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well good morning transformation charts

I am so excited that you are here this

morning I believe that God has an

amazing word just for you

I don’t know how you got here but

because you’re here I know God’s gonna

meet you here and I want to say welcome

to all of the people who are a part of

transformation nation watching from

Kenya and China and I mean people are

watching from all over the world and we

want to say hello thank you for sewing

and thank you for being a part can we

say hi to transformation nation we love

you guys

well we are in week two of a series that

we are calling planted not be read and

from the comments from what I’ve heard

from from how you guys are responding I

think God has us in a vein to let us

know something that all of us need to

really realize in whatever season of

life that we’re in that under does not

mean over like like there’s too many of

us that we get under pressure or under

attack we get undervalued and we think

that that’s the place where God’s saying

it’s time to quit it’s time to die

but we learned last week that the place

of burial is the same place that God

many times wants to cultivate and create

what he has on the inside of you and so

today we’re gonna take this thing a step

further because this series planted not

buried that’s a cool title and we could

shout and be a man with it but the

subtitle is what to do when you’re under

and and I really feel like from a lot of

the conversations this is how this

series really came to life in me is a

lot of the conversation I’ve been having

people don’t know what to do when

they’re under when when they’re under

attack and valued and all those things

that I just said and I want to teach you

that I want to teach you how to take

what God has given you in a dark season

in an isolated season in a season that

feels frustrating or stagnant and and

and what do I do

I can’t control what everybody else does

I cannot control what government does I

cannot control but I can

control my response and I can control

what God does in me somebody say what

God does in me see what God doesn’t you

is the thing that he’s really trying to

get in you and out of you period and so

many times the enemy comes to distract

us and get us focused on things that

don’t even really matter but today

anybody who is under I believe that your

faith is gonna be sparked that God is

coming in to give you another level of

hope for what he’s called you to so as I

begin to study this I want us to go to

the scripture because this comes out of

Psalms chapter one and we started last

week with verse number three and I

wonder and I want to read it because

this was a beautiful metaphor that David

gave of what a mature life what Christ

is supposed to look like it says and

they are like trees everybody say

planted along the riverbanks bearing

fruit and each season their leaves never

wither and they prosper in all they do

that is a good way to live that

everything you’re doing is prospering

and God’s blessing and all of these

different things but the reality of this

statement is that this is the end result

not the beginning start and many of us

read scriptures like that’s what God was

for me tomorrow or that’s what’s gonna

happen tomorrow and what you got to

realize is there is seed time and then

harvest and I don’t know where you’re at

in your relationships I don’t know where

you’re at in your family I don’t know

where you’re at in your business but you

gotta be able to identify minc time am I

in the time time or I’m in harvest time

you gotta understand that because then

your response and your preparation is

different when it’s time to just be

planted a seed is not trying to be busy

not trying to date everybody not trying

oh oh a seed is not trying to do

everything a seed knows that the best

thing I can do right now is just stay

planted did you understand and and in

that time phase it’s about how I wait

and many people wait really bad but it’s

not like waiting like oh god I’m just

gonna do it but it’s about how I wait at

your service God what do you want me to

do who do you want me to serve how do

you want me to give like that’s what you

do in the time and then harvest is

really the hard part cuz a lot of people

talk about is harvest time it’s harvest

time but have you ever met a farmer

yelling it’s harvest time the only

people yelling is harvest time is people

who never gotten dirty do you understand

what I’m saying because you have to get

down and do dirty work to see what God

is going all I’m saying to you is this

is a season where you need to know where

you are and why you were there and if we

are going to be planted and not buried

and I speak that over you today I speak

that over you you are not buried I need

to encourage somebody real quick because

somebody walked into this place and you

thought it was over and you were on your

last leg and you just barely made rent

payment and all this you’re not buried

you’re planted God is using all of the

circumstances that look dirty and even

are stinky around you to be able to make

something that’s gonna produce for your


somebody shout at me I’m planted not

buried i am hype already okay here we go

all i want you to understand is that as

we read this scripture

everybody wants a verse three everybody

wants verse three but I I would be a bad

leader and a bad shepherd if I didn’t

