If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

we are in week 9 of a series called gray

cycle flood and I could literally be in

this series for the rest of the year

but but we’re going to call it a closed

right now but I think God may have saved

the best for last

um because we’ve gone through a lot of

concepts and literally I would love to

rehash everything we’ve talked about

over the past eight weeks but I don’t

have time so I’m going to encourage you

to go to YouTube or a transformation

Church app and they are there are eight

sermons over the grace of God and I want

you to get this because this is a

fundamental belief an understanding you

have to have if you’re going to live a

victorious Christian life it wrecked me

because I live 20 plus years and I never

knew about the grace of God the only

thing I knew about the grace of God is

there was a famous song called amazing

grace I’ll sweep the sound that saved a

wretch like y’all know it but that’s

about as much as you knew about grace

too before we we’re starting to really

dive into this and so we’ve learned

about the saving grace of God we’ve

learned about the sustaining grace of

God but today I want to talk about the

thing that’s gonna help you live like I

want to talk about the thing that after

you get saved and after you know that

god is for you I want to talk about the

thing that’s gonna help you stop cussing

everybody out oh oh yeah yeah yeah I

mean I just see I need to help you

because some of y’all are saved sailors

like y’all are saved sailor

yeah because they’re everybody out in

the name of Jesus I’m trying to figure

out how we can how we can move from just

from from being holy to being uh-huh


I don’t want us to be holy I want us to

be holy and I know cuz we get saved that

a lot of times our actions don’t line up

with what we are believing and we’re

confessing okay

this I being fake can we be honest in

the building have you ever wanted to

stop doing something and you could not

stop doing it come on let’s be honest

okay yep there’s a row back there that’s

still bushi let’s try it one more time

is there anybody in here who still has

something that’s an issue that you

really want God to change in your life

but it seems to be a problem hands

everywhere hands ever okay Coco Coco

Coco so so if that’s you you came to the

right place today because the title of

today’s message is the empowering grace

of God the empowering grace of God so

grace can do more than just save you and

and it’s funny because most people just

spend their life just trying to make it

to heaven like I just try not that I

just want to make sure that when he

cracks the sky wasn’t thinning on that

day so I could come oh y’all so I could

just make it to heaven like hopefully

this was a good week for me but I just

want to say this to you like like your

eternity is settled when you put your

faith in Jesus Christ and it’s the first

level of faith the bottom blower like

you don’t even see what God wants to do

with your life if you’re just staying on

the first level

if you’ve believed and received the

grace of God and some of y’all like the

grace of God what does the grace of God

write this down if you don’t have it the

grace of God is the unmerited undeserved

unearned favor and kindness of God and

none of us that the Bible says in

Ephesians 2:9 and says it’s a free gift

of God because he knew all of us if we

could earn it we were earned it and

boast about it yeah bro I got new grace

threes like you know I’m saying I’m

walking out here in grace and God said

no no I’m giving it to everybody so that

everybody as long as you receive it you

can have it and so what ends up

happening in this is that once you

receive grace most people still struggle

with the old them like I’m saved but why

am I still so angry I’m saved but why am

I still dealing with such strong

insecurities I worship but I worry

am i talking to anybody in here like

like like like like I’m trying to be

faithful but somewhere I’m fearful like

and it’s this dynamic where we are

trying to figure out our humanity and

our divinity like my new life in Christ

but this flesh shoot I’m in like being

saved and sanctified by living in a

world of sin and I’m here to tell you

that God is so good that he never set us

up to fail like he didn’t bring this

whole thing to a plan so we could

struggle until we get to heaven like he

wants us to live and empowered like

somebody say I’m supposed to live an

empowered life by the grace of God yet

and and many of us don’t know and so

today that’s where we’re going to spend

our time not just talking about the

saving grace of God or the sustaining

grace but that empowering grace that

makes you look at situations that you

used to do and then you say you know

what something in me is rising up and

saying I cannot do that I don’t have to

answer your phone call delete I don’t

have to steal this money I’m walking

away I don’t have to get angry and

that’s where I believe the church really

needs to be transformed because we have

come into a place where most of us have

settled with our sickness let me prove

it to you we’ll say stuff like this this

is just the way I am and and for you

that may mean a lot of things but but

somehow God’s power was strong enough to

save us from death hell in the grave but

it can’t change your attitude when you


come on let’s be honest like life life

like he literally defeated all sin but

somehow you’re so powerful that he

cannot allow you to withstand temptation

and lust and perversion that used to be

so common for you you can’t say no – I

mean peasant like it was just there

Pastor Mike I mean it was just on a

platter like oh my god like right are no

that means you haven’t experienced the

other side the flip side of the coin –

grace not the grace that just saves you

and rescue you it’s the grace that

empowers you to say no to what wants to

rob your purpose that grace that

empowers you to keep going back to that

hard relationship and working on it the

Gracie we want to run from it and God

wants to use it and so today I just want

us to know that the grace of God isn’t

it’s for your empowerment and and just

