If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

how many people have been blessed by

this sermon series so far this has been

a good one for you okay well we’re

taking it to the next level today

next level and how are we gonna do that

you know somebody once told me that

collective wisdom is better than one

person’s wisdom every day and we’re in

the fifth week of this sermon series and

I thought we’d do something different I

can talk about relationships all day I

got tons of stuff to talk about and I

got three more weeks to do it after this

and you don’t want to miss them but

today I thought that let’s let’s invite

some other people who may represent

people in the audience who are watching

people who may be single people who may

be dating people who are engaged people

who’ve been married a short time a long

time young old all that and let’s just

start talking this is one of the things

me and my wife have found that in real

relationships sometimes it’s better when

somebody else starts the conversation

then for the people in the relationship

to start the conversation um I know that

many times when me and my wife were

going through something if I asked her

something about why she did something it

turns into an argument or excuse me he

did fellowship at that moment but when

somebody else asked most of it both of

us how are you doing in this area then

we both get an opportunity to share um

what we’re gonna try to do is three

things and and for all you that have to

have Scripture and have points these are

it’s coming in the next five minutes so

you better get all of them because the

rest of it’s gonna be dialogue okay the

reason that we’re doing this is my

desire is that every person would

embrace the time and season God has them


um ecclesiastics 3/1 says for everything

there is a season a time for every

activity Under the Sun that’s including

relationship that means there’s a time

to be single there’s a time to marry

there’s a time to be alone and let God

refine you there’s a time for everything

and so we want everybody to not just be

in their season but we want you to

embrace it man I’m married and I love

you man I’m single and I’m living it up

man I’m dating and I don’t know if she’s

the one or she the one but it’s fun

right now like I want you to embrace

whatever season you’re in so that God

can get the most out of it the second

thing I want you to know is that there

is her hope for your hurdles there’s

hope for your hurdles everybody’s going

through something in relationship that

is a hurdle for them some of y’all don’t

know how to communicate and that’s a

hurdle for you so you really feel

something but every time it comes out in

a secondary emotion like anger

frustration and really you have

something really that needs to be

addressed but you don’t know how to do

it and we want to let you know number

one wherever you are relationally

through this panel you’re not the only

one going through it the enemy tries to

take people out in isolation you’re the

only one don’t tell nobody what you’re

going through what are they gonna think

of you when they find out y’all are

really having these marital problems or

the relationships not working out or we

just went Facebook official and now we

want to quit a week later but I just

want you to know that everybody has

hurdles in relationship okay can we just

break the ice

how many people have hurdles in

relationships right now come on let’s be

honest okay and some of y’all like I’m

not even in a relationship you have

hurdles with the people on your dorm

floor you have hurdles with the person

who serves you Starbucks every week they

understand what I’m saying those are all

relational things and we want you to

know there there’s help for that see

because III think that the church has

lost the power of a simple testimony

I feel like we don’t realize that if we

just can share with somebody where we’re

at and what we’re going through and how

God’s bringing us through or brought us

through that how that gives hope to

somebody else I want you to understand

that this what’s gonna happen today is

as powerful as me getting up speaking in

tongues laying hands on people because

the Bible tells us in Revelations when

the enemy comes to accuse this is how

you overcome him

it says revelations 12:11 you can take

that down it says and they defeated him

they have defeated him the enemy by the

blood of the Lamb that’s grace that we

all receive and the words of their

testimony the problem is many of us get

changed and we don’t want to share what

God has done it’s like we get sanitized

and we never want anything to do with

who we were and what we used to think

and what we do but what you don’t know

is it brings hope for somebody else’s

hurdles that’s why every Sunday I get up

here I’m like I know who I was I was a

liar I was a cheater I was addicted to

pornography I was a manipulator why cuz

that let somebody who’s dealing with

some of that stuff right know that there

is hope for your hurdles and what we

want you to know today relationally is

there’s hope for your hurdles and the

last thing we want you to know and this

is something that I me and my wife

really try to keep in every message we

do at transformation Church we think

that practical leads to progress like

when you’re practical it leads to

actually moving forward I’ve been in

some churches and some stuff they be in

the fifth heaven and everything is so

deep and we’re going to another

dimension like I didn’t get the last one

like I didn’t get the last I mentioned

why do we have to go to another one and

I and though there’s many much wisdom

and things that come a lot of times we

don’t leave knowing how to do anything

and if we’re gonna really transform we

have to have practical steps of how to

move out of where we are to where God’s

going we have a saying around

transformation church that that this

church is not about perfection it’s

about what progression

listen I don’t care what your Christian

walk looks like if it’s leaps jump steps

or scoots if you’re scooting just keep

progressing does everybody hear what I’m

saying religion tries to tell you you

should know this much by now and you

should be here by now and you should do

that no no no no just keep moving

forward and if you keep doing that God

will get you to the destination that

you’re supposed to be proverbs 4 chapter

