Today we started our new series called, “Something New.” As we begin the year right with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, we got to hear from one of our prayer pastors, Pastor Brenda Todd. We learned about The Big 3, Giving, Praying & Fasting. Are you joining us in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting? For more information, check out our social media platforms and our website!

it is 2021 and you made it i made it

thank god we are here

my question is what are you doing to


for this year at transformation church

we do

21 days of prayer and fasting every year

not just years in the middle of a

pandemic but every year because we want

to hear

what god has to say about our lives

our families and our purpose and i’m

asking you to join me

yeah yeah i know what you’re thinking

like fasting like giving up something i

promise you anytime you give up

something pleasurable

and deny your flesh you are doing it to

get closer to god

spiritually and you never give up

something for god

that he doesn’t return to you in the way

that you need it most

so i’m telling you we’re going to help

you we’re going to resource you

we even teamed up with the youversion

bible app

and we have a plan that’s going to walk

you through every

day that you can do we have noonday

prayer we’re going to be meeting on

youtube every night

at six i’m telling you you can make

this year the best year but it will only

be the best year

if it’s your best year spiritually join

us in 21 days of prayer and fasting

somebody give him glory


somebody give him praise

god you are worthy

god you are worthy

god you are worthy yes you are

you’re worthy of the praise right there

lift your hands up

god we give you glory

god we give you wonder

to god we give you the praise

hallelujah come on open up your mouth

right there and declare

hallelujah come on hallelujah it’s the

highest praise


oh i feel the holy ghost up in here




hey hey hey come on you’re bringing in a


with a hallelujah

you’re bringing in a new you with a


the lord oh my god up in here

we give you the glory we give you the

glory we give you the glory

because you deserve it hey hey

we give him glory we say

welcome into

this place come on y’all

welcome get you into



come on






and we lift our hearts

unto your name

there is a praise for 2021 as we

offer up this praise unto



oh my god hallelujah

how are you entering in to this 2021

glory to god we’re going to offer up hey

when you offer up something you give it


we offer up this praise to his name

glory to god somebody say welcome god

oh my god today welcome in here

welcome in my house welcome in every


welcome in every circumstance my god


throughout this entire year you see in

the beginning you

set a tone glory to god

i’m gonna keep you in everything glory

to god

hallelujah so we thank god

lift those hands one more time

and we offer up this

your praise somebody help me

and we are better



one more time


oh my god hallelujah come on god is

right there where you are

the glory of the lord is here y’all can

sit down if you can

but i’m telling you even as pastor

michael was saying my god we made it

don’t play he made it

hallelujah glory to god

made it into this 2021

glory to god and we didn’t do it by


hallelujah it was because of the grace

of god

somebody say grace


we thank god for the grace of god


i thank god for this awesome opportunity


glory to god we give glory to god we

thank god

for everything that he has done and you

know i know a lot of people in 2020

you know they was trying to hurry up and

rush it out i said i’m not rushing

nothing out

because god has been so good to me in


i wasn’t trying to rush it out


it took parts a tournament

don’t play up in here glory to

god hallelujah i’m telling you to know

that at the end of february was the last

time my husband and i went out

and and and everything in terms of

ministry because we travel all over and


i thank god for michael and for the fact

that he is our son

thank you jesus and i was thanking god

though that he kept

us anybody in here been kept

right there at your house did god keep


glory to god and he did things that you

would have thought in a year

that that so many things was going on

that you wouldn’t be able to last

but i want you to know that god is a

keeper somebody look at somebody and

tell them

god is a keeper don’t play you need to

look at your children your husband and

come on up in here and say god has kept

us up if you still got

blood running through your vein you need

to say god is a keeper

hey he’s a keeper

he’s a keeper charles yes he is

he’s a keeper then when my husband got

a sick for two months my god today

hey hey hey with that very uh uh uh

pandemic that the kovic that went on

two months y’all i’m just testifying in

the beginning

glory to god cause i got something to


i got a testimony


i got a testimony


some people just got a moaning but there

was a test


hey my god today

and for two months hey

just in case y’all want to know i’m

gonna be talking about the

the big three hallelujah hallelujah

you’ll see in a minute

glory to god but if i tell you

that as we prayed be talking about


and fasting and not giving up come on

you got to learn how to persevere

my god today my attire

that was tongue jaw but anyway

we prayed i can look over here at my man


and see this man of god live and in

living color

saved by the power of god somebody give

god some praise up in here

he could have died but he didn’t god so

fit for him to stay here in the name of


so many other things that i could tell

you but i thank god

hallelujah i lived every day until the

last day of 2020

because i’m like what else you want to

do god

but always stepping over into 2021

glory to god i’m telling you i have an

expectancy like never before you see i

just uh

a week ago turned 20 uh oh i said 20

didn’t i

brethren i said 20. but i’m not a 20 and


i’m a 63 and moving on



come on here glory to god

hallelujah and i thank god for the plans

that he had for my life

look at somebody and declare to them god


good plans for your life

for your ministry for your children

in the name of jesus i want you to clap

one more time

come on and give god glory come on and

open up your mouth

y’all sit down my god

hallelujah i want you all to know even


