me

if i try to move his protection is with

me when they lay me off my job

he’s with me when they give me a raise

he’s with me why are you out he’s with


he’s with me you hear what i’m saying

he’s with me he’s with me

i’m telling you and here’s what we do

we say god you stay right there i don’t

want to do it your way


and now it’s raining and you mad at god

god just he’s not coming through i’ve

been praying i’ve been and god’s over

there he’s like hey i got the umbrella

i got your protection tithing

he says you know what you know i’m gonna

do it god’s way

i’m going to get underneath god’s

protection and let me help some of you

you’ve been praying asking god for peace

and really anybody at your work can

steal your peace right now because

because they can say one thing they can

look at you funny they can do

and really it’s because it’s not you

think it’s connected to a certain thing

that’s a job

it’s connected in here and where your

treasure is there your heart will be

also and so when you start to trust god

with your tithe

his unseen protection will step in

this is the first level of god’s


is it’s no matter and here’s the

beautiful thing

this is the supernatural when i’m

walking around other people be like who

is that behind you

how did you this is going to be some of

your testimonies how did you go through

the pandemic

and come out on the other side with more

how did you go through that breakup

and you got more identity you got more


how did you go through the same thing it

reminds me of shadrach meshach and


they went through the fire but they

didn’t smell like it baby and some of

you will you

honor god his unseen

protection is going to step into your


it’s time to grow up it’s time to grow


it’s time to grow up

and literally when we get at this level

he’s really following me

see here’s here’s the thing even when i

forget about him he didn’t forget about


if i was in control it would have winner

did but god says no matter what you do

and i came to encourage somebody

regardless of what you did last night

regardless of what it looks like right


regardless of the insecurities you may

have because what somebody said when you

were eight years old

god has been with you he’s with you now

and he’ll be with you there can somebody

give god a praise

for his unseen protection

i am telling you i am telling and let me

talk to parents for a second where’s my

man’s at come here come here come here

i’m not talking to you about this from a

place of arriving because we got a


and he’s still lying to me when he’s

pooping you know i’m pooping he’s like

no dad i was like your eyes are red son

i see you

really we got to work through that but

i’m telling you and i’m saying this for

parents because literally what my

parents instilled in me

when it came to tithing it became a

regular act

and i want to help some of you parents

right now that there are things that you

may not be saying to your children

but they’re seeing you do over and over

again they’re seeing you sit down and

say are we going to trust god

they’re seeing you say you know what no

i respect myself i’m not going to stay

in this world

they’re seeing you do those things and

literally from a young age my parents i

saw them time

and so as a young man i realized okay i

this is a value that i have to have

and i literally i was preparing for the

sermon and i literally started thinking

of all these different moments

and all these different things and all

the different decisions i made i

literally thought this is

can i be real up here today literally i

think of this and i want to use this

example because

you wouldn’t think these things are

connected literally i remember when i

got my first job shout out to dairy

queen i was 14 years old

i got fired in two weeks that was

important um

but i think about i remember getting my

first check

and thinking oh aren’t you supposed to

like give some kind of like

something and i remember going talking

to my dad and he’s like yeah tyler and i

remember my first

check i remember tithing off of that and

from that point on literally since 14

years old i would tithe every single

time did

because i knew like okay and it’s funny

because i didn’t really know but i saw

them do it so i just thought okay this

is what i’m supposed to do

i literally think of i literally didn’t

think of this story

i literally think of times literally

when i was trying to do stuff

literally sexually with people and


randomly my mom would call or randomly

something would happen or

and i’m selling you this because

literally me and abby got married

and we are both virgins and i think how

in the world did that happen

some of you you’re not connecting these

things i think in all the situations

that i was in in all the plans i had

in all the struggles with pornography

how did i make it into this situation

knowing me knowing my weakness knowing

what’s happened in my family and still

go into this honoring god

it was his unseen protection

some of you literally there are things

in your life that god will take care of

if you just

honor him with the tithe

but you think it’s just about money you

think and you’re just young it’s just

god it’s just about money it’s just


i’ll give him i’ll give him 12 and then

i’ll give him eight percent and i’ll

give him six for sick

this this is not listen and here’s the

thing too there’s some people

that literally when it comes to tithing

what god is trying to do is he’s trying

to go

grow you in generosity so at this level

what many of you look like

is you’re standing here talking about

how generous you are

and i love you a lot and giving

is good but how can i be generous

with something that ain’t mine scripture

is so clear and listen this is us

growing up this is us maturing

that literally when we tithe we’re

returning back to god

what’s already his and many people you

have got you have been so in the routine

of tithing and it’s amazing and you’re

honoring god with your finances but when

he says it’s time to grow up

when he says it’s time to mature you

think i’m already generous god

i give to you on the 15th of every month

he said baby you give to me

you don’t give you return to me and

literally there are so many of us that


literally have the argument of like god

really do should i tithe should i talk

and god said hey it’s time to grow up

like it’s time to mature

here’s the thing i want to progress into

these next two levels of of generosity

and stewardship

because these are what are gonna and

some of you literally as you see these

layouts the holy spirit’s gonna tell you

go say hey that’s it you’ve been in this

one you need to step up to this one and

you just follow that

in the moment the next one i want to

talk to you is about offering

everybody say offerings tithe

and then there are offerings this is the

next level

in our stewardship and generosity you

see the tithe

is actually the minimum the tithe is

just the starting place

for you who’ve been following god your

whole life and you haven’t moved up to

the next level

it’s amazing that you’re right here

that’s like saying god dad dad

dad i tithe and he says baby you learned

that in the first years and now you’ve

been in ministry

for 30 plus 40 plus 50 you’ve been

following me you wake up you read my

word you wake up but i’m trying to move


to a new place and literally in this

story in the bible in luke 9

jesus is this crazy story that happens

in luke 9

through 10 through 16 there’s a story

where jesus

is feeding um the story is called the

feeding of the 5 000.