5 verse 7 this is the best way that we

can get progress it says get wisdom

develop good judgment don’t forget my

words or turn away from them don’t turn

your back on wisdom everybody say wisdom

for she will protect you love wisdom

love her and she will guard you watch

this underline this it says getting

wisdom is the wisest thing you can do

like I love that it’s like trying to

make it for all of us who may be a

little remedial getting wisdom is the

wisest thing you could do and whatever

else you do develop good judgment

another translation says and all you’re

getting didn’t understand and so today

that’s what we want to do we want to get

an understanding we want to get some

wisdom and I thought it would be great

for me you heard from me and pastor

Natalie last week but I thought we’d get

some other people up here that I have

relationship with I trust that many of

them go to transformation church and we

can learn together we’re gonna laugh

today we’re gonna talk real today and I

want you to take at least one or two

things that you can say okay I’m gonna

put that in my bag for my relationship

for my family or I’m not putting that in

my bag what they’re doing who don’t do

that like I want you to take it and I

want you to be better because of what

God is gonna do it man

okay so I’m gonna introduce this panel

to you right now but since we’re talking

about relationships I need some music DJ

could you put some love music on or

something that can get me going yeah go


turn that up DJ

okay I want to introduce some of these

people right now

to my right the first couple that’s

coming out um these people are remarried

um one of them their spouse passed away

the other one they were divorced and God

has brought them together we all please

give it up for John and Shante Williams

and on this side they’ve been married

for over 37 years they’re the OGIS of

our panel Pastor Adrienne and be

Humphrey we out give it up for them um

these two people are becoming me and

Natalie’s some good friends of ours

they’re actually starting a church here

in Tulsa called even Tulsa and um this

is an awesome couple married for a

little over a year we all give it up for

Charles and Abbie Metcalf and these next

two people really are amazing in so many

areas if you have ever been in the

emergency room at Saint Francis you may

have seen them because they’re both

nurses we all please give it up for

David and Mandy Hays coming out now this

is one of my favorite people in the

whole world she is a picture of what

life after divorce looks like and she

fine as a glass of wine we all give it

up for pastor Barbara little John come

on over here pass to be cake so this man

is probably one of the nicest guys that

I’ve ever met and I’ve ever known and he

is um he is literally one of the most

encouraging people in the world we all

give it up for Rhema no ocker

and this is my sister right here she’s

single and she’s ready to mingle

we all give it up for Aryan Wilson s he

comes out the last two the last couple

that I’m gonna introduce is actually

dating right now and they have submitted

themselves to accountability and dating

that I haven’t seen many couples do and

they’re succeeding we’re very proud of

them we all give it up for Rob and

Kelsey coming out and last but not least

the mother that bakes all my children we

all give it up for pastor Natalie and

then it’s burning yeah to help her down

burn and help her down

see she carrying a lot Thank You Bernie

don’t touch it that long again burning

all right I’m just we gonna have a good

time today okay so this is how we’re

gonna start thank you guys first off for

being here I know this may be a little

different but through our transparency I

believe that we can help a lot of people

in whatever age and stage and

relationship they’re in so that’s the

first thing I want to find out I want to

find out what season of relationship are

you currently in okay and then I want

you to give me an adjective that

describes or a descriptive word that

describes that season for you right now

like what season are you in and what is

a word or a couple of words that

describe that season Rahman let’s start

with you bro what season are you in bro

I am currently a gay yeah that boy happy

he is happy look at him with that pink

jacket on and the word I would use to

describe Beyonce it’s across the world

right now is stretching stretching okay

stretching let’s go we have been married

for a year and a half and I would say

our word is my word for sure is learning

learning that’s a good word so when a

year in a year and a half that’s a good

word I would say

my word is growing growing learning a

girl y’all seem unified did you all talk

about this we spent six hours practicing

that okay

okay for 22 and a half years and my word

is spontaneous adventures mmm

spontaneous adventures

I’d have to say mine is new capacity new

capacity now let me stop there real


just so you guys can get a little

background on this is that John’s wife

passed away and they had three kids

right and Shonte was divorced and she

had three kids two and a half years ago

they came together and now they got six

kids food for and multiplying and I

think that’s why he said he said not

multiplying no more no more multiply

no more but I think that’s where stretch

capacity comes in that’s beautiful

Kelsey Rob we’ve been dating for a year

for months okay my word is preparation

preparation that’s a good word and my

word would be vulnerable vulnerable

that’s a good word let’s start on the

other side Arian what I can already put

you out there that’s you single and

ready to mingle fellas no I’m just put

your eyes open watch and pray anyway but

but what would describe the season that

you’re in right now descriptive word

promising promising did y’all hear that

promising pastor Adrienne B we have been

married for 37 years that’s awesome and

my word would be empty nesters come on

ain’t nobody at the house a man and – uh

just reflection thoughtful reflection

thoughtful reflection yes

hopeful you’ll think about we could do

how we can give back what we can do and

love with nobody at the house

yes oh we got have fun today y’all just

get ready this is about to be great okay

that has to be what season what stage in

life are you at and what’s a couple

words that can describe that well my my