michael introduced me i am his mama

but he’s not my only child gloria god

i have five sons somebody said five

you know these days if you have five

children they think you lost your mind


but i have five sons gabriel who’s on

the camera bless his name

gabriel michael is right after him


brenton and my grayson you heard singing

maybe you did maybe you didn’t but


all five of our sons all five of them

and the one thing that i’m about to go

go up and hear y’all

in the name of jesus like michael say

i’m ready

ready glory to god with those five boys

let me tell you something

um you know of course i thought i was

gonna have a girl but i got all these


we have five sons we have um five


i have three daughters in love


and believing for the rest amen

hallelujah the one thing about when the

boys were growing up

they were very competitive they were

and still are very competitive in games

and everything you know they would play

man it’ll gets so loud in the house now

the loudness

yes amen it come from me what can i say

i’m loud y’all

i love to give god glory but anyway one

of the

one of the biggest things that would

happen is

you know during basketball season for

the most part we were all together

on who we wanted to win there came a

time when when some of them

split off into one area or another in

terms of who they wanted to win

as far as the championship or even when

they were playing

the games or whatever it always came


to the championship and in a


you always have at least three somebody

said at least three

that people were looking forward to

as far as that is concerned oh let’s see

just like

lebrons d wade and bosh

y’all didn’t think i knew yeah

then another is steph

oh my jesus roche clay

and help me with the other ok come on


glory to god then we had shaq

kobe and gaza y’all gone

up in here then my favorite because this

was close to

many many years ago but he’s still

a star michael jordan come on

pippin and rodman

come on somebody say the big three my

god today and there was

always a victory when you had three

that knew what they were doing well

today i don’t want to keep you in


about what it is that i’m gonna talk


i want you to know today that i’m gonna

talk about the

big three somebody said the big three

lord have mercy the big three

to answered prayer the big three

that would make a difference in your

life and my life

in the name of jesus

the big three which is a threefold cord

that’s not easily broken in other words

when you have

all of these things tied together they


not break you will get an answer like

never before

and in this season and time we want you

to know

in 2021 if you do all three of them

i want to stand here and say you are


to get an answer to prayer

the reason that many people don’t pray

is because they don’t think they can get


answer but maybe you have left one or

two of these things off

what are you talking about prophetess

we’re talking about in matthew the 6th


verse 2 says and when you give

now come on up in here did y’all hear

a few moments ago about giving we’ll

come back to that in a minute

when you give you jump down to verse

five come on

it then says when you pray then you jump

down to verse

and it then says when you fast

are y’all gonna help me up in here

number one is what when you give

did i make a plan all right number one

is what

when you give hey my god today

number two is what when you

when you pray number three is what

now i have a question

did anybody hear anything about

if you

you can look at scripture did it say

if you come on now

it said what what did it say

what did it say oh my god today

i want you to hear me even now you may

not have been getting your prayers


or the enemy has played with your mind

and make you feel like

you need to give your prayer request to

everybody else

but god wants you to know that when

you give when you pray when

you pass something’s gonna break


something’s gonna happen somebody say

win you

my god we’re talking about the big three

somebody say the big three

the threefold court to answer prayer

come on now we just talked about

all of those wonderful people concerning

basketball and all of that

but we’re not talking about basketball

we’re talking about your life

are y’all in this place and i know you

are are you on your couch

is it causing you to stand up and say

wait i’m listening

for the big three in the name of jesus

that will cause victory to come

to my house somebody say victory

that will come to my house

when i do what’s number one

what’s number two what’s number three

today if you’ve got hands going and clap

right there

can i tell you that giving

that fasting and you’re

praying is not a suggestion

hey this is not a suggestion

it’s a standard

somebody said less set

rules and regulations

for 2021. let’s set

something that will give victory

in my house glory to

god when you give

come on transformation nation

glory to god and our partners

and the wonderful people that are here i

don’t really have to stay on this one

about when you give because this is

a giving ministry are y’all in this


and pastor michael you know he was


the the the how his foundation

has been laid the things that he has

seen and experienced

you see he came from a given house

y’all better hear me up in this place i

can’t tell you

how many people that we have kept in our


many times making the boys get out of

their beds

hello there was a ministry here

where where people would come in from

all over the world

and many times there would be 21 people

extra in our house

and you’re saying how did they get in

there at that time we had a 6 000 square

foot house

and we made the boys get out their beds

and we would give of everything we would

give a food we would give

a space to them so they wouldn’t have to

worry about paying all that money for

staying in hotels my husband is one of

the greatest givers

i have ever seen in my life oh y’all

come on up in here

and we together have been ones that give

and and i know that the boys saw that

and michael

the way that he has literally as much as

we’ve given

and as we have watched god do great and

mighty things

for this transformation of

ministry and church glory to god

and see him standing so very just

just strong in his belief about

giving knowing that it’s more blessed to

