Welcome to our summer series, FUN MONTH! This week we have a special guest, Pastor Mike Jr.! PMJ or “Pastor Mike Jr.” is Pastor of Rock City Birmingham, one of the fastest growing ministries in the south. He is also a 2x Stellar Award Gospel Artist and Dove Nominated Artist. He is a father of five and is married to his beautiful wife, JaQuetta.



tc nation what’s up

no you can do better than that tc nation


up do me a favor if you’re excited to be


just type a fire sign in the comment

right there if you’re excited to be


i want you to type a fire sign in the

comments this is the day

that the lord is made come on church

this is the day

that the lord is made we will rejoice

and be glad

in it i’ve been waiting a long time to

say this

i’m at transformation man

no i’ma say it again i’m at


do me a favor i need some water behind

no i want everything pastor mike has i

need bushes

i need three lions i need jesus i need a


it’s this not i’m gonna say this and if

you agree show me some love

the best church in the world man i

mean this so i want to say

shout out to my brother pastor mike my


natalie the entire family that beautiful

baby girl

oh my lord i almost said i wanted one

but i have

five god bless you i am done to my

beautiful wife who’s watching right now

i love you baby girl to xander michael

mason mckinley

and miles see when you got a lot of kids

you have to say it real slow

i love you guys so much the rock city

church i know many of you aren’t even

watching our service today you are

rocking with us at transformation

and i am so excited about it do me a

favor tc nation

let’s shut the the web down put your

city in the comment right now

right there let’s go put your city where

are you watching from no hear me where i

don’t think i’m

where are you watching from right now

dallas detroit birmingham atlanta

london put your city in the common let’s

shut it down i am excited

about what god is doing or should i say

it’s time to re-present

and i am excited about what god is doing

in your life i am excited so do me a

favor i want to i want to pray just

repeat after me say lord

your will nothing more

nothing less nothing else

in jesus name amen

well my name is pastor mike junior

pastor in birmingham alabama rock city

church this has been an incredible month

for me

i mean it’s from the bottom of my heart

i was blessed to take home three gospel

stella awards this month

one being artist of the year i mean this

my son

mason is starting on his football team

which is so incredible

i am excited about that and now i am at

the most powerful place on the planet

where transformation is taking place and

progress is everything so i’m so excited

about what god is doing so take your

seats in the room and if you’re watching

at home i want you to prepare your heart

because i necessarily don’t want to

preach a sermon i just want to have a


that points you to jesus but honors your

man of god

is that critical because so many times

when you’re busy lifting up jesus who

lifts up the lifter

that you catch what i just said and i

want to talk about that why pastor mike

because i want you to understand one of

the most common misconceptions

about pastor mike todd is that he’s just


one of the most miscommon misconception

most common misconceptions about mike


is that he’s just popular when in

actuality he’s

popular but he’s also also influential

so i’m already talking do me a favor

take really good notes because there’s a

difference between influence and


there’s a difference between influence

and popularity see

when you’re aiming to be popular it is

more about what you want

from people aiming to be influential is

about what you

want for people if you catch what i just


aiming to be popular is about what you


from people while aiming to be

influential is about what you want

for people see when you’re popular

people know you

when you’re influential people believe

you and i want to submit that all of our

lives are forever better

not because of his popularity but

because of his influence

somebody just typed influence what what

if i told you early in this little

easter speech of mine

that your family would treat you better

if they realized it was the

influence on your life that was going to

get them

to another level and what i am

suggesting as we prepare for a fun

month as we prepare and celebrate a fun

month please don’t allow the fun to make

you think we’re foolish

because there’s a defend line between

being fun

and being foolish fun is intentional

foolishness is ignorance and so many


think they’re having fun but they’re

really being foolish see you’re having

fun when you understand

who you are and whose you are and why

are we so excited about what god is

doing here at transformation church

and through the life of pastors mike and

natalie todd

it’s because they are helping people

rediscover who they are in christ

rediscover who they are in christ that’s

so important why bmj

because if you live long enough you’re

going to encounter two types of people

are you taking notes live long enough

you’re going to encounter two types of

people please put this in your notes

pallbearers and armor bearers

pallbearers and armor bearers now

most of us have been to a funeral a

pallbearer is that with person who

carries you

to your grave while an armored bearer is

the person

who carries you to your destiny

there’s a difference there’s a

difference the pallbearer

will carry you to your grave while an

arma bearer

carries you to your destiny and i would

like to challenge all of us

in tc nation that we should level up in

our support

level up in our intercession because it

is our responsibility to be

armor bearers not pallbearers

but sadly so many people will never

become what god

has predestined and ordained them to be

because they do not like pain

that’s critical they do not like pain or


someone type someone say adversity


is the price that we pay for advancement

adversity is the price that we

pay for advancement make that make sense

pastor mike

if you want to go far you have to pay a

price call

pain and sadly so many of us

finish uh short of what god desires for

us to be

because we run from the thing that’s

actually developing us

now this may be a tweetable moment this

may be a tweetable or ig moment right


god won’t take you out the storm but he

won’t let the storm take you out

i don’t think you heard what i said god

won’t take you out the storm

but he also won’t allow the storm to

take you

out why pastor mike my name is pastor

mike i’m at pastor mike’s church so when

i say pastor mike if you listen closely

it almost feels like pastor mike is

preaching but he’s actually not


but i’m preaching but i’m pastor mike

and if pastor mike was here he would

look at you and say look at me when i

say this

it is the pain of being you that creates

the power

of being you do i need to say that again

it is the pain of being you that created

the power

of being you see i only want you to

praise god at home or in this room

if you’ve been through some stuff

survive some stuff

but you can say this morning here it is

i’m still alive

i wish i had a thousand people who would

just type i’m still alive

that after everything that i’ve been

through in spite of the drama of my past

and the pain of my mistakes i’m still


when that nefarious nemesis known as the

devil tries with all of his might

to the wart our thinking and attenuate

our faith

we’ve assembled that transformation to

say though he slayed me yet

will i trust them somebody shout i’m