um season is single divorced okay and my

word is satisfied hey cease reclaiming

our time okay I see you okay Dave and

Mandy will have been married two years

September 25th yeah it’s the 28th it was

close three days long we gonna have

counseling after I got hot for him my

word is maturing mature

I was good David that’s good Brooke Oh

use your words wisely what’s your word

Mandy fun that’s a good word okay so


okay stretching and fun that’s good BAE

what would be your word we’ve been

married seven years and what would be

your word to describe the season we’re

in right now constant constant adventure

I like that I like that I would

basically say I said we’re in the season

of being fruitful the chart no sleep the

babies fruitfulness amen

okay so um let me ask this question

because we got a lot of people that that

text in questions or emailed questions

and this is one that they wanted to know

how do you or how did you okay

identify marriage material like how how

do you identify the type of person what

are a couple details that you look for

in the type of person that even maybe

you don’t marry yet but you’re starting

in relationship and this is gonna be

different for different people but what

are some of those things that you look

for who wants to start us out with some

of those things you want to look for go

ahead come on she said I’m single I’m

ready to go tell me what I’m looking for

well that wants to be married yeah some

oh she said that like y’all don’t want

to be married and that that really is a

key point and I like that somebody else

what is something that you’re looking

for in some Charles what you got I think

for me when I when I saw Abby she didn’t

need me like I was looking for somebody

that she was fine by herself and she was

strong and independent and but still in

that there was attractiveness to like

man like she’s got her own thing she’s

good but in that’s like the howling I

want to be part of that like I want

somebody like that on my team so you

want somebody on the team that adds


not that subtracting Abby you have

something to say with that I would say

to someone that is pushing you forward

in growth and towards your goals if

you’re not growing that’s a

red flag come on that’s good um great

what you got I think for me was the

minimun II I think I’ve he said a memory

of Nemo Nemo that’s me Minnie Minnie so

I think the biggest thing I think we

know what he was trying to say he wants

a woman who’s feminine they had like six

extra syllables feminine the minute

that’s okay I think the biggest thing

was there’s a certain level of

compassion and sincerity and giving that

I found in Nike that really stood out to

me and I think for me even from a

distance I saw that from our friends I

saw there from our family outside it

from our community that she was around

and seeing that femininity in her seeing

her the way she loved other people the

way she was compassionate with others

the way she sacrificed her life to

others that to me really stood out yeah

that’s good and and he was on point he

had points these are good you say the

word femininity I don’t even know it’s

not a word somebody looked at it is it’s

a word that just sounded like so many

extra syllables now I’m just messing

with you okay somebody else what do you

look past it Barbara I would be looking

for someone that has the God presence in

them it’s come that well that they first

of all know God and love God because if

they know God and love God they’re gonna

do the same for me come on and I’m also

looking for that person that is secure

in who they are they know exactly who

they are and they’re willing to they’re

secured in themselves and they have

security um code word you got a job just

in case y’all didn’t get them they’re

like no I got ADT no a job okay

all right so you go ahead babe I’ll talk

about you okay no he’s pretty much the

only guy I’ve ever dated so leadership

uncut will tell you about it later on

tonight no leadership qualities so a man

that had the ability to lead others that

people naturally are kind of gravitated

towards at least for me that was

something cuz I needed someone that knew

not at the time at

14 but now I think about it someone that

could lead me and so that’s good so let

me ask you this question and and we can

get is kind of in the same vein but I

just want to hear from you guys what is

a deal maker and what’s a deal breaker

like like what’s something that you’re

looking for that be like man when they

have that quality or that character that

makes me feel good or was that one thing

that’s like mmm if they do that or if

they’re like that cannot fly

you got some rock well for me a deal

breaker was somebody who wasn’t afraid

to like come for me because my idea what

passivity and I was never forced to

stretch or do more than what I wanted to

so somebody that just wasn’t afraid to

help me go and push me to be better

did you hear that that’s that’s

transparency thank you for that he said

he dealt with our deals with passivity

which is an epidemic among men period

you see these strong women in these

passive media whatever you say honey

whatever you do had it where are we

going wherever you are like it’s just

this it’s this thing but he said because

I believe God gives us our helpmates

that he knew what he was dealing with

that means he was self-aware and then he

believed God he didn’t shun what he

needed he asked God to give and he gave

somebody that would confront and be able

to do that okay Rob now on the same

token what’s a deal breaker I was like

cleaning this thing keeping my just

super clean but every day probably my

bed is made you know I’m that kind of

person so and she’s a cleaning it freaks

okay so God gave you what you asked for

glory to God somebody else what’s a deal

breaker what you got Mandy well for me

it’s honesty especially in a culture

where it’s all about basic thinking yes

for me it was something that if for he

David was the most honest person I admit

and so for me that was a big deal maker

a deal maker was honesty yeah okay

what’s the deal breaker Mandy like if

David walked up to you and was doing

this you would have been like were you

honest but laziness laziness

did y’all hear that okay I just want you

to hear laziness is a deal-breaker Dave

I want to give you the same question

be careful today

be careful redeem yourself ideas I think

