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well good morning everybody good morning

to every person who is in the building

today man was so excited that you’re

here and everybody watching on

transformation nation man it means so

much that you are a part of our church

today we are starting week six of a

series called help me grace like a flood

and Men this series has been just

transforming lives all over starting

with mine and before we get into it this

week man I just want to thank every

person that was here last week I know a

lot of y’all was at the lake but we had

our own pool party last week we saw 251

people get baptized and come alive Oh

y’all can do better than that glory to

God this is why our church exists and I

want to say thank you to every I serve

leader every volunteer every person who

sacrificed and came this is why we exist

and I believe that God is doing

something special here it is my honor

and pleasure to lead this church so

let’s get in the word today are you all

ready for the word today so let’s start

this thing out and today I want to I

want to talk about a topic that a lot of

people get caught up on when it comes to

this message of grace like like like

they hear the first for sermon series of

this message and they’re like okay I’m

saved by grace not by works and and once

I put my faith in Jesus Christ like I’m

secure I’m saved I’m redeemed like like

okay so can I live any kind of way and

and and a lot of people like me when I

was trying to manipulate and thinking

and try to make everything that I did

okay we we try to twist the Word of God

to make it fit our opinions and our

wants and our desires and as I answer

this question today through the Word of

God I want all of us to see and hear

that our works do matter somebody just

say that my works matter

and so today I had to go back in my

repertoire and I went to the middle

school locker room where I first heard

this song by a prophet named Tupac

Shakur and prophet to pot he had a song

in 1996 called only god can judge me and

it’s now become a cultural phrase that

people usually say when they’re doing

something wrong and somebody tries to

tell them about it or give them better

advice and leave me alone only god can

judge me and how many people in the room

have ever said only god can judge me or

thought it or felt it okay and that’s

most people in the room because somehow

we don’t want to be held accountable for

our works here on earth we want to put

it off like only god can judge me and

he’s not really gonna do that and I

really came to let everybody know that

that the statement shouldn’t say only

guy can judge me it really should say

God will judge me and that’s for every

person believer and unbeliever that’s

after we accept the grace of God and so

today the title of the message is only

god can judge me and the subtitle is

works after grace I want you to open up

your heart and really dig deep today

because the question that you have to

ask yourself is does the way I live even

matter because a lot of us we have ways

that we act infront of certain people

y’all know if your boss comes in some of

y’all did a different accent you’re like

hello hi my name is and then your

friends coming like what up foe how you

doing and like where does we act

different for different people we try to

put on but the crazy thing about it is

God sees how you really are and so he

sees the motive of the thing he sees the

heart intention of the thing and so this

is the thing that you have to understand

it is not I didn’t say does the way I

act or what I put on does that matter is

is what I do my works do they matter in

the long run and I want you to hear this

very clearly I’m gonna give you the

answer to that question yes they matter

because after grace after we receive

this amazing thing about grace and if

this is your first week in the series

please do me a favor go back and watch

every other one that we’ve done but I’m

gonna read a summary of how good grace

is and it’s found in Romans five and

we’re gonna start at verse 20 and I want

you to know if you just want to know how

amazing God is just period read Romans

that mug will just mess you up but look

at Romans 5:20 it says God’s have always

given so that all people could see how

sinful they were but as people sinned

more and more God’s wonderful grace

became more and more abundant that is

good news for every single one of us so

just as sin ruled over all people and

brought them to death now God’s

wonderful grace everybody shot at me

grace his wonderful grace rules instead

like I want you to see there’s been a

trade like you you used to have the law

and that kept you down and now God said

will you please trade me will you please

trade me the law for grace will you

treat please trade me the yoke the thing

that makes you heavy burden I want to

give you mine cuz it’s easy and light

and that’s what this says right here

give it to me instead and this is giving

us right standing or righteousness with

God and resulting in eternal life

through Jesus Christ our Lord so when we

ask the question does my works or the

way that I live matter after I receive

grace I want you to find the answer in

Romans 6 Romans 6 verse 1 look what it

says it says well then and I like the

the thing well then because they’re

talking to Paul right here and he’s

being sarcastic

cuz the church had the same questions

that we have like like this is not a new

topic like man grace is amazing so we

can just do whatever and Paul’s like man

not to answer this before so now I’m