talk to you about verse one in to see

because what ends up happening many

times is in church we just get people

height on the results but we never talk

about the process and when you talk

about the seed time and harvest and us

becoming a tree you’ve never seen a tree

become a hundred foot tall and and span

on in a year never have happened it’s

because there’s a process and so I want

to still go and I want us to read verse

one of Psalms look this is how David

starts off the whole of

whole thing because the title of my

message and the question that I’m gonna

be asking around it is is is this little

phrase right here I’m prepared to plant

prepared to plant because many of us

want to be planted but the question is

have we prepared to be planted and in

verse 1 and 2 we’re gonna find out some

of the prerequisites to being planted

have you ever like showed up for

something and you weren’t prepared I

have somebody said all the time I’ve

done it a few times where I’ve showed up

for something and I wasn’t prepared

there’s been a couple of things that I

thought I was prepared for that the

situation described to me and show me

very quickly I wasn’t prepared for them

let me give you one example marriage I

went prepared see because they tell you

about the lovey-dovey stuff and they

tell you that you get to have sex all

the time and they tell you all of these

other but they don’t tell you that you

never get to finish your food ok yeah I

got a a man back there in the back they

did not tell you that there will be

times that you have to sacrifice and put

what you want on the altar and literally

do what you do not want to do for the

other person I wasn’t prepared and and

let me tell you something else I

wouldn’t prepare for kids um because

everything that that your wife can’t

teach you or your spouse can’t teach you

your kids will and and I’m telling you I

wasn’t prepared to be in a nice outfit

and and my child projectile poop on me

and and I have to be late and not blame

them you understand what I’m saying I

wasn’t I wasn’t prepared it’s because

many times people don’t talk about the

preparation that they show you the

family photo they show they celebrate 90

years of marriage that they celebrate

whatever but the preparation is not

talked about and so today as we got the

whole world chanting I’m planted not

buried it would be wrong of me to not

tell you where you need to be to be

prepared to be planted like and so I

want us to read this and we’re gonna

read it out of the amplified version

because it just amplifies it and I’m

want you to see this imagery it says

blessed fortunate prosperous and favored

by God is the man who now let’s stop

right there because at this phrase I

thought they were gonna tell me

something that I needed to do like

blessed is the man who loves his wife

blessed is the man who gives tithe

blessed is the man who I thought it was

gonna be something but David goes on to

say blessed is the man who doesn’t do

something and I begin to look at this

because many times the struggle of our

human nature is not the doing of

something it’s the not doing of

something it’s it’s it’s having the

ability to have self control and deny

our flesh and do what is not easy and

and God is saying to us right now

he said I’m about to give you the

prerequisites to being planted I’m about

to prepare you to be planted and it’s

not about what you do because that’s a

lot of times works that that’s like what

I can do and how many times but it’s

what you don’t do that prepares you for

being planted oh this is about to be

good it says blessed fortunate

prosperous and favored by God is the man

who does not walk in the counsel of the

wicked following their advice and

example my first point or my first

question to you is how are you walking

like like like I have a daughter who’s

11 months old her name is ava and she’s

trying to start walking right now and

it’s the cutest thing in the world

because she doesn’t know how to walk

she’s still discovering her limbs but

she’s trying to walk so hard because she

is getting counseled or she’s following

the example and the pattern of her

brother and sister she is with two

people who are walking all the time and

so because she is walking with people or

around people who are showing her away

she is more apt to try to do what they

are doing she hates being left behind

she hates being in her Walker and

everybody take off running and she got

across she hates it at 11 months old why

it’s because I

how you walk is is very strongly based

on who you’re around yeah yeah and and I

need everybody to see this very clearly

like the first thing that you have to do

cuz verse 3 tells us that they are like

trees planted like like that’s what we

all want we want to be planted trees but

how it starts is blessed are those who

do not walk in the counsel of the wicked

and so my first question just for you to

ask yourself this is not me judging you

this I want you to plant I want you to

be the tree I want you to be everything

God has shown you but I need to make

sure you’re prepared to be planted and

the first question that David puts out

there inspired by God is how are you

walking like like like like like and

when you see that how you’re walking

then it changes your perspective of what

you’re doing and why you’re doing it I

want you to see and and and and

understand that your walk determines so

