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well anybody ready for the word this

morning all right let’s do it

today we are starting part 4 of a series

that we are calling help me marked and I

am so excited about this series because

we’re learning from the life the

leadership and lessons that we get from

David’s life and last week we started

talking about David and talking about

how he was approved in private and if

you’re ever going to do everything that

God called you to do you’re gonna reach

the purpose that he’s placed on your

life because many people in this room

are marked for so much bigger than what

you’re living right now if you know that

God has marked you for more than what

you’re living right now make some noise

in the building okay I had to make sure

I was in the right room because some of

y’all look like y’all swallowed pickle

juice this morning Jesus

okay let me make sure I believe that the

reason you’re here is because something

on the inside of you

is marked for more than what you’re

living right now but the thing that we

learned from David’s life is that in

this Instagram generation in this this

this validation generation we live in

God works differently

he doesn’t do things the way the world

does them so when he when he chooses you

he usually approves you in a private

place where everybody’s not gonna know

even your family members may not know

what God’s placed on your life and many

people get discouraged because maybe

they’re too old or maybe they tried

before or nobody’s cheering them on but

what we found out last week is that we

have to embrace our opportunity of

obscurity and when we let God develop

our negatives in the dark room of our

life then people get to see the picture

that God has for us but when I was

thinking about this concept of being

approved in private it made me think of

something else that means that Samuel

went to David and he anointed him like

he poured oil on him said God’s favor is

on him and and for everybody that’s new

to church anointing all it means is

God’s favor like

means that God’s approval is on

something so when something’s anointed

you can tell because it’s like that

ain’t them like God’s doing that and

that’s what I pray for every time I come

to speak I don’t have no anything that

I’m saying but when I get up here the

anointing of God begins to take over and

some people like he was speaking right

to my situation you know we ain’t talked

like and you know I don’t know your

situation but the anointing of God he

comes on and he starts speaking to you

and you and you and you and you and then

comes back and hits me at the same time

that’s what we call the approval of God

on something so David is getting

anointed by Samuel he’s getting the

approval of God but there’s something

interesting that happens that many of us

don’t understand is once you get

anointed or approved by God or get a

vision from God you’re not always gonna

get a position so I want you to know if

you’re marked I’ve just got to hit this

for a second you’re gonna be anointed

before you’re positioned and this is

where everybody gets messed up because

you know you’re anointed you know God’s

hand is on your life you know you can

sing you know you can administrate you

know you can lead and gods like but

you’re not gonna do any of that right

now you’re gonna serve what God you must

have messed up because I’m marked yeah

you’re marked so I need to go to the

palace now no no no because if you go to

the palace now you’ll be there for a

very short time cuz I’ve put my hand on

you but you have not learned how to

handle what I’m taking you into so I

gotta develop you in a place where you

not gonna be seen and so that’s why when

David was approved in private then he

was anointed before he was positioned

right after Samuel anointed him his mark

self he went back to the field and I’m

telling some people in this room who are

discouraged right now that your field or

your pastor season is not a punishment

it is preparation and until you see it

like that you will always be mad about

where you are now

uh-huh cuz some of y’all trying to move

to LA New York there’s just better

opportunities you’ll still be there and

if you’re still there you’re still

taking all your issues with you until

you become content in the place in the

space that God has you knowing he’s

anointed you knowing his favor is on

your life he’s saying I’ll give you the

position and this is the thing that you

gotta believe you either believe it or

you don’t

all promotion comes from God you think

promotion came from your boss no no no

no no promotion comes from God and this

is what he is telling all of us chill

out and wait on me well god you’re not

moving fast enough I’m moving at just

the right speed that’s gonna allow you

to do everything I’ve called you to do

this goes back to that concept of

striding finding the pace of grace and

what God’s saying is hey I just need you

to wait on me we’ll pass them like how

do we wait look at proverbs 3:5 because

a lot of you the question to you today

is how are you handling the way and you

you you think that the weight is like

like the time like God man I hate this

like I can’t stand going to this job but

you got it messed up God saying how are

you handling the weight at your service

God a waiter

see when you come to a good restaurant a

good waiter is not telling you