still alive

that that’s for the people in the room

and the people in the chat who if you

had to summarize

the last three years of your life you

can have an old-school testimony service

all by yourself and simply say

i’m still alive

come here come come here now most of

y’all are young and fly

so you don’t know about old school

church i’m from alabama

i’m from birmingham we had old school

church right

so you would get to church and you would

sit in the back and it wasn’t praise and


there would be a deacon who would line

up across the front they didn’t have


they didn’t have a musician they would

sing songs like let the church say yes

yes and grandmama would start rocking

then all of a sudden the pastor would

come up he wasn’t fly like your pastor

he would have on a full robe

and he would stand there and say well

it’s testimony time and somebody in the

room who wasn’t on the program

would just raise their hand and walk to

the front

then they would say now if you’re really

churchy i want you to finish this

statement in the comments

first giving honor to y’all church is

all get out

first giving honor to who’s the head of


to the pastor saints and friends

it is good for us that god is good

and all the time and they would do

something in this service that would

flip the whole church she would get up

and say well y’all know i only had seven

dollars in the bank today

and the doctor said i needed my medicine

and i didn’t know how

i was gonna get my medicine but i went

down to the drugstore

and it was a man at the drugstore who

paid for my medicine

then she would say and i just wanna

thank you

and even though it had nothing to do

with the people over here

they were so excited to see god do

something for her

that they praised god like he did it for


see you are a hater if you can only

praise god

for the stuff you got but i’m crazy

enough to praise god

for everybody connected to me why

because when god blesses you

here it is if he blesses my neighbor

that means he’s in my

neighborhood somebody shout god’s in the

blessing business

but until you go through something you

do not properly

understand what god desires to do in

your life

somebody say adversity adversity

is the price you pay for advancement

and it’s the pain of being you that

creates the power

of being you in other words it’s your


the bible says in the book of revelation

we are

by the blood of the lamb and by the

words of a testimony and i want you to

understand that there are two types of


you will face in your life are you

watching are y’all watching y’all

rocking with me

two types of adversity you will face in

your life it is

external adversity and internal


oh if i was at my church i would have

yelled michael

external adversity and internal

adversity see external adversity is me

versus my enemies

internal adversity is me versus me

jesus external is me versus them

see this is my problem with so many

people because if all your battles are

about your haters

you are not advancing because true


isn’t when you kill goliath true growth

is when you deal with the demons that

are on the inside of you

i don’t know who’s gonna be honest but i

wish i had seven

people in the chat who will say pastor

mike you are preaching to me

because my worst enemy is the enemy in

me did you catch that my worst

enemy is the enemy in a me

there was a man am i doing all right

there was a man who was among the tombs

and the bible says every night he would


and he would holler and he was in the

tombs cutting

himself nobody cut him yeah

i don’t i don’t know nobody cut him hear

me now it’s one thing

if the enemy was cutting him up it’s one

thing if his haters were throwing stones

at him but this man was cutting

himself and i want to speak to some

people who are watching me right now

who are mature enough to say that there

were certain seasons of my life

where i cut myself stop blaming your ex

for all the pain you went through five

years ago you picked them

i cut myself stop blaming everybody for

the reason you don’t have the finances

you should have had

you were buying stuff you probably

shouldn’t have bought you cut yourself


anybody can talk about who hated on them

but i’m mature enough to understand

there were seasons

when i cut myself somebody say preach



because if you’re going to be great

you’re going to be great

we can use uh pastor mike’s todd life as

a euphemism or a metaphor

to a formula called greatness because

when we look at paul he is a nagalas

to somewhat of pastor mike todd because

both of them go through purpose

and pain yeah they go through purpose

and pain and when it comes to purpose

and pain the two

aren’t mutually exclusive you can’t have


without the other it was purpose that

made david rush to the front line to

fight goliath

but it was painful when his brothers and

his father didn’t think he was good

enough to be king

it was purpose that made joseph dream

and find favor on another level

but it was painful watching your father

and your brothers your brothers rather

sell you into slavery it was purpose

that made that perfect palestinian jew

named jesus

look into a cup it was purpose it was

purpose that made that perfect

palestinian jew named jesus look into a


and suggest nevertheless thy will be


but it was painful and during the


might i submit to someone watching us

today that if her

pain was his death certificate

purpose became his birth certificate

that sadly many of us need to thank god

for our church and our leaders

because so many churches are developing

a generation on

celebration not suffering we are

conditioning a new generation of


on celebration not suffering we are

teaching them how to praise

but we are not teaching them how to pray

we are teaching them to have energy but


are not teaching them to endure when the

truth of the matter is

there are going to be seasons of your

life where you have to survive

some of the craziest seasons of your

life it is called purpose and it’s


pain and when we tiptoe into the

corridors of today’s text

we find ourselves situated and

acculturated in the book of acts

and in the book of acts we are

introduced to paul i love

how my professors put it they said paul

that talented

tit maker from tartus who constantly

tentates us

with tough theology it is paul who

constantly tentates us with tough


paul is so cold-blooded and i know what

you’re looking at me like i see you this

is tall so this is from across the


pastor mike who is paul to tell me


i grew up in the hood and i know

firsthand that before you tell me

anything i need to hear your resume i

often say

don’t give me constructive criticism if

you haven’t constructed something

cause ain’t it crazy how people try to

tell you how to build yours

when they’ve never built theirs


michael paul said mike since you had

transformation and they keep it real

tell them i’ve been through some stuff i

survived some stuff and i

live to tell the tale please tell them

at transformation i’ve been beaten so

many times and i can remember

left for dead one time i got off a boat

and i hooked up with my brother silas

and we were on our way to pray

but then we bumped into a sister by the

name of lydia and the bible says

lydia was an entrepreneur she was a

seller of purple what does that mean

pastor mike she bumps into paul and

salas paul saves her but the bible

doesn’t stop there and this is enough to

just have church all in your living room

the bible says when lydia heard a word

here it is

her family got baptized

