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today we are starting part 4 of a series

that we are calling planted not berry

and people have been really getting

helped by this series and and the reason

that I’m super excited about us going

deeper into this series today is because

um we’re realizing that the best place

for a seed to be sometimes is under and

many of us have ideas in seed form our

lives are in seed form our relationships

are in seed form and and the world would

tell us if we’re under something like

under pressure or undervalued or we’re

under um different areas in our life

that are making us uncomfortable and it

feels isolated in a dark like that’s the

place where you should give up that’s

the place that you should stop that you

should say maybe this isn’t God but what

we’re finding out through this series is

that the place that is dark that is

lonely and sometimes where the pressure

of life is on you that’s the place that

God is making you and if you don’t see

it right if you don’t envision yourself

becoming what God has called you to be

you will despise the place that God has

you but I believe that there are some

people in here that have learned through

this series that under doesn’t mean tell

me under does not mean over and if you

find yourself under under pressure

undervalued under attack see some of us

have had just attack after attack on our

lives on our relationship on our

marriage on our faith and if you feel

like you’re under attack I just want to

let you know I’m here to spark your

faith today I’m here to get you

encouraged and bring hope to you today

that that what it looks like is not what

it is what God is trying to work in you

is a miracle and I’m excited about that

because as we read in Psalms chapter 1

verse 3 which is our anchor scripture

for this entire verse and I want you to

look at it we’ll look at it every week

of this series it says this is the

relationship that God wants every

believer to have as they mature in

relationship with him and I need to say

this very quickly where you’re at in

your relationship with God is okay for

today but it’s not okay

for the rest of your time with God and

what ends up happening a lot of people

we get saved and we’re doing better and

we think like that’s okay I’m good

Hills nowhere in the picture okay um I’m

not cussing everybody out like just

three people like I come on let’s be

honest I’m not I’m not sinning all the

time I’m just like and and I want you to

know there’s a maturity that God wants

to develop in you so that you can have

everybody say fruit have you ever eaten

a fruit that wasn’t done you don’t say

oh it was almost done you say it was


you discount everything about it because

you ate it prematurely and there’s many

people out here that have not stayed

planted long enough that God could

maturing you the fruit the character the

humility the things that when they

people come in contact with you that

they eat from you that they won’t say

that you’re rotten that they’ll see

taste and see that the Lord is good I

don’t know about you but when a fruit is

good like when its juicy and it’s just

like sweet and I mean you want to like

like you pick up you get the juice off

of something the question is are we

gonna be believers that people want to

come back and and interact with we both

be believers that they’re like I talked

to them before I did business with them

before I watch their kids well let’s be

honest and so everybody say we have to

mature and and I’m thankful that there

is grace to this thing that God is not

in the perfection but he’s in the

progression and so wherever you are it’s

okay we just got to know that right here

is not the destination

like like praying for two minutes right

now I’m glad you weren’t praying at all

last year you’re praying for two minutes

now but don’t be like I pray for two

minutes like don’t don’t get stuck here

maybe we’re moving to five minutes maybe

God’s gonna challenge us to to fast one

day like you got to know everybody we’re

going to progress and as we progress

this is a picture that David gives

of our relationship with God it says

they are like trees planted everybody

say planted along the riverbanks bearing

fruit in each season their leaves never

wither and they are prosperous in all

they do that’s what God wants for you

that’s what God wants for me so we’re in

our process to do that and and so if if

you’re under anything right now we’re

gonna give you some keys to how you can

be planted and stay under because a seed

can’t uproot before its time and too

many of us are uprooting because we’re

sick of being under 10 can we be honest

in here we’re hot how many people are

under some stuff that they just sick of

being under okay that’s almost everybody

in the room something like I’m sick of

being under you Beale that’s your

husband stop okay but for real we’re

sick of being under some stuff and last

week we talked about what to do when

we’re under fire and this week we’re

gonna take a step further and we’re

gonna talk in a message that I think is

going to help a lot of people in this

room today the title of the message is

planted and underfunded yep planted and

underfunded see many people make excuses

for what God wants to do through them

because they don’t have the resources to

do it and many of us in this room right

now are underfunded in some way some of

us it’s different for some of us some of

us don’t have a good paying job and we

feel like we’re underfunded others of us

in this room in our personal life or our

business or our career we feel like

we’ve made some unwise financial

decisions and now it’s affecting what

what we can do right now there’s other

people in here who are paying for past

mistakes they’ve made there are other

people in here paying their way through

college and there’s other people in here

paying back their way through college

Sallie Mae get off my back some people