make sure you know this just just note

this we’re saved by grace through faith

for good works like I want everybody to

write that down if you don’t have that

we’re saved by grace through faith for

good works okay and so when you

understand that principle then we can

walk into today’s message okay um so I

ask the Holy Spirit to help me because a

lot of times when I start talking about

the empowering grace of God most people

think it’s a self-help sermon or of

better practices like set of rules and

it’s not when you get saved God gives us

the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is

our helper now I know the Holy Spirit

depending on what denomination you came

from or who you are to the faith or

sometimes they call him the Holy Ghost

he’s gotten a bad rap just because of

his name like you say the Holy Ghost and

some of y’all like

don’t mess with no ghosts like I like

I’ll do ghosts at all like you say the

Holy Spirit and it just becomes

something but the Bible tells us that

the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost is our


he’s our aid he’s our helper he’s our

power so it was God’s great he literally

told the disciples cuz the disciples was

tripping when Jesus talking about to

leave y’all Jesus like y’all don’t worry

man I’m about to leave and they’re like

no Jesus you’re leavin he’s I’ve been

telling y’all this for three years since

we got together I’ve been telling y’all

my time is coming I’m about to leave you

he said and this is the the greatest

part he says but you really do want me

to leave cuz when I leave another one’s

coming and his name is the Holy Spirit

and he will empower he will help you he

will be able to give you the power that

you do not naturally have in yourself

and most of us live our life trying to

do better instead of instead of letting

the Holy Spirit work in us and allowing

us to become what we can’t be on our own

let me prove it to you cuz some of y’all

just looking at me I’ll write this down

um this your first point um

the grace of God empowers us I just want

you to write that down and know that

very clearly the grace of God empowers

us and um we’re going to go to 2nd Peter

chapter 1 verse 3 2nd Peter chapter 1

verse 3 but I want to give you a

definition of grace real fast um that

really excited me when I found it this

is found in the Zondervan encyclopedia

of biblical words that sounds deep but

it’s really not it says this grace is a

dynamic force that does more than affect

our standing with God by crediting

crediting us with righteousness this

grace affects our experience as well see

the grace of God is supposed to affect

your everyday experience it says grace

is always marked by God’s enabling work

within us to overcome our helplessness

now I want you to picture every area of

your life that you’re helpless in now I

know we don’t put that on

we don’t put any social media posts

about like helpless Wednesday like we

don’t we don’t do that like we don’t we

don’t show the areas that we’re weaken

but God says that His grace is to help

us overcome our helplessness it’s

supposed to empower us through the Holy


so look what 2nd Peter 1:3 says it says

by His divine power who is the fine

power his this is God’s divine power ok

by God’s divine power now this is the

same power that spoke the whole world

into existence and is standing and

keeping it holding it in place right now

by his very word this is the same God I

just want you to think about how

powerful God is this is the same God

that took dirt and a little spit and

made us like I want you to see how

powerful this is this is the same God

okay that told oceans you go this far

land you come this far like this is that

same so by His divine power he has given

to who us I need you to stay with me on

the Scriptures he has given to us all

things that pertain to life and

godliness this is good news for you I am

so height before I should be right now

because I know the end of this sermon

but what I’m trying to tell you right

now is that when you become a new

creation in Christ God gives you right

then everything that you need to be

successful at this life and to not just

live a life but live a godly life and

seeing what the enemy comes to do is

distract you from that truth because he

has you thinking that it’s too hard to

live this life right he has you thinking

that it’s too hard to be nice to people

it’s too hard to love your enemies it’s

too hard but he said when you got saved

I have a divine power that I’m giving to

you to be able to live a life that’s not

natural let me help you and let’s keep

going he says this was brought to you

through the knowledge of him my son

Jesus who called us by glory and virtue

by which had

and given to us exceedingly great and

precious promises that through these you

may be partakers now let me stop the

great and precious promises are the Word

of God like so when you get into the

Word of God you tap into a power source

that allows God’s divine power to then

be transferred to you how many of us

have cell phones in this place okay how

many times do you sit your cell phone

away from the charger and it charges

none of the time it can be close to it

but if it’s not plugged into it it will

never be able to produce what you need

to go to the entire world right now you

can call Beijing from your phone you’ll

know nobody in Beijing but you could

FaceTime somebody in a different country

if your phone had charged what God is

saying is when you get into the great

and precious promises which are found in

the Word of God you connect to a power

source that then transfers his power to

you and see that’s why some of y’all are

so kept out of the word of God and some

of y’all get it it’s like Ambus all or

not ever saw what’s the thing that puts

you to sleep um MJ you know it y’all

know what it is

I rebuke the spirit of never it’s like

an ambien when you open your Bible how

many of us get sleepy come on let’s be

truthful some of y’all just beat another

way go okay hey glory to God and I read

the same verse 90 times why is that

because the enemy is trying to use

everything to distract you from your