i think i’m in the wrong church this

morning i don’t think you caught that


lydia got a word the whole family

got delivered see i am not preaching to

everybody only the somebody who’s

listening this morning

who’s crazy enough crazy faith crazy

and crazy faith crazy enough to believe

that if i get a word from god everybody

in my family is going to be blessed

now i’m about to ask you to do something

real crazy right here

but only do it if you got crazy faith

what would happen

if you tagged every member of your


and said whatever you doing stop what

you’re doing because there’s a word

on transformation church this morning

that will shift

our whole family i need five people

to just say god i thank you for the word

that my mother is getting delivered my

father is being delivered

my cousins are being delivered my family

is being set free healed and delivered

because i got a word

he bumps into lydia can’t you see paul

paul is just doing his thing right he’s

walking then out of nowhere boom

he bumps into lydia he sets lydia free

whole family gets blessed and he’s

continued to walking then all of a

sudden he sees a girl

and the bible says this girl had a

spirit of divination

she should have she should have been a


but because she was in the wrong hands

they turned her into a fortune teller

y’all woo you missed what i said she

should have been a prophetess

but because she was in the wrong hands

they took her gift

and twisted it might i submit to you

that sometimes the problem isn’t you

it might be whose hands you’re in


michael so so let’s answer answer this

question for me

if i buy basketball from walmart how

much is that ball worth

about 15 in my hands but if i put

put it in lebron james hands it’s worth

25 million

how much is a pair of golf clubs in my

hands i can’t play a lick

probably 50 dollars but but if i put it

in tiger woods hands

it’s worth about 50 million how much are

groceries in my hand

i can’t cook i burn the whole kitchen up

but if you put it in big mama’s hands

or grandma’s hands she can feed the

whole family

see the problem isn’t the basketball the

golf club or the groceries

the problem is who’s i wish i had seven

people who would just put hands up in

the comments

i i hope you don’t take out running what

if your ex

wasn’t wrong about what he said what

what if your ex was wrong about what

they said when they said you’ll never be


no i’ll never be nothing in your head


that that’s why they want you back

that’s why go ahead and delete your


because the reason they want you back is

because when you left they thought you

were going to fall off but they didn’t

realize the favor

stayed with you somebody type i’m in the

right hands

this is why this is why this is why

your job irritates you because you’re

too gifted

to be in their hands that this is why

being a part of this ministry has


revolutionized your life that people at

your last church

literally said there was nothing for you

to do but now you’re promoting in the

prophetic and you’re helping in

different ministries

and you’re growing like crazy why i’m in

the right hands

yeah somebody ought to just type i’m in

the right hands

that this sister that this young girl

hear me now paul paul is walking and he

bumps into this young girl and she’s

following behind him saying

these are men of the most high god these

are men of the most high god

these are men of the most high god the

problem isn’t

what she’s saying she’s saying the right


she’s saying it with the wrong spirit

be careful because every compliment

ain’t pure

jesus hear me when i say this and paul

looks at her and says

in the name of jesus come out

now here’s the problem that i see paul


but i also see pastor mike having


the people who were benefiting from her


got upset because there are certain

people who profit off your pain

benefit from your brokenness live

off of the areas in your life that are

less than status quo

when they saw she got delivered they

beat paul

now this is cold blooded this is cold

blooded this is cold blooded because i

wonder how many people in your life

like you better broken

michael i wonder how many people in your


like you limp you know they they like

you limp cause

if you ever get whole you’ll move too


so so they like you with a limp because

when you walk

with a limp they don’t have to be who

they are they can just keep up with you

see there are certain people who like

you better broken see this is why

they will go out with you but won’t come

to church with you

this is why they will spill the tea but

since that transformation we understand

our prayer is the sauce

they want the tea not the sauce because

they don’t understand

i want to have fun only but we don’t

just have

fun the reason we have fun at

transformation is because we’ve already


fueled by god did you catch what i just

said right there

paul is now caught between a rock and a

horror spot

so much like pastor mike because the

problem that pastor mike faces sometimes

is not that he’s saving people he’s

saving the right

wrong people

see see the world didn’t matter didn’t

care when people were transferring


they can’t stand when people come out

the world

and what’s happening now because they

were benefiting from her brokenness

the bible says they beat paul and silas

and i love

the way they did it if i had to

succinctly summarize what happened to

paul and silas they were beaten

bruised broken bloodied but breathing

they were beaten bruised broken

bloodied but breathe if i was at my

grandmama church right there

three old ladies would have took out

screaming right there because they know

what it’s like to be

beaten bruised broken bloodied but

breathing and the text says they were


now most people speed past this little

nuance called stripped

but they don’t understand the historical

implications of being stripped

the historical implications of being

stripped is this during historical times

they believed in classes and ranks

because they believed in

classes and ranks people who were of


respect wore clothes or a leaning ephod


a nice silk robe remember i told you


lydia was a seller of purple she sold

material for those who could afford it

but slaves and commoners just covered

their private areas

so the first thing they do before their

they beat them is strip them

because they were trying to send a

psychological message to paul

that maybe if i take your stuff i will

take you


and see everybody’s not going to say a

man right here only the people who’ve

been stripped but survived

i was stripped of my confidence when i

dated this person they told me

everything i was not

and for the last three years i’ve been

trying to find myself

and i thank god for my church because

everything that was stripped got


i was stripped in a season when i had to

live paycheck to paycheck and i think

didn’t think i was worthy to be

who god called me to be but god restored

such a one see anybody

can shout because you’ve been saved and

my problem

with the 21st century christian is that

you celebrate your recovery

but you speed past your process

yeah we’re it’s almost like easter

we’re quick to celebrate the

eschatological impact eschatology end


we’re quick to celebrate the

eschatological impact that we

breeze past the existential reality what

is that pmj

we’re so ready to say he got up that we

speed past the fact that he went down

and so many people feel i’m um unworthy

because when you get around christians

and church people they’re so busy to

tell you about their comeup

that they always ignore they’re going