gonna be a little sarcastic with you and

look what he says in the Bible he says

well then should we keep on sinning so

that God can show us more and more of

his wonderful grace and there’s people

like you in this room they’re like

please say yes please

say yes but look what he says of course

not like like we’re not about to play

God like we’re not about to allow him to

shed His grace and and and send His only

Son to the cross for us to try to

manipulate him to still do what we want

to do and serve Him wholeheartedly he

said we can’t use grace as a way to

cheat the system and not surrender and

give our lifes to God he said of course


he says since we have died to sin how

can we continue to live in it this is

the real question have you died to your

sin because because many of us are

saying we died to our sin but we still

living in it every day

how are you dead analyzed like like how

how have you gone down and given and

identified as many of us did last week

through baptism remember it was a symbol

of our own nature going down and being

and buried with Christ and coming alive

anew and afresh you can’t be a both dead

and alive in the same thing so I can’t

be dead to lust but alive in it I can’t

be dead to gossip analyzing oh come on

y’all I need you to help me in this

place you cannot be dead to comparison

but yet be alive in it and God is saying

that His grace has been extended so you

can die to the old way of doing it and

you can become alive and empowered by

the Holy Spirit and a brand new way of

doing and this is what I really come

down to and I think of this because I’m

talking to you about my struggles like

like this is not a message that Pastor

Mike is coming at you I have had to deal

with this message in my own life for the

past three years because cuz God will

come to me and I’ll get angry about

something he said you still alive in

anger you you you you didn’t die to that

yet you got to bring that back to me and

we got to crucify this thing we got it

we got to kill this thing but a lot of


we’re good but we’re okay and and and

and what we think is we can be Christian

zombies The Walking Dead that’s an

oxymoron you you can’t be alive and dead

that’s why zombies actually are

fictional they’re not real because you

can’t walk and be dead and what we have

in church is a lot of The Walking Dead

we have a lot of people who say they are

all come on I feel this thing we have a

lot of people that are saying they’re

dead to us in but they’re still walking

in it and God says can we please can we

please put to rest

can we please heal those thing can you

please really identify with me and what

I did on crossing the salvation and the

healing and the blessing and the

forgiveness that I’ve provided for you

and could you please start living in me

so this is what I’m saying the grace of

God is not not a way for us to keep

living in our old life it is a brand-new

life in Christ and so when we look at

this we have to understand and we have

to acknowledge honestly who’s our master

like that’s that’s really the telltale

sign of are we really walking and

Grayson being empowered

are we still a slave to our sin nature

Romans 6:16 says you are slaves of the

one you obey now I want you to hear me

because a lot of people say but that’s

my kind slaves to nothing I ain’t slave

to but you’re a slave to food cuz it can

get you out of bed at 2:00 a.m. in the

morning and have no come on y’all don’t

act like that and get you a bed at 2:00

a.m. in the morning and have you at a

24-hour restaurant buying something you

know you don’t need is gonna give you

gas tomorrow and robbed you of sleeping

you got to get up at 6:00 a.m. you’re

still a slave to whoever you obey so my

question is not what are you a slave to

my question is who are you obeying see

cuz when you ask yourself that question

you reverse-engineer it and you find out

what you’re a slave to some of us are a

slave to social media

because we obey it some of us come on

y’all some of us are a slave to our job

because we will do whatever will get us

and further in the job but we’ll lose

our family over it we want we all come

on y’all

we we’re obeying things that do not have

our best interest in God said that’s why

I sent grace so you no longer had to be

bound or slaves or in Chains to things

that don’t have your best interest at

heart so what he’s saying to you is

who’s your master so just go ahead and

ask your neighbor right now who’s your

master come on just ask him ask one more

neighbors say who’s your master yeah and

and this is the thing that you have to

understand is that your works and the

way you live matters and that’s why it

matters who your master is because the

only master you should have is the Lord

and when the Lord is your master when he

tells you to do certain things you know

that there’s no ulterior motives in it

he’s already got skin in the game

literally his son died for you do you

understand what I’m saying I’ve been

with these jokes the past few weeks tops

anyway but what I’m saying is I want you

to go to Romans 6:12 because because

more than me just telling you what are

your a slaves to let me give you some

instructions of how to live because I

think that will help you understand that

your works matter do not let sin control

the way you live do not give in to

sinful desires do not let any part of

your body this always convicts me do not

let any part of your body become an

instrument of evil to serve sin instead

everybody say instead give yourselves

completely to God for you were dead but