everything they need a good waiter is

asking what else can I do for you father

if you asked me to serve in this

children’s ministry how long do you want

me to be here father God do you want me

to keep giving to this person who can’t

give anything to me at your service God

and many of us are prolonging our season

of going to the next level because our

weight is bad you’re a horrible waiter

and what do you do with horrible laters

I’m gonna leave it right there cuz I’m

gonna just let it convict you of your

own level all I’m saying is you’re

marked somebody just say it I’m marked

say it like you mean it I’m marked but

you’re not getting a position yet can

you handle the weight well god I’m 68

and I don’t I don’t know how much longer

I know no you never heard about Moses

and Sarah

Lucero room was dusty just powdered she

lacked no y’all it’s in the Bible she

laughed when God said I’m gonna give you

kids she said hahaha well no but at 90

years old Abraham and Sarah said Moses

is Sarah

Abraham and said at 90 years old she had

and I’m telling you that there’s seeds

that God has placed on this inside of

some of y’all that you have said I am

past the point of conception and God

says if you put me in the mix I can do

things in times in areas where man says

it’s not possible I am the great I am if

you believe it go ahead and give God a

shout of praise right there yes

somebody’s faith is being built so the

question is how are you handling the way

proverbs 3:5 tells us how to handle

little weight trust in the Lord with all

your heart and do not depend on my own

understanding cuz this cuz that’s what

we try to do God this doesn’t make sense

he said you didn’t understand it when I

told you so you’re not gonna understand

it in the middle like like don’t trust

in what you see he says seek his will in

all you do father I just want to please

you father this is this is

I’m doing this but god I just want you

if this is not you redirect me show me

what you’re doing see his will and all

you do and he will show you which path

to take see when you’re marked you gotta

wait on God and this is where even for

those who are finishing school

congratulations to all my graduate if

you’re a graduate in the room just lift

your hand in the building if you’re a

graduate I see you I see oh come on

y’all there come on we’re so proud of

you but this is one of those funny

things now you got a degree now now you

you finished high school

now now you got your master’s degree God

you must approve me cuz I wasn’t

supposed to make it pass did my

sophomore year and god I’m marked now

and now he’s saying to you he’s saying

alright now you may have to go work in

something that wasn’t your major

y’all just waste four years y’all know

we turn into somebody else when the time

can I just watch my life before he

positions you where you’re actually

gonna be he may need to work some things

in you and out of you that college

didn’t teach he might need to teach you

how to trust him in a season where

everybody else will not be able to like

you you big now you grown now like ain’t

nobody sending you Romo noodle look

money no more like you gotta get a job

you understand what I’m saying like

maybe there’s a season you got a truck

maybe you won’t be able to have the

blinged-out apartment maybe you’re

sharing with somebody in a roommate

situation and you can’t stand people and

she touched my mascara and and I’m

trying to tell you the things that we

think our issues are usually tools that

God is using to develop us yeah I’m not

driving a 2019 car no no take 12 years

off of that cuz that’s the car you can


all I’m telling you is that that doesn’t

negate you from being in the palace one

day but it’s part of I’m keep singing

this cuss word your process just say it

out of your mouth because some of y’all

don’t cuss like this same process so so

I just want to let you know this one

thing okay I’m not going to my purpose

or the palace yet so god what am I

supposed to do well I need you to know

the weight is never wasted if you’re

waiting god never wastes the weight if

you would be submitted and open to what

he wants to do in it the weight it’s

never wasted somebody needs to just say

that out of your heart say the weight is

never wasted so one thing that I found

out about David in the season that he

was waiting before he became king like

like he did something that was so

amazing and I think this is what God

tries to do for all of us if we’re

marked in the waiting time if you’re

marked you’re gonna become the answer to

a problem yeah no no I’m telling you

like if you’re marked and you’re waiting

for God to put you in that next level

he always says okay let’s now make you a

help to somebody or something else that

needs to be solved and many of us when

we see problems we see frustration and

we Punk out when we see problems a lot

of us think problems are the devil come

on let’s be honest you see a road bump

you’re like the the the devil’s a liar

and then we go over here and we see

another problem and what you need to

understand is problems are always God’s

Way of getting you to promotion when you

become a problem solver you will always

be going to your next level of promotion

so I want to talk to you about being the

answer the title of my message today is

the problem just found in answer the

problem whatever it is just found and