in this room come from a poverty

background and those mindsets and ideas

have gotten planted and become cycles in

your mind and for other people I want

everybody to hear this very clearly

because when I said underfunded there

are some people in here who may be

living um well-off it financially and

all this ourselves like ah this was not

the message for me listen some of you

are well-off personally but you don’t

have the resources to do what God’s

called you to do so so maybe your house

and your bills and all that stuff is

taken care of but God’s put a 10 million

dollar organization in your heart and

you’re you’re at the starting line

because you you don’t believe that God

can come through and do something bigger

than what your finances can do today I

want to encourage every person’s faith

in this room because y’all know I don’t

preach nothing that that that I’m not

walking through personally God told me

Michael what are you gonna do when I

call you to something and you don’t have

the resources to do it

are you gonna stop and stay here and say

I coulda woulda shoulda are you gonna

step out in faith and be able to be

planted and underfunded and there’s many

of you right now who have left the

vision and the dream that God has placed

in you died because you said I don’t

have enough you stopped even talking

about the thing that God placed in your

heart matter of fact some of y’all won’t

even dream no more all you do is look at

the facts because that’s what I know is

true and that’s what I’m gonna do but do

you know the God that we serve and today

I want to spark somebody’s faith to get

off the sidelines of life and to get out

of your own bank account ah cuz it’s

empty in there or even if it’s not empty

there’s just enough and isn’t it funny

that when there’s just enough we start

playing it safe when there’s just enough

we start becoming our own provider when

it’s just enough we’ll neglect things

that God puts emphasis on like our

family to get more of something that

we’re gonna run out of at the end of the

month anyway and I want to challenge

every person in here to stay planted to

stay in your word to stay focused on

prayer to keep giving to keep sowing to

still be

generous when you are under funded I

know I know I know and everybody’s

trying to keep a faith a straight face

and a tight lip because you’re trying to

not show everybody how broke you are but

what I’m telling you what I’m telling

you is finances are relative it doesn’t

matter how many zeroes you have in the

bank God will always call you to

something that is outside of your realm

of providing so if you have three

million dollars in the bank God’s going

to call you to something that costs

thirty because this whole Christian walk

is about dependency not sufficiency Oh

like you ought to be self-sufficient and

God wants you to be dependent on him and

and until we get this many times the

plan that God has called us to we start

telling God we can’t because of what we

got there’s so many people in here that

God’s asked to open up a a shelter or

orphanage or to begin to provide for

somebody else and you say god that is

great but these lights this bill and God

said if if you thought this was about

money you are sadly mistaken everything

I’m looking for has nothing to do with

dollar signs what I’m looking for is

somebody that will have faith somebody

shot at me faith he’s looking for faith

and this scripture right here changed my

life and I want it to change yours look

at luke 18:8 now out of everything that

Christ could be looking for when he

comes back I want you to see what he’s

looking for be part of this scripture

says but when the son of man that’s

Jesus returns

how many will he find on the earth who

have funds

oh no Pastor Mike no we got to have

funds because because if we have funds

then we’ll be able to do everything no

no that’s not what the scripture says he

says the money is never a problem

resource is never the problem I’m

looking for somebody who has shouted out

at me faith and many of our faith is


and today I’m coming to give you what’s

the thing called when you put them on

life support and then you say queer what

does that call shock defibrillator I’m

about to shock you today in your faith I

haven’t studied all my medical terms for

the service but some of you are on life

support in your faith and you’re barely

breathing and if it doesn’t make

complete sense dollars in cents then god

I can’t obey you but didn’t know I have

everything worked out before he started

building the ark like I just wanna I

just have to be convinced that God

challenges our faith by putting us in

situations where we’re underfunded and

he calls us to that so that he can be

glorified I have to be convinced look at

it being underfunded write this down is

fertilizer for your faith being

underfunded is fertilizer for you it’s

the thing that’s actually going to make

your faith grow I can imagine right now

Noah sitting there and and saying to God

you want me to be a what Ark like a big

boat okay first off I don’t have a wood

meal where is where the supplies coming

from I don’t have a working crew animals

I’m scared of the animals you’re calling

me to rallied up like how how do I start

a zoo and build this boat like like

literally a zoo – of every animal ha ha

how do I do that

God didn’t ask him to figure out how he

was going to be provided for he asked

him could he do it through him and this

is the challenge for all of us we have

to obey even if we don’t know what’s

gonna happen in the outcome and many of

us are so worried about looking crazy

and what are they gonna say and what if

I lose and God’s saying you

God who I am I’m the same God that got

you from where you were to where you are

now I’m the same God that stood with

Moses and Abraham and David I’m that

same God the same God that you praise

and worship and I’m that same God and