much in your life when David starts this

often says blessed are those who do not

walk that means you have to take

inventory on everybody who is around you

and I know this is a thing that nobody

likes to do cuz everybody’s looking for

likes and everybody’s looking for they

phone to be blowing up and everybody’s

looking for community that just just

makes them feel good but I’m telling you

today today’s message is not to applaud

your attendance to church I’m trying to

help your ascent into maturity what

you’re gonna have to do is ask yourself

how am I really walking and you can’t

lie to you don’t lie to yourself in this

just because you post a scripture or

just because you’ve been in church for

50 years does not mean that you are

maturing and becoming who God has called

you to be and I need you to ask yourself

for real this question because God sees

what you do in midnight God sees the

thread God sees what you’re doing and

all I’m asking you is be real with you

how are you walking are you prideful

when you come off with false humility

and people like man he’s just so quiet

and you’re

frightful you know the thoughts that

you’re thinking in your head are you one

of those who are looking for people’s

faults all the time

and God says listen your walk is so

important but what may be more important

than your walk or the thing that

primarily influences your walk is who’s

counseling you and my question to you is

who’s counseling you

is it the news CC’ing you like

counseling like like like like sitting

on a couch like getting counseled maybe

but I’m talking about who are you

following the example of like like who

are you patterning yourself after

are you are you following the example or

are being affected by the news because

many times when you when you’re

counseled by the news when you wake up

in the morning and the first thing you

do is get the news from from a wicked

source and when I say that I’m not

talking about everybody in news is

wicked but we know that the devil is the

Prince of the air airwaves anything that

is being pumped into you it has a

negative Bend and and wicked just means

morally corrupt or evil and and why is

it that we have so many good things

going on but they report 70% of negative

news like like and I’m just using this

as an example because if that is who you

are getting counseled by no wonder you

walk in fear okay they’re like like no

wonder you walk in exactly anxiety

because it says blessed are those who do

not walk in the way in the counsel of

the wicked do you hear what I’m saying

are you being are you being counseled by

popular culture is that where you’re

getting all your perceptions from and

the thing you have to realize I’m not

coming against anything because

everybody doesn’t want to reach purpose

everybody doesn’t want to beat a tree

some people will settle for being a bush

like like and and and and if that’s what

you want cool like I’m not telling you

but if you want to be a verse 3 believer

the one who’s planted and it’s like a

tree that is bearing fruit in every seat

if that’s who you want to be you gotta

check your walk

and the only way you check your walk is

who’s walking with you

who’s counseling you it’s popular

culture and Instagram are they telling

you where your value system should come

from are they telling you it is loving

hip-hop giving you a playbook on

relationship please say it’s not just

I’m just all I’m all I’m saying is is

it’s Fox or seeing it are they giving

you the view of how you view other races

because if you allow wicked or evil or

perverted counsel to speak into your

life it will change how you walk so if

you want to be prepared to be planted

the first question is how are you

walking and I know this is this is this

is something that I had to really really

go and be real with myself I told

somebody the other day honesty is weak

because honesty is only telling the

truth when somebody asks you and there’s

tons of questions that nobody ever asked

me so I never told the truth come on

y’all like like come on if somebody asks

you then you would tell them but nobody

ever checked on me nobody ever said but

transparency that’s for them true G’s

transparency it’s the thing that like

it’s that remember we’re talking about

becoming a mature tree we’re talking

about coming on mature believer like

it’s the next level of this walk and all

I’m saying to you if you want to go to

that next level if you want to make sure

you’re prepared to be planted you’re

gonna have to come to a level of

transparency and that’s what I had to do

in my own life I had to I had to come

clean like yo my you’re dealing with

crap that don’t even nobody know you’re

jealous of people that don’t even know

you exist you’re you’re standing

and-and-and-and judging others based on

what you have in your life that you kept

sacred and when I value weighted how I

was walking it made me look at who I was

walking with who was speaking into my


who I allowed to counsel me and when I

started to shut out every other noise

and every other counselor I found Jesus

and when you start connecting your first

counselor your first what do you think

about this to the Word of God how do I

deal with relationships I need to go to

my counselor Jesus like like like am I

supposed to make this business decision

I need to talk to my counselor sheet

when I when I go to the counselor my

walk started changing I used to steal