down and see i wish i had somebody in

the comments who would be honest enough

to say

i’ve been down see it got real quiet

right there

if you was here you would see how quiet

it got because we live in a culture

where we sing songs like all i do is win

win win no matter what and we want to

talk about the celebration

i got a really big team and i got some

really big rings and i had enough sense

to write a song in kaido big so now

everybody’s saying pastor mike

it’s gonna be big but what happens when

it’s small

weeping may endure for a night

watch this but here’s what we shout but


it’s coming in the morning when in

reality if we don’t condition

people for the night they will never

make it to the morning

and i don’t need a church full of people

who are going to say i survived

i need some people in the comments to

say i know what it’s like to be down

i wish i had somebody who would say

pastor look at me

know what it’s like to survive a divorce

i know what it’s like to have no money

in the bank and

have to trust god i know what it’s like

to be in between jobs i know

what it’s like to be pregnant with


but it’s aborted by lack i know do i

need to say that again

i know what it’s like to be pregnant

with vision

but it’s aborted by lack that that i

have a million

dollar dream on a hundred dollar budget

i know what it’s like to ride by

builders and be like oh that can be my

spot right there

but don’t have the resources to make it

happen and god says if you be faithful

over a little stuff i’ll make you ruler

over many and paul paul is beaten

bruised broken bloodied

but breathe

and so many times we glamorize the


we make it cute this is not a cute

situation he’s beaten

he can’t see paul

and he’s trying to check on silas salads

you’re good

because he’s been being and it’s crazy

because he can probably barely breathe

his swords are open there are no ace

bandages in bennett yet there there’s no

ointment there’s no medication there’s


and paul and they throw him in the inner


and paul’s tripping because i didn’t get

beat for living wrong

i got beat for doing right

see because one of the common

misconceptions about being saved

is that you only catch hell when you

wrong but i come to submit to some of

you that sometimes you catch hell

for doing right and the bible says they

throw paul

and silas in jail and here’s a scripture

that should tear the whole way up it

should tell the whole online campus of

tc nation

you should go berserk i should get 20

million fire signs

in the comment when i say this because

there are certain scriptures that you

have to properly build the bridge of

contemporarization from the original

audience to now properly harmonizing

your hermeneutics with relevant

homolytics making sure

you have syntax in context you got to

make sure you give the historicity of

the text and

make sure they see it in a very real way

but then there are certain scriptures

that when you read it some end you ought

to go crazy and this scripture says

and at midnight now

i’m somewhat flammoxed or confused about

what midnight

is it’s midnight today or tomorrow i i’m

confused because i know 11 59 is today

and i know 1201 is tomorrow but what is

midnight i i’m confused because

11 59 is today then 1201

is tomorrow but but but what is midnight

it’s midnight

the first of tomorrow or the last of


and i believe if i had to succinctly

summarize or mcclearize

what midnight is if 11 59 is today and

1201 is tomorrow 12 o’clock midnight is


and many of you are catching hell right

now and frustrated because you’re not

who you used to be and you’re not who

you’re gonna be

but you’re stuck in transition

see this is what i wish i had a hundred

people who would just type i’m in


i’m in the wrong church rod i’m in


say it again mike i’m not who i used to


then i’m not who i’m gonna be

i’m still in transition but here’s the

beautiful thing in that transformation


one of our hot words at transformation

church is progress

and i never forget in studying i

discovered something called

progressive sanctification it’s called


sanctification that this means i am in


it means obama oh lord i’m scared to say

this in front of mama

cause she may come pop me on the hand

when i say this captain may run up here

and say boy keep your mouth closed

but what if i told you the reason some

churches are dying

because you got people who think they

have arrived but the reason

transformation is growing by leaps and


is because you’ve accepted people who

are in process

see see i don’t want the perfect people

all my perfect folk you can sit this out

but everybody who’s in transition

say preach pastor mike preach pastor

mike preach pastor mike

how do i know i’m in transition because

i’m saved but i might hit you if you

cross me the wrong way

how how do you know i’m in transition

cause i can speak in tongues

and my slip up and cuss if you mess with

my kids pray for me

grandmamma said please be patient with


god is not through with me

yet i am in transition




it was michael eric dyson who said many

of us are stuck in anesthetizing


it was michael eric dyson who said many

of us are stuck

in anesthetizing conformity anesthesia

it puts you to sleep anesthetizing

anesthesia it puts you to sleep you’re

so busy trying to fit in

you forgot god called you to break out

so so the culture or the climate that

you find yourself in has become

anesthetizing it’s put you

to sleep so now you walk like everybody

else talk

like everybody else pray like everybody

else want what everybody else got

and the problem with many of you

watching me is that you fell in love

with your am

but you forgot your bee

all right you fell in love with your am

but you forgot your beast see

i am blessed but i used to be

broke yeah i i am

saved but i used to be a hot mess

i am in church on sunday morning but

five years ago i would have been

in the bed because i was out all night

the night before and i’m not

who i need to be but i’m a whole lot

better than where i

come from paul is locked away in jail

and the text says and at midnight

paul and silas prayed and sing praises

unto god

so much so that the prisoners heard them

and immediately

their bands were loose wrong

my problem with my generation is that

that we preach uh an inaccurate gospel

we preach an incomplete gospel my

problem with the 21st century church

is not that we preach an inaccurate

gospel we preach an incomplete gospel

make that make sense pastor mike we say

hand at midnight paul and silas

prayed and sing praises unto god so much

so that immediately the doors will open

and the bands will lose that is


because the text says while they were

praising the text says god caused an


see you can’t leave that out because if

you leave that out it makes the text


because if you tell church members that

when they prayed and praised the door


it makes them leave church believing

that the power to open the door is in

their mouth

no the power to open the door is not in

your mouth it’s in your ability to

submit to the timing of god

because if you shout before the

earthquake all you’re doing is making a


but if you shout when god moves doors


michael and what i’m trying to get you

to realize is

praise without pain is just a


praise without pain it’s just a


which is why the absurd sign is when you

scream to the top of your lungs and

don’t feel nothing

because you were praying without the


the text says god caused an earthquake

paul started shouting and then


the doors open i gotta go i’m running