many of us in this room have to learn

how to you know what I’m not gonna die

at this point I’m not gonna die when God

gives me a vision bigger than my bank

account I’m not gonna die God’s been

telling some of you that you are going

to end the poverty in your family that

you’re gonna be able to pay off debts

and help people and all that other stuff

and you’re saying how can that happen

and I can’t take care of my debts and

God says I didn’t ask you to have the

solution I ask you to have the faith a

church I know I know some of y’all in

this room are like but pastor I believed

before I’ve given before I’ve tried

before remember their seed time and

harvest and could it be that some of us

have given up our faith too quickly to

believe that God is working this thing

out and this place that I’m at that

feels hard and I feel the pressure and

I’m under debt and I’m under maybe this

is the fertilizer that God is going to

use to increase my faith and he’s gonna

work a miracle out of this entire

situation if you believe it can somebody

say Amen yeah yeah I know I got a little

convincing to go cuz some of us are just

broke minded we’ve seen so much loss

we’ve seen so much of our hope not met

by the things that we thought was gonna

happen that we stopped believing but but

what I want to help you understand is

that you either have two ways of living

and we’re gonna play a little game right

now and we’re not gonna do it out loud

because I don’t want anybody to judge

anybody in their process but in your

mind we’re gonna play a game called

which one do you trust okay

and in your mind I’m gonna give you two

options and I want you to circle in your

mind because people will judge your

process they’ll be like you ain’t gonna

say for that and then in another

instance they don’t

pay for something we don’t need to judge

anybody’s process I just want us to be

able to look and I need you to be honest

with yourself because God cannot bless

who you pretend to be he only can bless

who you really are I say that almost

every Sunday because it makes it very

real to you I need you to be honest

which do you trust

do you trust facts or do you trust faith

circle one in your mind because some of

us if it if it’s not block block block

block block then we can’t go with it but

the Bible tells us that that we should

walk by faith and not by how let me ask

you another one okay do you trust in

resource or source now some of us are

saying what’s the difference your job is

a resource and some of us will die to

keep our job but will not do anything to

keep connection with God I just I need

to ask you because if you’re tied up in

the resource when the resource goes away

that’s why you get people jumping off of

buildings when when the Dow Jones

crashed in 2008 and all that is the

people were killing themselves because

their resource failed them but my God

shall supply all right I need it I need

somebody to hear me say this right now I

don’t trust in the resource thank God

for whatever company you work for thank

God for the business but if that folds

I’ll still be ok see somebody needs to

hear this today cuz we’re so stressed

and worried and what if the what if the

account doesn’t come through and what if

they leave me in whatever so that is

just a resource my 401k and my pension

plan and all this other stuff so like if

God allowed the children of Israel to be

resourced every day

like literally they would wake up oh I’m


oh my god food from the sky what’s it

called manna what does that mean what is

it I don’t know

it literally means what is it but we are

nourished and there’s no kitchen what

everybody thinks we need to eat it’s not

here but we still eating you have to

trust the source not the research and

these are the thinking’s and the idea

that get us stuck from pursuing and

going after what God has called us

because it’s gonna be bigger than you

it’s almost like God always makes

something that he wants you to do

outside of your reach and sometimes I’ll

be asking God why wouldn’t you just make

me be able to do this like pastor a

church like why didn’t you send me to

school to be a pastor why didn’t you

give me like why didn’t you do all of

these things he said cuz I want you to

depend it on me like like like my

strength works best in your weakness so

the place that should be a place of

burial the place where we’re so stressed

out and we don’t know what to do maybe

the exact place that God has planted us

so that he can get glory out of our

lives one more one more one more just

answer it in your head which do you

trust money or God Bible tells us very

clear that you can’t serve both of those

cuz you’ll love one and hate the other

and money’s not bad I need everybody to

hear hear me hear me said that money is

not bad but but what it can do to our

heart let me be honest some of y’all

pray only because you have a need if God

met all of your needs you wouldn’t even

pray so people say stuff like this

either God will come through or I need

some money even if I have money i still

need God to come through

like do you understand what I’m saying

and that’s why I need everybody

understand money can’t solve everything

because if it could why would people be

jumping out of buildings medicating

themselves and dying of suicide with 50

million dollars in the bank see see see

those things are all external what God’s

trying to do is let you know that

whatever situation you’re in right now

no matter how much debt no matter how

much money you have no matter how you

were trying to stew it over what God’s

given you he does not want you to die

and be buried in a place that He has

called you to be planted he’s always

gonna give you a vision bigger than you

he’s always gonna put you in a place

where you gonna have to trust him he’s

always gonna allow you to not have

everything you need so you can call on

him and when you do that God will take