because it was easy nothing changed in

the ability for me to be able to do it

but when I started walking with God I

just looked about like I don’t want to

do it my walk has changed because of my

association what I’m telling you is if

you want to be ready to be planted you

got to check how you’re walking and you

got to check whose counseling you and

just in case dr. Phil or Iyanla are not

available Isaiah sent a recommendation

in and he said that I got a counsellor

for you in Isaiah 9 verse 6 he said for

a child is born to us who us a son is

given to who us the government will rest

on his shoulders he’s a boss and he will

be called look at the first name

wonderful counselor and then it said he

but he’s better than that he’s a mighty

God he’s an everlasting father and he is

the Prince of Peace do you know what’s

funny about this passage is it ends with

peace but it starts with who’s

counseling you could I suggest to you

that your peace may be attached to who’s

counseling you uh-oh so if you’re

getting counseled from friends who all

they do is gossip and talk about people

you may not have the peace that God has

for you because he’s not the center of

your counsel

all I want us to do is check and see if

maybe the reason we haven’t been planted

how we want to be is because we haven’t

checked the way we walked and we haven’t

checked who’s counseling us let me give

you a couple because I just want to

prepare you these are questions for your

own time of reflection and your own time

with the Lord okay my second thing is

where are you standing where are you

standing because when I read Psalms 1

verses 1 through 3 says blessed

fortunate prosperous and favored by God

is the man or the woman who does not

walk in the counsel of the wicked okay

we got that he’s not following their

advice in their example nor stand in the

path of sinners now this one threw me

off for a second because I was like the

path of sinners like stand in the path

of sinners how do you stand in the path

of sinners so when I’m confused in what

I’m doing Bible study I start looking up

definitions of word I go back and take

it to like the Greek and all this other

stuff y’all this is crazy when I found


look what path means a path is a way or

a trap laid down for walking or made by

continual treading it’s a pattern so so

so what God is saying is he doesn’t want

you to stand in the way or the path of

sinners what I begin to think about this

in my own life

God said a path is made by a pattern you

only make a path if there is a continual

pattern of the same thing if it’s been

walking the way you’ve been walking oh I

don’t remember the first step we have to

check how we belong so if we’ve been

walking in a certain way and we continue

to walk in that certain way and it’s

been three years and it’s been five

years and it’s been six years what

happens is a path is created the

question is is it a path of a sinner see

for me the path was created by my

patterns of lying and I was standing in

path of a sinner and guess who made the

path me cuz I never thought the little

white lies were that bad

I never thought looking at the image was

that bad I never thought just taking a

little bit at a time was that but what I

was doing was I was creating a path of a

sinner because of my pattern that I did

over and over and over and over and over

and some of you are sitting here right

now and your pattern is so normal to you

that you don’t even know you’re on the

wrong path

you you you you’ve been holding

unforgiveness so long you think that’s

your right like you think that you’re

winning but it said since you were young

you’ve been creating the path of a

sinner and if you are going to be

prepared to be planted the second thing

it says is don’t stand in the path or

the pattern of a sinner this checked me

all up and down but because I I had to

come to grips with many of my own

difficulties were created by small

decisions that I made continually like

like and when my path is created by my

pattern it always affects me being

planted that’s why so many people start

off real good at the beginning of the

year in church and then bye-bye

the next week they fall off it’s because

they’ve been in a path or a pattern so

long that even when I want to get

planted I go back to what is normal I go

back to what is comfort but you know

what we said last week that comfort and

growth do not go together all I want to

do is challenge you today is maybe

there’s an area in your life that you

have discounted as just a little thing

that isn’t it’s not really that big that

God will forgive me for

or but maybe it’s bigger because it’s

keeping you from getting planted because

you’ve started a pattern and now you

have stood in the path of a sinner for

me it was lying but maybe for you the

pattern has been being promiscuous you

go from relationship to relationship in

I mean it’s not that bad and all this

other stuff and what you’re doing is

creating a path that you stand in of a

sinner and I know this is I know this is

direct I know this is straight but my

prayer as a pastor is that I wouldn’t

just give you the little milk that would

that help you feel good today I want you

to become the tree I want you to be able

to bear fruit and every season and some

of us cannot stay planted because of our

patterns please if you want to be

planted it’s time to ask where am i

standing am i standing in a path that

keeps me in the same pattern and my