out of time but the text says only paul

and silas shouted

but everybody got an open door i feel

like having a little church by

myself i wish my amen corner caught that

because it didn’t say everybody shouted

the scripture says

two people had crazy faith

two people had crazy faith two people

had enough faith to shout behind bars

but because

two folk praise god everybody got an

open door

see i only want seven people with crazy

faith to praise god from your home

praise god from your job praise god from

your car

and i want to speak by faith that when

you shout

everybody around you is getting an open


i’m giving you come here i am giving you

20 seconds to praise god that he’s

opening a door

for everybody connected to you eyes have

not seen

ears have not heard neither have to

enter the hearts of men

what god is about to do for you somebody



i gotta go ride ride ride

ride ride that’s two that’s too cute for

me right i need some movie music i need

something like


and can’t you see paul and silas they’re


and when they shout one door

two door three door

we all get a door i sent one door

two door three door

we all got a door say one door

two door three door

we all got a door yeah walk up this

morning i’m blessed blessed

i’m sorry i almost snapped but but hear


hear me so can’t you see because the

bible doesn’t tell me

the bible doesn’t tell me and the text


my professor taught me when the bible is

silent you should be quiet too

i don’t know if all the doors open

together or the door open one by one

so for the sake of the story let’s just

act like we see what happened one door

oh can’t you imagine

paul door boom his neighbor door boom

the third door boom the fourth door boom

now for the sake of the argument if i

was in sale

nine i would have started the night like

y’all be quiet

ain’t nobody coming


because you are only a real friend

when you can shout cause you realize the


is on the way somebody type it’s on the


watch this 16 minutes 16 minutes all


but here’s the beautiful part and i told

you i

told you that my problem isn’t that we

preach an inaccurate gospel

we preach an incomplete gospel because i

was trained when i preach i go home

right there

look at your neighbor and say doors are

opening and i wish i had somebody

who can tell your neighbor don’t i’ll

get ready to open

but but that is that that is incomplete

because the text says the doors open and

the guard comes running in

and the dark come the guard comes oh my


the door’s open and he pulls out a knife

getting ready to kill himself

and paul says hey chill out

we still here now i’m from the hood so

you got to pray for me

i wish i could say it properly i would i

got what this is a church for everybody

so i’m gonna try to say it in

everybody’s language here it is

guard sir don’t bother killing yourself

all of us who are in currently

incarcerated are still present and

accounted for but then i believe

somebody in the hood is like yo

bro bro yeah yeah

we still here we still here that’s

enough for seven people in the comments

to just type we still here

yeah kovit tried to take us out but

we’re still here

rumors and demise tried to take us down

but we are

still here look at me here’s what i love

paul says we’re still here god can ask

you a question yes michael god

can i ask you a question yes michael

stop hating david are you always trying

to talk some stop holy spirit let me get

one question

go ahead yes god thank you um why open

the door

if they ain’t gonna leave and god says

mike i opened the door

not to let them out but to prove they

couldn’t be kept

in because every door that open ain’t

meant for you to walk out of

sometimes god opens the door to prove to

your enemies if you wanted to

only seven people gonna catch this don’t

think because i can’t

because don’t think because i don’t i

can’t if i

wanted to boo boo i could

do it and it’s this paul

who we find in acts chapter 27. all of

that was my introduction

seven minutes i’m gonna be done it’s

that paul who we find shipwrecked on the


he turned to the captain and said in

acts chapter 27 i don’t think it’s wise

for us to sail at this time

the captain looks at him and says shut

up paul i’m paraphrasing paul said if

you knew like i knew we were in sales

something’s gonna happen but

the captain says boy i got this paul

says trust me i prayed about it we

shouldn’t sell the captain says no

i got experience and this is for seven

people who understand i may not have the

experience but i do have the discernment

see people try to hold their degrees

over your head and i believe in


but life will take you to a place where

your bachelors can’t figure it out

you need the holy spirit and discernment

it was discernment that made him write

down a prayer

to believe god for this building not


it was discernment to have him take a

leap of faith and write crazy faith

it was discernment that made a pastor of

another ethnicity

hand the ministry to a young black kid

and say i’m a folly when i believe in

you that was discernment

and god will show you what books came

and paul gets on the boat right and and

they get halfway and the storm breaks

loose if i had time i would tell you

that one of the greatest tricks of the


is the fact that he calms things down

long enough to make you think it’s god

see see the devil tricks you into

getting so far out there that you

too far to turn around but not even

close to where you’re going

then boom you let the storm break loose

and everybody on the buddhist

boat is panicking everybody it’s

panicking man down

747 ship down somebody get off the boat

and they’re going crazy right then all

of a sudden

paul gets a word from an angel an angel

sneaks on the boat

and tells paul stop tripping you got to

stand trial before wrong

and paul looked at the boat and i’m

paraphrasing that for the sake of time

he says captain

y’all stop tripping we going to make it

and the moment paul says we’re going to

make it the bible says the boat

begins to break now i want to pause here

in my last 11 minutes and break

something down

because i’m a pastor but i’ve also been

a pastor’s son

i’ve sat in church and i spoke in church

so there were certain days when my

father preached a word

that i received but when i left the

church what i received was antithetical

to what i saw

he told me it was the biggest year of my

life that i call hell

paul says and i hope you catch this paul


paul says we’re going to make it but

then but then the boat breaks

so did paul lie no i believe that paul

was here he would say pastor mike pmj

i never said the boat was gonna make it

i said we gonna make it

which means you may lose some stuff but

you won’t lose you

and paul the bible says i’m in acts

chapter 27

276 people jump off the boat

are not in the water so so can’t you


276 people

in the boat they jump in the water and

the bible says mike don’t shout

the bible says michael don’t shout the

bible says michael get it together

you’re in

transformation church do not embarrass

yourself okay the bible says

that 276 people

made it to shore watch this off the

pieces of the boat

i only want you to shout and i only want

you to put a fire sign in the comment

if you know what it’s like to make it

off of broken pieces

that the truth of the matter is i’ve

never had

everything i needed but the lord

always made a way

make it off of broken pieces

276 people

in the water offer pieces of what they

depended on

and i want to submit to you i’m running

out of time i want to submit to you that