now you have new life so use your whole

body as an instrument to do what is

right everybody say what is right do

what is right for the glory of God sin

is no longer your master I came to tell

you that if you believe in Jesus Christ


is no longer your master somebody should

get excited about that right now

because you used to have to do what your

flesh told you you used to have to give

in the fear and shame and insecurities

but I’m here to tell you to the power of

Jesus Christ that sin is no longer your

master I dare you to give God some

praise for that hallelujah

sin is no longer your master for you no

longer live under the requirements of

the law instead everybody say instead I

love that we serve and instead God like

like like I remember one time in high

school that our school lunch wasn’t that

good and so we made a petition and they

started bringing in Mazzio’s pizza and

they said you can have this lunch or

instead you can have mozzie we were

shouting in the lunchroom because we had

a better option available to us what I’m

trying to tell you is no matter what

you’re living in no matter what’s going

on in your heart you have an instead God

and he’s saying if you’re insane right

now instead of shame

I’ll give you joy instead of heat pain

I’ll give you healing instead of hurt

I’ll give you hope and this is what God

is saying

and he’s summing it up in the word where

he says instead of the law I’m giving

you the freedom of grace that this is

why you have to understand it’s so

powerful for us to get this message of

grace like a flood because it’s not more

chains it’s finally freedom most people

think about this Christian walk as I go

I can’t do this and I can’t do that and

I can’t do that all that you were doing

was leading you to a place that was

hurting you when you receive the grace

of God for the first time in your life

you can really know what it means to be

free I used to lie all the time

do you know how stressful it is to keep

up with your own lies do you know how

many mental Jim that some of y’all in

here line right now and you know you

just stretch it like my god I’m telling

you right now it’s

hard to do that when I started telling

the truth I got free for the first time

I didn’t have to remember what I told

you compared to what I told them so

compared to what I text you and like I

was free like yeah I was there I was

like I told the truth and that’s what

grace does for you it allows you to be

free from the things that tried to

control you and that’s good news look at

Ephesians 2 an 8 I told you today is

gonna be a lot of Scripture it says for

by grace we have been saved that’s past

tense remember that we have been saved

through faith and that not of ourselves

it is the gift of God not of works lest

anyone should boast

for we are his workmanship created in

Christ Jesus did this why was I created

in Christ Jesus what was I put here

check it out for good works which God

prepared beforehand that we should walk

in them so there are good works that God

has prepared for you already before you

even accepted him he was just hoping and

praying that one day you would receive

the message of grace because he has a

whole plan for your life of good works

that he wants you to do he wants you to

touch the educational system he wants

you to go into the governmental system

he wants you to help special-needs

children he wants you to touch those he

has good works prepared for you after

you come into the knowing of His grace

so you don’t get saved just so that you

can make it out of hell you get saved by

grace for good works you need to write

that down right now somebody just needs

to say we are saved by grace for good

work that’s why God is trying to chase

you down not to punish you to get you

into purpose because when you accept the

grace of God then you get to do what you

were created to do you were saved by

grace for good works and when you learn

that then you stop being concerned about

heaven and hell because you know that


Weston II and your eternity is settled

now it’s what do I do on this earth how

do I make a different how do I bring

heaven to earth and God said that’s my

plan for every one of my children is

that you would be saved by grace

everybody say for good works

that’s the prep the prepositions there

by and for and once you realize that it

changes you

that’s why the scripture says in 2nd

Corinthians 5:17 If any one is in Christ

he is a new creature see the reason that

God says he’s a new creature is because

when as a new creature you get new sets

of orders like like God there’s certain

things God can’t even tell you right now

when you’re outside of his will and you

don’t receive His grace because you

don’t even know how to process them

you’re still worried is this sin is this

not and god said will you please stop

living on the first level of

relationship with me knowing where your

eternity has spent is literally the

entry level of a relationship with God

what God is saying is I want to take you

to other levels I’ve made you new so now

you can get new assignments and they are

all good works and that’s why you say

pass the mic do my works matter yes

because all God wants you to do after

you receive and you believe is carry out

the good works look what it said that he

already has prepared for you and the sad

truth about this church and this breaks

my heart as most people never get to one

good work that God called them to do

we’re trying to make money we’re trying

to get this paper we want to have all

this other and God said listen if you