something that yeah I really wanted a

relationship was someone who’s going to

yeah be transparent I don’t know she

said honesty but that was a big thing

for me also and so one of the things

that most attracted me to Mandy was one

of the first times we hung out she

shared her testimony with me and was

just really transparent about the good

things and the bad things and what got

it done in their life so it’s huge for

me and then as far as the deal-breaker

stop looking at her today probably a

deal-breaker would be someone who

doesn’t like cheese but I married her

anyways so Mandy don’t like cheese god

bless her so okay so let me let me

propose this to single people up here

which are you for right now okay what

okay let me ask it like this how do you

stay content in the season of singleness

when you do desire to be married like

how do you because a lot of people are

struggling with being content like

because they want to go to the next

season so bad they do not embrace this

season which one of y’all want to answer

that great let’s go I think it’s

understanding that marriage is equally

as valuable as singleness yeah I wanted

they’re not one is preparing a one is

leading to the other so for me I

realized as a single person

I can do whatever I want to do have all

the time in the world to really pursue

my business pursue my passions I’ve

traveled across the world I’ve been able

to do things that meet people I’ve never

been able to do and being able to be

content in that and then also contending

God and who he’s called me to be and

really seek out and understand God and

listen for him and get to know him

develop my relationship with him was one

of the best things developing a

relationship with God without

distractions is one of the best feelings

in the world that’s awesome that’s


anybody else kills I would say I the

series whenever you talk about

singleness is when I became content

where we are just because I’m ready to

at least being gay

aged or we were around all these married

people or in a marriage belong group

thankfully just so we can learn and we

can prepare so I feel like we’ve done

all this preparation so I’m like anxious

for the next but the singleness that you

talk so it’s real recent yeah I’m I

can’t go glory to God that’s what I’m

talking we fought in this progression I

love it what you got um one thing God

had over he reminded me and continually

reminds me of is that while marriage is

a blessing and that I hope to aspire to

someday that it’s not a reward for doing

something right and thinking this is not

a punishment for doing something for not

doing that’s good that is continual

progression and also the one thing that

God gave me when he when he saved me and

brought me into Christ was security yeah

myself that can we snap that up that was

good that was good right there okay you

got something let’s go so when I was

because I got married the first time

really really young so after I got

divorced that was the first time I

really really was saved and single yeah

and I thought you know as long as I have

all my stuff together physically

financially you know all these areas

that I was gonna be married like are you

just gonna bring him and so during that

process for the longest I was like God

where is he what how long is it gonna

take but what I what I realized is all

during that time he was strengthening my

roots like he was showing himself as my

provider during that time I mean I

received bonuses and money that more

than I’ve ever made in my entire life

even with two incomes previously um he

showed himself as my healer I’m I dealt

with the sickness during that time that

was really really critical God healed me

completely he showed himself so faithful

to me over and over and over again to

where it really just made me completely

sold out that you know he was taking

care of me I was not alone during that

time and I think that’s what needed to

be solidified and where I was content

even there before I even received that’s

so good

and I want to call our attention back to

what we talked about a couple weeks

weeks ago single and alone are two

different things

a lot of people are doing with with

feelings of loneliness but you’re not

alone God said though you walk through

the valley of the shadow of death you

don’t even have to fear cuz I’m with if

you make your bed on the top of a

mountain or if you make it inhale I am

going to be right there with you the

thing is do we deny or accept the love

of God in whatever season we’re in and

that’s something that we always have to

be looking at okay let me talk to

everybody right right here what does

accountability look like in the season

that you’re in because we hear about so

many relationships going off the rails

and people having secret conversations

but people at the jobs and on Facebook

and sliding into the DMS

I’m just gonna say that do you know that

Facebook and Instagram and social media

in the past seven years I believe this

is the statistic says that has been

linked to almost 40% of divorces no no

no I want you to hear me say that very

clearly 40% of divorces have been linked

somehow to social media okay so these

are real things so how do you deal with

accountability in your relationship

whatever stage you’re in you guys are

dating how do you deal with the

countability kills so a little even

before we started officially dating we

submitted our relationship to the Todd’s

and we went on three months and did

intentional friendship and learned each

other differently and stuff like that so

since then we’ve been really close with

them and then also the Tucker’s and they

taught us that there’s a difference

between honesty and transparency so if

you’re asked to something then you’re

honest but if you’re transparent it’s

just you sharing without having to be

asked y’all need to stop and stop stop

stop because people don’t get this the a

lot of people won’t tell the truth until

they’re asked but what truth are you

giving up like what are you saying with

nobody saying where were you last night

you need to be making the text in the


say I did this yesterday and that’s what

true accountability looks like and I can

say that for Kelsey and Rob this is one

thing that I have not seen a lot of

people do

Kelsey comes from a past that that is

jaded and broken Rob comes from a past

that was more thugged-out and gangster