now i have to help pinch this picture

for you because if you think it’s 5 000


you don’t understand the complexity of

the miracle so if you think that it’s 5

000 people you miss how sovereign god is

in this moment

literally jesus is with the crowd and

he’s going in the crowd and literally

he’s with his disciples and in this

moment he steps up onto a mountain he

sees all of these people

and i want to step into the story and

look what it says it says

but when the multitudes knew it they

followed him so jesus is walking with

disciples they start following

he received them and he spoke to them

about the kingdom of god

he heals though he healed those who

needed healing

when the day began to wear away the 12

disciples came to him said send the

multitude away so they may go into the

surrounding towns

and get provisions for we are in a

deserted place

he says why don’t you give them

something to eat we have no more than

five loaves and two fish unless we go

buy food for all these people

for there are about 5 000 men i want to

stop right here in this story

and note that god asks you to ask you to

give offerings out of the deserted place

i want to break the misnomer that you


when i get it then i’ll give it

if i had a hundred thousand dollars to

give i would give it but you don’t give

the dollar right now and if you don’t

give that right now god can’t trust you

with the hundred thousand this

god is saying even though you’re in a

deserted place even though

you feel like you don’t have a lot to

give honor me now and i’m working the

muscle in you to grow

so they’re in this deserted place the

disciples are like this man is preaching

listen jesus the service started at 11

it’s 6 p.m by this time

jesus has been going in he did a 18 part

series he did crazy faith 21 weeks in

one week

he did all of it that one week and

literally like all right here’s what we

need we need to go to jesus and tell him

the people are hungry

and really they was hungry but they’re

like yeah just telling the people

because he seems to really love these

people a lot so

maybe if we tell them he’s hungry then

they’ll go so he comes up to him he says


they’re hungry we should go get some

food because we’re in a deserted place

he says well you give him something

it’s like okay yes so we we did actually

think through that jesus

so but you see the thing is all we have

is these five loaves and two fish

and so where do we go he says okay

that’s good just tell him to sit down

sit them down now this is the point of

the story where i was reading and i


have you ever thought about how long it

would take for 12 people

to make 20 000 people sit down

at this time it’s it’s five it says the

feeding of five thousand that was five

thousand men it didn’t count the women

and the children per capita it was like

three to four

kids and so literally upwards of 20 000

25 000 people

12 people are told go sit them all down

that’s madison square garden that’s the

staples center that’s if you’re in tulsa

be okay

imagine 12 people go sit madison square

garden down just go tell them

groups of 50 just group them up i

imagine the disciples are like okay here

we go

one two three four five six seven eight

nine ten great

one two three four five six seven eight

all right all the ones all the ones go

this way

although all the two you remember

elements when they start crying you off

one two three four five six seven eight

nine ten eleven twelve three sit down

no wait just sit down 12 don’t stop

peter i was on

uh 16 17 18 19 20. they literally are

counting through people

imagine how long and i just imagine at

some point they’re like now why are you

telling us to sit down you know people

start complaining when they’re hangry

they start getting like just what do you

just tell us what you’re doing

just at some point i imagine one of the

disciples just said just sit down jesus

said he’s about to do something

i don’t know but just just sit down and

i read that scripture

and the holy spirit said charles you

need to tell some other things to sit


if there’s anything in your life right

now that’s out of order before god can


he says you got to tell him to sit down

i i can’t tell him to sin

i’m going to do my part some of y’all is

is catching it right

i’m gonna do my part but you gotta go up

to some things and just say

sit down god just said he’s about to do


i came to encourage somebody you need to

tell anxiety

hey sit down god’s about to do something

you need to tell depression

hey sit down god’s about to do something

you need to tell the alcoholism that’s

ran in your family

sit down god’s about to do something

come on somebody’s about to get it you

need to tell them bad doctors report

sit down god’s about to do something

lock in my mind

sit down god’s about to do something

anger sit down

next week easter death hell in the grave

sit down god’s about to do something

some of you need to realize that the

same power that got christ up out of

that grave lives on the inside of you

and you don’t have to consult with fear

you can tell them sit down my god said

he’s about to do something

god literally empowers 12 people to move


and you can’t move your own thoughts and

emotions in this i had to remind myself

emotions god may have gave them to me

but you don’t run and drive this car the

holy spirit

directs my life so you need to sit down

and shut up because i got an assignment


and some of you you need to start

declaring over things in your life that

are out of order sit down god’s about to

do something

i’m telling you you have more authority

and jesus literally he tells them to sit


and literally in the scripture look how

powerful this is it says

he took the five loaves and the two fish

looking up to heaven

he blessed them he broke them

and he gave them to the disciples to set

before the multitude

there’s a picture of the tithe that

happens right here and

you may not catch it but literally they

have to bring it to god first

what they had wasn’t enough what they

had wasn’t sufficient for the season

that they were in they had to

had to bring it to god first and god

blessed it

but then after he blessed it it says he

blessed it

and then he broke it

have you ever felt like you brought

something to god

and it wasn’t enough to begin with

it wasn’t god this is this is

god if you just bring my marriage and my

relationship you know what we’ve been

going through

and you open up your eyes and it’s it

was more broken than when you gave it to


it’s more god i thought

okay god i just i want to i want to walk

in your will i want to walk in your


and you open up your guys it was god you

were supposed to come through

you you knew this wasn’t enough

you knew i didn’t have enough and i came

to you and i prayed

and i fasted and i did all the right

things i trusted you every single season

i did it

and now i’m looking at what wasn’t

enough is now broken

and this is the state that happens when

you’re in the place of offering

you’re in a deserted place you’re in a

place that wasn’t enough to begin with

it literally says in the scripture jesus

took them to a deserted place

so god took me to this deserted place

then he said what do you have i said

it’s not enough

then he took what wasn’t enough and then

broke it

and this is the lie of the enemy for you

to think

that because you brought it to god and

it’s broken

that it’s not blessed

just because it’s broken doesn’t mean he

didn’t bless it

in the context of the disciples

it looked like and maybe in your life it

looks like he’s just breaking it

but what he knows is it has to be broken

to be given away

literally in this moment god is saying i

have to break it before i can give it to

other people

just because your marriage feels broken

it’s not just broken it’s being prepared

to be given to somebody else

just because what you’ve the business

looks broken it’s not broken it’s being


to be given to someone else some of you

you’ve went through so many hard seasons

you went through so many dark places

you’re in a dark place right now

whether it’s in a business idea that’s

failed whether it’s trying to get your

identity back

and it feels like i brought it to god

and it’s broken and the enemy’s lying to

you saying yeah see

god didn’t do it and you should just not

even mess with offering it you should

not try to give it to other

people in ministry you’re tr you’ve been

trying to serve god you’ve been faithful

and now you’ve experienced hurt and pain

like never before and you’re thinking

they’re trying to convince you yeah you

should just quit

see you brought it to god you served him

with your whole life and now it’s broken

god is saying i didn’t break it for the

sake of being broken i broke it because

i was preparing

to give it to somebody else and i came

to encourage somebody today

that in the places that have felt broken

in the places that it feels like it’s

not enough

god is simply preparing you to be given


at this level at the level of offering

the question

is do you trust the provision

or the provider

there’s two different things at play

here when they literally walk up to


he blesses it he breaks he says okay now

go give it to him you go give it to

go you mean just the broken piece

i’m tell i can’t get off of this god’s

asking somebody to give him the broken


you don’t need the whole piece right now

you don’t you don’t need the whole thing

you just need a piece of it if you can

just uh just start get

just start investing in those young

people even though you don’t have it all

figured out

just tell them what you do know god’s

good he’s faithful he’s brought me

god just give him the broken peace

and here’s the beautiful thing imagine

12 people walking around to their groups

of 50.