power source because if you could get

into the Word of God and understand his

great and precious promises then look

what happens it says through these

promises you may be partakers or switch

it around take part in the divine nature

having escaped the corruption that is in

the world through lust let me help you

understand this okay so I have a nature

and Michael’s nature doesn’t do what God

wants him to do Michael’s nature doesn’t

even do what’s good for Michael

our our natural stuff will do stuff to

us that will kill us our nature will

work against us and so what God says is

I have a divine power empowerment

through my grace and my love that I

don’t want you to just be struggling

your whole life I’ve sent the Holy

Spirit I’ve given you the Word of God

and I want you to plug into these

sources because if you ever do plug I

transfer my power through that mechanism

into you and so people ask me all the

time Pastor Mike how do you get up every

Sunday and like preach like that in a

revelation and you ain’t never been to

college to do that oh you thought I was

doing this you thought this was me no no

no no no no no I am a partaker in a

divine nature that ain’t even mind when

I connect to the power source

I can then do things that are not

natural to me and what I’m telling you

is that the grace of God is not just to

save you the grace of God is not just to

sustain you and like make sure you live

a pretty life it’s to empower you to

stand in the face of culture to stand in

the face of lusts to stand in the face

of your own demons and say I’m a new

creature I don’t got to do that no more

well yes you do it’s right here it’s

more available than you ever done no no

you forgot I’m a partaker in the nature

that is divine I’m a partaker in

something that’s bigger than me right

now the Holy Spirit my flesh wants to

say yes but I gotta say no because I

understand that there is a purpose that

is bigger than this moment and most

believers live in a moment and they do

not think about how God wants to empower

them to make the right decisions in

every moment so that they can reach

purpose and that’s all I’m here to tell

you is everybody who’s been trying to

fight your fight alone

stop it

because if it would have worked you

would be free now try the holy spirit

try plugging into the great and precious

promises and and allow God’s divine

power to transfer from the Word of God

when you hear these messages when you’re

reading your scriptures when you’re

going it turns into a power source that

allows me to walk into places and have a

nature that I’d be shocking me sometimes

what I say now you think I’m playing

because because this ain’t me this is me

plugged in to the source this ain’t me

when I yo people wear leggings they wear

stockings as pants these days some of

y’all are guilty you shame you what I’m

saying is my and we’re a hot church my

problem was less than perversion so how

how now as a pastor a leader a public

figure do I go around and I see all the

beautiful creations that God is made

yellow red black and white they are

precious in my sight do you understand

what I’m saying

Oh y’all want to be faking here my wife

is on the front row we already talked

about this okay

what I’m telling you is that how can I

walk in to a new availability you know

I’m like Jones used to say back then

they didn’t want me now I’m hot they all

owe me something y’all know different on

fo fo anyway some of the older people

like watch for for us just as somebody

else okay what I’m saying is it was

harder when I was going against God and

now that I’m trying to live holy it’s

available it’s easier how do I withstand

the temptation that is in my face excuse

me let’s make it more personal how do I

withstand the temptation in my deals how

do I withstand the temptation at my

college at my job

I withstand the temptation that’s all my

computer because my nature if we just

talk about Michael’s nature it would go

after those things but you forgot I am

no longer who I used to be I’m not just

saved by grace I’m saved for good works

and so now because I have to live in

this arena I have to go to a power

source bigger than me I cannot solve my

own issue with my power so when I wake

up in the morning my prayer is not God

let me be dope this today Lord let me

you know go out here and kill them and

smash them Lord and represent like that

ain’t my prayer my prayer when I wake up

in the morning God give me grace empower

me to be a good husband father God puts

your divine nature on me so that when

they cut me off

in the road father I lift my hands but

not with only one of them God I think

you owe y’all better come on sometimes

thank you

that eat and what ends up happening is

after time when you tap into this divine

nature that empowers you to live you

look up and be like man I think there’s

a something I say what I used to do I

don’t do no more why I used to go I

don’t go anymore

why it’s because you’ve allowed the Holy

Spirit to become your power source and

so I just want you to know as we in this

series that the grace of God is not so

you can just keep sinning some are about

the grace now bro I’m about to go out

here a wile out

no the grace of God is to empower you to

get off of the first level of faith and

tarts start living in the fullness of

what God has for you so when I started

looking at this okay god I want to take

I want to take part in your divine

nature on I want to be empowered to live

a different life I want to I want to

stand well God is there somebody in the

Bible who had a real experience like

this that I could point to to let the

people know Pastor Mike ain’t just up

here talking like this is really

something that that needs to happen and

he said yeah go talk about Paul today

and I started to research Paul’s life

and Paul men y’all get this picture real

quick Paul one week was killing

Christians like Monday killing them

scout scat scat scat scat scat killing

Christians on Monday I’m just trying to

paint the picture for you scat stat do

you understand what I’m saying

killing Christians on Monday on

Wednesday headed in to another city to

kill more Christians you I’m saying he