the that the misconception that most

people miss

is that within every miracle is a

miracle that you miss

within every miracle is a miracle that

you miss

pastor mike what are you talking about

because the text says when they arrive

safely on shore

i’m in acts chapter 28 now in acts

chapter 28 verse 1 it says and after we

have been brought

safely through we discovered that the

island was called malta

now acts chapter 28 verse 1 is enough to

shout because it says after we have been

brought safely

through there is no wasted ink in the

bible so why would they say

safely through unless there was danger

in the water

okay so cause i told you within every

miracle is a miracle

you miss okay i’m gonna read three

scriptures i’ma quote three scriptures

i wanna see if you catch the miracle

acts chapter 28 verse one

and after we have been brought safely


we discovered that the island was called

malta the natives because of the rain

and the cold that had set in

kindle the sticks and began to build us

a fire they showed us extraordinary

kindness but then verse three says and


gathered an arm full of sticks you

missed it

you missed it pastor mike what’s the

miracle did you not remember

that i told you when paul got on the

boat he was in chains

he’s a prisoner but when we see him

after the storm

he’s walking around building a fire

it’s because you thought god broke the

boat but

sometimes god breaks the boat to break

your chains


sometimes god breaks the boat

to break your chains make that make

sense modernize contemporize and


please may bring that from antiquity to

mondernity make it make sense pastor


what if god broke the relationship to

free you


because sometimes god breaks that to

free this and paul is now walking around

but i told you

within every miracle is a miracle you

miss because i told you 276 people

are making it to shore off of broken

pieces of the boat they are now

in the water holding on to a piece of

the boat you seen titanic

you seen jack jack jack

i’m sorry rose but that board was big

enough for both of us to get on it

no no that ain’t relationship goals

right there you on the boat calling my


scoop over let me on the board girl

so they in the water holding on to

pieces of wood

what’s the miracle pastor mike in the

book of genesis

god said let there be light and he’s and

it was there

then he said i’ma separate flying things

from crawling things and

swimming thing in the book of genesis i

hollered at my boy noah he told me it’s

some fish in the water

come on come on which means if god

created everything in genesis

whatever he created in genesis is still

in the water in acts

which means when they are in the water

not only are they surviving from being


god put a hedge of protection around

them to not let what was in the water

take them out

that’s what grandmama meant when she

said i’m keeping you safe

from danger scene


and text says look at me the text says


is walking around and the scripture says

the natives

begin to build them a fire and i like

that because nowhere in the text of the

text tell me who’s the leader

that’s why i love transformation so much

i’ve been here and although i know

pastor mike is the leader

i can’t tell who’s in charge because

everybody’s a loving person

they’re hugging me they’re telling me i

walked in and everybody started clapping

and i’m hugging people and this person

fist pumping me

and i said you know what this is why

they’re growing because

when you see folk because keep in mind

paul came out the water he’s wet

he’s damp he got seaweed on him he


he smells but they love him

he don’t look like them he don’t smell

like them

he don’t talk their language because

he’s a native but they don’t look at him

and say now go take a shower and come


they don’t look at him and say no go get

you some church clothes they say brother

come to us

just because it’s not about clothes it’s

about souls

and i gotta go because i’m running out

of time paul

sees them building a fire and fire is a

euphemism or metaphor for praise

whenever you see elements understand

that elements have spiritual connotation

water is synonymous with the holy spirit

of baptism when

rua breath of god fire is praised no

it’s not pastor mike that’s why the

prophet said when i tried to keep it to

myself i’m not gonna preach no more i’m

not gonna shout no more i’m not gonna

preach them up

but it’s just like

fire shadrach meshach and abednego are

thrown in fire

not for stealing but refusing to praise

what they said praise

because within every miracle is a

miracle pastor mike within every miracle

is a miracle

yeah and what happens is paul says no

y’all ain’t gonna build a fire for me

or in other words i’m not gonna let

nobody beat me

praising god cause you think you know

i really know i need seven people who’d

be like no

truth of the matter is i really know

what god did for me

if it had not been

for the lord who was on my side

bro god been good to me

you’ve been good from living in an

extended stay using

roll quarters to make sure me and my

girl was good not because i didn’t have

a good father and a good mother

i was just boyhead and i was determined

to do it on my own and

so i’m out here struggling when i didn’t

even have to

and that right there is a message why

pmj because there are two connotations

of people

either you’re lost or you’re hiding

they’re not the same see here

transformation we seek to save that

which is lost not those that are hiding

yeah see loss is uh ignorance hiding is


to be lost when you’re lost you’re lost

turned by

by the store i don’t i don’t i don’t

know what story i’m i’m lost

when you’re hiding you did it on purpose

i was hiding

know what that’s like i know what it’s

like to feel like the black sheep of

your family

to have a brother who i love with all my

heart who’s sitting right there

number one football player in the state

of alabama go on to florida state and

get degrees and i’m sitting there like

man i’m his number one supporter

but i dropped out of college my sister

who graduated her degree and it’s like

they would come to the school and say

how’s darius doing yeah

house league we praying for mike

i know what it’s like to be lost

i know what it’s like to be

anointed but lost

gifted but twisted

i could sing on sunday mornings but

the anointing hadn’t re it just didn’t

register yet

and so many of you are lost and so many

of you are hiding

you’re hiding hiding

he didn’t leave the 99 to go get the one

because he was hiding

he went and got the one because the one

was lost

conversely the father didn’t go get the

prodigal son because he

was hiding


and paul says i’m not gonna let anybody

beat me praising

and paul picks up a bundle of sticks

right all of that was my

all of that all of all all of that was

my introduction

this is my sermon okay this is my sermon

because he picks up

he picks up he picks up a bundle of

sticks right picks up the sticks and he

says boom

i’ma build my own fire and the text says

as he was laying them on the fire

ah a snake ah

jumps out of the sticks all of that was

my introduction for the next four

minutes i want to give you my sermon


my sermon topic is scam likely

scam likely your your phone carrier is

doing something right now

to prevent calls that don’t serve your


they’re labeling those calls for you

scam likely

because they realize who’s ever calling

you does not want to help you

they want something from you this is a

scam this is a

scam and what do we see by definition a


is to gain by deception it’s when