people who are planted and underfunded

and he will work miracles through their

life can I get somebody to give God a

shout of praise

some of y’all still don’t believe me so

go to Philippians 4:19 it says but my

god somebody say my god now this is a

key component to this scripture because

a lot of people quote this but he’s not

their God like you’re trying to get in

on the benefit and you haven’t committed

can we be honest has anybody ever had a

landlord like like at an apartment

complex and landlord the thing that I

found about a landlord is that if you

stay in a property that they own when

anything breaks the Lord of the land is

obligated to fix whatever is wrong and

many people have made Christ’s Savior

but he hasn’t been Laura and this is

what ends up happening when you don’t

allow him to be your Savior and your

Lord then you have to provide for

yourself when things start breaking when

you don’t have enough but when he’s your

Lord you can stand and you can quote

this scripture in Philippians and say

but somebody say but my god no you

didn’t even say it right say it with

some attitude but my god

so listen see when you know who your

Lord is when you look when you know who

owns everything on this planet you can

say I know what that bill says but my

god shall supply oh did I say some oh

did I say a few up he shall supply all

your need this part trips me out because

I thought it was according to what he

had given me I thought it was according

to the family he put me in I thought it

was according into the pedigree that I

that I got raised it says he shall

supply all your need this ain’t even

about you no more

imma supply your needs according to my

riches and glory by Christ Jesus a this

to you like your underfunded but you

have a Lord Oh God that’s yours who

knows how to fix the finances that who

knows the partners you need who knows

what is he’s calling you for and you

just need everybody shot at me the faith

if you get the faith he’ll supply

everything you need and I know I know I

know I know pastor it’s hard it’s hard

to trust God with a little it’s hard to

trust God when it feels like not enough

and the truth about it is some of us

have had more than enough we’ve just

been poor stewards come on let’s be

honest that God tells you to start

saving for something and a sale comes

thought if you didn’t want me to buy

this why did you show it to me

come on anybody pray some dumb prayers

like that God if God if you didn’t want

this why would you expose me to it cuz

the greatest thing he gave you his

choice and he puts things in front of

you sometimes to see where your maturity

is a mature adult adult knows that if

they have children like I’m not picking

this thing that I I could

that would not benefit me the same way

as me getting food and diapers for my

children like it’s just a mature

decision and many of us have been eating

our seed many of us God has been giving

us something and preparing for something

we just been poor stewards

no matter where you are and thank God

for His grace because if you’re in this

room today God is trying to tell you

it’s not about perfection it’s about

progression I want you to start from

here because anytime we talk about

finances are being underfunded people

start getting all shrunk back and all

this stuff no this is to encourage your

faith that where you are right now is

not a dying position where you are right

now is now I’m just gonna lose

paratrooper drag through the rest

tomorrow life no you don’t have to

unless that’s where your faith is if

you’re always you’re gonna work for the

company and not be able to own the

company or maybe you started one before

and it went under and God’s saying I

want you to start another one but this

time I want you to know that I am the

provider not even the people who are

coming in come on so so I want to show

you a story and in in Luke chapter 9 go

there real fast

and and some of you are familiar with

the story of the feeding of the 5,000

but but I want to take this and I want

you to have this movie with me of how

this may be a little different when it

comes to being underfunded and how God

works a miracle and some practical

things we can take out of this scripture

Luke chapter 9 and we’re gonna start in

verse 12 can I set it up real quick

Jesus is preaching and this is most

theologians believe the largest crowd

he’s ever preached to it says that he

was preaching to 5,000 men but but it

actually was 5,000 men plus their wives

and children so this was 20,000 people

because you know they don’t have

television back then and those men

needed to do something so kids started

coming and so all I’m saying to you is I

want you to get the picture of this

miracle because it wasn’t just 5,000 men

it was 20,000 people okay at least okay

and so we pick up here and the disciples

are coming on behalf of the people to

give a great suggestion to our Lord as

he’s preaching look what they say late

in the afternoon the twelve disciples

how many disciples I need you to

remember that for the very end of this


okay twelve disciples came to him that’s

Jesus and said hey Jesus JC and you’re

doing great

I think we need to send the crowds away

to the nearby villages and farms so that

they can find food and lodging for the

night it’s getting late there is nothing

to eat here in this remote place there’s

not enough here but jesus said you feed

them ha ha jeez are you crazy boy no no

no no that’s not what I was saying I was

saying that they actually need to go to

chick-fil-a before it closes they

absolutely need to get up from this

place cuz there’s nothing here and they

need to go somewhere else and he says no

no you feed them they’ll tell all your

homeboys y’all now have become the

catering service ok but like we do we

start to tell God what we have our

limitations but but Jesus you already

know we only have 5 loaves of bread and

two fish that’s what they answered and