walking in there ready and then he has

an encounter with grace like a flood God

comes and meets him on the Damascus Road

he takes them out and blinds them for a

few days and in that moment he has an

internal transformation and literally by

the next Monday he’s going around as a

herald of the good news of Jesus Christ

now if you went on vacation for one week

and you missed Paul’s transformation

like just let’s say he was out like

let’s just say he was out an office and

like Monday Scott Scott

and the next money is I praise the Lord

like like you wouldn’t know what to do

this I think it’s the same thing for

Paul that even after he was transformed

in his spirit he still had some issues

letting go of his old life just like us

like we’ve been saved for 10 years but

we still have an issue with anger like

we’ve been saved for five years but we

still have an issue with our eyes or a

heart or a love like how do you deal

with going the right direction but still

dealing with some of our problems

because see this is the fight that most

of us are in daily and I said God give

me some wisdom and so we’re going to

look at Paul’s life real quick and see

if we can’t learn a few things about the

empowering grace of God to help you walk

while you still got issues to help you

keep moving while stuff ain’t all the

way right to help you keep going forward

even when you may fall because the

enemy’s trick is to make you fall and

then condemn you till you stay down

there you don’t know the enemy can’t do

anything to you but suggest and so you

fall and then he’s like see you should

stay down there see ain’t nobody even

coming to check on you see that’s where

you’re supposed to be and he can’t keep

you from getting up he can just convince

you that it’s not worth getting up and

so I’m here to talk to a few believers

who have been knocked down or maybe

struggled in their faith or on fire at

one moment and then they kind of like

simmer in right now and I want to talk

to you right now and let you see that

you don’t got to do this on your own you

don’t got to raise those kids on your

own even though you got four different

baby daddies in four different states

God saying I will empower you to raise

those kids like all day daddies was

there and I will be there Heavenly

Father I can empower you somebody say

grace there is an empowering grace of

God so I looked at Paul and Paul was

having a schizophrenic conversation in

Romans 719 like most of us do now we may

never have it out loud but we have this

internally look let’s just see man

verse 19 I want to do what’s good but

then I don’t I don’t want to do what is

wrong but dang it I’d do it anyway has

anybody ever been there okay but if I do

what I don’t want to do I’m not really

the one doing wrong it want me it’s sin

that’s what else that that’s where while

seeing living in me that does it you

know I discovered this principle of life

then what I want to do is right I

inevitably do what is wrong I love God’s

law with all my heart but there is

another power

now do you remember that we talked about

the divine power of God but then there’s

another power my question is what is

that other power in your life but what

is that what is that thing in your life

that makes you do stuff you don’t want

to do oh come on let’s be honest right

now we sing and we praise and we call

down heaven but you can’t even control

that demon on the inside of you that

makes you get up at midnight to go to

Taco Bell in order a chalupa come on

let’s be honest now with you that was

now now what is what is that thing what

is that other power look at it it says

but there is another power within me

that is at war with my mind isn’t that

where the battle happens it says this

power makes me a slave to the sin that

is still within me Oh what miserable

person I am

I hate me who will free me from this

life that is dominated by sin and death

and I want everybody to see this right

now most of us don’t say this but this

is where most of us live like how can I

get free from smoking this how can I get

free from being jealous how can I get

free come on let’s be welcome some of


your thing may not be a physical vise

but you compare all the time

and you have been paralyzed by

comparison because you’re always

thinking about what somebody else is

doing instead of what God’s called you

to do and so we sit here and we stand

and gods saying what is that thing that

is the power in your life that’s making

you and leading you into a place of sin

and Paul’s having this conversation but

I love this conversation because what I

think happened is that Paul remembered

the empowering grace of God because he’s

having this crisis right now and then in

the next verse it like switches and he

gives the answer to his own problem look

what he says I hate my miserable life

I’m a bad person who will free me from

this life that is dominated by sin oh

thank god the answer is Jesus Christ our

Lord do you see that like like I want

you to see that he remembers that you

know what nobody on this earth not even

myself can save me from all of this that

I’m going through thank God because the

answer is Jesus Christ what I’m trying

to tell everybody today I’m just trying

to paint a picture that you can go the

next 15 years trying to fix it trying to

do it in your power trying to fix your

family you’re the matriarch you’re the

parent I know how to bring them together

you can’t change arts like like only God

can do and so instead of you allowing

God to do the heavy lifting and

empowering you to stay in hard

conversations to not go off when you

when you feel frustrated instead of

allowing him to power you to do what’s

not natural because all of us have a

natural thing in our lives that we do

that’s not good for us some of you have

what I call the black outline

like if somebody pushes you in your

anger to this line there’s a line and if

they push you past it you black out like

you don’t even know what happened and

you wake up and it’s just like what what

did I do

some of us have a convenience line if

it’s too convenient how can I pass it up

no matter no matter how much it’ll