patterns affecting me being planted

let’s keep moving cuz I know that’s it

right now it start the word is starting

to go down

you ever had medicine that has a tingle

in effect like I know like the word is

starting to go down and starting effects

effect something on the inside cuz this

is what it was doing to me as I was

preparing it was making me I wasn’t

shouting none when I was cuz usually

when I’m preparing I’m in the mode of

the message I’m like well that’s gonna

be good this whole time I was like oh oh

oh Lord and what I asked God to do is

check my patterns laziness is a pattern

like and it will produce um a lot of

things that will keep us from doing what

God’s called us to do can I just tell

you this is a little off the subject but

but I want somebody in here needs to

hear this

laziness sometimes my laziness is not a

sin we could debate that but let me just

help you like like when you’re not doing

what you’re supposed to be doing when

you’re when you’re when you’re moving

your responsibilities and the things

that you should be doing things you even

really want to do – another time another

date all of those different things what

ends up happening is you begin to make

excuses for the things that could happen

or could not happen

the thing about excuses is they bleed

over into every area of your life so

when you’re making excuses about things

that could happen or couldn’t happen if

you would or if you wouldn’t you start

making excuses about things that you

should do too and when you make excuses

about things you should do then you

leave yourself open to be idle to be

able to be affected by things that you

wouldn’t even be even knowing about if

you were doing what you were supposed to

be doing can I break it down oh girl

only comes around when you not doing

what you were supposed to be doing

like like like that opportunity only

presented itself because you wasn’t

where he was supposed to be do it like

and and what I’m saying to you is that

those are the district Ossa

remember I’m talking about it’s the

patterns some of us have had those

patterns since middle school cheating

off for everybody’s tests I’m guilty

patterns right like of just putting off

and what it does is it makes it hard for

us to get planting I’m telling you

because through the rest of this series

you’re gonna figure out what to do when

you’re under we’re not just gonna stay

here but a lot of people who are yelling

on planted last week aren’t because they

haven’t done the prerequisites of being

planted they haven’t evaluated how

they’re walking they haven’t taken a

survey of who’s counseling them they

have not looked and seen you know what

I’m walking in the path of the sinner

and the last thing look what it says it

says they don’t stand in the path of a

sinner nor do they sit down to rest in

the seat of scoffers or ridicule errs my

third question for you is when are you

sitting and I know I could have said

where are you sitting or something else

but but the question is when are you

sitting in the seat of the judge when

are you sitting in the seat of the

mocker when are you sitting in the seat

of the hater when are you sitting in the

seat of the critic because all

of us have done it what they’re saying

is like blessed is the person who does

not sit here on your own you’re prideful

thought process and judge other people’s

process and this disqualified me for a

long time from being planted if I can be

honest with you I would evaluate what

other people were doing and somehow make

myself feel better about the

insecurities that I was feeling by

watching and pointing out all the flaws

of somebody else and God said your

critical spirit your judgmental spirit

your scoffing spirit is keeping you from

getting planted and getting deep roots

and I’m knowing nobody going Amen right

now but but they’ll there’ll be a

hundred it’s one of the funniest things

like I’m watching um the the message on

YouTube and and you see like ten

thousand people like the message and

then you see fifty people who have the

thumbs down those 50 people who are you

why do you give me thumbs down like and

and I’m and I’m just thinking but

there’s certain areas in our life that

we’re giving people thumbs down and we

really don’t even have a reason like

like like when we give them the thumbs

down like why are you wearing that and

oh you started a new job and she ain’t

never gonna make it in you remember her

lasting and we’re sitting in the seat of

the judge was sitting in the seat I mean

I know people who go on dates just to


aka be critical of people and when we do

that God saying will you mature like I

have this dream for you to be planted I

have this dream for you to be so strong

and big but you keep planning yourself

around weeds and your destiny is

squeezed out an infant stage because you

won’t evaluate how you walk and you

won’t evaluate how you’re getting

counseled and you won’t evaluate where

you’re standing and where you’re sitting

Church it’s time for us to mature

because God painted a picture of us

being planted a tall oak with everything

we’re doing

working and being blessed and being

blessed to be a blessing and changing a

city and raising up people and

transforming I mean that’s what God sees

for you but he said there’s three

prerequisites I need you to deal with

watch how you all get stopped making a

path or a pattern of sin and please stop