give than it is to what

you know acts 20 35 said i’ve shown

you in every way by laboring like this

that you

support the weak and remember the words

of the lord

jesus that he said it is more blessed

remember the words of the lord jesus it

is more

it is more it is more blessed in other


you will be blessed beyond anything

that you can ask come on here that you


imagine in the name of jesus when you

are a giver

and for many of you i read many of the

letters that came

in doing crazy faith

many of you sit here my fifteen hundred


come on it wasn’t all these huge gifts

it was people who gave because they


with crazy faith that as i give god a


back to me come on how how y’all good

measure come on what else

and what else will he cause

to give into our bosom

you don’t know your name may be brought


in somebody’s room right now hallelujah

somebody need to declare i’m being


right now

y’all need to raise your hand right


you don’t know who’ve been watching you

you don’t know who has a plan to say

i see your faithfulness i see how you

have been

come on here you are blessing and your


is being literally

brought up because god sound calls men

somebody say men to give

into your bosom but it’s not gonna come

in the form that you gave it

y’all better hear me up in here

sometimes it takes

a little bit and i’m trying not to stay

on this but y’all got to hear me up in


sometimes we give i almost said god this

is my last

oh but god said baby that’s all i wanted

all i wanted to see is that you are


to give to me and i never give it back

to you

in the form that you give it hallelujah

i’mma give it i know i’m repeating the

word i’ma give it back to you

good measure my god today

how many of you know god got some big

hands hey hey hey i’ll give it back to

you good measure

come on everybody even at home come on

girls come on come on boys and girls

come on my mom and dad he’s i’ll give it

back to you

good measure come on huge somebody press

it down

come on here and even though it’s

pressed down

he didn’t want to shake it together

oh cause he’s trying to feel every spot

god’s not going to leave you out

he’s not going to leave a space somebody

say every space field

come on good measure shake it down come

on here

press down shake it

shake it together he’s gonna put so much

on there

he said then it’s gonna everybody do

this run over

shook i prophesied to you

even now in the name of jesus that god

is about to do

a good measure a press down

are shaking together are y’all believing


gus is gonna run over somebody said god

says it’s gonna run over

say it again your appointment’s gonna

run over

your blessing’s gonna run over my god


he said listen uh hallelujah it’s not

gonna rain from the sky

he said i’m gonna touch the hearts of


to give to you it’s gonna run over

i will cause men to give

somebody begin to pray right there i’m

getting ready to give men

hallelujah to give in to your bosom


now listen y’all you may be seated

glory to god hallelujah

number one is what

i’m sorry y’all got to be already

come on we talk about the big three

number one is number two

is let me tell you something

glory to god what is prayer

prayer in a in its simplest form

is connecting to god

somebody said connecting come here

you can stand by me and we never really


that’s good are y’all in the house come

on come on that’s good

so often we can ask god give me let me

let me help but we never connect

that’s good come on come on

communicating connecting

yes ma’am yes ma’am we connect

with god we communicate

with him see when we connect

come here son come on

here is a threefold court

come on that’s connecting that’s gonna

cause us to be stronger

glory to god but we’re connecting with

god we’re connecting with god we’re

talking to him we are communicating with


when we need something is that when we

connect with him

no come on is that the only time we

connect with him

somebody say every day thank y’all

we have to connect with god on a daily

basis what i want to say to us

even now that if you’ve not been

connecting or communicating

with your god make a decision

right now that you are going to

communicate now let me tell you

something when you talk about


it’s not a one-liner

it’s not just one person talking

when you communicate it’s a two-way


see if you if you’re saying don’t

connect we’re saying okay

let’s communicate let’s talk about it

you know my husband and i’ve been

married for 41 years

and you know glory to god hallelujah

and there are different ways that we


and if in fact we did not connect

we would not be able to do what we do

sometimes many times when we connect

it’s not even words there

oh y’all better hear me up in here

sometimes it’s just a look

and he knows exactly what i’m thinking

when you begin to connect

with god on a daily basis are y’all in

the place

glory to god the bible says my sheep

know my voice and a stranger

they will not listen to who are you

listening to in this hour

what you got to understand is that

prayer is the source

here at transformation church

michael todd the people that are here

will not be able to do what they do

except for somebody connects with god

and declare lord what is your will

we want your will to be done

lord is this your will you heard the man

of god say

come on we’re not going in with our

private agenda

yes god spoke to him back in august

but if he want to erase that and say

something else

he’s open to hear what god said

lift your hand and say god i’m open

come on glory to god

the bible says that jesus

prayed are y’all in the house

he prayed he connected with his father

somebody say every day jesus said

i only do what i

see my father doing

i want to give you something man glory

to god

as you pray every day as you spend time

with god

don’t let time you wake up the first

thing you do is pick up your phone

and see and connect with the people on

your phone

i’m telling you in this 2021

glory to god when you wake up

oh first thing you need to tell god is

thank y’all

thank you for waking me up this morning

thank you for allowing me to see another


can somebody say thank you glory to god

and then you begin to spend time with


talking to him connecting to

him glory to god

that we don’t neglect are literally

connecting with him

there was a group of guys in luke 11.