damage us I mean it’s there I mean I

guess God wanted me

– no fool do you hear what I’m saying

though and I don’t know what it is but

there’s something in us but this is the

thing that we have to realize that the

answer is found in Jesus Christ so go to

second Corinthians 12 because we’re

following Paul through his journey

because Paul remember he’s saved now but

he still has some issues just like 99.2%

of the people in this room are saved we

got some issues how do I go after

purpose with my issues how do how do I

keep leading with my issues how can I

stand and say god is great but I’m still

feeling pain in an area of my life I’m

glad you asked let’s look at Paul’s

situation Paul is telling everybody

because he’s being persecuted by the

Corinthian church right here he’s being

persecuted cuz they like man is this new

really telling the truth is he really an

apostle and he goes and tells all of

these stories he’s like bro I’m an

apostle bro I’m telling you I’m an

impossible last week I was caught up to

the fourth heaven I don’t even know you

can read it in your own time I’m just

paraphrasing it for you he’s like bro I

was caught up in heaven I don’t know if

it was in the body or if it was in the

mind but I was in heaven last week and I

was like no you wasn’t

bette look at all of these revelations I

got and I mean this is I’m literally

paraphrasing like a whole chapter and

he’s telling all this and he was like

cool maybe you don’t relate to my great

exploits with God but maybe you can

relate to my humanity the same way I’m

coming to you on this last week of this

grace like a flood maybe you can’t

relate to all the Greek and the

Zondervan definitions and all this other

stuff about the empowering grace of God

but maybe you could relate to my

humanity and Paul tells him this story

he says even though I’ve received such

wonderful revelations and all this other

stuff from God okay cool y’all y’all

don’t want to hear that so God did some

things to me so to keep me from becoming

proud I was given a thorn in my flesh

I’m not to take my jacket off that you

think is a an amazing robe and I’m about

to show you something in my own life

that brings me pain on the daily he said

I was given a thorn in my flesh a

messenger from Satan to torment me and

keep me from becoming proud three

different times I begged the Lord take

it away

doesn’t that sound like us take this job

away like I can’t I can’t do this God I

can’t work with these people they are a

thorn in my side I can’t stay in this

relationship god I can’t keep being

faithful at this church God it is I

can’t keep being around these people God

and it’s like there’s a thorn and we

keep begging God to take it away but

each time God had a response my grace is

all you need

now what if now I know this is counter

Christian and countercultural for

everybody who likes coming to church and

just end in with the hooray but what if

the answer to your prayer was not a fix

what if God responded back to you is my

grace is all you need most of us would

be like that’s good but what else

and then you ask again God I’m telling

you like I would serve you better if I

wasn’t single could you please give me a

life partner and God says yeah my grace

is all you need

well god I mean if you allow me to go to

this college and I’m able to get this

diploma and I’m able to work at the

internship at this place then I can come

to climb the CEO and I can become the

CEO and then I can do you and serve you

got it all know go to TCC cuz my grace

is all you need

well God if you would just allow my

husband to cheat on me so that I can buy

the Bible divorce him because I’m sick

of him

and Levi I’m telling you y’all be on

your brain rich crap prayers Lord just

let him do it like I don’t even care

anymore I just don’t want to go to hell

like I just them but what if God’s

response to you wanting to get out of

that relationship is no stay in it

because I have a plan

that’s going to turn this mess into a

message and your encouragement today

you’re gonna kill him No

what’s what would what would be God’s

encouragement my grace is all you need

I just want to let that sit here because

some of y’all are trying to move to the

other side of the world and you may be

doing something that’s out of the will

of God because you’re trying to search

for something that God is trying to make

in you

dang Wow see I told you I’ll be saying

stuff I don’t even know what is it like

God’s trying to make something in you

and you’re trying to run to something

else they say no I need you to stand

this for a little bit it may be

uncomfortable it may be hard it may be

frustrating but I will empower you to

not just get rid of it but to stand

through it what if the new goal is not

just to get away from stuff it’s tough

but it is to outlast it and so many

times we pray for God to take it away

instead of praying God give me the

empowerment the strength the love to

stand in it to where it doesn’t affect

me the same way and this is what Paul is

saying right here and listen it’s funny

because three times he asked and three

times God said my grace is all you need

and then he says my power the

empowerment of grace works best in

weakness so now I’m glad to boast about

my weakness so that the power of Christ

can work through me that’s why I take

pleasure in my weakness and in the

insults the hardships Oh y’all thought

it was just weakness was an ethereal

term he gets real specific when people

insult me I don’t clap back I don’t go

off on Facebook I don’t call people to

get a committee with me so that we can

have our own little pity party he said I

rejoice in that I rejoice in persecution

I rejoice in troubles that I suffer for

Christ for when I am weak then I am

strong can I make it just a couple of

suggestions that you may need to think

about if your

really receive the empowering grace of

God pain is a prerequisite for your

purpose like and I know everybody paints

this like cookie cut picture perfect

idea of Christianity like you get saved

and nothing goes wrong but people get

saved and go through hard hard

situations like how many people believe

