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So we’re in part 2 of a series

that we’re calling “Damaged Goods”

and I don’t know about you but last week God just revealed

some stuff to me

that all of us are damaged in some area

um.. and God’s given us 3 parts. He’s given us

a soul, a body, and then

and then a spirit

and I break it down like this. There is… We have

the covering which is our soul

the container which is our body and then our spirit which is

the contents that goes inside of all that

and when we talk about being damaged a lot of our

mind, will, and emotions have been damaged

and a lot of our bodies have been damaged

but we think thats what Gods looking for

is for the outside

and what were in to be perfect

but God told us last week that, “I don’t care”

“what condition your mind, will, and emotions are in…”

“I can transform that”

“and I don’t care”

“What condition your body is in no matter if youve been raped or”


youve done things or youve stolen things or youve used your body

as an instrument of evil he said I dont care about that

I can redeem that

He said because from the beggining of time

I place my DNA my spirit *blows*

I blew into man. Im already tii hype

Yall im already too hype

but when you find out who you are

it allows you to be able to have a relationship with God

and with others, that is unmoveable

Somebody say unmoveable.

but the problem is many of us have been damaged and weve been looking at the

wrong things

so for the next few weeks were gonna talk about

different charaters

in the Bible who were damaged

people who were jacked up


who had things happen to them

and it kept them in a place where they felt like

they couldnt move forward

Can we be real in this place? Life happens.

Can we be honest? We have a culture here of being HOT.

Which stands for being Humble, Open, and transparent

How many people has life happened to you? Cmon’

Just hands.. Life happens, the unexpected

the uncalled for, the

unintentional, some of un the very intentional

you knew what you was doin 😉

cmon’ but life happens. Everybody say “life happens”

but the truth is many of us are still dealing with the

negative effects

of life happening to us

weve been damaged emotionally

damaged spiritually

damaged even in our speach

Something good happens to us and we cant even speak

well of it because

something happened that were disappointed

every time we get our hopes up and so

we try to stay back so that we never have an

expectation and weve been damaged in an area

some of us our families have been damaged

it is so disfunctional that you think its normal

There are so many disfunctions

happening within yourself now youre

repeating it to another generation and things you said you would

never say to your kids

bloop, it just comes out


but do we do with our damaged areas?

Some of us are financially damaged

Can I help you?

Youve made more money than

all the generations before you

but were still living paycheck to paycheck

were still getting things cut off every

month and every week and were still goin-

and its not because God hasnt blessed us

its because there is an area in our life

that has been damaged and been left alone

see theres no problem with having a damaged area.

There is problem with having a damaged area,

That has not been confronted.

and many of us in the church weve done a bad job…

because we make it a place where you have to come

and hide your damaged areas. Oh, its church time

put on your best clothes, put on your best stuff


*snide* God bless you

When somebody says how are you doing?

Thats just a phrase to say fine

They dont really wanna know how youre doing

They dont really wanna know whats going on

I mean if we were honest some of our conversation would go like this

“How you doing?” “Im horrible”

“This week was hard”

“I got caught in a lie this week”

“My job may be on the line” but when the last time you came to church and said that

Somebody says how you doin? “everthings fine”

You were outside of somebodys elses house last night

in your drawers!!

Im not telling you stuff im makin up im telling you stuff that has happened


and somebody ask you “How you doin man” “Everythings good!

My clothes on top the church” but do you understand what im sayin?

So if we have to come into the place of healing

and hide our damaged area

then how do we ever get healed

how do we ever change

how do we ever become

who God created us to be. See this is why this is so important.

and I want everybody to hear me

If youre taking notes, which everybody should be taking notes. If you gotta smart phone

a dumb phone, a peice of paper, get a pad

get something because what we believe

is um.. its proven that when you write things down you retain it better

and then you can have something to go back to during the week

when the trial comes.. You gonna be like “uh uh, im bout to cuss them out, where my notes?”

like, you understand what im sayin?

itll just help you be able to get in a rythm

of studying the word and studying the bible but this is one thing

I want you to understand is that you have to

acknowledge your damaged areas

because if you dont

they turn into your excuses for reaching purpose

you missed it

if you dont acknowledge your damaged area

and give it to God

it will become your excuse of why you cannot

reach purpose

so what happens is you were talked

about when you were younger and then you developed

insecurities and so now

anytime that its time for you to be up front or

be in front of people your damaged in that area you dont do it

and so sombody says hey man you got that capabilities to do that why dont you do that

and you will turn it into your excuse

of why you cannot reach purpose

because you were damaged in this area.

Well I had to file for bankruptcy and since I filed for

bankruptcy theres no way I can really live this blessed life

like your talkin about because I started from beind. Itll become your excuse.

I have been in churches all my life where the ministers

or the Pastors abused people and so now

I dont wanna answer the call of God on my life

cause you were damaged in the church now its

become your excuse why you cant touch people

I just want everbody to hear me

That this series is not a “Woe is me” series

This series is an identify it series

There it is!

See the Bible tells us that Gods strength is made