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all right so I got one today I got one

like you know sometimes like you get up

to do a presentation are you gonna speak

or are you gonna do your dance are you

gonna do whatever and you know before

you start this it that’s how I feel

today like I’m ready because we’ve been

in this series that we’ve entitled

marked everybody say I’m marked and

we’ve been talking about the life in the

leadership of David and and and this is

the thing that I want everybody to know

I don’t care how you came in here today

that you’re marked by God you’re marked

for purpose you’re marked for impact

you’re marked for more your marks then

for more than what you’ve been

experiencing somebody just say that your

faith needs to be enlarged say I’m

marked for more you’re marked for more

than what you’ve been experiencing and

so as we’ve been looking at this we’ve

been we’ve been channeling through

David’s life who started out in a

pasture and will one day end up as the

king of Israel in a palace but there’s a

process everybody said process there’s a

process to the palace and I know in our

Instagram generation and our we want a

quick type of society we hate processes

many of us don’t do things that are good

because we don’t like the process let’s

be honest how many of us hate processes

and if you handing up there’s a process

you’re all like some of y’all don’t like

the process of making your bed but you

work out every day so you like one

process but you don’t like another

process okay see some of you don’t like

the process of brushing your teeth you


but you like the process of washing your

car so so I don’t want anybody to feel

like you’re on a different level than

anybody because we all have processes we

hate but if you’re ever gonna reach the

full potential of what God’s called you

to do you’re gonna have to embrace the

process okay so this is what we’re

walking through in David’s life and I

started to look at David’s life and how

things were happening and how he was

approved in private and then he was

anointed before he was positioned and

then he became the answer to problems

and then there’s something unique that

just came out at me as I was reading

through his story in 1st and 2nd Samuel

David was never networking for his next

David was never grinding to get his foot

in the door David was never hustling to

get the hook up like you never see David

like I know I’m the king of Israel so

who do I need to be friends with him

what what what website do I need to set

up next king of Israel like how many

followers do I need to get now so that

when it comes time I’ll be able to

parlay that moment into the VIP they you

never see David doing any of that and

it’s because I found out that anything

David did he was always sent for or sent

to David never had to do anything that

was outside of what he was supposed to

do because God always sent for him or

somebody in leadership over him always

sent him to where the next thing was

supposed to be and so today I want to

talk about being sent I want to help

some people because this is probably one

of the hardest things for people who

know they’re marked by God like a great

like I know it’s I know something great

is in me I’m I see these visions like

it’s hard for us to wait on God or go

when he says go and so most of us live

our lives paralyzed in a position that

we were never meant to stay in but that

was supposed to either prepare us for

something or hold us until it was the

right time and so today the title of the

message is the ascend

of the sent the assent of the sit ass it

means to go up the rise of people who

are sit by God and when I look at this

David always was doing the last thing

God told him and spending time in the

presence of God and a lot of times we

kid in these places where it’s like I

don’t know what’s next you don’t have to

do the last thing he told you and spend

time with him well Pastor Mike I’m

looking for my next I’m really believing

God him I’m doing it he didn’t say

nothing it’s still the same thing he

told you three years ago and I know you

want a new instruction but he’s waiting

for old obedience hey I know I know you

want I know you want to go to the net

while I’m just ready to be married god

I’ll just look at me my summer body ride

I’m ready and he said but your your

attitude your attitudes wrong and so I

need you to do the last thing I told you

to do and spend time in the presence of

me and when David did this he learned

this dance that I called the back and

forth it was kind of like I know y’all

been to a wedding it was kind of like

the wobble you know the point where they

go like boom and then they hit it back

like this something like Sally the

wobble like but but but but it’s like a

everybody wobble with me while with me

wobble with me some of y’all know

everybody say wow yeah okay some of

y’all got to just stop but what I’ve

learned is that that’s the easy dance

move because all it is is back and forth

and I watch this that David kept doing

this back and forth move in his life

like like he was okay with going from

the palace back to the pasture

he was ok with like God you can use me

on the stage but you can use me when

nobody’s looking he learned it he

learned how to go from public to private

like like I’ll kill the guitar in front

of everybody but I’ll still worship you

and nobody’s looking he learned he

learned the dance of the back and forth

he he went from projecting what God had

put in him to doing something real

simple protecting the sheep that he was

given and until you perfect the back and

forth of God using you to beat a man at

your company and then coming home and

serving your wife until until until God

perfects you to be the best mom in the


but then the curl up in a kneel position

and be a daughter before it came until

until you develop the back and forth you