life and it don’t look like it right

here but he would kill you six years ago

straight up kill you

no there was no passivity in that moment

um but but when they came and they they

were they had been through too many

broken relationships and they said I

don’t want to do this again and so what

they said what do I have to do to do it

right and I said it’s gonna be

uncomfortable but it’s gonna help you

and so this is a nugget that I didn’t

even think I was gonna pull out but I

feel like the Spirit is telling me to

say it that we put them on three months

of intentional friendship attention a

friendship with boundaries with

boundaries what do you mean by that

Pastor Mike we knew what they were going

through and we weren’t gonna set them up

to fail and most people’s like I like

her I like her I’m grown she grown we

should be able to and they came and they

did that we had them read a book by

Jimmy Evans together we let them know

that they could not go into each other’s

living spaces and everything that they

did had to be upright nothing vertical

no kissing I mean what would what I’m

saying everything you know what I meant

you seen my hands dusky my hands no

kissing what else was it no no a lot

everything had to be for three months

this is just the beginning because when

you bring anything physical into it in

the first three months I’m no longer

trying to get to know you I’m no longer

trying to get to know you to know you

I’m trying to get to know you

and anybody with sense knows that that’s

the truth and what happens is you don’t

have an ability to have an on-ramp or an

off-ramp I said at this three months

you’re not putting that in on Facebook

Instagram that y’all doing this and all

this other stuff we’re gonna come back

after three months and you’re gonna be

able to say do I even want to continue

in this go ahead baby well other thing I

wanted to mention is they submitted

their relationship to people that they

aspired to be like in some aspect not

their friends that’s good and even say

that because of that I think that

separation God has almost separated them

from a lot of people from their past

even a friendships because they decided

to do do it differently and so I think

God has good little so that’s a nice

segue how do relationships change when

you get married Charles so how does your

relationships change when you get

married when you’re married like our

team and us being on the same thing as

the Moke it’s a single most important

thing like our unity nothing no greater

than that no friend no hobby nothing is

more important than that and so I think

as you is even speaking to

accountability you need to have people

that will ultimately push you together

like if I come to one of my friends and

I’m like man she’s crazy she’s like no

you’re crazy like you need to go back

you say or there or she has people that

was speaking say push her back to me I

think a lot of times you get people who

just want to agree with you like oh yeah

she is crazy aw yeah she is that’s not

helping you that’s drawing you apart so

I think just learning to find people who

are who are faithfully and yeah there’s

some where you want to be you don’t go

like find someone who can’t swim teach

you how to swim it don’t make no sense

so like finding people who are where you

want to be Pastor Adrienne um be 37

years in the game okay

how did your relationships change like

friendships cuz I know you had good

friends you had good friends how does

that change when you get married because

I know that’s an issue in counseling we

deal with a lot as people and the

relationships they had before the

relationship how did those things change

man this whole topic just got be just

like wow yeah 37 years ago yeah I got

some good answers I’m gonna tell you

when I got married man

I didn’t have that spiritual route y’all

come over today here you know and you

know he’s just a job turkey out there

trying to do your thing you know I love

the church and stuff you love the Lord

and stuff you know and I told God you

know I I want a good woman yeah my

mother is a great influencer to me she

had good core values and you kind of do

look at your parents like that you know

and I look for a woman that kinda like

my mama

I might my mother and so on but you know

outside of that I think that’s a lot of

questions I just like your Lord I want

that so it’s a while so when when you

say evolve a hundred a change I try to

be brief you know you good howdy Bob

because at different stages in marriage

yeah it’s like you get into a house and

you as you go through the years you go

to different rooms every room are not

accessible or you first come in you may

notice even you may know it’s there but

you will they haven’t went into it here

come to change how did it change here

well you know when I got man I’m the man

and ladies I said it I’m the man it’s

gonna roll my way

she showed me yeah I was the man but not

the way I thought I was something now

that was a process yeah that heard it

yeah I hope it okay we got a time for

this up here but good man we have

somebody saying something wrong to my

trust and accountability here at

different stages

there’s some things I leave you know the

trust I didn’t even know to even think

about trust in that way yeah I haven’t

been in that room but you know one thing

I do know what I’m gonna talk about what

I do know it’s because I was truly

seeking God for a good godly

relationship what I did not know God

carried me through that’s what I did

know was that I had a woman who loved

God also yeah so whatever values we had

that we didn’t see here I was confident

we can get through yeah see divorce is

never an option to me yeah

now let me get real here at about 15-20

years it kind of came up a little bit

like I mean George and Bob and Mary it

kind of that’s good but you got to trust

God and what God is doing with you here

and this is a God be has been she has

taught me with love God has taught me

what love is through her Wow

I think love grows with knowledge you

have to learn how to love someone even

what God hear your love for God grow

that knowledge as you begin to

experience God oh good you know how to

love God where God takes you some

valleys and stuff some deep places and

brings you out my soul looks back and

wonder how I got over turn his mic off

he’s trying to hijack the talk no but