verse one and two listen to it it says

now it came to pass

he was praying in a certain place

talking about jesus

when he ceased that one of his disciples

said to him and we’ve heard this so

often lord

teach us to pray as john

also taught his disciples somebody say


teach me to pray my god today

so he said to them when you pray

glory to god teach us to pray

and then he said so when you pray

didn’t we say at the beginning when

when you pray say and he went through

the entire thing our father which art in

heaven and on down the line

the prayer that we have been praying for

years and years and years

then he continued on somebody said he

continued on

to teach and that’s what we are doing

we are teaching you seek ye

first the kingdom of god and his

righteousness the right way to do things

and everything else will be what it’ll

be added

teach us to pray so for me

i love examples so in that fifth verse

he said and he said to them

which of you shall have a friend and go

to him at midnight and say to him

friend lend me three loaves for a friend

of mine

has come to me on his journey and i have

nothing to say

before him and he will answer from


and say do not trouble me the door is


shut and my children are in the bed

and i can rise and give you i

say to you though he will not rise and


to him because he is a friend

yet because of his persistence

somebody shall persist us he will rise

and give him

as many as he needs what am i saying to

us this day

this is a time to persevere

this is a time to persist

somebody say persist you have to persist

in prayer you can’t be one that prays

one time and then you don’t pray again

are y’all

in this place that’s as good as the

devil wants

he wants you to pray one time about your


he wants you to pray one time about your

marriage he wants you to pray one time

because see

people will say to you well it’s not

faith if you pray again

what god say

persist this man said look

i ain’t got it but i know who has it

somebody say i may not have the answer

but i know who has it my god

he said persist in another version it


he kept on shamelessly asking

too many of us are too prideful

are y’all in this place we get so


and we won’t ask we won’t persist

look somebody said it ain’t no shame

in my game i’m not playing games

i want an answer from the holy one of


are y’all in here i’m talking about


shameless when i looked up that just as

i’m telling you

when it says shameless asking

you don’t need to be shamed that you

asked more than one time

god is not offended about you persisting

he’s attracted to it


god is not offended

it doesn’t make god upset

that you keep on asking that you persist

in your

asking there’s a real devil

that makes you back up

or for asking god for healing asking him

for deliverance

are y’all in this place hey my god today

hallelujah we will not back

up god is not offended by our


he is attracted to it glory to god

now listen to the scripture he told us

very clearly

he said ask and keep on asking

knock everybody act like you’re knocking

and keep on knocking

he said listen if somebody that’s your

regular father

knows how to give you good gifts what

about me

are y’all up in here in the name of


we got to pray we got to seek god while

he may be found

we got to connect to god we’ve talked


two chords so far two things of the

big three what’s the first one y’all

we have to give

number two is

come on jesus was our best example of

prayer y’all

when it was time to decide

on the disciples you know what he did he

didn’t pray for one hour

he didn’t pray for two hours he prayed

all night long

you know the problem with the many of us

we come up with these little

flimsy answers

and we don’t take time to seek god

but listen y’all in this 21 days of

fasting and prayer

you got some things that’s going on in

your life

you got some things that you need an

answer for

if you have to stay up all night

if you have to fast and pray out 21 days

ooh somebody real quiet up in here

yeah you gotta persist

hey glory to god and even judas y’all

don’t hear me up in here

he was the right one he not shy

uh-huh y’all looking at me crazy but i’m

telling you

he was the right one to be chosen and

all the other

all of the other disciples why because

jesus didn’t make a rash decision

he literally persisted look at somebody

and say persist

why y’all playing up in here look at

somebody and say


persevere you’ve not gotten what you

want because you won’t persist you get

all offended you get all hurt

my god hey but god

say persist i have an

answer everybody else may think they

know the answer concerning your life

but the devil is alive if you persist

as you come before god you’re going to

get the answer

for your life now can i tell you

somebody said say it again

i’m about to do number three

the last thing god says in his word

is when you

not if you fast

when you fast for years

the art of fasting have been left out of

our lives