all right just just get you get you a

little get you a little something go


he broke five pieces among 12 people

okay just just take a look okay they

keep taking the last little piece and

right before they reach out

it grows in their hands

the scripture doesn’t say jesus broke it

it multiplied into enough food for 20

000 people and then he said give it to

people he took the same thing gave it to

the disciples and said you give it out

and at that moment when it got small

when it looked like not enough when you

felt like i

i’m barely hanging on to raise these

kids when you feel like i’m not gonna

try again because last time i tried and

i failed and i got embarrassed

when you’re at the spot you have a

question do i trust what he’s provided

or i trust him as provider do i trust

what he’s given me to this point

and when you say god i trust you with

this i’ve seen you do it i’ve seen you


literally what god is saying i have

unlimited provision

when you get to this level of offering

the lesson he’s trying to teach you

is at this level i’ll be your unseen

protection i’ll be your unseen

protection but at this level i’m trying

to teach you there’s unlimited

provision when you start to offer out of

a place that’s not perfect

that doesn’t have it all figured out it

may just be a little bit

god says if you give your little bit

i’ll multiply that thing right in front

of you i’ll start making the piece that

was just a little bit in one season

you’ll look back and it’ll be

overflowing onto your children and your

children’s children

you’ll look back and say god i had is

just a little obedience

and he’ll take bishop gary mcintosh at


at the corner of archer it’ll say just a

little obedience and i’ll multiply it

into a nation

that reaches the world just a little



he’ll take your small piece

you know start giving it to other people

and at this level you’re asking who who

do i trust in this moment

and here’s the thing i want to


come here

i am sorry

because we don’t talk about that he

blessed it he broke it

and now i’m expected to give it i’m

still broken

and you shouldn’t have went through that

just because he broke it and god doesn’t

mean it’s not real

doesn’t mean there’s not real emotion

doesn’t mean you don’t have real


i’m sorry that you went through that and

i know it doesn’t feel like enough

i know it feels like if i give this away

i won’t have anything left

gotta say if you just trust me as

your provider i’m working

right now your lungs are breathing right

now your heart is beating right now i’m


the air in your body right now and if

i’ve provided that

i can provide for anything else

god wants to show you i have unlimited


and when it comes to our finances we get

in this place where we think we made the

money and we did it and it’s our thing

and god’s saying if you just when you if

you go to this next level if you just

trust me at this space

here’s the thing i think of the


and literally

god’s here’s here’s something i want to

help you with literally

when you understand and do it god’s way

it doesn’t mean

that you don’t have space to to make

mistakes or to to to

to worry and and literally in these

moments when god asks you to give out of

this broken place

he’s saying i want to show you that at

the tithe

it’s the minimum and and i’m showing you

that i’ll be your unseen protection but

at this

level i want to multiply what you have

and so many people when it comes to

finances and stewardship and generosity

we see the fruit of the abundance of god

but you don’t realize that people who

are experiencing the abundance

gave out of obedience with just their

little bit

and if you look at certain people’s life

this is why social media takes out so

many people because you’re looking at

people that you didn’t see them step

up this you didn’t see them give up

things that they went through

you you you see pastor charles preaching

and oh we got the stairs and the ch

you weren’t there when god said hey i

know i told you to start this church

and you got money in the bank and you

had friends moved from new york and you

had you went you told everybody you were

gonna be

stand up and tell them we’re not

starting this church anymore we’re

shutting it down and we’re merging with


so if you look at this level and think

people just started there

you’ll start to value god’s abundance

and not his obedience

this is why pastors have the

responsibility to tell you the truth

we didn’t this just didn’t happen people

said oh the overnight success or what

just it was a marketing plan no

god it was little obedience that led to


massive abundance it was a couple of

people in a room when god said slow down

stop doing stuff and pastor michael

stood and said hey we’re going to slow

down we’re going to strive

it was small obedience that led to the

abundance and many of us

even in the truck you start to value the

big thing and it’s about more money and

more things and i think just get more

paper and

god said it’s small obedience at this


it’s giving your little bit out of the

deserted place

that god says i’ll be your unlimited


this story progresses on and jesus feeds

the people and it’s

it’s absolutely amazing and literally

they were

they took it to god first a small

picture of the tithe they brought it to

him and said god you have to bless it

you have to do it

because if you don’t it won’t be enough

and that’s what so many of you have done

you’ve brought the tithe to god you’ve


you know what god i’m gonna bring it to

you like i just i’m going to trust you

with it i’m going to be obedient to you

and i’m going to trust you at this level

and then so many of you you’ve stepped

up to the level of offering

and the thing is that this is when

you’re truly being generous

this is the level where you’re living

out of a place

of blessing people not out of your


not out of all that you have you can

start today some of you even as you see

at tc we give big amounts of money away

you can do that exact same thing with

the money that you have in your bank


you can you can take intentionally say

you know what god i i honor you with the

tithe but i’m gonna take

five percent of my income and i’m gonna

set it to the side just to offer it to


just to just to plan in my life to live

out of a place of abundance

so at the first level it’s the tithe

it’s the minimum it’s about showing that

god wants to be your protection

the offering is about god saying hey i

have unlimited provision

the next level in the final level is

sacrificial offering

they say charles what’s the what’s the

difference of of these things well

sacrificial offerings are about god

maturing you

sacrificial offerings the thing about


is at this level i was returning

at this level i was being generous and

i’m starting to step

out and starting to to meet the needs of

other people but when i step up here

sacrificial offerings can only be given

with something that is sacred

and what’s sacred to you and sacred to

me is different

so what god will do at this level it

says because i want to mature you

i’ll ask for a specific thing

this level isn’t about giving tons of

amounts of money

this level isn’t about being the one

with the most money and you’re the

the biggest giver in the church this

level isn’t about being a philanthropist

and trying to do all that this level is

about what’s sacred to you

this level is about what’s that thing

that you’ve started to hold on to

so tightly that you can’t receive what i

have for you this thing is about

what is that thing that’s all your

motives it’s it’s laced through


it’s it’s if you buy certain things to

make up for an insecurity in you

it’s it’s you present yourself a certain

way so you can act like you’re better

than p

it’s at this level it’s about what’s

sacred at this level it’s about

you didn’t have it so now you’re making

it to prove that you could get it even

when they couldn’t

it’s at this level what’s sacred to you

is it how people look at you

is it being loved and so you present

your body in a certain way on instagram

at this level it’s about what’s sacred

to you at this level it’s about what has

your heart

and the trick is is you can think

oh this was an offering so if i’m gonna

step up

i just need to give more money

there’s a lot of people giving more


but it’s not sacred

at this level it is

god i want to mature

god i want to grow up and at this level

you can’t compare at this level it’s not


okay what okay i did i did this i did

the 10 and then i started giving this

and so the next one i just natural i

just need to give more

at this level god will ask you for

specific things

it’s not going to be everything it’ll be

specific things

it’s abraham in genesis 22.