seek first my kingdom and right standing

with me every all rest of you talking

about but I’m just trying to get you to

get in the place where I can use you to

do my good works everybody say good


it’s time and I’m gonna make a very

simple statement but a profound

statement good works are good the reason

they’re called good works it’s because

God meant for them to be good it’s good

to do good works like I want everybody

to see that and and once you receive

that you are saved by grace for good

works it changes why I wake up in the

morning I don’t wake up trying to prove

to God that I’m good enough to make it

to heaven I wake up with a new

assignment oh here’s today and I have

been called by God redeemed saved I am

right I am forgiven and now it’s time to

go do good work that’s why I get up

that’s why I love my wife that’s why I

help the homeless person that do you

understand what I’m saying it’s because

that’s what I have been given as a

believer after I receive the message of

grace so your works do matter somebody

just say that my works do matter

so okay passing like my works matter I’m

saved by grace for good works is that it

well I feel like it’s my responsibility

as your leader and your pastor to let

you know that that your works will be

judged and see this is the stuff nobody

likes to talk about and this is the

place where you like now you got to use

the bathroom and you want to leave well

no stay here what I’m saying to you is

if I don’t tell you this a lot of times

you you live with a certain notion that

like as long as I do enough good works

everything should be fine but every one

of your works will be judged and so when

we go back to that statement only god

can judge me Pastor Mike I’m gonna do me

you do you and only god can judge me can

I can I amend that statement for you

it’s not only god can judge you god will

judge you like and i want everybody to

know that change it like not just God

can but he would matter of fact he’s

going to and that’s for every believer

and every unbeliever I want you to see

this in the word

because a lot of people they get it

mixed up and they don’t they don’t

understand the difference between two

words they don’t understand the

difference between behavior and belief

see if you get the understanding between

these two words it changes everything in

your life your and let me just go ahead

and say it to you how how it’s supposed

to be said because I don’t want nobody

to miss this okay

your behavior determines how you will

spend eternity but your belief

determines where you will spend your

eternity hear me

so so when you believe in Jesus then

there’s only two options you either are

going to heaven or hell so so when you

believe people do not go to hell because

of sin they go to hell because of

unbelief I’ve said it every sermon in

this series so when you believe now you

know where you’re gonna spend eternity

but how you will spend eternity eternity

is determined by how you behave so your

works determine how you will spend the

rest of your life and some of y’all like

I don’t even really believe that okay

let’s go to the word and I want

everybody to look at scripture because

you hear those people are on can’t judge

me okay let’s talk about it Ecclesiastes

12 14 for God will bring every sum every

he said every work into judgment

including every secret thing I’ll shoot

some of y’all just got found out he said

every secret thing whether it’s good or

evil look at revelations 2013 and this

is two lost people because because I

want to talk to people who have not

believed yet and let me tell you what

the Bible says about this it says the

sea gave up the dead who were in it and

the death and Hades delivered up the

dead who were in them and they were

judged each one according to his what

works okay let me talk to the same

people because you feel good cuz I’ll

talk to the lost people let me talk to

you right now

believers first Peter 1:17 and if you

call on the father how many people in

this room by show of hands call on the

father okay okay

if you call on the father who without

partiality judges according to each

one’s work conduct yourselves throughout

the time of your stay here in fear I

love how it says your stay here like

like like like we’re not from this world

like this is a temporary passing through

like this is practice for something

better God is saying how you live now it

is in your time here it is it’s going to

be judged for what’s going to happen in

eternity can I help you this is dress

rehearsal this is not even the show and

people are living life like this is dum

da da da we are in practice right now

and God’s saying did it right in

practice because you you you will

perform how you practice what you do

here on earth will affect how you will

spend eternity and you have to know that

your works matter and it’s not only god

can judge you god will judge you i just

told you that for lost people and found

people so we’re back at even playing

field nobody nobody gets out of this

it’s my prayer for you it’s that you

would believe and i want to go to

another one go to Matthew 16:27

it says for the Son of man will come in

the glory of his father with his angels

and then he will reward each according

to his works revelation 22:12 it says

and behold I am coming quickly and my

reward is wit me he got a fanny pack of

rewards y’all to give to every one

according to his y’all your works man

how you treat people matters how you

care about people matters how you carry

out what God has called you to do