come on up in here you literally look at

any of the men and women of god

amen simple mcpherson come on

all the different awesome men and women

of god

marie woodward etta

john dowie these people didn’t do what

they did on their own

they spent days in prayer

i was reading a thing on them and they

said oh mary wood where’s edelman she

would go into a town

and things wasn’t moving the bible says

not the bible the reading says

she would pray until something happens

look at somebody and say are you willing

to pray until you get your breakthrough

too many of us are satisfied

we’re excited about this happen and this


but oh god has given you a picture

of what’s supposed to happen and if

my god today if you want to see it


take the shame off go ahead and fast

everybody else may be eating come on

here but we’re

talking about an upgrade somebody’s

saying upgrade

if you would add fasting onto your


y’all better hear me in this house it’s

just like

taking fuel and putting it on the fire

and then there is a big

for 2021 hey

take these next days starting tomorrow

and begin to fast now you got to make up

your mind

that you’re gonna do it before

tomorrow comes because if you have it

privately in your head

okay i’ll fast for three days and then

i’ll start

my you know then i’ll start my daniel’s


but then you hadn’t told anybody


you can change your mind and nobody ever

know it

i want you to get an accountability


get an accountability partner

this is my plan because i got to hear

from god

i got to have some fire on to what’s

going on

in my life

fasting is intentionally abstaining from

things that are pleasurable

for spiritual everybody say spiritual

development we got too many weak

babies in the body of christ

oh the clamps are getting real weak

right now

i said we got too many weak babies

look at somebody say it’s time to mature

glory to god we want to be strengthened

we want to make a difference that when


bump into us they bumped into the holy


that when people bumped into us they

bumped into fire

when people bump into us they bumped

into healing

when people bump into us they

bumped into deliverance come on lift

those hands up right there

my god we’re talking about humbling


under the mighty hand of god come on up

in here

psalm 35 13 david says

i humbled my soul

with fasting

your mind your will your emotion

if my people are y’all getting tired

come on here come on and give god some

praise up in here

come on and give him praise

the bible says if my people who are

called by

my name would do what humble themselves

and that word humble in there still

means fasting

humble themselves pray seek

my face turn from their wicked ways

then will i hear from forgive your

and begin to heal your

land somebody shout heal my landlord

heal my landlord glory to god

fasting brings you into a deeper more uh

intimate relationship with the lord

come on y’all we want to communicate and


to god if you would just change your


about how you see god and say god today

i got to connect with you you make it

your food

to connect with god in the name of

jesus and baby you shall

start connecting to god when your

stomach start growling

come on up in here let me tell you


there is so much that i could say

glory to god i i think about one of my

favorite scripture jeremiah 33 3

says call unto me and i will answer you

and i’m gonna show you great

and mighty things during this time of

fasting and prayer

we’re gonna call up to god somebody open

your mouth even now right where you

would say

lord i’m calling on you god

call up to the lord

and the guarantee is that he will answer


not only is he going to answer you

where’s your faith he’s going to

show you something great

somebody say great and mighty things

that you didn’t know about somebody said

that you didn’t know about

he knows the plans glory to god

let me tell y’all something we’ve talked

about the victory

say it again the victory number one

when you give number two

when you pray now y’all get this last

one right

number three when you fast

lord have mercy three

if you don’t remember anything else i’m

saying for this 2021

a lot of people will do one thing

they may give awesome givers but no


they may pray

but don’t give standards i don’t know


they may fast but then they leave

something else out

but around here and what we are setting

right now

we’re not only going to give we’re not

only going to pray

we’re also going to fast because the

threefold chord

is not easily broken now i want to give

you an

example i heard this story a few years

ago and i must tell it right now

abraham lincoln actually told this story

about some woodsmen

that’s people who go out in the woods

and cut

things down and literally there have

been some contests that had gone

on and this old man was

the master champion

woodsman then there was a little young


coming along so i could beat that old


so he wanted to challenge him

sometimes young people you want to

challenge us