somebody gets ahead in life

by tricking another person and taking

what they have you saw this in the old

testament when they tried to trick the


and say i’ma steal the birthright you

saw this when the mother was trifling

and she did her best

because the bride the father’s sight was

wrong she switched her sons

and had no idea god was gonna say

because what god has for you

the word that the bible uses to describe

scam is deceived

and the devil is also called the


so scam likely i’m sorry the devil

if i had to succinctly summarize it the


is a scammer and his mission

is to steal your identity

drain your mentality manipulate you

financially and here’s what he does when

we see this text

in the sticks is a snake

did you know when snakes enter


that were antithetical to who they are

they were restricted

so the snake because it’s in an

uncomfortable place

is fronting or scamming

like a stick i’m done live long enough

you’re gonna deal with two types of

people sticks

and snakes live long enough you’re going

to deal with sticks

and snakes pastor mike jr how do i know

the difference between both of them

put them in the fire


put them in the fire no you find out if

they’re a stick

if you can tell them no but they love


you found out if they’re a stick that

when you go down

they come down with you see how do i

know you’re a stick thank you because

mom and dad believe in prayer

you are a stick when you can practice

the art of intercession without an


and without some information you can

practice the art of intercession without


or invitation make that make sense you

can pray for me

without me having to ask you to pray for

me and without having

information in order to pray for me

that’s when i know you will stick

see when i tore my acl up playing ball

my pastor i’m sorry

my doctor gave me some sticks i’m sorry

some crutches

because i couldn’t get along by myself

so he gave me sticks

i’m sorry crutches he said since you

don’t have the strength

to transition imma place you with a

stick i’m sorry

something that helped you make it

but you are a snake

when you can’t handle what god is doing

in my life but what if i told you before

i open the doors and somebody gets saved

and i want to prophesy

that over 500 people are going to give

their life to christ today

as i’m preaching as i’m praying somebody

has given their life back to christ

this summer you have lost your way

during the pandemic you have lost your


somebody has logged on by by

happenstance and said man he’s preaching

to me

you’re going to give your life to christ

today i want to submit to you

that the devil isn’t even the best


the bible says the human heart is the

most deceitful of all things

and desperately wicked who really knows

how bad it is

so i would like to submit to you that

your heart is the biggest scammer

that you know cause when your heart


your head don’t work

when your hearts broke your head don’t

worry and paul is bitten

by a scam he’s holding a snake while a

snake is holding him

when he thought it was a stick with all

the anointing paul has

he still gets bit all the favor on his


he still get bit he preaching opening

churches around the world

still get bit writing books that are

still on the best sellers list

still getting bitten and i want to free

you getting saved will not prevent you

from being bitten

bites come with it

and can’t you see paul with a snake on

his hand

and here’s what i want to leave you with

because i know you’ve been bitten

i know you’ve been bitten i’ve been been

loved people and did the most for them

and now

they won’t even answer my calls help

people i’ve wanted more for people than

they wanted for themselves

i’ve been been i know you’ve been bitten

trusted people and

loved people and sometimes you deserve

to get big because you were wrong

life happens but here’s what i love so

much about paul

because there’s no wasting ink in the

bible nowhere in the text does paul

emote nowhere in the scripture does paul

say ouch

i know emotions are relevant because the

bible says when jesus is on the cross he


eli ila lama sabathany he emoted and one

text says jesus

wept so i know emotion is present in the


that means that they left it out it was

intentional paul gets bit

but silent i want to submit that some of


are doing more damage than the bite

because when bit people start speaking

they don’t lead they bleed

and some of us have yet to develop into

who we are

and there are even people maybe in this

ministry and other places who have

shifted because you did not properly

handle the bite

you are no longer a leader because the

leader can move while bitten

you are now a bleeder a leader who’s

been bit

who’s now bleeding on people

and paul gets bit i hit my toe before

say ah

i got a paper cup before i said i

followed this

ah paul says nothing

i know paul has emotion because the

bible says and at midnight paul

and silas prayed and screamed he

screamed so loud that he timed his


with the earthquake that the door opened

and one person said pastor mike

it’s impossible for a door not to for a

door to open

if you don’t have a key i said it is not

impossible they said pastor mike

if you don’t have a key the door can’t

open what if i told you

what if i told you what if i told you

rod can you stop playing can you stop

what if i told you paul had a key oh

rod what key is that oh

oh rod what key is that

oh oh

he found the key rod stop hold on right

what key is that that’s a key

see noise musically is called

keys so your pray is praise is not just

noise your praise is a key

and i want to prophesy that if we begin

to shout from

transformation rod there will be some


opening in your home because you are

about to use

your key somebody shout

until you find the key that’s unlocking

the door

that god is about to open

in your life oh

unlock a health door oh

unlock a financial door oh

unlock a spiritual door

paul says i’m bidding

but i’m not going to say nothing

and the very people who saw him bitten


a murderer no doubt although he escaped

the sea

justice won’t let them live look at me

everybody’s not going to be happy when

you survive

and for many people in your life you got

to tell them either love me

or leave me alone don’t celebrate me in

verse one and two

then hate on me in verse four and five

make up your mind

oh my god make up your mind

either you’re with us over door just

make up your mind

and the bible says after they watched

him for a long time

waiting on him to swell up and die paul


he shakes it off paul finds a new way to

praise because

you’re it’s called it’s called michael

michael michael michael

michael michael michael michael it’s

called a prophetic gesture

that this is when william murphy said

he’s leaning

in my that’s called i need somebody in

your home and in the studio to just lean

it’s called a prophetic gesture it means


is shifting things but but watch this

watch this paul

says i’m not going to praise with my


or prophesy with my mouth i’ma let my


speak i need a hundred people to just

shake in your living room

for the next 90 seconds i want you to

pull your cell phone out

and record yourself shaken i want you to

grab your purse

and shake your purse until your finances

get stronger

shake yourself until you get out of the

bad mood you’re in

shake yourself until your mind realizes

that god has not brought me this far

to leave me right now i feel

a shaking that is happening and god

is getting ready to free you

he shakes it off because paul

is resilient and last thing resilience