get this thing where you’re always

trying to dictate your next step and God

says I just want you to stay in this

back and forth until I sinned for you

and I want to be able to use you at a

high level and then allow you to come

back to a low level until I send you to

the next place and this is what happened

to David look at it first samuel 17

chapter 15 it’s a but David went look at

it back and the Bible so congruent so

David went back and forth where did he

go back and forth – he was serving in

the palace as one of the key tormentors

of the king of Israel by playing the

guitar cos all had evil spirits so he

served in the palace but he went back

and forth and he went back to the pastor

put the scripture back on the screen why

did he go back and forth to help so the

reason why God will use you on a big

stage and then call you back to

something that’s smaller that only he

sees it’s because he wants you to help

and David was helping his family he said

he did this to help his father with the

with the thing that was lowly with the

thing that didn’t matter with the thing

that that he probably could have paid

somebody else to do but he said no no

this is what I’ve been called to do cuz

I’ve been sit here everybody said I’ve

been sitting here and so I want you to

track with me David journey he was sent

for to join the party that started

without him he went even there and then

they said since for the last son that we

didn’t invite and nobody’s eaten until

he gets here and then right after he was

anointed the king of Israel guess where

he was sent back to the pastor but it

was for a reason it was for preparation

and a lot of us don’t like to go

backwards he’s like well god I was I was

at this place in the company in Gaza but

I’m sending you back to places to see if

you’ll still do the same things that you

used to do before you got that promotion

if you still love on those kids that

I’ve asked you to love on because they

need somebody right now and I don’t need

anybody who’s ready for the palace right

now I need somebody who will be in a

preparation mode to stay in the place

that I have them and then he was sent

for to serve in the palace and torment

what was tormenting saw his leader and

then he was sent back to his dad’s house

and then check this one he was sent to

take his brothers a grilled cheese

sandwich now after all of the amazing

things God did in his life why would he

be sent to become Buber eats for his

father and take a bag to lunch to his

brothers and captain’s this was a test

the same way that God has many of you in

a test right now that looks beneath

where you have come to like like well

god I’m 48 years old there’s no way I

should be serving under this young


oh I hear these conversations well well

I I’ve owned three homes

there’s no way then I’m moving to this


he said I’m trying to make you debt-free

but you you won’t take a season of

restraint to produce a lifetime of

freedom you would rather keep up with

the Joneses who nobody knows who they

are then to obey me and maybe have a

food few of your friends talk about you

but they entered it up today wazoo to

and I’m trying to bless you so one day

when they actually come to nothing you

can actually be a blessing to them but

you are but you won’t take this season

of the back and forth and what happens

is I found out the secret I found out

the secret to being sent to break this

down the secret to being sent is

submission now nobody likes this world

but I want everybody’s like nope nobody

likes this word but I want to give you a

fresh revelation it’s sub mission like

you have to be sub to the mission if

you’re going to be able to be sent to

where God calls you to to go into places

where nobody like you has ever been to

be able to be the voice of reason God

says I’m gonna need you to learn sub

mission that means you’re gonna have to

go low everybody heard of a submarine

you don’t see submarines on top of the


where do submarines go they go low when

you see you don’t even see a submarine


there’s some things God’s gonna ask you

to do and they shouldn’t see you coming

because you’re so that means you’re

gonna have to go under that means that

you’re gonna have to let me make it real

practical your feelings are sub to the

mission well I don’t feel like it but

I’m going to because my feelings

I am sub minute well I’m uncomfortable

it’s okay you can be uncomfortable and B

sub minute cuz your comfort is sub to

the mission y’all don’t hear me in this

place today I’m trying to tell somebody

right now your opinions I’ve done this

before it doesn’t matter your opinions

are sub to the mission until you learn

submission until you learn to look at

somebody that you don’t agree with and

then carry it out with the full joy and

faith like you came up with the idea see

some of us we do it but then we’re gonna

talk bad about it the whole time we do

it or we do it and then we can’t wait to

get home because we’re gonna tell I

can’t stand my manager cuz every time

that I die and God said you just forfeit

it like you did the action but you

disqualified it because you opened your

mouth ah I mean your business today and

it’s okay but if you’re gonna be one

that God can say I can send them you

have to be sub me and let me give you

another tip this is free submission

sucks like you’ve never heard thank you

Lord that I have been able to be

submitted and everything even our Savior

that’s why I love Jesus

it’s because he had to be submitted to

the cross and and and they didn’t they

didn’t white out this part of it where

he didn’t want to do it look at it right

here in Luke 22 verse 42 it says father

this sucks

if you’re willing cuz you’re a big

powerful God if there’s another way

please take this cup of suffering away

from me

me being subbed to the mission I’m hurt

right now but there’s a mission and I