matters how you text people matters how

you treat customer service people on the

phone matters something y’all so ugly

when can I talk to you our manager baby

that matter God’s saying just because

they can’t see your face God sees your


just just because you can’t be

identified God saying I’m seeing your

heart intent what if I meant for you to

get on this phone call and be a seed or

a waterer

to something I’m trying to do in their

life God is saying your works matter and

again that’s the difference between

belief and behavior and God wants you to

believe in him so that you can be in

heaven but he wants you to behave like

him so you can represent or represent

him here on earth like that’s why our

church exists that’s why we let anybody

from any walks of life and any lifestyle

coming here and you can be long before

you behave because that’s what Jesus did

they were always mad at him because he

was always with the people he wasn’t

supposed to be with but he knew he was

on assignment he was doing good works

that kids would have never been saved

cuz nobody was going to eat at his house

and he comes into town and he looks up

in the tree and says that kids I’m

coming to eat at your house that’s what

he does and by the end of that story

that key is spending time in

relationship with somebody who was

knowing what their purpose was not to

just see what sin was but to do good

works extended the grace of God to

Zacchaeus and by the end of dinner he

repented of his sin gave his life to

Christ and said he would pay everybody

back that he stole from what I’m telling

you is that is who we are called to be

as believers as one who are saved by

grace for good works I don’t want you to

ever miss this how you live matters how

we spend our time matters who we invest

in to matters yes you’ve been saved by

grace but now it’s time to saddle up to

do good works and when you receive this

it changes everything in your life why

do I get up why – I pray why do I give

not because I’m scared of hail it’s cuz

I know what I’m purposed to do I’m

purposed to do good works somebody have

been asking like what’s God’s will for

my life ah to do good works like he like

you’re saved by grace to do good works

and I’m telling you all of your works

will be judged and and some of you’re

like okay why are these these two big

tears on the platform this whole time

because this is an f.y.i moment for you

okay cuz I start to study the word you

know them places in the Bible you just

skip cuz you don’t understand like like

you start reading they get too many big

words and be like yeah let’s go back to

Matthew 1 like like like there was some

some stuff in the Bible that I skipped

cuz I didn’t understand it but I’ve

studied it out and my job is to try to

deliver to you in a way that you can

understand it there are gonna be two

judgment Thrones for every believer and

every person that doesn’t believe after

we die there’s two there’s the judgment

seat of Christ and then there’s the

great white throne of judgment and let

me help you every person who believes in

Jesus Christ will have their works

judged the the throne of Jesus Christ

okay everybody who does not believe will

have a judgment as well and it will

happen at the great white throne

judgment and this is important to know

that you cannot determine which judgment

you go to after you die the only time

you can determine which throne or

judgment you will go to is by what you

believe while you’re here on earth you

don’t get to die and be like hold on I

need to believe now and like no no like

what you believe and remember I just

want I don’t want anybody to twist my

words we are saved by grace that’s our

belief so if you believe in Jesus Christ

you’re going to this judgment this is

the judgment you’re gonna go to if you

do not believe in Jesus Christ you are

going to this judgment the great white

throne judgment there are judgments for

everybody and everybody’s going but the

thing that determines how you will be

judged are your works

and I want everybody to see this let’s

talk about the judgement seat of Christ

and second Corinthians 5:10 it says for

we must all appear before the judgment

seat of Christ that each one of how it

keeps saying each because there are

couples and boyfriends and girlfriends

and besties that feel like their good

works together will make some really

good works and that God is gonna bring

them in together but Michael has to go

before God by him so like me and Natalie

don’t get to go to God together we don’t

get to come to this throne and say God

look at all the great things we did he

said Michael I have all your stuff on a

real could you start that up and then

I’ll be sitting there like Oh God Oh

oh my god did I buy myself

everybody say each it says each one may

receive the things done in the body

while we are here according to what he

has done whether good or bad so I want

you to see that you’re going to heaven

if you believe but all of your works

will be judged no matter what you do

good or bad see this is stuff we don’t

get taught Romans 14:10 but why do you

judge your brother so it’s saying like

you need to stop really worrying about

anybody else or why do you show contempt

for your brother for we shall all stand

before the judgment seat of Christ that

this is what will happen at the judgment

seat of Christ 1st Corinthians 3 10

according to the grace of God which has

been given to me as a wise masterbuilder

I have laid the foundation this is Paul

talking and another builds on it and

that’s talking about all of us so the