in Jesus but have gone through hard

situations okay

the Bible is tells us very clearly the

very opposite he said in this world you

will have trouble but take heart cuz

I’ve already overcome the world so so it

really is about outlasting and finding

the grace to withstand in the middle of

it but I just need to make it sure

especially for my Millennials that

anytime we feel opposition we think is

God telling us no like anytime it’s hard

we feel like maybe this wasn’t God no

this is exactly what God is trying to

use to make you into what he’s called

you to be and that’s why I begin to look

at 2nd Corinthians 4 8 9 when Paul’s

talking about we’re pressed on every

side by trouble but we are not crushed

we’re perplexed but we’re not driven to

despair we are hunted down but we’re not

abandoned by God we get knocked down but

we get up again but we are not

destroying that’s what the scripture

says it literally says that there’s

gonna be pain but there’s something that

empowers us to get back up again and I

want us to realize this as we as we

understand that our purpose is ahead of

us and and maybe this is a major key

that will help you like it helped me God

told me this he said Michael I use

discomfort to reinforce dependence so

God uses uncomfortable situations to

reinforce that you need him how many

times did Paul pray three times if he

would have talked to God or prayed or

talked to him once and God answered it

he would have left thank you God

appreciate you for taking this thorn but

some of us have situations in our life

because with those situations it’s the

only reason that we go to God most of us

wouldn’t go to God if we wouldn’t allow

God to use our pain and let me be

careful to understand this God doesn’t

sin pain we live in a fallen world

there’s pain all around but God will use

pain he will use everything to work it

together for your good and maybe God

it’s using your pain to keep you

depended on him cuz how often do you

pray when you balling when everything is

good we don’t be going to God we must be

like bless up like we like we like we

made it and we did this but God said

yeah that relationship issue keeps you

coming to me and until we mature in our

relationship with God to where we don’t

serve God out of discipline we serve Him

out of devotion

sometimes our pain keeps us coming to

God at any and it’s used for purpose and

and this is funny because I was kept

reading in the scripture when it talks

about Paul having a problem they said

there’s a reason that he was tormented

by this thorn in his side

and when I say thorn that can be an

issue that can be a weakness the Bible

is not clear and I tried to research it

but theologians don’t know what the

thorn was it could have been a person it

could have been emotional it could have

been physical it could have been

anything but I think that is so cool

that they leave it kind of open because

then you can put your thorn in there

like what’s your thorn what’s your issue

what’s that thing that brings you pain

that says I’ll use that to keep you

depending on me and I’ll use it to keep

you from destroying yourself why do you

say that Pastor Mike because it tells us

that Paul was able to articulate the

reason why he had this pain in his life

the Bible says it was to keep him from

getting proud like that’s what it said

he said I was given a thorn in my side

evil spirit from Satan to torment me to

make sure that I didn’t get proud so if

he steps back out of the situation

sometimes our pain is the antidote to

our real problem like some of us have a

problem with being prideful

and so God allows allows a painful

situation to come into our life and it’s

to keep us from getting to the place

that would destroy us anyway and what

are you saying Pastor Mike we don’t

think about this but all of that is the

grace of God I pray this prayer

sometimes father thank you for keeping

us from all hurt harm and danger seen

and unseen I think that’s where the

church needs to be more when it comes to

the grace of God there’s things that

God’s grace covers that we see like the

decision we made that was wrong and all

that but there are some things that

God’s grace has allowed to keep us in

places and in small places or in

frustrating places and things that we

don’t like discomfort because it’s

keeping us for things we don’t even see

when’s the last time you thank God for

your small situation yeah yeah yeah yeah

yeah let us sit when the last time you

thank God for not blessing you with the

bigger house we don’t because we didn’t

see the foreclosure after two years when

we got the bigger house because we

actually did it in comparison with

somebody else and our job is about to

close down in three weeks and he’s going

to use this to start purpose in our life

but we don’t see that so we want things

and God says my grace it’s going to use

everything to shape you and to who I’ve

created you to be and to allow you to

reach purpose so we’re sitting here like

Paul frustrated because we got thorns

but straighted cuz he won’t take it away

frustrated because we’re still walking

around with a limp and then look at

second Corinthians chapter 12 verse it

says three different times he said my

grace is all you need somebody say that

with me my grace is all you need one

more time my grace is all you need what

are you trying to say

Pastor Mike your problem was designed

for his power so whatever problem you

have God’s grace is all you need

if you could have fixed it you would

have fixed it but now it’s time to allow

the grace of God the empowering grace of

God that will help you do things that is

not natural to you it’s time to allow

him to take over

what do you mean Pastor Mike there’s a

new way that you have to conduct

yourself when it comes to your problems

introduce your problems to your power

see we’re always telling God about our


God this person no hello person I want

you to be introduced to the power of God

will pray for you until you like me Oh

y’all um y’all don’t hear me the

sickness that’s my problem problem

cancer let me introduce you to my power

the healing virtue of God and I will

pray until this cancer dries up on the