it was a he says i’m going to give you a

son he waits 25

years for his promise 25

years for his whole promise and finally

it comes

at a young age he literally says okay i

want it back

give it back to me and at this level

it’s a sacrificial

because that was sacred to me that this

is my only this is my only one

and these are things that even flow out

of the promises of god

these are things that god you pray you

i’m helping you

if some of you you didn’t not hear god

because he’s asking for it back

this is i gave it to you and now i want

it back

i gave you that personality but now

you’ve rooted yourself and who people

think you are so now i need it back just

i need you to dial your personality back

a little bit

i need i need you started to put too

much value in how much money you make so

i had to i had

you had they had to see that email that

some of you sent it to the wrong person

and so i had

because this thing became too sacred to

you i need a sacrificial offer

i need to do something so deep in you

that that fixes the real


and this level is is uncomfortable

this level is not it’s not glamorous

it’s not who

it’s not and it’s not in front of

everybody it’s not but this level

is about what’s sacred to you and

literally in scripture

through through abraham’s life

genesis 22 verse 10

this is the moment of obedience in

abraham’s life he has lifted

the knife above his only

he’s lifted the knife over what he

believed for

for 25 years he’s ready to

give back what god gave him

and at this level god says

i can trust you

this level was about showing me

thank you lord at this level god’s

saying i’ll be your protection

at this level he says i’ll be your


but at this level

he says there are there are promises

things that i promised you

things that that you don’t know are

going to happen things that

it was when i first wrote this down i

thought of unexpected promises i

initially thought

of the ram that was in the bush

but isaac was an unexpected promise

what happens when god asks for the thing

back that you didn’t ask him for

i didn’t i didn’t ask you for this i was

doing what you told me to do

and now you’re asking for me to give out

of a place of emptiness out of a place

that i don’t have

why would he says because i i can only

receive what’s sacred to you

and i know i know what that’s meant to


and everybody else sees it as fruit and

as flourishing

but i know what that means and just to

check your heart

just to make sure that i’m the one

that’s really in control

i need it back and this

isn’t ethereal this isn’t some there are

specific things

literally when me and abby we we started

a church in downtown tulsa called eden

we started it we’re going all these

things are happening it’s growing we

have 200 people coming

all these amazing things god says

literally i’m on a trip with pastor


and this was this now it looks obvious

it wasn’t obvious when we did it

now it’s like duh why wouldn’t you do

that it wasn’t duh when we did it like

trust me it wasn’t it was it was dumb

that’s what i said was it

literally we at this point i remember me

and pastor michael it’s crazy it was

like almost

five years ago we sat down like two

almost this day we sat down for our

first coffee

i was like i literally dm’d him on

instagram yup some of y’all did it was a

lot easier when he had 5 000 followers

hey what up homie two minutes what up g

what you doing

you look good man it was and i literally

it literally i asked i was like hey

we’re starting this church i just want

to i want to like ask some questions and

start to learn

we go we sit down at he’s only been

there once i just realized that

favor with me it’s the only time he’s

went he’s never went back we went to

this coffee

shop we sit down and the first thing he

literally sat down he said when’s the

last time he took abby on a date

what did you mean what was i going to do

with the church plan what did you mean

i’m talking about leadership brother

what you mean i needed a small group of


teams and that was the start

of our relationship maturing and

literally we’re progressing fast forward

and uh we literally at this point and

that’s why i just tell this story


it literally we’re here at this moment

it’s like oh man that’s so cool pastor

and literally there were so many

obstacles in my heart that i had

so we’re on a trip with pastor michael

and literally randomly we’re riding in

the car he’s driving

and i look up and i just look over and

literally god said in that moment

shut your church down and serve and

protect him pastor natalie

and the vision of transformation church

and i was like the devil is at work

and i see you

i feel that he’s trying to let me help

you the devil ain’t gonna tell you to

give out a sacrificial place

some of you give to that homeless man

god you

what the what are they gonna do that’s

not the devil that’s god trying to

mature something

in you so you can grow to be like him

and this moment literally i stand up i’m

like yo we’re gonna have the last

eden gathering it’s gonna be so epic

inviting everybody

and literally i i get everybody there

it’s packed out and i preach and i’m

like all right

so we’re shutting down we’re merging

with tc they’re like

tc what’s a what’s a tc what do you i’m

like transformate like and so literally

walk through this

and i’m saying this because god will ask

you back

for the real things that were obedience

in one season

because he’s testing do i have your


and on the other side of your

sacrificial offering

is his unexpected promises

i think about um you know this

i was talking about just this series and

and really um

how god has matured me and abby in this

space of living a blessed life and

i said my parents they did an amazing

job at teaching me the value of tithing

and being generous

and um and so from a young age i just i

tithe i just felt like this one i’m

supposed to do and so i did it and

um and i saw god protect me in so many

seasons and

and then stepping up into provisions and

seeing god at the offering level i


um me and abby when we first got married

i was like man we just i just want to be

a generous person and just have that

desire to be generous

so i remember the first time it was like

a hundred dollars god was like hey i

want you to

to give that and we talked about it it’s

like okay we’re going to give it

and we started giving and trying to just

live out this place of okay god is our


and if he gave it to us he can get it

through us and we can get it so we’re

just going to be

and we’re going to keep giving and

literally i started thinking about all

the different times we’ve gave i even

went back to

to high school i remember there was a

time when god asked me to give above my

tie it was like five dollars and i was

like hey hold up homie like

i got you yo like and at that time my

time was like ten dollars so it wasn’t


i gave you the ten you ain’t getting

fifteen percent you give and so i

remember i gave it in that moment

and literally i was like okay i’m living

in this place of offerings and then

god was like i need another offering i

was like okay

five dollars and he said no give that

guy your shoes

so it’s not the routine some of you

there’s a routine you have

i always at this level of maturity i’m

talking to mature people

you tithe and you give god 20

on your tithe every single week and god

will say stop don’t do that

give that 20 to your cousin

he knows that would be more of a

sacrifice for you

he knows for you to give to that person