then they got sarcastic with Jesus boy

this is crazy or are you expecting us to

go and buy enough food for the whole

crowd money you know we don’t have that

type of resource you you know that

that’s far out of our league we could

never open up that business we could

never make a partnership with somebody

it was so real that it was funny how in

somehow underfunded they were it said

for the crowd was about five thousand

men there let me give you this first

point when you’re planted and

underfunded don’t blame the place for

the provision the disciples they said

there’s nothing to eat here in this

remote place and that’s what a lot of us

feel like at this job

ah God can’t do it

it in the hood I was raised in God can’t

do it like like with the background with

the debt with the things that I got

going on at this place it’s not God I’m

in college how can I start that business

and do that and I’m in this place and

many of us blame our place for what God

wants to do in us and we stay in the

same place because we think the place

and the provision have to match up for

God to do a miracle that’s why so many

people trying to move to LA and New York

and Atlanta like it’s better for me


is it the same God that’s in Atlanta

England London isn’t he here with you in

Tulsa the disciples forgot that they

were not talking about a place to just

anyone they were talking about the place

to the provider I need you to understand

if God is close to you it doesn’t matter

where you are like if God is the one

directing and leading you and you’re

doing proverbs 3:5 acknowledging God in

all your ways then he will direct your

if he’s doing it you can be anywhere

does everybody understand what I’m

saying and so many people press pause

and stop on the plan of God because they

feel that they’re in the wrong place but

God is about to show them like he’s

trying to show us as long as you got me

with you we can be anywhere and I can

work a miracle Oh from that FedEx job

I’ll work out bless you to where you

given your whole paycheck to people at

that job maybe I got you there to do

something completely different

maybe I got you at that place I’m

underfunded but God is saying I will

work the miracle at that place and these

disciples they didn’t understand they’re

like many of us but but what I found out

is I think God is attracted to our


I honestly thinks it arouses him like

when we say we don’t have enough guy be

like yeah yep

it’s exactly what I wanted to hear watch

me work I love my mama

you you better come on that’s my mama

right there my real mama but I want you

to see that I think he’s attracted to

our deficiencies because after this

moment where they said yeah I think this

place is not good enough look what Jesus

say he literally ups the ante look at

verse 13 they say oh okay the place is

not good enough they need to go

somewhere else to get the provision no

you feed them hold on Jesus we don’t

have no food we don’t have enough and

now you’ve taken us from a position of

needing food to a position of providing

food you’re taking us from a place of

meeting your help to say before I meet

your need I want you to meet somebody

else’s need uh-oh

see see we got to be careful because

when we get too close to Jesus he’ll

turn our problem and take our problem

and we become the solution to somebody

else the same problem he he said you

feed him and and at this moment what we

all would do is is make the very obvious

even more obvious do you know what we

have absolutely nothing all we have is a

snack pack from Long John Silver’s

that’s not enough to feed one of us let

alone feed 20,000 people use since Jesus

what are we freaking gonna do

why do you want everybody to have just a

microscopic piece of these five notes

see we start getting angry because what

we have is not even enough for us and so

why would God even ask of us huh why

would he even require of us to give a

tide or an offering or to share our time

that’s insulting we don’t even have

enough to eat as the disciples and we’re

your boys nobody packed the lunch for us

how could you dare ask us to give to

somebody else oh I’m sorry I’m in your

heart right now I’m just saying what

your heart said they asked for more

money they asked for I good you give me

this $8 an hour job this bad boss I

don’t know why I’m talking like this and

the very place that we have need God

says I want you to meet that same area

in somebody else’s life and I’m gonna

make it so much bigger than you that you

know you can’t do it without me so look

what happens verse 13 but Jesus said you

feed him but we only had a five what was

a bread into fish Jesus are you

expecting us to go buy enough food for

the whole crowd I want you to see this

point right here when you’re planted and

underfunded you have to take inventory

even if it’s not much something that’s

overlooked in this story is even though

it wasn’t a lot they knew how much they

had they said all we have is five loaves

and two fish that’s all we’re working

with the thing is some of our faith is

so low for God to work a miracle we

won’t even take the time to figure out

what we need or what we have and I need

some of us you took for you to start

accounting what you have God has placed

gifts on the inside of you he’s placed

connections on the inside of you he’s

given you people but you because it’s so

little but I want you to remember God

doesn’t plant trees he plants seeds

despised not today

a small begin you you don’t even put no

effort towards it because it’s not a lot

but it reminds me of a woman in second

Kings chapter 4 who was a widowed woman

and all she had was a little bit of oil

and Elijah came to him and she and he

said I need you to help me cuz I’m about

to lose my sons I’m about to lose

everything and Elisha asked her two

questions and I want you to see he said

how may I help you and the second

question he asked her is what’s in your