you got so many awesome things going for


but hear me by the spirit

there is something that have us where we


we didn’t just get here we’ve been

through a lot

god has shown us a lot are y’all in the


we can learn from you and you can learn

from us

oh y’all better hear me in the house and

this this this

young man said i can whoop that old man

so they had a contest and that day

the young man was on one side the older

gentlemen were on the other side come on


and they say ready go and boy that

little young

he just cutting those things down man he

was going

the old gentleman he was cutting but

then he would stop

see this is the time that we are


with the fasting and praying i’m trying

to help you

glory to god this is a time that we’re


for 21 days

this old man would stop and sharpen

his axe

it is time for us to stop

and get sharpened we’ll be able to hear


we’ll be able to give better we’ll be

able to pray

better because we stop and

sharpen our axe when the contest was all


they began to to count up how many trees

was cut down

and that young man was standing there

just as proud just knew he had won

and they said no the old man

won the champion won he said how in the

world could that be

he said i was i never stopped and i

would see that old man just sitting down

what the real deal was the old man said

to him

young man come on now he said what you

don’t know

see there are a lot of things that you

don’t know

and here we are today trying to tell you

the things that you may

not know are y’all in the house

he literally said young man what you

don’t know

is that every time you would see me

sitting down

i was sharpening my axe

what are you talking about let me give

you uh our context for that

ecclesiastes 10 10 says if the

axe is dull

2020 may have made you dull

because of what’s going on what’s going

on in your family

how your money was funny people that you


died that makes you real dumb

dog makes you look at god kind of funny

come on now

if the axe is dull and

one does not sharpen the edge fasting

will sharpen your edge

then he must use listen if you don’t

sharpen your

ex you’ll then have to use your strength

you have to be in you’ll have to be

in your flesh trying to do

something that god wants you to do in

the spirit

we at this church we could not do it

these wonderful people around here and

in every department

it doesn’t matter we have to yield

ourselves to god

because we don’t need to be dull

whether we are wives or husbands you

don’t have to be

dull god wants your edge to be


so you won’t have to use your strength

but look at this but wisdom

somebody shout wisdom brings


you know what y’all i’m about to bring

this thing to a close but i got to show

you all some

glory to god wisdom will bring you


by sharpening your acts

fasting is wise


fasting is wisdom

we’re saying god we can’t do this by

ourselves now i got two people i need to

let let’s see this come on now

it makes a difference when you

are sharp and when you are

dull i’ma say it again

you can’t hear well you’re not sensitive


to go and give somebody something you’re

not sensitive to go

and help somebody or y’all in the house

but see you have to have an

ear to hear what the lord is saying

and when you have a dull ass

well look pretty dull to me try it again


well i guess you got the sharp one

let’s see my goodness whoa

oh glory


i prophesied that that’s the way it’s

gonna be

in 2021 as you start off i’m

sharpening yourself my god

not doing it in your own strength even

on the first time

somebody say the first time

you’ll be so sharp you won’t let people

in what they have to say

mess with you you won’t be so sensitive

are y’all in the house god said i want

to sharpen you

i want to sharpen you as a mother i want

to sharpen you as a father

i want to sharpen you in the name of

jesus one strike

because of being sharpened

lift your hands in your home and say i

want to be sharpened

say i want to be sharpened in the name

of jesus

in the name of jesus where’s jeremy

glory to god god start dealing with me

this morning in the name of jesus come

on i need to hear somebody pray

fasting is the fuel to your spiritual


come on you’re getting you’re getting


we talked about the three bids come on


the big three you got to give you got to

pray you got to fast

in the name of jesus glory to god

rebecca hallelujah lift your hands up

right now

glory glory glory glory

hallelujah come here man of god

now i know you did not know this because

you’re not at my house

in my time of prayer

but i heard the holy ghost saying

just like it took you a moment to come

from back there

to here i remember my husband and i

being a part

of your interview just a little part

and i just loved and still loved your


because you so wanted to be

a blessing to the people around you


you wanted to literally be able to

pastor those

and help them in their walk and i don’t


nothing except for by the spirit it’s

not going exactly