gotta come sub to it so yet I want your

will to be done not my will sure will be

done not my opinion your opinion be done

not my feelings if you want to be one

who said you have to become sub minute I

know I know this is good and I know some

of y’all are are a little tight booty

right now because because this is

something that that you don’t want

anybody to talk to you about like there

are many people in here that if somebody

starts talking to you even hinting that

you’re not cooperative or not in unity

or not you just start defending them

what you’re talking about

I’ll do everything you ask with an

attitude I’m always on time what you

want to be and the thing that I’m saying

is I’m giving you the opportunity I’m

trying to give you a secret because God

really does not want to have to Humble

you he doesn’t and so he tells us in his

word what to do if we’re not submitted


first Peter 5:6 so help yourself please

humble yourself that means you’re gonna

have to make yourself shut up you’re

gonna have to you’re gonna have to make

yourself not now how humble everybody

say I got a humble me if you don’t

humble yourself with the scripture back

up there I want you to hear me he’s

saying humble yourself cuz I don’t want

to do it and hund humble yourself under

the mighty power of God you know I got a

plan for you you know I’m not just out

here putting you in situation I’m trying

to build something for you so humble

yourself under the mighty hand of God

and what

you really want is to ascend but I got

send you first if you’re gonna ascend so

if you humble yourself at the right time

he will lift you up in honor I’m just

trying to encourage somebody if you’re


you’re gonna ascend but you have to be

sent and you can’t be sit if you’re not

submitted that’s why when I just ask a

lot of people to serve for this weekend

I just I don’t know next week who’s

submitted and and who I’m just your

entertainer and then there’s a group of

people that I’m your pastor

and and it’s okay if you whatever group

you’re in you’re cool I like out on this

okay come keep coming but until you are

submitted to a spiritual leader and when

you only do whatever you want to do you

cannot you cannot claim the benefits of

being covered and submit you can’t you

can’t claim the benefit if you only do

what you want to do so when God says to

tithe but you’re not sub me I’m supposed

to be off this point but somebody needs

it right now because you’ve been asking

God worries all the things he said if

you would get under my covering if you

would really do what I’ve asked you to

do if you would allow your feelings to

be sub so then I could sin that job your

way and then I could send you to that

upgraded position but when you get there

you’ll just think you got yourself there

so you’ll do more of what you’ve done

which is disobey me okay I got to get

off this point i’ma need security coming

out of here help me okay

so David his secret was being sub me

well they don’t want me in leadership no

more I’ve done this for 15 years and now

they gonna put somebody else in here I’m

not serving no more no no don’t

disqualify to 15 years

because God made a change to check your

heart and he said could you’ve been

having people serve you know you with

you for eight 15 years and at the moment

you’re not in charge you done you wasn’t

sub admit it and see once David learned

this he had multiple leaders he listened

to his dad he listened to the king he

even when he was when he was asked to he

listened to his older brothers my older

brother telling me not because sometimes

we try to be submitted wherever we think

they deserve honor but what ends up

happening is God as always at

transformation if we say we honor up we

honor down we honor all the way around

help me we honor

uh-oh we honor down come up we honor all

the way no matter the age we honor up oh

my we honor death come up we honor

oh the way I’m telling you if you don’t

become submitted to people who have less

experience than you but God puts them in


you’re not disqualifying them you’re

disqualifying yourself from what God has

called you to do Michael move on okay

look at first Samuel 17 20 I don’t want

you to miss this this is a bonus point

it said so David now I just want you to

get this picture right now David comes

from the palace because remember he does

the back before if the Wobble okay he’s

doing the back and forth he comes from

the palace in humility comes to his dad

and says dad what do you need and his

desk as matter of fact son you’ve never

done this before but I need you to take

this bread and his cheese take these

grilled cheese sandwiches to your

brother and the captain’s on the field

and what did he say yes sir

I’m submitted to what you’re doing now

me I would have been like that

I got a pass to the palace I’m too big

for this but he said yes sir and when he

said yes sir look what David did he

didn’t go straight off and do

look what he did verse 20 he said so

David left the sheep with another

Shepherd and set out early the next

morning with the gifts as Jesse had

directed him this is a bonus point

don’t be stupid stupid about stewardship

so if you’re marked you’re gonna have an

opportunity to go to something new and

leave what you had undone and God’s

never taking you to your next without

you handling your now he intentionally

left the Sheep with another Shepherd he

intentionally did not mismanage or abuse

are not used what he was given because

all now there’s something new coming up

I can go to this next thing God says as

you go to the next thing I’m watching

how you handle the last thing and there

are too many people in this room that go

for bigger and better and leave behind

what used to be bigger and better what

you prayed for that apartment that

you’re leaving and now moving to your

house did you clean it before you left

well they can have my deposit mmm my