house I need you to take inventory and

this woman almost missed her opportunity

for her miracle because she was like I

have nothing except and what is that

thing that’s your except that you’ve

been counting out that you’ve been

saying is not much but you didn’t go to

school for it that there’s not enough

nobody’s ever paid you before for it and

all this stuff and God says that’s all I


he said I have nothing except a little

jar of oil and he she the prophet said

that’s all you need

I came to tell you what you got is all

you need like like but you have been

asking God boy if you would give me more

I would and God says I gave you what you

needed because from this underfunded

position I’m about to work a miracle

that allows everybody to see that I am

Jehovah Jireh your provider I’m your God

I’m the waymaker I’m the one that brings

it out but many of us won’t even take

inventory because it’s just a little and

if you’re gonna see the miracle like

that woman saw can I tell you the end of

the story in 2nd Kings chapter 4 cuz

some of y’all don’t go back and study it

this woman whatever she had the faith

the man of God told her to borrow some

vessels go around and borrow vessels and

whatever she had the faith to borrow

like I don’t know if it was three

vessels thirty vessels 300 vessels but

the Bible tells us that whatever she had

everybody say faith whatever she had

faith for it said the oil kept pouring

until the last jar was full it said the

oil only stopped flowing when there was

no more could I submit to you that God

will supply everything that you have


whatever you have fate no you can’t go

get it after you start pouring you gotta

get it before you got to everybody say

prepare that means I have to have faith

that God’s gonna do something right now

do you know I’m sitting here right now

and we need a different building it’s

Labor Day and this place is packed

there’s no parking there’s all this

other stuff and many of us are walking

by sight what we see but I’m telling you

that there’s something in me that over

this past three weeks I’ve been closing

my eyes and I’ve been seeing vision and

God said give me another vessel and when

I close my eyes I don’t see this room I

see an arena and I see people coming

from every walk of life see I can’t look

at you right now

I gotta see it with my eyes closed I

can’t pay attention to what everybody’s

saying but I gotta see it with my eyes


yes sight says this ain’t enough but

vision says it’s more than enough and

God is about to do something but hear me

what I see with my eyes closed I can’t

pay for and may I submit to you it’s

that’s just how God wants it when he

stands and does this miracle it won’t be

because Pastor Mike was so good or you

were so calculated or your annuities

were in place and your 401k was so fat

God said I’ll supersede all of that and

I will allow the demand to outweigh the

supply and I will supply all your needs

oh this is good this is good

I want you to see something that almost

missed go to verse 14 is said for there

were 5,000 men there jesus replied to

them tell them to sit down in groups of

about fifty each so the people all sat

down when you’re planted and underfunded

I almost missed this oh this gonna help

somebody you have to go ahead and

organize overwhelmed

the disciples didn’t know what Jesus was

about to do like sometimes we read the

Bible stories and cuz we know the end we

act like they knew the end while they

were going through it

but I want you to picture this gee

they’re still sitting there with one

snack pack from Long John Silver’s and

somebody’s holding it tight and they’re

really thinking about eating it like

they’re to say what I’m saying and and

and and literally at this moment Jesus

says yeah you feed him now go tell

everybody to sit down in groups of 50

Jesus made them still organized they’re

overwhelmed State and they didn’t know

the outcome yet and practically there

are things that are so unorganized in

our finances in our homes and our lives

and until we hit the lottery with some

of y’all pray for harder for that

Claudius $200,000,000 he ain’t gonna let

you hit the lottery he wants you to

organize everything that’s overwhelming

you sit it down in groups of 50 get it

in columns of my debt and and who are

Owen what can I pay up like just

organize he didn’t ask you to supply for

it he just asked you to organize it see

mind many of us are trying to get to the

last step and he saw just need you to

abort obey the next step so I wonder

what the disciples were thinking as they

were corralling people to sit down in

groups of 50 hey y’all hey this is he

killing it ain’t it um uh what I need

everybody do right here is sit down in

groups of 50 like just sit down in

groups of 50 and then somebody from the

back goes like we hungry about that um

yeah we hungry too and we don’t know

exactly what’s about to happen we don’t

know what’s next we don’t know how God’s

gonna provide but I just know this was

my last instruction

so so so I’m not going to not obey

because I don’t have the outcome I’m

gonna go ahead and just follow this next

instruct like some of y’all’s next

instruction is go meet with a financial

adviser like like some of your next

instruction is to put all your debt on

paper some of your next instruction is

to actually be transparent with your

husband your wife your wife don’t even

know you got $50,000 worth of debt that

they got your name or they don’t even

know it you got it no you somebody else

like really Jimmy like like I’m just

saying like like maybe the next step is

is not going to give you that outcome

but it’s gonna lead you to it and they

had to organize it even when they were

over well cuz y’all know this whole

thing is about stewardship this whole

thing that God’s trying to work in you

is just just do what’s available and

write over what I’ve given you

and what and these disciples they’re