answer somebody say I’m the answer say

it one more time say I’m the answer the

crazy thing about it is we don’t want to

be the

let’s be honest we want somebody else to

answer our problems our prayers our

stuff but we never want to be the answer

and God says if you’re gonna do

everything I’ve called you to do you got

to understand this ain’t about you when

you get to the highest level of what

you’re called to do it is a service

position this is not a position for you

to be served it is a position so that

you can serve as the pastor of this

church a lot of people call me the lead

pastor but behind the scenes I call

myself the lead servant because I have

to do things that nobody will ever see

off of this platform to be able to serve

whoever walks in those doors and needs a

word from God this is not a pious

position where I look down on the

peasants and give them a word from God

this is something that I’m up all night

crying and praying over changing my

notes until the last minute cuz I don’t

ever want to say anything that would

lead one person astray and then gotta

come back and put my life up against

this stuff and there’s a hard your

judgment for every person who teaches

the Word of God so I’m not up here

trying to prove something to you I’m up

here trying to serve you and this and

this is at every level of influence the

higher you go up the more you have to

serve so what God does in these seasons

is he presents problems as an

opportunity for promotion and so today I

want you to change your view of problems

cuz cuz every time you see a problem you

want to run you want to stop and God

says that’s what I wanted for you to go

through the problem and become the

answer somebody say I’m the answer so

let’s look at David’s life and let’s see

how he answered some of the problems

that were presented to him David was the

answer the first thing he was the answer

to the goat problem

see I’ll remember in First Samuel when

when when Samuel was coming to find a

son in Jesse’s house David was the

number eight of his brothers and they

didn’t even invite him to the party okay

but they didn’t invite him because if

there was not somebody watching the

goats their livelihood would have been

in jeopardy you’re gonna get it in a


so the one god chose was not at the

party because he was the answer to a

problem that would affect everybody and

it’s going to take another level of

knowing who you are in Christ to keep

doing the thing that nobody wants to do

and nobody’s going to praise you for and

and and be the answer

even when nobody’s gonna give you an

applause let me let me prove it to you

first samuel chapter 16 David was the

answer to the goat problem it said then

Samuel asked are these all the sons you

had he wouldn’t do seven of them and God

didn’t choose any of them he said

they’re still the youngest but he’s out

in the fields watching the sheep and the

goats sin for him at once and we will

not sit down and eat until he arrives

see this is the thing you got to

understand I don’t care if you’re a

parent I don’t care if you’re a business

owner I don’t care what area of life

you’re in the first test that God is

going to give you is a test of humility

will you stay with the goats when

there’s a party going on

will you keep serving the children when

there’s an area on the platform open

will you keep taking out the trash even

though you’re the owner of the company

will you still keep taking your wife on

a date even though you’ve been married

20 years it’s a goat problem and if you

will not handle the low level stinky

if you won’t handle the stuff that is

not appealing and this is the thing that

you got to realize when you hang out

with sheep and goats you start to smell

like them so when you go into other

areas there’ll be people who don’t want

to be around you because you still get

your hands dirty there will be people

that judge you because you don’t look

like your position but God said I’ve

anointed him the king of Israel but he

would still get down and do the things

that nobody else wanted to do so if you

have a goat problem in your life the way

you become the answer is humility right

that we’re down humility the Bible tells

us that God is far from the proud but

he’s close to those who are humble in

spirit and this is the thing that every

one of us have to understand is that

humility everything in the kingdom is

upside down so the way up is now the

more humble you are the more God can

trust you in and some of you you have

the skill you have the talent but you

are prideful you have the skill you have

the talent you have the looks but you’re

mean you have the skill you have the

talent you have everything that it takes

but you are not willing to do the things

that take credit away from your bujji

ideal of yourself

now you live in a gated neighborhood and

you walk into other people’s oh my god

they mow their lawn just because you

have a gardening service does not mean

that if the Holy Spirit has you drive by

somebody’s house that their stuff is not

kept up and you’ve been talking about it

oh my god why are they still in our


the HOA should do something about them

no he’s leaving that problem there

because you’re supposed to be the answer

pull out show John Deere drive over to

their house don’t ask them and just cut

the yard oh I forgot you’re prideful

though and you would hate for one of