that you know and that you’ve seen them

do dumb things and you’ve said you

he knows that’s the place that i need to

ask for it

so at this level of side the crazy thing

at these can you put them up there tight

offering sacrificial offering

at these levels it literally changes at

every single level

what was an offering in one season and

you say

okay i’m gonna trust you then god says

okay sacrifice it and he says okay

when you were at this stage when you

have been following for this long

doing that was a sacrifice but you’ve

grown up

so now it’s an offering i want to help


these two levels if you’re growing this

is what your looks like

god it’s all i have left you want me to

be to to meet with that person and help

them walk through that hard situation

god that’s a sacrifice okay i’ll do it

then he says i need a sacrifice again

and you say oh so you want me to do the

same thing he says no that’s just an

offering now that’s just that’s just

what you do because you’ve seen me move

i need something different at this level

and these two levels are constantly


literally me and abby we we’ve been

talking and we were

i was thinking about all the different

moments of giving and all these

different things

and literally we did one of the first

years we were part of this series

um the night before um and i i want to

tell you this too

i want to share these stories with you

specifically to even

um and i’ll talk to young people for

just a second because some of you think

that there’s like a certain age in your

life that that’s the point that you need

to obey god

and so i can while out through my 20s

and then god can make up time

and here’s the thing about drifting you

initially think about okay i can just

get back

and i’m not missing anything now so it’s

okay to drift but you forget that it’s

going to take you 10 years to get back

to the point you are at and so you

wasted your 20 through your 30s

and then it took you 30 to 35 to get

back into your purpose

and now you’re just starting at a place

that if you just would have obeyed at 20

if you just would have said i won’t go

in that relationship at 20 if you just

said god i’ll trust you

it wouldn’t take in all this time and it

doesn’t take a certain age to obey god

i just let me it’s here’s a crazy

because here’s the crazy revelation

if you look in scripture literally the

tradition was at 14 years old you would

ask to follow a rabbi

and if you you would go up to a rabbi

and say hey my parents would take them

and say hey can my son follow you

literally when that didn’t happen the

the son or the little boy would go back

to his family business

then literally what happens is jesus he

walks up to these 12 kids

and i say kids because when they go into

the temple at the current time

at 21 you had to pay temple tax and he

says everybody pay do what the caesar is

caesar’s and only one of the disciples

pays the temple tax

many theologians believe the disciples

who are arguing over who’s the greatest

the people who is ready to cut off

somebody’s ear that don’t sound like a

35 year old that’s

somebody who’s like 18 to 25 the

disciples were young people

i’m at this time he literally tells them

go pay

only one at 21 years the disciples were

who does that sound like yo i’m the


think about it read all the scriptures

through the lens of a 19 year old

yo i’m the great jesus they mess with

you schwing got his ear

you ain’t 40 years old cut people’s ears


i’m telling you this because there is a

generation of people that you have been


for a different season to obey god

you think when i get a whole family then

i’ll honor

when i get a wife then i’ll honor god

with my purity

baby by the time you get her it’s going

to be too late because you’ve created a


and literally some of you you think that

the promise of god will override your


but you’re going to have to submit your

pattern to see his promise

and you think i can act any type of way

i can listen to any type of music

and if god wants to use me he’ll speak

to me but faith comes by hearing and

hearing the word of god and you ain’t

heard that since she was in sunday


but you can wrap every single lyric to a

song the only problem is drake isn’t

your provider

the only problem is he can’t heal that

insecurity you have

so if you don’t start listening to him

if you don’t get planted in him

god will start asking for stuff and you

won’t even know what he’s asking for

where was i the at

yes i’m back literally me and abby were

looking back at all these different

times we gave and

there was a moment literally we were up

late one night really randomly and

we’re looking on instagram and literally

one of our friends they posted a picture

on their story and their house had

literally burned down

they came home and their house had

burned down and literally in that moment

me and abby felt like we were supposed

to bless them so we got in our car at 2


drove over to their house said hey we

want to give you this

because we just feel like we’re supposed

to do and literally it was like man this

is the biggest offer and we gave it

and that moment was like wow like it

built something in our marriage it built

something of like wow we can really live

this thing we can really do this

fast forward a little bit and we we give

in our first

um offering at the end of the year we do

an end of the year offering every single

year and we gave in the offering and


we do this every single year it’s not

very uh it’s super spiritual but it’s

kind of silly how we come up with our

number we just say all right on the

count of three we both say our numbers

all right and

if it’s god we’ll both do it one two

three and literally the holy spirit

works every time it’s been the same

number for four years in a row so like

great to god but

um literally in that we we gave the

first one and he was like oh gosh that

was such a sacrifice and so

but every we’re just trying to trust god

trying to trust god and we get to a

moment where literally pastor michael is

preaching in this series

and and in the moment we’re talking

pastor michael he’s telling the story of

he’s going to give his car away

and i’m thinking oh how about let’s give

our car away

like let’s just and this is why

generosity is contagious it’s so

important that you set the

the standard of it because there are

people who need your to see your faith

to know that it’s what they should do

and literally i’ve been talking and

praying and i was like god if there’s

any way

that we could do this i would love to do

this and literally in that moment we

said okay god we’re going to give it

and so we gave our car away to somebody

in our church and i was like wow that


and that was us at this level that was

us thinking this was the greatest

sacrifice we had ever

given so then i’m okay this is this is

what we’re

so then there are different moments

where we step down and say hey i want

you to i want you to give i want you to

bless people

we progress a little bit i end up

getting another car

a little beater but here’s the crazy


it was a volkswagen there’s a 2000

something volkswagen jetta

god knew i love that car more than the

car i had before

just because of cars i like so when he

asked me to give it

it was the same thing and he said hey

this is this is but in this season

it’s an offering in this season

it was a sacrifice in this season it

felt like

this this is but in this season i know

that like you this is just the space i’m

taking you to