message of Jesus Christ is the

foundation and everybody else we believe

on it okay it says but let each one take

heed to how he builds on it like like

you believed in Jesus but what are the

good works or the bad works you do how

are you building on this tag or this

badge of being a Christ follower look

what it says it says for no other

foundation can any way lay it can anyone

lay than that which is laid which is

Jesus Christ they’re building on Jesus

Christ they are believers okay

now if anyone builds on the foundation

of Jesus with gold silver or precious

stones now watch these next three okay

or wood hay and straw why is that

important because wood hay and straw are

flammable and judgment happens where God

is going to test all of our works by

fire and what is eternal will last

what is temporal and not of God will

burn up look verse 13 each one’s work

will become clear for the day will

declare it because it will be revealed

by fire and the fire will test each

one’s work of what sort it is if anyone

works if anyone’s work which he has

built on it endures he will receive

rewards if anyone’s work is burned he

will suffer loss so he will lose his

reward but not his salvation look I want

everybody say it’s very clear but he

himself will be saved yet so as through

fire this is what I’m trying to tell you

because we are saved by grace but we’re

saved for good works when we are saved

but we don’t do good works those things

make us or they get burnt up at this

judgment see and we lose that this is

what I’m telling you all the time you

spend on things that aren’t building

people when you stand before God you’ll

lose it anyway and so you lose your

reward with it and God said you’re not

going to hell you shall be saved you’re

there but you won’t have any rewards in

this next life and the only way you can

determine your rewards is how you live

here on earth why are you saying this

Pastor Mike because how you treat your

cousin matters how you treat your boss

Matt there will be rewards in heaven for

you being one who does good works and

it’s not your salvation that’s at stake

but it’s your rank your reward your

responsibility in heaven and I don’t

think people understand this

they think that that when we go to

heaven it’s just us floating on clouds

singing holy holy holy all the time the

Bible tells us it’s a new heaven and a

new earth it’s this but perfect without

sin and so somebody’s gonna have

responsibility in heaven somebody’s

going to be able to help people move

from place to place and we act like this

is like we just here now and God’s

saying no store up for yourselves

treasure and y’all don’t read the wire

store up for yourself he’s saying how

you store up treasure is by the works

you do here on earth and that’s why your

works matter somebody say my works

matter this is the thing you got to earn

understand the difference between

eternal works and temporal works a lot

of things that I’ve spent most of my

life doing have been temporal works

things that won’t last I mean I’ve spent

hours confession on an Instagram post

before and it’s gone in 24 hours if I

put it on instance Tory gone just by

like like and as you think about it in

the light of eternity like what would

those five hours been spent better

investing into somebody and speaking

life into somebody or helping somebody

else or or or the likes that somebody

gives me like you hear what I’m saying

all I’m asking you to do is is what

you’re doing eternal or is what you’re

doing temporal because if you do eternal

things that that right there becomes

good works that turn into treasure in

heaven if you’re doing temporal you will

stand before this throne if you’re a

believer and you’ll see them go up in

flames just think about how much money

we spend on things that aren’t eternal

you get no credit for being fly in

heaven none like like like you don’t get

to come be like but God look at your

boat none of that like it literally

burns up but for every dollar you sin to

a missions organization or your tithing

and your spreading the gospel of Jesus

Christ are you helping

a single mother in need who’s a wit like

those things your money turns into

treasure and adding and church until we

get this we keep living with this I can

live any kind of way I’m saved I’m gonna

make it to heaven and God said it’s

gonna be real disappointing when you get

there and you you you think like

somebody should have told me

so somebody somebody should have should

have told me that I could have I could

have gone further I could have done more

I could have helped more people I could

and so this is why I told you this is an

f.y.i message I’m not I’m not trying to

condemn anybody or give anything out

what I’m trying to say is because God’s

grace has been extended so beautifully

that your works now become what God uses

to bless other people on this earth and

if you didn’t think that your works

matter after today I want you to know

that not just only god can judge you god

will judge you but you hadn’t have

nothing to be afraid of when you stand

and know that I was saved by grace for

good works now I have to do this because

I have to talk to people who who who

aren’t abiding and that’s what John 2:28

tells us to abide it says and now little

children abide in him that when he

appears we may have confidence and not

be ashamed before him at his coming what

like why would a believer be ashamed

when Jesus comes back Oh simple we

wasted our time here not doing good

works you you you understand like we