your friends to see you back on gold

level you you you would hate all those

people that you’re making fun of because

their clothes are not good in high

school you haven’t taken one piece of

clothing off of you and giving it to

them and what you don’t understand is

how you handle the pastor determines if

you’ll ever handle the palace and what

many of us are doing is putting ourself

higher than we are and forgetting that

where God found us was was in the

pasture that’s where he found us that’s

where we came from and I’m not talking

just about money but you were the lost

thing you’re seeing and you were jacked

up and ugly on the inside and God has

started to turn you around and now you

judge every alcoholic that comes into

the church you used to be a sloppy mess

and nobody knew it but now you smell the

hit of some weed or you smell the hint

of something and now you’re judging

people hold on baby get back with the


I want you to understand the name that

they call Jesus is the great shepherd

who are the Sheep so no matter how great

you think you are man no matter how much

money you make

do you understand what I’m saying it

doesn’t matter where God takes you

we are sheep and if we ever stop

forgetting who we are and where God’s

brought us from when he asked us to

humble ourselves and help somebody

that’s maybe in a different position we

don’t become the answer to the problem

so if you’re gonna be the answer you’re

gonna have to have humility somebody

give God some praise right there that’s

a good point right there all right so

some of y’all like thoughts I’m like

that’s a lot but give me a scripture

Philippians 2 verse 3 it says don’t be

selfish got you don’t try to impress

others got everybody else and then what

does it say

be humble think of others as better than

yourself don’t look out only for your

own interests but take interest in

others also too you must have the same

attitude that Christ Jesus had has the

mic what attitude was that I’m glad you

asked Matthew 20:28 for even the Son of

Man Jesus came not to be served but to

serve others and he wanted to serve at

such a high level that he decided to

give his life as a ransom for all the

sheep and goats I want you to see God’s

gonna present you with the problem

that’s one goat level I even this week

y’all can get some goat level issues in

me like no no no I used to do that but

I’m gonna do that no more

and it’s a test can God trust you to not

just see the problem

but be the answer to the problem and the

only way you can do it is with humility

let me give you another one okay David

was the answer to the guitar problem so

what ended up happening is after he was

anointed the Bible tells us that Saul

used to be marked he used to be anointed

but at the moment that David was

anointed that spirit left from Saul and

a tormenting spirit came to him and so

he’s in that I could preach that that’s

a whole nother thing but I’m gonna tell

you that Saul now is being tormented but

he’s still in power he’s still the

leader the king of all of Israel and

some of his advisors came to him and

said hey these dis tormented spirits got

to go what can we do look at in 1st

Samuel chapter 16 and we’ll start in

verse 14 it says now the Spirit of the

Lord had left saw and the Lord sent a

tormenting spirit who sent the

tormenting spirit yeah I can’t even I

can’t even I can’t even but I think the

tormenting spirit was to get Saul back

to goat level he allowed something to

come be a thorn in his side to mess what

his Knights mess up his sleep so he

would remember where God found him but

he was so prideful he never got to that

level so instead of being healed he just

wanted a what do you call it a when you

take some Medicaid he just wanted to be

medicated instead of have a miracle and

that’s what many of us try to do and

look what it says he said he said the

tormenting spirit that filled him with

depression and fear some soft servant

said to him a tormenting spirit from God

is troubling you he’s like you think let

us find a good underlying good in your

Bible good musician to play a heart

whenever the tormenting spirit troubles

you he will play soothing music and will

suit you’ll soon be well again

alright Saul said find me someone who

plays well so he wants him to be good

and he wants them to play well and

here one of the servants said to solve

one of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is

talented he wants him to be good plays

well and be talented he’s a talented

heart player a guitar player stringed

instrument player now only that he is a

brave warrior a man of war and has good


he’s also fine-looking young man and the

Lord is with him I guess this person had

a crush or something Lord so Saul sent

messages to Jesse to say send me your

son David the shepherd what did he call

him David the he got noticed because of

his excellence at Goat level I can’t

even stay there God is not looking for

you to be on the level that you’re going

to he just wants you to be excellent on

the level you’re on

he said sin for David the shepherd Jesse

responded by sending David to saw along

with the young goat there would have

been no goat to send if David wouldn’t

have tended to the goats and and I

should just call this message the goat

but um he said a donkey loaded with

bread and wine skins full of wine verse

21 so David went to saw and begin