is the capacity to recover quickly

from difficulties toughness

i want to speak over your life because

of the different scams

you’ve been exposed to god has given you

a unique anointing

watch this to not just recover

but to recover quickly

what should have took two years by faith

is gonna take two months

pastor mike you can’t speak that you’re

looking at it

i put my first song out in 2019

in 2019 i released my first song by 2019


the album is number one by 2020

the song is number one by 2021 the next

song is number one

a couple weeks ago i won all of these

stella awards

and people keep asking me they keep

asking me they keep saying

how does it feel how does it feel

and they think i’m fake when i say i

don’t know

because because i believe they’re

expecting me to be excited because i am

excited or to just be blown away

but if faith is the substance

of things hoped for and the evidence

you you can’t sing big then be shocked

by it

no no i am grateful

but god made my mama promise

he made my mama a promise when i was

suicidal and on the freeway closing my

eyes driving in total my father’s car

and a lady by the name of melville

jackson stopped me one of the church

mothers pulled me to the side and said

boy you couldn’t kill yourself if you

wanted to

and i looked at him mad and she said

look at me she said god showed me you in

an arena

and people were banging on the door

trying to get in she said and i looked

behind the curtain and you were behind

the curtain

and i yelled stop playing and when they

opened the curtain it was you

you said jesus and all of these young

people got saved

at the age of 27 years old we rented

a 5 000 seat arena in our city

at that time i didn’t have that many

members to fill an arena

and when i got to the building you

couldn’t even get in

and out of all those people there to the

left of me

i saw miss melvin say

and i fell down and started crying

when our family didn’t have nothing

and all the preachers would get out of

their cadillacs and had all their stuff

and my dad

had to drive the church van but he had

excellence he would get out of the

church fan and put a stoop down and

open the door for my mother and help her

down and pick all of his kids up he made

sure our clip-on ties were nice he would

pray over us every night

and i never forget he looked at me and

said mike you’re different

he said if you ever realize who you are

god’s gonna use you

i can look at you in your eyes and

boldly tell you

god has the ability to help you recover


do me a favor i want to be very clear

right here i want to make make this very


if you don’t know jesus or if you know

jesus but pastor mike i’m slipping

the world is opening again and i ran

back to stuff i was over

see i want to free you real quickly see

many of you keep going in cycles because

you can be delivered from a demon you

cannot be delivered from you

see we can pray a spirit off you it’s

hard to pray you off you


so the problem ain’t that a demon got

you you got you

and you’re not saying pastor mike i’m

slipping so i want to be very clear


i’m i’m done if you don’t know jesus

or maybe pastor mike i know jesus but

i’ve been slipping man

i’m a good person had a bad week a bad

three months i just been slipping

my prayer life ain’t been where it is i

want to do something there’s a number

right there at the bottom of your screen

can you do me a favor

try jesus come on

right now all you have to do right right

right right right right where you are if

you just text saved

to 8 2 8 2 8 2.

it’s real simple eight being the number

of new beginnings three eights the

number three being the signature of god


being the number of witness eight new

beginning three signatures god

two number of witness and agreement

which means your new beginning it’s been

signed off by god

and the world will bear witness to what

you do today

hear me try jesus

try jesus and right now

in the comments i want i want to i want

to see because sometimes you need


if you’re unashamed to say i’m trying


or i’m rededicating my life to jesus

real simple put me in the comment right

now put me oh my god

put do you see that oh my

can we praise god do you see that look

from around the world

do you see that i see it prophetically

in the spirit

do you see that what are you waiting on

i know we don’t preach like this no more

but they taught me growing up no man

knows the day nor the hour you cannot

wake up in the morning

you can leave to go over chick-fil-a and

your car is hit by a bus

you can take a nap and not wake up

where will you wake up when you get to

the gate they’re not going to care about

your drip

they’re not going to care about how much

money you got in the bank or who your

mother was

they’re not going to care because you

sung praise and worship with


pastor mike how can i rededicate my life

i just did worship easy

just like you need to your man of god

and your leaders will respect you more

if you’re trans you’re transparent

enough to say hey

help me because it is possible to be

leading while being bit

get out and live

a transformed life

and if you do that the best

is yet to come father in the name of


i speak over their life old things

are passed away and behold

all things are made

new so for the next 30 seconds 60

seconds just find your place of peace

find your place of peace come on i’ll

see you right there find your place of

peace text it right there

yes god i’m coming out better

i’m coming out strong you shut up

i’m coming out wise

i’m coming out bed


go out and live

a transformed life

go out and live

a transformed life


you’re coming out stronger

you’re coming out wiser you shut up

you’re coming out better right there

you’re coming out better

oh go out

and live a transformed life

somebody’s getting excited go out

and live yes that’s got a transformed

life i feel god

you’re coming out better

you’re coming out stronger

you’re coming out wiser

you’re coming out better

it’s already done god i thank you for

pastor mike todd

i thank you for his life i thank you for

the inspiration he is not just to his

ministry but to those of us who labor

with him

i thank you god for him trusting me

enough to allow me to speak to his


now god i pray that everything he needs

is already done

every word that was spoken over his life

by his parents

in her womb is manifesting right now

god i lift up natalie bless her cover

she is proverbs 31

she is walking favor god i speak by

faith that the seeing gift that is on

her life

is being uh expedited that the gift and

the ability to

see those things and discern those

things you’re doing even now cover all

this babies

cover all this babies god do for little

mike what you did for my mic

god you took him from being shy and on

the spectrum of autism and so much

to now he’s bold and he no longer goes

to a separate class he’s in a regular

class and

he’s morning even before i preach he’s

he texts me the entire bio of loki

and i’m like i’m loving seeing him

become who he is because god as a father

sometimes it’s hard when you can deliver

everybody but yours

so god i lift up little mike and all

those beautiful girls and

those queens that are in his life cover

transformation cover the executive team

cover the staff cover the worship


bless this album that is on the way to

change the world

i speak by faith that we will never be

the same

we will go out and live a transformed


it’s in jesus name god bless your


god bless you transformation i love you

and until next time i’m pastor mike jr

god bless you