never took the step to start serving we

never took the challenge to tithe we

never ever shared we didn’t come to

church consistently we never took the

challenge to read our word we never

loved our kids with the love of God we

just punished them because that’s what

happened to us we never started moving

into good works and then it’s like

time’s up and they were like oh no I’m

ashamed because I had this life and I

didn’t use it for good works

and I don’t want any believer here in

this message right here to ever be

afraid that Jesus is coming back you

should be excited because you’re using

every day that you have to help advance

the kingdom of God and you are here for

good works I have to tell this little

story and I remember being in elementary

school and every year they would have

this awards assembly at the end of the

year and I love the awards assembly when

it started but I hated it midway through

because I didn’t get nothing and I

always remember thinking like why they

tell us at the beginning of the year

that they were gonna do this awards

assembly because I would’ve acted better

I wouldn’t have goofed off so much I

wouldn’t have I would actually turn my

homework in on time but I’m sitting

there just and they always call in some

foreign student Munira bluesberry and

ying man yeah and they keep going up to

the front and they get all the awards

and I’m sitting there my family in the

back and my dad record and I’m like turn

it off daddy they not calling me like

nothing’s gonna happen and I’m sitting

there and we get to the end now watch I

went to the next grade but I had no


there are many believers that are going

to make it to heaven but because of the

way they live their life they will have

no reward and we will stand and clap and

cheer for everybody else but God said I

want you to have reward so during this

time of life I don’t want you to just

use your time energy effort and treasure

to do frivolous things I want you to do

eternal things I want you to help serve

somebody I want you to share somebody

the love of Christ with somebody I want

you to be my hands and feet and I want

you to do good works cuz your good works

matter so I have to do it I have to talk

about the great white throne judgment

because there may be some people in here

that aren’t believers and if you’re here

we’re so glad you’re here and again this

is the fYI moment so I’m just letting

you know if you do not believe in Jesus

Christ you’re gonna get a judgment too

but it’s gonna be at the great white

judge me and this is for every

unbeliever and I’m gonna tell you where

theologians get this from look at

revelations 2011 and then I saw a great

white throne so that’s where they got it

from uh and it says and in him who sat

on it from whose face the earth and the

heaven fled away and there was found no

place for him and I saw the dead small

and great standing before God watch this

and books were opened and another book

was opened which is the book of life so

I want you to see this right here

this is the difference between belief

and behavior there were books open and

there was a book open the book was the

Lamb’s Book of Life so if you believe

your name is written in the Lamb’s Book

of Life but there are other books that

are recording our works and this is how

we will be judged it says and the dead

were judged according to their works by

the things which were written in the

books the sea gave up the dead who were

in it and the death and Hades which is

Greek for hail delivered up the dead who

were in them and they were judged each

one according to his works then death

and Hades were cast into the lake of

fire this is the second death and anyone

not found written in the book of life

was cast into the lake of fire I don’t

know if you know this but just like

there are degrees of rewards in heaven

there are degrees of punishment in hell

like God’s a just God he’s not doing

this thing to make somebody who’s done

their works and done a lot worse works

and good works and all it’s not on the

same level and I just want you to hear

this the same way that there’s rewards

for our good works that there are

punishments for our bad works if we

don’t believe look at Matthew 11:20

and it says then he began to rebuke the

cities in which most of his mighty works

have been done because they did not

repent what are you crazy

woe to you bethsaida for if the mighty

works which were done in

you had been done in tyre and Sidon they

would have repented long ago in South

Saud clan sack cloth and ashes and these

cities were known for tormenting

prophets and an idol worship and he’s

telling these people but I say to you it

will be more tolerable and the Greek

word means less suffering for tyre and

sidon in the day of judgment than for

you this is Jesus talking and he knows

what he’s talking about he said and you

come purnam who are excited and exalted

to heaven will be brought down to Hades

for if the mighty works which were done

in you had been done in Sodom y’all

remember Sodom and Gomorrah like God had

to start over again because there was so

much perversion going on right there he

said it would have remained until today

he’s saying that if they would have seen

the miracles and heard the word that you

heard it would have not even been

destroyed it says but I say to you that

it shall be more tolerable for the land

of Sodom on the day of judgment than for

you let me help you understand this if

you look at a map because I had to go

study it out there’s a triangle between

korazin camper gnam and Bethsaida and