watch this cuss word serving he’s going

to the palace she would ultimately rule

in but the first time he ever steps foot

in that palace is not as the king but as

a servant God will many times allow you

to experience a piece of what he’s going

to have you to be able to rule in but

will you stay in a place of service long

enough for him to give you the position

and you not take it for yourself he went

to the palace as a servant and saw love

David very much and David became his


then saul said a word to Jesse please

brother let your son stay here all the

time I am very pleased with him and what

whenever the tormenting spirit came from

from God troubled saw David would play

the harp he’d play the guitar and then

Saul would feel better and the

tormenting spirit would go away okay so

this is what I want you to understand

there was a problem

and David see he’s in a season where

he’s not at the level he’s gonna be but

he was an answer to a problem and the

reason he was an answer because of two

words skill and excellence I need

everybody to hear me it said it needed

somebody good somebody who played well

somebody who was talented it’s crazy

that when people try to find the best

people a lot of times they don’t come to

the church in any field I want the best

administrator they sent out a

headhunting firm to go to somebody who’s

been working on their craft for 15 years

and don’t care nothing about God and I

said God why is that he says because my

my people think that developing their

skill is a problem they rely on me when

I’m relying on them I’m asking you to

work what’s in your hands so that when I

put my approval on it the entire world

will be able to see how amazing I am and

this is the thing many of you because

you in life now and so many things that

happen you feel like you’re too far

behind and God says I need you to I need

you to get more skilled if you want to

write the book I need you to start I

don’t care what it sounds like in

starting phase stop comparing your seed

to somebody else’s tree just do it you

gotta get better at communicating with

people I’m an introvert but I called you

to talk to the whole world so I I need

you to start going into places and where

you’re uncomfortable and allow me to

give you a Moses um type of solution

where Moses had a sister sister sister

problem talking and he he he had a

stuttering problem and what God said is

open your mouth and I will fill it and

there’s some people in here that need to

be encouraged that you don’t have to

have everything God says step in the

room and I’ll show you what to do open

your mouth and I will fill it pull out

the paper and I’ll tell you what to


but David worked in steel and in

excellence and so he became the answer

to the Kings problem

look what proverbs 20 to 29 says do you

see someone skilled in their work they

will serve before Kings

they will not serve before officials of

low rank what what this is saying is how

you handle what you do that seems

insignificant right now qualifies you in

God’s eyes to do it on high levels

well Pastor Mike I’m just a single

mother trying to raise this kids do

everything you do as unto the Lord I

know I know you’re missing another key

component to make this thing happen but

God says I’ll give you the desire and

the power to do what pleases me you stay

in my face I don’t make you the mom and

the dad I’ll allow people to come around

you’ll be able to do that and there will

be nothing broken and nothing missing I

can do that if you’ll trust me

but will you do everything that I’ve

asked you to do in excellence and with

skill one of one of my mentors tutor

Bismarck he told me this he said Michael

the sure way to go to the next level is

do what David did torment what’s

tormenting your leaders I said what he

said the only reason that David went to

the palace is because he tormented what

was tormenting Saul and all of us have

some boss leader parent right now my

question is are you tormenting what

torments them so practically when I

heard this I went to Bishop Gary

Macintosh the former pastor of this

church and I asked him what are some of

the things that bother you the most what

are some of the things that frustrates

you and he told me it’s like man I

always need my car to be cleaned and

sometimes I’m doing meetings and stuff

like that and I can’t find to do time to

do it

and he was like and Mike man I love the

way you dress but I don’t like shopping

and so that I said that’s all you need

to tell me and from that point on his

car was never dirty

I’d go pick his car up in the middle of

the night and wash it and say nothing

and he come out and it was clean week

after week after week after week I would

take my own money on my little salary I

was still on the goat salary and I would

see something for him and I buy him

jackets before I bought myself one I

would take him places and I started

intentionally door panting what

tormented him and I saw another level of

leader he was able to be everything he

wanted to because he wasn’t worried

about these little things that were

tormenting him and he was able to be the

fullness of the excellence I’m telling

you right now some of y’all need to walk

into the office tomorrow morning and ask

the boss

what’s bothering you what’s frustrating

you well the fact that there’s always no

mints in this bowl you say don’t worry

about that ever again I’m call me mr.