only problem with that is God says do

everything you do as unto the so I got

to call some friends over and we got to

clean this up and they can still have my

deposit but when they see what my name

was on it’s gotta be a reflection of his

name and there are too many people that

are on to the next without handling what

God has called them to do is this okay

is this okay alright alright alright

this side didn’t say nothing they all

just looking at me okay so let me tell

you if you’re marked write this down

your opportunity is wrapped in obedience

so your next step if you’re gonna be

Sint if you’re gonna ascend and you’re

gonna be Sint your next thing your next

opportunity your next big break your

next connection is wrapped

in obedience it won’t be wrapped in

skill it won’t be wrapped in connections

it won’t be wrapped in anything that

seems logical because for David we know

that his next is facing Goliath but the

only way he ever meets Goliath is that

he was obedient to take the grilled

cheese sandwich to his brothers and the

captain’s what does the grilled cheese

have to do with Goliath nothing except

obedience and you’ve been trying to

navigate your steps and make all this

stuff happen and the thing that’s the

linchpin has nothing to do with what

you’re asking God said I asked you to

obey and to serve those people you like

that has nothing to do with me getting

these worship songs out he said you

think that’s why they’ve not come out

and you got every connection around you

and use them in line for the promotion

and your kids are ready and God says

because your next opportunity I’ve

disguised it in obedience I need you to

see that David was available to obey the

question is are you available to obey

God I know you’re so planned and you’re

so you’re so calculated my question is

that if God had asked you to do

something have have you left any room to

obey what he says see because David was

available he he was obedient not to do

something extravagant he was obedient to

do something normal

I need you to get the gravity of that

because a lot of people want their

obedient step to be something huge I

just moved from Tulsa to Alaska to get

this region saved okay

if that’s what God asked you to do but I

want you to see that David’s next

opportunity was not wrapped up in a big

thing it was a normal thing that anybody

could do but God asked him to do it and

so his normal obedience your normal

obedience will produce opportunities

that you’ve never even thought of what

are you talking about normal obedience

when God says say hi when you walk into

the office yeah take your wife on a date

every week

normal obedience read that book normal

obedience what’s their kids for them

normal obedience cut off the cable you

need to save some money

normal obedience give your shoes away

not these shoes give them away

normal obedience write that down I’m

giving you a song I’m gonna finish it a

year from now but write that phrase down

normal obedience by their meal well they

got money they got in the line it don’t

matter what I asked them to do I asked

you to do beat be normal and obedient

stop and pray for them normal obedience

my man come here yeah come here what’s

your name move move like you want it

Charles smooth like Charles I’m glad

you’re here bro I’m gonna ask you to be

like normally obedient I must say

something I need you to do it okay

take a step back okay take a step to

your right step up on this this side

thing jump up and down

got some hops I see you okay hey go buy

that guitar right there yeah you play

guitar you play the drums in the keys

can you pick up the guitar though can

you put the guitar down can you go on

the drums please for me sit sit like you

know what you’re doing hey can you pick

up that gift that’s on the kick pedal

can you come back up here

can you stand next to me can you unwrap

that gift quickly can you tell everybody

what those are wireless power beats

earphones okay he didn’t know when he

got up here what I had for him I knew

what I had for him but it was his oh it

was his normal obedience to do what

didn’t make sense that produced for him

something that he didn’t have I need you

to hear me it’s not gonna be the

extravagant but it’s gonna be the normal

obedience let’s go get God what he has

for you somebody give God some praise

love you bro so let me give you the


normal obedience creates incredible

opportunities if you would just do the

normal things guys say wake up and read

your Bible and just pray give me 10

minutes before you start your day Norma

normal hey every time you get that

paycheck just return 10% of it to me and

if I tell you if I tell you only if I

tell you give to that family give to

that organized it I know what I have for

you but until you get comfortable with

normal obedience I can’t give you these

incredible opportunities I’ve called you

to let me tell you a story that played

out in my life some of you know this but

when I was um it was probably two years

ago that uh my friend Paul Doherty up

the street at Victory he had a

conference and um Steven Furtick was

coming to this conference and um I

called Paul I was like hey bro I know

word explosion our victory conference is

gonna be packed he’s like bro I’m gonna

come to you can you save me a seat he’s

like yeah bro Steve Sarris gonna be here

I’m gonna sit you right up there with

him bro he’s gonna be awesome Paul my


so I’m there and as I’m walking into the

building the Holy Spirit said don’t meet

Steven Furtick tonight I was like I mean

if the opportunity is right and God you

create things and I mean clearly he said

do not meet him tonight I was like all

right all right all right and so I’m

thinking like that’s gonna be easy this

is a 5,000 seat auditorium they sit me

right behind Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick Michael Todd and then