judging other people cuz if you could do

I can work with all the rest I’m not

trying to make you perfect but those

things are weeds that squeeze out the

seed I want to plant in your life

somebody say I am planted and not buried

but I’m prepared to plant that’s really

what I need you to be prepared to do I

need you to be prepared to plant and

this is gonna take you having some

reflective time you’re gonna have to go

home and sit with this don’t ask your

friend right now am I am I one of those

four yes you are if you have to ask them

are you one of those friends you

probably are all I’m saying to you is

maybe this is an evaluation time because

I believe as we get planted this week I

believe as God does this work on the

inside of us I believe that people are

about to start sprouting that God’s

gonna have roots that go deep but then

it’s gonna be something that people see

that all men will be able to eat the

fruit and this is the beautiful thing

about when you get fruit there are more

seeds inside of the fruit that you are

producing could it be that the reason

God is bringing this word at this time

for you is because there’s a forest

inside of you and you don’t even need

anybody else to bring the forest all you

need is a seed time forest it’s harvest

but for us you got the analogy and so

there’s some people in here that are

like okay Pastor Mike like how do I not

judge people because I feel like that’s

the normal that’s that’s what I grew up

with that’s how I’ve been that sir let’s

go to Matthew chapter 7 verse 1 it says

don’t judge others and you will not be

judged for you will be treated as you

treat others another translation says

the stand

that you use in judging is the standard

by which you will be all I’m telling you

is everything you put out to other

people it comes back when I read this

scripture and still and really

understood it I add the I had to rein in

all my thoughts I had aa no no no no no

no y’all come back yeah that is funny by

any angles ain’t none I ain’t even look

at because I realized that I might as

well be judging myself cuz that’s what’s

gonna happen look what it says it says

verse three and why worry about a speck

in your friends eye when you have a log

in your own eye

big two-by-four how can you think of

saying to your friend girl come here let

me help you with them issues you have in

your relation relationship the speck in

their eye when you can’t see that that

you have a log in your own eye hypocrite

first get rid of the log in your own eye

then you will see well enough to deal

with the speck in your friends I see

this is the beautiful thing God wants

you to help your friend God wants you to

help others with their issue but it’s

very hard to see it clearly when you

don’t deal with yours what happens if a

surgeon goes into surgery with tinted

glasses on please don’t work on me

because you can’t see clearly what you

are do that the same thing like like and

and for all of us judging has to be

something that we give back to God

because it keeps us from being planted

properly okay so after all of that it

goes through those things in verse 1

look at Psalms chapter one verse two

then it says but his delight is in the

law of the Lord and on his law his

precepts and teaching he habitually

meditates day and night God’s trying to

create a new habit a new pattern verse

three and they and he will be planted

like a tree firmly planted and fed by

streams of water which yields its fruit

in its season it’s leaf does not wither

and he

in whatever he does he prospers and

comes to maturity so verse three is the

promise is the outcome verse one is the

preparation so I don’t want us to leave

here and be confused why am i not a tree

planted because you haven’t prepared for

your seed to go deep okay

so passing like what I do cuz if I’m

honest I came to this service and

there’s some issues in my life that I’m

dealing with right now or I’ve been

saved all my life but I see something

differently I’m encouraged that this is

a place of hope and not a place of

condemnation we have to expose the issue

and expose the problem but then we can

be able to heal from it and so the Bible

is full of things that I call ifs and


so like it’ll say if my people who are

called by my name will humble themselves

and pray that’s our part then I will

hear and heal them okay

like it’s like it like like these ifs

and dins begin to create what is my part

what is God’s part like another one says

if we confess our sins then he is

faithful and just to forgive us of our

sins and to cleanse us of all

unrighteousness so everybody say if and

then okay this whole thing is a if and

then thing he’s saying yo if you check

how you walk-in if you stop getting

counsel from wicked and get counsel from

me if if you actually just stop judging

people like like just if you just stop

judging people if if you stop doing

these things then I’m gonna make you

like a tree planting bearing fruit in

every season everything you do work your

leaves never wither like that’s the then

part so I’m gonna give you three things

that go along with that better if and

then and the beautiful thing about if

you’re doing something wrong all you

have to do is repent like this is the

beautiful thing about what Jesus did for

all of us y’all

is he created away that no matter what

mess-up we make we can say sorry and he

will put us back in the place that we