inside of me oh I’m not in a faith

filled Church this morning I’m not see

this is the problem we’ve been convinced

too long that our problem is bigger than

our God and so what ends up happening is

we don’t introduce our problems to our

God we whine about our problems to our

God switch it up switch it up

start telling God God this is a hard

situation it’s hard be real with them

it’s hard to keep going to this job

where I’m making minimum wage and they

disrespect me they don’t even want me

here and they prove it to me all the

time they don’t even want me here but

God I thank you that as I walk in there

I’m cloaked with your favor I think you

that there’s a divine nature father God

that you put on me and that every enemy

that is around me father God you will

allow me to stand and withstand father

god I thank you that you just won’t have

me here but you’ll promote me in the

presence of my enemies father show me

how to love father god winner

no me show me father God how to be hope

father God when it’s a helpless

situation I need the empowerment the

grace of God to help me stand in a hard

situation I believe that God’s grace is

bigger than my problem

some of y’all gonna have to listen to

this message over and over because

you’ve had so many years of your

problems ruling that you don’t

understand that you have a divine power

called the grace of God that will

empower you to do what’s not even that

yes I want to slap you like that’s what

I want to do but the Bible tells me to

turn the other cheek I’m going to need

the supernatural power of God not to

like turn around and walk do you

understand what I’m saying but how can

you do that by allowing God to empower

you and an impressive mic I need you to

be more practical than that cuz okay we

can allow God to empower us I’m gonna

give you the cheat code to life I’m so


look look look look what it says

just look Paul goes from despair

frustration and asking God to take all

his pain away – then in one verse his

whole attitude changes and in verse 9

look what it says so now I’m glad this

is great God’s people are hating on me

people are coming to a the sickness is

here I’m still dealing with these stocks

that are not like God I’m still walking

in a little bit of anger and I’m

frustrated with my situation right now

but I’m glad haha I boast about my

weakness so that the power like this is

the trick when you don’t be quiet about

your weakness but you say I’m still

struggling with this I’m still hurting

in this area

I’m still walking in unforgiveness I

still have a little Church hurt I see

I still need God to heal my heart in

this area when I expose my weakness the

power of Christ can work through me like

how do I go can lead when I’ve never led

before you a lot of the power you say it

you you tell God young I lead a

multi-million dollar corporation I’ve

never been to college and I’ve never

been to Business School and I’m sitting

in meetings with Bank presidents and all

this other stuff and I’m like how am I

supposed to do that you missed my cheat

code before I walk into the room I

expose my weakness father god I’ve never

been in the business school I don’t know

how to do this but I’m thanking you that

the same power that raised Jesus Christ

from the dead it’s now living oh you

better help me on the inside of me so

father as I step into this room

get me the mind of Christ get me acumen

to be able to make right business deals

and to move this ministry forward I’m


Oh y’all better hear me

I will walk in places without all of the

qualification and I will be in our

budget grace of God somebody give God a

shout of praise right

you’ve never been a mother before you’ve

been asked out to empower you you had a

bad father you better ask out to empower

you to raise those kids God is not

concerned about what qualifications you

have he just wants you to expose your

weakness so that he can stand up strong

in you I feel the presence of God in

this place so Paul got excited and he

says he says man that’s why I take

pleasure in my weakness and in the

insults and the hardships and the

persecutions in the trouble of Act I

love everything I have to suffer for

Christ for when I am weak for when I am

weak then I am Sean all I came to tell

you as we leave this series of grace I

don’t want you to just have saving grace

to know you’re going to heaven I don’t

want you to just have sustaining grace

to let you know that God will just help

me through I want you to know that he

will empower you to walk into impossible

situations and the divine nature of God

through his great and precious promises

will be transferred to you and you will

be able to do what man says is

impossible they told me I would not last

as a pastor they told me there would be

no impact they told me I couldn’t wear

jeans and Jordans and preach the Word of

God look at me now do you understand


you better hear what I’m saying to you

right now that God is looking for

somebody who won’t take the credit but

will expose their weakness and say God

this is where I’m weak can you stand in

it this is one we can you stand it I’m

still have a problem with my eyes can

you stand in that I still have a problem

with unforgiveness can you stand in it

and every place you identify God’s power

will supply you better hear me every

place where you say in my marriage I’m

weak doctor power will supply it in my

finances I’m a poor steward God’s power

will supply it if you identify it God

will supply the power for it so I want

you to try this practical application

this week okay

everybody write this down put it on the

screen for me I want you to do this it

says when I am blank what’s your

weakness because you know your

weaknesses I don’t like but you know so

when I’m weak whatever your weekend

because of the empowering grace of God

then I am and put the opposite like and

so I started doing this before service

and and I got high pony cuz cuz then I I

started realizing like God almost loves

and B being weak because it brings him

more glory because I get to stand in his

strength and get to bring him glory cuz

everybody knows I shouldn’t be up here

but God empowers me to do that so I