Paul did something says hey turn around

and greet your neighbor now had an

opportunity right here to forfeit normal

old meetings and at that moment I turned

around and I met a woman named Sally and

and that night I didn’t meet him this

was August 2017 I left and I got in my

car in the Holy Spirit said thank you

for obeying me

I said that’s up but but it doesn’t have

to feel good for you to do it that was

August in October I’m studying at my

little study spot and I get a phone call

from somebody from North Carolina I’m

like hello and it was like yeah oh I got

your number at inside elevation which is

a conference they hold at that church

and and she was like but um I need your


pastor Stephens trying to get in contact

with you I said they must have some

other Stephens that that turns and she

said give me your number I sent him my

number and five minutes later I got a a

minute and 41 second long voice note

from Steven Furtick and he said hey man

um man I know this may sound strange but

I was looking for my sermon on YouTube

and yours was the next one and I watched

it and I don’t know who you are but man

you’re phenomenal you just blessed my

life and he goes on for a minute and 41

seconds about how he know me

he said the last thing he says is that

man you’re doing a great job I hope that

we can meet one day and God took me from

being another fangirl I would have just

been another oh my god Stephen you’ve

last name like I would have been that

too because I was normal obedient not

extraordinary obedience normal obedience

to where this man called me and after he

called me he invited me to do all his

weekend services the weekend after

Easter and that’s where I first preached

mark to the world and it went viral but

all of that did not come because of my

gifting it came it didn’t come because

of my connections it came because of

normal obedience

I’m just asking y’all maybe what God

wants to do next is not wrapped up in

something huge it’s wrapped up in

something small you’re a saint

it’s gonna happen when God sees you but

he’s got to trust that you are gonna be

obedient where you are and let me give

you my last point obedience doesn’t

require details most of us will never be

obedient because God is not given enough

information I’ll do it God but tell me

some more you said do what that’s dumb

give me a reason and what you’re doing

is you’re delaying what God has for you

I’ll give you two examples some

listening to me need to be sent to go

somewhere else or do something else and

you’re afraid right now because God’s

not giving you enough details but in

Genesis 12:1 he talks to Abraham and he

says the Lord said to Abraham leave your

native country your relatives and your

father’s family leave everything that’s

come comfortable and go to the land ok

which land the one that I will show you

I’m not showing you till you move what

happens when God says will you move I’ll

move just like that I think that was

Prophet Ludacris who said that that that

some of y’all are waiting on God and God

saying move and he said when you move

I’ll show you where you’re going and for

some of us we won’t obey until we got

more details but you do not need details

to obey God now let me flip it to the

other side because details are

determined by God but the disclosure of

those details are determined by

obedience that’s good I must say it

again i’ma look at it because I don’t

forgot the details are determined only

by God but the disclosure of those

details like when he tells you when he

lets it out is determined by your

obedience the more obedient you are the

more instructions you get the more

obedient you are the more clarity you

get the more obedient you are the more

people come into the situation that are

gonna help you but many of you are

standing at the starting line asking God

to show you the finish line and he says

I’m either gonna show you the next step

and now at the mount to the top I’m

gonna show you the mountaintop and not

the next step

cuz I want you to trust me and so some

of you need to be sit but the others of

you need to stay where you are and wait

to be sent forward because you know that

was Saul’s problem when he was supposed

to wait on Samuel to offer this burnt

sacrifice and you can go check it out in

1st Samuel 13 but he was supposed to

wait for him seven days I mean it hit

right 12:01 he was like where in the

world is Samuel he didn’t come right