going through and I know they they’re

they struggling alright Jesus they in

groups of 50 now what

cuz this snack bag is not about to do

nothing get the picture

5 loaves to catfish not salmon from

catfish 20 thousand people they were

underfunded that they didn’t have enough

but look what happened verse 14 it said

Jesus took the five loaves and two fish

looked up towards heaven and blessed he

blessed what they had okay when you’re

planted and underfunded get what you got

blessed I know that’s wrong English but

it feels good get what little you got

blessed and see so many people don’t

want to give to God or return to God

because they say it’s too little you

can’t afford not to have what you got

bless can I be

to go how how do you do how do you get

what you have blessed you return to God

what’s his

that’s to tithing and I need to be very

clear because some people when you start

talking about tithing and offering it

all that stuff they get green in the

face and they start tightening up that

we not taking no extra offering we’re

not doing anything like this so I need

everybody to calm down we’re not doing

this because God’s trying to do

something for transformation Church he

will provide for this church this church

is going to be fine what I’m saying is

God’s trying to do something for you and

many of you have stopped up your

blessing because you will not take the

little you have and get it blessed God

says will you please take that three

hundred and forty eight dollars that you

get every two weeks and allow me to

bless him how somebody how do I bless

that I return ten percent of it back to

God and a hundred percent cursed is is

horrible because because what ends up

happening is a lot of us do not honor

God and we think that our money is going

to continue to flow and all that other

stuff I was a witness I used to do this

and Jesus told us he said how can a man

Rob God of the opportunity to bless him

he can rob him in tithes and offering he

blesses what we return back to him let

me say it like this 90% with God’s

blessing is better than 100% without it

and so many of us was too little or is

too much and hear what I’m saying to you

you’ll never be able to walk in the full

blessing of God financially until you

trust him with what you already have can

I prove it to you God tells us that our

heart it’s a heart issue it’s not a

money issue but our money is attached to

our heart let me prove it to you the

Bible tells us wherever our treasure is

our heart is also that’s why some people

who never check though a stock or a bond

before you put your money there you

checking it every day some of you got

shoes on that cost a lot of money if

somebody step on it you ready to fight

you like what are you cuz your heart is

there do you understand what I’m saying

all I’m telling you is when you honor

God with the tide with ten percent and

that’s the mic you don’t know how hard

that will be it’s already been hard and

you haven’t done it

I dare you to try it some people today

are gonna take a step of faith you’re

gonna talk to your husband and wife and

I encourage many of you to go back and

watch the series we did wait till I get

my money right so many of you took a

step of faith and started tithing in the

testimonies that are coming from

people’s life because this is what the

Bible says when you tithe when you honor

God it says that he rebukes

the Devourer not for his sake not for

the church’s sake for my sake so I can

walk in the blessing so I can do that

and I’m telling y’all this is the only

place in the Bible where God says test

me I dare you matter of fact i

double-dog dare you and you know when he

double-dog dare you you got to do a

double dog dare you to trust me and he

said see if I won’t open up the windows

of heaven and pour you out a blessing

that you don’t even have room enough to

receive some of you are underfunded

because you won’t trust their source and

these disciples took what they had and

got it

bless look what happens when they gave

it to Jesus when they return their time

when they gave it says then breaking the

loaves into pieces he kept giving the

bread and fish to the disciples so they

could distribute it to the people I need

everybody to see cuz we get this messed

up most people think that Jesus prayed

for it and then he started distributing

it to the people and it started it just

kept coming I want you to see what

happened Jesus didn’t give it to any

person he gave it back to the disciples

so he blessed what they had and he gave

it back to them it was now up to them to

be generous enough to give it out this

is where most of us get messed up

because God gives us a job that now we

have seed or God gives us a settlement

that we got a little money or God and

what we do is what I don’t want any of

you to do because the disciples there

were probably a few of them that wanted

to but when you’re planted and underfund

it don’t eat your seed the thing

that God gave him because remember there

wasn’t enough for one disciple to eat

five fish I mean five loaves two fish

one Peter could have ate that but he

gave enough that all the disciples had

something to distribute there was

already a miracle that happened it

already went from enough for one to

enough from 12 and what would have

happened if they would have eaten it

when they were supposed to be giving it

that’s why when God tells you to pay for

that person’s gas that’s at the pump

next to you don’t eat that seed and I

know y’all know what we do we’d be like

God they look fine that car newer their

mind what are you talking about no they

need to give me some gas money like we

try to size up people we try to get in

people’s business and in their banks and

God says they could be the richest

person in the world I’m not looking for

you to figure out why you’re doing it

I’m looking for obedience because it’s

better than sacrifice that’s what God

tells you to to give a little extra and