mint cuz I’m going to Costco or sales

and I’m gonna buy a boat of mints and

I’m gonna keep him at my desk and I paid

for him

but every time I walk into that office

i’ma make sure there’s mints there and

I’m not gonna say hey boss

you see there’s mints here hey boss you

see there’s mint as elevation comes from

God he’s not looking for the person to

to elevate you he’s trying to see do you

have his heart to torment what torment

says and some of y’all are like both

handsome like you don’t really have to

be skilled and excellent to do that this

is what I’m telling you every child in

this room what torments your parents for

many parents dishes torment your parents

they hate dishes and you could make a

decision right now in the ninth grade

then every day that I come on I don’t

pay rent I don’t pay for the tissue I

like my butt with I don’t pay I don’t

pay for nothing from now on I’m always

frustrated that mom always was me in the

house at 9:30 but I’m telling you start

tormenting with torment still make a

decision there will never be a leave on

this grass ever again

I’m telling you this may seem trivial

but when you become the answer to a

problem it’s a sure sign that God has

marked you for greatness well I’m just

gonna give you one more cuz some of

y’all can’t even handle this right now

okay look the last thing that David did

David was the answer to the Goliath

problem see this is the one we know him

for but I want you to know he was the

answer to the goat problem as the

shepherd he was answer to the guitar

problem tormenting Saul’s demons and now

he’s going to be the answer to the

Goliath problem the entire Israel army

is scared of Goliath and David gets sent

to the battlefield and he hears him

talking about his god who is this

uncircumcised Philistine oh talking

about my god and there’s some situations

I want to be very clear with you that

happen that are so much bigger than you

that you can’t do this without dying cuz

cuz you’re like Pastor Mike okay I got

some real problems though I got health


the doctors have only given me so much

time to live I have a child that’s

addicted to drugs I’m glad you’re

talking about dishes and being nice to

people but I got real problems our house

is in bankruptcy right now I don’t know

if I’m gonna have the money to finish

school like they’re about to repo my car

right now I got real problems I have a

good life I have a giant in front of me

but do you know the same guy that was

with you on goat level and guitar level

it’s gonna be the same guy that’ll stand

with you on Goliath level and this was

the confidence that David had the

biggest problem that he’s ever seen

before but he said in First Samuel

chapter 17 verse 32

is that look at the gangster he came

with to this Goliath situation a king

don’t worry about this Philistine David

toe Saul

I’ll go fight him it ain’t nut look what

Saul said don’t be ridiculous

there’s no way you can fight this

Philistine and possibly win the same way

that the doctor told you there’s no way

you’ll be able to fight this cancer and

win the same way they told you there’s

no way your kids go come off these drugs

the same way they told you there’s no

way you can go to the Northside and

build a multi-ethnic Church

there’s no way I got a Goliath problem

oh I feel this right now

don’t be ridiculous you’re only a now I

want you to remember you’re gonna have

to go back a couple of messages but this

is Saul’s narrative about himself

remember when God said he was marked he

said I’m only a and now he’s trying to

project his own deficiencies on somebody

else be careful of people who will tell

you what you can’t do because it’s what

they believe about himself he said but

you’re only a boy and he’s been a man of

war since his youth but David persisted

no no no no I’ve been taking care of my

father’s sheep and goats I’ve been

surfing at gold level ah he said when

the lion and the bear came to steal the

lamb from the flock I go after it what

happens when you’re not playing defense

in life and you’re playing offense when

things are coming after you and you’re

not like oh but you’re like what happens

when you see the enemy trying to come

against your children and you’re like oh

god please don’t and you’re like in the

name of Jesus I declared that map what


it’s time for the church to stop playing

beeping but us to go and start moving

forward and playing often he said I went

after it he said when the challenge when

the problem came and said I went after

it and he said I go after it with a club

and I rescued the lamb from its mouth he

was about to kill it and I beat him

until he let it go he said if the animal

turns on me I catch it by the jaw and I

Club it to death he gangster y’all I

don’t I mean I never seen nobody just be

clubbed to death here I’m saying he said

I have done this both to lions and bears

I’ve done this both the problems that

were big and problems that were bigger I

believe God and faith when I didn’t have

money to get into high school and I’ma

believe God in faith to be able to

complete college I believed God what I

didn’t have an apartment and I’ma

believe God what I’m trying to get this


I believe God I’m trying to tell you

somebody I believe God for the common


and Psalm I believe God for this this

disease that’s in my body right now


said I’ve done this book for the lines

of the bear and I will do it to this

pagan Philistine to some of y’all need

to get you’ll need to get a little