like it was in your heart yet

somebody said yet

but it sure as i’m standing here

lift your hands before god

the way you saw it

i come to confirm to you today

that is shelby

god loves you so much that he would deal

with you at miles

to call you forward because

ministry is on the inside of you

and even though you do what you do

there’s so much more to you

and god put you out on front street

today it’s not gonna be

a long time that he’ll bring you from

the back to the front

in the name of jesus

to be able to help disciple

the very ones that you’re working with

because the men and women of god that

god has sent here and will send

they need to even in a greater member uh

in a greater way know how to

give prayer

fast in the name of jesus

and all that you have within you

i hear the holy ghost saying for the


seven years there has been a storing up

you can when you leave

out of here you can count it up you can

count back for seven years

that he’s just been stuffing it in you

and stuffing it in you

and then allowing you to give it out at

different times

and you’ve wondered

become number one to shut the devil’s

lies down

shut up devil this man of god was


here in the name of jesus

and i thank you what’s in his heart

shall come to pass there’s an anointing

that is upon you that will break

and destroy every yoke in the name of

jesus hold your hands out

the anointing in the name of jesus

for this thought

that gives to you the will and to do

of his good pleasure somebody give god

some praise



i said somebody give god praise



everybody just stay standing lift your

hands up before god

we’ve talked about a threefold court


that’s not easily broken threefold court

to answered prayer we just barely

uh scratched the surface but you know

a lot of times when there is one chord

there ain’t nothing

going on two you can easily shake them

but a threefold chord where’s that


come on i want to put some on your mind

that help you to understand the big


in the name of jesus

there are three chords here

if i had just two i could shake those


but when you talk about the threefold


to answer prayer the big three

hallelujah we’re talking about

number one when we

number two when we

number three when we

i’m telling you all someone would have a

really hard time

breaking this three

fold court

and i want to say to you transformation


transformation partners in this


we’re stopping first

to sharpen our ex

so we won’t have to do things in our


in the name of jesus

and we’re gonna use the threefold

cord of giving

praying and fasting let us pray and then

i’m gonna turn it over

father in the name of jesus

we give you glory god hallelujah

we give you glory for what you’re doing

in and through our lives

in the name of jesus as we stop

starting tomorrow for 21 days

we’ve already been given and we’ll keep

on giving

and god we will connect with you

like never before

we will conversate with you we won’t try

to impress

everybody else but we’re gonna talk to


and god for you to put the fuel

on our fair fire through fasting

i thank you lord god for that mother

it’s not just mothers fathers

you’re gonna take that big three

teenagers you’re gonna

take that big three all of us

in the name of jesus we’ll be careful to

give you the praise the honor and the


it’s in jesus name somebody give god

glory right there

hallelujah come on hallelujah

oh come on can you give it up for the

gift and the anointing and the wisdom

of pastor oh come on you can do better

that we wouldn’t be here without her

wisdom without her

insight thank you so much today pastor

brenda thank you

for so many of you this was more than

just a service this was more than just

a decision you made in a moment but this

is something that is changing

the generations this is changing the way

you raise your children this is changing

the way you lead your business it’s

changing your life and we are so

so proud of you listen if you’ve never

been a part of something like this we

want to help you

we have resources we have people we have

videos and tutorials on how to do this

and what does it mean

we’ve made a 21 day guide for you we’ve

partnered with the youversion

bible app if you go to the app store

google play store and search youversion


app if you search on that app the sauce

there’s a 21 day guide

that we’re all going to be doing

together you can get it on our social


on our website you can go to the app but

we’re going to walk through this thing

together as we close out service today

you know pastor brenda you were talking

about the big three

and uh there are some people on here

that before we talk about the big three

of giving and praying and fasting

there’s another big three you need to me

you see there was another big three that

when earlier when she said your name

would be in rooms that you didn’t know


there was a big three there was god the

father god the son

and god the holy spirit

and before you were even born they had a