and so i just want you need to know

that’s just that’s just what you’re


so we end up giving that car away so two

cars we’ve been married at this point

for three years we’ve given away two


and i’m saying these things this isn’t

like we had tons of money and just had


i want to make this very practical for

like it wasn’t like we had we were

we had arlo at the time and we had a

little kid and it was the only thing we

okay we’re gonna get so i just i want to

help this isn’t like a oh when you get

to certainly where you’re making all

types of money you could no we

had two cars i had one abby had one and

literally like oh and the other car we

had was a little hatchback we had arlo

jam in the back seat your knees was all

crammed up i said god get so we give the

card then i have to have my friends

picking me up all these different things

fast forward to this past year’s crazy

faith offering

me and abby we do our one two three we

say our number

and it was like oh snap crackle

pop rice krispies that is

the biggest amount of money i have we’ve

never given that

and at this time we’re currently saving

for the down payment of our home

so we’re saving for a home this is

two-thirds of what it’s going to be to

to give

what like to get our home it’s

two-thirds of what that’s so it’s like

okay god you want me to

okay at this process of god this is

going to be a sacrament the night before

god we’re going through instagram and uh

my guy stephen commented on this photo

said that’s a dope car

right when he said dope car guy said

give him your car said shoot

shoot but at this point

i’ve seen god as unlimited provision

so i tell abby hey babe we’re supposed

to give him the car

she’s like all right if that’s what

we’re supposed to do

so i get in service and we have the

moment where

i was originally just going to give it

to him after service became a part of

the message so we

give him the car and i’m like that was a

lot that was a sacrifice

and i’m standing on this third level in

my heart thank god that was the biggest


ever and then we get to the end of the


and we give our crazy faith offering so

we’ve given the most money we’ve ever


and we gave our car away at this time we

have two babies

my wife’s having to get up in the

morning we have to get up way earlier

than we need to to get them all dressed

get them ready for the day

so she can drive me to all these

different things i’m like god this is a

sack like

this is this is a huge sacrifice i don’t

understand why you keep asking us to do


in the meantime we’re still believing

god to close on our own home

god you’re you’re asking me to give

you’re asking me to do it and i’m just i

need you to come through

and literally in service i’m standing

there we’ve just given the car

we’ve just given the offering and god

says i need a sacrifice

i said god i was i what you mean i

in the same service give the most money

give the car

hey i need a sacrifice and what happened

is i realized that in the matter of


god said when you gave it it was a


but i moved it to here and i need you to

step back up

and you know what the sacrifice was

at the end of the service we put up all

these crazy faith cards on the wall

and pastor michael he said hey i want

some of our pastors to come up and start

praying for these cards

god said i want you to give get up

and the little faith you you’re

believing for your home

the little i literally was sitting there

thinking god we’ve been faithful

we’ve given to you every single time

you’ve asked us we just gave the most

amount of money

and i’m literally processing the back

story is we’re trying to buy our first

home while we’re having our second baby

i’m paying thousands of dollars worth of

debt that is not mine all this is going


i just gave away my down payment all

this stuff is happening i’m thinking god

i’m just i have a little bit

okay i’ve done it i did what you said to

do i gave the car i gave the house

i need you to show up right now like i

need something

and he says get up and pray for these


and i have them put that picture up

there because the cameraman took that

picture and as i saw him coming up

i turned because i was bawling crying

praying for those cards because i

thought god

you i don’t have anything to give to

these people

i’ve been trying to obey you

i’ve been trying to do the right things

to say the right things i gave

the first car i gave it when you said

give an offering when you said give my

shoes away

when you said like you said shut down

eden when you said come over here when

you say take that down

i’ve done all of it at every step and

now you want to ask for the little bit i

have left

i don’t have anything i don’t have

anything to give at this level i can’t i


i can’t get out of this place and i’m

literally sitting there in my chair

fighting whether or not i have enough

faith to go stand up and pray for these


we got to be real because some of you

think you’re always it’s going to be

this holy moment

where god says i want to you’re like yes

god but i was thinking i don’t want to

pray for them

i need i need if i give them that faith

i won’t have any left

if if you’re asking for this little bit

i have i’ve been trusting you

if you’re asking i know i need you to

know when i give it to you i won’t have


and i remember standing up

and it took everything in me to stretch

out my hands was that wall

and i started praying i started looking

at your names

and i said god i pray and what happened

literally as i went around

the ones that i would just walk and i

would stop and i would look up and i was

praying for somebody else’s home

god i pray that you would provide for

them my home i thank you that you’re


and as i’m saying the words i’m thinking

god you’re supposed to be doing this for


and you’ve done it and you’ve blessed us

but it was it was something in my mind

that i just this isn’t the way i thought

it would go and i’m having to fight all

this stuff and i’m paying all this money

and i’m giving all that i have left

and literally i i get done and i come

and sit down in my chair

and in that moment

giving isn’t always you give and you get

that’s not how god works you want that

you go to las vegas at a slot machine

we aren’t betting on god when we give

him our tithe or offering our

sacrificial offering

this is an investment game this isn’t

the stock market this is obedience to


and literally i’m sitting there

and i sit back in my chair

and god said it’s broken

and literally in that moment he said

there have been certain cycles

that are connected to this that have

been in your family for years


for years they’ve been in your family

for years and it’s affected you and

it’ll affect arlo and luna but he said

it stopped

when you stretched out your hand

and i’m telling you this because at this

level of sacrifice

there’s unexpected promises that you may

not be the primary beneficiary of

it may not be when you stretch out your

hands or when you give that amount of

money or when you stop the business or

when you

go back in a pilot some of you

apologizing would be the biggest

sacrificial offering

because it would be you sacrificing your

pride it would be you admitting that

you’re wrong some of you going to

somebody and saying i’m sorry for the

way i said that to you and that was

that’s the sacrifice god but in that

moment there are unexpected promises

there are things that god wants to

release to you

i don’t know where you are right now

when it comes to

your giving your offerings your