offering or he tells you to go sacrifice

your time and help a homeless shelter

that can’t help you or he doesn’t tell

you to help a homeless shelter because I

hate that everybody makes it like it has

to be a sad situation he tells you to go

help your sister that you don’t like

that’s a sacrifice but when you do that

when you don’t eat your seed that’s what

begins to produce the miracle I can just

imagine the disciples as they start

giving it out take a little I promise

you if you take more than a little I’m a

bush viewing your head you see all these

people greeting take a little you don’t

say I can see them going down the line

literally telling everybody take a


take a little I god bless you take a

little because when you when you have a

scarce mindset when you’re in fear of

running out you can’t be generous but

when it got to the last crumb and the

bread multiplied in their hands they

kept coming back to Jesus and there was

more they said I did somebody bring an

extra meal cuz since we didn’t eat first

y’all gotta realize the disciples were

hungry they had needs you have needs but

God told them to give first I know I

know I know

you-you-you don’t want to give it into

yours as men but maybe yours won’t be

met until you give it can I tell you how

dope god is check this out verse 17 they

all ate I need you to see this as much

as they want it

no now hold on now y’all know that that

fool that you get where it’s almost

insulting if somebody asks you if you

want more food like you’re at a

restaurant and they saw everything you

order and they’re like do you want

dessert and you like you shut up you

know you see I’m unbuttoned all my

buttons I cannot eat anymore I do not

want any dessert – chocolate eggs please

like but you know that foo like it’s

like no no no no no no no it said that

20,000 people ate until they were like

no more it started out as not enough

they started out underfunded but because

people took the time to take inventory

of what they had and realize that they

were not buried but they were planted in

a situation that was supposed to build


they started to look around and they

started to organize the overwhelmed they

didn’t eat their seed and they started

giving generously they got it blessed

that God allowed a miracle not just to

happen to them he loud miracle to happen

what is a better testimony then not just

to be people who ate when there wasn’t

enough but were to be the people that

God provided through when there wasn’t

enough you get the privilege of knowing

that if he did it before he can do it


I think ty said it like this he’s the

same God right now the same God back

then you got to understand that this is

what God has for you and look at the

rest of this verse it says they all ate

as much as they wanted and afterwards

somebody say afterwards that’s after

they had given generously to others the

disciples who remember in the beginning

that I told you there was twelve

disciples remember remember that now

this can’t be coincidence that the same

people that God asked to take on a task

to feed 20,000 people and they were

underfunded the twelve people that he

said you feed him God had to know that

he was going to provide for them from

the beginning they just had to have the

faith to go through the process and look

what happened it says the disciples

picked up not ten baskets how many

baskets how many baskets that means each

one had they own basket there was not

enough for one to eat first and because

God did the miracle through them they

get to take home an entire doggie bag

for themselves and whoever else they

want to share with and listen they

picked up the disciples picked up twelve

baskets I love this last word of left


I think there’s a scripture somewhere

that says what what’s the scripture

might I don’t forgot it there it is my

God is able to do exceedingly abundantly

above Oh y’all don’t hear me

you could ask think or animagic there

was a disciple that just thought and

imagined I would love to eat the

filefish and the two loaves at the end

of God working this miracle through him

from an underfunded position he got to

take home more then that was even there

to start with I’m coming to challenge

your faith today I feel the presence of

God because somebody’s getting their

faith back to believe that where I’m at

right now has nothing to do with what

God can do to me and through me

I may be underfunded but I need you to

know under does not mean over somebody

give God a shout of praise right there


okay okay okay okay okay so I know some

of you are gonna have to go home and

hear this message over and over and over

again because there’s been so much lack

and and defeat but I came to tell you if

you’re under you’re underfunded you

don’t have enough maybe that’s the exact

position God wants you man to perform a

miracle that only he can get the glory

from and cannot can I remind you of the

God that we serve look at Romans 8:32

cuz we talk about money and being

resources and being funded this is how

much God thinks of you since he did not

spare even his own son like I want like

we’re talking we’re not even talking

about people we’re talking about things

that are made up funds money resources

God said I love y’all so much that I

gave my only son so if he wouldn’t even

spare his own son but gave him up for

all of us

won’t he also give us everything else

like this is the same God who saved you

that you thinking he gonna call you

through a vision that he will provide

for what today you need to know I don’t

care who you are if you’re underfunded

stay planted stay connected to God

cuz the miracles on the way cuz it may

be the position that God’s gonna create

a miracle and he’s gonna allow you to

know that under does it mean oh let’s

give God praise in this place one come

on if you know God it’s taking you from

glory to glory give him a shout of

praise in this place