when he said and the day wasn’t over yet

cuz God’s made some of you promises and

the day is not over yet but you’re

getting you’re getting so frustrated and

anxious that you’re about to make a dumb

decision because you you feel like it’s

supposed to be further along and he said

wait on me at the moment

that’sall said nevermind God’s not gonna

show up Sam you’re not gonna do what he

said he was gonna do verse 9 he said so

he demanded bring me the burnt offering

and the peace offering and Saul

sacrificed the burnt offering himself

and again I ask you what are you doing

yourself that God’s saying no just wait

on me I’ll sin for you oh I’ll send

people to you I’ll make it happen but

you gotta wait on me that’s why I’m just

encouraging everybody right now proverbs

16:9 it says we play in the way we want

to live but only God makes us able to

live it what I’m saying is it’s better

for you to wait on God because this

whole thing of meeting to know all the

details I’m gonna tell you why he didn’t

give you all the details cuz he wants a

relationship of dependence God doesn’t

want you to do anything without him and

I know the human nature is to be able to

do everything with our God y’all know

that was Eve’s problem she thought that

she would be able to know what God knew

and he left one thing out so that we

would have to be codependent on each

other and a lot of people in here you’ve

been trying to you only need you only

use God when you need him and you’ve

been trying to etch him out of your life

that means if I got enough money if my

relationships is this and my kids are

this and God saying like why don’t you

just do this with me and that’s why he

doesn’t show you everything that’s why

you’re still some of y’all are like why

am I in Tulsa came here 15 years ago and

I cannot leave he said because the next

step I’ll send for you or you’ll be sent

and that’s why we have to know this last

thing when that ended that that verse

says we plan the way that we want to

live but only God makes us

everybody say Abel

he’s the only one that can make us able

to live it so the last thing I want to

tell you if you’re in that valley of

decision about to move and you need to

stay or you’ve been paralyzing you need

to move God is depend able he’s

dependable you can trust him you could

trust he’s not playing you you can trust

that he’ll sing for you when it’s time

you can trust that he’ll send you when

it’s time so what do you have to do do

the last thing he told you to do and

spend time in the presence of God David

Gold’s takes the grilled cheese

sandwiches sees Goliath and we’ll talk

about all that next week you don’t want

to miss next week it’s gonna be nasty

but I want you to see how David didn’t

even choose himself to go fight Goliath

he literally asked the question in 1st

Samuel 2:17 he was like yo what happens

if we beat this fool that’s all yes it’s

like listen you get one of the Kings

daughters you get paid and you never

have to pay taxes again now I would take

a swing at it like and it was like for

real and so you ask somebody else he’s

like what do what do we get if we take

out this uncircumcised Philistine and

look what it says in 1st Samuel 17 verse

31 it says what David said was overheard

and reported to Saul he never went up to

Saul and said hey I’m your guy imma kill


he was just in the right spot at the

right time and what he was saying was

overheard and reported to Saul and look

what it says and the king sent for him

I’m trying to tell you you don’t have to

make a way for yourself when the

waymaker is on your side Oh somebody

needs to get excited about that you do

not have to make a way for yourself when

Jehovah Jireh the waymaker

is on your side father that every person

today get a conviction to not try to

ascend without you God let us be sick

too and sit for no matter where we are

in our lives today father I’m not asking

who needs this cuz all of us need it

and I thank you because we are marked ah

we will not forfeit the plan you have

for us because we know our next

opportunity is wrapped in obedience let

this word sit in our heart father God

and come out in practical application

with normal obedience this week we thank

you Father for doing a work in us

because we will reach purpose because we

are marked in Jesus name

come on somebody give God a hand clap

for praising if you know you’re marked

by God come on