your tithe your sacrificial offering

but one thing one day everything’s going

to be taken away

one day all the noise will leave one day

all the money you have all the money in

the bank accounts

everything that you have one day it’ll

all be gone

and we do all this work to focus on

getting more money and getting more

things and then all of this stuff but

one day it’s all gonna

be gone

and you’ll be left to evaluate god what

what did i do with what you gave me

and some of you i’m telling you you find

yourself where you’re

you’re in a decision you’re wondering

like am i going to do it am i going to

tithe am i going to trust god

i’m telling you when you trust god at

this level

every relationship could leave you

money could leave you every every single

thing that you thought was your security

could leave you but at this level

it’s god’s protection

no matter if you don’t have the the

relationship that you thought would

protect you

the the savings fund that you thought

would protect you the amount of

instagram followers that you thought

would protect you

if none of it is left when you honor god

he says i am your protection

some of you today you’re you’re going to

take a step

you’re going to say you know what god i

may be in a deserted place

i may be in a place where it feels like

i brought you what i had and you broke

it but god i’m gonna trust

not my provision but you as my provider

some of you today there are so many


that literally you are standing at the

first level and today you’re gonna step

up and it’s not a certain amount of


it’s not a certain amount of things but

you’re going to say you know what god

i’m going to trust that you will provide

some of you you trust your ability to

make a plan more than you trust god to


you trust the skill that you have the

schooling that you have and god’s saying

i want to teach you that

i am truly your provider

and then there are some of you there

today god’s gonna ask you for a


he’s gonna ask you to to grow up he’s

gonna ask you to

to step up and say you’ve been at that

first level for a while now

and you’ve seen me be your provider

but there are promises that i want

to release to you there is peace that

you need there is hope there

there are things that will break things

in your family there there are finances

that will fund the kingdom

and literally at this level god is

saying i have

promises for you


and i don’t know where you are today but

the beautiful thing about

god asking for a sacrifice

is he’s not asking for something he

didn’t already do

literally jesus

at this level

the gospel is very clear it’s very plain

jesus was so in love with you


the bible is the story of a god

who was madly in love with

hurting and broken people

he sees you he’s seen you since you were

a child and he was so

in love with you while you were doing

the wrong things while you were cursing

his name

while you are running away he saw you at

your darkest moment

and said if they would ever think about

wanting a relationship with me i’m going

to go ahead and die

and the beautiful thing is god set the

example of giving a sacrificial offering

he gave his only


the story of the bible is a story of a

sacrificial offering

jesus we i think there’s a level jesus

was sacred to god he was the only one

and for you he said i’d do it

because the unexpected promise

is that all the hurt you’ve been through

all the pain

all the lies that you’ve believed the

things that have held your family back


years he said i’ll give a sacrificial


because there’s a promise of a whole


there’s a promise of a life that is so

full and there are some of you right now

you’re thinking is this it like there’s

got to be more there’s got to be more to


there’s got to be more than just paper

chasing some of you

you’re not paper chasing anymore you got

the money you got the house you got

everything and you realize it’s not the


it’s not how do people with tons of


go still struggle with identity and

still not have what they need and still

commit sui it’s because no amount of

money can fix the hole in your heart

and today i’m i’m pleading with you

to just surrender god loves you so much

and he set the example of a sacrificial


and literally next week we’re about to

celebrate easter because 2000 years ago

jesus said i wanna i just want a

relationship with them


and some of you you’re in here and the

reason you’re on this you hear me

talking about ties and offering and all

these different things

and some of you you’re going to mature

today you’re going to you’re going to

take steps you’re going to take steps to

level up in your generosity you’re going

to take steps to start trusting god with

your tithe you’re going to set

an example in your home some of you as

parents you’re going to start tithing

every single month and you’re going to

set a routine and a rhythm in your


and it’s going to protect your children

some of you as parents the protection

i’m telling you from the kids


my parents being consistent in one thing

i believe has led to protection in other

areas in my life there are parents that

when you start honoring god

literally he said i’ll take care of your

children i’ll take care of their


but literally you’re going to take some

of you you need to give an offering you

need to trust that no

man no boss is your supplier but god can

feed you

god can take care of you god can give

you money

god can god can sustain you through

every single season

and he is your providers

and some of you there’s a sacrificial

offering god’s gonna ask for

and i’m not gonna lie it’s a big one

it’s all of you


he’s asking today would you would you

lay it down

would you just surrender your plan your

what you wanted to do

if you would just surrender to me i want

to reveal to you that i have unexpected


right in your homes right now right

where you are would you just lift your

hands like this

if you’re in the room you can stand and

just put yourself in a posture to

receive from god

in this moment i want to take a time

just to reflect

a time just to ask god what are you

saying to me


holy spirit lord i said words

but you speak to hearts

but i pray for every single person right

now under the sound of my voice

right where they are that you’re

speaking to them

there are some people that they’ve been

arguing they’ve been fighting with the

tithe they’ve been fighting whether or

not to trust god at this level

but god you’re saying that that lord

lord if you trust me i’ll be your

protector i’ll bless you and i’ll

protect you

and some of you today the step you’re

going to take is to trust god with your


you’re going to say you know what i’m

going to surrender control and i’m going

to trust god with

others of you there’s an offering that

god’s gonna ask for he’s gonna ask you

to say hey just surrender

and trust me as your provider and by the

power of the holy spirit there are some

of you

that you are about to step into such a

blessed life

and not in the context of you got all

the money and you got all the things

but you’re gonna be such a blessing to

other people when you walk in the room

peace is gonna show when you walk in

places your life

would be a blessing to people and then

there are others of you that you’re

god’s gonna ask for a sacrificial


god right now we are saying

at no matter what stage we’re at


all we want to do is obey you


god that’s my prayer right now no matter

what stage you take me to

all i want to do is obey you