that is some wisdom can we give God

praise for that that’s awesome that’s

that 37-years talking right there well

go ahead that’s a well I would say this

information came to me from your parents

actually yeah some years ago now but

your mom I was talking to her she was

talking about I wasn’t talking about us

for someone else and I mentioned someone

that was in a relationship or they were

married in having a single friend and

she was like honestly baby she was like

me and your dad do not have single

friends she was like you think about it

a married couple doesn’t have friends of

the opposite sex just on their own you

know like I don’t have a male friend

that’s not my husband’s friend and vice

versa he doesn’t have a girlfriend

that’s not my friend like we have either

friends that if they are single their

mutual jealous or their couple friends

that’s just it you know I’m just telling

I’m trying to save from you’re asking

for problems you’re asking for problems

when you’re trying to hold on to

relationships and and this is one of

those because you always get that it’s a

question that we had come in and I’m

just gonna take it real fast when people

say you know

well we dated before but we just want to

be friends friends okay now let me let

me just help you let me just help you it

wasn’t bad I’m not saying the

relationship was bad but you leave the

door open

it’s just wisdom for the enemy to play

on your spouse or your your your your

spouse’s mind when you are fighting for

a relationship that you don’t have to

have you’re putting a lot of eggs in the

basket on the other person you’re in a

relationship with to trust you that much

especially if you’re just starting off

to trust and believe that you’re having

someone else of the opposite sex it’s

just your friend there’s a lot of

pressure to put on somebody you know and

so and if you’re asking for insecurity

issues things like that and so we’re

just encouraging you and listen

everything we saying up here you all

gotta listen to it but that last

scripture said that wisdom cries out in

the street and it’s saying please listen

to me because it’ll guard you and

protect you i’ma go to something else

real quick when should you share details

of your past with the person you’re in

relationship with should you share it

when you upfront hey my name is Bob this

is everybody out of mess with this is

this this is this this is this should

you wait till you get married and they

run away should Jewish you know

honestly this is a question that people

know because people get in marriages

with secrets okay let’s be honest

sometimes they think well if I tell them

they probably won’t even give me a


in your opinion when’s the best time

rate to tell somebody your past I think

I think for me one of the things that I

did with Nike I just say here’s

everything I’ve been through isn’t

everything expenses everybody ever dated

before here’s the history of everything

I’ve ever done here’s everything you

need to know about me I was extremely

vulnerable with her

I was extremely open with her at the

point I realized that you know what I

think I want to marry this girl I think

this is someone I really want to marry I

literally put everything on blast and I

think that opened the door for her to do

the same thing as well because she did

the same thing with me when she opened

up the door about her life and

pass and what she experienced and I

think that created a stronger

relationship with us because we can have

a stronger relationship when we know

okay there’s nothing else we’re hiding

from each other that’s good I mean even

as we continue to grow there are things

you just don’t know to tell someone

there’s things that you know is game

will conflict so as we begin to grow I

will tell her about something’s like I

did this today it’s like I didn’t know

that I didn’t realize you experienced

that I never realized she went through

that and so even though I’ve been I was

as vulnerable as I thought I was

supposed to be or as vulnerable as I

thought I could be as a life progressed

there was even more opportunities for

vulnerability that’s so good so good

Abby what you got crying and having to

tell each other all of these things that

we had done that we wish we never would

have and we were we were virgins when we

got married and we still had so much

hurt of things that we had done so I

would just always keep that in mind as

you’re making decisions in those seasons

of like is this something that I want to

tell look my spouse in the eyes and tell

them one that’s good thinking about it

in that moment John okay you you were

married before you had a life built with

somebody they passed away tragically

when do you start opening up and telling

tion table what has happened what’s

going on what do you what do you think

that looks like well I think I think

transparency is number one and she

didn’t have to ask me anything I

volunteered information to her just

because when we got to a certain place

in our relationship and I knew she was

the woman that I was gonna marry I

wanted to be open with her and honest

and just let her know hey these are the

things that happened you know with my

first wife these are the things that we

accomplished together I’m not I’m not

putting that same expectation on you

which i think is really important that’s

good because I never want her to be in

the light of who the other woman was so

I want I want what we have to be to be

one to be to be the first and so that

allowed her to have the ability to let

her go

down knowing that I didn’t put that

expectation on her and so the other

things that we talked about that I

volunteered was these are some of the

things I didn’t like in my first

marriage these are the these are some of

the things that I want us to do so that

we can have a successful man

yeah and so good let me move to

something that we got that came on from

somebody in the audience somebody asked

the sexual temptation subside when you

get married if not what are some best

practices for purity passive Adrienne I

heard you laugh when I asked you that do

sexual temptations subside when you get

married and what do you do if they don’t

well number one who society no I was a

man before I got man I’m still a man

that that got me amen

it’s just the fact that as I get older

and I’m married now I handle things

differently and now it’s a