ignant y’all been pumped too long like

if the fact that I’m still here means

that God has been faithful to me and

this problem that’s in front of me God

don’t handle you too

it’s it for he has defiled the armies of

the Living God he’s violated what God


just like sickness violates what God

says he said by by His stripes we are


I’m just telling you look at verse seven

look at the look at the confidence he

had he said the Lord who rescued me from

the claws of the lion and the bear will

Westview me from this Philistine the

answer when you’re faced with the

Goliath problem is confidence in God

when you’re faced with the gut level

it’s humility when you’re faced with the

guitar’ level of problem it’s skill and

excellence but there’s some things that

are bigger than you and when you’re

faced with the Goliath issue the only

thing that I can rely on is my

confidence in God

today there’s some people in here that

have been in the weight and God says I

don’t waste the weight I make you I work

on you I help you in the weight but the

way I help you is I’m gonna introduce

you to some different problems some goat

level problems will you have the

humility to stay and do what doesn’t

line up with your pedigree or your life

now if God told you to take a homeless

person off the street and give them a

place to stay for a week and take them

to get a haircut would you do it could

God use you in your vacation taking

children in private school having not

tithing self could could he potentially

use you just to pay for the person’s

meal behind you

well they got money they got in the line

so they must have money well they don’t

know when they swipe their card it’s

gonna say insufficient funds

and instead of them praying for an


I put an answer in the car right in

front of them as gold level will we

develop our skills to the excellence

point to where when God asked us to be

in front of great people

we won’t Barriss ourselves or him cuz he

say they worked in it in obscurity and

now I’m just putting my anointing on

what they do and it’s causing demons to

leave what happens when you administrate

so well that demons what happens when

you watch kids so well that demons what

happens when you sing so well demons

leave then God says then you qualify for

good I have problems stuff you can’t do

on your own that you gotta believe me

for but I got a secret I’m undefeated

and if you would just stand and be

willing to go up to go after the thing

that’s trying to intimidate you well god

I’ll never be able to get my master’s


why go fill out the application I’m with

you why don’t have the money he said I

do like do y’all hear what I’m saying to

you and I know it’s hard for some of us

because I’m gonna tell you the last

problem we have a humanity problem when

sin came into the world humanity all of

us got this problem but God so good that

he didn’t give us a problem without the


we have the answer is Jesus and today I

want to pray for you

cuz I believe so many of you are marked

by God and there’s something he wants to

do in you that nobody can take away but

you got to change your perspective of

the problems you’ve been facing this is

just preparation in the process for all

that God has called you to would you

just bow your heads if you’re in this

room and you know that you’re in a

waiting season and it’s been hard for

you to become the answer to these

problems but use your saying now okay I

get it

the answer is me like the problem has

just found its answer and with God on my

side there’s nothing we can’t do if

that’s you and you really want to stand

and be the answer to some of these

problems that you’ve been facing just

raise your hand right now all over this

room there are people I want to pray for

you first father I thank you that father

today our confidence will be built in

you that you are now taking us from a

place of playing defense to a place of

offense father God that we will be able

to have the humility to do whatever

you’ve asked us to father that we’ll

work on the skill and the excellence of

wherever you’ve placed us and father God

we won’t be confident that you can do

anything that you have called us to and

we will stand in the face of giants

whether it be depression whether it be

fear whether it be a bankruptcy whether

it be family father God and you will

allow those giants to fall as our

confidence is placed in you I’m

declaring right now that every March

person in this room will not run from

the problem but father God will see your

strength through the problem and today I

thank you that you would strengthen

their faith strengthen their arms

strengthen their resolve and allow them

to be the answer that you sent to this


to represent you in Jesus name Amen

hey listen everybody’s eyes closed and

heads bowed steel if you’re in this room

and you need the humanity answer you

need Jesus for the first time I’m gonna

pray for you right now I’m gonna pray

that you would invite Jesus into your

heart if that’s you only you know if if

this is for real for you but we’re gonna

pray this prayer together as a family

even all those watching online and if

you mean this I want you to pray come on

we’re gonna pray all together everybody

say God thank you for sending Jesus as

the answer today I believe he lived he

died and he rose again with all power

just for me come into my life change me

renew me transform me I’m yours in Jesus

name Amen

let’s give God some praise in this