and god i thank you that your holy

spirit and your mighty hand

has sustained every single person in

this room

lord you have sustained them lord god

you have been their provider

lord you’ve been my provider lord god

you’ve provided things that no amount of

money could

lord i thank you that you are moving in

the hearts of people right now lord god

your spirit is healing wounds lord jesus

your spirit lord god is opening up

literally you’re tearing away

the hearts that have been black and in

hard with anger and worry lord jesus

and literally you are stepping in lord

god to create a heart of flesh lord god

a heart that’s ready to obey at the drop

of a hat lord jesus

i thank you that generosity is erupting

out of the hearts of your children

lord jesus that literally in a moment if

you ask us to give lord god

they would give it lord jesus whatever

you ask about lord god we would realize

that you gave it to us in the first

place lord jesus

that you have been faithful lord jesus


cancel the lie of the enemy that would

try to suggest that god has not been


lord you have been good so whatever we

have is yours in the first place and we

give it back to you lord jesus i pray

right now

for the person that is struggling lord

jesus to trust you

in their finances to trust you with

their children i think that you are

their provider

right now there’s those of you that are

watching and if you were to evaluate

your life right now you

you realize that you’re not as close to

god as you would love to be

if you look at your life and you’re

honest you don’t have a relationship

and god is just saying i love you so


all you got to do is surrender all you

got to do is surrender

right now wherever you are if you don’t

have a relationship with jesus

i want to offer you the greatest thing

you could ever experience

it can change there’s no amount of money

that could bring what this would bring

to you it’s a relationship with jesus


you don’t have to clean your life up you

don’t have to stop doing a bunch of


all you have to do is surrender in one

moment and when you surrender

romans 12 romans 10 it says if you

believe in your heart and confess with

your mouth that jesus is lord you shall

be saved

in this moment if you just surrender to

him if you just say god

i trust you literally he will invade

every area of your life

there’s not a moment where everything

fixes and it’s perfectly fine

and everything goes away but what you

have is you have somebody to walk with

you you have somebody that

will literally walk with you through

every single season and there are some

of you watching right now the reason

you’re here today

is to accept jesus into your life all

you have to do is surrender

all you have to do is say i trust you

and in this moment

his presence his glory his holiness

his sovereignness his peace his mercy

his grace his power is entering into

your life lord jesus i thank you

that you’re moving if you’re watching

right now and you say you know what i

want to accept jesus that’s me

i want to surrender i want to give my

life to him right now

what i want you to do is on the count of

three wherever you are i’m gonna ask you

to lift both of your hands

no matter who you’re around you may have

airpods in at a park right now and when

i count to three you’re going to lift

your hands and it’s an

outward symbol of an inward decision

you’re making you’re saying i

let go of control and god i trust you

with my life

god loves you so much one he paid the

price for you

two you can be free in this moment three

lift your hands right now if you want to

accept jesus right where you are

lord god i thank you jesus that people

are experiencing your love like never


no matter where you are in the room i

want everybody to repeat loud after me

say dear god

thank you for loving me

dear jesus thank you

for willingly laying down your life

for me i admit i’ve made mistakes

but save me change me

transform me sustain me

it’s in jesus name i pray amen

transformation church transformation


come on if you just made that decision

all of heaven

is celebrated can we celebrate

listen if you just made that decision

that is the best decision you could ever

make in your life

and we are so proud of you

listen so many of you in this moment

this is a real moment you need to mark

down this day

you need to write it down in your

journal write it down on your phone this

is the day that everything changed

and i’m so grateful for you listen as a

church we want to walk with you

following jesus is not something that’s

meant to be done on your own

it’s not by yourself it’s literally we

want to surround you and encourage you

help you find community

help you walk in your faith with god if

you text the number that’s on the screen

text the word save

we want to send you just some resources

and really some next steps on how to

follow god

and here’s what i want to encourage you

with there are a couple of things one

just keeps keep coming back you don’t

have to

even if you make a mistake just show

back up next sunday

even if you do the thing you said you

would never do just show back

up and i promise you as you continue to

get this word in your heart

as you continue god is going to start to

transform so many things

i want to encourage you read your bible

what translation should i read the one

that makes sense to you that’s the one

just read just you can play it on you

can download it but start to get the


of god into your heart to start to

literally scripture says don’t be

conformed to this world but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind

god’s gonna renew your mind as you get

into his word some of you there’s a

worship playlist that we have out there

start listening to worship fill your

home with worship and you will see

god start to move in your life

listen even for those of you that just

gave your life to christ

one of the last things god did he says

go into all the world and make disciples

and literally we have a part to play in

that one of the most powerful things

some of you could do is invite

somebody that you know somebody that

doesn’t even know the the perfect

version of you somebody know this knows

the the hurting part of you

but what you can do is literally invite

them i want to challenge everyone invite

people back to this service next week

this is the time where people’s hearts

are open this is the time where the

family member that you’ve been praying

for for years

just get up i promise you if you just

get them on the on the stream if you

just get them in front of it i promise

god will step in

and he will change things like never


listen i just want to encourage you

you’re stronger than you thought you


there’s more on the inside of you god is

madly in love with you not only is he in

love with you but he’s proud of you

he’s proud of you for just for who you

are he’s proud of you for just being you

he’s proud of you for showing up and

raising those kids

he’s proud of you for stepping up and

leading that business because he told

you to

he’s proud of you he’s proud of you and

he will

sustain you listen we love you so much

we don’t take it lightly

that you’ve decided to be a part of this

movement and we’re exactly that it’s a

movement that god

is doing and we’re so grateful to see

how he’s transforming your life all

around the world

listen we love you so much next week is

easter invite

everybody you know god is going to do

something special we

love you so much go out and live a

transformed life