need to be to grow and there’s a lot of

people who are saying yeah I’ve messed

up all you have to do is repent and

guess what reap it means so simple turn

like so if I was going this way

repent Father forgive me for what I’ve

been doing and how I’ve been using

people and how I’ve been scandalous in

these situations I am now turning and

when you turn you get to go to another

place of being planted so I just want to

help you this is practical application

if you are following the advice of the

wicked everybody say repent yeah yeah I

want you to repent right now and I want

you to follow the advice of the word I

mean I’m gonna be so practical for you

that you can go home and do this open

your Bible and see what God’s word has

to say about it and when you do that

guess what you get again planted because

there’s some people in here right now

that have been doing the same thing for

a long time and you go to E news before

you open up the Bible you go to

Instagram feed to figure out what’s

going on in the world and God says if

you would seek first the kingdom of God

and right standing with me everything

else in your life will be added so all I

want you to do is if you are following

the advice of the wicked another way

nobody gonna be like that’s me bastard

as me nobody’s gonna do that but you

know if those co-workers at work are the

people you’re counseling with they’re

giving you relationship advice about

things that are not rooted and founded

in the Word of God repent Father forgive

me for listening to voices that are not

high as yours Father forgive me for

listening to counsel who can’t teach me

how to walk father your word says that

you are not a way but the way

the truth and Allah the only path I can

get to the Father

it’s true you Father forgive me and I am

coming back I am turning from that and I

am planting back in the Word of God so

if that’s you you got an instruction the

second thing if you’re standing in the

path of sinners if you have a pattern of

sinning if you’ve made that thing by

trekking back and forth in the same

thing I want you to repent everybody say

repent that all that means it’s turn and

I want you to stand in the path of the

Savior like like what are you saying

staying in the path of the Savior I want

you to just understand that there can be

a new pattern made where you always ask

God direct me like I’m about to go in

here mess up direct me proverbs 3:5 says

acknowledged God in all your ways and he

will direct my what oh oh oh remember

we’ve been in the past of the sinners

but if we just acknowledge him God I

don’t know how to live without having

sex outside of marriage I just

acknowledged him I need your Holy Spirit

to empower me then he says oh you

invited me in I now can direct your hey

I want you to see that what God is

saying to you is if you have just repent

then I can do something different in you

and with the last one if you are judging

if you’re sitting in that seat of the

mocker if you’re sitting in the seat

come on guys I know it’s a daily battle

not to judge and be critical of

everything that everybody does and I’m

seeing lose weight that’s the best

photoshopping then I mean we just be

nasty to people like we don’t want like

everything we’re just so critical and

gods like I didn’t give you that spirit

that didn’t come for me that maybe come

from who you’ve been counseling with it

made me come from who you’ve been

walking it might come from where you’ve

been standing but I want you to sit in

the seat of being an encourage her

not somebody who who is judging so I

want you to hear this if you are judging

other people’s journey repent everybody

say repent

that means turn and join a journey the

best way to stop being critical of

something is get involved with it cuz

you ain’t critical of your stuff like my

girl ID look good then not like oh that

was me because because somehow when

you’re in it you understand the process

when you’re in debt you understand the

pain when you’re walking with somebody

and somebody says they just the hole

you’d be like nah it’s not really that

like you don’t know that they were

abused and you don’t know what they’ve

been walking through like you don’t

defend what you don’t know but once you

get in the fight with somebody once you

start understanding where people have

been and how it’s happened for them when

you join a journey it stops you from

judging so there’s solutions to this if

we would just prepare to plan if we

would say you know what I’ve been

walking with some wrong counsel I’ve

been making a path and some patterns

that have me in sin I’ve been judging

people if you just admit that and repent

think I can say thank you let me take

your life let me take your life let me

take your life and he will plant us in

the place that will cultivate our

destiny yeah we’ll still be under but

when we’re under we have a different

perspective now this is not the place of

death this is the place that God is

making me and he wants to develop roots

in me and practically with that last

step join a journey I want everybody in

this place to get into godly community I

want you to join a big room why are you

saying that Pastor Mike because when you

put yourself in a place to join a

journey and be joined to others journey

then it becomes something that we are

doing not something that you are doing

the the me turns into we are selfish

lifts our pride all

that stuff goes out the window when I