plan for your life they

they were so madly in love with you and

some of you life has made you dull

life has made you think that there’s not

any hope life has made you think

that you’re not good enough it’s made

you think that maybe god didn’t put all

the pieces you need but i came to

declare over your life

that the big three before you were in

your mother’s womb

they knew the plan and the purpose they

had for your life

and right now in this moment some of you

the reason you’re here

before you’re gonna start the prayer and

fasting tomorrow but before you do that

you’re going to make a decision to


somebody say surrender today the reason

you’re watching is you need to give your

life to jesus

you’ve tried you here’s what’s happened

you’ve been dull and you’ve had to use

your own strength that’s why you’re so


that’s why the money can’t give you

peace that’s why the amount of success

hasn’t done anything for you

that’s why you’re in the relationship

and you still don’t feel fulfilled

that’s why you had the kids and it still

doesn’t seem like enough because you

need something that no man or woman can

give you

there is a hole in your heart that god

is ready to feel and here’s the thing

you don’t have to be perfect you don’t

have to stop doing all these things and

i got to do all this stuff to stop no if

you surrender in a moment the bible says

if you believe in your heart

and confess with your mouth that jesus

is lord you shall

be saved right now wherever you’re

watching from there is no distance in

prayer and in a moment i’m going to say

a prayer

and i want you to repeat after me

everybody in this you right here all

together transformation nation no matter

where you are

if it’s light outside if it’s dark

outside if you’re by yourself if you’re

with your family

i believe when you pray this prayer in a

moment the savior of the universe steps

right next to he’s always been there but

the bible says literally he stands at

the door and he knocks

and he says if you just open the door

i’ll come and i’ll help you with

everything i’ll be the strength you need

i’ll be the peace that you need right

now i’m going to say a prayer if you

want to accept jesus

i want you to ask you everybody right

now would you bow your heads and close

your eyes

not out of a religious act but just to

focus in on where you are with your

relationship with god

there are some of you in this moment

this is the moment you surrender

this is where you say i’m done trying to

do it on my own i’m done trying to be my

own source

god i need you i’m going to pray this

prayer and if you want to accept jesus

into your life i want you to repeat this

prayer after me say dear heavenly father

thank you for loving me dear jesus

i admit i’ve made mistakes

my life has made me dull

and you are the one who can make me

sharp again

it’s in jesus name i pray

amen amen transformation church can we


oh come on can we celebrate people who

gave their life to jesus

listen listen listen listen scripture

says that when one person

when one person makes a decision that

heaven stops everything the angel

stopped singing they stopped well they

said hold up there was somebody

that just surrendered their life to me

they stop and celebrate

and we celebrate with you listen from

this moment you’re beginning a journey


giving beginning a process it’s not

about being perfect but it’s about


and we want to support you there’s a

number on the screen if you text the

word save to that number we want to send

you some resources

to help you on this journey of following

jesus the best thing you could do

is join us tomorrow somebody say i just

gave my life to you i don’t even know

what to

join us tomorrow we’re going to be live

together you’re going to start growing

in your walk with god it is going to be

amazing listen transformation church i

don’t know about you but if this is the

first sunday

if this is the first sunday of 2021

i’m believing god wants to do so much in

and through your lives listen we love

you go out and live

a transformed life thank you so much for

watching this message

if this has impacted you in any way i’m

asking you to do a couple of things

the first thing is join transformation

nation subscribe to our youtube channel

and make sure to join us

right here every sunday gather your

friends and your family and be a part of

not just this moment but this movement

the second thing that i would ask you to

do is share share this with your friends

your co-workers and the people that are

around you

because transformation is just one click


the last thing i would ask you to do is

partner with us financially

if this ministry is impacting your life

and transforming you

i would ask you to consider praying

about what you can give to take this

message to the entire world

i want you to know that we love you and

your best days are in front of you

this week we want you to go out and live

a transformed life see you next week