theologians they call it the Evangelic

rock of triangle because that’s where

Jesus did most of his ministry and he

said basically in in paraphrase y’all

seen God work miracles y’all y’all live

in the buckle of the Bible Belt you some

of the greatest ministries have been

raised right here there’s an evangelical

church on every corner if not two of

them on every corner where we live and

he said and if people who are in third

world countries and persecuted churches

and underground churches if they would

have seen the miracles that you’ve seen

if they would have had the access to the

things that you had they would have

repented and turned to God by now but

woe to you because you’ve seen God

you’ve had an encounter with him you’ve

had ability to look up five different

messages on whatever you wanted to at

the drop of a dime and you still don’t

believe he said it will be more

tolerable for these people who don’t


in water and don’t believe that it will

be for you why are you telling us that

Pastor Mike because I feel like you just

need to know that there’s levels to this

thing and what God wants you to do is

not manipulate the system because I see

what some of you were thinking okay cool

so I’m gonna believe but I’m just gonna

live however I want to live like like

I’m just gonna believe but remember God

searches the heart so you can’t

manipulate him that means you really

aren’t saved done cuz you haven’t

believed if you’re still the one

controlling your life you have not given

lordship and taking it out of your

account and giving it to him if you

still have to party every weekend when

God told you to stop he’s not Lord you

are and until he is Lord and Savior you

have not truly received grace like a

flood church I just want you to get this

and I don’t want us to live in deception

another day every person will be judged

both people sitting next to you and the

people behind you everybody getting

judged the question is which judgment

are you RSVP’ing to are you are you

going to believe and are you gonna be at

the judgment seat of Christ we’re all

believers will be are you going to RSVP

to the white throne judgment we’re all

unbelievers will be and then maybe a

further question is what type of rewards

and responsibilities and treasures will

you have stored up when you get there

because your works do matter and so when

people say only god can judge me now i

say yeah it’s the truth and he will

that’s for believers and non-believers

so my admonishment my prayer what I

would what I would literally give

anything for is that every person

hearing my voice would never go to the

great white throne judgment and would

put their faith in Jesus Christ and from

that moment coins like a flood comes in

your life but then you take it up a

notch and you

say you know what I’m gonna do from here

on it’s good work I’m gonna serve I’m

gonna give I’m gonna love I’m gonna help

I’m gonna change I’m a dial back my

attitude and I’m gonna say stuff like

this less of me and more when we get

that understanding everything changes

and can I tell you a little secret that

I wasn’t happy to share that there are

some believers they’ll even be a

stricter judgment for it and many of you

don’t know this but it’s gonna be a

stricter judgment for people like me

people who teach the Word of God that’s

why I don’t come up here and just say

whatever like I’m doing my best up here

today these are huge theological

principles that I’m teaching you to you

right now and I’m asking the Lord to

guard my mouth and it because I get

judged on what I tell you to do look

what it says in James 3:1 my brother and

let not many of you become teachers

knowing that we shall receive a stricter

judgment that’s why when I stand up here

this is not about me this is about me

doing good works I am doing what God has

called me to do to inspire you to do

what God has called you to do and if we

could ever start doing what God has

called all of us to do then we get to

see heaven come to earth so past might

what what’s the end of this I don’t want

you to ever forget that you have been

saved by grace for good works if you’re

in this room right now and you’re saying

Pastor Mike I I want to receive the

grace of God I wanna I’m gonna go to

another level of my relationship and

I’ve been the Lord of my life right now

you can receive the grace of God all you

have to do is believe in your heart and

confess with your mouth that Jesus lived

and died for you and yes you are


to this throne of Christ and right now

just bow your head and close your eyes

I want us to pray together if that’s you

and you’re saying Pastor Mike I

want to make that declaration I want to

be saved

I want grace like a flood to come into

my life I just want you to do me a favor

right now and slip your hand in the air

yeah yeah just slip your hand in the air

right now there’s a leaders that are

looking right now and I know there’s

people that are doing it right now and I

just want you you can put your hand down


cuz that’s this is a faith moment and

we’re a family we don’t pray alone so

we’re all gonna pray this prayer

together but I want you to mean it

knowing that your eternity is secure as

you come into a real relationship with

Jesus Christ

everybody just say God I need you come

into my life and transform me

I believe you lived and you died just

for me and today I give over control and

make you Lord of my life change me renew

me and transform me I’m yours in Jesus

name Amen

come on can we give God praise all over

this place we’re so excited