have to be concerned about somebody else

and the beautiful thing about God’s

words is he tells us where there are two

are three gathered together we get an

automatic God show up card and he comes

in and may I say that many of us have

been fighting alone because we wouldn’t

join somebody’s journey or allow

somebody to join ours today at every

every exit that you’re gonna go out of

in this place there’ll be people that’ll

say hey do you want to sign up for a

belong group some of you already signed

up some of you aren’t all I’m saying is

part of you being planted it is joining

into a journey I’m so excited for the

next few weeks of this series but I was

gonna go somewhere else but God told me

very clearly he said please don’t set

these people up to fail please don’t

have people getting tree tattoos and

talking about I’m playing it please

sooner please don’t have people doing

this without telling the the

prerequisite to being planted and today

my hope is that you would wrestle with

this until you can say strongly in your

heart god I’m prepared to be planted

today I want to pray for you every

person in this place because some of you

God reveals something to you in this

message some of you have been walking in

the counsel of culture and and and bad

news and family members and it’s

affected your walking you’ve been

getting their counsel today God’s

changing that up you’re gonna make a

decision others of you in this place you

have made a path or a pattern of sin and

God saying today you’re gonna repeat and

this is going to change and there’s

other people in here that you will sit

back you don’t say much but you’re

judging and it don’t even have to be out

loud but it’s been in your heart and in

your mind and God saying today instead

of judging journeys you’re gonna join a

journey I’m telling you today is a day

of everybody say maturity Oh somebody’s

going deeper cuz it’s gonna take

humility roots it’s gonna take you being

able to be transparent roots it’s gonna

take you taking a step that maybe a

child wouldn’t take but I read my Bible


when I was a child I thought like a

child I acted like a child I walk like a

child I talk like a child but at some

point these childish games got old and I

put them away and I started doing things

in maturity today may be the day you put

up the Legos the Legos of Lies come on

today may be the day that you stop

playing Ginga with your destiny trying

to see if it’ll stand up like trying to

see like today we’re not playing

Monopoly anymore we’re not just trying

to build fake hotels and and and fake

fake houses we want something that will

last forever and that is only found in

the truth of God’s Word and so I’m not

giving you milk today I’m giving you

meat but I hope it challenges you to

mature this is your message because I

believe God is preparing to plant you

all over this place come on if you want

to be planted if you really want to come

into this place in preparation I want to

pray for you father I thank you I thank

you father for every person that’s under

the sound of my voice who heard you

father this wasn’t an easy word to

deliver or to receive but God I thank

you this the truth of your word

and I thank you Father that you’re

preparing me for I stand here not

perfect but I stand here father’s and

plant me plant me God use me father go

deep in my life and God I’m thanking you

that for everybody that’s watching they

will understand that and they will walk

in it father and they will do everything

that’s necessary father to allow you to

do a deep work on the inside of them God

we repent today I repent today I turn

father from everything that goes against

your word because we want to be verse 3

believers we want to be like trees

planted by living water that is

producing in every season our leaves

never withering and everything we do

father is gonna prosper but that only

comes father if we’re prepared to be

planting for every person in this room

who needs to receive you God

Thank You Father that today they will

invite you in and allow you to be Lord

of their life look at me everybody just

for one second if you’re in this room

and you’ve never received Jesus Christ

as your personal Lord and Savior I’m

trying to tell you it is the greatest

decision I ever made

because it was a thing that take took me

from being buried and made me be planted

because at the moment I invited God in

the greater one came to live on the

inside of me and I know what you’re

saying Pastor Mike you don’t know what I

did God didn’t care about what you did

well Pastor Mike you don’t you don’t

know how I’m feeling God doesn’t care

how you’re feeling he’s saying let me

come in and help you with what you

couldn’t help yourself with and I know

there’s people everywhere that need to

experience the love of Jesus this is why

our church exists so if you’re in this

room right now and you need to accept

Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and

Savior I want you to say this prayer

with me and we’re all gonna say it

together for the benefit of those who

are coming to Christ but if that’s you I

want you to say this prayer say God I

need you come into my life and transform

me I believe you lived and you died just

for me come in and transform me in Jesus

name Amen

hey listen if you made that decision

come on let’s give God some praise we

believe in you and we thank God for it

in Jesus name