responsibility what do I do well I think

in Cincinnati here’s some things very

basic before about wisdom number one you

got to watch you in your environment

your surroundings number one you know

your I gave your irrigate what’s your

hearing and stuff you say now you said

what happens when that you didn’t do

that that in turn in there well you know

what I take it to God I don’t want to

sound too super spiritual I’m just old

school here come on stuff but you know

what the Bible says think on these

things okay and in his system one thing

got to be I had to be real with myself

sometimes we lie to ourselves I ain’t

touched by that I’m home see God yeah

she got nice legs and a behind but I

won’t bother me no you being really real

with yourself it’s good father I have an

issue here you know and I take it to God

in prayer you know what and there are

times you know we’re talking about could

be confining a bit transparent

I have to learn that as I went through

marriage yeah so I didn’t understand

that early y’all got y’all starting off

with a lot of information and stuff here

I had to learn about accountability and

transparency and so what I do as

together went on here some things I

would just share my wife limited what’s

going on and we taste something – she’s

a godly woman trying to be quick as


what’s going on here with me I talk a

lot but uh she’s a she’s a good godly

woman I many times got revealed to her

so good sometimes I don’t know how to

say what needs to be said

maybe my manhood may be attacked to say

that I have this weakness here but thank

God we have a godly woman is praying for

you see you ain’t got to say something

she just knows wow so good and she began

to talk to you and support you in a way

that the listener is gonna be okay yeah

you know if you don’t wants to marry

anytime in a little time you’ve been

through some math some battles yeah okay

I’m gonna stop right they hope that I

answer your question I’m trying to be do

you want to say anything because that

talks so much I’m trying to use Peck all

the time we heard that a sign of your

marriage is can your can your husband

trust you with information such as he’s

struggling sexually with thoughts or

anything like that or does he feel like

if he does share with you to join him in

the fight are you gonna be there to

point the finger and basically tear him

down and how dare you or are you gonna

join them in the fight and it sounds

like you definitely you’ve had to join

them in the fight pastor and I talked

early in our marriage well I think 10

years that’s early for me because we’ve

been together 37 and we said that

unfaithfulness is not the problem of

your mate it’s not that there’s

something lacking in your mate is that

there’s something lacking in you because

you made a covenant and so if you’re

going back on your covenant you need to

examine yourself not try to criticize

your mate so anytime that we shared then

it was for support because he’s coming

to me to say I have a problem and I need

you to help me so good and the same

thing with me women we don’t react like

you know we can’t fail yeah we can fail

too and we need to be just as honest and


you have to come along with us to say

hold me accountable yeah that is so good

so much wisdom what you got son say I

wanted to say when what during the time

when I was single that was something

also God was developing me and was

character and integrity so even then

those times when you know you’re lonely

and you’re like you know God is this

manual just knock on my door you just

you know you have those desires but even

when you know people would reach out in

your DMS what are you gonna do during

that time I had to shut those things

down you know you can leave you can have

a response and it can leave the door

open or you can have a response to

someone and it shuts things down

immediately and so those are the areas

where God was testing me and being

single so that guess what when you’re

married and you still see things going

on or someone still approaches you

you’ve already passed those tests God

develops us all along the way so that’s

so good having your responses and things

cuz people the enemy will come try to

test you if I just want everybody to

hear this because pastor Adrienne hit it

on a little bit earlier but if the son

of man was tempted for forty days who

are we to think that we won’t be tempted

in different ways to help us fail so we

need to be prepared just a couple more

questions I really think this is helping

a lot of people let me ask this um

what Arian have you been intentional

with in your singleness I’m gonna go you

and pastor Barbara and then I want to

ask a couple Mary people what do you

wish you would have been more

intentional with when you were single

okay Arian what have you been

intentional with in your singleness

making sure I’m serving in some capacity

in the house and being sure that I’m

having fun in this time like I’m able to

travel I went into a lot of places this

year where you go

oh it’s Europe yeah

that was one thing that I think that’s

awesome you getting to experience those

things and being intentional and and

just reminding yourself of who God is

and and knowing him in a way that many

people don’t get to know him that’s so


pastor Barbara after being married

having a child and then being divorced

what is something that because you’ve

had two seasons of singleness what is

something that you’re being super

intentional about in this season of your

life that could help somebody else in

their singleness be intentional about

being the being that I am divorced I’m

being intentional with letting people

know that divorce is not the end of your

life yeah that you can’t move on so I am

also being intentional with showing that

I love my life yeah I love Who I am and

that I am so free and being who God

wants me to be I’m enjoying God I have

made my home a sanctuary that when I

feel lonely it is I want my home to be a

sanctuary that even young single girls

who may be struggling with who they are

and and and in their independence that

they can they could know that they can

make it if you’ve gone to divorce and

divorce is not a beautiful thing at all

God hates divorce but once you have been

walking in it or you find yourself in it

you can still live a life that is secure

you can get back on your feet you can be