started Paul putting in he said when I

am weak because of the empowerment of

God’s grace then I am strong I said when

I’m overwhelmed because of the power

empowering grace of God then I get

overjoyed yeah yeah come on this is

going to be exercise you will sit in a

mirror and tell yourself this you can be

in your car you’re gonna start saying

stuff like this when I’m pissed I know

some of y’all too saved for that but

when I’m pissed because of the

empowering grace of God then I am

peaceful like I can have the opposite

because of the empowering grace of God

when I’m greedy when I don’t want to

give when I don’t want to

share because of the empowering grace of

God then I’m generous I’m telling you

you’ve got to start confessing the

opposite of what you are experiencing

because when you identify it God

strength is made known in your weakness

somebody give God praise right there I


just have to because I know somebody’s

dealing with it when I’m horny because

of the empowerment of God’s grace then I

am holy like like like you have to

realize that that no feeling no

temptation the Bible says that you’ll

ever experience that God can’t allow you

to have a way of escape you can overcome

it so past I’m like what do you do you

do the same thing to Abraham David Jonah

Peter and Paul did like even though

you’re messed up as you’re walking on

the spiritual journey and you got a

thorn you got a hurt ankle it’s messing

with your walk it looks like you’re

walking with a limp and see that’s where

the church has a bad rap is that we see

people limping and then we point out

there why they walk in like that you

don’t know the hell that I’ve been

through you know you don’t you don’t

know how hard it is to just stand but I

had I had this one coach in high school

that I had sprained my ankle or twisted

my ankle or something with my ankle as I

was running up and down the basketball

court and I fail cuz you know when I get

hurt it’s all over like I did not like

y’all I hit that kid I was like ah

like like that was me like and and the

trainer ran over and and and yo because

this is how it is in life when we get

hit we usually fall out or fall down or

don’t want to keep going and the enemy

member he convinces us that I probably

should stay down and now I’m trying to

scoot to the bench like I don’t want to

play no more and that’s how many

believers look right now in the

spiritual walk

you’ve been God’s been telling you

you’re supposed to serve and work in

this area and do all this stuff but

you’ve been scooting to the bench

because you got hurt at some point in

the process but do you know what the

trainer told me to do I was

flabbergasted y’all know what he told me

to do he said get up and walk it off I

said that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever

heard he said if you leave it like that

it could swell up and become so hurtful

that you can’t move it but if we get it

in infant stage and even if you have to

walk with them Oh y’all better hear me

even if people have to see me not at my

best even if people have to see me start

from the bottom he said that at some

point it’ll turn into something that

looks more regular and you can go from

where you work so where God wants you to

be I give somebody who’s going to keep

talking with their limp because of the

grace of God to give God a shout of

praise in this place

come on we go keep moving forward so

what are you saying pass the mic no

matter where you are keep walking with

your lip don’t stop don’t fall don’t go

I’ll keep walking with your lip

I know you’re still dealing with that

thought or you still take a sip of

alcohol on the weekend God said I’ll

deal with that you give me your heart

I’ll deal with your habits

he said keep walking with your life at

some point you’re not going to have the

same issue if you don’t drop and fall

and go to the sideline I said the

righteous man falls seven times but he

gets back up again I thought the way

that we end this series is letting you

know that the grace of God is not just

to save you and not just the sustain you

but it’s to empower you that whatever

you’re going through you can keep moving

forward even if you have a limp I want

to play a song for you by Jonathan

McReynolds that that literally brings

this whole thing into three minutes and

45 seconds of understanding and I want

you to know that this is what the grace

of God is for this is what it does for

your life don’t quit don’t stop don’t

give up God is for you and he has a

purpose that he will reveal in you and

he won’t just ask you to do something

he’ll empower you to do it keep walking

with your limp check this out


broken innocence stolen and I know one a

different man


see life hits in life hurts think I’ve

seen some of life’s works but you’ve

been here so you understand see I fell

and I broke something but I couldn’t

tell cuz I kept running away from your

love and gray so my trips in my pants my

failures they only made be desperate to

seek your face the devil hope this

injury would make me stop and take me

but I know Jesus walls beti so I’ll just

keep on walking with money no pepper

just keep on walking mother

just keep on walking mother

just keep on walking mother temper

I’m imperfect so I slipped up and I had

my heart ripped up to lift up my so

please come and please heal how I think

and how I feel and I’ll live by what you

said can you say


and come to me

name the week and I’ll be every

so I’ll just keep on walking then that

fun just keep on walking in London just

keep on walking just keep on walking


every weeks Tim stop every thought that

keeps us from having to otherwise

perfect fall but if you just keep on

walking with

soon I victory you look just like me

struggling your passion and your love it

kept you up


can’t be walking

matter what they said you kept walking


and that’s my Savior with

so one day I could walk I can still be

loved he likes to be used even like I

still be saved


so I’ll just keep on walking with my



can we give God some praise in this

building everybody that’s going to be

empowered by the grace of God to keep

walking with your lip