strong and even if it is even going back

to the accountability part and and

knowing that sometimes yes I see a

person a young gentleman that I’m a very

cool girl a quick and sometimes Cougars

see you out here faster Barbara and I’m

honest and I’m transparent with God I’ll

say God okay now all right Stella trying

to get my groove back

I’m not hiding anything and I know that

I look good so me and Jesus

we have a top yeah but I know that the

scripture says whatever is done in the

dark is gonna come on to the tape so I

don’t hide anything from God when I go

home I go home a little and then and

when I’m lonely me and Jesus I put my

music on and I’m telling you we have a

party in my house I’m just like Adrienne

I believe in traveling I make sure that

I’m accountable when it comes to being a

good steward over what God has given me

I’m not a foolish woman and I make sure

that I take care of my home and that I

am being a good steward but what God has

given me because I want to be able to

sew into the lives of anybody that come

before me that I think that is young Oh

single marriage and I do I’ve

experienced enough to know that listen

ladies especially those of us that when

we come into marriage and you have been

independent for a long time you have to

shift you have to shift from where you

were walking alone and know that now you

are not independent and you have to be

able to be able to say that when I was

doing this by myself is no longer just i

but back to your point I am very much we

see we know you are very much we we

already got it

okay see that and hide this but I want

you to know pastor pastor Barbour

hollaby I’m 67 6 what is that I know I’m


great so awesome last thing I want to

ask him we got to get out of here maybe

we could do this all day because this is

some really good are you guys being a

help it’s about some of this stuff

that’s happening up here so good cake so

let me ask this question

what’s the scripture that helps guide

what season you’re in right now like

what’s what’s something that’s helped

anchor you whether you’re married or

whether you’re single or whether you

what’s something that’s helped anchor

you pastor barber the scripture that

says no matter what state you’re in

there with be content that took me

through the tumultuous time that I had

when I was going through my divorce yeah

so looking at having to take on the the

the expenses where it was two full-time

people in my life and carrying the

weight of home job whatever and that

scripture is what kept me on course yeah

no matter what state you’re in there

with be content that’s why I said I’m

divorced and satisfied anybody else

anybody else got a scripture Charles I

think they’re ours is Ephesians 3:20 God

is able to do more exceedingly more

abundantly than you can ask think or

imagine that’s so good what you got

proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord

with all thine heart and lean not unto

your own understanding but in all your

ways acknowledge him and he will direct

your path so good right what you got

right excited to see first the kingdom

of God His righteousness and everything

else will be added unto you man what you

got wrought for minds it would be

discerning power of three five six

because I’m pulling into a season where

and my family I don’t have anybody to

look at as an example so I’m going into

something that I have no idea about but

I’m trusting to him that I’ll be able to

lead the current work that’s so good

so did um I think I think mine would be

Isaiah 26 and three you will keep in

perfect peace all who trust in you and

all whose thoughts are fixed

on God I think for me and Natalie we’ve

been through a lot of different seasons

but because our mind is fixed and

focused on God we trust him like hey

this sucks right now but we trust God

hey we don’t have as much money as we

need right now

ha ha but we trust God hey one of our

children is going through an issue and

we really need God to come through but

we we trust you and when you have faith

and focus you win I just want to

encourage everybody in your

relationships wherever you are thank you

guys for being so transparent but

wherever you are in your relationship I

want you to know that only you need two

things you need faith in God and you

need to stay focused on what God is

trying to do in your life and if you

have those two things one day you’ll be

sitting on the couch with whatever stage

of relationship you’re in and you’ll be

sharing the faithfulness of God me and

Natalie aspire to be 37 years in the

game like the Humphreys um but that

doesn’t negate the seven years we’re in

right now so be content in whatever

season you have and allow God to work on

you in that season can we pray for

everybody right now I want us to just

stretch our faith not saying that we’re

perfect people but progressing people

and we want to pray over this group of

people father we thank you for every

person that is listen father we we

extend our faith father God we’re not

who are not up here like we’ve figured

it out father but we trust you and we

have faith to believe you God we pray

for every marriage god there’s marriages

in this room that are going through hell

right now God and I’m praying that the

peace of God will begin to flow in those

marriages god I thank you Father that

there are people who in here that are

single who have been discontent father

and I thank you right now you are

bringing a level of peace that passes

their understanding father I thank you

for even the person who’s divorced and

is going through a hurt and trying to

figure it out I think you as passive

Adrian say father you’re gonna be the

one who carries us through the valleys

as well as you’re gonna carry us to the

mountaintops Oh

the spirit I’m asking you to uncut us

from every relationship that’s not like

you everything that’s not adding to us

but bringing us harm father and we thank

you for restoration of those father God

who are far apart from each other but

need you to come into their relationship

I thank you for passion being renewed I

thank you for love being intentional

father and I thank you that you would be

the sinner we trust you and believe you

that our relationship goals father God

will be centered in you and you’ll do

something amazing to transform our lives

in Jesus name we agree Amen let’s give

God praise
